Get Ahead Kids Magazine Vol. 4. No. 2. Mar/Apr 2012

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Vol. 4 • No. 2 • Mar/Apr 2 012


An Interview with

o d n a m m o C e Th Physical Education Special Cycling for Family Health Too Much Exercise Can Be a Sign That Something Is Wrong March/April 2012 Subscription $6.60 AUD INC GST 02

Mindful Movement: Exercises for Body Appreciation Steps to Improve Your Family Wellness Physical Activity for Kids Who Suffer from Anxiety




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Mar/Apr 2012


This Month’s





Editorial Your Letters


Spotlight An Interview with The Commando

An Interview with The Commando Photos Courtesy of Network Ten. Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2012 Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766

Physical Education 8

Cycling for Family Health


Mindful Movement: Exercises for Body Appreciation


Too Much Exercise Can Be a Sign That Something Is Wrong


Steps to Improve Your Family Wellness


Physical Activity for Kids Who Suffer from Anxiety Health


Minimise the Pain of Backpacks


Eyes on the Ball


Depression News


The Youngest Member Joins Circus Avalon


New DIY Aquaponics


“Scooby-Doo Live! Musical Mysteries” On Tour


100% Kids Expo 2012

Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766


Newcastle Grammar School Shines in the 2011 HSC!


Baby Ballerinas & Co Annual Concert

Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766


Sesame Street Family Passes Giveaway


100% Kids Expo 2012 LeapFrog Pack Giveaway


LeapFrog Tag Giveaway


Reptile Park Giveaway




Advertisers Index

Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.


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Editorial This issue’s celebrity in focus Steve Willis (the Commando) provides invaluable advice to families on the benefits of good nutrition and an active lifestyle. The Physical Education issue offers well researched advice to parents with kids up to 25 years about ways to get fit and active using cycling or mindful walking. Also included is an insightful article on ways that physical activity can help children who suffer from anxiety. June Alexander provides great precautionary hints on the dangers of obsessive exercise and rigid dieting. The international medical charity Medikidz provides informed advice

I enjoyed the article on the transition to high school, as it not only gave an overview of the issues but provided a link to further reading. I also appreciated the article on higher education. It is great to find articles geared to the high school ages.


R. Brown , Glendale NSW

Australian Literacy Clinic Pty Ltd Assessment, Planning & Intervention for Children with Reading Difficulties. Specialist Clinics Located in Maitland & Newcastle

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Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

I enjoyed the Vanessa Amorosi interview. I remember seeing her perform when she was starting out as a teenager and now seeing her make a successful career in the music industry, is very inspiring to a lot of young people. J. Desira , Greystanes NSW I found the article ‘Giving Your Child Every Chance in Kindergarten’ very interesting as I never thought about having my childs’ eyes and ears tested before attending school. I also found the checklist very useful as I now know what some of the key problem signs are. I will definately be passing this article on to friends with young children. T. Sucker, Woodberry NSW

on depression and how children and adults can recognise and overcome this medical issue. Checkout our great giveaways that include family passes to the Reptile Park and great LeapFrog packs! To encourage and reward our digital subscribers we are making available two family passes to Elmo’s World Tour on Wednesday 21 March at Civic Theatre. Maria Charlton Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766

teaching us to be mindful. How easily we forget, or write it off as ridiculous, but after reading this article, I think perhaps it’s a family practice that we should reinstate. It’s all too easy as a parent to be neglectful of the pressures children are under sometimes kids’ problems can seem so trivial compared to bills and mortgages. It’s good to be reminded that stress rubs off and kids have their worries too. Stress affects everyone and manifests in different ways. It’s useful to be given some techniques to manage it and to have an insight into some behavioural patterns that may at first seem unmanageable. We’ll all be much happier for this article and the work being done to lift the lid on the pressure pot. Simply put, I found myself being more mindful by the time I’d finished reading and will go away and practice being present with my kids, right now. A. Spunde, Rangeville QLD

Please send letters and stories with your name and contact details to Get Ahead Kids®

‘Mindfulness for Managing Your Kids’ Stress’ was an interesting article. I have always wondered why Grandma used to say ‘You should chew your food 30 times’, now I know... she was

Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 F: 02 4929 7827

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Why is it important for people to participate in systematic physical activity? It’s about quality of life, if you lose sight of that and stop exercising you’ll get sick. It’s important for children so that they can learn the importance of staying healthy when it comes to standing on their own two feet. How do you stay motivated to train consistently? By setting goals and deciding what is most important in life. To stay focused and on track you must decide what the five most important things are to you in life and prioritise them. In doing this you must also accept that you have to sacrifice to achieve these goals. For me staying physically active and staying on my game transfers into everything else that I do in life. What are your career highlights? I have many career highlights including my years in the military. I found it challenging when I first joined up but I worked through that and had a fantastic career spanning over ten years. When I left the military I chose to take on another path and help others improve their quality of life. I want everyone out there who is prepared to listen to have and enjoy a similar quality of life if they are prepared to put in the hard work. Another highlight is my role on the Biggest Loser as the Commando but it’s also what I have gotten from that. It’s not just being part of the The Biggest Loser; there are other areas that have come from that like doing corporate talks and working with children and also running the boot camps that I do.

What was your first job? My very first job, the way I see it was when I wanted a mountain bike when I was a youngster. Rather than my parents just going and buying it for me, my father said “if you want the mountain bike, you’ll have to go out and earn the money to pay for it yourself”. I used to do a paper run 3 mornings a week before school and 5 days a week after school. I can’t remember how much I was paid - it wasn’t very much! I hated it! My father calculated that by doing a paper run and riding to school I used to ride around 400 or 500km a week! What prompted you to pursue a career in the fitness industry? I’ve always been physically active, when I was a youngster I remember watching the body builders on the TV screen and thinking ‘yeah that’s me, I want to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger’, then realising that there is a lot that goes into doing that. As much as I enjoy training in the gym, body building isn’t exactly what I was looking for. Playing team sports in school and then going to the military which is very physically active, helped. Getting into the fitness industry was about helping people improve their quality of life. What do you most enjoy about your role on The Biggest Loser? Seeing the contestants’ transformations and how quickly they can do it! We hear criticism from time to time about rapid weight loss but being morbidly obese or overweight is going to kill you faster than losing weight at a rapid pace. There are so many health complications that come with being overweight - the list is endless!

Can you explain what CrossFit is & why it appeals to you? CrossFit is a methodology that I have embraced; it is the type of training I’ve been doing my whole life really, but with no absolute direction. When I found CrossFit it gave me direction and it detailed a little more about what I was doing and gave reasons as to why I was doing it. This made it a lot easier for me to digest and as a trainer it made it a lot easier for me to impart that knowledge and share with others. Essentially, CrossFit is increasing your work capacity over time regardless of your fitness level. It is about pushing your individual boundaries and benchmarking against yourself. You are training for the unknown and unknowable.



What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

would be one of my friends who started as a client. He has cerebral palsy and I was the only one game to take him on and train him - no one knew much about cerebral palsy and how to train someone with it.

I’m a bit of a gym junkie so I really like to get out there and do some wild and hairy things, but having a family I don’t always get time to do that. I enjoy spending time with my family and enjoying life. I really like training and competing (in CrossFit). That all takes up most of my spare time!

I was prepared to take him on but I said ‘this is going to be a learning experience for me as much as it’s going to be a learning experience for you!’ he was appreciative and understanding of that, and we have formed a great friendship and bond outside of the gym.

You have a strong ‘no excuses’ mentality, how do you encourage & help people to overcome their excuses & barriers when it comes to exercise? Overcoming excuses and barriers relates to the CrossFit methodology and things being relative both physiologically and psychologically. People need to accept responsibility for their health. It can come across quite direct and pointy but that’s what I try to impart on people - that you need to do the best you can with what you have. Some days you’ll feel on top of the world and other days you’ll feel down in the dumps. When you work around that, you’ll see improvements tenfold. The big thing is consistency, a lot of the lessons are learnt through doing things when the chips are down and you feel like everything is against you. I guess the no excuses principle is about not giving up the fight, always be prepared to fight for what it is that you want. Please tell us about your family. I have three children; two daughters and one son and of course a lovely wife. The girls are in preschool and high school and my son is seven months old. It’s a young family, it’s a challenge, and everyone has their ups and downs. I think I learn as much from my kids as I do from training adults - if not more!


Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

What is your biggest frustration/pet hate?

