Get Ahead Kids Magazine - Vol 5, No. 5, September/October 2013

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Vol. 5 • No. 5 • Sep/Oct 2 013


An Interview with

Kate Ceberano How Parents Can Help Their Primary School Children Learn Their Tables Preparing Students for HSC Success Multitasking - Magic or Mayhem? A Lesson for Teachers in Addressing the Eating Disorder Bully

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September/October 2013 Subscription $6.60 AUD INC GST

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Sep/Oct 2013


This Month’s





Editorial Your Letters


Spotlight An Interview with Kate Ceberano

An Interview with Kate Ceberano

Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2013

Study & Assessment 8

How Parents Can Help Their Primary School Children Learn Their Tables


Lessons from the “Tortoise and the Hare”


Preparing Students for HSC Success


Multitasking - Magic or Mayhem?


Focus on What You Want, Not on What You Don’t Want Health

Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766


A Lesson for Teachers in Addressing the Eating Disorder Bully




Timber Creations

Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766


Kids Helping Kids

Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.


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Taronga Zoo Family Passes Giveaway


Activity Zone Group Study: Spot the Difference




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Editorial Kate Ceberano is a creative person and an extraordinary, long term survivor of the Australian music industry. Her interview is refreshing and abound with advice for aspiring singers. The contributors in the study and assessment issue have provided a variety of different perspectives and educational articles on topics such as exam pressures, multitasking and learning techniques. The international medical charity, Medikidz, provides informed advice on Osteosarcoma and June Alexander

I recently read the ‘Tribute to Ken Duncan’. I have admired his pictures for years, it was very interesting to read about his life!

I’ve just read the article on eczema by Dr. Quigley. It’s an informative article and I wanted to add personal information that may assist with future research on eczema. My 3 year old had eczema all over her body. Whilst I tried goat’s milk cream, cortisone cream, antihistamine, diets (amine / salicylate), nothing cured the problem. Then one day I deleted margarine and all products containing 202/220 preservatives. Two days later my daughter’s eczema started to heal, and now she is eczema free. I trust this small change in diet is affordable and of little consequence to other families if only they know. We deleted all non-dairy spreads with 202/220 preservatives from our diets and instead we use butter or Nuttelex. Please share this story for the benefit of other little ones suffering with the same condition.

J. Deane, South Penrith NSW

J. Sutton

I read the interview with Ian Thorpe with my children. We found it fascinating and inspiring. What a wonderful article!

‘How to Protect Your Daughter When She is Online’ provides some great tips. I actually sat down with my daughter and went through these tips with her.

I enjoyed reading ‘Getting Your Finances on Track after Having a Child’. My husband and I were just discussing how we are going backwards and then I found your article. A very big thank you. J. Meares, Cheltenham NSW

J. Alanthwaite, Wentworthville NSW

Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Please participate in the Facebook, digital subscribers and reader giveaways. Get Ahead Kids is grateful for and acknowledges the generosity of the many companies that provide giveaways to Get Ahead Kids, especially its regulars such as Taronga Zoo and the Australian Reptile Park. Maria Charlton Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766

I enjoyed the article ranking private schools throughout the region. As a parent of young children, I like to know about private schools in my area as I consider all my future options for my kids education. M. Williams, Fletcher NSW

I found the article on Stuttering insightful and encouraging as we have 2 young children who stutter. The brain imaging research techniques are fascinating to read about and give great hope of help being on the horizon one day in the near future for our kids and others like them. Keep up the great educational reporting. Thanks Get Ahead Kids. P. Clapham, Dalby QLD

Please send letters and stories with your name and contact details to Get Ahead Kids®

A. McMorrow, Killarney Heights NSW


offers hope to recognising and treating eating disorders.

Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 F: 02 4929 7827

Photo: Pierre Baroni

What are the benefits of kids being involved in singing/acting lessons? I like to suggest lessons in movement and stage craft to give kids a better sense of their bodies and how to use them, especially if inundated with nerves or adrenaline. Sometimes the greatest singers in the world suffer from undermining their performance. I was from time to time shook up by these in auditions. Please tell us about your new album.

An Interview with

Ka te Ceb erano

How did you become involved in the entertainment industry? I had my first taste on a show called “Search for a Star” and won a prize to perform at a prestigious hotel. I was 14 years old and challenged by this, but felt a great sense of accomplishment when it was over. And it got me! I had the bug. I thought there and then I could make a life out of this. That was the start of the life journey.

What are your career highlights? Being in one of the first award winning funk bands in Australia “I’m Talking”, a triple platinum first solo album; Singing for Princess Di and Prince Charles, going to Monaco for the world music awards, Superstar, winning ‘Dancing with the Stars’... the list goes on and on.

It’s a beautiful album full of songs describing the touring experience for an artist. It’s simple and recorded with a very organic sensibility, very little overdub, no tuning corrections, and what we played live together is virtually what you hear, save for the backing vocals that I layered on afterwards. I had a great opportunity to get involved in the production as well and was invited to be involved in every aspect of its delivery, including crafting the video with “BILLIEJEANISNOTMYLOVER” - Melbourne based design/ photographers, the marketing, promo and even down to playing the material live (I have been playing drums for myself when we perform with the stripped back band). I love this album and experience more than any of the others I’ve been a part of because I literally feel a part of this. Across every part! Responsibility makes being a solo artist so much easier.


What is your favourite thing about performing to a live audience? The sharing of words and ideas, having a conversation with the crowds and giving them an insight to who I am as a person. Which artists do you find musically inspiring? Sia, Katie Noonan, Coldplay, Tony Bennett... the list goes on. But there is a thread that connects us all. We are all people first! Their tastes change constantly but they don’t feel required to stay the same just to sell records. They are constantly striving to be relevant. Please tell us about your family. My family are all artists in one way or another. Not all in music but definitely artists in their fields of interest (you’ll have to get my book coming out next year where I reveal the fascinating journeys of my family members and why I am shaped the way I am). Where is your favourite holiday destination and why? I love Kauai (Hawaiian Island), where my family members originate. Ancient voices can be heard from every corner and the music is in the swaying palm trees and rolling currents - it’s unearthly. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I have been recently creating a Gypsy rug for my daughter. Traditional Grandma squares (crochet) that combines wild colours and textures.... reminiscent of my daughter! What are your top tips for aspiring singers? 1. Stay true to your own voice & don’t imitate others so hard that you can no longer hear yourself in the mix. 2. Be courageous & experiment with stagecraft. Shyness can be alluring but annoying too if you cannot be heard or seen.


Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

3. Always know the context of the songs you are delivering. People look to you to sing their life experience (believe it or not, it’s usually always about them & far less about you). They want to be transported. You are the journeyman. Take their hand & give them that experience & they will support you their whole lifetime in exchange for that small moment they had in the sun.

About Kate Ceberano There is something spectacular about award winning singer and songwriter Kate Ceberano - whether it’s her soulful voice, her charismatic nature or exotic looks. For over twenty-five years, Kate has become an Australian icon and widely respected not only for her music, but also for her ability to juggle an abundance of other roles. Her television appearances include Getaway, Dancing with the Stars, X-Factor, Kate & Friends, It Takes Two, and Who Do You Think You Are. Kate is also the Artistic Director for the Adelaide Cabaret Festival. As a female artist who has been in the Australian music industry for over twentyfive years, Kate Ceberano has defied all the odds and continues to find success in all that she does. “I know I am privileged to be where I am in my career. I don’t take anything for granted,” she says. “I am very thrilled to have this opportunity to follow my love of music, but I work hard to be where I am.”

More Information

Kensal Road Artist: Kate Ceberano Kensal Road is the first CD of original music from Kate Ceberano in almost ten years and marks a new chapter in her musical career. The CD features a set of mellow, flowing, easy listening tunes including the well received new single ‘Magnet’.

Tickets are now available for Kate’s national tour that starts in October and includes a stop in Newcastle on Friday 1 November, 2013. Age Guide: Open Extent: 11 Songs Price: AU $21.99 Publisher: Sony Music


One thing that you can be sure of is that they are learning their multiplication tables. It is important they know their tables, because all mathematical questions require them. The best way to check if they know their tables is to ask them to say them to you. Once you feel that they know a particular multiplication table, you should test your child’s knowledge by asking them random questions about particular tables. If they are having trouble understanding the concept, you can say that the “x” sign can be thought of as “lots of”; “groups of” or “times”. You can also explain that multiplication tables are a short way of doing addition. For example, 5 x 6 is the same as saying 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6. It is just a matter of finding a way of explaining it that makes sense to your child. We all learn differently and require different methods of explanation.

How Parents Can Help Their Primary School Children Learn Their Tables By Dr. Joan Brien

In primary school, children tend to learn through their classroom activities and usually are not required to “study” as such. They do not usually bring their books home so parents often have no idea of what they are learning except when the children have an assignment to do.


Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Their homework often does not reflect what they are doing at school, because there are commercially produced homework books available now, and many teachers reproduce these for the children.

Sometimes using “hands on” methods help, because mathematics is very abstract and sometimes children just cannot “see” what you are trying to explain to them. You can use buttons (or similar) to help them to understand their tables. These could be used to help your child work out the answer to “4 x 6”. If you explain this means “4 lots of 6” then you would want them to count out 4 lots of 6 buttons and then count all of them to find the answer. If you repeat this for different multiplication tasks, after a while your child will start to understand what is going on.

Study & Assessment

Try to stay patient! It may seem really easy for you to understand mathematics, but for some children it “just does not make sense”. If you can make sure that they know their tables, then you will be helping them in their schoolwork as well, because without knowing our tables, we cannot be successful at mathematics.

Checklist ❑❑ Multiplication is a short way of adding ❑❑ Students have different learning styles & require different methods of explanation ❑❑ Use hands on practical methods ❑❑ Exercise patience when helping your children

More Information

Is Your Child Struggling with Learning? Dr. Joan Brien Certified Irlen Diagnostician Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Suite 3/136 Nelson St. Wallsend NSW 2287 P: 02 4955 6904 F: 02 4965 6894

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Lessons from the are” H e h t d n a e is o rt “To By Alan Stevens

When it comes to exam time, many students are like the hare, leaving study to the last minute and rushing for the finish line. Others are like the tortoise, who work away steadily throughout the year. Knowing your child’s preferred style can go a long way to helping them achieve more and to enjoy their school life. The tortoise works steadily towards an end and is more focussed on the process than on the final outcome. Students who fit this learning style are referred to as Sequential Thinkers.

10 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Sequential Thinkers process new ideas and information through a rational, logical step by step approach. Because they prefer to think slowly by connecting each new point to the previous points to build an understanding, they are often mistaken to be slow learners. Teachers and parents should encourage these children to ask questions at different stages of the learning process to ensure they understand what’s been taught. By the time exams arrive, they know their subject matter and have the confidence to move forward.

It is best to remember that under pressure, the minds of tortoises can go blank regardless of how well they know the subject matter. The degree of stress depends on their natural level of confidence. On the other end, the hare orientated students focus more on the outcome and less on the process of learning. These students are objective thinkers; they are quick thinkers, who put off study until the last minute. They often panic when they don’t leave themselves enough time before commencing study and it is with this group that confidence levels play a major role.

Study & Assessment If they have a high level of confidence they may assume they know the subject, which may or may not be true. They need to be reminded to study and research more systematically. Parents and teachers would be advised to question these students on the subject matter in advance to make them aware about how much or how little they actually know.

Variables that affect individual study are: • Thinking styles • Confidence level • Tolerance to interruptions Follow these tips and the journey to the finish line for both the Hare and the Tortoise will be far more enjoyable.

About Alan Stevens

by the Newcastle Herald as “The Mentalist meets Dr Phil meets Dr Cal Lightman from Lie To Me”, and his passion is to share these skills throughout the community. To find out how other people see you and how to recognise what makes other people tick, contact Alan now. More Information

Students who have a high level of self confidence assume they need less study time and often go into the exam insufficiently prepared, while those who have less confidence are more likely to be far more nervous and prepared when the exams come around. Personal tolerance levels also have an impact on a students’ ability to study. Some students require a quiet environment so they can concentrate while others find it difficult to work and study in the quiet. Each of these traits can be read in the child’s facial features, which are a history of how they prefer to think and behave. These can also be recognised by careful observation of the child’s playing habits and interaction with other children.

