Get Ahead Kids Magazine - Vol 6, No. 2, March/April 2014

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Vol. 6 • No. 2 • Mar/Apr 2 014


Clumsiness & Visual Perception Difficulties The Art of Play Impact of Physical Activities on Teens Finding Physical Activities that Kids Enjoy You Are Your Body

An Interview with

Hayley Lewis it on

March/April 2014 Subscription $6.60 AUD INC GST

a c u d E ial l a ec c i s Sp y h






Reader Giveaway

Farmyard Fun at the Australian Reptile Park! The Australian Reptile Park has

The IUCN estimates that there are

gone barnyard mad with Ranger

only 10,000 mature individual bilbies

Mick’s Farmyard Nursery during

left in the wild.

the upcoming school holidays. A marquee full of cute babies including pigs, goats, rabbits, cows, guinea pigs, chickens and ducks will be open from Saturday 12th April 2014. At Ranger Mick’s Farmyard Nursery, you’ll also be able to meet some beautiful Aussie natives and even reptilian babies like Daisy the baby wombat, as well as our baby American alligators. There are loads of new attractions at the Australian Reptile Park too for the very first time, the Australian Reptile Park has bilbies, a species listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

The Australian Reptile Park has rebuilt its playground with a reptilian theme; a new home for the komodo dragons and a wonderful new nature walk features a Noctarium and bush birds’ aviary. There’s also a new grandstand at Elvis the crocodile’s enclosure so more people can see the mighty lunch time feeding show. Visit the Lost World of Reptiles, Spider World and Frog Hollow and grab a photo with an alligator, giant python, koala or wombat every day of the holidays.

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Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

ly ami F x 5 s to e s s Pa ay! w a Give With special thanks to The Australian Reptile Park, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to The Australian Reptile Park valued at $75.00 each to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (3-15 years) a wildlife experience at the Australian Reptile Park. Visit and click the giveaways link for a chance to win this fantastic prize!

Mar/Apr 2014


This Month’s



® 4



Spotlight An Interview with Hayley Lewis Physical Education


Clumsiness & Visual Perception Difficulties


The Art of Play

An Interview with Hayley Lewis


Impact of Physical Activities on Teens

Photos Courtesy of Network Ten


Finding Physical Activities that Kids Enjoy


You Are Your Body

Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2014 Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.

Special 16

Why Kindness Should Be Taught in Schools Health


How to Get Your Family Eating More Veggies


Skin Burns


Children’s Stress & the Heart-Brain Connection News


Stunning Dancewear for Dance Eisteddfods


Do You Have What it Takes in an Emergency?


Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt


In-Home Child Care Services Giveaways


The Australian Reptile Park Family Passes Reader Giveaway


Rainbow Loom Reader Giveaway


Beautiful Minds Book Reader Giveaway


St John First Aid Kit Subscriber Giveaway


Taronga Zoo Family Passes Facebook Giveaway


Medikidz Eczema Book Facebook Giveaway


Mudpoo and The Fungus Mystery Facebook Giveaway


Razor Spark 2.0 Scooter Subscriber Giveaway




Advertisers Index


Editorial Get Ahead Kids is packed with a diverse range of exciting articles. Let’s make 2014 a year for eating better and taking up more physical activities! Celebrity sportsperson, Hayley Lewis, shares the challenges of being in the media spotlight from the tender age of 15 years old and coming out of these a stronger person. The physical education articles include topics such as the importance of play, choosing the right physical activity for your child and the importance of physical activity for teens.

The special feature on kindness portrays a positive message of how random acts of kindness can combat bullying. Get Ahead Kids provides a variety of Facebook, digital subscriber and reader giveaways. I extend a special thanks to the many donors of these giveaways especially the regulars Taronga Zoo and The Australian Reptile Park. Maria Charlton Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766

Reader Giveaway

Rainbow Loom A little patience is needed at first, but once you and your daughter get the hang of the Rainbow Loom, there are many multicoloured jewellery pieces ready to be created! There is a basic pattern included in the packaging, however further and more advanced patterns are available online and worth investigating once you master the fundamentals. This unique craft product is bound to keep teens enthralled.


Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

3x bow Rain s to m Loo way! a Give With special thanks to Shamrock Craft, Get Ahead Kids has 3 Rainbow

Rainbow Loom encourages patience and concentration as well as the importance of following instructions.

Loom Kits valued at $19.95 each to

Age Guide: 8+ Years Price: AU $19.95 Kit includes: Rainbow Loom, Mini Rainbow Loom, hook, bag of c-clips & 600 assorted rubber bands Distributor: Shamrock Craft

• • • • •

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to win this fantastic prize!

giveaway! Each kit includes: Rainbow Loom Mini Rainbow Loom Hook Bag of c-clips 600 assorted rubber bands

Visit and click the giveaways link for a chance

Physical Education

Clumsiness &

Visual Perception Difficulties By Dr. Joan Brien

If your child is clumsy, he or she may have a problem with their visual perception. This can be reflected in difficulties getting on and off escalators, bumping into the corners of tables, into door jams or ‘falling over their own feet’.

Irlen Syndrome is not detected by optometrists or other professionals. The only way of determining if you or your child has Irlen Syndrome is to be assessed by a certified Irlen Diagnostician who is trained to look for the symptoms.

Often parents will get their child’s vision tested by an optometrist, it may not be a vision problem but a visual processing difficulty. Sometimes clumsy children may also have an unexplained reading difficulty.

Even if your child is found by an optometrist to have a vision problem, it does not necessarily mean that they do not have a visual perception problem as well. Vision correction glasses do not correct Irlen Syndrome, but they can be tinted if your child is found to have Irlen Syndrome.

Many children who are considered to be clumsy by their parents may actually have Irlen Syndrome, which is a visual processing dysfunction. Not everyone who has Irlen Syndrome is clumsy. It is only a small percentage of sufferers who appear to have depth perception problems, but these are corrected by the use of Irlen Spectral Filters that are worn as glasses. The Filters are specifically tinted to each individual’s needs. Some children cannot catch a ball on the full, or they have difficulty hitting a ball in cricket, or being able to play other ball games. They often do not even want to try to play these sports and parents are often at a loss as to know why. This is usually because they have poor depth perception, resulting in objects appearing to be either closer or further away than they actually are.

Other indicators of Irlen Syndrome are light sensitivity, headaches, migraines, general learning difficulties, dyslexia, reluctance to read, and a difficulty in concentrating in class. If your child is having unexplained learning difficulties and/or is unable to catch a ball on the full, get on and off escalators easily or seems to be clumsy, then consider having them assessed for Irlen Syndrome.

Checklist ❑ Unexplained clumsiness ❑ Difficulty with ball games ❑ Learning difficulties ❑ Light sensitivity ❑ Headaches ❑ Dyslexia

More Information

Dr. Joan Brien Certified Irlen Diagnostician Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Suite 3/136 Nelson St. Wallsend NSW 2287 P: 02 4955 6904 F: 02 4965 6894

Is Your Child Struggling with Learning? Irlen Syndrome can cause visual processing problems that can cause Dyslexia and difficulties with: • Concentration • Reading • Spelling • Writing • Comprehension Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Suite 3/136 Nelson St Wallsend NSW 2287 P: 02 4955 6904 |



Photo Courtesy of Network Ten


Get Ahead Kids速 Mar/Apr 14


h t i w w ntervie

An I

s i w e L y e l y Ha

Being in the media spotlight at the age of 15 must have been tough, how did you manage? Yes it was extremely tough, but I had fantastic parents that nurtured me through and helped me with media commitments. Sometimes it would put me under enormous stress and pressure, but I believe it made me stronger.

world’, but I love the role as host as it enables me to be ‘nurturing, caring and sympathetic’ which I feel is a big part of my personality. When I swam, I never felt like I was tough enough. What are your top five inspirational tips for achieving in sport? Top 5 tips - train hard, have a specific goal, be organised, stretch, eat and sleep well. What are your top holiday destinations & why?