What he is capable of doing now is 100 times better than when he walked in the door that first day and it is quite humbling. If he can do it, anyone can do it.

He is a 70kg man who struggled to walk and stand on his own two feet, now he can deadlift 180kg and press weights People need to ask themselves above his head where he once wasn’t ‘hang on, why can’t I achieve today even able to lift a broom handle. And like I normally do? Maybe I’ve had he can run! less sleep or worked late and am What advice would you give future really tired.’ athletes keen to get the best out of Don’t try and measure yourself up themselves? against the last time you did it - you have to weigh up all the factors and Work your weaknesses! Too often I see not say ‘no I can’t’. Let’s do the best people who are very gifted but they always work skill sets that are within their you can with what you have. comfort zone. You can’t dangle your Contestants on the Biggest Loser toes in the water, you’ve got immerse have spent their whole lives making yourself, jump in and be prepared to excuses and not being able to do the hard work. Work the things that control their bodies and all of a you struggle with the most! That will sudden they are thrown in the mix strengthen and solidify your foundations and have to stand on their own two and you will be a much better, stronger feet and become accountable. athlete for it. It takes a lot of persuasion from What are your top 5 tips for a healthy & the trainers - talks and (for me) active family lifestyle? getting a little angry. But eventually 1. Decide what you want most in life, they come around and eliminate make a list of what is most important excuses; you have to look for the to you. positives in the negatives. Resorting back to childlike behaviours and having tantrums.

Who or what are your biggest inspirations? There are so many people that I have drawn inspiration from but if I was to say one particular person - it

2. Figure out what it is you are prepared to do to achieve those goals (or whatever it may be). In doing that, it becomes about the person as a whole and it ties in.

Spotlight 3. Nutrition - focus on improving nutritional habits - start somewhere e.g. cutting out starchy foods like bread and cereal and cut out sugar. Sugar is bad news! Nutrition is very straight forward, don’t ever be told otherwise. 4. Exercise - Walk 3 times a week or increase incidental exercise. Walk instead of driving, instead of sitting around watching TV, get out and go for a walk and enjoy the outdoors. 5. Consistency - you have to have consistency to see any level of results. It will not happen overnight; the reward will come with time. You’ve got to be patient and have discipline and determination to see it through. Do you think that in every family there needs to be an instigator for exercise & family nutritional habits? The instigator doesn’t have to be the male or female in the household but there will be a natural leader. With children I truly believe that the life’s lessons learnt by children are the ones that are unspoken, they are the everyday actions that parents do that rub off on children. It’s the way we’re tuned. Look at yourself and the way you act and your children are really a mirror of who you are.

Biography Born in Queensland in 1976, Steve Willis had a competitive streak from an early age - cricket, bike riding and in the gym. Steve served as a Counter Terrorism Team Commander in the Australian Special forces before becoming a coach and CrossFit ambassador. With a harsh work ethic, Steve is a fierce supporter for the foundations and principals of CrossFit, which specialises in functional movements combined into high intensity, varied workouts to maximise athletic performance. Steve stands for “knowledge is power; power to perform; power to achieve,” and practices what he preaches - with a harsh training and work schedule, Steve Willis has no time for excuses. He is currently coaching contestants of the 2012 Biggest Loser Australia television series.

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ndale! Free fun at Stockland Gle Join the my funland club today. It’s free and packed with fun!

Stockland Glendale

Commando Steve: No Excuses! Author: Steve Willis From his modest upbringing in Queensland, Steve provides a rare insight to the man behind the Commando. After serving 10 years in the Australian Special forces, Steve has become a coach, a CrossFit ambassador and is a trainer on the Biggest Loser Australia. ‘No Excuses’ weaves Steve’s life story with success stories from his Biggest Loser contestants, exercises, meal suggestions, and full page photos. This is an inspirational story and a great read for fitness enthusiasts and Commando fans. Age Guide: 13+ Years Extent: 192 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781741669473 Price: AU$34.95 Publisher: Random House P: 03 9753 4511


3 -12 years

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Physical Education


Movies for Parents with Babies Every Wednesday morning you can relax & enjoy a movie. We keep the lights dimmed so you can feed & monitor your children with ease. Tickets are cheap. Under 5 are FREE!

Cycling for Family Health

Physical inactivity is a major contributor to poor health in Australia. Approximately half of the Australian population doesn’t get enough daily activity, which significantly increases their risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 Diabetes and obesity. A lack of physical activity also increases the risks of breast and bowel cancer, depression and anxiety.

Increasing your physical activity through riding a bike is an effective method of improving health and fostering social connections. Offer does not run during school holidays or on public holidays.

The potential of riding a bike to increase physical activity levels in families is significant, as cycling: • Can be undertaken by a variety of people of different ages & fitness levels


Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

• Is affordable • Can be done as a family & easily integrated into family life • Is a great form of transport • Reduces environmental impact • Appeals to people who wish to avoid high impact forms of physical activity • Can introduce life-long healthy habits Cycling is becoming increasingly popular in Australia. In the last ten years, there has been a 45% increase in the number of adults choosing to ride a bike, a trend which does not appear to be slowing. In 2011, in a typical week, over four million Australians chose to ride a bike for fun, transport or sport.

Physical Education Methods for encouraging cycling include: • Prioritising forms of active travel including riding & walking to schools over cars (this will make it safer for all children) • Behaviour change programs targeting ride to work & school • Including bicycle education in school curriculums for all students • Social marketing campaigns including TravelSmart, Ride to School & Ride to Work • Creating an urban design environment more conducive to cycling • Providing safe, attractive & enjoyable on and off road bicycle routes • Encouraging role models to ride including teachers and students

These programs can be successful in encouraging people to take up cycling or ride a bicycle more often. As Australians continue to lead increasingly busy lifestyles, cycling is in a unique position for its ability to enable people to integrate physical activity into everyday living. Cycling offers a wide range of additional benefits when used as an alternative to the private automobile. Cycling is a carbon neutral, petrol free form of transport, simultaneously helping Australians fight climate change and reduce fuel costs.

The quality teaching, outstanding facilities, balance of academic, sporting and cultural endeavours combine to make HVGS the right learning environment for your child. Every day is open day at HVGS. Make an appointment & see for yourself!


More Information Cycling Promotion Fund Ground floor, 616 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 P: 03 9533 3172

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Physical Education

Mindful Movement: Exercises for Body Appreciation

By Kara Matheson

It is a normal part of growing up to feel awkward, unattractive and to dislike your body for one reason or another. Many people feel that their body is too fat, too short, too tall, too slow or too ‘ugly’, as if there is some ideal way that it should be.

This is very different to most exercise classes, which focus only on what the body is doing. In such bodyoriented exercise there tends to be little explicit care given to what is going on in the mind, and how the body and mind affect each other.

They may never feel completely comfortable with the way their body is, nor completely at home in their body.

Another form of Mindful Movement is Mindful Walking. This involves focusing on the sensations in your feet, or your legs, or maybe feeling your whole body moving. You can notice the tiny movements in the muscles in your feet as they adjust to keep you balanced. You slowly lift one foot off the floor, gently swing it forward, then lower it again, all in slow motion.

Any deep feelings of this kind that you or your child might have can change with a mindful experience of the body. When practicing Mindful Movement, you tune into your body, into sensations and movements which you normally tune out because they are so familiar, and get in touch with how wonderful it is to have your body, no matter what it looks or feels like. One form of Mindful Movement is gentle stretching and strengthening exercise. This is done very slowly, without striving to change yourself, and without forcing yourself to do more than your body can safely achieve. In this exercise you practice accepting your body as you find it, from one moment to the next, as you stretch, or lift parts of the body, or balance.

10 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

Because we tend to live life so unconsciously, we take things like the ability to walk for granted. When you pay attention to it, you will appreciate that it is an amazing balancing act, given the small surface area of the feet. This is the essence of Mindful Movement: learning to notice, appreciate, and enjoy the wonder of the body you have. Some fun ways that you can help your children to connect mindfully with their body include: ❑❑ Practice Mindful Walking with your kids ❑❑ Stop & ask them what they noticed in their body when they walked really slowly, & what feelings & thoughts they noticed

❑❑ Then walk faster ❑❑ Stop & ask them what they noticed in their body this time. Did they notice feelings & thoughts as they walked quickly? Were they different this time? ❑❑ Do Mindful Walking again ❑❑ Again ask what they noticed in their body when they walked really slowly, & what feelings & thoughts they noticed There is much to appreciate and enjoy in your body when you meet it mindfully. Source: Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. ‘Full Catastrophe Living. Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness.’ Dela Trade Paperbacks (2009).

