Get Ahead Kids Magazine Vol. 2. No. 3. May/Jun 2010

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Vol. 2 • No. 3 • May/Jun 2 010



H h it w w ie rv te In n A

n o s l o h c i N Stevie Languages & Communications Special Playing with Concept Words • Learning a Second Language The Thrills & Challenges of Learning a Language • Boys & Communication Why Is My Child Having Trouble Reading? Could It Be Irlen Syndrome?



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May/Jun 2010


This Month’s







Your Letters


Business + Giveaway Spendtracker Keeps Family Budgets on Track

An Interview with Stevie Nicholson


Spotlight An Interview with Hi-5’s Stevie Nicholson Languages & Communication


Playing with Concept Words


The Thrills & Challenges of Learning a Language

Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2010


Boys & Communication


Learning a Second Language

Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766


Why Is My Child Having Trouble Reading?

Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 E: P: 02 4929 7766 Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 E: P: 02 4929 7766 Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.

Could It Be Irlen Syndrome? 17

Reviews The Last Days of Judas Iscariot Health


Boost Your Immune System for Winter


The Acne Scourge


People in Focus An Interview with George Ivanoff


Business Family Finances & Credit Cards


Careers What is a Marketer? News


Derek Landy Visits Australia


Rowers Break the Australian Record! Reviews


Tantalise the Imagination


New Book Reviews


Advertisers Index


Activity Zone


Editorial Get Ahead Kids® is honoured

My personal highlights for this issue

to have Gymbaroo as a new

were attending the play, The Last

readership partner joining Alphabet

Days of Judas Iscariot by Hunter TAFE

Street, INParenting, PCYC and I

Students; interviewing Hi-5 as well as

Can Read Systems. We are only

George Ivanoff and reviewing Crazy

accepting one more readership


partner so please ring me if you wish to be considered.

I am truly excited to be planning the next issue of Get Ahead Kids®, which

I have gone through life unaware

features an interview with Dr. Karl and

I was communicating ineffectively

various articles on learning innovations

with men. Thank you Kim Miller for

and technology.

setting me straight!!!

Maria Charlton Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766

We are all great book lovers and

I printed out the colouring activity

look forward to reading about new

and distributed to my students

publications in each edition of Get

which they had a great time with. I



U. Picton, Edgeworth NSW

also enjoyed the articles on school bullying and family fitness. Basically all the articles relate to my work and family life.

I really enjoyed the physical education edition. Miss Bridges had

L. Kamid, Karama NT

it all summed up in her interview. We




need to do something as obesity is

I thought Movement and Learning

becoming out of control.

for 0 - 5 year olds was a really good

B. Golby, Lambton NSW


Family fitness by Christine Atkins is a

article with great practical advice for parents and carers. N. Belfield, Holsworthy NSW

great article as this is something that we have just started in my house

All the articles in Get Ahead Kids are

Quality Learning

hold. Exercising together enables

really good. I take a bit out of each

Caring Christian Environment

us to keep fit, have fun and learn


Strong Academic Programmes



Low Fee Structure New Facilities Transport Options

The reviews and products keep me

Kindergarten to Year12

up to date without being sold and

256 Minmi Rd, Fletcher 2287 ph: (02) 4979 8484 www

Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College 4

Please send letters and stories with

Independent School Education School Tour

Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

R. Cuda, Coburg VIC

L. Rothwell, Mildura VIC

your name and contact details to:

pushed. I just like to know what’s out

Get Ahead Kids®


Villa Franca, 2 Scott St.

L. Clark, Chelsea Heights VIC

Newcastle NSW 2300 F: 02 4929 7827

Business + Giveaway



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What are the main benefits of belonging to Hi-5? Hi-5 is a truly wonderful group to be a member of, but the thing I am most proud of is being a role model to young children all over the world. We take this responsibility very seriously and hope that we can give kids role models that they can aspire to be like. With this responsibility we hope to educate kids too. What is involved in a typical days filming of Hi-5? Filming our television series is a lot of fun and a day on the set can involve dressing up like a Rapping Kangaroo, an Irish fiddler, or even a merman. They are long days but we are often found laughing in a heap because it really is as much fun as it looks. What age groups does your show target?

An Interview with Hi-5’s

Stevie Nicholson

We are focused on 2-6 year olds but we are so fortunate to have fans across all generations. There is a group of mums that come to our live stage shows in Aerobics gear and do their workouts to our show. What do you do when you are not performing?

How does Hi-5 contribute to the

What skills, talents and qualifications

education of kids?

are required to be a member of your

We work tirelessly to make sure that


every song we sing and every scene

Each cast member has had various

we film is pitched at the right level

training and brings a different skill

to engage, entertain and educate

to the group. Personally, I studied


Shakespeare at the Royal Academy

On television, we each have a segment which is focused on

water to be very therapeutic. Where do you tour and what is your favourite destination and why? I love touring Australia. We have so many hidden gems and when you are

Before joining Hi-5 I toured to

segment is titled ‘Shapes in Space’

primary schools all over the country

and is focused on spatial awareness.

performing plays that were used to

We also have kinesthetic, problem

help children deal with bullying. The

solving and music based segments.

main criteria for being a member

It’s great to be educating kids in a

of Hi-5 are to be in touch with

fun and engaging way.

your inner child and you must be

Get Ahead Kids May/Jun 10

also try to get to the beach. I find the

Theatre at NIDA in Sydney.

prepared to have fun!


Melbourne to be with my family and I

in London as well as training in Music

different forms of learning. My


When we have time off I often fly to

on the road you are always charmed by the locals. My favourite destinations while we are on tour are the theatres that we perform in. For most of our fans, coming to a Hi-5 concert is their first time going to a theatre. It is a really magical atmosphere seeing the kids faces as they enjoy the fantasy of theatre.

Spotlight What was your best audience experience? The highlight of my performing career is and probably always will be, performing at Carols by Candlelight in Melbourne every year. My first year was in 2007 and I’ll never forget the atmosphere walking out to over 30,000 happy families. For me it was the culmination of years of hard work and training. My mum also snuck into the choir so it was really awesome to share the stage with

Hi-5 Biographies

Casey Burgess

Fely Irvine

Casey’s love of performing started

Fely’s training in theatre, acting and dance is extensive and has seen her travel the world. Fely says: “There isn’t anything in the world I’d rather be doing; I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to be part of the much loved Hi-5 brand and look forward to entertaining our audience both in Australia and overseas.”


Lauren Brant

Please tell us about your most

A born entertainer, Lauren has

memorable Hi-5 songs?

been training in the arts since she

It’s one of our newer songs called ‘Happy Monster Dance’. It’s a really catchy song and one that not only the kids get into but the parents love to groove along to as well. It’s

was three. Now an accomplished dancer, singer, actor and model, Lauren loves what she does and

Dance’. The entire audience stands

best friends to play with everyday!

up ready to rock.

It’s a great privilege to be able to follow my passion and to dance,

communicating alot each day. We

Dramatic Arts (NIDA) where

do spend a lot of time together but

Stevie trained, he worked

it’s just like a family. We look after

with a variety of Australia’s

each other and respect each other

top directors, choreographers,

as fellow cast mates and friends.

and music theatre experts

watching all over the world each week so we are very fortunate to do a lot of overseas travel. We spend a

Casey says: “Everything about being in Hi-5 is great; the kids, being part of a team and working on a wonderful show that is so much fun and so inspirational to all of its viewers. Tim Maddren Tim was raised in a musical family and was encouraged from an early age to follow his passion for performing and entertaining.

and have fun! It’s wonderful to be working with my talented friends and spreading a love for music and dance amongst children is a real reward.”

Stevie Nicholson At the National Institute of

Hi-5 has over one million children

with singing solo in ‘Hats off!’

sing and act as a job.”

along but we work hard on

tours? Tell us about them.

The Musical’ and soon followed this

that encourages kids to be active

about being in Hi-5 is having four

Are there any plans for overseas

11 she was in a production of ‘Annie


about to do the ‘Happy Monster

We’re really lucky that we all get

dance, jazz, tap and by the age of

Tim says “You can’t beat a job

Lauren says: “The greatest thing

you get along?

at the famous Brent Street Studios in

would not change it for any other

amazing when we tell them we are

How do you ensure that the five of

at a very young age. She trained




under the lead of Avigail Herman. Stevie says: “Being a member of Hi-5 is a dream come true.