If you could have competed at any other sport, summer or winter, what would you have picked?

Yamba NSW because it’s quiet and the beaches are amazing.

I would have chosen cross country alpine skiing.

What advice do you have for families who are looking to make a healthy lifestyle change?

How important was it for you to have a strong support network whilst competing at such a young age? It was crucial that I had a strong and positive network around me. My parents, siblings and school friends were amazing and without their encouragement, there’s no way I would have lasted so long in the sport. Who is your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration is Lorna Jane and Donna Hay, as they both started a small business from the ground up and now are iconic in their fields. How has being an ambassador for Jenny Craig & hosting The Biggest Loser changed your life? Jenny Craig made me believe that I could lose weight at a time when I believed I was destined to be in the overweight category, The Biggest Loser changed my life because I never thought I would fit into the ‘TV

My advice would be to start in the pantry and throw out everything that is bad for you. See a nutritionist to put you on a healthy eating regime. Spend time exercising together and make individual goals. Supporting each other is key. What is your favourite healthy meal and could you please give us the recipe? Favourite healthy meal is a Blitz 2 go protein shake (breakfast or snack) ingredients: skim milk, protein powder, berries and honey. Please tell us about your favourite exercise routine? Favourite exercise is a 10km run followed by a 3km swim. How important is it for kids to learn how to swim & have fun in the water? Learning to swim as a baby should be a ‘law’ in Australia. We are surrounded by water, therefore it should be mandatory that every

toddler by the age of three can jump/ fall into the water and get themselves back to the side of the pool (with clothes on). What is your favourite hobby and why? Favourite hobby is reading and chilling out. About Hayley Lewis Born on 2 March 1974 in Queensland, Hayley has had a colourful career to date, debuting as a professional swimmer at the young age of 15. She was a high achiever at various Commonwealth and Olympic Games during her swimming career, winning a number of medals before retiring in 2001. With a strong passion for independence and entrepreneurship, Hayley successfully opened ‘Hayley Lewis Swim School’ in Brisbane 2002. Hayley then went on to pursue her next business venture ‘Coming Up Roses’ gifts and home ware store in Brisbane after the swim school closed down in 2010. Running these two successful business’ inspired Hayley to write her very own book ‘Dream, Believe, Create’ in 2011 a step by step guide to starting a small business. Hayley was approached to be an ambassador for Jenny Craig, at which point she turned her lifestyle around to become more aware of her health, fitness and quality of life. She has always been an avid fan of the Australian Biggest Loser television series, so when Hayley was asked to host the 5th series in 2010, she was extremely delighted. She has hosted each series since and is currently on set for The Australian Biggest Loser 2014.


Physical Education

The Art of By Dorte Bladt


When little Anna came in for her check-up the other day, it was like meeting Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. She bounced in, laughing and chatting, jumping up on the table and talking about all the exciting new things in her life. Her lovely new teacher, the nice new friends she was making, and all the fun activities she was planning to take part in this year. Anna is typical of the many kids who are refreshed and eager to get started on the 2014 school adventure. A large number of kids are especially keen on the after school activities - swimming, tennis, taekwondo, soccer, dancing, music, footy, gymnastics, drama, surfing, and scouts. These physical activities promote social skills and stimulate the brain in a different but just as important way as school activities. Physical activity is essential not only for physical health such as heart, lungs,


Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

weight control and decreasing risk of diabetes, but also improves brain function that facilitates learning, mood and energy.

about how play is essential to a child’s development as it contributes to cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being.

Given the child of today has a number of structured physical activities, chores and homework, it appears that children have less and less time left for ”play”. By “play”, I‘m referring to unstructured, unsupervised, no adult rules, no screen time, time to do whatever the child creates.

Play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child.

Unsupervised does not mean allowing children to enter unsafe zones - only to allow the kids to make their own rules, decisions on pecking order and solve their own conflicts. According to an article by The American Academy of Pediatrics, free play is essential for brain development. ‘The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds’ talks

Child directed play allows children to be creative and use their imagination to build their physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. The child will create and explore a world they can master, taking initiatives they know how to handle to ensure success. This helps to improve confidence and resilience and allows them to work on their fears. During undirected play children learn how to work in groups, to share, to communicate and negotiate, to resolve conflicts, to care for others and to learn self-advocacy skills.

Physical Education When kids play by themselves or in groups they practice decisionmaking skills, move at their own pace, discover their own areas of interest, and ultimately engage fully in the passions they wish to pursue. Child directed play means what a child will do when no-one is watching or suggesting to them what to do, and they have the free space to do it in. This is a natural impulse and definitely not a waste of time. This is how a child learns about themselves and their world! The play can be by themselves or with siblings or friends. It can be inside or outside, with or without toys or equipment; the old shoe box becomes a house, a garage, a rocket or a dentist’s chair. The chair becomes a cubby house, a mountain, a school or a space ship. The garden becomes the Great Dividing Range, the Pacific Ocean or a racetrack. The sky is the limit. What may look like time wasting activities, these are the most brain stimulating activity a child can do! Child directed play doesn’t mean you as a parent are excluded from this fun. Far from it! Playing with your children is a wonderful way to connect, to make them feel safe, loved and cared for. Just follow your child’s instructions, let your hair down and enjoy the fun and games they come up with.


Plato stated “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”

About Dorte Bladt Dorte has a special interest in paediatric spinal and nervous system health. She checks your spine to assess if the bones, muscles or ligaments are working properly and will gently, safely and naturally correct it to allow the body and the nervous system to function better. Dorte also provides advice on which exercises would be beneficial as well as which position to sleep, stand and sit in for the best possible posture.

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Physical Education

Impact of Physical Activities on Teens By Marina Passalaris Being active is an important part of a teen’s daily routine. It’s a great way to spend time with friends, meet new people, feel good and break up long stretches of sitting and studying.

setting a habit for remaining active as they grow up. Australian guidelines recommend children aged 5-18 years have at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.

Non competitive activities that allow teens to socialise in a positive way can help them feel good about having a go, rather than feeling pressure to be the best.

❑ Improve heart health & fitness

Partaking in sports is a great grounding. It stops the head chatter and unplugs teens from the 24/7 world in which they have become so accustomed to.

Although families are aware that not getting enough physical activity can put each member at risk of being overweight, developing high blood pressure, anxiety and depression, these are not acting as major incentives for adopting systematic physical activity.

❑ Develop strong muscles, bones & good posture

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn

Physical activity is important for everybody, including all teenagers, but especially for teen girls who are generally less active than boys the same age.

Teens that are active are less likely to turn to drugs, alcohol or any other destructive behaviour when life gets tough. They tend to use physical activities as their stress release instead.

With the ever-expanding social media addiction, teens are devoting more time on screen activities and less on physical activity.

