Get Ahead Kids Magazine - Vol 6, No. 1, January/February 2014

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Vol. 6 • No. 1 • Jan/Feb 2 014


First Day Back Jitters Parenting Strategies Golden Oldies That Work What to Do If You Don’t Get the ATAR that You Had Hoped Back to School, Back to Business?

An Interview with

Curtis Stone

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January/February 2014 Subscription $6.60 AUD INC GST 01




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Jan/Feb 2014


This Month’s



® 4

Editorial Your Letters


Spotlight An Interview with Curtis Stone Back to School

An Interview with Curtis Stone


First Day Back Jitters

Photos: Quentin Bacon


A Fresh Start for 2014


Parenting Strategies - Golden Oldies That Work


What to Do If You Don’t Get the ATAR that You Had Hoped

Get Ahead Kids® © MAP Marketing 2014 Publisher MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Managing Editor Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766 Graphic Design Katie Hurst MAP Marketing P: 02 4929 7766 Advertising Maria Charlton MAP Marketing ABN 38 003 493 007 Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 P: 02 4929 7766


A New Year, A New Class, New Friends!

Family Business 18

Back to School, Back to Business? Health


Brain Tumours


Healthy Summer Feet News


Aussie Printer Scoops Agfa Sustainability Award


Spring It On - Trampoline Park Ready To Open


Brazilian Made Dancewear NOW Online


Moulin Rouge Themed Aerobics


The Most Important Gifts in Life - Healthy Kids Giveaways


Taronga Zoo Family Passes Reader Giveaway


Smiggle Facebook Giveaway


The Australian Reptile Park Family Passes Subscriber Giveaway




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Get Ahead Kids® is published by Marketing Advisers for Professionals Pty Ltd T/A MAP Marketing. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for the opinions, errors or omissions.


Editorial Thank you to all who have helped make Get Ahead Kids a success, we are now entering our sixth year in 2014. In this issue, celebrity chef Curtis Stone shares his favourite foods, people who inspired him and provides handy lunchbox hints to parents. The back to school articles include topics such as starting a new school year, alternative pathways to university, building a work from home business and choosing the correct shoes for the new school year.

My favourite article is ‘Teaching your kids during the holidays’. This article struck a chord with me as I’m a working mum to 3 children under 5. I find it hard to give them the quality time they need when working. After reading this article I am going to make a conscious effort to give them the quality time they need and do something different like go fishing, or even just spend more time walking. S. Fredericks, Greta NSW

S. Hicks, Dudley NSW

A. Costello, Budgewoi NSW

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Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

Maria Charlton Managing Editor P: 02 4929 7766

It was so refreshing to see the article advising caution be used before parents buy pets as gifts for their children in your magazine! As an animal advocate I feel saddened every year when unwanted pets are dumped and abandoned in the early months of each year treated like cheap broken toys and simply discarded after the novelty wears off. This is poor role modelling for our children, teaching them that life is replaceable and animals have little to no worth. It does donate values driven, family and community based behaviours and attitudes of respect, responsibility, contribution, and the ability to give oneself. It was great to see your article warning people against the decision to buy animals as gifts highlighting the long term commitment pets require - and deserve!

I enjoyed ‘Babies and Chiropractic’ because I’m interested in natural therapies. It is wonderful that a gentle adjustment in young babies can improve nerve function by treating the misaligned vertebrae caused in the birthing process. Problems such as colic, sleeping and feeding difficulties, reflux and constipation can be relieved.

• Speech • Literacy • Social Skills

Get Ahead Kids provides a variety of Facebook, digital subscriber and reader giveaways in this issue, and we are grateful to Smiggle, Taronga Zoo and the Australian Reptile Park for providing these giveaways.

I loved the ‘Summer Recharge’ article. We hear it over and over - eat right, exercise, relax and do the things that make you happy but do we ever really do it? A well timed reminder framed wonderfully and written to feel achievable in our busy lives. J. Robertson, Birmingham Gardens NSW

Please send letters and stories with your name and contact details to Get Ahead Kids® Villa Franca, 2 Scott St. Newcastle NSW 2300 F: 02 4929 7827


Why do you think it is important for kids to learn to cook? There are so many great lessons to be learned from cooking so it’s important to get kids busy in the kitchen from a young age, even if it’s just to help stir some ingredients in a bowl or to crack the eggs - kids absolutely love doing that! Cooking is a great bonding activity between parents and their children plus it teaches kids about the origins of foods and flavours, which leads to learning about different cultures. Cooking is an important lifelong skill and I couldn’t be a bigger advocate for getting children involved in both cooking and eating fresh, home cooked meals. If you could invite any guest to dinner, who would it be and why? Rodriguez, the great ‘70s rock icon. I’d make him anything he wants! I have become so intrigued by him after watching his documentary “Searching for Sugar Man”. What is the career you would least like to have?

An Interview with

C u rtis Stone

What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?

Where did your interest and passion for food originate?

I had to eat all kinds of weird insects during a season of ‘Top Chef Masters’, a reality food TV show that I host in the US. The chefs were challenged with cooking crickets, worms, night crawlers - even master chefs can only do so much with bugs. No more of those thank you very much.

I’ve always been fascinated with food. I first started cooking when I was a little tacker. My mum was a great baker and I used to love cooking sticky things like caramel slice with her and I remember cooking fudge with my granny. One of my friends was Italian and his father was a chef, I used to go over there for dinner often and I guess seeing him cook sort of started things going.