The opportunity to work with and for children is an honour.”

lot of time in Asia and will be back in the Philippines later this year with our new stage show ‘Hi-5 Surprise’. These people love dancing, singing and colour, so Hi-5 is a good fit over there. I can’t wait to get over there!



Languages & Communications

Playing with

Concept Words

By Dr. Jane Williams

“Close your book, put your pencil at the top of your desk, walk to the centre line of the room and form a double line quietly!” requests the teacher.

Infants You will find many ways of using concept words while talking to your infant even before he/she is mobile: “now I am rolling over” or “you’re

Rosie’, ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock’, ‘Jack & Jill Went up the Hill’ and hand plays like ‘Round & Round the Garden’ all contain concept words that encourage children to match

It is amazing how many children

flying through the air like a bird”.

enter school unable to respond to

Nursery rhymes such as Humpty

such a request because they do

Dumpty, where he falls down also

Balls are a lot of fun at this age and

not understand concept words

indicate to your infant what down is

help the chid learn the concept

like centre, top, close, near, under,

like, especially when you move your

words in front of, towards, away,

double and quietly.

child downwards when you sing the

high, low, around, fast, slow and so



Once infants become mobile,

By the time our infants are walking

opportunities for the use of concept

there are many opportunities to use

words abound. Under furniture, over

concepts both at home and at play

cushions, through the door, on top

on equipment - “can you go - under,

of or underneath the table/chair,

over, up, down, through, around, in,

outside/inside, behind/in front, up/

out, between, inside, outside - the

down, in/out and so on.


You can deliberately make an

Twos & Threes

So they are ‘lost’ in situations where instructions include them. When you ask your child to “Get the pencil that’s on the table near the window and bring it to me”, the child must remember to: 1. Get the pencil 2. From the table near the window, & 3. Bring it to me

obstacle course with the furniture,

Probably three requests are too

cushions and toys. This will not only

long for most children under three

help concept understanding, body

years of age to remember. They

awareness and muscle tone, but also

may get the pencil, but forget the

thinking skills. Let your infant figure

part about bringing it to you! If there

out the best way to overcome the

is more than one table in the room


and the children do not understand

When going out, talk about getting

the concept near – then they may get the nearest pencil to hand or simply give up and do nothing. You will probably be annoyed but your child may not have understood your request. Our language is full of concept words - we do not realise that their

into the car or pram, and later, out of it. If going up or down a hill - say so. At bath time, the soap may be under the water, a toy may be floating on top of the water. Let them feel hard, soft, rough and smooth objects.


movements to the word.

Now they will enjoy finding something hidden under, beneath, behind or in front of something else. Older children can play ball games “Roll the ball under the rope”, “Throw the ball over the rope”, “Throw the ball towards daddy” etc. After and before are common words, but difficult for little children, as they bring in the concept of time. Introduce them first in movement context - “Can you clap after me?”, “Can you stamp your feet after me?”, “Let’s go after the ball”, “Before you do it, watch and then

meaning is not always clear to

Once your infant can respond

copy me”, “Wash your hands before


to language and follow your


So, what is the best way to help your child learn the meaning of concept words?

instructions, the opportunities increase to help them feel what it is like to be up/down, in/out, under/ on top of, as they learn to do these things themselves.


Action rhymes like ‘Ring a Ring a

Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

‘Simon Says’ games with three year olds give lots of scope for the introduction of concepts: “Lie on your fronts/backs”, “stand up tall”.

Languages & Communications Fours

words through doing - be sure they have adequate opportunities to both

Structured activities which require

hear and do activities that reinforce

four year olds to stand in line can

the meaning of these sometimes

be used to introduce the concepts

confusing words.

of in front of, behind, at the end, at the beginning, in the middle, away

Children need to understand these

from, between, and through. Until

concept words before school entry:

your child has the ability to do things

More Information Toddler Kindy GymbaROO P: 03 9817 3544

in, out, up, down, together, apart

in order or sequence, words like first

tall, short, inside, outside, front, back,

and last are difficult to comprehend.

over, under, through, around, big,

Playing with clay, paint and

little, top, bottom, high, low, slow,

construction toys give opportunities

fast, quietly, loudly, quickly, slowly

for showing the differences in size,

hard, soft, smooth, rough, stop, start,

shape and weight of different pieces.

wide, narrow, bottom, top, below,

Be sure to mention which ones are

above, away from, near to beyond,

Dr. Jane Williams is a Director and


many, few, same, different, alike,

General Manager for Research and

unalike, pair, single, behind, in front

Education, Toddler Kindy GymbaROO

of, beside, first, last, straight, bent,

and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the

curved, twisted, beginning, end,

School of Nursing, Midwifery and

middle, between, near, far, whole,

Nutrition, James Cook University.

As you can gather, the English language is full of concept words. We do not realise that their meaning is not always clear to children. The

half, part of, before, after, left, right,

best way to help them understand

on top of, underneath, upside down,

these meanings is through movement.

almost, turn, walk, run, gallop, jump,

Children learn to understand concept

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Languages & Communications

The Thrills & Challenges of

By Nicole van Wyk

Learning a Language Learning a new language can be

Their speaking and understanding

Most students learn another

challenging. Some people are said

can range from a few words to stilted

language at school. Teachers

to have ‘an ear for language’, they

sentences. Often they have only

use pictures, songs, games, craft

find it easier but still there is a lot

been in the country for a short time.

activities, role play and repetition to


NESB - Non English Speaking

Without a doubt, it is easier to learn

Background students often have a

a language when you are immersed

better grasp of English themselves.

in it. Students travelling abroad for

However, they are often the

language study are not just making

most proficient in their families so

an excuse for a great holiday.

language development can take

Surrounded by culture, language and context, language makes sense and more opportunities to hear and use the language present themselves. Children who come to Australia and need to learn English as their second language are given a huge and often daunting task. Many schools and language colleges have special

longer. Their speaking may be

is true for ESL students. The first step in language acquisition is to get the student using the language. Students look at visual cues and repeat after the teacher. Repetitive activities like listening to

understood but limited vocabulary

language CD’s, watching TV shows

and understanding makes work in

or DVD’s enable the students to

English classes difficult.

access language even when they

Learning a language is made easy by listening, learning songs and rhymes, talking, being read to and being corrected by our parents. Therefore, the first steps are auditory

but as native speakers struggle with

and this is called phonology. When

the curriculum you can imagine some

we learn another language we need

of the difficulties they face.

to use this same process.

The terms used to define differing

Early readers who struggle often

language abilities in Australian

have poor phonological skills. All

schools are:

students need to develop phonology

students. These students usually

and develop vocabulary. The same

adequate for making themselves

programs to help make the transition,

ESL - English as Second Language

create sensitivity for the language

for success whether English is their first or a subsequent language.

are out of the classroom. Exposure cannot be limited to the classroom if there is to be any success. Role play is a popular method of teaching, where students practise greetings or pretend they are in a shop trying to buy something. When we learn words in their context it gives us greater understanding and helps us to remember them. At least some of the language will need to be learned by rote. Sight words and vocabulary are essential in any language program. Each

speak a language other than English

week students will be given words

at home and with friends and they

to learn. The more learning styles

have a limited vocabulary.

and sense that are used in teaching the more ‘hooks’ students have to remember the words.

10 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

Languages & Communications At the same time as introducing

Taking time for mastering the

vocabulary we can start developing

language and developing

phonological sensitivity. What is

phonological sensitivity will ensure

the first sound in the word? Which

future success. It is a big undertaking

words sound similar? Which words go

and I take my hat off to these

together? Once there is a general


understanding of the 44 sounds in the English language then work can begin on learning phonics and the alphabet.

I had a Hong Kong student living with me who undertook Years 10-12 in Australia. I saw his struggle with the culture and language, I felt

The alphabet can be committed

his frustration but I also saw how

to memory but it is essential to have

he developed into a proficient

an understanding beyond that, as

speaker, user and writer of the English

the same letter can make different

language. With determination and

sounds in different words, e.g. cat,

perseverance amazing results can

fast, make, small.

be obtained.

It is worth noting that in other cultures

Ten Tips for Learning a Language

much more reliance is placed on visual cues. It is important that a variety of materials and methods are used to ensure that all cultures have access to the language. Memory is important however learning large slabs of words will not develop

better. Use songs to help you learn. ❑❑ Make obtainable goals and keep stretching yourself.

More Information Nicole van Wyk P: 02 4365 4428

❑❑ Use picture books to develop vocabulary ❑❑ Ask people to correct your speech ❑❑ Learn vocabulary in context, e.g. human body, colours, numbers ❑❑ Make vocabulary charts with picture supports

understanding and usage.

