Get Ahead Kids Magazine Vol. 2. No. 4. Jul/Aug 2010

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Vol. 2 • No. 4 • Jul/Aug 2 010


An Interview with

Dr. Karl

Learning Innovations & Technology Special Hunter & Central Coast Private School Website Ratings The Brain & Technology • About Blogging • Search Engines A New Way of Getting Mixed-Up • Kindles Arrive in Australia



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Jul/Aug 2010


This Month’s







Your Letters


Spotlight An Interview with Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki

An Interview with Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2010 Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 E: P: 02 4929 7766 Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 E: P: 02 4929 7766 Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.

Learning Innovations & Technology 8

The Brain & Technology


Hunter & Central Coast Private School Website Ratings


About Blogging


A New Way of Getting Mixed-Up


Search Engines


Kindles Arrive in Australia


Reviews ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ & ‘Salome’


Giveaway ‘Special Delivery’ Family Passes Health


‘Let’s Live Better’ Canteen Rescue Program


Sneezesafe for Kids


Careers Wildlife Photography


Business Issues Facing Working Mothers People in Focus


An Interview with Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair - Medikidz


An Interview with Nigel Latta


Book Reviews


Advertisers Index


Activity Zone


Editorial The July/August technology issue of Get Ahead Kids® contains a wide variety of absorbing stories. The articles on blogs and search engines explain technological issues in a simple way. You can also indulge your senses by reading out loud the science based poems by Celia Berrell.

Jan Latta is inspirational as she informs us on how to become a wildlife photographer. Nigel Latta (no relationship to Jan) provides a commonsense approach to parenting. Lastly a special thanks to Dr. Karl for his captivating interview! Maria Charlton

Every school, doctors’ surgery and library would benefit from a library of Medikidz cartoon books that explain common kids’ ailments in a humorous and innovative way.

Managing Editor

Thank you for your ‘Boys and Communication’ article. As a mum of 4 boys, I have read the ink off those pages! The noise level in our home is certainly a ‘boy thing’, probably compounded by their very close ages. Even though they all have very different personalities they seem strikingly similar in their communication styles, as suggested by Dr. Miller. My boys need their own space, lots of hugs and allowed time to respond to my demands. Thanks for reminding me of this!

The list of words and the level of the child’s understanding of them provided in ‘Playing with Concept Words’ is a very handy keep sake for us at the moment. We are currently deciding whether or not our daughter is ready for school, and we now have a beginning checklist to ensure some vocabulary and understanding of concept words is at the preschool stage. The next few months of shopping is going to be full of concept words now. Thank you Dr. Jane Williams.

M. Ryan, Mulbring NSW

V. Clift, Booragul NSW

I enjoyed the article titled ‘The Acne Scourge’ as my son is heading towards the acne years and I am interested in how to prevent it. I was a sufferer of acne and I don’t want my children to go through what I went through. I was impressed with the options available in the treatment of acne. Thank you for the great article.

Thank you for the copies of Get

K. Fuller, Cooranbong NSW

P: 02 4929 7766

Ahead Kids®. The magazine looks amazing. Congratulations! Regards, Julie, Spendtracker

Please send letters and stories with your name and contact details to: Get Ahead Kids® Villa Franca, 2 Scott St.


Newcastle NSW 2300 F: 02 4929 7827


Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

An Interview with

Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki How do you contribute to the education of kids? Nothing directly, but lots indirectly! I talk on the radio, appear on TV, and write. On one level, I just tell stories about science, medicine & engineering. But on a deeper level, I introduce people to the awe and wonder of the Universe. Research conducted at the University of Sydney showed that 1 out of 7 students who study science stated they became interested in science because of me. But it’s not just me, it’s all the science communicators that we have in Australia. Science and engineering are related, but different. Science tries to discover new stuff. Facts already existing in the Universe but hidden under rocks. Science is the process of understanding the Universe.

Engineering is making stuff - iPhone, car, cup etc. Engineering is incredibly creative - all the stuff we make has to be designed by human beings, it didn’t get designed by itself! Where did you go to school? My primary education was at Little Flower Primary School, Wollongong NSW. Secondary school was at Edmund Rice Christian Brothers College, Wollongong NSW. 15 years studying at university and getting degrees in Maths, Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Medicine & Surgery plus several non-degree years in Astrophysics, Computer Science and Philosophy at the Universities of Wollongong, New South Wales, Sydney and overseas.

Please tell us about your family. I married my wife in Norway under a midnight sun on the longest day of the year - this was symbolic that our love would never set. I started a family late and now I have three children - one boy (22 years) and two girls (19 & 11 years). What was the proudest moment of your life? 2003 - I was awarded Father of The Year. What are your best experiences, here and overseas? Walked for 1 month, 800kms across Spain with the whole family. Touring the 15 out of 17 Australian deserts. We started 20 years ago.


What was your first job?

What do you value most in life?

My first job was rowing up and down a creek in Wollongong, measuring toxicity of the water that turned from bright orange to bright green.

Not being dead, health and happiness and being a father and husband.

What are your career highlights? Being a doctor at Camperdown Childrens’ Hospital was a great job. I remember a time when two distraught parents brought in their 3 year old boy to hospital suffering with rolling fevers, difficulty in breathing and he wasn’t growing. I suspected pneumonia but gave him an extended and full medical examination because when diagnosing children’s illnesses you need to work with the whole family. After the full medical examination the parents asked if I knew what was wrong to which I replied an x-ray would confirm my diagnoses. I then told them the good news, that it was pneumonia and that it was curable. This liberated the parents from what was holding them back. I also love working in the media as I help people to find out about our amazing Universe. I can do more good for society working in the media, than I can on a one-to-one basis in a kids’ Hospital.

What is your favourite Australian destination? My favorite destinations are the deserts of the Australian Outback including the Simpson Desert and Gibson Desert. When we tour the deserts using a 4WD, we have an early dinner then lie in our swags for hours counting the satellites and meteors. What is your favourite overseas experience? The Antarctic was wondrous. I am taking my 11 year old daughter to see Mount Fuji, Japan. Which science story has received the most comments? That it is safer for a cat to fall 32 storeys from a building, than from 7 storeys. What are some of the most outrageous science questions you have been asked? • Do cells renew every 7 years? • Does curly hair tangle more than straight hair? • Was Velcro invented by NASA? • Do women talk more than men?


Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

• Does Aluminum cause Alzheimer’s? • Does underarm deodorant cause Cancer? Which science story has shocked you the most? That 90% of the cells in your body do not belong to you. They belong to tiny bacteria in your gut. The bacteria are very small, so they don’t weigh much (about 1.5kgs), but they do make up 90% of the cells you carry around. What is your newest project? Writing my 29th book titled ‘Dinosaurs Aren’t Dead’. What is the most outrageous question you have been asked? Are farts contagious? Can farts spread germs? To these questions I answer “usually no” because undergarments act as filters. What are you currently researching? I am researching how spontaneous human combustion is explained by ‘brown fat’, which is very different from ‘white fat’. ‘White fat’ stores energy, ‘but brown’ fat turns energy into heat. I am also exploring body mass, weight loss and gain during the day.

Biography Dr. Karl’s media career began in 1981, when he presented ‘Great Moments in Science’ on Double J to pay his way through medical school. Since then, his media career has expanded from radio to include TV, books, newspapers, magazines, scripting, professional speaking and the Internet. After his TV debut as the presenter of the first series of ‘Quantum’ in 1985, he reported science on ‘The Midday Show’, ‘Good Morning Australia’, the ‘Today Show’ and ‘Sunrise’. In 2008, he completed a series for ABC TV with Adam Spencer called ‘Sleek Geek’. The pair have teamed up to produce a second series that is planned to air on ABC 1 in the second half 2010.

