Get Ahead Kids Magazine - Vol 6, No. 3, May/June 2014

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Vol. 6 • No. 3 • May/Jun 2 014

Language & Communication Special Sensory Play Teaching English in an International Landscape Communication Who’s Responsibility Is It Anyway?

An Interview with

Ita Buttrose May/June 2014 Subscription $6.60 AUD INC GST 01





Reader Giveaway

Taronga Celebrates First Tree Kangaroo Joey in 20 Years Taronga Zoo is celebrating the successful birth of its first Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroo Joey in more than 20 years. The female Joey was born in September 2013, but keepers only just began seeing her tiny head peeking out from first-time mother, Kwikila’s pouch mid-March 2014. Following a naming contest, which was open to the public through the Zoo’s Facebook, the Joey has been named, ‘Nupela’, meaning ‘New’ in Papua New Guinea’s Tok Pisin language. Kwikila arrived from Belfast Zoo in January 2013 and her successful pairing with Taronga’s resident male, Parum, is a triumph not only for the Zoo but also the global breeding program for this endangered species. Native to Papua New Guinea, Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroos are classified as endangered, with numbers in the wild decreasing due to habitat loss and encroaching human activity.


Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Thrilled keepers have been observing the Joey’s daily progress, as it emerges each morning at feeding time in the lush exhibit just below Taronga’s main entrance. Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroos are mostly brown in colour with golden yellow limbs and a long mottled golden yellow and brown tail. The colours may help them blend in with decaying vines and mosses at the top of trees. Unlike their grounded cousins, Tree Kangaroos are able to walk backwards (an essential skill when

negotiating branches) and have specially-adapted pads on their feet and hands to help with climbing. There are 46 Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroos in the global breeding program of which 13 are male. Global zoos are coordinating the breeding program and each male is placed with at least two females to optimise breeding success. For Information & the Trail Map

With special thanks to Taronga Zoo, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to Taronga Zoo valued at $112.20 each to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (4-15 years, under 4 years free) a wildlife experience at either Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Visit and click the giveaways link for a chance to win this fantastic prize!

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May/Jun 2014


This Month’s







Spotlight An Interview with Ita Buttrose

An Interview with Ita Buttrose Photos Courtesy of Network Ten

Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2014 Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766

Language & Communication 8

Sensory Play


Two Ears One Mouth


Teaching English in an International Landscape


Communication - Who’s Responsibility Is It Anyway?


The 3 Communication Secrets of an Entrepreneurial Family Family Finances


Ways to Teach Kids to Be Financially Prosperous Health


Why Our Kids Should Be Growing Their Own Food


Parkinson’s Disease


Go Green For Health! News


Build Up Self Esteem


Look Good on the Move Giveaways


Taronga Zoo Family Passes Reader Giveaway


The Hair Ball Book Facebook Giveaway


Medikidz Parkinson’s Disease Book Facebook Giveaway


The Australian Reptile Park Family Passes Subscriber Giveaway


Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt Tickets Reader Giveaway




Advertisers Index


Special Recipe: Steak with Tarragon and Mushroom Sauce


Get Ahead is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.


Editorial Get Ahead Kids is privileged to publish an interview with Ita Buttrose who has been very generous in sharing her career passions and adventures as a journalist, TV personality and ambassador for Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The language and communication issue includes a diverse range of fascinating articles including sensory play, the communication secrets of entrepreneurial families and communication styles. The special feature on teaching kids to be financially prosperous will astonish readers in its simplicity and ease of using in everyday life.

To celebrate the popularity of the health articles, Get Ahead Kids is pleased to offer two articles on the benefits of going green and ‘Medikidz’ explains Parkinson’s Disease. Get Ahead Kids provides a variety of Facebook, digital subscribers and reader giveaways. I extend a special thanks to our giveaway contributors; ‘Medikidz’, Taronga Zoo and The Australian Reptile Park as well as Life Like Touring for the generous Peppa Pig Family Tickets. Maria Charlton Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766

Facebook Giveaway

s ook B x 3 to ay! w a Give Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win! With special thanks to JoJo Publishing, Get Ahead Kids has 3 copies of ‘The Hair Ball’ valued at $24.99 each to giveaway! Visit GetAheadKids, LIKE the page, find the Hair Ball book giveaway post and follow the instructions for a chance to win!


Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

The Hair Ball Author: Spider Lee Illustrator: Nathaniel Eckstrom Set in the town of Perkin, The Hair Ball is a story about a town of people who are known for their long flowing locks which reach down to the ground. The people of Perkin have found many uses for hair. Hair is used to make clothes and handbags; there is a magazine called Pigtails and shops called Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, Hair Bar and Hair of the Dog. Eventually the mayor calls a meeting about the alarming rate at which everyone’s hair is growing (the hairdresser is so busy she cuts some people’s hair twice a day) and a Gala Hair Ball is held.

Written in rhyme, the kids will love this book: Jane gathered locks from the hairdresser’s floor And turned every curl into stylish couture. ‘Hair Wear’ was soon a world leader in fashion And Jane became rich as she practiced her passion. Age Guide: Primary Extent: 35 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780987358691 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: JoJo Publishing P: 03 9681 7275


An Interview with

Ita Buttrose


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Who inspired you from a young age to progress into the media career and why? I was influenced by my father who was a journalist, editor and author but I always knew that writing was what I wanted to do and decided to become a journalist when I was 11. I had no idea that my career would develop the way that it has though. I have had a wonderful career that has allowed me to travel, meet people some famous, some not famous - and also to witness historic events. I have never regretted my decision all those years ago to become a journalist.

Please tell us about your family.

What is your favourite hobby and why?

I was one of four children and grew up with three brothers Julian, William and Charles. Sadly William died eight years ago from cancer. I have two children Kate, who is an architect and managing director of an architectural company in Sydney and Ben, who is a senior research scientist at the CSIRO in Canberra. I have five grandchildren - three girls and two boys.

I like gardening and growing roses. I love being out of doors and having the time to enjoy planting things and watching them grow. I am now preparing a part of my garden to become a veggie patch.

Do you speak another language?

If you could have chosen any other career path, what may it have been? I did once think I might become an opera singer but my calling wasn’t strong enough to overcome my desire to become a journalist.

French - but not very fluently as I don’t get to use it enough.

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Spotlight How do you feel about the changes in technology and the influences these changes have had on the communications industry over the years? I think technology is exciting and that it has changed the way we communicate for the better. It has certainly transformed the publishing industry. When I first started work, it used to take a couple of days to fly colour film from London to Sydney. We would collect it at Customs at Sydney Airport and then deliver it to our photography studio in Castlereagh Street in Sydney’s CBD, where it would take several hours for the film to be processed. Today via the Internet we can transmit photographs form all over the world to Australia in a matter of minutes. The biggest challenge all of us have is to keep up with technology. For instance what we know about technology right at this very moment will be very different in 12 months’ time. What has been your most memorable career highlight to date? Without doubt being named 2013 Australian of the Year is the most memorable thing that has happened to me and something that no one ever imagines happening to them. It allowed me to talk about matters of concern like the rapidly increasing rates of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia which affects so many Australians and, without a medical breakthrough, will impact on millions of us in the years ahead. As National President of Alzheimer’s Australia, I welcomed the opportunity of being Australian of the Year to raise awareness of dementia. What advice do you have for parents who find it hard to maintain a healthy work/life balance? You’re only here once and you need to make the most of every moment. Work is exciting and fulfilling (most of the time) but when we are older and relaxing in our rocking chairs we won’t be thinking about things we did in the workforce but about our relationships, especially the ones we have with our families. All relationships need to be given time and that includes time with your children when they are little and in their teens. Recent surveys tell us that children want


Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Spotlight to spend more time with their parents. They would like their parents to listen to them and many of them wish their parents didn’t drink alcohol as much as they do as it makes kids feel anxious. If you could invite any guest to dinner, who would it be? Hugh Jackman - I think he is a really nice man, a great advertisement for Australia, and a versatile performer who can act dramatically and also sing and do musical comedy... so after dinner I would ask him to sing me a couple of songs. What magazines do you read? Do you read them online or do you prefer a hardcopy? I read magazines online and also as hardcopy. I love magazines. I always read The Australian Women’s Weekly and I like Vanity Fair, Wellness Magazine, Mind Food and the magazine inserts in The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald and the Financial Review. What are your top five healthy tips you can recommend since training with your personal trainer, Lee Campbell? Try and exercise every day; walking is the easiest of all exercises and doesn’t cost money; walking up and down stairs is great for legs and hips; use your local park as your gym – for instance you can do push-ups on a park bench; watch what you eat i.e. not too many sugary foods and juices and watch your portion sizes too, and make sure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. What are your top holiday destinations? New York and London. They are both vibrant destinations and I always return home relaxed and raring to go - and also with lots of new ideas. About Ita Buttrose Born on 17 January 1942 in Potts Point, Sydney, NSW, Ita Clare Buttrose has had an extraordinary career spanning

over fifty years from newspapers and magazines, to television, radio and electronic publishing. Her mind was set from an early age of 15 when she left school to work as a copy girl at The Australian Women’s Weekly. Soon after, she became a cadet journalist on the Daily &Sunday Telegraph Women’s Section in Sydney. She married her architect husband at the age of 21 and a few years later had two children, Kate and Ben. She was appointed women’s editor of the Telegraphs at just 23 years old and in 1972, launched the very successful new women’s magazine Cleo. Three years later, Ita was appointed editor of The Australian Women’s Weekly. She was editor-in-chief of both magazines from 1976–78, and then appointed Publisher of the Women’s Division of Australian Consolidated Press. In 1981 she became the first woman to ever edit a major metropolitan newspaper in Australia when she was appointed editor-in-chief of The Daily & Sunday Telegraphs, a position she held until 1984; she was became the first woman to join the board of News Limited. From 1984 – 1988, Ita was chairperson of the National Advisory Committee on AIDS (NACAIDS). She currently co-hosts Studio 10 on Channel TEN and also dedicates her considerable energy and skills to supporting medical education and health care. Since 2011, she has been National President of Alzheimer’s Australia and is also Director Emeritus of Arthritis Australia. She uses her national profile to raise awareness of breast cancer, HIV/AIDS. Prostate cancer and macular degeneration. Ita is also a creative author and has published 11 books including her autobiography, A Passionate Life. In 2009, Penguin published Get in Shape: A complete workout for strength, health & vitality and in 2011, A Guide to Australian Etiquette.

More recently, Ita became the 2013 Australian of the Year and commended for her brilliant and groundbreaking media career.

More information

A Passionate Life Author: Ita Buttrose In this intimate account of her life, Ita Buttrose sets the scene of the inner workings of the media industry, politics, shifting roles of men and women over the years, value of friendship, changing nature of families, and the lives and personalities of the affluent business associates she worked with including media tycoons Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch. This is a fabulous autobiography of one of Australia’s most prominent and influential women. A must read for every young aspiring journalist hoping to enter the media industry. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 368 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780670076543 Price: AU $29.99 Publisher: Penguin Australia P: 03 9811 2400


Language & Communication

Sensory Play By Bliss Cavanagh

Sensory play refers to activities that stimulate young children’s senses: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. It facilitates exploration and encourages children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore. Sensory play helps children to develop language, communication and creative skills. It also has the power to influence mental health and well-being and advocates the importance of altering environments to meet our personal sensory needs. Simple solutions can be applied to enhance our feelings of control and choice which then resonate in other aspects of life. Using a sensory room approach is not just for people with disabilities and sensory processing issues. Everybody enjoys kicking back, lights dimmed, music playing or enjoying a view. All of these satisfy our senses.


Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Our senses are universal to everyone, adults and children, and are fundamental to shaping our experience of life. As children we are given sensory stimulating toys to develop our cognitive and behavioural skills. As we get older this is viewed as more trivial – but why? Our senses may be keener but still operate on an abstract level. Keeping up a healthy relationship and communication with our sensory selves benefit our entire being. It’s important to take time out and enjoy the simple little things, especially for our children. Keeping our senses happy and providing relaxation time is beneficial to our well-being and can be achieved using simple tools and ideas.

Language & Communication

Time spent enjoying colours and mood lights, comforting tactile qualities, music and aromas should not be underestimated. Responding to what your mind and body enjoys on this level is like giving time for your senses to play. Opportunities for your child to spend quality time with themselves are just as important as social engagement. A strong personal relationship can increase self-esteem and enable easier decision making and a greater sense of self. Encouraging your children to engage with attention-focussed activities not only builds selfconfidence but has been proven to alleviate symptoms of disorders like Tourette Syndrome as the Journal of Child Neurology discusses in its article “Tourette Syndrome: The Self Under Siege�.

About Bliss Cavanagh Newcastle artist and designer Bliss Cavanagh never knew just how much her love for collecting colourful lights as a child would change her life. Now, at 23 years of age, Bliss sees that much of her life has been spent seeking out sensory relaxation methods that help alleviate her personal symptoms of Tourette Syndrome.

Bliss experiences this phenomenon during her art making processes as well as in her sensory room creations. These realisations have directed her to research and create more therapeutic opportunities that she can share with others. Bliss now sees her life with Tourette Syndrome as something she would not wish to live without. A transformation that has made light of what she loves.

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Language & Communication

Two Ears One Mouth By Michelle Lee

Have you heard the expression, “Listen twice as much as you speak”?

One very under-rated yet vital communication skill is listening. Our ears are capable of hearing 600-800 words per minute, while our mouth is capable of speaking 240 words per minute. This means we are capable of listening three times more than we can speak!

When our children communicate ideas, words or feelings to us, are we really listening? If we are actively listening, communication can be so much more successful and effective, creating happier relationships with our So why are we not listening children. effectively? Here are some reasons: Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the ❑❑ Often we are listening not to understand, but with an intention communication process. Listening has to reply been identified as one of the most useful and important communication ❑❑ It can be hard to concentrate skills in personal, academic and passively for a prolonged time professional settings alike. (Wolvin & without any active input Coakley, 1996) ❑❑ We interrupt before our children have finished their sentence or There are several reasons for dialogue misunderstanding the message in our child’s communication. Not asking the ❑❑ Being busy or cluttered with right questions, emotional or thought other things to do & not being overload, prejudice, memories, mindfully present & patient with expected outcomes, background our children noise are some of the factors. ❑❑ Being emotionally tense or stressed

Active listening is about connecting and giving attention. It takes practice and involves you physically and mentally.

10 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Here are some tips: ❑❑ Read your child’s body movements, facial expressions, intonations ❑❑ Look directly at your child & exchange non-verbal feedback ❑❑ Express interest with your face, eyes & hands. ❑❑ Ask more questions for clarification ❑❑ Reflect or repeat what is being said to demonstrate understanding ❑❑ Show empathy where appropriate ❑❑ Mirroring postures or facial expressions can show empathy & care Our children are intuitive enough to know when we are ignoring them, pretending to listen, or using selective listening. The benefits of attentive, empathetic listening make it worthwhile.