A job that is repetitious is not for me! I need to be doing something different every single day. I’m lucky enough to have a career where I’m constantly on the move and juggling lots of projects at any one time. As someone who travels and works a lot, what is your ultimate easy comfort meal to whip up at the end of a long day? A bowl of spaghetti and some fresh crab, lemon, olive oil, and chili pepper. That is one of my staples and crab is one of my favourite ingredients to cook and eat. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? In my spare time, and I have to admit I don’t have a whole lot of it at the moment; I love hiking, gardening, surfing-and cooking of course!



Where is your favourite gourmet holiday destination and why? I have been lucky enough to travel to over 30 countries and I have tried a vast variety of cuisines – Indian, Japanese, Greek, British, South American, the list goes on. If I had to highlight just one place it would be have to be Buenos Aires. The way the locals cook there is a real eye opener. They cook on grills called parillas and they also cook Asador style. It seems as though the guys behind the grills have been cooking on these pits for their entire life, they’re so skilled. It was really special to visit there. Please tell us about your family. Don’t get me started; I could go on all day! I married the love of my life, Linds, this year in Majorca (Spain) in the company of our closest friends and family. We live in Los Angeles and have a beautiful little boy, Hudson, who turned two a few


Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

weeks ago. He’s so much fun to be around and he is already taking a big liking to food and cooking. He’s my like little sous chef in the kitchen and is a very experimental eater. We have a Golden Retriever, Sully, and the newest addition to our family is a fish named Delta. Who are three chefs/cooks that you look up to? I am inspired by so many chefs. I think we can teach each other a lot and push each other and the industry forward by continuously raising the bar. I’ll always look up to legendary British chef Marco Pierre White, whom I worked for in London for many years. I also really love what head chef of Melbourne’s Attica is doing. His restaurant is phenomenal and he has such deep knowledge and respect for fresh ingredients, many of which he harvests daily by hand.

I live in Los Angeles and I like to get to as many restaurants in the city as possible. I have recently gone to a couple of Chef Sang Yoon’s restaurants, Father’s Office and Lukshon, and I recommend these to anyone visiting LA. Sang was a competing chef on this year’s ‘Top Chef Masters’ competition. We formed a great friendship through working on the show together. He’s a real character! Please provide us with a quick and healthy lunch-box snack for kids? One of the things I enjoy snacking on most of all is dips, and kids love them too. Instead of serving your dips with greasy chips, you can easily make your own crunchy pita bread by baking store bought pitas in the oven with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Once browned, rip them up, and they make the perfect accompaniment for veggie-packed dips, such as hummus or tzatziki.


What’s even better is you can serve dips with some beautiful, colourful cut up veggies such as carrot, celery or cucumber. The crunchiness of the veggies contrasts well with the smooth, silkiness of the dips – put this little match made in heaven in a lunchbox and you’re in business. Here’s another great tip... Always check to see what’s left in your kids’ lunchbox at the end of the day and if they’re not eating something, try to find out why, then serve it a little differently the next time. For example, some kids might find a cut up apple more manageable and appetizing than a whole apple sitting in their lunchbox. Communicate with your kids about their food; it will benefit you both greatly! What are your tips to help families make their meal plans healthier? I’m a huge believer in the idea that when you start the week off right, you’re more likely to end it better as well. So I think it is key to get organised on a Sunday, or pick a day that best suits your schedule, and get sorted on that day. Write a meal plan and shopping list, and if you know you’ve got a busy week on the cards, make a couple of meals ahead of time and stick them in the freezer. It does take time and effort to organise a meal plan and bring it to life but a home-cooked meal is always worth the effort. Food simply tastes better - and is better for you - when you cook it yourself.

About Curtis Stone Curtis Stone is an internationally known chef, TV host, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author. His philosophy to cook as Mother Nature intended inspires him to keep his recipes simple, using local, seasonal and organic ingredients and allowing the food to speak for itself.

Curtis is the host of Bravo’s popular culinary competition ‘Top Chef Masters’, which returned for a fifth season in 2013. He is also a familiar face on dozens of shows including The Today Show, Ellen, Conan, The Talk, The Biggest Loser and Celebrity Apprentice and has just recently been named regular guest co-host of ABC’s The Chew. Born in Melbourne, Curtis’ passion for food was inspired as a boy by his grandmother’s famous fudge. After finishing culinary school, he took a job cooking at the Savoy Hotel in Melbourne before heading to London, where he honed his skills under legendary three-star Michelin genius Marco Pierre White at Café Royal, Mirabelle and the highly revered Quo Vadis. A regular headliner at global food shows, Curtis was the first chef to debut an eponymous product line at prestigious US retailer WilliamsSonoma. Curtis Stone’s Kitchen Solutions launched in March 2012 on HSN and is sold in fine specialty retailers throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Singapore and Belgium. Curtis currently cooks out of his test kitchen in Los Angeles and is opening a multi-functional culinary headquarters in the city in January 2014, featuring a showroom, production facilities and his first restaurant, Maude. Curtis has yearned to return to a restaurant kitchen ever since he left his role as head chef at Quo Vadis in London, and is excited to open the doors to guests in just a few months time.

What’s For Dinner? Author: Curtis Stone The latest recipe book from Curtis Stone incorporates a number of delicious recipes that are ideal for those living a busy life. There are recipes to cater for all cooking abilities and the range of ingredients used in each meal ensure there is something for everyone! Each recipe has helpful hints such as the number of people the recipe serves, preparation and cooking time, and whether the meal needs to be prepared ahead of eating. The combination of striking images and delicious recipes make this book an ideal gift for food lovers. Age Guide: Open Extent: 306 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742758923 Price: AU $39.95 Publisher: Random House Australia P: 03 9753 4511

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Back to School

A New Year, A New Class, New Friends! By Dr. Joan Brien


Most children look forward to moving on to the next year of their schooling because it means that they are “growing up”. For some, this excitement will change to despair when they realise that they cannot do the work required in the new class.