November 2009 marked the simultaneous release of Karl’s 28th book, ‘Never Mind The Bullocks… Here’s the Science’, board game ‘Fact Or Fishy’, and first ever music single ‘Get Fact’.

He received the Member of the Order of Australia Award in the 2006 Australia Day Honours list. In 2007, the Australia Skeptics Society awarded Dr. Karl the Australia Skeptic of the Year Prize.

In August 2010, Dr. Karl will release a children’s book, his 29th, called ‘Dinosaurs Aren’t Dead.’

Dr. Karl has degrees in Physics and Maths, Biomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery and has worked as a Physicist, tutor, film maker, car mechanic, labourer and as a medical doctor at the Kids’

In August 2000, Dr. Karl was one of first eight Australians to join the elite Apple Masters that celebrates the achievements of people who are changing the world through their passion and vision, while inspiring new approaches to creative thinking. In 2002, Dr. Karl was honoured with the prestigious lg Nobel prize awarded by Harvard University in the USA for his ground-breaking research into ‘Belly Button Lint and Why It Is Almost Always Blue’.

Hospital in Sydney. In 1995, he took up the position of the Julius Sumner Miller Fellow at Sydney University, spreading the good word about science and its benefits.

More Information

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Learning Innovations & Technology

The Brain &

Have you ever had this experience? The kids come home from school bickering and annoying each other, poking and teasing, stirring and irritating. They are sullen, cranky and aggressive. They complain about the snacks you have prepared and just want to plonk in front of the TV, where they fidget, fight and frustrate each other. They refuse to do homework and are painful to have around. I can tell you, I have had plenty over the years. I used to wonder why? Had I packed the wrong things for lunch, was it a full moon or was I stressed, distracted and cranky myself? I noticed though, that those days were more likely to happen if the weather was ordinary and the kids had not had a chance to run around outside. Think about it for a minute. They sit quietly for six hours at school, concentrating and listening, doing fine motor activities such as drawing and writing. Usually they will spend some energy playing tag with their friends at lunch and recess. But on rainy days they have to stay inside and read. And it drives them crazy... We all know the benefits of exercise, we hear about it every day. Exercise will give you stronger muscles and bones, you will be less likely to become overweight, it decreases the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.


Get Ahead KidsÂŽ Jul/Aug 10


By Dorte Bladt

No surprises there. However, physical exercise is also needed for the brain to work as well as it can. 90% of stimulation to the brain comes from movement of the body. We need to move so we can concentrate on a task, can think abstract thoughts, can listen and remember. Movement of the body is what keeps the brain working. Research has shown that exercise can be as effective as medication for conditions such as depression, sleep disorders and ADHD. So how much exercise do kids need? The American Academy of Pediatricians recommends that children over two years old need at least one hour of exercise every day. That is a lot, I hear you moan. To most of us exercise means lifting weights, riding an exercise bike at the gym or playing soccer on the weekend. That is all excellent, but exercise is so much more! Exercise is running around in the park, climbing the stairs to the slippery dip. Exercise is the walk to and from school. Exercise is swinging on the swing, somersaults on the grass, wrestling with dad and a pillow fight with the little brother. And the hour can be in several shorter bursts throughout the whole day. In my practice I see a lot of kids who find it very difficult to concentrate at school and with their homework, who act like the rainy day kids all the time. Often these kids are not very coordinated and do not enjoy exercise at all. They like to get their brain stimulation from TV, computer and technological games.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average child watches three hours of television per day. And the average kid spends five and a half hours a day on all screen media combined (TV, videos and DVDs, computer time outside of schoolwork, and video games). There is no time left for exercising at all in a day like that.

Case Study of Tom Tom is an average kid like that who came to see me at my practice. He was a very intelligent eight year old who didn’t do well at school. He had trouble with reading, writing and concentrating. His mother complained he was always cranky. She could not get him off the computer or the TV, he never wanted to do his homework, never wanted to play with other kids unless it involved the computer, and was not good at sport at all. When we checked Tom, we found that he had a problem with his neck that meant that his neck did not move properly and the vestibular system in his brain wasn’t working well. This part of the brain tells us where we are in space, how fast we are moving and in what direction. Tom had been experiencing problems like this all his life, and had found ways to avoid stressing that system. It is no fun to be clumsy, bumping in to things and being off balance or dizzy all the time.

Learning Innovations & Technology

We very gently and safely adjusted Tom to make his neck work better, to allow his brain to function better. We also gave Tom some exercises to do at home, to help the brain improve as quickly as possible: rolling on the floor as if he was a log, rocking in a rocking chair, swinging on a swing, spinning on a chair, doing somersaults, cartwheels and pirouettes. We spoke with Mum and Dad about limiting TV, computer and electronic game time to allow more time for play to stimulate the brain. One hour per day is optimum, and Tom could decide how and when to spend that hour. With time Tom improved out of sight. He started performing at school, learning new tasks and keeping up with the rest of the class. He became much more confident physically and joined his classmates’ soccer team. He started playing with the other kids at lunch and recess and making friends to play with at home. When my own kids were younger I stopped blaming myself for their poor behaviour on rainy days. I started to experiment with movement instead: I would walk to school to pick them up, bringing raincoats and gumboots, and walk them the

long way home. I would take them to the beach and let them run wild and wet in the rain and the waves. Sometimes we would go straight to the indoor play centre and stay until their energy was all spent, after which we would go home and enjoy the rest of the afternoon together. Physical movement of the body will get the brain working, ready for learning, concentrating, remembering and feeling happy. Make sure your child’s body is moving well and enough, get some help from your paediatric chiropractor if need be, and enjoy their company so much more.

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Learning Innovations & Technology

Hunter & Central Coast Private School

Website Ratings

As at 5th February 2010

MAP Marketing rated 22 Hunter and Central Coast private school websites in 15 categories. The websites were allocated a score ranging between 0.00 - 5.00 with increments of 0.50 for each category. The highest possible score for each category was 5.00. A score of 2.50 was considered average and score of 5.00 was considered excellent. The final rating for each school website was derived from the average of the 15 categories. The final ratings for 2010 ranged from 0.90 - 4.57 with the average final rating being 3.05. In comparison, results from the 2009 website ratings were as follows. The final ratings ranged from 0.67 - 4.83 and the average final rating was 3.21. In certain categories such as school portal, parent portal, search function, and map, school websites were allocated a score of zero if these were not available. Categories that school websites were rated on: 1. Overall Quality 2. Currency of Information 3. Image & Photo Quality 4. Language & Content Quality 5. Online Enquiries 6. Information Quality 7. Ease of Finding Information 8. Aesthetics 9. Location Map 10. Search Bar Function 11. Loading/Que Time 12. Student Portal 13. Parent Portal 14. Calendar of Events 15. Curriculum Outline

10 Get Ahead Kids速 Jul/Aug 10

The top final scores were close, with the top 4 school websites being separated by small increments. The difference between the top rated school website and fourth was 0.30. Newcastle Grammar School came out on top of the ratings with a final score of 4.57 out of 5.00. This is a significant improvement on their 2009 score of 4.43 out of 5.00, and was enough to snare first place. Their website received high scores for overall quality, currency of information, language and photo quality, information quality, ease of finding information, aesthetics, map, que/loading time, student portal, calendar of events and curriculum outline. Macquarie College was once again a close second with a final score of 4.53 out of 5.00. This was a slight drop on their 2009 final score of 4.73 out of 5.00, but was enough to maintain their ranking. Their website received high scores in overall quality, currency of information, information quality, aesthetics, map, que/loading time, student portal, calendar of events and curriculum outline. St Philips Christian College came in third with a final score of 4.43 out of 5.00. They were the top school website last year with a score of 4.83 out of 5.00, but the relative improvement of Newcastle Grammar School and Macquarie College meant St Phillips Christian College has dropped two places. The St Phillips Christian College website scored highly in the following categories; overall quality, currency of information, language and photo quality, information quality, aesthetics,

map, search bar, que/loading time, student portal, calendar of events and curriculum outline. Charlton Christian College has the most improved school website. They increased their final score from 2.53 in 2009 to 3.63 in 2010. Their website received high scores for image and photo quality, online enquiries, currency of information, map, student portal and parent portal. Out of the 22 school websites rated, 71% had a score greater than 2.50 and 29% had a score were less than 2.50. School websites are an affective way to communicate within both the school community and to members of the public. Schools need to ensure that they undertake ongoing improvements and updates to their website so that they remain competitive.