As teens juggle the transition from primary school to high school there are other pressures that come with it socially, at home, and at school. Issues such as body image, the onset of menstruation, and general feelings of insecurity about the changing body can surface in the teen years. Physical activity sometimes takes a back seat to other priorities. However, physical activity is an important part of health and wellbeing, and in

10 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Being active every day can help:

❑ Maintain a healthy weight ❑ Improve concentration & memory ❑ Increase self-confidence ❑ Reduce stress ❑ Improve sleep

It is important that the family set the tone for regular physical activities. Make time together as a family to go for walks, go to the beach, play tennis, as these set firm foundations for physical activity and show kids from a young age that participating in any form of exercise can be fun. It’s important for parents to imbue in teens that physical activity isn’t just about winning in competitive sports.

By Marina Passalaris

About Marina Passalaris Marina Passalaris is the Founder of Beautiful Minds, an Author, Teen Expert and Radio Presenter. Beautiful Minds, a program for girls aged 11-17, that helps teens discover who they are through life skills, fun and inspiration. One of the things Marina instills in teenage girls is that in life, when things get stressful, it is imperative to have free activities one can do to make them feel better about themselves. Marina and her team run courses in 8 locations around Australia.

More Information

Reader Giveaway

THE Event For Girls Aged 11 - 17 Sydney: April 23rd & 24th Newcastle: July 10th & 11th Booking now!

Finding Your Inner Cool Girl Beauty Solutions All About Boys What’s Trending In Fashion Relationships That Work Inner Bestie Inner Bully Dealing With The Break Up Confronting Drugs & Alcohol Smash Self Doubt My Beautiful Body Magnificent Manners BOOK ONLINE AT Marina: 0410 424 701

Beautiful Minds: A Journey of Self-Discovery for Teenage Girls Author: Marina Passalaris Filled with tips and information from friendships, boys, skin care, bullying and social media, this book helps to promote self esteem and uses imagery and colours that will appeal to teenagers. It is an ideal resource for parents of teenage girls, school counselors and teachers.

Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win!

Age Guide: 12+ Years Extent: 167 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781452556512 Price: AU $55.00 Publisher: Balboa Press (Division of Hay House) P: 1800 050 315

oks o B 3x o t ay! w a Give

With special thanks to Marina Passalaris & Balboa Press, Get Ahead Kids has 3 copies of ‘Beautiful Minds: A Journey of Self-Discovery for Teenage Girls’ valued at $55.00 each to giveaway! Visit and click the like button for a chance to win!


Physical Education

Finding Physical Activities that Kids Enjoy

By Alan Stevens

We all know that families need exercise and physical activity to balance a healthy lifestyle. Without it, parents and kids become prone to many physical and emotional ailments - depression, obesity and diabetes, to name just a few. Stress has a negative effect on a family’s physical and mental health. Sport and hobbies go a long way to reversing those bad effects. How often though do you commence an activity only to drop it shortly after starting? Have you ever taken up a particular exercise regime or sport because someone close says said you should take it up, or because it’s been advertised heavily in the media as the new beaut program guaranteed to change your life? And then a short time into the activity you lose interest or finally say “well this just isn’t for me”. Even when others are benefiting from the same activity you gave up, it can only mean that you didn’t enjoy the particular activity.

12 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Children are very different in their physical activity preferences. When sports day comes around, some can’t wait to go to school while others are looking for excuses to stay home. If the particular physical activity doesn’t interest them, then it’s likely to become a stress creator for children and counterproductive to their emotional and physical health.

Sports they are likely to enjoy include:

Some children thrive on competitive sports while others are more selective, or prefer exercise where they only compete against their own previous performance. Some love fast action while others prefer to stay longer with activities that have an analytical component.

Those with longer legs for their height are more attuned to graceful and controlled movements, including:

These issues can be easily addressed by finding activities that fit each child’s personality type. For example; a person whose legs are short-medium in comparison to their overall height tend to excel at sports that contain a lot of ballistic movements. They have a low centre of gravity that gives them an advantage when it comes to sharp, short bursts and quick direction changes such as those found in court games.

❑ Sprinting ❑ Tennis ❑ Hiking, rock climbing & mountaineering ❑ Gymnastics ❑ Latin dancing ❑ All codes of football ❑ Any sports where they are on their feet for long periods of time

❑ Cycling ❑ Swimming ❑ Golf ❑ Ballroom dancing ❑ High jump & pole vaulting ❑ Ice skating ❑ Yoga Those with a sequential thinking style like activities that are structured, and may excel at gymnastics because of the regimented order their moves must take. Those who have a more objective thinking style enjoy physical activities that are far less predictable, and require variety in their execution.

Physical Education Understanding the many different traits and how to recognise them will assist you to help your child find the physical activity that they enjoy, and from which they find the best outcomes. At the end of the day, your child can only get the best physical and emotional outcomes from the sports and hobbies that they enjoy.

About Alan Stevens

Alan Stevens, the Face Profiler, is a coach and trainer in the Art of Reading People, based in

Newcastle NSW. He has developed Social Emotional Learning programs for school teachers and corporations including programs to recognise what other people are not telling you, what they are concealing, and how they are likely to behave in any situation. His programs are delivered locally in schools and businesses and internationally through the internet. He was described by the Newcastle Herald as “The Mentalist meets Dr. Phil meets Dr. Cal Lightman from Lie To Me�, and his passion is to share these skills throughout the community. To find out how other people see you and how to recognise what makes other people tick, contact Alan now.

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Physical Education

You Are Your Body

By Michelle Lee

Have you ever wondered why we can read so much from someone’s body shape, posture and movements? How is it that we can almost know a person before we meet or talk to them, just by seeing them from a distance? Scientists have been studying body language, physical genetic patterning and kinesiology for centuries, and the experts can now read your physical body and even your facial features with a high degree of accuracy. Alan Stevens, a specialist on the Art of Reading Faces, predicts with 95% accuracy the personality traits of a person by reading and measuring their facial and body features. The physical body is inextricably linked to the mental and emotional states, so if positive changes can be made to the physical body, these are accompanied by mental and emotional shifts.

14 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Here are 7 great ways you can train children to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing, and empower them to increase confidence, self-esteem and motivation: 1. Breathe deeply, slowly & consciously to your abdomen Your breath is your most natural and most important part of your being. Use it to refocus, oxygenate and to bring your awareness back to the present. 2. Sit & stand up tall This opens up your chest and lungs allowing you to breathe deeply. It also gives you a feeling of confidence and strength. After all, your spine is your stabiliser - use it in the way nature intended. 3. Tuck your chin in Instead of poking your chin out, try drawing it back. You will feel more aligned and centred, and feel less strain on your neck and shoulders.

4. Push your chest out Many children who have significant growth spurts, may end up slouching and feeling self-conscious. A sloppy posture not only leads to a lack of selfconfidence, it may also result in long term mid back tightness and pain. 5. Shake hands with conviction Have you ever shaken hands with a dead fish? Show you are sure of yourself, demonstrate a desire to make a meaningful connection and shake hands with a firm grip 6. Make eye contact Wandering eyes or lack of eye contact can cause others to distrust you. The eyes hold a lot of power, and show each person’s truth. Let others share in your authentic self.

Physical Education


7. Smile You have heard the adage “smile and the world smiles with you”. Smiling is the most effective and easiest way to break the ice, and make genuine contact. It’s also linked to producing feel good chemicals in our body, so smile even when you are feeling down.

About Michelle Lee Michelle Lee, Physiotherapist and Career & Life Coach has been using body kinetics for many years to ascertain and help correct her clients physical imbalances. In recent years, she has been trained in the Art of Reading Faces by Newcastle’s Alan Stevens and now offers an enhanced component of her coaching to determine

From this ...

her clients’ skills, strengths and weaknesses. These combined with self-development and motivational tools, have been successful in propelling her clients to more inspirational life and career choices.