This is often a difficult time for the parents of those children as well, because they cannot understand why their child was having no problems with the work in the previous year, but suddenly seems unable to cope with the new work.

These children may or may not have been struggling in the previous year, and if not, then when they begin to struggle with the new concepts and knowledge that they are expected to learn, they become frustrated and may even start to display bad behaviour in class.

If this happens to your child, then please consider the following information. Many children are quite good students in Kindergarten, Years 1, 2 and 3 but sometimes, they begin to struggle in Years 3 or 4.

Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

There seems to be no obvious reason for them to suddenly start to struggle, and parents often think that they are just “not trying”, so the children start to experience a lot of parental pressure to succeed. Much of their lack of success is related to an emerging reluctance to read, to do their homework and in some cases a general lack of interest in school. They may even begin to try to avoid going to school by reporting that they are sick on a regular basis.

Back to School

A common cause of the behaviours reported above is Irlen Syndrome. This is a visual processing dysfunction that often does not appear until years 3 or 4 when the print starts to become smaller and closer together. The children do not realise what is happening, but when the print gets smaller, the words get closer together and the lines of print also get closer together. This makes the page look “busier”. In other words, there is a lot of surrounding information present whenever they are focusing on one word, as you do when reading. This is why difficulties often are not identified until the children move into these years. Please do not consider that your child is suddenly “not trying”, but rather that something has changed for them, making them reluctant to do their schoolwork. If they do not have a vision problem, or a medical problem then you should consider Irlen Syndrome as the possible problem. It is easy to have your child assessed at an Irlen Clinic. If your child does

have Irlen Syndrome, it is easy to treat.

Checklist for Irlen Syndrome ❑❑ Does your child have trouble reading? ❑❑ Do they reverse letters (like b & d, p & q) & words like “no” & “on”, “was” & “saw”? ❑❑ Are they reluctant to read? ❑❑ Do they get sore eyes & come home from school tired? ❑❑ Do they have difficulty with comprehension? ❑❑ Do they get headaches regularly?

More Information

Is Your Child Struggling with Learning? Irlen Syndrome can cause visual processing problems that can cause Dyslexia and difficulties with: • Concentration • Reading • Spelling • Writing • Comprehension Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Suite 3/136 Nelson St Wallsend NSW 2287 P: 02 4955 6904 |



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Back to School

Fi rs t Day Back Jitters

By Michelle Lee

Is your child dreading the first day back at school? Is the last week of summer holidays a tense time when it could be a time of relaxation and joyful pursuits? For many students including high school students, the first day back at school can seem a scary unwelcoming idea. My discussion with teens including my own, suggests that the fear creeps in not only for the first day of the year, but for every first day of term, and for some, even every first day of the week.

Furthermore, these concerns are amplified if the first day back is at a new school. These are 7 of the most common what ifs that run through students’ heads: ❑❑ What if no one likes me? ❑❑ What if I can’t make friends? ❑❑ What if my friends are not in my classes? ❑❑ What if I am not accepted & don’t fit in? ❑❑ What will they think of me? ❑❑ What if they don’t like how I look? ❑❑ What if I get bullied again?

10 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

As many of these “what ifs” suggest, there is a deep fear of not being good enough, bringing on perceptions that manifest as nerve-wracking, nail-biting and hair pulling anxiety, distracting from the motivation of learning. Here are 7 strategies to overcome these False Expectations Appearing Real (FEAR) and to assist students, teachers and parents in getting through the first day back at school with ease: 1. Create your own reality Your thoughts manifest your emotions - your emotions bring on situations to reinforce your fears and dreams, so why not create a reality you want. Begin focusing on the positive.

Back to School

2. Write out a goal for a relaxed happy fulfilling day back at school Research shows that those who are clear about their goals and write them down have higher likelihood of their goal manifesting. It’s about what you focus on. 3. Begin liking yourself As sad as it seems, so many are caught up in the world of “I am my appearance” and flounder in the judgment of it. Stop judging yourself, start loving you for who you are, and you will receive the same back. 4. Be understanding and compassionate When we stop judging or comparing ourselves to others, and start showing understanding and compassion for our differences and for others differences, we are giving and receiving unconditionally. 5. Take responsibility When you take ownership and responsibility for how you think and act, you make more conscious, informed and mindful decisions. This allows you to stand up for what you believe in and act in an assertive manner whilst honouring both your values and others. 6. Be mindful and thankful Be mindful of every opportunity you are given. The more thankful you are for the small blessings that come your way, the more you focus on them, and the more you receive. This applies also to being thankful for all challenges, as within them are an opportunity to grow.

7. Ask “How?” not “Why?” or “Why me?” Asking “Why?” may not always bring the answer you want. When you ask the question “How?” it facilitates a solution to a problem. Develop a solution mindset. Practising these strategies now will ensure the start of school will be a time to rediscover old friendships, forge new ones, and to be more prepared and motivated for the 2014 school year ahead.


... to this • • • • •

Strong positive student & social connections Improved self-confidence & self-worth Awareness of strengths, skills, attributes Improved focus and motivation A more enjoyable school life

About Michelle Lee Michelle Lee is a Transformational Life Coach at UpnAway Career & Life Coaching, based in Newcastle NSW. She successfully guides adults and teens to transform their lives and to pursue their passion and purpose. Michelle has developed programs to assist her clients to become clear on what they want and to build their purpose and confidence.

