Te Panui, Raumati 2024

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We hope you had a refreshing Christmas season and a positive start to the new year, enjoying the warmer days and long summer evenings.

With the Christmas season, we were reminded again of the relevance of the gospel While some see the gospel only for evangelism, the Bible highlights its ongoing importance for believers as well.

Daily meditation on gospel truths fosters praise and gratitude to God, reminds us of our identity in Christ, and sustains us through trials. The gospel shields us from despair, assures us of God's unwavering love, and encourages us to uplift others.

We must prioritise the gospel. There is nothing that surpasses the value of advancing the gospel across society, on all levels.

Observing the state of our modern world, it is clear there's an urgent need for the gospel's powerful message.

Our mission is to persuade this generation that the timeless gospel addresses every need it faces, despite its rejection of it.

Tereya and her husband Roman (Youth Directors at Vision Church PN) organised a Youth Retreat during the holidays. Fostering a nurturing environment for spiritual growth they witnessed youth praying for each other, worshipping God and growing in their relationships with Him

While Kyara may not consider these incidents highlights, they’re certainly memorable - her son (2 years) broke his leg while bouncing on the tramp, followed by her daughter (4 years) breaking both bones in her arm a couple of weekslater Watchingthembothadapthasbeen a testament to a child’s ability to adjust.



MALACHI & CHAR – National Directors Christmas with the whānau is our numberonehighlight of the holiday season! Being a blended family, this celebration allows us to embrace one another despite differences, to extend grace and understanding, and to celebrate the blessings and transformative power of Christ's love

A close second was witnessing Malachi’s first helicopter ride, a birthday surprise organised by our son, who is also a pilot.

The Flight

NIKOLAS – Prison Ministry Co-ordinator Nikolas' highlight was spending a couple of weeks in Florida with our Chairman, Russell Hohneck, attending the Courageous Churchmen conference. The conference was for equipping pastors, church leaders, and those in ministry to faithfully care for those souls entrusted to them by the Lord. More than 600 men attended.

Nikolas, very happy to be back with his girls.

MĀORI POSTAL AOTEAROA 13 LOWTHER STREET P O BOX 10, WHANGANUI P : 06 343 7957 E : info.maoripostal@gmail.com W : www.maoripostal.co.nz
Malachi’s Mum & Mokopuna Char’s Whānau KYARA – Children’s Ministry TEREYA – Graphics Designer Koutou e hoa ma Tereya, Roman & daughter, Brooklyn


We had the privilege of working with individuals and organisations who attended the Kingitanga Hui, the Ratana Hui and the Waitangi celebrations. While we couldn't personally attend all these events to represent Māori Postal Aotearoa, we did dedicate time at Ratana Pa. It's truly a privilege to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Aotearoa, especially during these times when it's so needed.

Almost 900 Maramataka were distributed at the Kingitanga Hui, about 5000 bilingual gospel resources were given out at Ratana Pa and just over 700kgs of bilingual gospel literature was taken up to Waitangi with the majority of this eagerly received


“… I’m currently locked up in Mt Eden. Been with the Black Power for 35 years. I want something different. I really want to be a better person. I’m sick of the drugs, alcohol and violence. All my life its been like that. My kids have borne the brunt of it all. I want to be a better Dad. I have surrendered myself to the Lord. I read God’s Word every day. I love to do the studies. Thank you for helping me.”


Maria of OAC (Outreach & Church Ministries NZ) says “we spent two very busy days giving out about 3450 bilingual Bible calendars, 1120 bilingual Bible comics (from Creation to Christ), a few thousand Bible verse and karakia posters, about 400 Gospels of Luke with the story of Tārore, and a handful of other literature from Māori Postal Aotearoa. We had boxes and boxes and needless to say, my car was much happier on the way home!”

These events provided the opportunity for many interactions with people who were open to hearing the gospel message As God's Word permeates homes, schools, and workplaces, we pray it will not only enter people's minds but also touch their hearts deeply. May God use the connections made during these times for many to find solace and guidance in Christ, embracing Him as their own personal Lord and Saviour.

“But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15

“Just want to encourage you guys in your mahi. I showed the things I received from you to a lady at our church. She works at a women’s prison and she picked up each item and said “oh they’d love that” and “oh they’d love that too” and took quite a bit to share with the ladies.”


“I love, love, love the latest TW magazine. Great content, very interesting and cool visuals.”


The demand for bilingual gospel resources continued to climb and has more than doubled over the last seven years

2017 – 77,786

2018 – 90,964

2019 – 97,744

2020 – 109,677

2021 – 136,295

2022 – 161,794

2023 – 173,943

Given the opportunities created with three large gatherings during January and February, we distributed 32,244 bilingual resources during January. This compares to 10,398 for January 2022 and 17,784 in January 2023.


ALL OF THESE RESOURCES ARE PROVIDED AT NO COST Check out our full range at www.maoripostal.co.nz


We had 34,500 bilingual maramataka printed for 2024 and have about 300 left in stock. These continue to be extremely popular and are a very nonevasive way of getting the gospel into places where it may not otherwise be accepted. If you would like one or would like to gift one to your whanau or friends, you can order through our website or via email.


We are sending out over 3000 Bible lessons and studies into homes, schools, Kohanga Reo, churches and prisons every month A lot of these lessons are returned to us for marking.