Types of School Websites The Internet is an efficient form of communication that reaches a worldwide audience. The number of schools using websites to promote and deliver information has increased as technology has advanced. School websites are grouped and identified in relation to their content and design. There are 4 types of school websites that have certain characteristics. 1. Main intention is to annunciate information on the schools curriculum and facilities. 2. Focus on communicating information via e-mail, intranet, chat rooms and blogs.

Learning Innovations & Technology 3. Provide information, communicate and entertain by engaging the wider school environment via video, animation, graphics, podcasts and virtual tours.

School Name

2009 Average 2010 Average

Newcastle Grammar School



Macquarie College



St Philips Christian College



4. Main purpose is to inform, communicate, entertain and showcase innovation. This is done by promoting concepts in education, practising innovation through web design and educational structure.

Avondale School Cooranbong



Hunter Christian School



Belmont Christian College



Central Coast Grammar School



Charlton Christian College



Maitland Christian School



Most of the Hunter and Central Coast private school websites rated were either 1 or 2.

Christadelphian Heritage College



Hunter Valley Grammar School



St Joseph’s Catholic College



If you wish to include your school in the 2011 Internet Research please contact us.

Green Point Christian College



San Clemente High School



Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College



St Francis Xavier’s College



Lakes Grammar- An Anglican School



St Peter’s Catholic College Tuggerah Lakes



St Mary’s High School



St Pius X High School



Brightwaters Christian College



St Paul’s Booragul



Overall Averages



More than 2.50



Less than 2.50



Schools rated can obtain more information from: Maria Charlton MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Classification by Carmel MaioTaddeo, University of South Australia.

Research by Jonathan Walker, Research Assistant, MAP Marketing.

Overall Ratings


KINDERGARTEN It has been widely recognised that creating a solid educational foundation in the junior years of schooling is fundamental to overall success in later years.



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Learning Innovations & Technology


Blogging By Gina Gray

With a great big new world rapidly developing online, are you feeling lost in the barrage of terms like RSS, Googling, wiki, Facebook, Twitter, tweets, MySpace, micro-blogging...?

What’s a blog? A blog is simply an expression of your thoughts, opinions, experiences and knowledge through the Internet on an exclusive or global scale. Blogs are published on the Internet using web pages and average between two hundred and two thousand words.

How did it happen? Once upon a time somewhere in cyberspace sat a person who decided to publish their thoughts to the world in a web log. People loved it so it rapidly took on a life of its own with hundreds, then thousands, now millions doing the same. To relieve our tongue of the exhaustion of saying ‘web log’, as we often do with language, we reduced it to one syllable: blog.

Why blog? On the theoretical level we blog because we want people to know how important we are: who we are, what we think, what we know and the very fact that we exist right here in the universe. We all like to feel important and that we are unique; the Internet allows us to express that uniqueness.

12 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

On a community level we blog because we want to connect with people and share our experiences. Blogging is a wonderful way to keep your friends and family right up to date while travelling. How good would it be if, while your child was away on a school trip, you could visit their blog to see what they’ve done for the day and how much they’re enjoying the experience? Blogging connects people even when you can’t be with them in the flesh. On a business level we blog because it can bring us more business and credibility. Keywordrich blogs increase search engine optimisation, which drives more people to your website where they may decide to buy or at least contact you. It helps us build our networks, which is crucial to longevity and success. At the very least it gives people insight into you as a business operator and whether they want to do business with you.

Who blogs? Everybody can blog-Mums, dads, youth, business people, religious people, unemployed people, grandparents... anyone who enjoys sharing their thoughts and knowledge. Let’s first look at who doesn’t blog: people who are really busy don’t blog; people who are overly concerned about privacy don’t blog; people who think, what have I got to blog about and who would read it anyway?

What do people blog about? People blog about everything! You will be amazed at what people publish in cyberspace from cooking experiences - yes, just like the movie “Julie and Julia” - to education, parenting, business, health and an endless array of other topics. If you like something then chances are that somewhere out in the world there is someone else with a similar interest to you and if you’re blogging about it they’ll find you by searching for that topic using a search engine like Google.

How do I start a blog? There are many online suppliers who enable you to set up your blog for free. The largest currently are and and they have a simple sign-up process from their home page. You can choose from a range of templates they supply or, if you’re technologically savvy enough, you can edit them to your own design. You can add features to your blog like polls - run a survey about how well your child’s soccer team did on the weekend - or RSS feeds and email sign-ups so your friends and family are notified when your next blog is ready to read.

What about safety? You have control over safety: when you create a blogging account you choose which personal details will be viewed publicly; you have to type them into the account fields or onto the blog pages if you want that information displayed.

Learning Innovations & Technology

Privacy settings on your account allow you to control who sees your blogs. You can limit viewing to specific people, such as family and friends. You can even block search engines from tracking the keywords on your pages, which would enable your blogs to be accessed more readily on a global scale.

Clarity Press’s blog is for business operators:

When publishing your blog for global viewing you can turn off the comments feature so people aren’t connecting with you personally or replying to your blogs.

1. Decide what you want to blog about - stick with a theme or write about anything and everything 2. Choose a name for your blog something simple and catchy 3. Research blog technology suppliers online to find out what features they offer & select one that’s easy for you to use. 4. Set up your blog account including your privacy settings 5. Select a blog template & tailor it to your favourite colours & images 6. Choose which features you’ll have on your site - polls, RSS feeds, mailing list 7. Blog away till your little heart’s content 8. Tell your friends & family about your blog 9. Check your account regularly to determine how many people are reading your blogs 10. Remember to close your account if you stop using it - your information will stay online & be accessible forever

Safety comes down to the user: just like in any other social media space like Facebook, Twitter, My Space and chat rooms, you have to be wise about who could be reading your information and avoid publishing personal details that unsafe people could track you down on or use fraudulently. If your child is using a blog, or wants to set one up, follow their blog to see what they’re writing just as you would with their Facebook and other social media accounts. If you spot something that is too revealing then you can guide them in changing it and becoming wiser about their Internet use. Blogging is free, it makes us feel important, it can help other people by the knowledge and experiences we share, and in its pure form it’s non-threatening, harmless good fun.

Sample Blogs I have posted some blogs related to my services and products that you may want to access: A Head Start’s blog offers career tips for ages 15 to 25:

‘How to Turn Your Hobby into a Business’ blog is for new business starters:

10 Steps To Your Very Own Blog

More Information Gina Gray Managing Director Clarity Press Corporate Communications Service P: 02 4955 6145

A Head Start - A young Person’s Guide to Success in the Workforce Author: Gina Gray This is one of the best books for parents and students in planning for the right attitudes, presentation, researching potential employers, negotiating the work place and achieving career goals. It is written in an easy to read format with numerous practical case studies and reader activities. Age Guide: 17+ Years Extent: 195 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 1920693475 Price: AU$26.99 Publisher: Insight Publications P: 02 4955 6145

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Learning Innovations & Technology

A New Way of Getting Mixed-Up By Celia Berrell

Illustration by Amy Sheehan

Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws Of Motion by Celia Berrell

Science and technology are increasingly relevant to our lives and feature significantly within the modern school curriculum. Educators are finding that delivering these subjects via artistic mediums enriches children’s opportunities to engage and connect with these subjects. An innovative example of this cross-subject pollination is Science Rhymes. This new genre of poetry packs scientific facts and observations in small digestible verses. Childhood familiarity with nursery rhymes primes our receptivity to scientific information delivered through this entertaining nonthreatening medium. Do you sometimes confuse the words cement and concrete? Well here’s a poem to help make the difference clear.