... to this • • • • •

Strong positive student & social connections Improved self-confidence & self-worth Awareness of strengths, skills, attributes Improved focus and motivation A more enjoyable school life

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Why Kindness Should Be Taught in Schools By Lisa Currie

Most people have heard the phrase ‘random acts of kindness’, which refers to a selfless act of giving resulting in the happiness of another person. Terms like this are increasing in popularity around the world, as more people identify a deficiency in their lives that can only be fulfilled by kindness. It seems we just can’t get enough of those addictive feel good emotions and with good reason. Research shows that performing even the smallest act of kindness can beneficially impact on not just the receiver, but the giver and onlooker as well. People experience a ‘helpers high’ when they do a good deed, a rush of endorphins that creates a lasting sense of pride, wellbeing and an enriched sense of belonging. There are so many benefits to kindness it’s hard to list them all, but here are a some great reasons why it should be part of every child’s day, not just at home but at school too.

16 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

❑ Happy Children Being kind activates areas of the brain that are associated with pleasure, social connection and trust, which enhances feelings of joyfulness and boosts happiness in everyone involved. ❑ Reduced Depression Altruism causes an increase of serotonin in the brain, a chemical substance that acts like a natural anti-depressant. It heightens our sense of well being, increases energy and gives a wonderful feeling of positivity and self worth. ❑ Improved Health & Less Stress It’s widely documented that kindness has a number of physical and mental health benefits, and that it can significantly increase a person’s level of happiness. Being kind creates positive emotions that reduce stress and boost the immune system to protect against disease.

❑ Greater Sense of Belonging & Improved Self Esteem Even small acts of kindness help children form connections with others which in turn create a sense of belonging and increases optimism and self worth. ❑ Increased Feelings of Gratitude When children are part of projects that help others less fortunate than themselves, it provides them with a real sense of perspective and helps them appreciate the good things in their own lives. ❑ Better Concentration & Improved Results Kindness increases serotonin, which plays an important part in learning, memory, mood, sleep, health and digestion. It is a key factor that helps children feel good. Having a positive outlook allows them to have greater attention spans and enables more creating thinking to produce better results at school.

Special ❑ Less Bullying Traditional anti-bullying programs generally focus on the negative actions we don’t want our children to display and often with little impact, but it’s documented that the effects of bullying can be significantly reduced by integrating kindness based programs in schools. Teaching kindness shows children the positive behaviour that creates warm and inclusive school environments. And if that’s not enough, it’s proven that kindness is contagious which means that a single act can ripple out to infect many.

About Lisa Currie Lisa is the founder of Ripple Kindness Project, a community program and school curriculum that aims to improve social, emotional and

mental health, and reduce bullying in schools through kindness. The ongoing, primary school curriculum teaches children about their emotions and the impact their words and actions have on others, and provides opportunities for them to notice and show kindness in everyday situations.

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How to Get Your Family Eating More Veggies By Sarah Wilson

We all know eating a wide variety of vegetables is vital for good health, but did you know that filling up on such dense nutrition helps you stave off cravings and make better food choices?

❑ Bulk with broccoli

Did you know?

❑ Try coco-nutty cabbage

Vegetables should always be eaten with fat. Many of the important minerals in vegetables - A, E, K and D - are fat-soluble only. Add some avo to your salads, and olive oil or butter to your veggies just like your grandmother used to... You’re not absorbing the maximum nutrients if you don’t. Here are some clever ways to sneak more veggies into your family meals: ❑ Add a large handful of spinach to berry smoothies The berries will mask the colour and flavour of the spinach. ❑ Make a batch of green guacamole to serve with tacos or chicken Use one avocado, a good squeeze of lemon, half a finely diced tomato and season with some salt and pepper. Add some toasted tortillas to serve. ❑ Camouflage with purees Puree peas, pumpkin and carrot until smooth and fold through mash potato for a lighter version of a household favourite.

18 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Add chopped broccoli florets (lightly steamed) to the base of Bacon and Egg Cupcakes for some texture and green goodness.

Wilt green cabbage down in a pan with coconut oil. Stir through a 1⁄4 cup of desiccated coconut until lightly toasted. The sweetness and crunchy texture will mask the cabbage-y flavor. ❑ Layer spinach in lasagna Wilt down three cups of spinach in butter or coconut oil and layer between sheets of pasta in a lasagne. ❑ Make bacon Brussels sprouts Roast one rasher of bacon, chop in a pan with one cup of brussels sprouts, cut into quarters, or one cup cabbage, cut into 3cm thick wedges, in a 200°C oven for 30 minutes, stirring a few times. Serve with a splash of apple cider vinegar. ❑ Make a large batch of pesto and freeze it in smaller serves This is a great time saver and an easy way to inject healthy flavour into any meal. Simply make your pesto of choice and freeze in ice trays. Pop out a few cubes and stir through pasta or quinoa.

❑ Make green spaghetti Use a regular peeler or a fancy ribboning tool, peel zucchinis to resemble spaghetti. Stir through a low sugar pasta sauce or pesto with a dollop of ricotta cheese on top. ❑ Mum’s the word: Let the cat out of the bag Once your kids have tried a recipe with hidden veggies a few times, let them know! Explain that the reason it tastes so good is because the carrot made it sweet or the beetroot added colour. Bonus! The best way to cook greens Steaming is my preferred method; always served with some olive, coconut or macadamia oil, or a generous knob of butter. A double steamer works best, otherwise use a bamboo steamer atop a saucepan, or a mesh steamer placed in a saucepan. Layer the vegetables, placing the longest-to-cook (and stalks) at the bottom first, and then add those that only need a quick heat-through (leaves) on top. Any vegetables that need to be boiled (such as frozen peas) can be done underneath (in the saucepan of water) at the same time.

About Sarah Wilson Sarah is an author, TV host, blogger and wellness coach whose journalism career has spanned 20 years across television, radio, magazines, newspapers and online. She’s the former editor of Cosmopolitan magazine and was the host of the first series of MasterChef Australia, the highest rating show in Australian TV history. She appears regularly as a commentator on a range of programs including Channel 7 Sunday Night, The Morning Show, Sunrise and Weekend Sunrise, Ten Network’s Good News Week and The Project, Nine’s 60 Minutes and A Current Affair.


She’s also a qualified Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. Sarah’s 8-Week Program has seen over 280,000 people quit sugar. Sarah is the author of the Australian best-seller I Quit Sugar, released as a best-seller in the UK in January 2014, and due for release in the USA this April. She’s also authored the best-selling series of eBooks from, including I Quit Sugar: an 8-week program, I Quit Sugar Cookbook, I Quit Sugar Chocolate Cookbook, I Quit Sugar Christmas Cookbook and the recent release, I Quit Sugar Kids Cookbook. Her second print book is available in stores February 26.

