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Rapper AKA has been shot dead!
Tragic news has shaken South Africa with the reported death of award-winning rapper Kiernan Forbes, famously known as AKA (35).
The musician, along with his friend identified as Tebello “Tibs” Motsoane, were reportedly shot and killed on Friday evening (February 10) near a restaurant in Florida Road, Durban.
According to police reports, two men approached the group with Forbes and Motsoane and fired multiple shots, with the musician taking a bullet at point blank range. Two counts of murder have been opened for investigation.
A police officer on the scene stated, “The motive has not been established and we cannot speculate what caused the shooting. Hopefully, our investigations will reveal what caused the shooting.” and quickly gained recognition for his skills and unique style. He went on to release several successful albums and became a household name in South Africa and internationally. beboshwa, kube nokudubulana, kwathi umsolwa omkhulu walimala kanzima,” kuchaza okhulumela amaphoyisa uLieutenant Colonel Mawela Masondo.
AKA’s death has sent shockwaves throughout the South African music community and beyond, with many taking to social media to express their grief and pay their respects.
The artist has recently completed his latest album titled, Mass Country, which was set to be released on February 24 on music streaming platforms.
In aa statement, the family of the late artist have asked for space to grieve and ‘congregate as a family to decide on the upcoming days.’ The news of AKA’s death is a tragedy, and our thoughts and condolences go out to his friends and family during this difficult time.

Ube esephuthunyiswa esibhedlela egadwe ngamaphoyisa, lapho afike wanikeza iziphathimandla igama elingelona iqiniso.

Nokho izithupha zakhe zaveza ukuthi ungubani ngempela zaqinisekisa ukuthi usohlwini lwabafunwa kakhulu amaphoyisa.
Umsolwa uyamaniswa namacala angaphezu kuka-100 okugetshengwa kwezindlu enzeke ezindaweni ezisenyakatho neGoli eminyakeni eyisishiyagalombili edlule.

"Unqatshelwe ibheyili futhi usagqunywe esitokisini, lapho ezobekwa khona amacala amaningi awenzile," kusho uMasondo.
UKhomishana wesiFundazwe saseGauteng, uLieutenant General Elias Mawela, ulincomile ithimba ngomsebenzi wabo omuhle futhi uyalele ukuthi akhe icala eliqinile elizoholela ekutheni umsolwa agwetshwe kanzima ejele.
AKA, also known as Supamega and Bova, was a well-known and respected figure in the South African music industry, known for his unique sound and powerful lyrics. He rose to fame in the early 2010s with his debut album “Altitude” and quickly established himself as one of the leading voices in South African hip-hop.
Over the years, he won numerous awards, including several South African Hip Hop Awards, SAMAs and was an influential figure known across the African continent and beyond.
He will always be remembered for his range of classic hit songs like Sim Dope, Don’t Forget To Pray, Jikele, Run Jozi, Fela in Versace amongst many others.
Born Kiernan Forbes on January 28, 1988, AKA was raised in Cape Town and developed a love for music at a young age.He began his music career as a battle rapper