Don’t Eat Concrete by Celia Berrell I think we’ll make a concrete cake. It doesn’t need to oven-bake. It cooks itself and gets quite warm when curing to its dry hard form. We’ll need to scoop and stir and fold ingredients in a mixing bowl. Cement and sand and gravel make the contents of a concrete cake. Cement’s a powder coloured grey that’s made from limestone, gypsum, clay. Just like a cake’s self raising flour it gives our concrete sticking-power. The sand’s a bit like sugar-grit and gravel’s like the dried-fruit bits. By adding water to the mix we’ll make a sludge that slops and sticks. When poured into a frame of wood the concrete keeps the shape it should. We’ll pat it flat and water it until it’s cooked and dried and set. When cured that slab is hard and tough so don’t go falling on the stuff. Our teeth and concrete shouldn’t meet. It’s not a cake for us to eat! Or how about an aid to remembering Newton’s three laws of motion?

14 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

Newton was a clever man. An avid scientific fan. He questioned many things he saw. Like ones we had no answers for. He thought them through right to their cores. Then gave us many handy laws.

Newton’s First Law Of Motion: Without a force of push or pull an object will remain quite still. With just one push at just one time that object moves in one straight line.

Newton’s Second Law Of Motion: A bigger Force accelerates an object that is heavy-weight. While objects of a smaller mass don’t need much Force to move them fast. So Newton noticed they obey that Force will equal m times a.

Newton’s Third Law Of Motion: Now bend a stick. Before it cracks you’ll feel its force of pushing back. For every action there will be an equal one – opposingly. Without his formulas in place we’d soon get lost in outer space. So Isaac’s Laws help us traverse the reaches of our universe!

Learning Innovations & Technology

Celia believes that scientific poetry can help students expand their science literacy and understanding in a rewarding and enjoyable manner. Writing your own poems about science topics is a great way to consolidate your learning. You are invited to submit your own creations of scientific poetry (rhyming, free-verse or other style) to the Science Rhymes website. Please include your name, school and age (for school students), your location and email address. A selection of your creations will be posted on the ‘Your Poems’ page of the website and the authors will be rewarded with a copy of Slightly Scientific Vol 1 PDF.

Need to talk?


family centres About Celia Berrell

Strengthening Family Relationships

Celia has an uncanny flair for concise explanations that rhyme. This makes her poems quick and easy to devour. Her work has gained support from local schools and the James Cook University in Cairns. Published poems can be found in the CSIRO’s children’s science magazines The Helix and Scientriffic.

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Learning Innovations & Technology

Search Engines

What is a Search Engine?

How to Search

A web search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the Web. It helps you find exactly what you’re looking for and the format you want it; including images, news, blogs, maps and books.

In the search engine, type whatever comes to mind in the search box, hit Enter or click the Search button. The search engine will then search the web for relevant information.

For the four weeks ending 1 May 2010, more than 85% of all searches by Australian internet users were via If we combine and, they total more than 90% of Australian searches online. Yahoo!7 Search has 2.38% of web searches and Bing currently holds 3.65% share. Industry sectors that experienced the greatest growth in search for the year end April 2010 include travel, health and medical, sports and aviation.


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16 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

• All the words you put in the query will be used • Search is always case insensitive • Generally, punctuation is ignored

Tips ❑❑ Keep it Simple If you’re looking for a particular company, just enter its name, or as much of its name as you can recall. If you’re looking for a Pizza Hut restaurant, enter +Pizza Hut +Hamilton+2303. ❑❑ Use Terms That Are Likely to Appear on the Page Instead of searching for [skin blemish] search for [acne] because that’s the term a health and beauty website uses. ❑❑ Use As Few Terms As Possible The goal of each word in a query is to focus on the area you want. For example, [weather Melbourne] is likely to give better results than the longer [weather report for Melbourne, Australia]. ❑❑ Choose Specific Words The more unique the word is the more likely you are to get relevant results. For example, [celebrity makeovers] is more descriptive and specific than [celebrity beauty].

❑❑ The + Symbol Put the most important terms in your search first. To make sure the search finds pages with all the words you’re looking for, put the + symbol in front of each word +Melbourne+ Docklands. ❑❑ The - Symbol If you’re looking for something specific but don’t want tons of other info that’s not related to your topic, use the - symbol. For example, Jennifer Aniston-Brad Pitt-boyfriends provide information on her that is not related to her ex husband or boyfriends. ❑❑ Using Quotation Marks When you put your search terms in quotation marks, it’s called a “phrase search”. The search engine will give you pages that have the terms in the exact order of the words in quotations. For Example “Adventures with Mia the Meercat” returns information on that exact book. ❑❑ Combining Symbols Once you know how the above symbols work, try combining them to narrow down your search. A better search, than using subtractions Adventures with Mia the Meercat-Jan Latta-True to Life Books.

More Information

Learning Innovations & Technology

Kindles Arrive in Australia Electronic readers or Kindles have arrived in Australia allowing users to download books and newspapers via a global wireless network. These readers have a paper like display to prevent eye strain and you can also increase text size. With over 500,000 Amazon titles, the Kindle store contains the largest selection of the books people want to read including New York Times®, best sellers and new releases from $9.99.

Every Kindle comes with a one year manufacturer’s warranty. With the two Year Extended Warranty for Kindle, you will receive protection against accidental damage such as drops or spills for the entire two years.

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Along with today’s bestsellers, Kindle store offers thousands of free popular classics including titles such as The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Pride and Prejudice and Treasure Island.


1,500 books

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The Kindle DX which was released in the summer of 2009 is now available for purchase! New features will include an auto-rotating screen function, a similar feature found in the Apple iPod touch and iPhone. The biggest improvement however is the screen which has become over 1.5 times bigger, from 6 to 9.7 inches!

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Seth Drury (left) as Earnest and Amy Medhurst (right) as Gwendolen from The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance Of

Being Earnest

By Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Enacted By the 2nd Year Hunter TAFE Students of the Hunter Advanced Diploma of Acting at The Playhouse Hunter Street Newcastle. The Importance of Being Earnest is a witty comedy of manners in which two foppish young men, attempt to impress their beloved women by pretending that their names are ‘Ernest’, a name both young ladies believe has magical qualities.

More Information David Brown The Music & Performing Arts Section The Faculty of Arts & Media Hunter TAFE P: 02 4923 7595

Salome By Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

This tragic play tells in one act the Biblical story of Salome, stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, who, to her stepfather’s dismay but to the delight of her mother Herodias, requests the head of Jokanaan (John the Baptist) on a silver platter as reward for dancing the Dance of the Seven Veils. The singing, dancing and facial expression of the white masked actors are sensational. Salome played by Letitia Sutherland is quirky and humorous. Herod played by Joseph Issa comes across as lecherous and pompous. Herodias acted by Jessica Bradley is stylish and Jokanaan played by Glen Waterhouse portrays the piety of John the Baptist with great aplomb.

18 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

Seth Drury is dashing and sharp as Jack Worthing and Anna Lambert is humorous as Algernon Moncrieff. Miss Renee Thomas is in character as the opportunistic Lady Bracknell. Amy Medhurst is floaty and endearing as Gwendolyn Fairfax.