We often have people enrolling their tamariki or mokopuna who completed lessons when they were children.

Psalm 78:4 “We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.”

Already this year we have had twelve families enrol for monthly Bible lessons, with som of the adults wanting to complete Te Kupu Whakaora studies as well.


During recent months we realised a need for more practical biblical guidance and have been working on a new series of studies.

We are pleased to report the first four in this series are complete“What is the Gospel?” , “Do I Need to be Baptised?” , “Is Living Together Before Marriage a Sin?” and “Is It OK for a Christian to Use Weed?”

Please pray for God to guide us and grant us wisdom as we continue to add relevant studies to this series



The Tupu Whakarangi is a quarterly magazine designed for older readers. It includes personal testimonies of God’s saving grace, stories from across Aotearoa, poems, devotions, etc.

Tamariki A Ihowā is a bi-monthly magazine designed for our tamariki and highlights specifically God’s aroha for children. It includes Bible stories, colouring, activities, etc.

We are distributing up to 4500 of these magazines each issue. If you could use some of these in your outreaches or children’s ministries, please contact us.


The first BILINGUAL Superbible comic has Been produced and is now available for distribution.

The Te Reo Maori Superbible Project involves translating over eighty high quality comic book Bible stories with characters from the Old and New Testaments.

The Superbible is a collection of Bible stories from Genesis through to Revelation, with twelve of them focusing on the life of Christ. The comics are presented with high quality graphics using some of the world’s most experienced animation artists.

Te Tino Korero is the first in this series. It covers the creation of the world and mankind, the introduction of sin, Noah’s Ark, Abraham and Moses, through to the life of Jesus Christ and why God sent His Son to earth.

We are presently working on the next comic in the series.


There are twenty-three different A4 sized bilingual scripture posters available – two of these are Easter themed and one Christmas themed. We also have The Lord’s Prayer, 23rd Psalm, Karakia for Kai and a selection of Bible verses. Check out our website for the full range.

These bilingual scripture posters are available in A6 size.


We have Bible studies and gospel resources going into every Correctional Facility across Aotearoa. We have already received twenty one new enrolments this year.

“ Since being in jail I have found God and wish to further my relationship with the Lord. I also have an interest in Te Reo. I am hoping I could be considered to join your Bible studies as I think they will help me. I am excited to study the Bible but I am in no financial position to pay for these. If I could be considered to be gifted these resources, I would be both grateful and appreciative.”

“ I was given some of your resources. I am in prison but I am reading the Bible and would like to learn more so that I can understand. Everything I have seen from you looks bright and interesting, and I am excited to start learning. I have had a prayer that this letter gets to you.”

Over 170 inmates regularly return studies for marking, and we often receive encouraging letters of how they have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour or are growing in their Christian faith.

“… I give a big thank you to Maori Postal for putting me on the right path of life and sending me these studies. Reading the Bible and doing these study books has made me a new person. I have been reborn. I am getting somewhere for my future and for my children. I couldn’t be more proud to have you alongside me helping me. Thank you very much.”

We ask you to pray for these inmates that once they leave the confines of prison, they surround themselves with people who will encourage and help them continue living for Christ.

We also ask you to pray that God will raise up people who are willing to stand alongside these inmates, to mentor them and do life with them as they grow in their knowledge of Christ and begin living for Him.


To every one of you who supports MPA whether individually, via your church, connect group, Trust, or organisation, we thank you. Your ongoing support, both prayerfully and financially, touches lives far beyond our understanding.

It is because of people like you, with a heart to give, that we can continue to fulfill His great commission Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Nga mihi.


Save 10c per litre and support MPA every time you fill up

Great news! We have partnered up with Kora Fuel Cards, so now you can save money and support Māori Postal Aotearoa every time you fill up your car! Tell your friends and neighbours, they too can save and support our organisation.

Kora is a new fuel card that saves you money every time you fill up at Waitomo or Mobil. As a MPA supporter, you get 10 cents off per litre that can be split between savings for you and support for MPA

This means savings for you and extra funding for us.

A portion of that discount goes to supporting MPA and you can choose how much you want to contribute from 2c or 10c. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Your Kora Card links to your credit card or bank account, and you use it like any other card to pay for your fuel. You also get to choose how often you pay your Kora account, from weekly to fortnightly or even monthly - it’s up to you.

How to apply for your Kora Card:

1. Sign up online – www.kora.co.nz/mpa

2. Fill in your details, choose your billing frequency, nominated payment method and the amount you want to contribute back to MPA

3. Start saving! Once your application is accepted your Kora cards will arrive in the mail (you get separate cards for Mobil and Waitomo).

Kora membership costs $2 per month

How much can you save? Well, let’s say you fuel up 50L at the petrol station, with your Kora discount you’ll save around $5that will be shared between you and MPA As there’s no limit to how many times you can use your Kora card, your monthly savings and contributions can really add up.

With Kora you can save and support MPA every time you fill up at Mobil and Waitomo, so get this special rate today

CONTACT US : Maori Postal Aotearoa, 13 Lowther Street, P O Box 10, Whanganui 4500 (06) 343 7957 ~ www.maoripostal.co.nz ~ info.maoripostal@gmail.com

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