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Back to School


Fresh Start for 2014 It’s not only the beginning of a new year for the students. It’s also a new beginning for teachers. A time to learn new skills and an opportunity to make teachers’ jobs easier. To achieve this, teachers need to more thoroughly understand their students including how to recognise the student’s individual learning styles and how to motivate them to learn. For decades we’ve been saying that “If a child can’t learn from the way we teach, then we need to teach the way they learn”. The beginning of 2014 is a perfect time to put this dicta into action.

12 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

By Alan Stevens

We know that the productivity of workers improves by up to 36 percent when they are happy. The same goes for students who are engaged and interested in their studies. The trick is to find what triggers or motivates the interest in the students, and the answer will be different for each child. Systems like Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Discovery Learning have proven that when student’s interest and personal motivation are peaked, their academic achievement improves by as much as by 20 percent.

Back to School

One way you can do this is by utilising different teaching and learning styles. PBL brings students together to work on problems. Here the students develop teamwork and cooperation while learning lifelong strategies of problem solving. This type of learning leads to greater student involvement, self motivation and a better understanding of the different personalities in the group. It fosters leadership, mentoring and support between the students. PBL also leads to a reduction in bullying and relationship conflicts, and creates a happier school experience for students. For the teacher, observing the students engaged in such projects gives them better insights into the personalities of each child and provides information to help guide the students to the right subjects and future careers. On its own, PBL doesn’t provide knowledge on which students will or won’t work together prior to selecting teams. Skills such as Human Pattern Recognition and Human Trait Recognition can be of great assistance at this point. Together these train teachers how to read each student more effectively. How to recognise students’ personality, what they feel, how they prefer to learn, how they take in information and how they prefer to process information; and all of these on their first day at school. Some of the things a teacher should look for in each student includes: ❑❑ Level of innate self confidence ❑❑ Objective or sequential thinking styles ❑❑ Self reliant or prefers to work in teams

Combining the ability to recognise each child’s individual personality traits with the more interesting and intriguing learning formats will make for a far more interesting and productive 2014. About Alan Stevens

Alan Stevens, the Face Profiler, is a coach and trainer in the Art of Reading People, based in Newcastle NSW. He has developed Social Emotional Learning programs for school teachers and corporations including programs to recognise what other people are not telling you, what they are concealing, and how they are likely to behave in any situation. His programs are delivered locally in schools and to businesses locally and internationally through the internet. He was described by the Newcastle Herald as “The Mentalist meets Dr. Phil meets Dr. Cal Lightman from Lie To Me”, and his passion is to share these skills throughout the community.

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Back to School

Parenting Strategies

Golden Oldies That Work By Michelle Mitchell

As a new year begins I encourage parents of teenagers to put their energy into what works. It is too easy to get lost in a whirlwind of teenage emotion and lose your focus as a parent. A lack of confidence and clarity will undermine the effectiveness of anyone’s efforts. These six “go-to” strategies are my favourite (most recited) tips for parents. They aren’t new strategies. They are the golden oldies that work! I learnt many of them from experienced parents and grandparents and I hope they help you this year.

14 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

1. Keep Them Busy The teenage years could possibly be the most vital time to keep kids moving. Keeping teenagers busy minimises the time they have to get into trouble and hard work won’t kill them. Don’t accept, “I couldn’t be bothered”. Teenagers easily get stuck in a rut and accept second best for their lives. They won’t find their life purpose while they are sitting on the couch watching television and eating chips. 2. Search for Mentors Teenagers need positive role models to look up to. These role models will pull out purpose in our teenagers. They will teach them things about life that you and I don’t have a hope in teaching them! I search high and low for the right mentors for my children because they will become who they look up to.

3. Remember Routine Routine may seem trivial. I mean why fight about what time a teenager goes to bed or what time they wake up? Let me explain it like this. Routine protects your teenager’s life purpose. It can even protect your teenager against a life of drugs, crime and promiscuity. Regular sleep patterns, going to school or work are often what stand between purposeful or unproductive living. At the first sign of your teenager wanting to discard routine realise that it is routine that will keep them engaged in mainstream society.

Back to School

4. Don’t Rescue Them The sooner teenager’s feel the consequences of neglected responsibilities the better. Don’t do their homework, don’t do their washing, don’t pay their bills or bail them out of jail. You can help them by allowing them to feel the full weight of their actions as early as possible. 5. Win the Little Battles If you say “no” to the little things and you lose those battles, what will happen when you say “no” to bigger things? What will happen when you say “no” to skipping school or “no” to going to a party where you know there will be drugs? Little battles are critical battles. They aren’t a waste of time. They give you the authority and confidence when you face the battles that really matter. You are the final authority in your home so you need to have the final say, for your teenagers’ sake.

6. It’s All About Purpose Teenagers need to find a reason to say no to drugs, alcohol and sex for themselves. If they don’t find their own purpose, no amount of rules will end up keeping them on the straight and narrow. We need to do is help them find purpose, purpose that becomes more consuming than a desire to party.

What Teenage Girls Don’t Tell their Parents Author: Michelle Mitchell

About Michelle Mitchell

When your little girl becomes a teenager and starts acting up and acting out you may start wondering what went wrong. Based on numerous interviews with teenage girls, the author reveals what your daughter may not be telling you.

Michelle Mitchell is the Founder of Youth Excel and Author of “What Teenage Girls Don’t Tell their Parents”

Abundant in advice, case studies, revelations and anecdotes, this is an invaluable guide to parents of teenage girls.