Jenna Sleishman (left) as the young Syrian and Letitia Sutherland (right) as Salome


Patch Theatre Company ‘Special Delivery’ is a comic tale about a busy delivery man, a trolley load of boxes and the world that opens up when a door stays shut. This play portrays the world of soundthere is nothing said, work becomes child’s play and everyday objects are magically transformed.

Performances Thursday 16 September at 6pm Friday 17 September at 10am Friday 17 September at 1pm Saturday 18 September at 10am Saturday 18 September at 1pm

Prices Tickets are $20 per person. School Groups - $15 per student. *Additional fees & charges may apply

More Information Elissa Fletcher Marketing & Ticket Sales Co-ordinator Newcastle City Council P: 02 4974 2181 F: 02 4974 2172

3 FAMILY PASSES TO ‘SPECIAL DELIVERY’ TO GIVEAWAY! With a special thanks to The Civic Theatre, Get Ahead Kids® has 3 Family Passes to ‘Special Delivery’ valued at about $80.00 each to giveaway! Each pass contains 4 tickets to see ‘Special Delivery’ by Patch Theatre Company at 6pm, Thursday 16 September, Civic Theatre Newcastle. Visit and click the giveaways link for your chance to win one of 3 family passes.



‘Let’s Live Better’ Canteen Rescue Program

For the first time, The Biggest Loser personal trainers Michelle Bridges and Shannan Ponton are taking their message direct to the kids with a national tour as the new ambassadors for ‘Let’s Live Better’ an initiative from Colonial First State Global Asset Management in partnership with the Children’s Food Education Foundation. This campaign aims to educate kids about what goes into their shopping trolley each week and getting the kids to influence their parents! This communication strategy has proven to work wonders with the recycling campaign. Shannan and Michelle have dedicated their lives to making fitness and fresh food fun. Their amazing work on The Biggest Loser is a testament to changes that can easily be implemented by every Australians to get fit and healthy. These strategies also work wonders with kids too. Shannan and Michelle visited 10 schools and 10 shopping centres, Australia wide during the month of June to promote the healthy living message.

20 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

But how do you get the kids to give up junk food and work up a sweat in the playground? “Children love to get involved in cooking and it all starts in the supermarket. If your kids help you pick healthy food and then help you cook healthy meals, they’ll be excited enough to eat it too,” said Michelle. Let’s Live Better has raised more than $40,000 through corporate and consumer donations. The funds will be invested in tools to help teachers educate children about the life-long benefits of a balanced diet and active lifestyle. ‘Let’s Live Better’ gave schools reasons to increase their fresh food intake from participating stores during the month of June. The healthiest two schools won a canteen makeover worth $40,000. The ‘Let’s Live Better’ program is expected to be an annual event.

Checklist for ‘Let’s Live Better’ ❑❑ Swap the sugary drinks for water ❑❑ Recharge kids’ energy levels with a nutritious, sugar free breakfast ❑❑ Offer health fast food - fruit, muesli or yoghurt ❑❑ Invite kids to help you create/cook their own new healthy meals ❑❑ Keep a fruit bowl within kids’ reach ❑❑ Encourage kids to always have lunch or dinner ❑❑ Get kids involved in buying healthy groceries ❑❑ Substitute 30 minutes of TV with a 30 minute walk ❑❑ Hold back treats for special occasions ❑❑ Encourage kids to play & stay active

More Information Elvira Nuic Magenta


Sneezesafe for Kids Sneezesafe is a free educational program that has been developed to help children learn about the need for proper hygiene techniques, in the classroom and at home.

A range of free teaching resources are available on the Sneezesafe website, including lesson plans, games, activities, sticker sheets and more.

The key message within Sneezesafe’s fun and entertaining games and lesson plans relates to a simple 1-2-3 technique for children to use to control the spread of germs and practice proper tissue use:

This program was implemented with the support of research between findings conducted online amongst 405 parents of children aged 3-12 years who attend preschool, kindergarten or primary school by Lonergan Research March 4-17, 2010. The commercial research was commissioned and funded by Kleenex.

1. Catch It - Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze 2. Bin It - Throw the tissue away afterwards 3. Kill It - Wash your hands This simple and memorable procedure complement the Commonwealth Government’s advice to control the spread of viruses like flu, H1N1 and the common cold, and can help decrease absenteeism from children, especially over the winter months.

This research revealed 9 out of 10 preschool and primary school children wipe their nose on their clothing and hands rather than tissues, making cross contamination as easy as a game of tag.

• For kids who wipe their nose on hands and clothing, this figure increases to 6 days of school missed annually. • 82% of parents believe that their children pick up most of the germs that can cause colds or flu at school or preschool. • Just 7% of preschool children carry tissues with them every day or most days. • Only 12% of children in kindergarten to year 3 carry tissues with them every day or most days.

More Information



With winter upon us, teaching children about correct respiratory hygiene has never been more important. The research also found: • The average child in preschool and primary school misses 4.3 days of school as a result of colds and flu each year.

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Wildlife Photography

And sound is also important. Animals will react if a predator is close. Impalas point in the direction of the hunter and make a barking sound and monkeys give a warning screech. Elephants have different sounds for their moods – from a gentle rumble to a loud trumpeting. I had my first frightening experience when a 6 tonne bull elephant charged the jeep. But, it was only a mock charge and I felt safe with my African guide.

Above: Gerenuk always stand up to eat.

Right: Three menacing buffalos - they are very dangerous. I was inspired to become a wildlife photographer when I came face-to-face with a mountain gorilla in Rwanda. The experience changed my life. Coming down the mountain I asked my guide how many mountain gorillas were left in the world. He said less than 600. I thought that was very sad. So I decided to create books for children so they could learn about endangered animals. But first, I had to learn wildlife photography. I joined Karl Ammann, a great wildlife photographer, on safaris. He said, “you must learn about the animals you will encounter in the wild. Do your homework on their eating habits, where they drink, and what predators hunt animals at waterholes. Look for pug marks and dung droppings, and that will tell you about the animal”.

The most magic moment of my life with two cheetahs.

22 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

By Jan Latta

I felt a bit silly examining poo, but a necessary knowledge of being a wildlife photographer. Broken branches and leaves are also important. The elegant Gerenuk always stand up to eat, so when I see a tree with the leaves nibbled at one level, I know gerenuk are in the area.

The most important lesson is patience. Waiting for hours and hours to get that magic shot. I searched for three weeks in India before I could photograph a tiger, and over ten years to photograph the elusive leopard. Never use flash in the wild. One, you will surprise the animal and it might attack and two, it’ll run away and you won’t be able to continue taking photographs. Ammann has won the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the year award in The World in your Hands’ section, five years in a row. He uses his photographic skills to show the world what is happening to the environment and the horror of the bush meat trade. Photographs can be shocking sometimes but they tell a vital story. I have been so lucky to spend time with Kathy and Karl Ammann in their home in East Africa with their rescued chimps and cheetahs. I have walked with lions in Zambia, played with pandas in the mountains of China, rode elephants in India photographing tigers, and been groomed by Mzee, my favourite chimp. Such wonderful experiences!


I’m nervously crawling up to photograph a rhino.

If you want to become a photographer learn technique first. Get to know your camera and experiment with light, design and cropping. Research the ‘subject’ to be photographed. Google photographic schools and institutes for information. If you can become an assistant to a photographer, this is a good way to learn. Wildlife photography is the most exciting, adventurous profession. It is very expensive and often dangerous, but so rewarding. For people interested in wildlife photography, you can learn more in a week with a professional

Adventures with Mia the Meerkat

photographer in the wild, than a year at a photographic school. I recommend Jan Latta is an author, wildlife photographer and publisher of a series of ten ‘True to Life Books’ on endangered animals and author of ‘Diary of a Wildlife Photographer’. Jan is a guest speaker at schools and festivals in Australia and Asia.