Language & Communication ❑❑ Your child will feel acknowledged & loved

About Michelle Lee


❑❑ Your relationship becomes closer & deeper ❑❑ Your child trusts in you more & can become more open ❑❑ Your child and you get a different or sometimes better perspective on things ❑❑ Problems are more easily solved when active listening is combined with empathy ❑❑ Your child is able to take the time to explore their own thoughts & feelings ❑❑ You can read between the lines because you are being mindful & present And, remember David Oxberg’s advice “Being listened to is so close to being loved that most people cannot tell the difference.”

Michelle Lee is a Transformational Life Coach at UpnAway Career & Life Coaching, based in Newcastle NSW. She successfully guides adults and teens to transform their lives and to pursue their passion and purpose. Michelle has developed SEL programs to be used in or out of school and together with other professionals builds programs to enhance mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

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Teaching English

in an International Landscape By David Larbalestier

My experiences as an English language educator have seen me travel extensively, particularly throughout Asia, where I have spent two extended sessions teaching English in China; the first was in the 1980s, and the second in the 1990s. When teaching the English language to a class of 20 or more students, my methods to facilitate learning have always focussed on building layers of knowledge and skills. The first step to teaching language is identical to teaching a child cognitive capabilities – students need to learn step by step. You start with the basic skills and ensure you sequence language development correctly; you wouldn’t teach the word ‘paediatrician’, before you taught the word, ‘doctor’.

12 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

It is essential to take your students on a journey – explaining what they are going to learn, what they are going to achieve and the objectives around the program. It is my opinion that while each teacher’s methods can be highly intuitive and very flexible, good teachers will adapt their style to the level and type of class they have. Personal style, observation and experience are important. As you build up the skills of your students, you adopt a pace that you have judged specifically for that class to ensure they can keep up, and you keep them focused on each step. Obviously it is easier to pace correctly with smaller class sizes and with students at a similar level - it gets more challenging if there are disparate levels combined.

Whatever a country’s political, social or economic circumstances, my teaching philosophy remains the same; the differences in teaching language in an international arena are in the cultural and social immersion of the country you are teaching in. You need to be mindful of cultural differences between yourself and local teachers; your teaching style may be very different from local methods, and may seem unusual or even threatening to other teachers. Teachers want to feel confident and capable when facing their class. To encourage acceptance of your methodologies you will need to build understanding and gain their respect; openness in showing your personality and sharing personal anecdotes helps to build trust and support with your fellow teachers.

Language & Communication

Capturing Your Forever Memory

In teaching English to international students, an integrated curriculum which mixes listening, speaking, reading and writing, is extremely beneficial. The approach we have developed at UTS:INSEARCH builds the skills of students in all four areas at the same time, which really enhances their learning. We focus particularly on preparing students for university level English to ensure their reading is fast and intensive for tertiary study, they develop the listening strategies necessary for lectures, tutorials and conversations, they understand the learning approach needed for writing reports and essays for assignments and have good speaking skills for presentations and for social interaction with other students, teachers and friends. Supporting and reinforcing this combination of skills ensures students will confidently develop the ability to converse, study and learn in the language.

About David Larbalestier

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David is the President of University English Centres Australia (UECA) and Director of Studies, English Programs, UTS:INSEARCH. With more than 30 years teaching experience in the UK, China and Australia, David has co-authored leading online publications and television programs including Study English and Passport to English. He also co-authored UTS:INSEARCH’s IELTS Preparation course. More Information

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Communication -

Who’s Responsibility Is It Anyway? By Alan Stevens How often do you struggle talking to other people? Do you wonder how well they understand you or if they understand you at all? If it is the responsibility of the person doing the talking to get the message across, then how do you know the best way to communicate your message to different people? From the studies of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) we know that people fit into the category of Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic, or they may fit into a combination of these, and this is how they view the world and process information. You need to ask yourself “do I need to paint them a picture?”, “does it sound right to them?”, or “do they feel right with what I’m saying?” However, to evaluate their preferred style we need to first listen to them and gauge the language they prefer to express themselves by. You’ll find the answer in the language they use. Do they use a lot of visual, sound or feeling type words?

14 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Visual people use phrases like “I see”, “how does that look”. They tend to talk fast, often exhibiting impatience and interrupting. For them the pace needs to be fast while you paint them a picture. Auditory people speak slower than visual people. They prefer to listen to the information than to read it, which can be an issue at exam time. Focus on the rhythm and tones of your voice when talking to them. Make sure the words flow. Kinaesthetic people generally speak slowest of all. They use all of their sense to engage in learning, so make them feel part of what you’re trying to communicate. If you’re talking from a report, let them hold it. Ask them “does that feel right”? Often though, we don’t have the opportunity to have everyone speak first, such as in a classroom or seminars setting. We could cover all bases and combine all three into our talk, but if your audience is predominantly visual they won’t see what you are saying while trying to make it feel right to them. So what is the best method?

The answer is their face. Where the eyes are the windows to the soul, facial features and facial expressions are the window to the mind. Reading their faces requires no verbal input from them, which means you can read large numbers of people all at once and in a matter of seconds. The exposure of the eyelids will tell you if they require a lot of detail or just the big picture in the form of a brief overview. Do they need time to absorb and think about what they are told before they can act on it with confidence which is also immediately noticeable in the face? These and a number of other traits are explained in the mobile app ProfileMatch, which shows you: ❑❑ How to recognise the different traits ❑❑ What they mean ❑❑ How they prefer to be spoken too ❑❑ How to moderate your own style for more effective communication ❑❑ The most effective communication is achieved when you combine all of these skills & the app will explain how to practise them

Language & Communication

About Alan Stevens

Alan Stevens, the Face Profiler, is a coach and trainer in the Art of Reading People, based in Newcastle NSW. He has developed Social Emotional Learning programs for school teachers and corporations including programs to recognise what other people are not telling you, what they are concealing, and how they are likely to behave in any situation. His programs are delivered

locally in schools and businesses and internationally through the internet. He was described by the Newcastle Herald as “The Mentalist meets Dr. Phil meets Dr. Cal Lightman from Lie To Me�, and his passion is to share these skills throughout the community. To find out how other people see you and how to recognise what makes other people tick, contact Alan now.

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The 3 Communication Secrets of an Entrepreneurial Family

By Natasa Denman

How we communicate with each other has changed so quickly over the past 10 years that some important skills that were the cornerstone of any relationship are vanishing. Families are living together yet living alone. We need to bring back effective family communication. Even though my businesses are conducted predominately online, I know that my most important relationships are with my precious family. Although I’m involved with as many things, I remain acutely aware of the importance of communicating openly, freely and honestly. In life, I don’t believe in perfection and although we still face our own challenges at times, we follow 3 simple rules to keep connected as a family and it works. 1. Take 5 Minutes Every Day to Talk We call this our tea-time. Phones are left out of the room and computers are turned off. We sit facing each other and look at each other in the eyes. It would amaze you how little people

16 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

look at each other when they talk these days. Just have a look at most teenagers! We talk about anything other than our businesses (there is plenty of time for that on other occasions). We talk about how we feel and what we would like from each other in our relationship each and every day. It is a great way to connect and for men who generally have the biggest problem expressing their feelings, it is a perfect safe place to do so in. 2. Pay it Forward With Your Children Teach your children what you have learnt about business and why you are in business for yourself. Share your big ‘WHY’ with your children from a young age as they need to understand that you are part of a different world, the entrepreneurial world. The more your children are spoken to openly and honestly the better the chances they will have of being great communicators in their own right. Give them choices. Keep it simple and use the classic double bind, either this or this, will improve their

decision-making. Encourage your children to ask as many questions as possible and communicate honestly with them. The imprint period for children is between 3 and 7 years of age so make those years as informative as possible. 3. Understand Each Other’s Strengths and Weaknesses Once we are clear on each other’s wants and desires, assigning roles based on these is very important. In my family, I am the entrepreneurial one and my husband is the nurturer. Is it traditional? No. Does it work? Absolutely! Until we understood this and stopped trying to change each other, things seemed unnatural and we both resented being forced into the traditional roles. Now that we are both having our number one values fulfilled (his being family and mine being business), we are continuing to go from strength to strength and our family and business is thriving. Trying to change someone is the worst thing you can do. Accepting them for who they are rather than trying to make them something they aren’t will make for a lot happier relationship.