Alan Stevens, the Face Profiler, is a coach and trainer in the Art of Reading People, based in Newcastle NSW. He has developed Social Emotional Learning programs for school teachers and corporations including programs to recognise what other people are not telling you, what they are concealing, and how they are likely to behave in any situation. His programs are delivered locally in schools and to businesses locally and internationally through the internet. He was described

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Preparing Students for

HSC Success

By Greg Pritchard

In a few short weeks thousands of Year 12 students across the state will sit for the Higher School Certificate. Knowing how to prepare for an exam is an essential skill for academic study. Students should try early on in their academic life to put good studying techniques into practice. In order to help with exam preparation here are 10 tips designed to help students get the most out of their HSC exams: 1. Start exam preparation early! Exams are only an indicator of understanding of the subject material in class. Attend all classes & review all content after class until you feel confident you understand it.

12 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

2. Seek explanation. If there are parts of the subject material you don’t fully understand, seek understanding by; asking your teacher, asking classmates, going to the library or online & reading about the topic more thoroughly. 3. Create a study space. Take time out to make your study area clean, organised & comfortable. Keep notes in order. Make study time more productive by removing distractions; make an effort to study at a desk rather than in front of the TV or in bed.

4. Use time wisely. Take a few minutes to figure out the time you have to study & what course material you need to revise. Break down your study plan into something that is manageable & realistic week by week. Make more time available for study by cancelling non-critical activities. 5. Be active in class. Knowledge is recalled more easily (at the time of exams) if it had meaning when it was learnt. Look for ways to make the information meaningful to you & develop techniques to recall it.

Study & Assessment 6. Put it in your own words. When writing up notes make sure material is paraphrased so it’s understandable. Simply regurgitating information from a text book is not enough to succeed in the HSC.

While a little bit of pressure might provide the right motivation to begin studying, it’s important that students remember to stay calm and plan ahead to get the best results.

9. Take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep & avoid excessive consumption of caffeine before the exam. Caffeine may keep you more awake but it won’t make you more focused. 10. Avoid stress. The day before an exam, ensure you plan the next day so there is plenty of time to wake up properly, eat, travel and arrive at the correct room with time to spare. Avoid people who cause you stress. You will be in a much better frame of mind going into exams if you are relaxed & not overly stressed.

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7. Teaching is the best way of learning. Try explaining an idea or concept to someone else; it will help you understand what you are talking about. 8. Study past papers. If you have access to past papers, studying under (self-imposed) exam conditions is a great way to get ready for the actual exam. It allows you to test your knowledge & find out what areas you need to improve.

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Greg Pritchard is the Education Manager at UTS:INSEARCH. Greg currently sits on a number of Academic Boards in Sydney and has been nominated for numerous learning and teaching awards. At UTS:INSEARCH, Greg is Chair of the Quality and Curriculum Committee, the English Board of Studies, and the ELT Quality Working Party.

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Study & Assessment


m e h y a M r o ic g a M Multitasking -

By Dorte Bladt D.C. For mothers, multitasking is a bit of a survival instinct. How else are we going to fit it all in? So, while we are driving the kids to soccer remembering to pick up the pet supplies on the way, we are on the hands free phone organising ballet pickup and writing a mental list for the grocery store as well as finishing the war happening on the back seat. Sound familiar? Interestingly, while we think we are effective and that we get more done when we do several things at the same time, the truth about multitasking is, that not only do we frequently drop a ball and mess something up completely; we actually get a lot less done in the available time. Research shows that multitasking means that a task takes 50% longer and with 50% more mistakes than concentrating on one thing at a time.

14 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Unfortunately, our children are picking up our bad habits causing lifelong repercussions: They are habitually doing their homework while chatting to friends on Facebook, listening to music and playing games online, and as a result take longer and learn less. John Medina in the book “Brain Rules” explains how the brain can only focus on one thing at a time, and how our effectiveness slows when we shift focus from one task to another. The brain is wired sequentially; we are actually only capable of focusing on one thing at a time. When that one thing is done we can shift to the next, very much like having different windows open on a computer.

When the brain has to shift focus, this has to happen: 1. The brain has to send certain messages to tell the part of the brain working at that particular moment, to stop doing what it is doing (e.g. the English essay) 2. It has to send messages to another part of the brain to get that part to work (e.g. “What are my mates up to tonight?”) 3. When that’s all sorted out & we want to re-focus our attention back where we were 4. The brain has to send messages to tell the ‘mate’ part of the brain to stop 5. New messages are sent back to the ‘English Essay’ part to get it to refocus This is incredibly time consuming: It actually takes 7/10ths of a second to switch between tasks, and although that does not seem like a long time, it all adds up.

Study & Assessment

If we want to be better and faster learners, we have to stop multitasking, and - just like our mothers said - focus on one job at a time. So what can we do to help our children study more effectively? Try the following ideas: ❑❑ First of all, remember it is their homework. Let your child be responsible for the time, effort, completion & rewards/ consequences. It doesn’t mean parents can’t help, especially younger children, however, we had our chance years ago. ❑❑ Be clear on what you want your child to achieve in a study session. Bigger assignments are better broken into smaller more manageable tasks, which are easier to start & complete in one concentrated session. ❑❑ Establish a good study routine: set up a calm, clear, light learning space with as little distractions as possible & set time aside daily/ weekly for using this space. ❑❑ Switch off other electronic devices for the specified study period: music, internet, games, phones, iPad or laptop. ❑❑ Make a specific time frame for studying: depending on the age of your child, 10 minutes of concentrated study time may be is enough. ❑❑ Have regular breaks - not breaks to do more of the same like playing on the computer - do something different: move, stretch, walk, drink some water, eat an apple & some nuts, have a conversation.