About Kara Matheson

Kara Matheson teaches Mindful Movement as a part of her Mindful Kids and Parents Course. Kara offers this course face-to-face and online, for groups and individuals. Kara is a trained and experienced teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for adults and children.

More Information Kara Matheson

2F a to GmilyNews ive Pass e a Va lue way! s $14 d at 3.6 0

Sesame Street Friends Are Visiting a Theatre Near You He’s red, he’s furry, he’s larger than life, he’s Elmo! Everyone’s favourite red monster and all his Sesame Street friends are coming to Australian Theatre in 2012! Life Like Touring Australia is proud to announce a big national theatre tour of the new show “Sesame Street Presents Elmo’s World Tour”. This new musical show, which will make stops throughout the country, sees the Sesame Street gang on an adventure through imagination learning on how people sing and dance and say hello in different places round the world. In a theatre first, Sesame Workshop granted Life Like Touring the rights to develop, write and tour a brand new Sesame Street stage show in Australia. This new production will hit the stage at some of Australia’s finest metropolitan theatres from March 2012, and tour the nation to a huge number of regional centres. Sesame Street has delighted and educated Australian children since it first began airing on ABC TV in 1971. Since that time, the popular TV series has been a mainstay not only for Australian audiences on the ABC but for countless viewers the world over who enjoy local Sesame Street programs in over 150 countries. By 2006, Sesame Street had become “the most widely viewed children’s

television show in the world”, with 20 international independent versions featuring locally developed Sesame Street Muppets addressing the needs of children in that country. Sesame Street has won 10 Grammy Awards and 138 Emmy Awards – more than any other children’s TV program. In “Sesame Street Presents Elmo’s World Tour”, the Sesame Street gang; Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Big Bird, Grover, Zoe and Cookie Monster use the letters of the alphabet to navigate an imaginative voyage to China, Zambia, France, India and Australia! Elmo and his friends have fun learning how people sing and dance and say hello in different places around the world, but things don’t go to plan when Cookie Monster eats a letter of the alphabet.

tal Digi ibers scr Sub nly! O With special thanks to Life Like Touring, Get Ahead Kids® has 2 Family Passes to ‘Elmo’s World Tour’ valued at approx. $143.60 each to giveaway to GET AHEAD KIDS DIGITAL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! The Family Passes entitle 4 people entry (under 12 mths are free on the knee) to ‘Elmo’s World Tour’, Wednesday 21 March, 10:00am at the Civic Theatre, Newcastle. Visit, follow the subscribe link and sign up to the free digital magazine (must be subscribed by 12 March 2012 to be eligible). Subscribers will receive a special link via email for entry to the giveaway.

Hopefully Abby Cadabby can find the right spell to help. Along the way, audiences will delight in hearing a sensational tale from The Count and will get to help backpacking rubber-duckies find a place to stay with Bert and Ernie. Featuring classic Sesame Street songs alongside catchy new tunes, “Sesame Street Presents Elmo’s World Tour” looks set to delight Sesame Street fans of all ages.

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Too Much Exercise

Can Be a Sign That Something Is Wrong By June Alexander

Exercise is good, but excessive or compulsive exercise can be dangerous.

Kristen At age 13, Kristen embraced the outdoors and enjoyed cross-country running at school. She was not overweight, had never been a big eater, ate little junk food and was not concerned about her body image, but she did want to improve her personal best running times. One way to do this, she decided, would be to lose a little weight, so she would have less to carry. “I thought if I am thinner, I will run faster’,” Kristen said. “I don’t think there was any trigger to this thought except one day at school we had a ‘beep test’, where I was weighed and ran for a fitness assessment, and I became determined to improve my times. I just started to cut back my food and I kind of had my own set of rules, which got bigger and bigger. “

The sports teacher confronted Kristen and asked if she was okay. Kristen broke down; feeling scared at her ‘secret’ being revealed, and said ‘I think I have anorexia’. Her dad said: “As a parent, to see your child want to exercise is great. We had begun to think she was becoming a little obsessive about her cross country training, running laps around our backyard, but we didn’t know that was only part of it we didn’t know she was exercising behind closed doors, so her illness was out of control before we knew about it.” Kristen was right: she had developed anorexia nervosa.

Kelly Kelly’s childhood was filled with a love of the outdoors. She played soccer and netball, did surf lifesaving and competitive swimming and later on took up long distance running.

“First I got rid of all takeaways; No more fish and chips, hamburgers, chocolate, sweets, sauces, gravy or cream. My mother didn’t seem to mind so long as I still ate healthy foods.”

A conscientious student, Kelly enjoyed school and achieved high marks with little effort. But when she was 14, kids at school called her fat. She became more self-conscious and food-conscious and began to compete in cross-country running.

Kristen stepped up her exercise at the same time. Her cross-country times were improving; she ran until she was exhausted and then would run some more. “We have about an acre in our back yard and I ran in the dark at night, and in the morning before my parents got up,” Kristen said. “I did this until they started catching on to it.”

She began avoiding desserts and food containing fats, preferring fruit and vegetables. During Year 9, she stepped up her involvement in sport, especially netball. She played in as many as five teams and was selected in the regional schoolgirls’ team that played at state level.

Her parents’ concern grew when Kristen’s sports teacher called to say that measurements of weight and height taken in a second beep test had revealed a marked weight loss.

She also trained with a squad for cross-country running. She had never been overweight but people were commenting on how fit and athletic she was looking and she was clocking personal best times with her

12 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

running. At this time, Kelly’s exercise program did not seem obsessive to her parents. “We thought she was just ‘doing sport’,” her dad said. Shortly after, Kelly left home to compete in a netball championship and came home 2kg lighter. She was not eating enough food to compensate for her activity but was determined to next play in her team’s netball grand final. Kelly was incapable of participating in the netball grand final. Her weight crashed. She had to pull out of school, unable to complete Year 9. Kelly had developed anorexia nervosa.

Matthew At first Matthew’s parents thought his rapid weight loss must be part of a growth spurt because ‘surely 10-year-old boys don’t get eating disorders?’ Matthew had been a typical chubby little boy, full of laughter and happiness. The nightmare had accelerated when Matthew became obsessed with exercising and increasingly fussy about what he would eat. He developed a self-loathing, which deepened each time he looked in the mirror, checking his fat. “I’m a hippopotamus!” he shrieked in horror when he looked into the mirror and tugged his cheeks with his hands. Matthew had a beautiful round face, complete with dimples, but to him it appeared fat and ugly. He remembers how his life began to change. “I decided I had been eating quite a lot and was feeling fat so I began to go for a little jog to help me feel on top of things,” Matthew said.

Physical Education Small but significant events heralded the onset of his illness. A friend had celebrated a birthday by bringing a cake to school to share with the class but when slices were passed around, the normal cake-loving Matthew said he didn’t want any. He was on a get thin mission, progressively eating less and jogging more. His jogs became hour-long and he cut his meals back to one a day. As if these were not enough, he added cycling to his exercise routine. Matthew clung to the belief that losing fat was the key to making everything in his world seem manageable. Therefore he would exercise more and eat less. Matthew had developed anorexia nervosa.

Fine Line There is a fine line between healthy exercise and too much or compulsive exercising. Over exercising can become a tool for gaining a sense of control over life, to manage anxiety or low selfesteem. It’s not a good sign when exercise “has to be done, no matter what” rather than being part of healthy living. Often, children and adolescents who engage in excessive exercise may have disordered eating. Signs that indicate that a child is exercising excessively include: • Obsessive about exercise & sport sessions - even if ill or injured • Frustrated or anxious if an exercise session is missed • Exercise is a ‘must do’: a way to lose weight or feel good • Obsessive about exercise, calorie control & weight • Adds exercise sessions if extra food is consumed • Noticeable weight loss • Skips social activities & responsibilities in order to exercise

Symptoms of eating disorders include: ❑❑ Extreme weight loss (usually about 15% or more of ideal body weight) or a refusal to maintain a healthy weight for age ❑❑ Overvaluing thinness in that nothing in life seems more important than the number on the scale ❑❑ When a child thinks they are overweight or fat while everyone else can clearly see that they are thin ❑❑ For females, missing three consecutive menstrual periods when at an age where regular menses are expected

June Alexander

If your child has two or more of these over-exercising signs or eating disorder symptoms, discuss your concerns with a doctor. The sooner treatment is started, the better the chance of fast and full recovery.