Language & Communication

Spend some time having real conversations. Even pick up the phone and talk rather than send a message. Make communication a priority, and have those meaningful relationships that will be the envy of all of your entrepreneurial friends.

About Natasa Denman Natasa Denman is the next generation business mentor and product generator specialist. She is the author of Ultimate 48 Hour Author, a book writing mentorship program as well as The 7 Ultimate Secrets to Weight Loss, Ninja Couch Marketing and You Can Live the Life of Your Dreams.

More Information

Ultimate 48 Hour Author Author: Natasa Denman Most families have at least one member or a friend who has a burning desire to be an author. The Ultimate 48 Hour Author provides you with the advice, templates and tools to achieve this goal. Natasa Denman maintains that becoming an author is also the fastest way to build credibility and exposure for your business. Highly recommended for budding authors, this book provides an invaluable tool for planning, writing and promoting your book.

Age Guide: Adult Extent: 158 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780992357689 Price: AU $30.00 Publisher: Busybird Publishing P: 03 9434 6365


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Family Finances

Ways to Teach Kids to Be

Financially Prosperous By Simone Milasas

Financial prosperity is a target that many of us have for ourselves and for our children. We aspire for our children to be successful and live prosperous lives, yet we often feel less than equipped to provide them with the necessary tools. What did you learn about money growing up? What were you taught about prosperity? Was money talked about in your house? Or was it forbidden? Did your parents say things like, “You have to work hard for money”? Or maybe they just demonstrated it by working hard and struggling to get by. Whatever you’ve been taught and whatever point of view you may still have, it is possible to live financially prosperous. And, it is possible to teach your kids to do the same!

Tools To Teach Financial Prosperity To Your Kids: • Ask Questions Showing kids that financial prosperity is possible is a huge contribution to them. Regardless of what your current money situation may be, you can begin to create wealth. Your point of view creates your reality. If you wish to create a different reality, change your point of view. One way to do this is to ask questions. Founder of Access Consciousness® Gary Douglas says, “Questions open the door to all possibilities.” In other words, questions take you beyond the limitations you are currently functioning from and into endless possibilities. A couple of great questions to ask are, “What else is possible?” and “How does it get any better than this?” When you ask these questions, the universe comes rushing in to show you!

18 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Questions open the door for something greater to show up! • You Are the Source of Your Life Let your kids know that they are the source for the creation of their life. Sure, mum and dad contribute to them grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers and friends too. But ultimately, that infinite being in a little body is the creator of their life. A great way to pass this along to your kids is to ask them questions. Let’s say there’s something they wish to have. Ask them, “So what would it take for you to create that?” Or, “What could you do to bring that into your life?” Teach them to ask questions as well. You can say, “You know, when you ask questions, all sorts of things can show up. What if you asked: “What can I do today to actualize this right away?”

When we teach our kids to ask questions rather than conclude that they can’t have something or that everything has to come from parents, they begin to recognize that they are capable of creating for themselves. My step son recently started drawing pictures and selling them to anyone who walked into our house for at least $5 a picture. It was inspiring to see him creating his own money with no doubt that he could. • Create a 10% Account A powerful and pragmatic tool that dynamically contributes to increasing money flows is creating a 10% account. Here’s how it works: When money comes in, put 10% of every dollar away and don’t spend it – ever!

• Acknowledge Your Creation The final step of creating is acknowledging what you’ve created – every time! Acknowledge the magic you created and then go back to the question. ‘How did I create this and how does it get even better?’ Kids often don’t have the doubt that something can be created; it’s drilled into them later in life. So encourage them to function from their awareness, ask questions, allow the magic to show up and be grateful.

Joy of Business

Community applications for the 2014/15 Sustainability Grants are open 1 May - 1 June 2014 Check your eligibility and apply at For enquiries phone 4979 9889 or email communityfunding@

About Simone Milasas

• Money Follows Joy, Joy Does Not Follow Money

Money actually follows joy. So as your kids grow older, encourage them to continue to do what’s fun for them. As they choose what brings them joy, money shows up. My step son has stickers all over his room that say “Happiness is just a choice.”


Offer these tools to your kids. They will be empowered and they will KNOW that truly anything is possible! Welcome to financial prosperity!

Kids get excited as they see their money grow. Having money provides a sense of abundance, and that they have value in life. Imagine what a 10% account could be by the time they are 21.

Kids naturally do what’s fun for them. As they grow older, we often instruct them to: “Stop acting like a child. Grow up. Get serious.” If you believe that you can’t have fun and make money, at some point you expect your kids to stop having fun.

Family Finances

Simone Milasas is a business mentor and the author of ‘Joy of Business’. She has been involved in many companies, and is presently the worldwide coordinator of Access Consciousness® as well as the founder and creator of Joy of Business.

Get Ahead Kids® Partners

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hey dee ho music runs music programs for 1- 5 year olds. There are franchise opportunities in the inner Sydney suburbs & the northern suburbs of Adelaide.

Franchise Enquiries: (03) 9786 3104 |

Author: Simone Milasas Age Guide: Adult Extent: 220 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781938487033 Price: AU $35.00 Publisher: Big Country Publishing P: 18772303062



Why Our Kids Should Be Growing Their Own Food By Bianca C. Ross We should be eating what our grandmother’s ate. That’s the advice being shared by many articles and studies with regards to nutrition and meal plans. And if I look at my Nan, I couldn’t agree more. Nan turns 100 this year. She’s mobile on her own two feet; she has beautiful skin and perfect teeth, all of which are her own, and gentlemen twenty to thirty years her junior think she’s a bit of all right. Nan enjoys a glass of wine, loves butter and eats everything. And the trick is, it’s all in moderation and it’s all natural. Nan grew up on a farm that had a wonderful vegetable patch which she helped tend. She finished school when she was twelve, but armed the knowledge she gained from being out in the veggie patch she could have won Masterchef and take first prize at the Chelsea Flower Show. While our grandmother’s were being taught important survival skills, they were also eating real food. And the great news is we can too. And, it’s something we can pass on to our kids to give them the nutritional benefits that real food delivers.

20 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Going organic is great, and while it’s wonderful for our waistline, it can be harsh on the hip pocket. But, we can all have access to organic fruit and veggies… when we grow our own. I’ve dabbled in food growing for years and I can tell you, when you grow your own, you appreciate the time it takes for a plant to form its fruit or vegetable. You watch in wonder as the tiny seedling adds leaves, then a flower. You marvel at the bees spreading their pollen and you wait in anticipation as the flower slowly starts to turn into a pod that, in turn, magically grows into something you can eat. When you grow your own, you see that imperfection is unique, not unwanted. A lopsided pumpkin tastes as sweet and delicious as a perfectly formed specimen. It becomes the centerpiece of your Instagram photo, and the number of likes you get for your post on Facebook rivals what Michelin starred chefs receive. And while it’s this fun for us, it’s off the Richter scale for fun for kids. They are enchanted by the daily changes that the veggie patch provides. They pat and poke and squeeze with delight the new things they see.