❑❑ For overall improvement in brain function: exercise regularly, eat nutritious food & get enough restful sleep. ❑❑ Lastly, celebrate that good feeling of having completed the set tasks. Well done, what a star student!

About Dorte Bladt


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Study & Assessment

Focus on What You Want, Not on What You Don’t Want By Michelle Lee

The end of school year is nearly here. With it comes increased pressure for students to focus and concentrate on their study, assignments and exams. Some students are naturally great at focusing whereas others appear scattered and easily distracted. Before students can focus and be motivated to study, it’s important that they refine what they want and what they don’t want.

16 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Here is a step-by-step way of building that clarity: 1. Form a Vision First of all it is important to “Keep the End in Mind”. Without a clear picture of one’s destination, students may wander aimlessly along an uncharted path. Like planning for holidays, having a destination makes it necessary to focus on the journey and to prepare for it.

Study & Assessment

This is an example of a short term vision complete with associated emotions: “It is summer break. I am feeling happy and confident, as I have given my best during the year and exams. My results are even better than I expected. I enjoy the rest of my holidays feeling free and great about myself.” Encourage teenagers to talk about their vision in terms of how they would feel about it. 2. Identify Values What are the teens’ highest values, the things they treasure most? Whether these are kindness, compassion, friendship or intelligence, these qualities and attributes form the basis of their daily goals. These are the values they cherish most and are the basis of who they are. Values help students to make the best decisions for themselves. 3. Prioritise Roles

4. Write Goals Down The difference between a dream and a goal is that a goal is written word. Goals are best written in the SMART format - SpecificMeasurable-Action-OrientedRealistic-Timed. Other tips are to write goals in the present tense, positively, and with lots of emotion. 5. Meditate Meditation offers a break from the students’ hectic study pace. Numerous studies indicate that regular meditation and mindfulness practice improves concentration and sharpness of focus. It allows the brain to develop mental clarity. These five tools help students to gain insight into what is important to them and what isn’t, what they want and don’t want, and allows them to crystallise and prioritise their goals.

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Students prioritise their roles differently at different times of their lives.

Keeping their student role in mind can go a long way to clarifying their study goals.

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About Michelle Lee

Help students to clarify their roles in life as a child, sibling, cousin, student, mentor, sportsperson or employee and to prioritise these roles.

During high school, students are encouraged to be aware that during exam times their most important role is that of a student. This will help them to understand that they do not need to be everything to everybody.


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Michelle Lee is a Transformational Life Coach at UpnAway Career & Life Coaching, based in Newcastle NSW. She successfully guides adults and teens to transform their lives and to pursue their passion and purpose. Michelle has developed programs to assist her clients to become clear on what they want and to build their purpose and confidence.

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A Lesson for Teachers in Addressing the

Eating Disorder Bully By June Alexander

Today, I would recognise the signs: the 11 year old girl in the grade six class spending her entire recess and lunch-break running in the schoolyard and doing circuits in the gym; every day, exercising more; the same girl continuing to get top marks with her school work, always punctual, eager to please, but becoming withdrawn; her bubbly personality disappearing; she is not eating her lunch – she offers it to her playmates. She keeps only the apple and eats this very, very slowly, one nibble at a time. Today I would recognise these as symptoms of anorexia nervosa, as this child was me. Teachers are in a prime position to be among the first people to notice a child developing an eating disorder. I certainly wish my teacher had recognised the symptoms and intervened. But that was 50 years ago. Today, I like to think that all teachers are aware of the signs of anorexia nervosa, and that they know how to respond. Sometimes, friends of the child notice the symptoms, and confide in the teacher. Or perhaps the coach or dance instructor may notice behavioral changes. How the teacher responds – how they offer support - can greatly influence what happens next. Clues on what to say, and when to say it, are provided in my latest book:

18 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

‘Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Families and Friends.’ This updated eating disorder classic includes information for teachers and others whose daily work involves the care of children. Teachers often want to help when they suspect a child is suffering symptoms of anorexia nervosa, but don’t know when to say something, what to say, or how to say it. They might even decide that it is better to say nothing than to say the wrong thing. This just goes to show how important it is for school staff to be educated and informed about eating disorders – so that they feel confident and more able to help. A teacher’s attitude and response can greatly influence whether the illness is ‘nipped in the bud’ and stopped in its tracks, or gathers pace and becomes entrenched. Teachers are well placed to spot the early signs of anorexia nervosa, enabling early diagnosis, early intervention and a far better prognosis. A child may feel more comfortable talking about food difficulties with a teacher rather than someone in their immediate family. The school can provide a bridge between the child, their family and other care providers to ensure the best possible outcome.

School Specific Warning Signs Some anorexia nervosa warning signs are more easily noticed at school. Observing me at age 11, the teacher would have ticked a box in each of the following: • Weight loss (not because I did not want to eat, but was afraid to eat) • Avoidance of PE or swimming (because it involved undressing) • Excessive exercise (I felt driven to do more each day) • Busy during lunch breaks (to avoid questions like ‘why aren’t you eating?’) • Wearing extra clothing (to keep warm and hide the body) • Perfectionism (important to get everything right to avoid anxiety) • Inability to focus in class (when the brain is starved, concentration is more difficult) • Loss of friends (because food thoughts increasingly dominate thinking time) When a Child is Causing Concern When a teacher suspects a child may be suffering from anorexia nervosa, they need to tell the person responsible for pastoral care within the school. They may already be aware of the problem, or they may enlist your help.

Health Creating Opportunities for Confiding A child feels more comfortable when they ‘make the first move’ with regards to talking about their eating disorder as this helps them to feel in control of the situation. To facilitate this, a teacher can create situations for one on one time such as suggesting they stay after class to discuss their homework.

This article was originally posted on the National Eating Disorders Association blog. For more information, see Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Families and Friends. Pooky Knightsmith writes the chapter ‘Guidelines for School Staff’.