More Information

Age Guide: Adult Extent: 170 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921513770 Price: AU $24.95 Publisher: Australian Academic Press P: 07 3310 8922

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Back to School Admission to Australian publicly funded Universities is based principally on the applicants ATAR. While many would like to see selection criteria based on attributes aside from those demonstrated by a Tertiary ranking score, the current system seems to be the easiest and fairest way for Universities to make their decisions on whom to offer places in their coveted degree programs. For the last couple of years the Federal Government has been using a demand driven funding model for Universities. This has meant that many more University places have been made available. So the odds of receiving an offer of a University place are pretty good if you don’t mind where you study. The reality is however, that most students have set their sights on a particular course at a specific University. Often their aims are out of reach and many students treat the preference based UAC application system like a lottery. The odds for a win are not as high but the reality is that entry requirements rarely fluctuate too much from year to year. It is therefore essential to do your research to make sure that each of your University preferences is realistic.

What to Do If You Don’t Get the ATAR that You Had Hoped By Tim Laurence

16 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

The minimum ATAR cut-offs published by UAC are the best starting point. As you have up until early January to make changes to your preferences it is wise to go online and make sure that you have nominated courses that come near to your likely ATAR score. UAC will endeavour to offer you a course from your preference list so make sure that each preference is meaningful. If you start your preferences with three or four unrealistic choices and finish off with realistic ones in programs that you have no interest in, more than likely you will receive an offer for the latter.

Back to School Another sensible piece of research is to check-out all the pathway options to your top preference programs. It’s wise to have this information before the universities make their final offers. Many University programs offer advanced standing to students who have successfully completed either a TAFE advanced diploma or Higher Education Diploma form a University pathway college. The courses are either two or three semesters in length and offer similar subjects to the first year of University. Once you are a non-recent school leaver, your admission to university is based principally on your post- secondary study, not your HSC. So once you complete one of these courses you may well be offered a place in your university course you initially dreamed of with substantial advanced standing. TAFE and Higher Education diplomas differ in terms of their learning objectives and their educational models. TAFE programs tend to be more prescriptive and use a competency based model of learning. This suits many students who may want the option of a para-professional job at the end of their studies. The University pathway Diplomas more closely resemble first

Year University and focus not only on subject content but on developing students critical thinking abilities that are essential for successful University study. So come January you will have ensured that your preferences to Universities are realistic and if you don’t get the university offer you want you will have your options ready to get there eventually.

About Tim Laurence

Tim is the Dean of Studies at UTS: INSEARCH, the premium pathway provider to UTS. He is responsible for the delivery and quality assurance of all UTS: INSEARCH pathway programs both locally and internationally. He has 26 years’ experience in higher education teaching and management. With a background in design, he is also an Adjunct Professor of Design at the University of Technology, Sydney and a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia.

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Family Business

Back to School, Back to Business? I can almost hear a collective sigh of relief as that first bell rings. It’s the start of another school year. Whilst we love having fun with the kids during the holidays, the juggling required to meet work commitments and domestic responsibilities does get challenging as the weeks rage on. A recent survey found that one in four women is the breadwinner in Australian households. Meanwhile, we’re still managing the bulk of domestic duties. With these changing times, it makes sense that a lot of mums are searching for a new model of family structure, and starting home-based businesses. The earning potential and flexibility of a home business is one way to help keep all the balls we’re trying to juggle, in the air, plus contribute to the family budget, whether that be putting food on the table, making mortgage repayments or financing a family holiday. ‘Mumpreneurs’ are a growing force in the Australian economy. Forty per cent of small business owners in Australia are women who run over 300,000 businesses and one third of them employ staff. What are the real pros and cons of working from home? Whilst working from home is a great choice, like any option, there are positives and negatives.

18 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

By Sarah O’Bryan

Working from home provides; • Great earning potential - with minimal overheads & running costs • Flexibility - you can be an actively engaged parent, working your day around important school events

• What is the purpose of the business? • What type of business do you plan to run?

• Zero commute - enabling the school drop-off & pick-up, without worrying about getting stuck in peak-hour traffic

• What’s driving your business? Monetary or creative value, maybe both?

It’s just as important to consider some of the downsides before embarking;

If you have decided this is the path you’d like to take, don’t underestimate the potential of a small business. Many people think that self employment is a lot like having a hobby – it’s not, it’s a real job. A whopping 96 per cent of actively trading businesses are small businesses! And who’s to say you can’t be successful? In the first-ever Australian Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry survey of female business owners, they found that 27 per cent of respondents have an annual income of over $250,000.

• Loneliness - you’re predominantly working by yourself without the social interaction working with others can provide • Hard work - self-employment requires a lot of perseverance & determination, it’s not a nine-tofive gig. Where to start? Maybe with the children going back to school for the year, you’re at a crossroads. You could look for employment that meets the specific demands of being a school mum, or you can create your own income. If you’re not sure where to start, ask yourself the following questions; • Why do you want to run your own business? • Are you passionate about the business?

See the potential

About Sarah O’Bryan Sarah O’Bryan is the author of “Business & Baby at Home: A set up and survival guide for mums”. She is a mum of three children, and runs Lasso Creative, a successful design studio, from home on Sydney’s leafy North Shore.

More Information

Family Business


Catering for 4 year olds in the year before Kindergarten. Allowing children to explore, experiment, create, discover, connect, contribute and communicate in a safe, fun and challenging environment.