Kids learn that it takes time for food to grow. They understand fruit and veggies need to be nurtured and cared for, and that they don’t just come in a carton or a crinkly plastic bag. We all feel a sense of pride when we’ve made something, especially our kids. For them, to pick a tomato or a zucchini and know that they’ve played a part in its formation is as rewarding as making it to level ten in the latest phone game. To present a carrot that’s been tended to every day by them is as exciting as receiving a gold star on the Chores Chart. When children figure out that they can play an important role in growing their own fruit and vegetables, they feel a sense of responsibility and achievement. They want to help and be involved. Watering, weeding and sorting out pesky snails is satisfying, and it’s fun! And it gets even better. Studies show that children who are involved in growing their own fruit and vegetables are more likely to give them a try. When they understand how the food grows and where it comes from, they are more interested in it, and that’s a big win for parents.


The backyard veggie patch is back. It’s a step forward to being sustainable and doing something good for our family. The veggie patch is making a renaissance. It’s the new trend – every home should have one. And I bet if Nan’s Mum could see that, she’d be all for this reinstated institution.

About Bianca C. Ross Bianca C. Ross is the author of Herbert Peabody and His Extraordinary Vegetable Patch.

The idea to write about Herbie had been brewing for a while. She had always liked healthy food and this led her to work at some big food companies in Australia including dairy and fruit juice companies. She had always enjoyed communicating, and this saw her working in different advertising agencies in France, Singapore and Australia.

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One day when she was sitting in the garden at her farm, which is very much like Herbert Peabody’s farm, she had an idea. She decided she would write about her friend Herbert Peabody, the farmer who digs food.

40 Brown Rd Broadmeadow NSW 2292

Herbert Peabody and His Extraordinary Vegetable Patch


Author: Bianca C. Ross Illustrator: Tabitha Emma Bray Herbert is a farmer who loves to grow his own fruit and vegetables and wants to encourage others to do the same, as it’s both rewarding and fun. His niece and nephew come to stay during the holidays and they show no appreciation for fresh food. Herbie tries to inspire the pair to get outside into the veggie patch; however the children prefer to watch TV. It is not until Theo Knead-a-lot’s famous bakery is under threat of closure from a lack of fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers, that the children discover the connection between growing produce and how it can affect their lives and the community.

Suitable for 4+ years, this book series is aimed at inspiring readers to grow and prepare their own fruit and vegetables. The supporting website includes additional fun activities with colouring sheets and garden information. Age Guide: 4-9 Years Extent: 120 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780987595508 Price: AU $18.95 Publisher: Fairnet Pty Ltd P: 02 8445 2300

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There are no specific tests to confirm Parkinson’s Disease. It is generally diagnosed clinically, based on the presence of tremor, rigidity/stiffness and Bradykinesia. Treatment There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s Disease. However, medicines can dramatically improve the symptoms. The medicines work either by replacing dopamine with other chemical messengers or by mimicking how dopamine works.

Parkinson’s Disease By Dr. Columba Quigley Parkinson’s Disease is a condition that affects the brain and causes problems with movement. It is named after a British doctor, James Parkinson, who first reported on the condition as The Shaking Palsy in 1817. In the UK, approximately one in 500 people have Parkinson’s Disease, which is around 127,000 affected people at any one time. In Australia, it is estimated that approximately four people per 1,000 have Parkinson’s Disease, with the incidence increasing to one in 100 in those over 60 years. The condition usually affects older people, between 50 and 75 years, but around 20% of those affected are diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50. The American actor Michael J Fox was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s Disease when he was 30, and has since committed himself to the campaign for research into the condition. The Brain in Parkinson’s Disease Your brain cells make many types of chemical messages, or neurotransmitters. Parkinson’s Disease affects a part of the brain called the Substantia Nigra. Brain cells in the Substantia Nigra make

22 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

the chemical messenger dopamine, which normally controls the body’s movements. When you need to move, dopamine delivers the instructions to your muscles, telling them what to do. In Parkinson’s Disease, the brain cells that make dopamine stop working. This means that the instructions do not get delivered. Problems Caused by Parkinson’s Disease Without instructions, the body cannot move like it should. This causes problems called symptoms. In Parkinson’s Disease, there are three main symptoms: 1. Tremor: This usually starts in the hand and moves to the foot. It tends be worse at rest, when stressed or tired, and disappears when asleep 2. Rigidity/Stiffness: This means that muscles find it hard to relax, which makes it more difficult to move them. 3. Bradykinesia: This means slowness of movement. Other problems include difficulty sleeping, slurred speech, a stooping gait and sometimes slowness of thinking.

Some people may benefit from surgery. Deep brain stimulation, for example, which sends small electrical signals to the brain, may be recommended and can help symptoms for some people with Parkinson’s Disease. However, it is not suitable for everyone. Doctors and nurses work with each person affected by Parkinson’s Disease, helping them decide on the best treatment for them. All over the world, doctors and scientists are researching new treatments and cures. There are also other therapies that can help. Physiotherapy and yoga help make movement easier. Occupational therapy can help with useful ideas, gadgets and devices, so that those affected can continue to do the things they like and need to do. Speech and language therapy is useful when there are problems with talking. Parkinson’s Disease is idiopathic, which means the cause is unknown. Having Parkinson’s Disease can be very frustrating as it becomes harder and slower to do things one normally does. Alterations in lifestyle take time to get used to. The condition is not uncommon and there are many people who are going through the same experience. There are support groups and charities that can help all those affected by Parkinson’s Disease.

Facebook Giveaway Remember: • Parkinson’s Disease is a condition that affects body movement • It occurs when the brain does not have enough of the chemical messenger dopamine • It causes three main symptoms: tremor, rigidity/stiffness and Bradykinesia • There is no cure, but there are medicines to help the symptoms • There are also other therapies to help with day-to-day living with Parkinson’s Disease • The cause is unknown • You are not alone. Many people have the condition and there are support groups to help

About Dr. Columba Quigley Dr. Columba Quigley is Chief Medical Editor at Medikidz, an organisation that provides children with informative, accessible and fun comics to help them understand health and illness.

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What’s Up with Alys’ Grandad? Medikidz – Explain Parkinson’s Disease Authors: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & Ian Shawn deLoache Alys’ grandfather has always been inventive and funfilled. But lately he is stooped, tired and keeps dropping objects. Alys is angry and confused as she doesn’t understand what’s happening to him.

This is excellent graphic novel that explains Parkinson’s Disease in a colourful and light hearted manner. It’s a must read for medical professionals, schools and families.

ooks t Give o awa y! Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win!

Age Guide: Open Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935801 Price: AU $16.00 Publisher: Medikidz Limited P: +44 (0) 2073766630

With special thanks to Medikidz Limited, Get Ahead Kids has 4 copies of ‘What’s up with Alys’ Grandad? Medikidz – Explain Parkinson’s Disease valued at $16.00 each to giveaway! Visit GetAheadKids, LIKE the page, find the Medikidz book giveaway post and follow the instructions for a chance to win!

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The five Medikidz superheroes are on hand to take Alys on an exciting trip to Mediland and a trip into the human brain where Alys learns all about Parkinson’s Disease and how it affects the body and what can be done to help.

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Go Green For Health! By Dorte Bladt

I was recently on a budget flight to Asia. The cost as it turned out, included the flight and nothing else. If you wanted something to eat, drink or watch you had to order and purchase it onboard. I guess it gives you and the crew something to do for the duration of the flight. I was totally intrigued by the food availability, and spent a long time trying to decipher the most nutritious option to source vitamins and minerals from. The selection consisted of differently shaped boxes with brightly coloured pictures on the front, depicting a beautiful array of delicious looking fruits and vegetables and happy looking animals. The pictures on the front made me feel happy, hungry and excited to eat what was inside.