About June Alexander

Often, a child with an eating disorder feels scared and alone, and during the early stages may welcome the chance to offload to someone. Remain calm and don’t judge. Encourage the child to share their fears with questions such as: ‘You don’t seem quite yourself lately, how can I help you?’ Avoid talking about food or weight directly as this is likely to frighten the child. Take this first meeting gently and accept that you are unlikely to get to the crux of the issue immediately. Focus on listening to the child. Work on building a trusting relationship and ensure that they know when and where they can talk to you further about what’s on their mind.

In the past three years, she has written and edited three books about eating disorders: “My Kid Is Back – Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa” (collaborator, Prof. Daniel Le Grange); “A Girl Called Tim – Escape from an Eating Disorder Hell”; and textbook “A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders” (co-author, Prof. Janet Treasure). More Information

June grew up on a family dairy farm in Victoria in the 1950s. As one of two daughters, she was her father’s shadow on the farm. Her mother called her ‘Tim’. She attended a one-room primary school. Around puberty she began to experience what today would be called a body image problem. In grade six, she developed anorexia nervosa, a severe psychiatric illness that would challenge and shape her life. A love of the written word became her tool for survival.

Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Families and Friends. 2nd Edition. Authors: Janet Treasure & June Alexander

A journalist since the age of 18, June worked for many years on rural and suburban newspapers as senior writer, editor and newspaper columnist.

Child With lems? Reading Prob As a parent you need to ask 3 questions: 1. Why isn’t my child learning?

Extent: 178 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780415633673 Price: AU $39.00 Publisher: Open Leaves Books P: 07 38440169

• Literacy Assessments • Reading Programmes & Tuition • Auditory Training • Sensory Integration Packages Targeting Gross Motor & Fine Motor Skills

2. What is their learning style? 3. What can be done to help them?

At Learning Tactics we can assess your child within a week of your call. Don’t wait. Help your child today. 02 4952 2444



Os teosarcom a


By Dr. Columba Quigl

Osteosarcoma is a rare type of bone cancer that mainly affects teenagers and young adults. What happens in osteosarcoma? The human body is made up of millions of cells. Each cell has its own specific job. Osteoblasts, for example, are bone-building cells. Your body makes new healthy cells all the time, to replace old worn out ones. Sometimes a cell misbehaves and produces lots of badly behaved cells instead of healthy ones. These badly behaved cells join together to form a lump called a tumour. The tumour gets in the way of healthy cells and stops them working properly. When this happens, it’s called cancer. When osteoblasts start behaving badly, the cancer is called an osteosarcoma.

20 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Osteosarcomas usually begin at the ends of long bones, where osteoblasts are normally busiest making new bone. They usually involve the long bones of arms or legs, particularly around the knee or shoulder joints. Sometimes the tumour spreads outside the bone to other parts of your body, for example to your lungs or to other bones. How do you know it is osteosarcoma? As the tumour starts to grow, it pushes against your muscles and joints, causing pain and swelling, which is usually the first thing you notice. The tumour can also make moving joints difficult and painful. The doctors will then do some tests. These include an X-ray and a biopsy. The biopsy involves using a very thin needle to take a small sample of cells from the tumour and looking at them closely under the microscope.

To check whether the tumour has spread to other parts of the body, you’ll need a CT scan or MRI, as well as a bone scan. These scans take detailed pictures of the inside of your body. How is osteosarcoma treated? Treatment takes place in a specialist osteosarcoma centre. The first thing is to take the tumour out, so surgery is necessary. The type of operation depends on where the tumour is, and how big it is. Mostly, just the affected bit of bone is removed. This is called ‘limb-sparing surgery’. The gap where the tumour was is filled in with a specially designed artificial part, or with bone taken from another part of your body. Less commonly, the limb where the osteosarcoma is needs to be removed. This is called an amputation. After an amputation, an artificial limb can be fitted.


Artificial arms and legs are so advanced these days, that once they are fitted you can pretty much do anything you want, including sports.

Even when all the treatment has finished, you will still need regular check ups for a long time, to make sure the tumour does not cause problems again.

As well as surgery, treatment also includes chemotherapy, which means anti-cancer medicines. These can be given before the operation to shrink the tumour down, as well as afterwards to help stop the osteosarcoma coming back.

About Dr. Columba Quigley

Usually chemotherapy includes a few different types of medicines, and the treatment can go on for many months.

Dr. Columba Quigley is a medical writer and managing editor at Medikidz, an organisation that provides children with informative, accessible and fun comics to help them understand health and illness.

More Information

Sometimes radiotherapy, which uses very powerful energy beams to zap and kill the cancer cells, is also needed.

Capturing Your Forever Memory 100% non toxic, TGA approved moulding material suitable for newborns & sensitive skin. Newcastle • Hunter Central Coast Contact Belinda P: 02 65712591 M: 0422433617

Doctors and scientists are working hard to develop new treatments for osteosarcoma.

What’s Up With Lyndon? ‘Medikidz’ Explain Osteosarcoma Authors: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & John Taddeo Lyndon wakes up in the night in agony - his knee is swollen and hurting. His parents come in and assume it is something minor. Luckily, Medikidz, a group of superheroes, are on hand to help Lyndon get to grips with what’s going on! Pump, Chi, Skinderella, Gastro, Axon and trusty robot Abacus transport Lyndon to Mediland, a planet shaped like the human body, to explain all about osteosarcoma.

‘What’s Up With Lyndon?’ is a quirky, fun-filled comic book that helps children and their families, as well as schools and associated medical professionals gain information about osteosarcoma and its treatments. Age Guide: 9+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935115 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Medikidz Limited P: +44 (0) 2073766630

KidsSmile Providing specialist dental care for infants, children, adolescents & those with specialist needs. Teen dental is also available.

Dr. Helen Cornwell Paediatric Dentist Dr. Mark Williams Dentist P: 4962 7300

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Timber Creations Andrew Smith Timber Creations Pty Ltd designs, constructs and installs natural timber elements into parks, playgrounds and schools. The director, Andrew Smith, was a teacher and carpenter for over 20 years before establishing Timber Creations. He combined his knowledge of child development with his love of Australian timber to develop creative play elements for children. Timber Creations caters for children of all ages by supplying natural and functional play elements that encourage exploration, develop imagination and challenge fitness.