Mountain Haven for Families

Nestled in the Broken Back and Myall Ranges, the Cedar cottages offer a relaxing retreat, where kids can feed the farm animals. Nearby adventures include: Bushwalking, Horse riding, Fishing, Hot Air Ballooning & Hunter Vineyards. Myalls Away Farm Cottages Off Sandy Creek Rd, Quorrobolong NSW P:(02) 4998 1103 / 0417 221 086

More Information

Open 7 days 9 - 4pm

Veggie Garden Pot Pies Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 40 minutes | Makes 4 ❑ 1 tablespoon olive oil

❑ 1 teaspoon of dried thyme

❑ 1 brown onion, finely chopped

❑ 1⁄2 tin diced tomato

❑ 2 red capsicum, cut into 3cm batons

❑ salt and pepper, to taste

❑ 4 zucchini, chopped into 3cm pieces ❑ 300g pumpkin (any type), chopped into 3cm pieces

❑ 1⁄2 cup vegetable or chicken stock ❑ 200g potato (desiree works well) ❑ 1 tablespoon butter

Off the roundabout, 412 Sandgate Rd, Shortland 4951 6466

❑ 3 tablespoons frozen peas

❑ 1⁄3 cup tasty cheese

1. Heat one tablespoon of oil in a fry pan over a medium to high heat. Cook onions until soft.

5. In a bowl mash together potatoes, butter and salt and pepper until smooth.

2. Add capsicum, zucchini and pumpkin to the pan and stir. Cook for seven to eight minutes until vegetables have softened.

6. Divide vegetable mixture into four ramekins or one medium sized baking dish. Spoon the mash on top of the vegetable mix and top with cheese.

Capturing Your Forever Memory

7. Place pies in the oven and cook for 20 minutes, until cheese is melted and golden brown.

Newcastle • Hunter Central Coast

3. Add tinned tomato, thyme and stock. Season with salt and pepper. Keep cooking for a further five minutes until liquid has reduced and vegetables have collapsed into a stew. Take off heat. 4. Meanwhile bring a large pot of salted water to the boil, add potatoes and cook for 10 to 15 minutes until soft. Drain in a colander.

8. For some extra protein add in 150g skinless salmon chunks to the pie just before baking.

100% non toxic, TGA approved moulding material suitable for newborns & sensitive skin.

Contact Belinda P: 02 65712591 M: 0422433617



Skin Burns

By Dr. Shen Satkunarasa

A burn is an injury to the skin. It can be caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals and radiation. Burns can be mild, like when you touch a hot kettle and manage to pull your hand away. Burns can also be more severe, requiring treatment in hospital. What does the skin usually do? Your skin is your largest organ. It covers every part of your body. It does lots of different jobs, like: ❑ Acting as a waterproof barrier ❑ Stopping germs getting inside the body ❑ Making sure your body temperature is just right Your skin is made up two layers: the top layer, called the epidermis, which keeps germs and water out; and the dermis, the bottom layer, which gives your skin its strength and stops it from tearing. What happens when you have a burn?

With serious burns, your skin mightn’t be able to do its usual jobs. This is why, after a burn, you might be more likely to get infections. Damaged skin cannot keep water and heat inside your body like it normally does, so if the burn involves a lot of skin, you may feel cold and dry. What should you do if you have had a burn? Most burns can be treated at home. However, you need to see your doctor immediately if the burn area is bigger than the palm of your hand, or if it is blistered. You should also see your doctor if the burn is on an area of skin that needs to bend, like your knee or elbow, or if it is on the face, neck, feet or hands. Full-thickness burns cannot heal on their own so they always need hospital treatment. What treatments are there for burns?

Burns damage your skin. The burn may only affect the outer skin layer, or it may involve all the layers.

Dressings cover the burn and keep germs out. Medicines help any pain you might have.

If the burn damages only the epidermis, it is called a superficial burn. If the burn damages some of the dermis as well, it is called a partial-thickness burn. A full-thickness burn is when all the skin layers have been damaged.

For more severe burns, you might be given fluids to replace the water lost through the damaged skin and medicines to fight infections.

How does it affect you? Burns are usually painful, and the area of affected skin can become red, swollen and blistered. The effect a burn has on your body depends on how much skin has been injured and how deep the injury is.

20 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Sometimes an operation is needed to clean the wound and to get rid of the damaged skin. To give your body energy to heal, you might receive extra nutrition. Once the wound is clean, an operation called a skin graft is done. This means taking healthy skin from an area you do not usually see, like the thigh, and putting it on top of the burn area. The skin from the graft slowly replaces the skin damaged by the burn.

The skin graft might feel tight so a physiotherapist helps with exercises to stretch the skin. They also use creams and massages to deal with the tightness. A splint or compression bandage can help with the tightness too. Even though the skin graft helps the burn to heal, it can still leave a scar. Scars look different to the rest of your skin. This might make you feel different and embarrassed, especially when people see the scar for the first time. It is important to talk to someone if you feel like this. Your family, teachers and other trained professionals, like counsellors, are there to help. Remember, you are not alone! Other children have burns too, and there are support groups where you can meet and chat to other children who have had a similar experience.

About Dr. Shen Satkunarasa (MBBS) Dr. Shen Satkunarasa is a medical writer at Medikidz, an organisation that provides children with informative, accessible and fun comics to help them understand health and illness.

More Information


Medikidz Explain Burns: What’s Up with Harry? Authors: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & Shawn deLoache As a result of a burn injury whilst he was young, Harry was left with facial scarring that is unsightly, lowers his confidence and makes him feel like a social outcast. The five Medikidz superheroes whisk Harry off to Mediland - a planet shaped like the human body - to explain all about burns and scarring and offer solutions to his socialisation problems.

This graphic (cartoon) novel offers a light-hearted, easy to read and understand explanation of burns and scaring. It’s an ideal inclusion to your home, school and professional library as childhood burn accidents are common. Age Guide: 9+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935184 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Medikidz Limited P: +44 (0) 2073766630

treating foot & lower limb conditions for your kids & you



Children’s Stress & the Heart-Brain Connection By Shelley Davidow

As parents we all want our kids to become smart, well-adjusted people. Often we think that means our kids need to get good grades so they can be successful in the world and ultimately happy. But sometimes we inadvertently stress our kids to the limit in our desire for their ‘success.’ Recent research by the HeartMath Institute in California tells us that sustained feelings of joy and gratitude in our children’s hearts can enhance their cognition. And one can’t sustain those feelings in the middle of stress. When children feel happy, their heart rhythms tend to become more ordered. Ordered heart rhythms affect brain function and improve it. So, positive emotional states in our kids lead to enhanced brain function. As parents we can help our kids stay positive and unstressed by how we behave. We can put them at a distinct advantage by making sure they have lots of love, understanding, firm boundaries and joy.

Sure, stress is out there, but there’s a lot we can do as parents to stop it from having negative effects on our kids. One of the main things we can do is avoid getting stressed out ourselves. For example, my philosophy is a kind of emotional pragmatism: if a child is ‘losing it’, it’s our responsibility to not lose it too. If there’s a meltdown, a temper tantrum, a crying fit - maintaining our own balance and emotional stability is essential. Never stoop to the level of the fray, I tell myself as both a parent and as a teacher. In order to have a positive effect on our kids’ heart rhythms, we need to be mindful rather than reactive in our responses. That way, we put our kids at a distinct advantage by minimising stress. Stressed kids can be disadvantaged. No one can think properly when stressed, because stress causes the body to get ready for fight-or-flight. Blood flows away from the brain to the limbs in response to fear. The stress-response was wisely designed to get our prehistoric ancestors away from danger, but these days, we still have the same physical

reaction to stressful situations even if they aren’t immediately life-threatening. Kids who are distressed about school, or friends, or upcoming tests or what to wear, need loving support. Regardless of the issue, if we as parents maintain a calm demeanour, and focus on the state of our own hearts, we’re actually encouraging optimum brain function in our children. In our never-ending quest to do what’s best for them, we sometimes forget the essentials: what happens in our children’s hearts influences the brain’s electrical activity. Feeling happy and loved and unstressed makes children smarter. Imagine that.