About June Alexander June Alexander grew up on a family dairy farm in Victoria in the 1950s. As one of two daughters, she was her father’s shadow on the farm. Her mother called her ‘Tim’. She attended a one-room primary school. Around puberty she began to experience what today would be called a body image problem. In grade six, she developed anorexia nervosa, a severe psychiatric illness that would challenge and shape her life. A love of the written word became a tool for survival. A journalist since the age of 18, June worked for many years on rural and suburban newspapers as senior writer, editor and newspaper columnist. In the past three years, she has written and edited three books about eating disorders.

My Kid is Back: Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa Authors: June Alexander & Prof. Daniel Le Grange This is a heartwarming book that includes personal experience, case studies, research, information and a list of family help centres in Australia, NZ, Canada, USA and UK. What sets this book apart is that it is readable, nonjudgmental and empathetic. The case studies are mind blowing! Age Guide: Parents Extent: 262 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780522856002 Price: AU$32.99 Publisher: Melbourne University Press

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Physical Education

Steps to Improve Your

Family Wellness It is well documented that many children are not getting enough physical activity. Research suggests that in this time poor society, parents find it easier to sit their children in front of a TV or computer rather than take them out for a walk or a bike ride. Parents need to take responsibility for their children getting enough physical activity. Dr. Ron Eaker says that although some parents might sign their children up for programs thinking they are teaching their children about exercise, “they don’t always make the connection that what they model through their actions and attitudes about exercise impacts their children more than anything else”. It’s not enough for parents to outsource their children’s exercise and expect them to form healthy attitudes about physical activity; parents need to teach them by example. A great way for parents to teach their children is for families to exercise together, which is something he calls “family wellness”.


Jungle Sports

The FIRST CHOICE junior sports program for 18mth-7yr olds! T:(02) 4945 2221


14 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

Some important steps on the journey to family wellness: ❑❑ Get a good night’s sleep. It’s no surprise to those of us with children, that sleep deprivation has been used as a form of torture. A bad night’s sleep can seriously interfere with your health. So, make sure your bedroom is quiet, limit caffeine 12 hours before you go to sleep, stay away from big meals at night and set a regular bedtime and bedtime ritual such as a warm bath and a book. For children, it’s important to get them into a bedtime routine too. Have some quiet time before bed, a warm bath and a story. For infants, a massage before bed can help settle the child, improve sleep, reduce crying and relieve problems such as wind, colic, constipation, reflux and eczema. ❑❑ Get your 2 and 5’s. Adults need 2 portions of fruit and 5 portions of vegetables per day. The amount children need depends on their age. If you, like most parents, struggle to get your children to eat fruit and vegetables why not invest in a juicer? Encourage your children to choose what ingredients they would like and watch as it gets turned into juice. Make a big batch and freeze it in ice cube trays or snap lock bags. ❑❑ Drink more water. Adults should drink at least 8 glasses a day. Sometimes this is easier said than done but it’s important to teach your children that water is the number one source of hydration.

❑❑ Eat dinner as a family around the table, not in front of the TV. This way, you’re more likely to eat slower meaning you’ll not only appreciate your food more but you’ll aid better digestion. ❑❑ Plan your meals - planning your meals means you’re not tempted to pick up takeaway on the way home from work or make a rushed unhealthy decision. Try some assembly cooking where you cook in bulk once a month, stocking up your freezer with yummy supplies so you don’t have to cook every day. ❑❑ Set your alarm 20 minutes earlier so that you’re not rushing around in the morning. You won’t miss that extra 20 minutes especially if you’ve followed the tips above to have a good night’s sleep, but you’ll feel much better for the rest of the day by not starting it stressed. ❑❑ Commit to exercise as a family. Programs such as Jungle Sports are a great way for families to get active together. These unique programs provide parents with fundamental skills to teach their children about sport, not just in the sessions but at home as well. Fun ways of keeping active are the first steps on the journey to a healthy and happy life. And if you’re committing to an activity at the same time each week you are more likely to stick to it.

More Information Jungle Sports Pty Ltd P: 02 4945 2221

100 %K Giv ids E e Va awa xpo lu y! $25 ed at 5.7 3

With special thanks to LeapFrog, Get Ahead Kids® has 1 LeapFrog Pack valued at approx. $255.73 to giveaway to a GET AHEAD KIDS DIGITAL SUBSCRIBERS! The pack consists of: 1x My Puppy Pal Violet RRP $49.95 ea (6mths+)

Get Ahead Kids in Conjunction with LeapFrog With LeapFrog learning toys, your child can leap ahead from as early as six months. The cute and cuddly My Puppy Pal Scout will be your bubs’ best learning friend with activities and songs that introduce learning skills such as first words, daily routines and counting. Teach your toddler that bedtime is book time with Goodnight Scout. With more than 30 simple bedtime discoveries, you and your child can search each page together, pressing the button to hear more. Close the book and press the light for soothing lullabies and dimming lights as Scout and your child settle into sleep. From the age of two, My Own Leaptop provides the first safe and secure computer experience with personalised embedded content. With three modes of play, your child can log onto music, animals, emails, Scout’s blog, letter games and more. They can even download their own music playlist from 20 pre-loaded songs.

As your child grows, LeapFrog continues to offer a fantastic learning experience. From age 4, the award-winning Tag Reading System brings books to life with favourite characters and stories including Toy Story 3, Cars 2, and Disney Fairies Tinkerbell. Most importantly, Parents can connect to the free online LeapFrog Learning Path for customised learning insights and ideas to expand the learning. Each time a child finishes playing with their LeapFrog-connected toy, parents simply connect via USB to their computer to view details about the learning games played, skills engaged and progress made.

More Information

1x Goodnight Scout book RRP $29.99 ea (12mths+) 1x My Own Leaptop purple RRP $49.95 ea (2yrs+) 1x Tag Reading System RRP $59.99 ea (4-8yrs) 1x Tag Toy Story 3 book RRP $21.95 ea (4-8yrs) 1x Tag Cars 2 book, RRP $21.95 ea (4-8yrs) 1x Tag Tinkerbell book RRP $21.95 ea (4-8yrs) Visit the Get Ahead Kids Stand at the 100% Kids Expo 2012 on Sunday, April 22nd, at the Newcastle Jockey Club and subscribe to Get Ahead Kids Digital magazine for your chance to win these fantastic giveaways. Expo subscribers eligible only.

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Physical Activity

for Kids Who Suffer from Anxiety By Michelle Worthington

Physical exercise is important for all kids, but for kids prone to anxiety attacks it can be a means of emotional release. Establishing a routine is extremely important for these kids. Being practical and relaxed during an anxiety attack and giving them physical exercises can improve their state of mind and quality of life. All children have fears as they grow, some worse than others! Fear is a natural response to different and dangerous situations. For kids, responses to some fears can be overwhelming and debilitating. If this is the case for your kids who beforehand appeared to be happy and well adjusted, they may be suffering from an anxiety disorder brought on by separation, divorce or other trauma. The brain is wired to respond to patterns of behaviour. Kids respond to their environment by mentally, emotionally and physically processing external information via a set of instructions that are programmed into their brain.

16 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

But the brain’s programming is adaptable and by changing the brain’s set of instructions, the response will also change. Physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety in kids include: • Stomach pains • Chest pains • Shortness of breath or shallow breathing • Dizziness • Fatigue • Frequent urination & bed wetting • Inconsolable crying • Insomnia • Aggression & anger • Distraction • Depression My eldest son suffers from anxiety. It builds up in him and then all his common sense and reason falls away. He doesn’t like to make a fuss about it, but he also feels like there is nobody who can relate to his anxiety. He works himself up and hyperventilates. He doesn’t want to give in to the feelings of anxiety because he feels like he is letting me down.

This serves to increase his anxiety in a vicious circle. Telling kids to stop having an anxiety attack will only make it worse because in most cases they cannot control it. Encourage them to take deep breaths and let it run its course. It can take up to one hour for a child to recover from the physical and mental effects of an anxiety attack. Give them time in a quiet place with light reading or television to recover. Offer them a big glass of water and encourage them to avoid foods with sugar and caffeine. In order to manage kids with anxiety, it is important to focus on the anxiety triggers. For example being away on holidays can be an anxiety trigger; they are out of their normal routine and environment.