Open 7 days 9 - 4pm

Business & Baby At Home

Off the roundabout, 412 Sandgate Rd, Shortland 4951 6466

Author: Sarah O’Bryan If your ultimate goal is to be a Work from Home Mum, this book is a great guide. Written in a simple to read and put into action, it is packed with information and tips to make your transition from the office to working from home as stress free as possible. The author touches on important subjects that readers may not have previously considered from developing and branding

the business right through to having homemade frozen meals prepared for when the pressure of working and being parents of a new born can obstruct simple tasks like cooking dinner. Age Guide: Adult Extent: 243 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987419644 Price: AU $29.99 Publisher: Finch Publishing P: 02 9418 6247

Capturing Your Forever Memory 100% non toxic, TGA approved moulding material suitable for newborns & sensitive skin. Newcastle • Hunter Central Coast Contact Belinda P: 02 65712591 M: 0422433617



Brain Tumours By Dr. Columba Quigley & Anthony Jones

Every year, approximately 1400 cases of malignant brain tumours are diagnosed in Australia, with around 100 of these occurring in children. What is a brain tumour? The brain is your body’s control centre. It has four lobes and each lobe is made up of billions of cells that are working hard all the time, making sure that your brain can do its jobs properly. Eventually, the cells get worn out and need to be replaced. They do this by splitting, so you then have two new healthy cells instead of the old worn-out one. Normally, how and when cells split is very carefully controlled, so it only happens when it really needs to.

the body and then travelled to the brain. Brain tumours can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). The cells in a benign tumour generally keep to themselves, whereas those in a malignant tumour tend to interfere with healthy cells nearby. How do you know it is a brain tumour? As the tumour grows, it causes swelling in the brain. This causes problems called symptoms. The symptoms depend on where the tumour is and how much swelling there is. The most common symptoms include: • Headaches

Sometimes, however, cells behave badly and split out of control. This means that there are lots and lots of badly behaved cells, which come together as a lump or tumour.

• Feeling drowsy, sick or forgetful

Primary brain tumours are when cells have started behaving badly within the brain. Secondary brain tumours mean the cells have started misbehaving somewhere else in

These are all clues that help the doctors decide whether someone might have a brain tumour.

20 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

• Blurred vision • Difficulty speaking • Weak arms or legs • Seizures

If the doctors think it might be a brain tumour, they then do tests to make sure. The tests include a CT scan or MRI, both of which take detailed pictures of the brain. If the scans show a tumour, the doctors will next do a biopsy. This involves taking a small part of the tumour and looking at the cells under the microscope. Once the doctors have all this information, they are ready to start treatment. How are brain tumours treated? The aim of treatment is to remove the tumour, or to slow down its growth. The treatment also helps symptoms by reducing any brain swelling. Types of treatment include: • Steroids - these medicines do not treat the tumour itself, but reduce the swelling so that symptoms improve. • Surgery - this involves an operation to remove the tumour. Sometimes, it is not possible to take out the entire tumour, or the tumour may be too hard to reach, so other treatments are needed. • Chemotherapy - this is strong medicine that kills cells that divide & grow really quickly, like tumour cells. • Radiotherapy - for this, the doctors use very powerful energy beams to zap & kill the badly behaved cells in the tumour.

Health The doctors will work out the best treatment plan and will explain all about it. The treatments can themselves make you feel ill, but they are the best way to get rid of the tumour and to stop it coming back. Steroids can increase your appetite and you might put on weight. They can also cause muscle weakness and upset the sugar balance in your blood. If they are causing a lot of problems, the doctors will work with you to get the right dose that better balances the problems with the benefits. Chemotherapy can make you feel sick and tired, and sometimes it makes your hair fall out. All these problems stop once the chemotherapy ends. Radiotherapy can cause headaches, sickness, tiredness and skin soreness. There are medicines to help with these problems. After surgery, there may be soreness, and you’ll need to stay in hospital for a while. You might also need medicines for pain or for seizures, if they have been a problem.

What’s Up With Rachel? Medikidz Explains Brain Tumours Authors: Dr. Kim Chilman-Blair & Dr. Amar Gajjar The Cancer Council NSW maintains that Brain cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in young people and accounts for more than one third of cancer deaths in children aged under 10. About 57 children aged under-10 are diagnosed with brain cancer per year. Join Rachel as she is taken by the Medikidz superheroes on a journey to Mediland to find out more about the cause of her crippling headaches – a brain tumour.

The doctors and nurses are there to help during and after the treatment. Once the treatment has finished, regular check-ups are needed, sometimes with brain scans. Nobody knows for sure why some people get brain tumours, but we do know that it is nobody’s fault. It can be scary having a brain tumour. Being afraid is perfectly normal. Remember, you are not alone and there are lots of people you can talk to and who are there to help you!

About Dr. Columba Quigley Dr. Quigley is a medical writer and managing editor at Medikidz, an organisation that provides children with informative, accessible and fun comics to help them understand health and illness. Anthony Jones is a medical student who helped with researching and writing this article.


ll Adj usted Kids

Safe, gentle and effective methods for optimal functioning and wellbeing for the whole family. P: 02 4942 4842 2 Lincoln Street, Charlestown

Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown

Our Family Cares for Your Family

More Information

During her adventure, Rachel discovers that there are 100 different types of brain tumours. She also learns how brain tumours come about and how they are treated. This graphic (cartoon) novel provides an easy to read and understand explanation of brain tumour that is one of the most misunderstood type of cancer. Age Guide: 9+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781906935092 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: Medikidz Limited P: +44 (0) 2073766630



t e e F r e m m u S y h t l Hea ock

By Adam Glasc

The summer break is a wonderful time for our children to be running around barefoot and enjoying being kids. The start of the school year changes this, and the need to return to footwear can create a headache for parents who have seen happy unshod children not wanting to return to stable appropriate footwear. So what is the best for your child? Do they need a shoe with stability or one that offers protection and cushioning? If they wear appropriate prescription functional foot orthotics does the shoe need to compliment and assist the orthotics function to help your child?