❑❑ Listen to or watch English programs

ESL students need to learn in a short period of time what native speakers have learned over many years.

❑❑ We often remember music lyrics

❑❑ Buy or record sounds or words to practice at home ❑❑ Engage in conversation daily if possible ❑❑ Listen to the sounds in words; this will help with reading and writing later on.


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He’s known it since he wore a pair of y-fronts on his head underneath his beanie and whipped off the beanie as he came into the class room. On each occasion he’s been told to stifle his emotions, to stifle his exploration of his body, to stifle his sense of humour. We might as well say he’s been told to stop acting like a child.

& s y o B Communication Kim By Rev. Dr.


That’s pretty tough on a child! When a boy is emotionally hurt or challenged he steps into the ‘silent zone.’ He will withdraw and want to be alone and silent. He’s thinking things through and his brain is very active. But when he is ready to talk you’d better not miss it because that

I can still see a book on a shelf from

Watch boys on the school bus. One

childhood. It’s called, ‘Where Did

walks down the aisle and another

You Go? Out. What Did You Do?’

puts out his foot to trip him up. The

Nothing. It’s 1958 and I’m nearly ten.

boys behind him laugh and high five

Why do I remember that book from

each other.

so far away?

The target boy aims his fall into the

The reason was and still is this book

first available chest, whereupon the

captivated and empowered me. If

owner of the chest gets him in a

a book could say that, then it was

headlock and rubs a knuckle into his

OK for me to say it.

scalp, the boy overbalances into the

However, to have that same conversation with your son and you might not think it’s OK at all. ‘Why can’t my son just communicate?’ the parent cries. ‘Why can’t he speak like a normal human person?’ The answer is that he’s not a normal human person. That’s only an image in your imagination. He’s a boy, but a very normal boy. The truth is that your son communicates very well; it’s a matter of understanding his language. Boys’ communication is

aisle. He picks himself up and throws himself into an empty seat. Within

readiness will not last forever. There is a ‘talk zone’ that he steps into and if nobody joins him there he steps out and gets on with life. If we try to discuss an issue and the boy is not in the talk zone then we might label him ‘switched off’ or ‘lacking emotional intelligence.’ The truth is that he is as emotionally sensitive as anybody, but the language of that emotion is often missed by adults around him.

seconds they’re talking about fast

Australian author, Bill Condon, in his

cars and girls.

book, Confessions of a Liar, Thief,

But imagine a parent or two sitting with those boys. What then? In that case these same boys are reduced to silence and inactivity. Boys know there is a conspiracy. There’s a conspiracy by adults to make boys behave like adults. Every boy knows that! He’s known it since he fell over and

often more physical than verbal. It’s not was told not to cry. He’s known

and Failed Sex God, has a boy say to himself, ‘I’m not going to explain another thing for as long as I live.’ This is a cry of desperation as the boy gives up trying to communicate with adults on adult terms. In my own book, They Told Me I Had To Write This, a boy is talking with a teacher as they lean on a school fence. He says, ‘We stayed like that for a

that he doesn’t know the words, he just

it since he learnt to control his

bit. A couple of farmers looking out

bypasses words.

flatulence and gave a loud and

over the paddock. Waiting for better

rather musical ‘performance’ when


Nanna was visiting for dinner.

12 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

Languages & Communications There is a sense of something else

When you ask about the broken

here. A sense of silence, of waiting,

window his eyes will peruse the

of boy and man looking in the same

shelves until he finds the memory.

direction, of agreed silence before

It’s happening in his brain but his

the words can happen.

eyes are part of it. If you tell him to


look you in the eye he can’t search


the shelves and he looks through

Here’s a tip. Boys communicate

that empty space. He gets flustered

better when looking in the same

because something that should be

direction as the other person.

easy to do isn’t easy after all. He

Rev. Dr. Kim Miller is a prison

Whether it’s a boy and teacher at a

can’t find the truth without looking

chaplain who has worked with men

fence, boy and Mum washing up, or

to the memory shelf, nor can he

and boys in strife for many years. He

boy and Dad driving in the car boys

construct a decent fib.

is the author of teen fiction novel,

communicate better when looking in the same direction. Go face to face and you get a chess match. Here’s another tip. You ask your boy about something that happened, let’s say a broken window. His eyes wander around and he begins to answer and you say, ‘Look at me

When you take the physical experience of searching the shelves from him, he loses his ability to communicate well. If a boy can’t get physical in his

the door. It’s a communication style. Both man and boy understand it.

eye level to just below. They extend

He is now thirty and we still ambush

a bit wider than his ears but there

each other.

the memories of the day, things he has seen, things heard, things experienced. And other shelves

More Information

P: 02 4962 4774

jump on me as soon as I walked in

eyes. Some of the shelves contain

adult son, Sam.

Rev. Dr. Kim Miller

the wrong move.

is no shelf directly in front of his

married to Kay and they have an

message will get through. When my son was little he would

your boy’s head, from just above

Ford Street Publishing, 2009. He is

communication, it is unlikely that the

when I’m talking with you.’ That’s

Imagine a set of shelves in front of

‘They Told Me I Had To Write This’,

If you really want to communicate with your boy be prepared for silence and be prepared to get physical.

store the tools to make up new things, the ability to invent and construct a new story.

They Told Me I Had To Write This Author: Kim Miller

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Learning a Second Language In the NSW educational system,

incorporated into the delivery of

Languages Other Than English

knowledge, skills, attitudes and values

(LOTE) falls within the Key Learning

under a thematic banner.

Area of Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), which deals with the interactions of people with one another and with their social, cultural and physical environments as they attempt to meet their needs. The core element of the LOTE component ‘assists students in learning about the world through languages as well as learning about languages’. Learning and using languages is an optional element of the primary school curriculum.

With this educational framework in mind, we see that in the early years of schooling, children are exposed to languages indirectly through activities and experiences, rather than through formal learning of linguistic features and vocabulary. Exposure to other languages has important affects on young learners. • It helps define identity & culture • Promotes awareness of both the common & unique characteristics of people • Improves knowledge &

Much of the primary school syllabus

acceptance of the value systems &

is delivered by the integrated

lifestyles of others

curriculum, whereby linked or

• Increases awareness, knowledge,

overlapping concepts and content

acceptance & tolerance of other

from the Key Learning Areas are


14 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

By Jessica Green

• Overcomes fear, prejudice & intolerance of other cultures

Best Ways to Learn a Second Language ❑❑ Young children learn best by imitation & action. In the early years, exposure to languages is best acquired in the way children learn their mother tongue; that is, through interaction, rhymes, song, conversation & literature. ❑❑ The linguistic concepts children first grasped as babies were nouns. This is an ideal starting point at home. Informal comments such as ‘Le chat is called Fluffy. What is le chat the French word for?’ ❑❑ All young children learn to count to around twenty, recite their alphabet & supply words starting with a given sound & name colours.

Languages & Communications ❑❑ Simple rhymes & games such as I Spy, using vocabulary in another language, promote familiarity. ❑❑ Songs & poems in the chosen language expose children not only to vocabulary, but also to elementary language structures. Think of Frere Jacques as a literal, as well as approximate, translation. ❑❑ Television & the Internet can play an important role. For example Dora the Explorer & Diego provide exposure to Spanish. ❑❑ Toys can help, too. Dolls which show cultural dress, or speak different languages promote

Vocabulary & Learning Activity Texts • Colour in French by Catherine Bruzzone & Clare Beaton • Snappy First Words in French by Libby Hamilton & Derek Matthews • French Fun Activity Book by

reading. There are books which expose children to languages & culture, similarities & differences, values & traditions, conflicts & cultures, celebrations, vocabulary & grammar, history, humour & lifestyles.