About Shelley Davidow Shelley is the author of Raising Stress-Proof Kids. Shelley is a teacher, an author and a trained facilitator in Restorative Practice. She runs workshops nationally and internationally on the impact and management of stress at home, in the workplace and in the classroom.

More Information

22 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14



Providing specialist dental care for infants, children, adolescents & those with specialist needs. Happy gas & general anaesthetic available.

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Get Ahead Kids速 Partners

Raising Stress-Proof Kids Authors: Shelley Davidow MSEd Raising Stress-Proof Kids provides a practical and helpful expose on the stresses that educational organisations and outdated parenting practices place on kids. It adopts the view restorative discipline that focuses on the notion that misconduct is violation of people and relationships. Restorative practices seek to heal and put things right.

This is a highly recommended book for parents and teachers. It is written in easy to follow text and incorporates questions, summaries and charts. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 232 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921966408 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

hey dee ho music runs music programs for 1- 5 year olds. There are franchise opportunities in the inner Sydney suburbs & the northern suburbs of Adelaide.

Franchise Enquiries: (03) 9786 3104 |


The B-Active program at Balance combines the latest technology in fun and fitness with periodised training programs, fully supervised by qualified staff.

A typical session will consist of:

Level 2 9–12 years

• A cardiovascular based warm-up using climbing wall, sportswall, interactive bikes and xbox kinnect

• Designed for children 9 to 12 years of age who have completed Level 1, and older children who have not yet met the requirements of Level 3.

• Dynamic stretching and mobility exercises • Formal, age appropriate resistance programs • Individual and team-based games and activities • Static stretching for improved flexibility.

The programs are based on a level system which divides the kids into age/ competency categories. Level 1 5–9 years

• Programs begin to incorporate some free weights and appropriately sized machine weights, as well as body weight activities. • The repetition range is between 10 to 15RM with a maximum loading of 60% of predicted 1RM. • The children in this program will continue to develop basic strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, coordination and flexibility, as well as learning more advanced exercises.

• Designed for children 5 to 9 years of age, and older children just starting out, with resistance training and conditioning.

Level 3 12–16 years

• Programs involve modified bodyweight-type exercises and light resistance work performed for high repetitions.

• Programs begin using more free weights but avoid using complex lifts such as cleans, snatches, dead lifts etc.

• The goal for this age group is to have the children become accustomed to regular training.

• The repetition range is between 8 to 15RM with a maximum loading of 70% of the predicted 1RM.

• The children in this program will develop basic strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, coordination and flexibility.

• The goal of this program is to develop all physical capabilities as well as introducing more sport specific exercises.

Children and parents

Timetable Monday to Friday 4pm and 5.30pm Saturday 8am, 9am, 10am and 11am Session times are available to all age groups

• All kids should have the emotional maturity to accept and follow coaching instructions • All youth should wear comfortable attire that does not restrict movement and athletic footwear that provides good traction and support.

24 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

• Designed for children 12 to 15 years of age who have completed Level 2.

Prices 10 lessons for $100 | Casual visit $12

Benefits of resistance training for kids • Enhanced musculoskeletal strength • Improved motor skill performance • Reduced risk of sports-related injuries • Improved sports performance • Increased self-esteem • Reduced risk of obesity

Safety There is substantial concern from the general public, medical practitioners and the scientific community regarding the safety and appropriateness of resistance training for young athletes. Research conducted over the last decade indicates that resistance training can be a safe, effective and a worthwhile activity for kids, provided that qualified professionals supervise all training sessions and provide age-appropriate instruction on proper lifting technique and safe training guidelines.

Qualified staff

The research suggests that the majority of resistance training injuries in kids are the result of accidents, improper exercise technique or lack of qualified supervision.

• Our staff, who have an understanding of youth resistance training and paediatric fitness, will provide supervision and instruction during all sessions

Therefore, the following safety guidelines will be strictly upheld:

• They will ensure the training area is safe and free of any potential hazard

• Attention to gym etiquette

• Children will be monitored on their ability to tolerate exercise stress and our staff will modify programs when appropriate.

• Safe use of equipment • Proper lifting technique • Age and competency appropriate programs • Proper handling of heavy objects.

Growth plate injuries

• All programs will be set by a qualified and accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach

Please note: Bookings are essential. Classes commence at the start of each school term. All bookings are subject to availability. Sessions are not run on public holidays. School holiday programs are also available. A swim cap must be worn in the pool. One parent must be a Wests member to enrol a child.

The general public’s primary concern with youth resistance training tends to be related to the potential for injury in the physis or growth plate. Although a few case reports have noted injury to growth cartilage in kids, most of these injuries were caused by improper lifting techniques, poorly chosen training loads or lack of qualified supervision. Injury to the growth cartilage has not been reported in any youth training study that provided professional guidance and instruction. There is no evidence that resistance training will negatively impact growth height during childhood.


32 Industrial Drive Mayfield P 02 4903 6200 E ABN 24 000 973 919




Dancewear for Dance Eisteddfods

Eisteddfods are a great way for students to showcase their talents and gain recognition for skills in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, hip hop and latin. With its dazzling designs, the So Active dance brand So Danca, is styled to turn heads at Competitions and Eisteddfods.

Showcasing the best international trends, So Danca is an innovative Brazilian brand that features a large variety of dancewear accentuating Eisteddfod presentations.

A quality manufacturer of unique and exquisite Eisteddfod dance costumes, So Danca offers edgy colourful designs, and the best in its class materials and trims.

So Danca is designed by the famous family of dancers, Araujo Teixeira, and is used by many professionals who know what it takes to win dance competitions.

Elise Frawley, National College of Dance recommends So Danca and states:

For Online Sales

for Eisteddfods So Active dancewear is famous for its edgy, unique designs to help dancers “Look Great at Eisteddfods”. With its renowned So Danca brand of dancewear and shoes, So Active is designed to attract attention and praise from judges and students.

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Buy Online 26 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

“The dancewear is of outstanding quality as its long lasting and holds its shape. It features a wide range of very original styles.”

Subscriber Giveaway

ts y To o n i T 1 x ty Kit t Safe away! Give

St John Just in Case Tiny Tots Safety Kit

Do You Have What it Takes in An Emergency? It can happen in seconds. A child suffers an asthma attack. A toddler has an allergic reaction to peanuts. A baby stops breathing. Are you ready? The new St John NSW Education and Care First Aid course, gives participants the knowledge, skills and confidence to act in the event of an emergency. It’s based on the new competency HLTAID004 that the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has endorsed as satisfying all educator requirements for first aid, asthma and anaphylaxis qualifications. Topics covered include choking, the treatment of burns, bleeding and anaphylaxis, as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of an automated external defibrillator.

National Regulations require centrebased, school-based and family day care services to have an educator immediately available at all times who holds current first aid qualifications, anaphylaxis management and emergency asthma management training. The training is also essential for new parents, grandparents, or other people who may frequently have children or babies in their care.

Babies and toddlers are prone to missadventure. This kit combines first aid and other safety items to ensure parents and carers are prepared to manage common minor injuries and illnesses. • The St John Kids Action Plan gives parents all of the essential information to manage any situation • Useful content allows parents to monitor temperatures, treat minor scratches & manage unexpected accidents on the go • Therapeutic Goods Authority approved ensuring highest quality • Product tested by 10,000 Australian volunteers each year • Shelf life of 1-3 years • 265 mm x 185 mm 90 mm With special thanks to St John Ambulance Australia, Get Ahead

Education and Care First Aid is a twoday course held at St John training venues across NSW. Onsite training for your business or organisation is also available at discounted rates. This course is considerably time and cost saving for individuals and businesses.