22 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

Commonly we tend to worry about whether our child should be in a true school shoe or jogger style and these are often driven by factors that include cost and availability.

Checklist ❑❑ Structure The sole should be durable and stable and preferably made from a dense EVA and rubber outsole that is not too soft to reduce wear and ensure endurance. A firm heel counter is important and lace up is best to ensure the cuff of the shoe fastens around your child’s ankle securely. There is a preference from schools for Velcro in the early years but this is inappropriate after kindergarten for most children.

❑❑ Material The upper, if leather is better as cowhide rather than kangaroo leather as it is softer and more likely to wear. Either will need polishing weekly and Kiwi boot polish whilst inconvenient provides greater life and will teach your children to look after their shoes There may be a practicality for some families in having just one pair of school shoes, which is only a jogger and can cover sport and general wear. If so, a vinyl or leather upper will last better than mesh.


❑❑ Brands It isn’t always true that you get what you pay for. A number of major brands have begun to place some lower priced product but with similar styles. It is important to understand that these in most cases won’t offer long term support and protection and generally wear more rapidly, resulting in replacement mid or late year. The shoe will begin to flex earlier through the middle of the shoe and some of the soling tends to peel away more rapidly. In essence you have to buy a second pair of cheaper shoes when you possibly may only need one quality pair. My preference is towards the Clarks Daytona shoe. It is stable and structured and offers all children appropriate materials to ensure they are comfortable day to day. For stability and durability in a jogger, the Ascent Cluster or Defender tends to suit most. ❑❑ Fit Having someone appropriately fit your child’s school shoe is vitally important. This skill has been lost by most current retailers of footwear, regardless of whether they have a system that scans your child’s foot or you walk over. In the end, ensure your child is fitted properly, decide what style suit their needs and put cost aside, remembering that these shoes with a stable comfortable platform carry them forward through play and learning.

About Adam Glascock

KidsSmile Providing specialist dental care for infants, children, adolescents & those with specialist needs. Adam is President Australian Podiatry Association (NSW). At Newcastle Family and Sports Podiatry, Adam ensures that children are comfortable in their play and sport by optimising lower limb function. Adam focuses on practice hip, core and lower limb rehabilitation as a physical therapy to help children to increase their enjoyment of physical activity, enhanced by the use of prescription functional foot orthotics. An appropriate podiatric approach and a broad range of experience with biomechanics are important to make this happen.

Teen dental is also available.

Dr. Helen Cornwell Paediatric Dentist Dr. Mark Williams Dentist P: 4962 7300

40 Brown Rd Broadmeadow NSW 2292

Get Ahead Kids® Partners

More Information Adam Glascock B APP SC (POD) Newcastle Family & Sports Podiatry 51 Denison St. Hamilton East NSW 2303 P: 02 4961 4411

hey dee ho music runs music programs for 1- 5 year olds. There are franchise opportunities in the inner Sydney suburbs & the northern suburbs of Adelaide.

Franchise Enquiries: (03) 9786 3104 |



Aussie Printer Scoops Agfa Sustainability Award Australian company Bright Print Group has been recognised in Agfa Graphics’ Sustainability Awards, an annual global competition to reward Agfa users that are adapting greener practices. Debbie Burgess, executive director with Bright Print Group, that also owns Hunter based NCP Printing and Print National, drives sustainable change. The only winner from the Asia Pacific region, Bright Print Group, was honoured by Agfa’s sustainability judges as one of three companies to showcase energy-efficient businesses to university accounting graduates.


Headquartered in Wetherill Park, NSW, the company offers graphic design, digital printing, offset printing, binding and finishing, mailing and distribution, inventory management and print warehousing to the Sydney and Newcastle markets. Bright Print has recently installed a water recirculation unit for its CTP system (saving around 16 litres of water per plate), new induction lighting that is powered by rooftop solar panels and has shifted its short run work from offset to digital.

Recently the Bright Print Group relocated their Hunter operations that include NCP Printing and Print National to a state of the art facility at Steel River that boasts of other energy tenants including the CSIRO. Get Ahead Kids is proud to be associated and printed by NCP Printing.

More Information P: 02 9757 3000

WANT TO STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD ? NCP Printing now with Print National


Agfa says the winning companies share a commitment to process efficiently through technology investments, but are also reaching out to staff and their customers.

NCP is a division of the Bright Print Group of Companies 8-10 Frank Street Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia |

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24 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

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4926 1300 |

27/11/13 12:09 PM


Spring It On -

Trampoline Park Ready To Open Gateshead Indoor Sportsworld is set to open the very first Indoor Trampoline Park in Newcastle. Spring Loaded Trampoline Park will be open for business in 2014 and will complete the final stage of renovations to Gateshead Indoor Sportsworld.

The indoor park will provide an opportunity for specific activities to take place including Dodge ball, Kid Zone, Foam Pit, Gymnastics tumble tramps as well as designated free bounce areas.

The Park will feature inter-connected wall to wall trampolines that equate to almost 100 trampolines.

Trampoline Parks are the latest craze in the USA and Spring Loaded will be available for the public to book 1 hour sessions. In addition to free bounce there will be dodge ball competitions and trampoline birthday parties.

The Park will offer state of the art equipment, high energy entertainment at affordable prices for families, groups and individuals.

