2 minute read

Mthembu family needs help after tragic shack fire!

By Esau Dlamini

The Mthembu Family from Extension 16 in Tsakani, Ekurhuleni, is in desperate need of assistance after a fire devastated their shack on February 6th.


The fire, which is believed to have started in the early hours of the morning, left the family with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Thandi Mthembu (58) recalls the events of that morning, “We still do not know what caused the fire because there was no load shedding and there weren’t any lit candles. We were sleeping and I heard some noise. When I went outside to check, I found that the shack was already in flames but I was able to break the window to rescue the children that were trapped inside. Our neighbors also assisted and used water to keep the fire at a minimum damage but it was too much.”

Josephine Mthembu (42), another member of the family, shared that everything was lost in the fire, including their ID’s and the children’s birth certificates.

“This fire has really affected our family and this is stressful because we are not working and depend on the social grant. I’m sad that we now have nothing,” she said. A community member, who was moved by the family’s need, took to social media to appeal for help. The family is asking for donations in the form of food, furniture, clothes, toiletries, and bedroom items.

“We would like to request for donations with food, furniture, clothes, toiletries, bedroom stuff,” said Josephine.

In a time of crisis, it is important for com- munities to come together and support those in need.

The Mthembu family’s situation is a reminder of how quickly our lives can change and how important it is to support each other in times of need. The fire has left them with nothing, but with the help of their community, they can begin to rebuild and move forward. asking for donations in the form of food, furniture, clothes, toiletries, and bedroom items.

“We would like to request for donations with food, furniture, clothes, toiletries, bedroom stuff,” said Josephine.

In a time of crisis, it is important for communities to come together and support those in need. If you are able to assist the Mthembu family, please consider making a donation. Every little bit helps and can go a long way in making a difference in someone’s life.

If you are able to assist the Mthembu family, please consider making a donation. Every little bit helps and can go a long way in making a difference in someone’s life. Contact 0781028328 or email newspapar@mapepeza. online.

Qaphela umkhonyovu wokufindela umsebenzi!

UMnyango wezokuHlunyeleliswa kweziMilo (DCS) usuxwayise abantu ukuthi bangabi yizisulu zokuqolwa yizigebengu ezizenza izikhulu ezifuna ukukhokhelwa imali ukuze zifakwe ohlelweni lwamathuba omsebenzi alo mnyango.

Lokhu kwenzeke esikhathini esingaphansi kwenyanga kuboshwe isikhulu se-DCS ngezinsolo zokudayisa amafomu okufaka izicelo zokufundela umsebenzi.

Okhulumela uMnyango, uSingabakho Nxumalo, uthe umkhonyovu wakamuva ubandakanya abakhwabanisi abafonele abangaphumelelanga ngonyaka odlule bebacela ukuthi “bakhokhe imali ukuze bathole indawo yokuhlala”. “Sithanda ukuligcizelela ikhwelo ebesilokhu silihlaba eminyakeni edlule, singalinge sikhokhe imali ukuze sithole ukufundela umsebenzi noma ukuqashwa. Kunalokho bika abantu abanjalo emaphoyiseni ngoba lokhu abakwenzayo akukho emthethweni.

“Isu labo lilula, babiza umfakisicelo wangaphambilini noma unompempe – ehlome ngemininingwane yomuntu siqu. Bazobe sebeyalela ukuthi uhambe eduze kwesikhungo sokuhlunyeleliswa kwezimilo futhi unikeze izindlela ezahlukene zokudlulisa imali. Ungalinge ube yisisulu salaba baqola abangcolile,” kusho uNxumalo. Ukugcizelele ukuthi wumnyango kuphela olawula uhlelo lokuqasha.

“Azikho izindlela ezinqamulelayo futhi awekho ama-ejenti aqashwe yi-DCS ngezinhloso zokuqasha. Ngokubakhokhela imali uyaqhubeka nokubacebisa ukuze bagebenge abantu abaningi,” usho kanje.

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