Tupu Whakarangi Issue 237

Page 9

Jihad to Christ A Muslim comes to Christ

 Continued from last issue PART TWO

the Bible or the Koran had to be correct. I started reading what Jesus said: One of them was pure gold and the other “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the had to be a fake, but which one...? beginning and the end, who was and is Vowing to decide for “The Truth”, I to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8). stayed up late many nights comparing Christ also said to the Jews: “Truly, truly many details between the Koran and I say to you; before Abraham was born I the Bible. At some point during my AM (the eternal God)” -- John 8:58. (See study I prayed saying: “God, You are the also Exodus 3:14). Creator of Heaven and earth, the God It amazed me to find similar claims of Abraham, Moses, and Jacob; You are between Jesus and Mohammed. These the beginning and the end, You are ‘The claims were serious, as Mohammed Truth’, ‘the only Truth’, the maker of the said: “I am the beginning of all creation true Scripture, the one and only Word of and the last prophet”. He also said: “I God. I suffer to find your truth, I want to was a prophet of Allah while Adam was do Your will in my life, I long for Your love still being molded in clay”. Moreover he and in the name of ‘The Truth’ I ask this. claimed to be the intercessor for Muslims AMEN!!!” in the Day of Judgment. I wanted real gold and would not These things always puzzled me. If settle for an imitation. I had to scratch Mohammed claimed all that he claimed extremely hard to look beyond the then who was Jesus who also claimed surface of the world’s plastic religions. to be our Redeemer and Saviour? That question troubled me a great deal: One I had believed in the Koran as the of the two claims had to be a lie for there word of God because it had modern could not be two redeemers. Either scientific laws, and only a book with Christ or Mohammed had to be the a divine origin could have scientific redeemer and intercessor for mankind -- facts written a thousand years before


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