24 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

However, as my selection was served, I was disappointed to learn that what was in the box really resembled the cardboard and plastic it was served in, rather than the appetising pictures on the front. And reading the ingredients list, twelve lines long and full of words I couldn’t pronounce let alone recognise as food didn’t make me feel any better. So that made me think (what else to do when you are sitting like a sardine?) about how it is that our eyes and appetites are whet by pictures of the real thing: fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, etc, but that we and especially our children are satisfied and even prefer the chemical reproduction of it? A few weeks ago we had a hugely successful and interesting workshop with some very inspirational women presenting on wellness for families.

One of our wonderful presenters did a demonstration on superfood smoothies that tasted super- delicious. There was a general consensus among the mothers in the room: ‘There is no way I can get my kids to drink that - It’s green!!!’ Interesting really, the kids don’t seem to baulk at the sports drinks or ‘juices’ available that are BLUE. Nothing in nature is blue; we should innately know not to touch that! However, the super-smoothies are so delicious that the feedback we have been getting is that even the kids drink them. Wow, miracle!! I wonder what constitutes the ‘super’ in a superfood. The ‘supers’ seem to change from year to year, like the trends: blueberries, chia seeds, quinoa, and this year is kale.


As far as I am concerned all foods are superfoods, containing different combinations of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. Essentially, the less processed the food, the higher the nutrient count, and we need a mix of them every day to function, heal, learn and grow at optimum. Particularly now, as the season heads to snuffles and sneezes, this is even more important. Vitamin C, Zinc, vitamin D present in fruits, vegetables and meats help our immune system function at its best and fight off the omnipresent bugs. If we eat lots of raw wholesome foods we don’t need to purchase vitamins and minerals in tablet form.

Put it all in your blender/vitamix and blend on high for 60 seconds. You want to blend it for long enough to break down the cell walls of the fruits and vegetables to make it easier to digest. If you wish, finish by adding 6-10 ice cubes and blend. This is a delicious smoothie that everyone will love, containing all the vitamins and minerals of superfoods that your body needs to grow, develop and fight infections. And it contains all the wonderful things the kids love to see on the boxes of the pre-packaged non-food that they love so much. Just show them the box!

About Dorte Bladt

And there is no better or easier way to get these immune boosters than in a delicious and refreshing smoothie!


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So OK, no way your kids will try it. How about making it into a game, a tasting competition? Give them a banana smoothie, a glass of juice and this green smoothie that I will give you the recipe for, and get them to taste it with a blindfold on. I bet you the only thing the kids will not like is the colour:

Super Shake ❑❑ Handful of kale ❑❑ Handful of English spinach leaves ❑❑ ½ handful of mint leaves

Dorte has a special interest in paediatric spinal and nervous system health. She checks your spine to assess if the bones, muscles or ligaments are working properly and will gently, safely and naturally correct it to allow the body and the nervous system to function better. Dorte also provides advice on which exercises would be beneficial as well as which position to sleep, stand and sit in for the best possible posture.

❑❑ 1 apple, roughly chopped

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❑❑ 1 pear roughly chopped

Dorte Bladt Doctor of Chiropractic Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown 2 Lincoln St, Charlestown NSW 2290 P: 02 4942 4842

❑❑ 1 banana roughly chopped ❑❑ 1 cucumber roughly chopped ❑❑ 1 zucchini roughly chopped ❑❑ Juice of ½ lime ❑❑ 2 cups of water or coconut water

Nestled in the Broken Back and Myall Ranges, the Cedar cottages offer a relaxing retreat, where kids can feed the farm animals. Nearby adventures include: Bushwalking, Horse riding, Fishing, Hot Air Ballooning & Hunter Vineyards. Myalls Away Farm Cottages Off Sandy Creek Rd, Quorrobolong NSW P:(02) 4998 1103 / 0417 221 086


Catering for 4 year olds in the year before Kindergarten. Allowing children to explore, experiment, create, discover, connect, contribute and communicate in a safe, fun and challenging environment.



Build Up

Self Es teem

THE Event For Girls Aged 11 - 17 Sydney: July 7 & 8 Newcastle: July 10 & 11 Booking now!

Finding Your Inner Cool Girl Beauty Solutions All About Boys What’s Trending In Fashion Relationships That Work Inner Bestie Inner Bully Dealing With The Break Up Confronting Drugs & Alcohol Smash Self Doubt My Beautiful Body Magnificent Manners BOOK ONLINE AT Marina: 0410 424 701

In our image obsessed society many teenage girls lack self-esteem and confidence due to negative body image issues. It’s also during these formative years that many girls have to make life choices, whether about career aspirations or determining the kind of person they want to become. Sydney-based Marina Passalaris founded Beautiful Minds over 8 years ago, a life skills program dedicated to educating girls about who they are through fun and inspiration. Marina and her team of expert educators run a two day workshop educating girls on a variety of common issues, such as confidence, self-esteem, developing quality friendships, fashion styling and body shapes, what healthy relationships look like, nutrition, bullying, etiquette, mother/ daughter relationships, drugs and alcohol awareness, make up artistry, money and budgeting, self harm prevention, social media, peer pressure, depression, and setting goals.

By Marina Passalaris

The team at Beautiful Minds work closely with each teen helping them achieve happiness through the Beautiful Minds program. It gives teen girls an opportunity to look at who she is as a person, how she treats people around her and what she ultimately needs in order to feel safe and secure in today’s ever changing world. Beautiful Minds courses are run in 8 locations across Australia. The classes are kept to a small group so that girls have that one on one interaction with all the educators. Students are encouraged to stay in touch after the course has completed so that they feel they have someone to talk to if anything is troubling them or they just need a friendly ear. Marina and her team will be running a July school holiday course in Sydney and Newcastle and places are strictly limited.

More Information Marina: 0401 424 701


26 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

The new So Active Actionwear and Dancewear brand meets and exceeds buyer expectations for colour, design innovation and fabric quality. Launched with the slogan, “Look Good on the Move”, So Active is a Hunter grown brand that heralds femininity, functionality and glamour. The bold fashion stories include competitive priced activewear, dancewear, footwear and dance recital costumes. Quality and flair are the So Active core values, from its high-tech fabrics to its designs, fashion elegance and attention grabbing fabrics.

Alex Rosen, CEO of So Active states: “So Active carries a wide variety of renowned international brands including So Danca and Trinys that are renowned for product uniqueness and Brazilian flair.” The new So Active Actionwear and Dancewear incorporates the best in Brazilian design, product technology and quality assured manufacturing providing customers with activewear and dancewear of outstanding quality. Its mission is to help woman and young girls to look good whilst achieving the health benefits of an active lifestyle. So Active is supported by online sales from a new website and active social media sites.

More Information & Online Sales

So Active Actionwear and Dancewear is renown for its edgy, unique designs to help you look great at the gym or at dance. With its stunning Trinys and So Danca brands, So Active is styled to turn heads.

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Subscriber Giveaway

Conservation Month at the Australian Reptile Park! July means Conservation Month at the Australian Reptile Park and there are heaps of activities that will guarantee a fun-filled family day during the school holidays. Beautiful Dingo pups will be welcomed to delight visitors and educate them on the importance of the species. Listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the pure-bred Dingo is a top order predator that plays one of the most important roles in maintaining balance in Australian eco-systems. The iconic Tassie Devil is also a focus for the Park and we’ll continue to educate visitors about this feisty yet fascinating mammal, listed as endangered by the IUCN. The iconic Koala will also be a feature of Conservation Month and we are happy to allow visitors an up close encounter with these wonderful creatures. The Koala has been listed as vulnerable under national environmental law in parts of QLD, NSW and the ACT. Habitat destruction is the koala’s biggest threat, as well as road strike and dog attacks. The new nature walk is open and features an endangered Bush Bird Aviary with birds like the Regent Honeyeater and the locally endangered Bush Stone Curlew. Eric’s Central Coast Nature Walk also includes a Noctarium, filled with some exciting new species! There are

With special thanks to

The Australian Reptile Park, Mountain Pygmy Possums, a critically endangered marsupial from Alpine Australia, the endangered Brush Tail Bettong plus tiny Feather-tail gliders. Our popular Kids 2 Keeper workshops for ages 3-18yrs will be running throughout the school holidays, and will have an emphasis on conservation activities.

Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to The Australian Reptile Park valued at $75.00 each to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (3-15 years) a wildlife experience at the Australian Reptile Park. Visit, follow the subscribe link and sign up to the free

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digital magazine (must be signed up by

16 June 2014 to be eligible). Subscribers will receive a special link via email for entry to the giveaway.

28 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

5x Pa Fam Giv sses ily ea to wa y!

ily m a F o 1 x ass t ay! P aw e Giv

Reader Giveaway

Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt Ticket Giveaway With special thanks to Life Like Touring, Get Ahead Kids has tickets for a family of four to the Newcastle ‘Peppa Pig LIve! Treasure Hunt’ Show valued at approx. $160 to giveaway!

Please note the tickets apply to: Venue: Newcastle Civic Theatre, 375 Hunter St, Newcastle NSW Show Date: Wednesday 2 July, 2014 Show Time: 10.30am

under 12 months are free as long as

The tickets for the lucky winner will be available for collection from the Newcastle Civic Theatre Box Office just before the show. Please arrive early to ensure you have enough time to collect your tickets and find your seats.

they sit on a parent/guardian’s lap.

Prize will be drawn 23 June 2014.

The tickets allows a family of 4 to join Peppa and the gang on a treasure hunt at ‘Peppa Pig LIve! Treasure Hunt’ Newcastle show. Tickets are for 4 people. Children

Visit and click the Giveaway link for a chance to win!

Peppa Pig Live! Treasure Hunt Hunter Dates Tickets on sale now! Newcastle Civic Theatre Box office 02 4929 1977 Wednesday 2 July 2014 Times: 10:30am, 1:00pm & 3:30pm Thursday 3 July 2014 Time: 10:30am Cessnock Performing Arts Centre 198 Vincent St, Cessnock NSW Box office 02 4990 7134 Saturday 5 July 2014 Times: 10:30 am, 1:00pm & 3:30pm More Information


I love Myself

Flavours of Melbourne

Wimpy Shrimpy

Author: Shivani Gupta

Authors: Jonette George & Ethan Jenkins designed by Daniele Wilton & Grace West Photographers: Kaitlyn Wilton & Bianca White

Author & Illustrator: Matt Buckingham This delightful picture book shares the inspirational tale of a shy shrimp who finally finds confidence to join in and play games with all his friends.

This is a picturesque and trendy book of Melbourne’s nooks and crannies.

The bright illustrations and easy to follow story makes this a great picture book for preschool children to read.

Author Shivani describes her transition from living an unfulfilled life working as an Engineer before taking a trip to Nepal, where she realized that in order to create happiness; she had to learn to put herself first. Now a successful speaker, author and mentor, she seeks to inspire every woman who has endured low self-esteem and other issues. An inspirational guide to happiness and well being, this book will create new beginnings and strengthen your ability to form a positive mindset. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 156 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781452510583 Price: AU $21.99 Publisher: Balboa Press P: 1800 050 315

The photography is mesmerising. It is a visual adventure of Melbourne’s history, recipes, street art, restaurants and bars. The Flavours of Melbourne is a beautifully researched, designed and produced coffee table book but it is weighty and not ideal for those looking for a gift or souvenir to send through the post. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 488 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780987371287 Price: AU $69.99 Publisher: Smudge Publishing P: 03 9525 1112



Author: Anne-Louise Channon Illustrator: Beatriz Vidal Martin

Author: Jackie French Illustrator: Bruce Whatley This is a beautiful book, depicting the eerie and often heart breaking subject of fire. Jackie’s emotional verse and Bruce’s spectacular illustrations capture the ferocity of the bushfire. This book depicts the destruction of the flames, the courage of firefighters and the new growth after the blaze. As bush fires are a common occurrence in Australia, this book is an ideal introduction for young readers.

Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742838175 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3555

For more great reviews visit 30 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

Age Guide: 3-6 Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742761022 Price: AU $14.99 Publisher: Koala Books P: 02 4328 3555

This is a mesmerising, sad tale about Anya and her pet owl Miaka. As Anya’s family plummets to tough economic times, she receives an offer for her pet to be slaughtered for food. That’s when she makes a decision that brings warmth to her heart. Embellished with outstanding illustrations, Miaka is a haunting story of how a less fortunate girl lives, love and make the ultimate sacrifice. Age Guide: Primary Extent: 30 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781922081315 Price: AU $25.95 Publisher: Windy Hollow Books P: 03 8456 8220

Meditation for Motherhood Author: Yogi Brahmasamhara This is a practical guide on Zen Meditation for mothers-to-be for every stage of the pregnancy and after the delivery. Written by a meditation specialist with over 37 years of experience, this advice rigorously followed is bound to eliminate stress and help mothers to deal with the challenges of pregnancy and motherhood. Age Guide: Mothers Extent: 224 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781925017168 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Rockpool Publishing P: 02 9560 1280

Quick and Clever Party Cakes

Mrs. Mo’s Monster

Author: Lindy Smith Photographer: Martin Brigdale

Mrs Mo is quite patient when an unexpected monster crunches, munches and chews its way through her house.

Create an impressive shark, tractor or ladybird to celebrate an occasion in style. With 20 creative cakes, this book provides easy to follow instructions, detailed photos of the decorating and construction steps plus helpful time-saving tips.

Author & Illustrator: Paul Beavis

Mrs Mo tries to be reasonable and demonstrate to the single minded destructive monster how to be polite, well-rounded and accomplished. The Monster soon discovers a new set of talents and skills!

This is handy addition for the family bookshelf.

This is a hilarious picture book that explores the themes of patience, and the importance of being polite.

Age Guide: Open Extent: 96 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781743360040 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Murdoch Books P: 02 8425 0100

Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 36 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781927271018 Price: AU $16.99 Publisher: Gecko Press P: +64 (0)4 801 9333 The insidious nature of this disease is that most people do not have symptoms. The most common causes of fatty liver disease is a high fat diet with those suffering from obesity and diabetes - mellitus being at the highest risk.

Lilli-Pilli’s Sister Author: Anna Branford Illustrator: Linda Catchlove

Healing Fatty Liver Disease

Lilli-Pilli is waiting for the arrival of her new baby brother or sister. Convinced the new baby is a girl, Lilli-Pilli helps collect soft materials to line her cradle.

Authors: Dr. Maitreyi Raman, Angela Sirounis & Jennifer Shrubsole

This is a beautifully illustrated children’s book, a perfect tale to read with children expecting a new sibling.

The Australian Liver Association (ALA) commissioned a report that found 5.5 million Australians now have Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) (2013) making it the most prevalent form of liver disease.

Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921977589 Price: AU $24.95 Publisher: Walker Books P: 02 9517 9577

Some people with fatty liver disease simply have excess fat in their liver. Although not normal, it’s not serious if it doesn’t lead to inflammation or damage. However, once there’s a build-up of fat, the liver becomes vulnerable to injury.

This book is an indispensable NAFLD guide for raising awareness, recognizing the signs and symptoms, diagnosing and managing fatty liver disease. Healing Fatty Liver Disease explains the impact of food types and lifestyle factors and provides about 100 recipes to manage the disease. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 288 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921966453 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327


Jonathan! Author: Peter Carnavas Illustrator: Amanda Francey Jonathan loves to dress up in all sorts of costumes he manages to put together from items lying around the house and scares his family. No matter how hard he tries, Jonathan is just not very scary at all, even his family says so. He is almost ready to give up and find a new game to play when he meets a dinosaur who gives him a helping hand.