22 Get Ahead Kids速 Sep/Oct 13

The timbers selected have a significant history, character and durability and are shaped by highly skilled craftsmen into play and fitness elements that are also unique works of art. Timber Creations focuses on manufacturing playground equipment that makes a significant contribution to the development of children, while fostering an appreciation of the natural beauty of Australian timbers.

More Information Andrew Smith P: 02 4372 1170


Kids Helping Kids Recently Sporty Kids became aware of a fantastic program at the John Hunter Children’s Hospital, where a group of “Play Therapists” work to make kids time in hospital a little less scary and distract them with fun activities.

Fun Outdoor Soccer & Multi Sports Programs Kids 2-6 Years Old

Helen and John Mortimer own and operate Sporty Kids - a kids sports program for kids aged 2-6 years old - recently met with the team at the John Hunter Children’s Hospital to discuss ways to get involved in the program. Sporty Kids are asking local families to donate toys and activities to the program including play-doh and craft items. Several local businesses have generously volunteered to be drop-off and collection points.

More Information

For More Information Call

02 4951 8886


r e b i y cr wa s b Su ivea G

Air Hogs

Hover Assault Eject It doesn’t matter whether you’re a remote control (RC) beginner or an advanced remote control hobbyist; Air Hogs has a fleet of vehicles ready for any mission. Planes. Rockets. Intelligent hovering technology. Air Hogs is constantly expanding the boundaries of control, performance and play. Combining all the features of the original Hover Assault… RC car, heli and missiles… now you can eject your wheel base! The Air Hogs Hover Assault Eject is designed for more devastation and more aggressive takeoff and flight! Drive, Jump, Blast, Fly and EJECT! The next iteration of hybridised flight and ground RC, the Air Hogs Hover Assault Eject also has adjustable missile bays for precision firing.

More Information

ir 1 x Aover sH t Hog ult Ejec ! Assa eaway Giv With special thanks to Air Hogs, Get Ahead Kids has one Air Hogs Hover Assault Eject valued at approx $74.99 to giveaway. Visit, follow the subscribe link and sign up to the free digital magazine (must be signed up by 11 October 13 to be eligible). Subscribers will receive a special link viz email for entry to the giveaway.

24 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

F G ace ive b aw oo ay k

Spring Fun at the Reptile Park It’s Birthday time at the Australian

holidays and kids can meet Hugo

300 funnel web spider bite victims

Reptile Park and we’re inviting

up close during his daily walk at

since its inception 31 years ago. The

everyone to join in the celebrations

11.30am. There’s only one thing

venomous snake program helps

these school holidays!

Hugo loves more than his daily walk

save 300 lives every year and the

and that’s hibiscus! It’s his favourite

snakes milked include the deadliest

food and keepers will do their best

in the world.

The giant dinosaur Ploddy, modelled on the ancient diplodocus, is having a Golden Jubilee in September and

to spoil him with the colourful flower.

Visitors can enjoy wildlife shows,

is celebrating 50 years as Australia’s

The Reptile Park has been bringing

pose for a photo with a giant

first big roadside icon.

smiles and saving lives for 63 years

Burmese python, wombat, koala or

and continues its venomous snake

alligator and see Elvis, the resident

and funnel web spider milking


Constructed in 1963 from steel and cement, Ploddy weighs 100 tonnes and is 26 metres in length. Local schools have been decorating cards, designing posters, writing poems and sending birthday wishes to Ploddy and these will be

programs with pride. As the sole supplier of venom to CSL, The Reptile Park produces lifesaving contributions have saved over


be complete without cake and our visitors will enjoy a free piece of Ploddy cake every day of the school holidays. The Reptile Park shares its birthday with its most lovable resident, Hugo, the giant Galapagos tortoise. The Park and Hugo turn 63 these

snake and spider anti-venom. Its

displayed at the Park during the

A birthday celebration wouldn’t

More Information

Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win!

ly ami F x 5 s to e s s Pa ay! w a Give With special thanks to the Australian Reptile Park, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (3-15 years) to enjoy a wildlife experience at the Australian Reptile Park. Visit and click the like button for a chance to win!


r e b i y cr wa s b Su ivea G

Study & Assessment

Taronga’s Meerkats’ Holiday Mayhem Taronga’s Meerkats may be one of the Zoo’s smallest families but they’re one of the most interesting. Spring is a great time to see the inquisitive play and politics of these little African desert dwellers. One senior female rules the exhibit even stopping other females from breeding with the dominant male. Meerkats always post a sentry to watch for danger and when pups are born, the aunts and uncles get the job of raising them like miniature apprentice Meerkats. They’re always scurrying around, digging and investigating their surroundings. Be sure to catch the 1pm Meerkat Keeper talk.

Animal families are fascinating to watch. Other amazing families include the Zoo’s Chimpanzees and its Asian Elephant herd, the agile Francois Leaf-monkeys and the flock of Little Penguins. Taronga is open every day from 9.30am and there are 26 free shows and keeper talks every day, including an extra seal show in the School Holidays.

More Information

ly ami F x 5 es to ! s s a P way a e v Gi

With special thanks to Taronga Zoo, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to Taronga Zoo valued at $112.20 each to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (4-15 years, under 4 years free) a wildlife experience at either Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Visit and click Giveaway button to enter.

26 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Activity Zone

Group Spot the Difference


Instructions: 1. Concentrate on the picture above, study the detail for 1 minute. 2. Turn to page 29 & see whether you can spot 10 differences in the picture.



SPLASHitToMe This is a functional raincoat that zips into itself, creating an easy to carry item that is ideal for carrying in the pram or car boot. The raincoat is made from high quality waterproof nylon and quick to air dry. The raincoats are available in kids and adult sizes. Sizes: Kids & Adults Price: AU $27.99 (kids) AU $29.99 (adults)

Bush Holiday Author: Leonie Norrington Illustrator: Brenton E McKenna When it comes to school holidays, Tillithia loves to do stuff with her mum. However these holidays were different. Instead of going for a bike ride in the park or to the cinema, Tillithia and her mum are going bush to fish, swim in billabongs and sleep under the stars with Tillithia’s Aunt Doreen. With its colourful graphics and easy to follow chapters, this book is perfect for young readers. Age Guide: 8+ Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742990019 Price: AU $11.99 Publisher: Omnibus Books for Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3555

28 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

The Little Book of Good Health Facts, Tips & Habits

Koalas, Kites and Kangaroos

Author: Dr. Sonia Kakar

Author: David Ridyard Illustrator: Doreen Gristwood

Dr. Kakar provides well researched summaries and explanations on 214 health issues.