Physical Education

Checklist for Controlling Sports Activity Anxiety ❑❑ Involve kids in their choice of sports ❑❑ Maintain consistency in sports activities ❑❑ Keep children informed about changes to the planned sports activities ❑❑ Encourage kids to deep breath before & after sport ❑❑ Avoid sports drinks ❑❑ Make sure they get sufficient sleep ❑❑ Talk to teachers about their anxiety attacks ❑❑ Teach kids to recognise & take active steps for averting an anxiety attack Let your kids know that playing sport is a safe and pleasant experience. When they know exactly where they stand, they create solid foundations for allowing themselves to relax and unwind. Exposing them to new and different experiences teaches them how to be confident and practical in making decisions.

About Michelle Worthington Michelle released her first picture book, “The Bedtime Band”, with Wombat Books in November 2011. Her first adult nonfiction book “Practically Single; Managing your Money, your Family and your Life During Divorce” will be released by Mostly for Mothers Publishers in May 2012. Two new children’s picture books are contracted for release later this year by Little Steps Publishing. Michelle is a single mother with two boys; they are her inspiration and motivation to be a successful author.

More Information Michelle Worthington

The Bedtime Band Author: Michelle Worthington Illustrator: Sandra Temple ‘The Bedtime Band’ is a great story about a gang of Australian animals who form a bedtime band when the sun goes down. This book is written in simple rhyming verse and is ideal for reading to children as they go to sleep.

Age Guide: 2+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921633577 Price: AU$19.95 Publisher: Wombat Books P: 07 32451 938



Minimise the Pain of Backpacks By Dorte Bladt

School holidays are great: time to unwind, lose the daily routines, have fun frolicking on the beach, bike riding, skate boarding and spending time with family and friends. Going back to school can be a real pain in more ways than one!

School of Choice K-12

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Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College

18 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

According the Chiropractic Association of Australia (CAA), daily backpack carrying is a frequent cause of pain and discomfort for school children: ❑❑ 79.1% of children felt school backpacks were heavy ❑❑ 65.7% found school backpacks caused fatigue ❑❑ 46.1% found they caused back pain A recent study revealed that the children themselves may exacerbate the problems by not using the backpack correctly. ❑❑ 75% of Australian schoolchildren do not use the ergonomic features built into their school backpacks

❑❑ 79% of school bags are full to the point of being over-packed & bulging ❑❑ 90% of school children have bad posture while carrying their school bags Bad posture may be the result of leaning forward trying to cope with the heavy bag, using just one strap or carrying the bag too low. Negative effects of poor posture include: ❑❑ Stress child’s nervous system ❑❑ Pressure on bones & joints ❑❑ Discomfort due to muscle strain ❑❑ Increased vulnerability to injuries ❑❑ Can result in degeneration in the spine & extremities As parents it is important to minimise the strain on our children’s delicate spines and bodies. Backpacks, for all their bad press are a better choice compared to briefcases, duffel bags or one-strap bags. Worn correctly a backpack distributes the load to the strongest parts of the body, with the least strain on muscles and posture.


When you choose a backpack for your child or yourself, CAA has the following recommendations: ❑❑ Two wide, padded & comfortable shoulder straps ❑❑ Waist belt which fits so the weight rests on your pelvis ❑❑ The backpack should be no wider than the chest ❑❑ The length of the pack should be no longer than the length from the shoulders to the waist ❑❑ Adjustable straps so bag will sit with the top at shoulder height & the bottom at the waist ❑❑ The bag should feature several compartments for easy packing Once you have chosen the most comfortable bag, help your child to pack the bag sensibly: ❑❑ Backpacks should weigh 10% or less of your child’s body weight ❑❑ Plan what is needed each day, & leave what is not needed in a locker or at home ❑❑ Place heavier items on the bottom of the bag, as close to the spine as possible ❑❑ Reinforce the importance of wearing the bag on both shoulders. Many of the more fashionable backpack brands do not have the ergonomic features recommended for optimum posture and spinal health. It is important not to give in and purchase the trendy backpacks. It is often possible to purchase decals of the popular surf and skate brands which may then be sewn on to a pocket of the bag to make the ergonomic ones more fashionable.

I see many kids who complain of lower back and shoulder/neck problems when they go back to school. I check their spines to see if there is any abnormal pressure on their joints, muscles or nerves and gently correct if needed and suggest exercises which help strengthen the spine and shoulders as well as increasing awareness of spinal posture. One such exercise is called the Angel: Have the child standing with his/her back against a wall. Flex the elbows to 90 degrees with both hands and elbows touching the wall. Slowly raise the arms to bring the hands above the head until the hands meet. Once the hands meet, slowly glide the arms down again until the elbows touch the side of the body. Repeat 10 times. When performing this exercise the child will feel a gentle movement and contraction of the muscles between the shoulder blades. These muscles are most important for proper posture, and the amazing fact is that they also stimulate an area in the brain which is responsible for both learning and concentration. So they get double the benefit!

More Information

Dorte Bladt Doctor of Chiropractic Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown 2 Lincoln St, Charlestown NSW 2290 P: 02 4942 4842


ll Adj usted Kids

Safe, simple and effective methods for optimal functioning and wellbeing for the whole family. P: 02 4942 4842 2 Lincoln Street, Charlestown

Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown

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Adventures! Easter The Hunter Wetlands at Lots of Fun & Games, Craft & Easter Hunt 9.30 -12.30pm BBQ from 11am - 2pm Easter Saturday April 7th 2012 Off the roundabout, 412 Sandgate Rd, Shortland NSW 2307 P: 02 4951 6466

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Eyes on the Ball Living in Australia is synonymous with

This is where we need to look at their

the great outdoors - riding a bike,

visual skills, commonly known as eye

catching or kicking a ball in most

hand co-ordination.

regions throughout the year. What does your child do when it comes to games? Do they actively engage, are they easily distracted or do they avoid becoming involved? The latter two categories may be as a result of lacking visual skills. Have a look at their timing when catching. Reaching to catch too early, or

Children with poor motor coordination are unaware of where they are in space and where other things are in relation to them. Playing a team sport can present not only the challenge of the ball as a target to catch or kick, but also awareness of others on the field.

late), is often the case when the

The task of watching the ball is also difficult for these children due to poorly developed control of eye

aiming of the eyes is poor.


Some of us will have youngsters who

Until about 7 years of age, young eyes are still developing their teamwork, including accurate alignment of the eyes on the target, changing focus as the target moves closer or further and accurate control of eye movements.

being hit by the ball (therefore too

appear to have been born with a ball and have the natural talents to progress onto the sporting field. Others will be encouraged to join and manage to develop average enough abilities to stay in the game with their peers and enjoy. However there’s another significantly sized group, where ball skills don’t come so easily.

20 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

If you notice that your child is struggling with sporting activities it is wise to have their eyes tested.

By Susan Walton

Sometimes glasses are required to balance what the eyes see and allow them to work together. If the eyes can see well but are not working well together, then vision therapy can be used to ‘educate’ the visual system in the many areas of functioning that are required during sporting tasks. Vision therapy is a process where regular one on one sessions with a trained therapist guides the child through a range of activities which are then practiced at home to improve their visual skills. The benefits for these children in play, and sport can also be seen in the classroom as better concentration - improved reading and writing skills, finishing of work, and greater confidence.

Health About Susan Walton Susan has been an Optometrist for over thirty years, and in her own practice in the Newcastle CBD for 25 years. She became a Fellow of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists in 1988 and specializes in behavioural optometry working with children with learning difficulties, people with special needs and sports vision, as well as general optometry. She is the Australian Director for the Special Olympics Opening Eyes program, volunteering both here and overseas since 1991. Susan is also the Sports Vision Consultant to the Hunter Academy of Sport. Her daughter Hannah has joined her and is in training as a Vision Therapist so they can work together on programs for children (and adults) to remediate visual function difficulties (like eye movements and convergence)

as well as visual perception and sensory integration problems. For more than 20 years Susan has been involved with a worldwide organisation called Special Olympics as the Australian Director for Opening Eyes - where free eye testing and eyewear (glasses and sporting goggles) for these athletes is provided. Support the next Special Olympics National Junior Games in Newcastle from 9-12 Dec 2012.

Does Your Child Lack Concentration at School?

More Information

Glasses or vision therapy may be the answer.