Selection of Books with Multicultural Themes

• Theodork (2009)

Scholastic Australia


P: 02 9413 8341

• The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling • Japanese Manga & Graphic Novels • Anne of Green Gables Series by Lucy Maud Montgomery • Moomintroll Books by Tove

awesome power of books &

• Tyranny of Toads (2006)

Louise Comfort


integrative, I recommend the

• Diary of a Would-Be Princess (2005)

More Information

• Heidi by Johanna Spyri

learning is interactive &

Scholastic include:

Catherine Bruzzone, Lone Morton,

curiosity & the desire to learn ❑❑ Given that the most powerful

Books by Jessica Green, published by

Jansson • Pippi Longstocking Books by Astrid Lindgren • Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta • Does My Head Look Big In This? by

Is Your Child Reaching Their Milestones? BOOK NOW Speech & Language Assessments Ph: 1300 657 220 East Maitland |Charlestown |Nelson Bay

Randa Abdel-Fattah • Five Times Dizzy by Nadia Wheatley • Dancing In the Anzac Deli by Nadia Wheatley • Onion Tears by Diana Kidd



Exploring Other Cultures • Letters from Felix: A Little Rabbit on a World Tour by Annette Langen, Constanza Droop & Laura Lindgren • Katie Morag Series by Mairi Hedderwick

Biography Jessica’s first teaching appointment took her to the Hunter Valley, where

• Books by Junko Morimoto

she has lived and taught for nearly

• Books by Mitsumasa Anno

thirty years. She started to write

• Books by Laurence Anholt

seriously when she was encouraging

• Madeline series by Ludwig

primary school pupils to explore text


types and descriptions. Jessica lives in Newcastle with her husband, three children, two cats

EDUCATION PROGRAMS The Lock-Up is a unique cultural institution in the heart of Newcastle’s heritage precinct. Visit the centre and explore changing exhibitions in the art gallery and museum and get the kids involved with our education and Little Architects program. Little Architects - Wed afternoons 4.00–5.30pm Little Architects school holiday activities Convict Era - Education program and school excursions. Call 4925 2265 for further details or email 90 Hunter St, Newcastle

and one scruffy dog. She enjoys writing and teaching and is trying to learn to draw flowers and frogs.


Languages & Communications



By Dr. Joan Brien

Many children struggle to learn to

When a child cannot read but is

words in their little ‘readers’ are

read despite intensive learning and

able to do other academic activities

usually in a very large font with

reading support at school and often

with little or no trouble, they are

not many words in a sentence so

extra help after school from parents

sometimes found to need corrective

there is not a problem. As the text

and/or private tutors. Even with this

lenses and in many cases, this helps

gets smaller, the printed page looks

extra help, their reading often does

the child see the words more clearly.

‘busier’ with more words per line and

not improve or improves marginally,

Sometimes children who have been

the lines closer together. As the print

leading to frustration on the part of

provided with corrective lenses still

gets smaller, the visual distortions

the teacher, parents and the child.

have difficulty reading successfully,

often get worse.

Unfortunately, many of the children

so again, the parent is left asking

who have difficulty learning to read


start to suffer from a decreased self-esteem and self-confidence because they do not understand why they cannot read when most of the other children in the class seem to have no difficulties at all when reading. DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE DIFFICULTY WITH READING? Some children experience reading and learning difficulties as a result of visual perceptual problems caused by

IRLEN SYNDROME Irlen Syndrome can cause Dyslexia and difficulties with Spelling, Writing, Comprehension Concentration

The difficulty in deciding that a child may have Irlen Syndrome is made

Sadly, there are children who have

worse by the fact that the child

difficulty reading, not because

may see distorted print, but if they

they have a vision problem, but

have never seen print looking any

rather have a visual perceptual

different, they think that everyone

dysfunction (Irlen Syndrome). Irlen

else sees what they see. If there

Syndrome results from sensitivity

is not any other identified reason

to particular wavelengths of

for a child’s reading difficulties it is

light (colours) which can result in

worth checking if they have Irlen

distortions of print, particularly black

Syndrome. The reality is that if the

print on white background. For some

words do not look clear to them

children words simply look ‘fuzzy’

then it is going to be extremely

around the edges.

difficult for them to read successfully.

For others, the words appear to

Many children think they ‘cannot

‘change places with each other’

read’ but most of the children with

or, in severe cases words ‘swirl like

Irlen Syndrome can read, once the

a whirlpool’, ‘lift off the page in a

distortions are removed.

wavelike motion’ or even ‘slide off the edge of the page’. In some cases, they will suffer nausea while trying to read or copy from the

You should see their smiles when they realise this!

More Information

board. IRLEN DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC Suite 2/136 Nelson Street WALLSEND 2287 Ph: 4955 6904 Email:

Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Many children who have Irlen

Suite 2/136 Nelson St

Syndrome may be reading normally

Wallsend NSW 2287

up until Year Two, but when they

P: 4955 6904

reach Third or Fourth grade, they

suddenly start to have reading

difficulties. In Kindergarten, the

16 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10


10 MARCH 20



Get Ahead KidsÂŽ Partners

By Maria Charlton Sunday 28 March 2010 The Civic Playhouse 3rd Year Acting Students from Hunter TAFE performed the noire stage play by Stephen Adly Giurgis ‘The Last Days of Judas Iscariot’ explores the issue of whether Judas was pushed to act or did he act of his own free will. BMM UIBU JT */ GPS 1BSFOUJOH

This play re-examines the role of

A real parenting website portal, by parents for parents. Share your stories, experiences, or simply read some helpful hints.

Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus of Nazareth to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver. This led to a Chain of events such as the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ that Christians commemorate at Easter. Set in Purgatory, this play is a courtroom drama that centres on an appeal against Judas Iscariot’s damnation to Hell. The witnesses include Mary Magdalene, Pontius

David Enwick played Satan with sartorial elegance. Kia Pugh who plays Saint Monica was hilarious. Stephanie Priest poignantly portrayed Judas’ mother.

Pilate, Sigmund Freud, Caiaphas the

The TAFE students were outstanding

Elder, Mother Theresa and Satan.

in depicting the wit and black

Most of the characters including the legal team are in Purgatory mainly because they are fearful, guilt ridden or cannot forgive themselves. The defence attorney Cunningham

humour of this play. The brilliant singing and dancing were memorable and a great foil for the courtroom psychodrama.

More Information

played by Ana Ringma, was dealt

David Brown

a raw deal all her life, and here in

The Music & Performing Arts Section

the afterlife she has a chance at

The Faculty of Arts & Media

hope by defending and buying the

Hunter TAFE

salvation of Judas.

P: 02 4923 7595

The nepotistic prosecutor


Pilates, Brass Band, Choir, Chess, Table Tennis, Judo, Akido Kickboxing Boxing, Gymnastics, Circus, Dancing, Fencing

P: 4961 4493 |

El-Fayoumy was brilliantly played by Alicia Patzer.



m t e t s s y o S o e B un m r m I e t r n u i W Yo r fo

rte y Do




Don’t you love this time of year, with

It is virtually impossible to germproof

Dietary fats can either enhance or

the cool crisp air and the brightness

your child. Germs are abundant

impair immune function, depending

in the sky?

everywhere, especially in situations

on the type of fat. The wrong types

Or is this time of year more about the runny noses, the endless coughs, the fears of another asthma attack? And the sleepless nights caring for sick kids, the days off work worrying both about the boss and the kids, the hours in the doctor’s surgery waiting for your turn?

such as day-care or primary school.

of fats (hydrogenated oils found in

Being exposed to germs is a part

deep-fried foods, margarine and

of life, and is not necessarily

baked goods) can predispose a

unfavourable. Exposure to different

child to recurrent infections and

viruses and bacteria will actually

inflammatory conditions. Essential

strengthen a child’s immune system.

fatty acids (the good fats) are

Nutrition & Supplements Good nutrition is essential to

What is it about winter that sets this

developing and keeping the

off? What can we do to make sure

immune system healthy and strong.

the family is as healthy as possible?

Critical nutrients that stimulate a

The immune system holds the answer

strong immune system include

essential to normal immune and nervous system function. These are found in flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, hemp seed oil and fish oil, and should be part of a child’s daily routine.

vitamins A, C, E and essential fatty

You may want to consider probiotics

acids. The most important minerals

if your child has a history of antibiotic

include manganese, selenium, zinc,

use, ear infections, oral thrush,

copper and iron. These nutrients

diarrhea, constipation, colic, food

can be obtained from an organic

allergies, eczema, intestinal viral

wholefoods diet consisting of fresh

infections, candidiasis or is bottle-fed.

All of us are continuously exposed to

fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds,

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria

these pathogens, but exposure does

beans and whole grains.

in the intestinal tract that keep

to these questions. When functioning properly, the immune system fights disease-producing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

not mean we will get sick. A strong immune system provides us with powerful natural defences against disease.

That sounds great! But how many of our kids actually eat these nutrient-rich foods? How many of us adults? The kids usually prefer

Conversely, a person with a

processed foods, anything with

weakened immune system is

lots of salt and sugar. These ‘foods’

vulnerable or more susceptible to

add nothing in the way of nutrition

colds, flu and more serious illnesses.

and tend to weaken the immune system. So supplementation may be of value. At least at this time of year, give your child a daily, good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement.