More Information Jan Latta Author, Wildlife photographer Publisher P: 02 9880 8382

Listed in NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2010

Author: Jan Latta This great true to life tale of Mia the Meerkat and her family-what they eat, sleep, hunt for food and where they live. The photographs are extraordinary and the interesting facts about meerkats grab and hold attention throughout. I kept saying to my staff-did you know that meerkats had windscreens over their eyes-eat scorpions and many other similar remarks! Read it to your kids and become more knowledgeable on meerkats

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TICKING ALL THE BOXES Quality Learning Caring Christian Environment Strong Academic Programmes Low Fee Structure New Facilities

Age Guide: 4-8 Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780975677070 Price: AU$12.95 Publisher: True To Life Books P: 02 9880 8382

Transport Options Independent School Education Kindergarten to Year12 School Tour 256 Minmi Rd, Fletcher 2287 ph: (02) 4979 8484 www

Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College



Issues Facing

Working Mothers Working mothers refers to women who are mothers and who work outside the home for income in addition to the work they carry out at home in raising their kids. Compared with other developing countries part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Australia ranks No.17 for the percentage of its working mothers. The definition used by the OECD was ‘mothers in the workforce with children under 6 years old.’ In the past 30 years, the workforce participation of married women with children has grown from 43% to 59% (an increase of 1.6 million women). More than 30% of Australia’s small business operators are women. Women make up more than half of the Australian public service workforce (57%) and hold around 36% of senior executive positions. But in the private sector, women hold only 12% of management jobs.

24 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

Issues Facing Working Mothers • Income Challenges For working mothers, childcare costs can eat up much of the mother’s wage. As the Parenting Allowance is income-tested, a second wage may actually leave the family in the same or worse financial position than a single wage. Women on average still earn less than men and save significantly less for their retirement. • Housework Is ‘Woman’s Work’ Research from the University of New South Wales indicates that married women with children are progressively worse off which may be why they are initiating divorce in higher numbers and having fewer children. Other research findings include: • Working mothers perform most of the household chores

• Full-time mothers & women who work full-time have similar working hours • Working mothers work more hours than working fathers • Mothers who work part-time have the longest working hours of all • Sick Children A major issue for working mothers is their child getting sick and needing care during the usual business hours. Most paid sick leave is reserved for unwell staff, hence many working mothers need to take annual leave or unpaid leave in order to stay home and care for sick children.


Researchers from the University of New England, NSW, surveyed 4,500 preschool children and discovered that the kids’ of mothers who worked parttime consumed less junk food, watched about an hour less television, spent more time exercising, watched less junk food advertising and were less likely to be overweight or obese. • Career Development Working mothers who cut back their employment to part-time work often lose opportunities for career development as well as superannuation benefits. • Health Issues Numerous research studies report working mothers are often more vulnerable to stress-related illnesses than those who remain at home with their children. Research has indicated that the majority of mothers preferred to be full-time mothers or work from home. Working mothers are often sleep deprived that may make them vulnerable to infectious illnesses and accidents.

• Interpersonal Issues Working mothers are more likely to come home at night stressed and physically tired. They are often concerned about stressors of their dual roles on other family members. This may lead mothers to emotionally withdraw from their kids and their spouses. • Household Safety & Security Household safety is most likely to become an issue when the children of a working mother are too old for daycare and stay in an empty home some time after school before the parents return from work. Risks for these ‘latchkey’ children include physical accidents in the home, access to adult TV channels, medical emergencies and unlawful entry by strangers.


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People in Focus

Interview Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair

Medikidz What was the inspiration for these graphic novels?

What titles are currently available in Australia?

How have schools reacted to these books?

Whilst training as a doctor, I discovered that a number of children did not have information about their conditions in a way that was fully understandable to them. For example, Wendy had epilepsy and wanted more information and after research I could not find anything worldwide. That was eight years ago and now I am working full time with a colleague, publishing medical books for children and their families, doctors and nurses. Industry has also come on board GE Healthcare is sponsoring CT scan brochure in Australia and UK.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Very positively and the books are used in classrooms, libraries and for research.

How is the comic method affective in teaching kids about different health issues?

Coming Soon

Leukaemia Breast Cancer Swine Flu ADHD Childhood Overweight Epilepsy Type 1 Diabetes HIV Asthma Osteosarcoma Autism Food Allergy Scoliosis Depression Sleep Apnoea Brain Tumours

• Melanoma • Growth Hormone Deficiency

We target kids 10 - 15 years and we have feedback that kids, parents, nurses and doctors love the comic approach.

• Organ Transplants for Children

How is this tied to other media?

Whist I’m in Australia I’m visiting my parents in Melbourne, attending the media launch for the Medikidz books and I’m also organising to meet sponsors including GE Healthcare.

We already have the social media. We are planning to offer the books in dynamic digital media and to install a kids’ forum for them to discuss and gain global support for their medical conditions.

What feedback have you received on the success of these books? We have sold 600,000 copies since September 2009 in India, USA, Europe and these have now been translated in Spanish. This week these books have been launched in Australia and New Zealand.

26 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

What are your plans whilst you are in Australia?

Please tell us how you go about writing each title? • We research each condition & work out an analogy of how to explain the condition • US graphic novelist does the dialogue & storyboard • Medikidz edits the storyboard • Medikidz Cartoons do the cartoons • Two leaders in each condition complete the peer review

How has private enterprise responded to your books? Very well from Siemens and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare that sponsored 50,000 books to doctors and sleep clinics on sleep apnoea.

About Medikidz There are over 50 million children in 6 main English-speaking countries that are currently afflicted with illness and are without proper educational resources. As there is no effective solution worldwide, there is a substantial and unsatisfied need in the marketplace for Medikidz books. Millions of children worldwide are diagnosed every day with conditions that even their parents may find difficult to understand. Medikidz is designed specifically for kids. These tools speak their language, at their level via comic books, games and an online virtual world. Credibility is the cornerstone to the Medikidz offering - professional medical writers and doctors write all the content, which is subsequently peer-reviewed by leading consultants in each respective field.

People in Focus What’s Up With John? Medikidz Explain Scoliosis

Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair founded Medikidz Limited in New Zealand in 2006 and incorporated as a UK company in May 2008. Kim was trained as a doctor, worked for some time in Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery and has worked for over 8 years as an academic medical writer for Adis International (NZ) and Prous Science (Barcelona, Spain). Dr. Kate James is the Co-Founder of Medikidz and is a qualified doctor working in the specialties of Paediatrics, Emergency Medicine and Oncology.

Author: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & John Taddeo The Medikidz are a group of five cartoon super heroes who live on Mediland - a planet shaped just like the human body. The Medikidz heroes with the help of Johno, the Bone Doctor, guide readers through Mediland, explaining Scoliosis in a humorous and teen relevant way. This is an entertaining, informative graphic novel that is a great read for teens, their parents and teachers. It would be a welcome addition to the school health curriculum. Readers will learn so much about scoliosis!

More Information

Babies (2-12 months)

Toddlers (1-3 years)

Age Guide: 10+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935047 Price: AU$14.99 Publisher: HarperCollins Australia P: 02 9952 5000

Preschoolers (3-5 years) Warners Bay (02) 4920 8033

Newcastle (02) 4955 9256

Maitland 1300 557 217

Gosford (02) 4339 1894

Central Coast (02) 4353 7765


People in Focus

Interview with

Nigel Latta

Interviewing Nigel was like breath of fresh breath - he came across as professional, pragmatic and somewhat frustrated by modern parenting books aimed at complicating parenting.

What are the 3 most important things your books & TV programs offer parents? 1. Don’t over think it 2. Don’t over think it 3. Don’t over think it Too many modern parenting books place a lot of pressure on parents to over manage and build kids’ self esteem to the detriment of allowing children to have fun and organise their own activities. I urge parents to tell their kids to play in the yard and ride their bikes without a tinge of guilt.