Susan K Walton B Optom FACBO Behavioural Optometrist P: 02 4926 4799

Children’s Vision • Vision Therapy Sports Vision • Ortho-K Contact Lenses specialeyes OPTOMETRISTS Susan K Walton B Optom FACBO

245 King St, Newcastle NSW 2300 Appointments 02 4926 4799


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n o i s s e r p De ‘Depressed’ is a term increasingly used to describe feeling ‘a bit down’ or ‘miserable’. It is not uncommon to hear ‘I’m depressed’ uttered after a hard day at work or school, or an argument with a friend. These dips in your mood are a normal response to the highs and lows of life, and will eventually pass. However, if these feelings persist for weeks or months and start interfering with your everyday activities, it could mean you are depressed in the medical sense. Some people still believe that depression is not a genuine condition and that you can just ‘snap out of it’; this is simply not true. Depression is a common condition with real symptoms that can affect your life as much as any physical illness can. However, with the right support and treatment it is possible to make a full recovery. How can I tell if someone has depression? Depression can cause a wide range of symptoms and will affect everybody differently. Mild depression leaves you with a persistent low mood, making you feel sad and hopeless and stops you from enjoying things you normally enjoy.

22 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

By Dr. Reshad Malik

If you or a member of your family experience any of the following symptoms in addition to having a low mood for most of the day, on every day, for more than two weeks, you should seek help from your GP: ❑❑ Disturbed sleep ❑❑ Poor concentration at work or school ❑❑ Low self-confidence ❑❑ Changes in appetite ❑❑ Suicidal thoughts or acts ❑❑ Agitation ❑❑ Feelings of guilt What causes depression? There is no single cause of depression; and there are lots of possible reasons why it might happen. Some people seem to be more prone to developing depression than others. This may be because they were born this way, or it could be due to experiences they have had. Life experiences can have a significant effect on your mood and how you feel about yourself. Bad experiences can lead to depression soon after the event or some time later. These negative experiences can include traumatic events like being physically attacked, losing a loved one, or starting a new school or job. Research has shown that people who are depressed have lower levels of chemicals in their brains. These chemicals, called neurotransmitters, are what the brain cells use to communicate with each other. What is less clear is whether this is due to, or a cause of, having depression.

Can depression be treated? Yes, but it is important to realise that there is no immediate solution to depression. The key to treatment is recognising there is a problem and taking an active part in dealing with it. Talking to people, such as friends and family, about how you feel and sharing your experiences can be a relief and can help you understand that you are not alone. Actively avoiding negative thoughts is an effective way to help lift your mood. Distracting yourself by getting involved in sports or activities is a great starting point, and has also been shown to produce chemicals in your brain that can make you feel better. Expressing yourself creatively can also be a great outlet; try writing, painting or dancing to loosen up positive feelings. In addition, there are different treatments your doctor can offer. These options will largely depend on how severe your symptoms are and what you are comfortable with. Treatments can include simply recognising that you are depressed, and then using the ‘watch and wait’ method, as depression will often get better without treatment. For more persistent depression, there are ‘talking therapies’ which help by getting you to talk about your experiences and giving you techniques to cope with how you are feeling.

Health For more severe depression, there are medicines called ‘antidepressants’. These work by replacing the chemicals that are low in your brain, which can improve your mood.

Remember! ❑❑ If you recognise any of the symptoms above, contact your GP ❑❑ Don’t be afraid of talking to someone with depression about how they feel, they will appreciate it more than you realise ❑❑ Support from family & friends is key to helping someone overcome depression

About Dr. Reshad Malik Dr. Reshad Malik is a member of the medical writing team at Medikidz, a charity that provides children and teenagers with informative, accessible and fun comics to help them understand their bodies and illness. More information

NEWCASTLE OFFICE t +61 2 4926 1300 f +61 2 4926 5557 17 Arnott Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302 e

What’s Up With James Medikidz Explain Depression

SYDNEY OFFICE t +61 2 9890 7029 f +61 2 9890 7036 8-10 Frank Street, Wetherill Park NSW 2164

A division of Bright Print Group

Authors: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & Shawn DeLoache Illustrator: Liquid Comics James cannot get out of bed, he’s not interested in eating, feels bad about himself, finds it hard to concentrate and forgets dates with his girlfriend. The ‘Medikidz’ superheroes take James to Mediland to explain how the Limbic System of the brain makes emotions. The Medikidz are a group of five larger-thanlife cartoon medical superheroes who live on Mediland - a planet shaped just like the human body. These superheroes offer James ways of overcoming depression including: • Talk therapy & other psychotherapies • Antidepressants

This book is readable, entertaining, and informative. A must read for everybody that knows or suspects someone within their immediate circle is suffering from depression. As depression can be a severe problem especially amongst teenagers this is a highly recommended book for parents, teachers, and medical practitioners. Age Guide: 9+ Years Extent: 36 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935108 Price: AU$19.99 Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers P: 1300 551 721

Is Your Child Struggling with Learning? Irlen Syndrome can cause visual processing problems that can cause Dyslexia and difficulties with: • Concentration • Reading • Spelling • Writing • Comprehension Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Suite 3/136 Nelson St Wallsend NSW 2287 P: 02 4955 6904 |



in o J r e b m e M t The Younges

n o l a v A Ci rcu s

Samantha has just completed a season at the Wonderdome (Australia’s largest geodesic dome) at the Newcastle Foreshore.

She is the youngest person to ever achieve membership of Avalon’s performing troupe - 10 children chosen out of the 60 who attend training sessions at the PCYC each week.

Similar to most members, when Samantha first joined Circus Avalon, she had no experience with the circus.

More Information John Campbell P: 0409 495 747

NEW DIY Fresh Fish & Vegies DIY Aquaponics features a childsafe design ideal for school gardens or at home. Enjoy harvesting fresh fish and vegies.

P: (02) 4964 2212 | PMS 3025C 100%

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24 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

Aquaponics DIY Aquaponics provide eco-friendly systems that help families save money on water usage and the opportunity to harvest fresh fish and vegetables. The DIY Aquaponics system is easy to setup in your backyard or balcony where the fish help plants and the plants help the fish. The fish supply nutrients to a bed of plants, (grow beds) and plants clean the water that the fish live in, making it an ideal growing environment for both. The fish water is pumped and distributed evenly to the grow beds,

by a simple system of pipes. The fish water feeds the plants, then filters through the grow bed that is filled with gravel/pebble stones, and returns to the fish tank by gravity or by pump. Ideal plants for the grow bed include tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and other green leafy vegetables. Suitable fish include; Barramundi, Bass, Jade Perch, Golden Perch, Silver Perch, Murray Cod and other Australian fish species.

More Information


“Scooby-Doo Live! Musical Mysteries” On Tour

In this fun new show, Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang have been called upon to help solve an epic mystery. “Scooby-Doo Live! Musical Mysteries” features big musical numbers including the evergreen Scooby-Doo theme song, ‘Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?’ alongside fun new songs including ‘We’re Mystery Inc.’, ‘Round Every Corner’ and ‘A Musical Mystery’.

This rollicking live theatre show brings everyone’s favourite cartoon series to life in a bright and hilarious way. Filled with wacky new characters and hilarious antics, the “ScoobyDoo Live! Musical Mysteries” has young audiences on the edge of their seats in traditional Scooby-Doo fashion from the moment the lights go down. “Scooby-Doo is one of the most beloved and iconic characters in all of popular culture and we are thrilled to be able to bring Scooby and the gang to our Australian and New Zealand fans in a way that is truly spectacular, with a live show that the entire family will love,” says Preston Kevin Lewis, Managing Director, Warner Bros.

The latest animated television series, Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated, can be seen daily on Cartoon Network in 2.9 million homes throughout Australia and New Zealand. Scooby-Doo is universally adored by boys and girls of all ages. He’s the only dog that makes scary fun, loves solving a good mystery and is totally cool.

More Information For tour dates and ticket information please visit:


Life Like Touring is proud to bring “Scooby-Doo Live! Musical Mysteries” to Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Newcastle during the April school holidays. Tickets are selling fast!




Kids Expo 2012

There is a saying, “it takes a village to raise a child” and the truth is, it does take a village - or in this case an expo - to prepare for a baby and the journey ahead.

The inaugural expo will bring high quality, informative exhibitors, the latest innovations and essential pregnancy and parenting products to your fingertips.

Facing endless questions and searching for the safest products and services necessary for raising a child can prove an endless mission and requires community support.

The Expo will provide the best support from conception to kindergarten, and everything in between. Baby industry experts will be on hand to address queries, bringing you peace of mind and convenience.