18 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

the ‘bad’ bacteria from taking over. This bacterium is essential for healthy immunity. Acidolphilus is the probiotic supplement suggested for children over age seven and bifidus is recommended for children seven or under. You can find these supplements at your local health food store.

Health Environment More than 75,000 chemicals are permeating our environment. Chemical exposures can damage the immune system, decreasing the ability to fight off common infections and serious diseases such as cancer. Poor indoor and outdoor air quality, contaminated food and water and constant, cumulative pesticide exposure all contribute to

Spinal misalignments can occur during childbirth, from tumbles or falls, or from any other normal childhood activity. A chiropractor can detect spinal misalignments and safely and gently correct them. With proper nerve supply, the immune system can function at fuller capacity, allowing the body

• Exam stress & relaxation

to naturally defend itself against

• Neck & back problems


decreased immunity in children.

Mental & Emotional Well-Being

Environmental toxins are

The best nutrition for the immune

everywhere, but there is much

system is love and attention.

you can do to avoid unnecessary

Children need to be held, hugged,

exposures and reduce the overall

rocked, massaged, nursed, touched

amount of chemicals your children

and kissed regularly. When they feel

take in to their bodies. There are

loved and sense that the people

affordable, nontoxic alternatives to

around them love each other, they

all lawn and garden pesticides, toxic

are secure and happy. There have

household cleaners and personal

been many studies done that show

care products. Buying organic

that laughter and positive thoughts

foods will greatly decrease your

and feelings stimulate the cells of

child’s overall exposure to pesticides

the immune system.

and help to create a healthier environment for all children.

Chiropractic The nerve system affects the immune system and plays an

Methods Are Safe, Natural & They Work!

Plenty of sleep is also essential. Your child’s body regenerates and renews itself while sleeping. And remember to include ‘quiet time’ as part of your child’s day.

• Variety of organic & systemic problems P: 02 4942 4842 2 Lincoln Street, Charlestown

Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown

Perform at your Peak


To Enjoy

Sp rt

important role in the immune

Plenty of fresh air and exercise can

response. Subtle misalignment of the

make a big difference in the health

bones, with tightened muscles and

of your children. Go for walks, play

School children & sporting groups you’re invited to participate!

ligaments can lead to irritation of

on the beach and let your children

2010 NIB Hunter Festival of Sport includes:

the nerve system and can alter the

climb, jump, run and dance. Let

ability of the nerves to supply the

them hug trees and run barefoot

tissues, organs and cells of the body

in the grass. Mother Nature can be

with vital communication from the

an excellent immune

• Coaching clinics & ‘Come & Try Days’ to a variety of sports • Netball, rugby league & softball competitions for regional academies • Masters sports competitions • Coaches forums & workshops



Dates: 3-18 July 2010

The scientific study of neuro-

More Information

Venues: Hunter Sports Centre & Hunter Wetlands Centre

immunology (the link between the nervous system and the immune system) clearly indicates that nerve system stress can cause decreased immunity and may increase susceptibility to disease.

Dorte Bladt Doctor of Chiropractic Family Chiropractic Charlestown 2 Lincoln St, Charlestown

P (02) 4926 4892 | Applications forms

P: 02 4942 4842



The Acne

Scourge By Kellie McDowell

• Papules - Inflamed, red, tender bumps with no visible head. • Nodules & Cysts - these are the most severe lesions and are usually large, painful, disfiguring and difficult to treat. Treatment of Acne There are numerous treatments available for acne and it is not possible to cover them all in this article. You can buy products

Acne is a skin disorder of the face,

Although, this condition does not

over the counter at supermarkets,

neck, chest or back characterised

cause any serious physical harm, it

pharmacies, department stores or

by what are commonly know as

can be psychologically traumatising

beauty salons.


for sufferers.

The Australian Academy of

There have been many research

your doctor for advice if you are

Cosmetic Dermal Science

studies that indicate that acne

experiencing anything worse

acknowledge that certain factors

maybe linked to stress, depression,

than whiteheads or blackheads.

such as genetics, hormonal changes

low self-esteem, increased feelings

It may also be wise to consult

and some medications may trigger

of self-consciousness, social isolation,

a qualified beauty therapist for

the following changes in the skin:

and frustration.

recommendations on skin care and

• The sebaceous glands (oil glands)

A study from the researchers from

become overactive and secrete

Wake Forest University School of

large amounts of sebum (oil).

Medicine and colleagues (2007)

• The dead skin cells that are shed from the lining of the hair follicle (pore) become ‘sticky’ and

on acne and stress indicated that teenagers who were under high levels of stress were 23% more likely

block the opening of the pore.

to have increased acne severity.

Even though the pore is blocked

Types of Pimples

sebum and skin cells continue to build up underneath causing inflammation. • The inside of the blocked pore is

• Whiteheads - a completely blocked pore that has trapped sebum and skin cells inside. They

We recommend that you consult

skin treatments.

Professional Treatments • Antibiotics to reduce the infection (prescription only) • The contraceptive pill - addresses hormonal problems in women • Retinoid cream - reduces the incidence of skin blockages & irregular skin shedding (prescription only) • In cases of severe acne your GP

often appear as small bumps

can refer you to a dermatologist

cells which provide the perfect

under the skin with a whitehead.

for an extra strength oral

breeding ground for bacteria.

• Blackheads - like a whitehead but

filled with sebum and dead skin

Acne affects up to 80% of people at some stage of their lives but most commonly occurs during the teenage years.

the pore is only partially blocked -

• Microdermabrasion - reduces

because part of the pore is still

the amount of skin blockages

exposed the contents oxidise and

by mechanically removing the

appear black.

very top layer of skin. This is a mild

• Pustules - Inflamed, red, tender bumps with a visible white/yellow head (these are the ones we usually try to squeeze).

20 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

treatment called Isotretinoin

professional treatment that has shown to obtain great results in conjunction with antibiotics and topical treatments


• Chemical Peels - Salicylic acid peels penetrate the pore and clean out any blockages. As with microdermabrasion this works best when combined with antibiotics and prescribed topical treatments. The peel is gentle and you will only experience some mild discomfort and redness for a short time afterwards.

Acne Treatment Checklist ❑❑ Consult your doctor for anything worse than whiteheads or blackheads ❑❑ See your beauty therapist for skin treatments & product advice ❑❑ Do not squeeze pimples - this causes scarring ❑❑ Do not use any oil-based products ❑❑ Only buy products labelled non-comedegenic (won’t block pores) ❑❑ Do not cleanse more than twice a day and be sure to use a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser as over cleansing can strip the skin of oil & cause it to produce more oil in response to sensing the top of the skin is dry ❑❑ Due to the psychological trauma that can be caused by acne it is important to treat it early as late treatment can result in scarring which is very difficult to treat ❑❑ If you must cover up your skin make sure you use a powder mineral makeup that doesn’t contain the ingredient bismuth oxide ❑❑ Drink at least 2 litres of water daily to keep your skin hydrated

❑❑ It’s a myth that acne is linked to diet ❑❑ It’s a myth that acne is linked to poor hygiene ❑❑ Do not sunbake as UV light will not cure acne but may cause a melanoma ❑❑ Avoid any skin care containing alcohol - this will dry the skin & cause it to produce more oil

More Information Kellie McDowell

An Acne Program

Tailored For


A unique acne treatment plan that WILL give you results. treatments $360* 5-6 Normally $600 Pay $60 per treatment or $350 upfront

Scientifically Proven Skincare for Results P: (02) 4929 2333 Rajeunir beauty clinic !


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People in Focus

An Interview with

George Ivanoff How do you contribute to the education of kids?