How successful are your books in Australia? Because of extensive promotion I’ve probably been better known in New Zealand up until now; but it’s pretty clear to me that Australian mums and dads are just as fed up as Kiwi’s with all the nonsense and so I’m getting some really great feedback from parents over here as well now. When ‘The Politically Incorrect Parenting Show’ airs on Channel Nine, my exposure will obviously increase quite a bit in Australia. As well as Australasia, the book has been acclaimed in 10 other countries including Brazil, Israel, Italy, Taiwan and Russia.

28 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

How do you go about writing a book? I usually start off by making the underlying philosophy/approach of the book quite explicit, then work hard to provide practical advice, case studies and research to make the book as practically useful as possible.

daughters reach puberty. The truth is that no one understands teenage girls, not even teenage girls. Fathers do not need to understand their daughters; they need to maintain contact no matter what. The book also gives a whole lot of practical suggestions for dealing with issues like eating disorders, alcohol, drugs, and sex.

Although I give myself a year to write each book, like most people, I work better under pressure so most of the actual writing is done in the last three months.

‘Before Your Teens Drive You Crazy Read This’

The reality is that books are simply the most efficient way of talking to more parents and providing them with useful advice to deal with the issue that are driving them crazy.

1. The power dynamics have changed & teenagers feel there is a shift in authority in their favour. 2. There are physical changes during puberty. 3. There are changes in brain development that accompany puberty. 4. Teenagers are influenced by popular teen culture. 5. There are peer pressures on teenagers. 6. Teenagers are influenced by social pressures such as drinking & drugs.

What are the basic premises of your other books? ‘Mothers Raising Sons’ In that book I’ve focused on dispelling much of what has been written about mothers and sons, especially the nonsense about how mothers are ‘toxic’ for their sons. We hear a lot about how good male role models are essential for boys, and that makes a lot of mums raising boys on their own feel guilty. What I propose is that good parental models are essential for boys. Although male role models are good for boys, single mothers should not feel guilty if there are no blokes in their boys’ immediate lives. ‘Fathers Raising Daughters’ There is a popular belief that men don’t understand their daughters and they withdraw emotionally when their

In order to relate to your teenagers you need to consider:

The book gives parents a framework to understand why teenagers are the way they are and a set of practical principles to figure out what to do when you hit the bumps.

More Information Nigel Latta P: +64 3 474 1366

People in Focus Politically Incorrect Parenting: Before Your Kids Drive You Crazy Author: Nigel Latta

Speech & Language Assessments Autism Spectrum up to $12,000 Support Available No Wait Lists

This book is full of real life case studies and professional answers to parenting issues, workable parenting strategies and action plans. It is written in simple communication and with humour. It is embellished by case studies, practical advice and summarised at the end of most chapter topics. This book is an essential guide for parents with 0 - 10 year old kids. Nigel Latta is a father of two boys and a family therapist who has researched and lived by his advice. He specialises in working with children with simple to severe behavioural problems. Nigel is a media commentator and presenter; he has had two television series adapted from his books ‘Beyond the Darklands’ and ‘The Politically Incorrect Parenting Show’ in New Zealand and Australia. He also has had a regular parenting segment on national radio.

Nigel summarises his advice in 10 points that include practical advice on: 1. Creating a relationship bond 2. Attention grabbing is at the heart of all kids behaviour 3. Learn to like as well as love your kids 4. Reinforce behaviours you want more of 5. Establish boundaries Age Guide: Parents/Carers Extent: 272 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781869508654 Price: AU$27.99 Publisher: HarperCollins Australia P: 02 9952 5000

JELLY BEANS AND BANANAS Babies and children often look a little bent over in a jelly bean or banana shape. Sometimes this is the only sign of physical restrictions in the body. Others present with a concern: Difficult delivery Ear infections

Settling Slow to crawl or walk

Kim Wheeler, Bianca Oehme, Eleanor Fernon University trained, Registered Osteopaths, AOA Members WARNERS BAY OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC Suite 9, 478 The Esplanade, Warners Bay NSW 2282 P: 02 4947 3099| F: 02 4947 3088 E: www.

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Get Ahead KidsÂŽ Partners

Boy vs Beast Battle of the Worlds Author: Mac Park


A real parenting website portal, by parents for parents. Share your stories, experiences, or simply read some helpful hints.


Pilates, Brass Band, Choir, Chess, Table Tennis, Judo, Akido Kickboxing Boxing, Gymnastics, Circus, Dancing, Fencing

P: 4961 4493 |

Kai Masters, a border guard and beast battler defends the wall that protects Earth from the invading beasts of Beastium. Together with his talking robotic canine BC, they use a selection of battle gear to help save Earth. Kai is hoping to gain enough experience and upgrades to be a Border Master, just like his father and grandfather. Every battle brings him one step closer. This series is a great reading companion for young boys, who are often reluctant to read. Each book has large font and limited words per page. The black and white illustrations help to enhance the readers’ experience. The two double page graphic novel spread is a great idea as they allow readers to take a break from reading and immerse themselves into the dangerous battle scenes. Book 1: Aquathan ISBN: 9781741690378 Dead fish and green slime can only mean one thing - a beast is threatening Earth. Armed with a selection of gadgets, Kai and BC take on the water beast Serpinitan.

30 Get Ahead KidsÂŽ Jul/Aug 10

Book 2: Terradon ISBN: 9781741690378 A wag of BC’s tail means trouble. The dynamic duo find themselves battling the hot advances of Terraminisaur. Book 3: Infernix ISBN: 9781741690378 A small fire that can only be put out with foam starts an adventure to Infernix, where Kai and BC battle the Flamaxagon. Book 4: Tornados ISBN: 9781741690378 Facing their toughest opponent yet, Kai and BC take to the skies to battle Tormaxidactyl and the strong winds. Age Guide: 6+ Years Series: Boy Vs Beast Extent: 80 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780545150590 Price: AU$9.99 each Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3523


Deltora Quest Stick Dudes

Author: Emily Rodda On his sixteenth birthday, Lief, the son of a blacksmith, faces the greatest challenge of his life. He is on a quest to find the seven magical gems stolen from the Belt of Deltora. When reunited in the Belt, these gems will empower the heir to the throne of Deltora and free the people from the evil tyranny of the Shadow Lord. Each book covers the challenge that Lief and his friends undertake to recover one of the seven stones. These books can be read as a series or as a standalone adventure and are captivating for young and old. Beware parents and children, you will not be able to put down these books once you have started them!

Emily is one of Australia’s most successful, popular and versatile writers and has won the Children’s Book Council of ‘Australia Book of the Year’ Award an unprecedented five times. Book 1: The Forests of Silence ISBN: 9781741697520 Book 3: City of the Rats ISBN: 9781741697735 Book 4: The Shifting Sands ISBN: 9781741697742 Age Guide: 8-16 Years Extent: 120 Pages (Paperback) Price: AU$14.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3523

and red illustrations throughout, this book will warm your heart.