This is a wonderfully illustrated alphabet book featuring humorous illustrations of Australian animals.

The issues covered are easy-tofollow and invaluable in each person’s quest towards wellness and happiness.

Each page features a collection of words for children to read out loud and learn. There is also a bonus list of words included at the back of the book, which are also illustrated on the pages for children to find.

It’s an invaluable family handbook that can be read selectively for topics of interest. Age Guide: Open Extent: 224 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921966361 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742838724 Price: AU $15.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555

Activity Zone

Group Spot the Difference


Did you look at the image on page 27? If so, now it’s time to use your memory to find 10 differences in the picture below.

Study Area












Diary of a Wildlife Photographer

Alice and the Airy Fairy

The Big Beet

Author: Candice Lemon-Scott

Author: Jan Latta

Cousin Mary is coming to stay with Alice and her family. Mary is unorganised, unpractical and comes and goes as she pleases. Alice’s dad refers to Mary as an ‘Airy Fairy’.

Author: Lynn Ward Illustrator: Adam Carruthers

This book is a photographic depiction of fourteen years of taking photographs and escapades with wild animals, cheetahs, rhinos, wild elephants, hippos, pandas and chimpanzees. Set in Africa, Sri Lanka, Borneo, India and China, this book is embellished with 300 exciting photographs and illustrations. It contains a smorgasbord of interesting adventures. Age Guide: 12+ Years Extent: 103 Pages (Paperback/ Hardback) ISBN: 9780980872729 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: True to Life Books P: 02 9880 8382

Alice is convinced Mary is a real fairy and searches for her magic wand to help Mary fix her wings. The colourful illustrations featured throughout the book help bring the characters to life. This is a entertaining book for young readers. Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 88 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921928451 Price: AU $12.95 Publisher: New Frontier Publishing P: 02 9453 1531

Mr Magee tries to pick a beetroot out of his garden for his wife who feels like a burger for tea. The large beetroot will not budge. Luckily enough help is nearby to lend a hand. With an Aussie slant on a traditional Russian folk tale, this rhyming book featuring eye-catching illustrations is sure to be a hit with young readers. Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781862919662 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555

Superkid Author: Claire Freedman & Sarah McIntyre This is a clever tale about an ordinary boy that has a secret ‘Superkid’ identity.

Just Joking Illustrator: Dan McGuiness

When children are in trouble, Superkid comes to their rescue. No job is too small. He will tie up bullies or tidy rooms. The bright graphics and the underlying message encouraging every child to find their inner hero makes this rhyming book perfect for young readers.

30 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781407124063 Price: AU $15.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press

With over 300 jokes inside, ‘Just Joking’ is a book packed with laughs, funny illustrations and fun activities. This book is sure to keep children entertained for hours! Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 96 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742837352 Price: AU $6.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555

My Friend the Idea

Good Morning Possum


Author/Illustrator: Cheryll Jones

Author: Coral Vass Illustrator: Sona Babajanyan

Author: Amy Laizans Illustrator: Sophie Scahill

Blossom the possum picked a red juicy plum one morning for breakfast.

This is a tale centered on the strong friendship between Jane and her best friend. The two girls despite their differences in ethnicities and appearance consider themselves sisters.

A young child has an idea. This idea is nurtured to grow, liked by some and mocked by others. This is a clever story that encourages creativity and imagination. The oil on canvas illustrations featured in this book are unique and vibrant. The story line is simple yet engaging. This book is a highly recommended, inspirational read. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 36 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781922081155 Price: AU $25.95 Publisher: Windy Hollows Books P: 02 9457 0011

Throughout the day Blossom has various visitors who share her breakfast plum until there is none left. This is a good tale to introduce sharing to young children and also shows that good deeds do not go unrewarded. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742760506 Price: AU $14.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555

This story of friendship is relevant to today’s youth, beautifully portrayed through the unique colourful illustrations. Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921928895 Price: AU $16.95 Publisher: Little Steps Publishing P: 02 9453 1230

The Modern Family Survival Guide Author: Nigel Latta

10 Silly Wombats Author: Ed Allen Illustrator: Andrea Edmonds Based on the tune ’10 Green Bottles’, this is a funny tale about 10 wombats and their adventurous day. With numbers hidden amongst the colourful illustrations, this is an ideal way to teach children to count backwards. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742836386 Price: AU $13.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555

Aimed at all family members this is a comprehensive guide to a variety of family issues. This guide takes into account the changing shape of the modern family and its complicated interactions over the last twenty years. The Modern Family Survival Guide provides practical and well researched answers to complex questions that arise from living in these brave new social times.

It can also be read selectively for areas of interest - for example dealing with a toxic ex partner. Age Guide: 15+ Years Extent: 298 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742759753 Price: AU $34.95 Publisher: Random House Australia P: 03 9753 4511



Mr Agasvari Goes to School Author: J. J Part This is an enchanting children’s tale about Christopher and his discovery of a piece of bark shaped like a foot beneath the local Spooky Tree. According to the old hermit who lived in the nearby abandoned quarry, this bark foot belonged to a tree baby and would grant the holder one wish. The only catch is that the foot must be returned to the Spooky Tree or the tree would come looking for it. Christopher was skeptical about the hermit’s claim and gave the foot to his brother Mitchell for show and tell at school. Mitchell after hearing the story makes a wish. He wishes that the neighbour’s dog, Oggy would become his teacher at school for a week.