Please tell us about your family My wonderful wife of 11 years, Kerri

I do a lot of writing for the primary

and I have two daughters - the

school education market. These

eldest is about to turn 7 and is in

books are marketed directly to

Grade 1 and the youngest recently

schools. They include school readers

celebrated her 1st birthday.

as well as fiction and non-fiction books that are in some way linked to the curriculum or used for extra reading. I also do presentations and writing workshops at schools. I love inspiring

Kerri is a huge help with my writing as she is my first reader. I never send

Photo Courtesy of Kerri Valkova more books. A few years ago I was able to give up working a day job and concentrate on my writing.

anything out to an editor without her

So far, I’ve had 42 books published

first reading and commenting on it.

and there are another 7 completed

What are your hobbies?

and awaiting publication over the next 18 months or so.

kids to read and write. There is

Before it became my paying career,

nothing better than seeing kids

writing was my hobby. In many ways

excited about writing their own

it still is my hobby. I love doing it and


I would still be writing even if I wasn’t

As I was writing it, I guess I had 13-

getting paid for it. It’s an ideal

14 year olds in mind. But when my

situation - being paid to pursue your

publisher read it, he thought it would


be best promoted as 11+. So I made

On a more personal level, I participate in the literacy programme at my daughter’s school. A couple of times a week,

Acting is my other hobby, although

parents spend time in the classroom

I’ve been doing less of that as I’ve

reading with the kids and playing

been doing more writing.

literacy games.

What is the target audience for Gamers’ Quest?

a couple of amendments to make it age-appropriate. But I do hope that it has a broad age appeal. Although I did have a vague age group in

How did you become an author?

mind, what I wrote was the type of

to read and write. I love being able

It happened slowly. Throughout

and I’m 42!

to take part in that learning process.

the 1990s I was writing for amateur

My eldest daughter, at almost

publications, while also sending

seven, is now able to read some of

out stories to professional markets.

my books on her own - that’s very

Then one day I hit the right publisher


with the right story at the right

It’s amazing how quickly kids learn

time. I was invited to write a book Where did you go to school? I went to St Patrick’s Primary School and then Mentone Grammar. After that, it was off to the University of

of short stories, which became my first published book - Life, Death and Detention (Margaret Hamilton Books, 1999).

Melbourne for a Bachelor of Arts

At around about the same time, I

and then Monash University for a

discovered the education market

Master of Arts. Later I did a 3 year,

and wrote my first education book -

part-time acting course at the

Real Sci-Fi (Horwitz Martin, 1999). I

National Theatre Drama School in

realised I had a knack for writing for


this market and I continued to write

22 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

book that I would enjoy reading…

What do your books offer readers? Different books offer different things to different people. Ultimately, what a reader gets from any given book is up to that reader. Many of my educational books have particular educational goals. With Gamers’ Quest, I mostly hope that readers have fun. I certainly had fun writing it. The book also subtly raises questions about reality and identity. If readers pick up on that, great! If not, they can still enjoy the book simply as a cracking action/adventure.

People in Focus Where do you get your inspiration? I find inspiration everywhere - from the people I meet, to the places I visit; from the music I listen to, to the stuff I watch on TV; from the books I read, to the movies I go out to see; from my family and friends, to the strangers I pass in the street. Yes, I’m that weird person who sits on the train eavesdropping on your conversations! Everything is fuel for the imagination. Every writers’ works that I read influence me in some way. Sometimes it’s simply a case of inspiring me to try harder. At other times, I’m reading a book and thinking, “well, damn, I can do better than that”. And there are also specific writers who have influenced specific stories. Any new books on the horizon? As I said earlier, I’ve got 7 education titles coming up. They include a fictional chapter book, some nonfiction chapter books and some school readers. At the moment I’m working on

Biography George Ivanoff is an author and stay-at-home Dad residing in Melbourne. He has written over 40 books for children and teenagers. Two of his books (Life, Death and Detention and Real Sci-Fi) have been on the booklist for the Victorian Premier’s Reading


Challenge since its inception in 2005.


His new science fiction novel for young teens, Gamers’ Quest, won the 2010 Chronos Award for speculative fiction. George has also had stories published in numerous magazines and anthologies, most recently in Trust Me! (Ford Street, 2008), Doctor Who, Short Trips: Defining Patterns (Big Finish, UK, 2008) and Under the Weather: Stories about Climate Change (Frances Lincoln, UK, 2009).

More Information George Ivanoff

Gamers’ Quest

M: 0417 597 828

Author: George Ivanoff

Age Guide: 11+ Years

Extent: 172 pages (Paperback)

ISBN: 9781876462864

a 6-book reference series about nutrition for early primary school, while also trying to find time to work on my next novel. Busy times! But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Price: AU$16.95 Publisher: Ford Street Publishing P: 03 9481 1120

Gain Your Teachers Aide Qualification in ONE Year Enrolment: Rolling enrolment! Enroll anytime! Time: Day Class - 10:00am - 1:00pm Evening Class - 6.30pm - 8.30pm Duration: 1 day or evening per week + distance education study + workplace experience Certification: CHC30808 Certificate III in Education Support Venue: ICCC,146 Lambton Rd, Broadmeadow Cost: $200.00 per unit



Family Finances & Credit Cards

By Maria Charlton

My father did not allow my mother

Mortgage debt is usually less

The best method for preventing

to have a credit card or learn to

burdensome than non-mortgage

future credit card debt for children

drive a car. So when he died at

debt because most homeowners

is to teach them prudent money

80, she immediately got a credit

gradually repay their mortgages

management before they even

card and lived to regret not having

over the long term during which

qualify for a credit card.

a driver’s licence. Her financial

their incomes rise.

prowess has not diminished with prudent use of her credit card. But, my mother was financially astute prior to using credit cards and statistically this is not the case with an increasing number of Australian householders.

Some credit cards charge three times the mortgage interest rate on outstanding credit card amounts.

Checklist for Wise Use of Credit Cards ❑❑ Avoid paying the bare minimum as it usually does not cover your

In Australia, there are now about

interest and it takes you longer to

14 million credit cards in circulation

pay off your debt

and their popularity in Australia

❑❑ Interest-free credit card

is at an all-time high. It’s easy to

repayment periods do not apply

The levels of Australian household

understand why credit cards are

to cash advances that have

debt have increased since 1990

so popular - they are a convenient

very high interest as soon as you

because of:

payment method for small or large

withdraw the cash & you also pay

purchases and eliminate the need

a withdrawal fee

• Increasing material ambitions • Lower inflation rates

to carry cash.

❑❑ Most credit cards offer low interest

• Higher housing prices

As credit cards are more readily

rates for a short period of time

• Greater household credit card

available for all age groups these

to entice you to sign up before

can encourage families to buy more

they rise to the standard rate – on

than they can repay and sink into a

some cards, this can be twice or

credit debt trap.

three times the introductory rate

debt & other debt

24 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10


❑❑ Before you sign up to any credit

❑❑ Consolidate all your credit cards

card, ensure the ‘revert rate’ is

into one loan & freeze credit card

competitive with other credit

usage until the debt is repaid

cards on the market ❑❑ Credit card issuers can increase

❑❑ Make it a practice to use only one credit card

the interest rate with little or no

❑❑ Shop for the right card with the

warning, so you may suddenly

right interest rate & spending

find yourself racking up credit


card debt at a faster rate ❑❑ Be aware of credit card fees that

“It does not cost any more to help our environment at NCP Printing.”

❑❑ Find out what interest rate you are being charged

may include - the annual fee & interest charges, exceeding your

An increasing number of financial

credit limit, late payment of your

institutions have developed debit

monthly statement, replacing a

credit cards to improve the financial

lost card & making overseas ATM

literacy for the under 18 year olds.

withdrawals ❑❑ Use your credit card only what

One such institution, The Mutual, developed the Neo Visa Debit

you can afford to repay & deal

product as part of its involvement

with your credit card payment as

in youth literacy programs, to

it falls due

bridge the gap between teens and

❑❑ Avoid taking out a credit card for

to create an important financial

end up costing you more than the

experience for teenagers, prior to

reward schemes are worth

their 18th birthday, whilst providing

your children not to get stuck in debt with a credit card

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What is a


Marketing is the process of placing products or services in the hands of customers. It includes diverse specialties such as sales, marketing planning, research, advertising, public relations, pricing, packaging, and distribution. Here are some simple distinctions between marketing, advertising and public relations. If a wife tells her husband that he is handsome and

How to Qualify for a Job in Marketing

Training Via Computer-Distance

University Degrees

The Marketing Association of

A great number of Australian universities offer bachelor degrees including Bachelor of Business that students can major in marketing subjects. TAFE Courses


Australia and New Zealand provides distance learning over 400 short courses (MX Express) in marketing. This association claims that it provides a good theoretical and practical grounding in marketing. The Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) provides numerous short

successful - she is saying the right

TAFE colleges offer on campus &

things to the right person and that’s

distance learning Diplomas in

marketing. If she tells her husband

Business majoring in marketing.

development courses in marketing.