Make Newcastle’s 100% Kids Expo 2012 your village - a place you can seek advice on education, fashion, holiday ideas; and review, test and purchase products, including the most effective car safety devices.

While it is all about nurturing babies, the 100% Kids Expo 2012 is also about fun! With a full entertainment program, kids of all ages will be entertained by Bananas in Pyjamas, Batman and Wonder Woman, Little Kickers, plus a few more surprises.

Some of the local and national exhibitors include: Cushie Tushies, Woombie, Rosie’s Closet, Gymbaroo, Tree Top Adventure Park, Heartsong Creations, BUPA, PixiFoto and many more.

100% Kids Expo 2012 Details Date: Sunday, April 22, 2012 Time: 10am - 4pm Venue: Newcastle Jockey Club

More Information Louise Kipa Eclipse Media, Events & PR P: 02 49613200

Register your Interest NOW Don’t miss this opportunity to display or sell your products and services to the widest possible market from Newcastle, the Central Coast and Hunter Region. This is your chance to be a part of the ultimate day out for mums, mums to be and families.

Sites at The 100% Kids Expo are filling fast! Contact Eclipse Media, Events and PR today on 4961 3200 or email Media Sponsors

Sunday, 22nd April, 2012 10am to 4pm Newcastle Jockey Club Darling Street, Broadmeadow Presented by

© Australian Broadcasting Corporation, licensed in association with Southern Star Entertainment 2012. Original song by Carey Blyton

26 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12


JUSTICE LEAGUE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s12)


Newcastle Grammar School Shines in the 2011 HSC! The 2011 cohort of Year 12 students at Newcastle Grammar School have continued its academic tradition with the 78 students that sat the 2011 HSC gaining a total of 99 credits. Newcastle Grammar School placed 57th in NSW, and for the third consecutive year the school has been placed in the top 60 schools in NSW. Other outstanding achievements by the students in 2011 included; • 1 student was listed on the All Round Achievers List (achieving 90 or more in 10 units) • 38% of students received an ATAR over 90 • 87% of students received an ATAR over 60 • 3 students have been nominated to perform at Encore 2012 • 1 student’s HSC Body of Work has been selected for inclusion in the 2012 ARTEXPRESS exhibition • 1 student was nominated in three categories for Callback

• One team placed in the top 1% of Australia at the National Titration Competition • Senior Step Team achieved 4th at the FISAF World Aerobics and Fitness Championships • The U17 Men’s Coxed Quad Scull took out a gold medal at the 2011 Australian Rowing Championships, making Newcastle Grammar School’s rowing team National Champions for a third year in a row. Newcastle Grammar School continues to be the leading nonselective school in the region and was placed above the local selective school in the 2011 HSC.

KidsSmile Providing specialist dental care for infants, children, adolescents & those with specialist needs. Teen dental is also available.

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More Information

P: 4962 7300

Michelle O’Toole Communications Manager P: 02 4929 5811

40 Brown Rd Broadmeadow NSW 2292

One of Australia’s Highest Profile Psychologists and Leading Speakers

DR MICHAEL CARR-GREGG This is your opportunity to come and listen to Dr Michael Carr-Gregg On the topic of:

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Wednesday, 21 March 2012 6.30pm to 8.00pm Cost: $10 Limited seats available RSVP: 4929 5811 by Monday, 19 March

All Welcome Newcastle Grammar School p: (02) 4929 5811




Baby Ballerinas & Co Annual Concert Date: Sunday 4 December 2011 Time: 10am & 3pm Venue: Civic Theatre, Newcastle Get Ahead Kids was pleased to have a representative at the Baby Ballerinas & Co annual concert that showcased different dance genres including jazz, tap and classical ballet. Baby Ballerinas & Co is a unique pre-school dance program based in Newcastle, and has been selected as the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Angelina Ballerina Academy. The Angelina Ballerina™ studio and dance schools must meet specific criteria, so you can be confident that your child will learn from a recognised ballet curriculum, while having fun. Karen Barker-Rogers, the school principal, is an Australian Ballet School graduate with many years experience as a professional dancer, ballet teacher and adjudicator. At Baby Ballerinas & Co, children learn ballet technique in a creative, caring and fun way. Classes include some Angelina Ballerina themed activities and incentives, combined with the unique Baby Ballerinas teaching program. Students earn ‘little stars’ stickers and rewards for great dancing and ballerina-like behaviour. The Baby Ballerinas & Co program encourages appreciation of rhythm and timing in music, it also develops gross motor skills, stimulates social interaction and ability to follow instruction.

More Information Baby Ballerinas & Co P: 02 4948 2953

28 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

Photos co

urtesy of Ba

by Ballerin

as & Co.


Photos court

esy of Baby

Ballerinas &




s ack

News oegwP y! FrN awa p e ea t 2 L o Giv ed a h t c lu Va 97 Ea . 9 3 $1

LeapFrog Tag Giveaway Kids can take a trip and bring the

The LeapFrog Tag Reading System

world to life with the interactive Tag

brings books to life. With just one

World Map. Use the Tag stylus with the

touch, the Tag stylus makes words

map to hear about people, places,

talk and pictures sing. The small,

animals and more. As kids explore,

sophisticated infrared camera at the

they discover new facts about

tip of the stylus ‘reads’ letters, words

familiar things and fun connections

and symbols printed on the special

Each pack consists of:

to new places. Double sided, the

dot-patterned pages of books in the

1x LeapFrog Tag Reading System

Interactive World Map explores

Tag library.

RRP $59.99ea

Suitable for kids aged 4-8 years, the

1x Tag Interactive World Map

New to the diverse Tag library is the

Tag Reading System teams with a

RRP $29.99ea

‘Learn to Read Series’ of books.

number of reading and learning

1x Tag Learn to Read Series

Building advanced phonics and

options to offer educational fun.

RRP $49.99ea

More Information

Visit and click the giveaways link for a chance to win one of these fantastic packs.

games on both sides of the map.

reading skills, the six-book sets feature Say it, Spell it and Sound it audio support teaching kids consonant sounds and blends, short and long vowels and silent ‘e’ and ‘y’. Using the computer application specially designed for the Tag system, parents can download each book’s audio content from the internet onto the stylus - just like managing digital camera or MP3 files. With 32MB capacity, the Tag stylus can store audio content for up to 10 books at any one time.

30 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

With special thanks to the LeapFrog, Get Ahead Kids® has 2 LeapFrog Packs valued at approx. $139.97 each to giveaway!

to G5 Pass ive es aw Va l u ed ay! $6 8.0

0 E at ac h

With special thanks to the Australian Reptile Park, Get Ahead Kids® has 5 Family Passes valued at approx. $68.00 each to giveaway!

Reptile Park

Giveaways Exciting wildlife shows and loads of animal interaction are what this hands-on zoo is famous for. Get up close during Snappy Hour or walk with Hugo, our giant Galapagos tortoise. You can visit Elvis, NSW’s largest crocodile who is fed on weekends and holidays. See loads of cuddly Australian animals, visit the Lost World of Reptiles, Spider World and see daily venomous snake and funnel web spider milkings.

Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (3 - 15 years) a wildlife experience at the Australian Reptile Park. Visit and click the giveaways link for a chance to win one of these fantastic Australian Reptile Park family pass giveaways.


Programmes Have a photo with a python, koala or wombat and enjoy the children’s adventure playground, cafe and picnic area, free BBQs and hand feed friendly kangaroos.

For boys & girls of all ages & abilities. Junior Roo Soccer: 3-5 yrs Holiday Clinics: 5-14 yrs April 9-13 & 16-20, 9am-3pm After School Sessions: 5-14 yrs

More Information

P: 0402 352 132 or 0402 844 996


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Enquiries 4979 1402 or 0437 448 432



New Age Nanas Being a Grandmother in the 21st Century Authors: Doreen Rosenthal & Susan Moore Based on surveys of about 1000 modern and mainly well educated Australian grandmothers, this book provides interesting views on what it is like to be a grandmother today. It also offers expert commentary on how to make the most of this rewarding stage of life. The end of chapter summaries provides an excellent recap of this indepth advice. This is an enjoyable, well researched book written in simple English by a psychologist and researcher. It will change your mind set about grandmother stereotypes. A great family resource and mother’s day gift! Age Guide: Adults Extent: 180 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921941412 Price: AU$29.99 Publisher: Big Sky Publishing P: 02 9918 2168

Psychic Kids Author: Sue Bishop Sue Bishop, one of Australia’s top psychic intuitives explores the increasingly common phenomena of psychic children and explores ways in which all children may be psychic to various degrees. Psychic children may talk to spirits, hear conversations, have past life recall, see angels or have healing gifts. This book contains a collection of real life stories and provides advice on how parents can guide their kids through their psychic and sometimes frightening journeys. The stories are highly readable, believable and extraordinary. This book quenches readers’ curiosity about different psychic powers and leaves them wanting more.