The next day the mysterious teacher Mr Agasvari arrives at Wombat Gully Primary School and that’s where the excitement begins. Christopher can’t believe his eyes, had Mitchell’s wish come true? From start to finish, the well-written story is sure to captivate readers of all ages entertained. Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 80 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987453952 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: A & A Book Publishing P: 02 9564 6808

When the invaluable advice comes from Mark Bouris, who lives and achieves by this advice, it’s only a courageous reader that would dispute this book. ‘What it Takes’ is an easy to read, practical guide for readers aspiring for achievement and success. It’s one of the best books for success for the whole family.

What it Takes Author: Mark Bouris “What it Takes” delves into the three key factors it takes to succeed in business and in life - singular purpose, persistence and hard work.

Age Guide: Adult Extent: 288 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781741756852 Price: AU $27.99 Publisher: Allen & Unwin P: 02 8425 0100

For more great reviews visit

32 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

If You’re Cheeky and You Know It! Author: P. Crumble Illustrator: Chris Kennett This rhyming book is a playful reinvention of the familiar song ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It!’ Filled with bright illustrations of playful wild animal characters, this book is sure to encourage children to join in and sing along. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742836478 Price: AU $13.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555

The Very Brave Bear Author/Illustrator: Nick Bland The Very Cranky Bear is back. This time he competes with Boris Buffalo in a battle to see who is the bravest. The illustrations are fantastic and the story humorous and engaging. This is perfect to read out loud with children. Join the search to find the little orange frog featured throughout the book. Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781742838007 Price: AU $16.99 Publisher: Scholastic Press P: 02 4328 3555


Brumby- A Celebration of Australia’s Wild Horses

The Giant Bowl of Chocolate

Author: Kathryn Massey & Mae Lee Sun

Author: Marion Lucy Illustrator: Nathaniel Eckstrom

Brumbies hold a special place in Australian folklore - typifying the spirit of freedom and courage so dear to this nation.

Belle’s morning routine includes a breakfast of gluggy porridge. But Belle wishes she had a giant bowl of chocolate instead of porridge.

This book includes a visual feast of photographs of Brumbies in the wild and fascinating tales from people who have encountered or worked these wild animals.

In her quest for chocolate she sets off on a fantasy journey where she makes friends with The Giant who grants her wish - a huge bowl filled with chocolate.

Royalties from the book go towards supporting the valuable work of preserving the Australian Brumby.

This is a delightful precautionary tale that is embellished with awesome illustrations.

Age Guide: Open Extent: 192 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921966224 Price: AU $45.00 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 30 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987281340 Price: AU $16.99 (Softcover) AU $24.99 (Hardcover) Publisher: JoJo Publishing P: 03 9681 7275

Get Ahead Kids® Partners

hey dee ho music runs music programs for 1- 5 year olds. There are franchise opportunities in the inner Sydney suburbs & the northern suburbs of Adelaide.

Franchise Enquiries: (03) 9786 3104 |

Readers are taken through a year in the lives of these 5 children, showcasing not only traditional events within their cultures but their everyday life at home and school.

An Aussie Year: Twelve Months in the Life of Australian Kids Author: Tania McCartney Illustrator: Tina Snerling An Aussie Year is a children’s picture book that provides a snapshot into the lives of 5 Australian children. Each child represents a different culture, a small representation of multicultural Australia.

This is a perfect book for young children, they will become fascinated with the colourful characters and their adventures. Age Guide: 6+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921966248 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: EK Books P: 02 4328 3555 or



Article Themes 2013 January/February Back to School - Jessica Watson

Advertisers Index

Ad Booking Deadline Nov 9, 2012 Editorial Deadline Nov 16, 2012


AIE Optical


Alan Stevens - The Face Profiler


Andrew Smith Timber Creations


Physical Education - Tiffiny Hall

Australian Literacy Clinic Pty Ltd


Ad Booking Deadline Feb 8, 2013

Baby Ballerinas & Co


Editorial Deadline Feb 15, 2013

Casting Your Memories


Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown



hey dee ho music 33

Language & Communication -

Hog’s Breath Cafe Newcastle

David Koch

Hunter Wetlands Centre 13

Ad Booking Deadline Apr 5, 2013

I Can Read System

Editorial Deadline Apr 12, 2013

INParenting 33 Irlen Diagnostic Clinic


2 33 9

KidsSmile 21

Learning Innovations & Technology -

Learning Tactics Australia


Ian Thorpe

Lifestyle Solutions


Ad Booking Deadline Jun 7, 2013

NCP Printing 17

Editorial Deadline Jun 14, 2013

Newcastle Family and Sports Podiatry



Newcastle Grammar School


Newcastle Permanent Building Society


Study & Assessment - Kate Ceberano 33

Ad Booking Deadline Aug 9, 2013

specialeyes OPTOMETRISTS 15

Editorial Deadline Aug 16, 2013

Sporty Kids 23 UpnAway Career & Life Coaching


November/December Summer Learning - Shannon Noll Ad Booking Deadline Sep 27, 2013 Editorial Deadline Oct 11, 2013

Vol. 5 • No. 6

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For more advertising information please contact Maria Charlton | | P: 02 4929 7766


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Celebrity Spotlight Shannon Noll Australian Singer Summer Learning Issue out

November 2013 34 Get Ahead Kids® Sep/Oct 13

• Baby Ballerinas is a unique pre-school dance program for 3-5 yr old children. Baby Ballerinas & Co is a specialist Pre-School Ballet Studio. Don’t settle for copy programs, start with the creators. Parents welcome to watch. • Baby Jazz classes are ideal for 3-5 yr old boys & girls. • Little Cherubs classes are for 2-3 yr olds. Parents join in the class. • Central School of Dance classes are for dancers above 6 yrs. • Baby Ballerinas & Co is an Angelina Ballerina Academy exclusive to Newcastle & Lake Macquarie.

• Free Trial Classes • Morning Classes • Safe Off-Street Parking • Purpose Built, Air Conditioned Studio • Enrol Online Now


Christmas Concert Sunday 8 Dec that will include an appearance from Angelina Ballerina. Tickets will be available from Ticketek.

Oakdale Studios, Unit 4/9 Oakdale Rd, Gateshead NSW 2290 Ph/Fx: 02 4948 2953 •


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