Confessions of a Locksmith Author: Justin Fankhauser Justin Fankhauser has seen a lot in his years as a locksmith, from business and home break-ins, 2:00 am callouts to a person locked out of their home in the nude. Confessions of a Locksmith are a collection of useful tips and amusing anecdotes from his career spanning over 10 years.

The Adventures of Stunt Boy and His Amazing Wonder Dog Blindfold Author: Lollie Barr

The simple text together with the vibrant illustrations makes this humorous story perfect for young readers.

Ideal for parents, families and business owners, this book covers the basics on keeping your home and business secure in an insightful and practical manner.

This an engaging tale of adventurous 16 year old Stunt Boy who performs motorbike stunts at the Stoked Stunt Circus with his Dad, Sister and wonder dog Blindfold. Certain events lead to a mystery that needs to be solved, and a circus that needs to be saved. The author hits the ground running with an exciting first chapter, in which you find yourself not being able to put the book down in order to find out what happens next!

Age Guide: 3-6 Years Extent: 30 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9781921928611 Price: AU $24.99 Publisher: New Frontier Publishing P: 02 9453 1525

Age Guide: Open Extent: 90 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987153838 Price: AU $12.95 Publisher: Dennis Jones & Associates P: 03 9762 9100

Age Guide: 8+ Years Extent: 264 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742613673 Price: AU $14.99 Publisher: Pan Macmillian Australia P: 02 4390 1300

menstruation, sexuality, bullying, diet, pregnancy, mental health and illness and is a great source which all women should be familiar with.

The Women’s Health Book Author: The Royal Women’s Hospital As a woman, taking care of you is the most important aspect of creating a healthy and happy lifestyle. The Royal Women’s Hospital Australia is the largest health facility of its kind specialising in women’s health. The Hospital has produced this educational guide for women seeking information and advice for every stage of life from adolescence to midlife and elder. The book covers a range of topics including

32 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14

After reading through each section, whether it may be relevant to your stage of life or someone close to you, you will feel empowered to ask more questions, seek further advice, make better choices to improve your health, reduce any risks you may encounter, and even prevent future health problems. A definite must read. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 816 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742757247 Price: AU $35.00 Publisher: Random House Australia P: 1800 222444

One Woolly Wombat Author & Illustrator: Kerry Argent This is a colourful, rhyming ‘first reader’ edition that counts a variety of Australian birds and animals and is perfect for little hands. Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742990477 Price: AU $6.99 Publisher: Onimbus Books P: 02 4328 3555

Drake the Dragonboy Author: Rebecca Schultz When Drake Dramco’s father is kidnapped, Drake, Juniper and Ronan come up with a clever plan for his rescue. As they are unsure about who can be trusted, the trio must venture through the force field that protects dragonfolk in Dragonland into the wastelands. Featuring terrible monsters, secret caves and evil witches, this adventure book will keep young readers engaged to the very end. Age Guide: 8+ Years Extent: 106 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987497093 Price: AU $14.99 Publisher: JoJo Publishing P: 03 9681 7275

The Back Pain Personal Health Plan Authors: Trish Wisbey-Roth & Nick Sinfield The Bounce Back Edition helps readers to understand causes, provides a treatment guide and offers prevention methods of neck and back pain. The book offers easy to follow stretches and strengthening exercises with photos to show correct positioning. This is a fantastic, informative manual for back and neck pain sufferers. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 136 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780956883728 Price: AU $29.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

Chasing Shadows Author: Corinne Fenton Illustrator: Hannah Sommerville Beth is feeling sad. Beth’s father brings home a new puppy as a surprise in the hope that her spirits might brighten. Beth shows no interest or love for the puppy until he is bitten by a snake. This event is just what she needs to help bring her out of the dark shadows. This book highlights that even children suffer from depression and are unable to communicate with adults at times. The soft illustrations beautifully express the emotions of a delicate subject. Ideal for older picture book readers, this book is also a great educational tool for parents and teachers. Age Guide: 5+ Years Extent: 30 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781925000146 Price: AU $16.95 Publisher: Ford St Publishing P: 03 9481 1120

The ADHD Handbook Mates: The Ugg Boot War Author: Kylie Fornasier Illustrator: Tom Jellett Jake’s Dad loves wearing his ugly ugg boots everywhere. Determined to get his Dad to wear proper shoes like other dads, Jake hides the ugg boots hoping to win the war and change his Dad’s ways. This funny tale about an embarrassing Dad and is perfect for young readers. Age Guide: 8+ Years Extent: 64 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781862919990 Price: AU $11.99 Publisher: Omnibus Books P: 02 4328 3555

Author: Stuart Passmore Illustrator: Rebecca Mills Written by a psychologist in private practice, The ADHD Handbook is comprehensive guide to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders and it may have manifestations in adulthood. This book discusses the latest research on diagnosing, treating and monitoring childhood ADHD. Its broad coverage includes brain anatomy, the various types of medical and alternative treatments and the options for successful outcomes of each.

This is a must read reference for parents, teachers and medical professionals. Age Guide: Adults Extent: 264 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781775591559 Price: AU $34.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327



Article Themes 2014 January/February

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Innovations & Technology Issue out

July 2014 34 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 14


Steak with Tarragon and Mushroom Sauce A quick-and-easy sauce that turns a simple steak into something very special. MAKES 4 PORTIONS PREP: 10 MINS COOK: 12 MINS ❑❑ 4 thick sirloin or fillet steaks ❑❑ 3 tbsp olive oil ❑❑ 1 small onion, chopped ❑❑ 1 garlic clove, crushed ❑❑ 150 ml (5 fl oz) wine ❑❑ 100 ml (3½ fl oz) double cream ❑❑ 150 g (5 oz) brown mushrooms, sliced ❑❑ a few drops Worcestershire sauce ❑❑ 1 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon ❑❑ salt and black pepper

Annabel’s Family Cookbook Author: Annabel Karmel Annabel shares a range of her hearty recipes to inspire individuals to cook beautiful meals. Plan your meal agenda for the week or create something a little more detailed for a group of guests on the weekend, the choices are endless. Your taste buds will be salivating after flicking through the wonderfully photographed, enticing recipes. Age Guide: Open Extent: 224 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780091957667 Price: AU $45.00 Publisher: Random House Australia P: 02 9954 9966

1. Take the steaks out of the fridge for 10 minutes before cooking. Season and rub with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Heat a frying pan until hot. Fry the steaks for 4 minutes on each side until medium pink. Set aside on a plate to rest. 2. Heat the remaining olive oil in the pan. Add the onion and garlic and fry until soft. Add the wine and reduce by half. Add the cream and mushrooms. Stir for 3 minutes then add the Worcestershire sauce and tarragon and season. Serve the sauce with the rested steaks.


& S S E N T I F , SKILLS E N O N I L L A FUN OPEN 7 DAYS BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL The newly renovated Gateshead Indoor Sportsworld is now taking enrolments for Jr SuperStar Sports programs • Kinder Gym (18 mths - 5 yrs) • Nearly Fives Gym (4-5 yrs) • Recreational Gymnastics (5-12 yrs) • Recreational Trampoline (5-12 yrs) • Multi Sports Programs (3-7 yrs) • Teen Gymnastics (13-18 yrs) • Adult Gymnastics (18 yrs+) • School Holiday Programs • Birthday Parties Also the home of SPRING LOADED TRAMPOLINE PARK - the ultimate adventure playground. P: 4942 1488 | 26A Oakdale Road, Gateshead NSW |

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