Private Colleges

Particular Skills & Traits Needed by Successful Marketers

what a great mother and smart wife she is - that’s advertising. If she tells her husband how smart and good

In the Hunter, Passmores’ Business

looking their son is - that’s public

and Management College offers


potential students marketing and

Studying marketing opens the way

administration courses.

to a number of successful careers in

APM College of Business &

business, government and non-

Communication, Seek Learning,

profit associations in:

Study Now and Cengage Education

• Personal selling • Public relations • Advertising • Market research • Product development • Marketing management

26 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

offer students marketing courses using a variety of delivery formats including distance learning.

courses and professional

• Good academic grounding • Belonging to professional marketing association • Good business reputation • Ability to understand customers & give them what they want • Staying up to date with technology • Creating conversations with current & potential users • Listening & responding to users • Communicating with users in traditional & new ways • Showing & measuring results

Careers Marketing Job Opportunities Marketers have challenging jobs that can be simply stated as making

How to Get a Job in Marketing Checklist

More Information

â?‘â?‘ Before you can get a job in

Managing Director

Maria Charlton

products and businesses work from a

marketing you need to know

MAP Marketing

customer perspective.

what a marketer does.

P: 02 4929 7766

There was a softening of demand for marketers after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, but demand for candidates with marketing and communications experience and expertise have strengthened in 2010. Job candidates with online marketing experience are in demand by the government,

â?‘â?‘ Credibility and a good every field but are essentials in marketing. â?‘â?‘ Have the right educational background with a major in marketing courses â?‘â?‘ Complete systematic work experience â?‘â?‘ Join a marketing association

service, retail and financial sectors

such as the Australian Marketing

that are increasing their push into

Institute (AMI)

the online arena.

â?‘â?‘ Brush up on your personal presentation

For example banks have recognised the importance of Generation Y (people born 1975-early 2000’s) in the increase use of online financial services and are in the process of increasing investment in their online service offerings. Last year (2009) there were over 53,000 people in marketing. The number is expected to increase in the next ten years.

reputation are important in

â?‘â?‘ Be creative in the way you plan,

With a Leading Business to Business Marketing Specialist

write & design your resume â?‘â?‘ Send your resume to companies you would like to work â?‘â?‘ Follow up all companies to which you send a resume

Advertising • Publications Online Marketing • Research

â?‘â?‘ Show that you have initiative & how you can add value to potential employers â?‘â?‘ Specialise in marketing areas where jobs are abundant e.g.

P: 02 4929 7766

online marketing

C E L E B R AT I N G 2 0 Y E A R S O F S U C C E S S Hunter Valley Grammar School was built on an idea to provide a quality, non-denominational and co-educational school for Hunter families. Today the school is considered a premier school in the region.

The Preschool to Year 12 campus allows students to enjoy a seamless learning environment in a warm, family-style atmosphere. Enquiries to join the Hunter Valley Grammar School community are welcome.

The school has experienced great success in academic outcomes, HSC results, sporting and cultural endeavours and provides opportunities for all its students to exceed their expectations.

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Derek Landy Visits Australia At the Invitation of HarperCollins, Irish

It’s a country of contrasts between

Author, Derek Landy visited the Gold

crowded towns and desolate

Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne,

countryside and the Irish mists

Auckland and Wellington in late

provide an ideal setting for myths

March 2010.

and mystery.

Get Ahead Kids® was privileged to

The Skulduggery Pleasant characters

interview Derek and this interview will

appeal to both male and female

It’s the fourth Skulduggery Pleasant

be featured in the July issue.

audience as this series features

adventure! Skulduggery Pleasant,

action, horror and jokes. Within

the bony detective, is lost on the

the blogs and social pages girls

other side of a portal, with only some

dominate but at book signings there

evil spirits that have disassembled his

are equal male and female fans.

bones and the future looks bleak.

known for writing the four books

The characters reflect the mix of

Can Valkyrie and Co save him and

in the Skulduggery Pleasant series,

good and evil in each and every

overcome a variety of other fantasy

published by HarperCollins.

human being. Villains and heroes

creatures who have joined forces to

vacillate between good and evil

destroy Valkyrie and her friends.

Derek Landy was born 1973 in Lusk County, Dublin. He has written two screenplays that have been made into films. But he is best

Derek states that he has always loved writing and drawing. He attended Art College for a year and was expelled for non-performance. Not to be discouraged by his expulsion, he decided to take up writing seriously and wrote screenplays prior to applying these skills to writing novels. He has chosen Ireland as a

which add to the horror, suspense and uncertainty. For example in the Dark Days, the heroine, Valkyrie Cain is caught up with good and evil forces. Derek said he found Australia a cool place to visit and Australians to be fun and easy-going.

More Information

backdrop for his skeleton detective,

Jordan Weaver

Skulduggery Pleasant series because


it has a great tradition of mythology.

HarperCollins Publishers Australia P: 02 9952 5020

28 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

Skulduggery Pleasant #4: Dark Days Author: Derek Landy

This is a thrilling adventure that will capture the imagination of teenagers and adults. It is a sassy tale that features whimsical and amusing dialogue. It is a tribute to Derek Landy’s story telling skills. Age Guide: 12+ Years Series: Skulduggery Pleasant Extent: 320 pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780007325955 Price: AU$19.99 Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers P: 02 9952 5020


Rowers Break the Australian Record! The National Rowing Championships

Schoolboy Coxed Quad Scull

Director of Rowing, Mr Justin Redpath

were held in Nagambie Lake,

team of Brandon Brown, Christian


Victoria from 1-7 March 2010

Moore, Steven Carroll, Tristan Barrie

and Newcastle Grammar School

and Emily Matheson have been

had 10 crews compete in these

undefeated all season in both local


and state regatta’s and can now lay

One of the rowing crews took out the 2010 Australian Rowing

claim to be Australian champions and Australian record holders.

“The Newcastle Grammar School’s outstanding rowing successes were largely due to the determination and strong commitment the team has to their school and their sport.”

More Information

Championships and in the process

The squad was coached by Mr

broke the Australian record.

Adam Harrison who joined the

Michelle O’Toole

school in July 2010 from New

Communication Manager



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Age Guide: 5 Years-Adult Contents: 25 balls & 44 sticks Weight: 2.1 Kg Box Dimensions: 430W x 260H x 90D mm RRP: AU$89.95


Tantalise the Amidst the battery operated toy craze, along comes Crazy


Imagination This construction set promotes collaborative play between boys

construction set that aims to fire

and girls - toys such as this are few

up the imagination of children and

and far between.

adults alike.

The more pieces kids have, the

This toy meets the market need for

better it gets as multiple kit structures

children of all ages to construct

are even more impressive.

structures where they can play endlessly in their imaginary world and Crazy Forts!® makes play easy and lots of fun. A single Crazy Forts!® kit contains 25 geometrically precise balls and 44 sticks that connect to create a multitude of possible play structures. Simply throw a bed sheet over top and watch their creativity flourish. A rocket today, an undiscovered cave tomorrow, a princess castle one day and a wild horse in a barn next week are all possible with Crazy Forts!®.

30 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

Crazy Forts!® has been designed

Crazy Forts!® golden rules are: 1. Ensure the writing on the balls always face upwards 2. Insert the stick with a slight rotating movement 3. Be aware of the different positions of the holes to enable you to build unlimited structures.

to allow a small child around the

This 69-piece set contains 25

age of 5+ years to be able to insert

geometrically precise balls and

the sticks into the holes as well as

44 sticks that connect to create

remove them. Force is required

an endless array of life-size play

when inserting and adult supervision


is required to ensure a snug fit if the toy is going to be transported.

Reviews Design Ideas

JELLY BEANS AND BANANAS Babies and children often look a little bent over in a jelly bean or banana shape.



Sometimes this is the only sign of physical restrictions in the body. Others present with a concern: Difficult delivery Ear infections

Settling Slow to crawl or walk

Kim Wheeler, Bianca Oehme, Eleanor Fernon University trained, Registered Osteopaths, AOA Members WARNERS BAY OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC Suite 9, 478 The Esplanade, Warners Bay NSW 2282 P: 02 4947 3099| F: 02 4947 3088 E: www.

After their phenomenal success in

Crazy Forts!® can be easily shared

Europe and America last year, we

and played with when friends come

are absolutely thrilled to be able

over. In fact, it appeals to a wide

to introduce you to the Crazy Forts

age range.