Kids has 1 St John Just in Case Tiny

More Information

(must be signed up by 18 April

P: 1300 360 455

will receive a special link via email

Tots Safety Kit valued at $31.80 to giveaway! Visit, follow the subscribe link and sign up to the free digital magazine 2014 to be eligible). Subscribers for entry to the giveaway.



Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt

Life Like Touring, in association with Fiery Light UK are pleased to announce that Australia’s favourite family show will tour more of the country in 2014, starting with a 32 stop tour right up and down the East Coast of Australia. In this theatrical production, Peppa Pig and her friends set off on a treasure hunt. Peppa, her brother George and friend Danny Dog get up to fun and games on a day out on Grandad Dog’s boat. There are clues aplenty as Pedro Pony, Polly Parrot and Zoe Zebra help them find their treasure as they all enjoy a day of adventure. Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt features delightful true-to-life puppets and some of Australia’s most talented musical theatre performers.

28 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Originally from London’s West End, Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt has been seen by almost 85,000 Australians since it launched in October 2013. Tickets sold so fast and were in such high demand that one ticketing partner compared the response to an on-sale day for a Pink or Radiohead concert. In an Australian first, Life Like Touring gave fans direct input into how the tour schedule should be extended by collecting votes with their new fan driven web application and also at Launched on the ABC in 2004, Entertainment One’s Peppa Pig is now the most popular children’s show on Australian TV, screening four times per day and out-rating all other kids shows in its time slot.

Peppa Pig is also the number one rated children’s show downloaded on ABC iView, with a staggering 2 million views per month. In addition to outstanding broadcast figures, Peppa Pig is also currently the fastest growing pre-school toy brand and children’s DVD franchise in Australia. Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt Hunter Dates Tickets on sale Tuesday 11 February Wednesday 2 July 2014 Newcastle Civic Theatre 375 Hunter St, Newcastle NSW Box office 02 4929 1977 Saturday 5 July 2014 Cessnock Performing Arts Centre 198 Vincent St, Cessnock NSW Box office 02 4990 7134 More Information


In-Home Child Care Services In-Home Child Care offers a flexible child care service to families in special circumstances. Funded by the Federal Government, In-Home Child Care is a government approved service. To ensure quality outcomes, the carers are monitored and supported by an approved Service Provider. In-Home Child Care is provided where families have limited access to existing child care services, and/ or their circumstances mean that an existing child care service cannot meet their needs, and where the family meets one or more of the following criteria: ❑ The child has, or lives with another child who has an illness or a disability

❑ The child’s guardian (or spouse) has an illness or disability that affects their ability to care for the child ❑ The child lives in a rural or remote area ❑ The work hours of the child’s guardian (or spouse) are hours when no other approved child care service is available ❑ The child’s guardian (or spouse) is caring for three or more children who have not yet started school The parents may qualify for Child Care Benefit (CCB) or Child Care Rebate (CCR) up to $7,500 per child per year

More Information P: 02 4960 0680

ATTENTION PARENTS In-Home Child Care is a flexible form of child care. An approved provider can offer child care in the child’s home to ELIGIBLE families. Fee release available | Flexible hours

Places AVAILABLE for 2014 Filling Fast! P: 02 4960 0680 AGJ Business Pty Ltd is a fully approved, Government funded Childcare organisation established in 2001. AGJ Business receives support funding from the Federal Government.

Caring and qualified training in professional, purpose built studios in inner-city Newcastle.

Tiny Tots Classical Ballet Jazz & Contemporary 0403 092 256 - (02) 4929 7172

Photos courtesy Heidi’s School of Dance


Facebook Giveaway

Rhino Exhibition Inspires Efforts to Stop Poaching The Rhino Exhibition involves

About 55 adult rhino sculptures

Locations in Sydney include Customs

sculptures of life-size black

have been decorated and painted

House, the Opera House, the

rhinoceroses, which have been

by leading Australian artists and

Botanic Gardens, Pitt Street Mall,

decorated by famous artists, schools

designers including Ken Done and

Bondi and Manly.

and community groups, and will be

Camilla Frank, while 70 calf-sized

displayed across NSW from Sydney

sculptures were decorated by NSW

to Taronga Western Plains Zoo in

school students from Wagga to



As three out of five rhino species are

Taronga Zoo aims to raise $400,000

now critically endangered due to

at an auction of the sculptures in

habitat loss and illegal poaching,

May to support their breeding and

this conservation program aims to

field conservation programs for

engage everyone in NSW to help


Taronga Zoo has taken conservation community to inspire conservation awareness through art.

digital mediums to capture their discoveries and learn more about rhinos.

save rhinoceroses.

beyond the zoos and into the

Readers can explore the trail using

Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win!

For Information & the Trail Map

mily a F 5 x es to Pass way! a Give

Schools from across the state will have their rhinos displayed in major shopping centres and participate in an education program to learn more about conservation efforts.

With special thanks to Taronga Zoo, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to Taronga Zoo valued at $112.20 each to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (4-15 years, under 4 years free) a wildlife experience at either Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Visit and click the like button for a chance to win!

30 Get Ahead Kids速 Mar/Apr 14

Facebook Giveaway

What’s Up With Kenzie? ‘Medikidz’ Explain Eczema Authors: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & Ian Rimmer Kenzie’s friends are keen for her to join them for a day at the beach. She refuses to go because she struggles to hide the patch of red, scaly skin on her neck. ‘Medikidz’ are on hand to whisk her on an adventure and teach her all about Eczema.

ks Boo X 4 to ay! w a Give

‘Medikidz’ are 5 superheroes who transport Kenzie to Mediland, a planet shaped like the human body, to help her come to terms with her condition. What’s Up With Kenzie? is a fun-filled instructional, comic book that is an invaluable reference to helps families, schools and associated medical professionals gain information about Eczema and its treatments.

Mudpoo and the Fungus Mystery Author: Peter Klein Illustrator: Leon De Montignie Set in the Australian bush, this book aimed at primary school aged children sees young Mudpoo, his friends and Harry the dog who has been known to talk, stumble upon a mystery at an old goldmine.

ook B x 3 to y! awa e v i G

Pirates Snot, Grot, Pong and Bones have their own evil plan but Mudpoo and his friends outwit them with the help of Captain Pete. The treasure in Bethanga’s old goldmine does not glitter but everyone wants it. Old Fungus McPhee lives at the mine and guards it carefully. Kids will learn about Australian flora and fauna in this entertaining story, which sees Mudpoo and his friends, scare away owls by playing music in the key of B flat!

Age Guide: 9+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935122 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Medikidz Limited P: +44 (0) 2073766630

Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win! With special thanks to Medikidz Limited, Get Ahead Kids has 4 copies of ‘What’s Up With Kenzie? Medikidz Explains Eczema’ valued at $19.99 each to giveaway! Visit GetAheadKids and click the like button for a chance to win!

Age Guide: Primary Extent: 72 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780987410498 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: JoJo Publishing P: 03 9681 7275

Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win! With special thanks to JoJo Publishing, Get Ahead Kids has 3 copies of ‘Mudpoo and the Fugus Mystery’ valued at $24.99 each to giveaway! Visit GetAheadKids and click the like button for a chance to win!