Potato Music Author: Christina Booth Illustrator: Pete Groves Potato Music is an inspiring book about how war can bring you down, but it can’t take away the music that keeps your hopes and dreams alive. Accompanied with orange

This is an engaging feel good story that keeps you interested throughout. Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781862917880 Price: AU$26.99 Publisher: Omnibus For Scholastic P: 02 4328 3523

Author & Illustrator: Felice Arena Felice Arena has created an easy to follow series of books about the adventures of 4 friends, Ben, Marty, Johnno and Tubs, also known as the stick dudes. Each book features comic style illustrations on every page, ideal for primary school aged children. Readers can also show off their artistic skills in the back of the books, as there are areas to create your own stick dude. Stick Dudes #2: The Secret Four-ce ISBN: 9781741695502 Students are losing their valuables at school. Stick Dudes, Ben, Marty, Johnno and Tubs have created a secret spy team to help find the criminal and recover the stolen items. Stick Dudes #3: Champions of the World ISBN: 9781741696936 World Cup fever has hit town and when a local four-on-four soccer competition is announced, Ben, Marty, Johnno and Tubs are keen to show off their skills to their heroes. Age Guide: 4+ Years Series: Stick Dudes Extent: 32 pages each (Paperback) Price: AU$16.95 Publisher: Little Steps Publishing P: 02 9453 1230



Alby and the Cat: Show Business

Bindi Wildlife Adventures: Trouble at The Zoo

Author: Leanne Davidson Illustrator: Kim Dingwall

Author: Chris Kunz

Alby, the guide dog, is miffed at Cat that wanders in his house, criticising his guide contraption and sleeping on his back. But when the Cat disappears Alby is concerned about his whereabouts. This book is written in an interesting conversational style and is a heart warming tale of friendship between a dog and cat and the helpful role of the guide dog to his blind master. It’s a great book for parents to read to young kids and outstanding first reader. Age Guide: 4-8 Years Series: Ripper Reads Extent: 84 pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780980724110 Price: AU$7.95 Publisher: LJD Books

Bindi’s 11th Birthday party at Australia Zoo is a celebration to be enjoyed by all visitors. It is a dress up affair with animal rides and shows. But the surly 10 year old Zac who shares his birthday with Bindi, decides to take home one of the eastern water dragons and hides it in his backpack. A light hearted series of events highlight the message that you must not steal animals from the zoo. This is a festive, feel good tale that is a great introduction to the animals and events of Australia Zoo. Age Guide: 4-7 Years Extent: 96 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781864719963 Price: AU$9.95 Publisher: Random House Australia P: 02 8923 9803

You Author: Stephen Michael King Illustrator: Donna Rawlins ‘You’ is a story about having a special friendship that makes the world a better place, more colourful, musical and exciting. The crayon-like illustrations and splash of colours, suit the story perfectly. Heartwarming tale of the special connection to people we love, this is a great book to read aloud to your kids aged 1 - 3 to show them how special they are to you! Age Guide: 1-3 Years Extent: 32 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781741696226 Price: AU$19.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3523

For more great reviews visit

The Heart of the Forest Author: Barry Jonsberg Illustrator: Craig Phillips Keely always takes the lead and looks after her sick twin brother Aaron. But after spending a night lost in the depths of the Blue Mountains, Keely allows Aaron to lead them out of the forest and in the arms of her Mum and Dad.

32 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

This is a poignant tale of family relationships, feelings of being lost, and twin connections right up to the surprise ending. Age Guide: 9-6 Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781862918139 Price: AU$11.99 Publisher: Omnibus for Scholastic P: 02 4328 3523


Thea Stilton and the Ghost of the Shipwreck

Surf Ache

Astroblast!: Code Blue

Author: Gerry Bobsien

Author & Illustrator: Bob Kolar

Author: Thea Stilton

This is a coming of age story, about family, surfing, friendship and choices.

A space monkey is faced with an alarm ‘G’ in the Astroblast Snack Shack whilst his crew were out doing other jobs in space. The space monkey rounds up his friends in time to make ‘E’ treats for the Aliens.

During a marine biology lesson at Mouseford Academy, Thea and her friends learn about a mysterious shipwreck and a rare diamond called ‘Jasmine’s Heart’. When the handsome Professor Van Kraken disappears, the Thea sisters embark on a rescue mission in the depths of the ocean in search of him. Later the sisters receive an invitation to travel to China to find another missing treasure. This is a fun and informative adventure with many twists, turns and activities. It also presents a great way of learning more about topics such as Morse Code, Galleon, Whales, flares and The Great Wall of China, whilst enjoying a great tale. Age Guide: 8-13 Years Extent: 176 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780545150590 Price: AU$14.99 Publisher: Scholastic P: 02 4328 3523

Ella’s world is shaken when she moves from Melbourne to Newcastle leaving behind her dance school, boyfriend and best girlfriend. Ella soon discovers that she has a natural talent for surfing and even finds a new boyfriend to share her new passion. This is a great teenage tale that will appeal to all teenage girls regardless of their surfing prowess. The author, Gerry Bobsien lives in Newcastle Australia with her family. She is an artist, blacksmith and curator and is currently the Director of the Lock-Up Cultural Centre.

This is an unusual first reader with activities on each page that include assembling tools, navigating mazes, fit-out moon rocks, find hidden numbers and letters before they can enjoy the space snacks. Age Guide: 3-8 Years Extent: 40 pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780545121040 Price: AU$12.99 Publisher: Scholastic Inc. P: 02 4328 3523

Extent: 269 Pages (Paperback)

Reading Problems? Struggling with phonics? Auditory Processing Delay?

ISBN: 9781921150920

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Age Guide: 13+ Years

Price: AU$16.95 Publisher: Walker Books Australia P: 02 9517 9577

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Article Themes 2010 January/February

Advertisers Index

Back to School Ad Booking Deadline Nov 6, 2009

Alphabet Street


Editorial Deadline Nov 11, 2009

Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College





Central Coast Grammar School


Physical Education

d_skin Australia


Ad Booking Deadline Feb 5, 2010

Essential Moves


Editorial Deadline Feb 12, 2010

Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown


Get Ahead Learning



Global Style


Languages & Communications

The Great Aussie Bush Camp


Ad Booking Deadline Mar 26, 2010


Editorial Deadline Apr 6, 2010

Hunter Christian School


Hunter Valley Grammar School


I Can Read System




International Child Care College


Interrelate Family Centres


Macquarie College


Maitland Christian School


Maitland Mutual Building Society


Metroll Newcastle


NCP Printing


Newcastle Grammar School


Summer Learning



Ad Booking Deadline Nov 19, 2010



Editorial Deadline Nov 26, 2010

Rajeunir Beauty Clinic




St Philips Christian College


Warners Bay Osteopathic Clinic


July/August Learning Innovations & Technology Ad Booking Deadline May 28, 2010 Editorial Deadline Jun 4, 2010

September/October Study & Assessment Ad Booking Deadline Aug 6, 2010 Editorial Deadline Aug 13, 2010



10 5 • Sep/ Oct Vol. 2 • No.

27 & 30

For more advertising information please contact Maria Charlton |E: | P: 02 4929 7766

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Celebrity Spotlight Mem Fox Author of ‘Possum Magic’ Study & Assessment

Sep/Oct 2010 34 Get Ahead Kids® Jul/Aug 10

Activity Zone

Invention Connection This is a little tricky. Test your knowledge and see if you can match the creators on the right with their innovations on the left?


Electric Battery

Wilhelm Conrad RĂśntgen


Cigarette Lighter

Dr. David Warren


Rubber Band (Vulcanized Rubber)

Dr. John O’Sullivan & Australian CSIRO team


Safety pin

Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner


Passenger Elevator

Stephen Perry


Electric iron

Sir Alec John Jeffreys


Contact Lenses

Dr. Fiona Wood


X-ray Imaging

Dr. Martin Cooper


Stop-motion film

John Shepherd-Barron



James Stuart Blackton



Douglas Engelbert


Credit Card

Alessandro Volta


White Correction Fluid

George de Mestral


Black Box Flight Recorder

Frank McNamara


Computer Mouse (Wheel based)

Walter Hunt


Automated Teller Machine

Adolf Fick


Cellular phone

Elisha Graves Otis


DNA profiling

Henry W. Seeley


Spray-on-skin Technology (Burn Victims)

Sir Alexander Fleming


Internet WiFi

Bette Nesmith Graham

Visit for the answers.


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