Primary Grammar Dictionary Author: Gordon Winch This is a comprehensive guide perfect for primary school children learning about the correct use of punctuation and the importance of correct grammar. Offering extensive information to its readers this book is an invaluable tool for classrooms and for use in the home. Age Guide: 8+ Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780975089651 Price: AU$12.95 Publisher: New Frontier Publishing P: 02 9453 1525

Extent: 256 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742378558 Price: AU$24.99 Publisher: Allen & Unwin P: 02 8425 0100

Junior Masterchef Australia, The Cookbook, Vol# 1 Author: Masterchef

Little Good Wolf Author: Aleesah Darlison Illustrator: Shannon Melville Little Good Wolf has no friends at school and no one to walk home with, all because his dad is the Big Bad Wolf in Fairytale Land. One day the Big Bad Wolf realises that his son has no friends because of him, and tries to find a new job. The Big Bad Wolf tries every job in town before finding the perfect job for him.

32 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12

This book is a great first reader for children, with large illustrations and a simple story line. Age Guide: 6+ Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921633645 Price: AU$14.95 Publisher: Wombat Books P: 07 3245 1938

From the basics of boiling an egg to pistachio and rosewater kulfi this book is filled with recipes the whole family will love. Each recipe has suggestions, cooking tips or extra ingredient suggestions. The bright and inviting images and easy to follow recipes will make cooking an activity the whole family can enjoy. Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 192 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780732292782 Price: AU$29.99 Publisher: HarperCollins P: 02 9952 5020


School Zone Pack Author: School Zone These books are aimed at ages between 4-7 years, they help build essential skills such as basic math and the alphabet. The sight word flash cards help children with word recognition and reading words in isolation. These books are an invaluable tool for parents wanting to encourage learning at home.

Printing Fun Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781741854497 Price: AU$4.95

Games & Puzzles

Maths Basics 1 Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 16 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781741859263 Price: AU$6.95

Kindergarten Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781741573817 Price: AU$12.95

Sight Words Flash Cards Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 56 Cards ISBN: 978174181580 Price: AU$4.95 Publisher: Hinkler Books P: 03 9552 1333

Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781741835465 Price: AU$4.95

I Love Easter

Author: Anna Walker With it’s simple rhyming, appealing characters and illustrations, readers can join Fred and Ollie as they visit the Easter fair, make hats and visit the baby chickens. This book is a great Easter present for families. Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781741696448 Price: AU$12.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3555

Get Ahead KidsÂŽ Partners

hey dee ho music runs music programs for 1- 5 year olds. There are franchise opportunities in the inner Sydney suburbs & the northern suburbs of Adelaide.

Franchise Enquiries: (03) 9786 3104 |

The Great Big Aussie Easter Egg Hunt Author: Colin Buchanan Illustrator: Chris Kennett Kids will journey to famous landmarks across Australia with iconic Australian animals as they search the country for Easter eggs. With its large full page illustrations, this is a fun Easter tale that will keep kids reading and singing along to the included CD. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781742831534 Price: AU$19.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3555


Pilates, Brass Band, Choir, Chess, Table Tennis, Judo, Akido Kickboxing Boxing, Gymnastics, Circus, Dancing, Fencing

P: 4961 4493 |



Article Themes 2012 January/February Back to School - Vanessa Amorosi Ad Booking Deadline Nov 11, 2011 Editorial Deadline Nov 18, 2011

March/April Physical Education - The Commando Ad Booking Deadline Feb 10, 2012 Editorial Deadline Feb 17, 2012

May/June Languages & Communications Jessica Rowe Ad Booking Deadline Apr 5, 2012 Editorial Deadline Apr 13, 2012

July/August Learning Innovations & Technology David Reyne Ad Booking Deadline May 25, 2012 Editorial Deadline Jun 1, 2012

September/October Study & Assessment - Iain Hewitson Ad Booking Deadline Aug 10, 2012 Editorial Deadline Aug 17, 2012

November/December Summer Learning - Nicole Livingstone Ad Booking Deadline Oct 1, 2012 Editorial Deadline Oct 15, 2012 EDUC ATIN G

• May/Jun 2

May/June 2012 GST $6.60 AUD INC Subscription 03




100% Kids Expo by Eclipse Media, Events & PR 26 ABC Reading Eggs 2 Advanced Careers College 15 Australian Literacy Clinic Pty Ltd 4 Baby Ballerinas & Co 29 Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College 18 Circus Avalon 24 DIY Aquaponics 24 Essential Moves 9 Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown 19 hey dee ho music 33 Hunter Development Corporation 25 Hunter Valley Grammar School 9 Hunter Wetlands Centre 19 I Can Read System 33 INParenting 33 InZane Football 31 Irlen Diagnostic Clinic 23 Jungle Sports 14 Karrawong Kindy 19 KidsSmile 27 Kloster Ford Hamilton 21 NCP Printing 23 Newcastle Family and Sports Podiatry 36 Newcastle Grammar School 27 PCYC 33 Pilates for Life 11 Reading Cinemas 8 33 Scooby-Doo Live Musical Mysteries 17 Sesame Street 17 specialeyes OPTOMETRISTS 21 Stockland Glendale 7 TAFE NSW Hunter Institute 31

For more advertising information please contact


® Vol. 4 • No. 3

Advertisers Index


Maria Charlton | | P: 02 4929 7766

Advertisers media kit & booking form at

Celebrity Spotlight Jessica Rowe Journalist & Author

Languages & Communication Issue out

May 2012 34 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 12


Growing Yourself Up

The Little Refugee


Author: Jenny Brown

Author: Anh Do & Suzanne Do Illustrator: Bruce Whatley

Authors: Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan

This book tells the incredible story of one of Australia’s best loved comedians Anh Do. Anh and his family traveled from a war-torn Vietnam on a disheveled overcrowded fishing boat, to start a new life in Australia.

A refreshing teen novel free from vampires and mythical beasts, Spoiled offers readers a fictional glimpse into Hollywood life.

Growing Yourself Up delves into relationship stages over a life time. Drawing from Bowen family systems theory, this book is written upon the premise that you cannot separate understanding the individual from understanding the relationships. Growing up for most people is much more than a list of quick fixes. Hence this book uses checklists, case studies, strategies, quotations and chapter reflection questions to help people to grow themselves up in each stage of their lives. It can be read in sections and for families the part on “Being GrownUp Beyond Our Family” may prove to be very useful. Age Guide: Parents Extent: 248 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921497977 Price: AU$29.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

Things were not easy for Anh and his family at first; Anh was the outsider at school and his parents struggled to feed and clothe the children. Through hard work and perseverance, the family built up a business and learned to speak English. This is a great book to help children understand multiculturalism and that not everyone was born in Australia or came on a plane. Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781742378329 Price: AU$24.99 Publisher: Allen & Unwin P: 02 8425 0100

Ophelia Wild, Secret Spy Author: Elena de Roo Illustrator: Tracy Duncan Feisty Ophelia Wild has set up her own detective agency in her tree house office. Then she employs the much bullied Albert as her assistant. Together they foil Albert’s bullies, solve a meat-pie mystery, and deal with a thieving cat.

Just weeks before the death of her mother, Molly Dix discovers the truth behind her mysterious nonexistent father - he is Brick Berlin, Hollywood’s biggest star. Not only is Molly thrown into the Hollywood lime light, dealing with her mother’s death and her father’s larger than life personality, she must also deal with her devious half sister Brooke. Can Molly survive the Hollywood life and keep her feet on the ground, or will it come crashing down around her? With its relatable sister theme, pop culture references to Katy Perry and Prada, girls will love this book. Age Guide: 12+ Years Extent: 372 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742379753 Price: AU$16.99 Publisher: Allen & Unwin P: 02 8425 0100

Written in rhyming verse, this is a humorous and engaging story that is ideal for a first reader and reading aloud in the classroom. Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 80 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921529672 Price: AU$14.95 Publisher: Walker Books P: 02 9517 9577


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