Little Red Riding Hood Author & Illustrator: Alison Jay Little Red Riding Hood is warned about the Big Bad Wolf on her way the see her sick grandmother. However she is not quick the judge the wolf on the stories told by others in Fairytale Village. The texture illustrations help tell this modern version of the classic children’s tale. The author has also hidden images of other fairytales amongst the pages which will keep young readers entertained for hours. Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 28 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742760711 Price: AU $14.99 Publisher: Koala Books P: 02 4328 3555

Tilly & Billy Travel the World Los Angeles Author: Dawn MacKenzie with Angela Knights Illustrator: Ken Howlett McSlimey has stolen the ‘D’ from the Hollywood sign and it’s up to secret agents Tilly and Billy and their meerkat to help find the letter before a major awards night. The colourful imagery supports this easy to read adventure tale. This new adventure series is great for reluctant readers. Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 77 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987599766 Price: AU $12.95 Publisher: Busybird Publishing P: 03 9434 6365

Is it true? Author: Max Cryer This well written, amusing book has all the answers you so honestly presumed you knew, to questions ranging from things we say, food and drink, countries, music, sports and kings! You will find yourself intrigued to keep turning the pages and unraveling more and more fun facts. Age Guide: Young Adults Extent: 214 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921966484 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

Girls Own Survival Guide Author: Ky Furneaux Ky Furneaux is a successful stunt woman who has written ‘Girls own survival guide’ to empower women through the fight or flight issues that we deal with in everyday life. Ky cleverly juxtaposes various nature and wilderness adventures to life lessons and survival techniques which are explained throughout the book. Inspirational mantras are used to guide the reader along the journey. This book is great for women who are interested in dealing with underlying issues they may have and to introduce positivity to their lives.

The Poppy Author & Illustrator: Andrew Plant

Age Guide: Mums Extent: 215 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921901607 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Penguin Australia P: 03 9811 2400

For more great reviews visit 32 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

The Poppy is a beautifully illustrated book that recalls the famous Villers-Bretonneux battle and how over the years a strong bond has been forged between France and Australia that has never been broken or forgotten. The sombre tale is an ideal read for primary aged children learning about Australia war history. Age Guide: 9+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781925000313 Price: AU $16.95 Publisher: Ford Street Publishing P: 03 9481 1120

Baby Beats

My Two Blankets

5-Minute Marvel Stories

Author & Illustrator: Karen Blair

Author: Irena Kobald Illustrator: Freya Blackwood

Author: Marvel

Five young children are playing together making different types of noises with there hands, feet, mouth and instruments. A combination of language, sounds and vibrant illustrations help create a picture book that will make young readers join in the noisy fun. Age Guide: 2+ Years Extent: 20 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781922179074 Price: AU $24.95 Publisher: Walker Books P: 02 9517 9577

This is a beautiful story about a little girl who relocates to a westernized country during the war and is finding it hard to fit in. She feels lost, lonely and everything is very different to what she is used to. The author is very creative in using ‘blankets’ as a metaphor for the little girls confidence in fitting into her new life. All beautiful stories have a happy ending, so find out how this one ends with your little ones. Age Guide: Primary Extent: 28 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921714764 Price: AU $24.95 Publisher: Little Hare P: 03 8520 6444

This is a every marvel super hero fans dream gift! The amazing Spider-Man, invincible Iron Man and the mighty Avengers are some of the super heroes who are battling villains in this collection of short adventures. The 5 minute long stories and the brilliant illustrations make this book great to read out loud, allowing young readers to escape into the marvel universe. Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 192 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781743622216 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3555

Midnight Author: Mark Greenwood Illustrator: Frane Lessac

Eat In: The Best Food is Made at Home

Toucan Can

Author: Anna Gare Illustrator: Hugh Ford

Author: Juliette MacIver Illustrator: Sarah Davis

This is a emotional yet inspiring story, and the prose writing style brilliantly captures an important moment in Australian military history.

Anna Gare has developed this recipe book off the philosophy that cooking doesn’t need to be a chore or rocket science. The combination of healthy ingredients, straight forward methods and delicious results make this book a life saver for busy families.

This is a beautiful, brightly illustrated book based on a Toucan who can sing, dance and do all sorts of fast paced crazy things. The rhyming story line keeps you engaged and entertained, wanting to turn the page to see what the Toucan does next!

Age Guide: Primary Extent: 32 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921977718 Price: AU $27.95 Publisher: Walker Books P: 02 9517 9577

Age Guide: Open Extent: 210 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742663890 Price: AU $39.99 Publisher: Allen & Unwin P: 02 8425 0100

Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 36 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781877467547 Price: AU $16.99 Publisher: Gecko Press P: +64 (0) 4 801 9333

Inspired by the folklore of the Haydon family from ‘Bloomfield’ in the Hunter Valley NSW, this book tells the historical journey of a young stockman who enlists with his beloved mare Midnight into the 12th Light Horse Regiment in 1915.



Article Themes 2014 January/February

Advertisers Index

Back to School - Curtis Stone

AGJ Business Pty Ltd


Ad Booking Deadline Nov 22, 2013

Alan Stevens - The Face Profiler


Editorial Deadline Nov 27, 2013

Andrew Smith Timber Creations



Beautiful Minds


Casting Your Memories


Physical Education - Hayley Lewis Ad Booking Deadline Feb 7, 2014 Editorial Deadline Feb 14, 2014

May/June Language & Communication Ita Buttrose Ad Booking Deadline Apr 11, 2014 Editorial Deadline Apr 17, 2014

July/August Learning Innovations & Technology Tom Williams Ad Booking Deadline Jun 13, 2014 Editorial Deadline Jun 20, 2014

September/October Study & Assessment - Jessica Mauboy Ad Booking Deadline Aug 8, 2014 Editorial Deadline Aug 15, 2014


Balance Mayfield - Wests Group

Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown



Gateshead Indoor Sportsworld




Heidi’s School of Dance


hey dee ho music


Hunter Development Corporation


Hunter Wetlands Centre


I Can Read System


Irlen Diagnostic Clinic




Life Like Touring


Myalls Away Farm Cottages


NCP Printing Newcastle Family and Sports Podiatry

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Newcastle Grammar School (Preschool)


Newcastle Grammar School (Years 5-12)


Reading Cinemas



So Active Actionwear & Dancewear


St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)


UpnAway Career & Life Coaching


Summer Learning - James Mathison Ad Booking Deadline Oct 10, 2014

For more advertising information please contact

Editorial Deadline Oct 17, 2014

Maria Charlton | | P: 02 4929 7766


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® Vol. 6 • No. 3

• May/Jun 2

May/June 2014 GST $6.60 AUD INC Subscription 01





Celebrity Spotlight Ita Buttrose Australian Journalist & Businesswoman Physical Education Issue out

May 2014 34 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 14

Subscriber Giveaway

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More Information


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The newly renovated Gateshead Indoor Sportsworld is now taking enrolments for Jr SuperStar Sports programs • Kinder Gym (18 mths - 5 yrs) • Nearly Fives Gym (4-5 yrs) • Recreational Gymnastics (5-12 yrs) • Recreational Trampoline (5-12 yrs) • Multi Sports Programs (3-7 yrs) • Teen Gymnastics (13-18 yrs) • Adult Gymnastics (18 yrs+) • School Holiday Programs • Birthday Parties Also the home of SPRING LOADED TRAMPOLINE PARK - the ultimate adventure playground. P: 4942 1488 | 26A Oakdale Road, Gateshead NSW |

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