Construction Set... It is one of the ‘quirkiest’ things we’ve been able to find to satisfy the needs of any young budding architect, builder or engineer!

some time, you’ll find that adding

Reading Problems? Struggling with phonics? Auditory Processing Delay?

more sets leads to even more fun

Intensive In - Clinic Programme

While this set has enough pieces to keep any child entertained for

as children can build bigger and

Children of all ages love building

more complex structures... Thank

Auditory training, sensory integration & movement PLUS academic support

fun structures where they can act

goodness these are durable,

Results from our last 14 week group:

out their imaginative fantasies. Stop

portable and easy to build/

your kids driving you crazy by

disassemble as pretty soon you may

rearranging the furniture to make

need to send your little one outside

their tents, battleships, houses or

to construct their giant structures!

castles and get them Crazy Forts!® instead.

Also check out the Crazy Forts!® LED Lights (sold separately) that can be

Powered simply by imagination and

easily connected to literally make

creativity, this fantastic construction

your little one’s structures shine!

set can be assembled, dismantled and re-configured into a multitude of possible life size structures. The ingenuity of this product is unquestionable... so simple in it’s design and yet it offers unlimited

 Reading accuracy improvements of up to 3 yrs

 Comprehension gains of up 2½ yrs  Auditory processing speed advances of up to 400ms-phonics then improved

 Progress in handwriting speed of up to 2 yrs

 Get results FAST!

More Information Intelliplay P: (03) 9011 1621

Visit for more info or call 49671205 to book a free info session

F: (03) 9011 1693

play value.



The Rare #1: Solace & Grief Author: Foz Meadows Raised in foster care, Solace Morgan has kept her vampire abilities a secret all her life. It’s not until she

It’s good to see different elements

meets a group of others with unique

incorporated into the novel. It sets

All Together Now

gifts that she finally comes to terms

it apart from being just another

Author: Phil Cummings

with her abilities and unravels the

vampire novel. A good read for

Illustrator: Cassandra Allen

truth of her historic past.

those with wild imaginations.

Set in Sydney, this young adult

Age Guide: 15+ Years

families especially those who love

fantasy novel has some great

Series: The Rare


descriptions of secret underground

Extent: 363 pages (Paperback)

chambers beneath the busy city,

ISBN: 9781876462895

portals that magically transport

Price: AU$19.95

to various locations as well as

Publisher: Ford Street Publishing

a number of different abilities

P: 03 9481 1120

possessed by the characters.

For more great reviews visit

A joyful rhyming tale for Australian

Age Guide: 2-5 Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781862918696 Price: AU$13.99 Publisher: Scholastic Australia P: 02 4328 3523

a very long ladder, Paul takes to the sky and climbs to the moon to meet Fortuna. Will he stay with Fortuna on the moon or return to the basement of the skyscraper that is his home? This is a whimsical tale that transforms Paul’s tedious reality to awe inspiring fantasy and opens

Blue Chameleon

doors to lofty achievements and

Author: Emily Gravett

The Boy Who Climbed Into the Moon

warm new friendships. This book is from David Almond

teaches kids about belonging,

Author: David Almond

who is the recent winner of the

colours and the names of objects

Illustrator: Polly Dunbar

Hans Christian Andersen Medal.

and animals. The illustrations are

Paul believes that the moon is not the moon, but a great hole in the sky. It’s one of many strange ideas that he’s never told anyone until he meets Molly, who begins to convince him that his theory might just change the world. Helped by

32 Get Ahead Kids® May/Jun 10

Age Guide: 6-9 Years

This is an excellent first reader that


Extent: 128 pages (Hardback)

Age Guide: 1-4 Years

ISBN: 9781406314571

Extent: 32 Pages (Hardback)

Price: AU$24.95

ISBN: 9780230704244

Publisher: Walker Books

Price: AU$26.99

P: 02 9517 9577

Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia

P: 02 9285 9115


Battle Boy Series Author: Charlie Carter Take a selection of great historical battles, throw in some time travel

Wombat Divine 15th Anniversary Edition

The Firefighters

have an exciting new action adventure series-Battle Boy.

Author: Mem Fox

Illustrator: Donna Rawlins

and some nifty gadgets and you

11-Year Old Napoleon Smythe, otherwise known as BB0005, is transported back in time to solve mysteries of some of the greatest historical battles of all time. These books are a great way to introduce and encourage younger

Illustrator: Kerry Argent

Author: Sue Whiting

This picture book covers the role

A charming story of popular

of firefighters and adds interesting

Australian animals cast in the

sound effects.

Christmas Nativity Play with the shy Wombat playing a central roleverging on divine.

The illustrations are splashed with red and the story captures young children’s imagination on fire

This uplifting tale is beautifully

engines and firefighters. Its release

illustrated in the warm hues of the

coincides with International Fire

Australian outback.

fighter’s Day - 4th May.

key events with significant figures

Age Guide: 2-6 Years

Age Guide: 2+ Years

featured in each book in an

Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback)

Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback)

entertaining way.

ISBN: 9781862918412

ISBN: 9781921529498

Price: AU$16.95

Price: AU$15.95

Publisher: Scholastic Australia

Publisher: Walker Books Australia

P: 02 4328 3523

P: 02 9517 9577

readers to explore history. Readers are not overloaded with countless historical facts, instead just a few

Battle Boy# 5: Aztec Attack ISBN: 9780330425582 Battle: The first meeting between the Aztecs and the Spanish conquistadors at the gates of ancient Mexico, Tenochtitlan 1519.

For more great reviews visit

Mission: To rescue Battle Boy 04, who after a horrible mission is stuck in the Battle Book.

Little Dino Spark and the Birthday Surprise

Battle Boy #6: Battle Bust-Up

Author: Robert Vescio

ISBN: 9780330425599 Battle: The battle of Issus, 322 BC and

Illustrator: Dean Jacobs

The Battle of Kursk, 1943.

Little Dino, the dinosaur, was having

Mission: To separate two battles that

a birthday when it starts pouring

have been mixed up into one Battle

rain and litters the party fare in the

Book and send them back to their

raging stream. Terry saves the soggy

correct time.

cake and gains friendship and

Age Guide: 6-12 Years

acceptance despite his limp wings.

Age Guide: 4+ Years

Series: Battle Boy

A touching tale of how a group

Extent: 32 pages (Paperback)

Extent: 89 pages each (Paperback)

of prehistoric creatures overcome

ISBN: 9780980575088

Price: AU$7.99

disaster to celebrate a birthday and

Price: AU$16.95

Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia

a new friendship. The wonderful

Publisher: Little Steps Publishing

P: 02 9285 9115

illustrations depict the range of

P: 02 9453 1230

emotions with childlike clarity.



Article Themes 2010 January/February

Advertisers Index

Back to School Ad Booking Deadline Nov 6, 2009

Alphabet Street 17

Editorial Deadline Nov 11, 2009

Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College


Essential Moves 31


Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown

Physical Education

Fighter World Williamtown 11

Ad Booking Deadline Feb 5, 2010

Get Ahead Learning 15

Editorial Deadline Feb 12, 2010

Gymbaroo Hunter Valley Grammar School



9 & 17 27

I Can Read System 17

Languages & Communications

INParenting 17

Ad Booking Deadline Mar 26, 2010

International Child Care College


Editorial Deadline Apr 6, 2010

International College of Aviation


Irlen Diagnostic Clinic 16

July/August Learning Innovations & Technology Ad Booking Deadline May 28, 2010 Editorial Deadline Jun 4, 2010

September/October Study & Assessment Ad Booking Deadline Aug 6, 2010 Editorial Deadline Aug 13, 2010

Lakes Grammar - An Anglican School


Maitland Mutual Building Society


MAP Marketing 27 Metroll Newcastle 2 Mine Subsidence Board 5 NCP Printing 25 Newcastle Grammar School 29 PCYC 17 Rajeunir Beauty Clinic 21 St Philips Christian Education Foundation


Summer Learning

The Hunter Academy of Sport


Ad Booking Deadline Nov 19, 2010

The Lockup Cultural Centre


Editorial Deadline Nov 26, 2010

Warners Bay Osteopathic Clinic



For more advertising information please contact FREE

Jul/ Au g No . 4 • Vol . 2 •

Maria Charlton |E: | P: 02 4929 7766


Advertisers media kit & booking form at

Celebrity Spotlight Dr. Karl Learning Innovations & Technology

July/August 2010 34 Get Ahead Kids® Mar/Apr 10

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Activity Zone

Mother's Day



17 8

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answers are all related to Mother’s Day. Five letters are given to start you off.














1 13












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10 9
























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21 20


















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