More Information P: 02 4942 1488


ENROL NOW FOR TERM 1, 2014 GYMNASTICS & TRAMPOLINING The newly renovated Gateshead Indoor Sportsworld is now taking enrolments for Jr. SuperStar Sports programs. • Kinder Gym (18mths - 5yrs) • Nearly Fives Gym (4 - 5yrs) • Recreational Gymnastics (5 - 12yrs) • Recreational Trampoline (5 - 12yrs) • Multi Sports Programs (3 - 7yrs) • Teen Gymnastics (13 - 18yrs) • Adult Gymnastics (18 yrs+)

• School Holiday Programs • Birthday Parties COMING SOON

P: 4942 1488 26A Oakdale Road, Gateshead NSW



Brazilian Made Dancewear NOW Online So Active dancewear is about premium quality, edgy designs and modern technology products to help dancers to “Look Good on the Move” in a variety of dance activities from ballet, tap, jazz, modern, hip hop and Latin. So Active provides an ongoing commitment to product innovation and quality improvement by sourcing the best fabrics and designs in the world. Quality dancewear is designed and manufactured in close collaboration between manufacturing technicians and artistic professionals.

The huge selection of eye catching dancewear is created for comfort and good looks. Soft and flexible, So Active dancewear has the perfect balance between stretchability and body fit. The majority of So Active products originate from the Brazilian brand So Danca belonging to the family of dancers, Araujo Teixeira. So Active carries the renowned brand So Danca dancewear and shoes that are acclaimed by many international dance companies and famous dancers.

So Danca is about premium edgy designs and comfort to help dancers to “Look Good on the Move”.

So Active is now open for online purchases from its new website supported by an active social media that includes Facebook and Instagram.

More Information & Online Purchases

Online Purchases

Quality is the core value for So Danca dancewear from the high-tech material to its unique designs and manufacture. So Danca exceeds the expectations of dance studios and dance students. So Danca is designed and manufactured in Brazil by the family of dancers, Araujo Teixeira who supply many international dance companies and famous dancers.

Testimonials “The dancewear is of outstanding quality as it’s long lasting and holds its shape. It features a wide range of very original styles.” Elise Frawley, National College of Dance

26 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

P: (02) 4954 4115



Moulin Rouge

Themed Aerobics The Newcastle Grammar School Junior Step Team, Moulin Rouge, is a group of 15-17 year old girls who have competed together in the sport of Aerobics for the past two years. The girls were Abbey Bush, Dominique Murphy, Dominique Oakley, Mackenzie Smith, Verity Webb, Bethany Lee, Lena Ingram, and Sophie Bowman. The girls competed in the NSW Federation of International Sports Aerobics and Fitness Championship and Hip Hop in Newcastle in May

winning the Gold Medal in the Junior Step category. In July they represented Newcastle Grammar School and New South Wales at the National Championships gaining a silver medal and a position on the Australian Team to compete at the World Championships in Serbia in October. The girls performed extremely well matching it with the European Countries gaining an outstanding 7th place behind three Czech

and three Russian teams. This result was outstanding as Newcastle Grammar School was the only school team competing in these championships displaying an intricate and well executed routine with many powerful moves.

More Information Corey Rowntree Head of Middle School Newcastle Grammar School P: 49295811

Pre-school to Year 12 With exceptional results in academic, cultural and sporting pursuits as well as consistent performances well above the State average in all external examinations and competitions, Newcastle Grammar School has an enviable record of achievement. Classes are structured to allow each student to work towards realising his or her potential in a supportive atmosphere conducive to achievement.

Now enroling for 2014 & 2015. Newcastle Grammar School PO Box 680, Newcastle NSW 2300 Email.


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Hill Campus

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+61 2 4925 2121 +61 2 4925 2454

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Reader Giveaway

NEW Lemur Forest Adventure at Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo’s eight lively Ring-tailed Lemurs will be swinging into action these summer school holidays, as they settle into the zoo’s new Lemur Forest Adventure. Opening in mid-December, the exhibit is the first of its kind in Australia, combining opportunities for education, active play and Lemur viewing. The group of male lemurs, which includes Taronga Zoo mainstays, Andriba, Soalata, Andre and Makili and four from Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Julian, Casper, Maki and Bamboo, moved into their new habitat in November 2013. Located on the site of Taronga’s historic seal pools, the Lemur Forest Adventure invites visitors to follow a trail winding through dense forest gardens where they’ll discover sensory-based information suitable for all ages.

28 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

From there, visitors move into the centre of the exhibit and the Observation Outpost, where kids can climb, balance, swing, sway, slide and splash on a range of exciting new play structures and mimic the behaviour of the lemurs living in the adjacent enclosure. Adult visitors can relax while watching the kids and lemurs play, soak in harbour views and enjoy refreshments from the nearby café stall. A penny press housed in a tree sculpture can also create a souvenir of your visit for a small fee, with funds raised going to support Taronga’s Madagascan lemur conservation projects.

More Information

mily a F 5 x es to Pass way! a Give With special thanks to Taronga Zoo, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to Taronga Zoo valued at $112.20 each to giveaway! Each pass allows a family of 2 adults and 2 children (4-15 years, under 4 years free) a wildlife experience at either Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Visit and click the giveaways link for a chance to win this fantastic prize!


The Most Important Gifts in Life -

Healthy Kids Ask any person “What is the most important thing for you in life?” and most would say something like “to be healthy and happy”.

Yet these are two of the “biggies” when it comes to achieving the healthy lifestyle that so many of us wish for!

Yet if we take a closer look at our home lives, they are often hectic, chaotic and jam-packed with kids activities, leaving little time to plan and shop for healthy meals, let alone fit in some much needed exercise!

Imagine if you could give the gift of good health to your family for Christmas or as a New Year’s gift?

better health through their FREE Go4Fun program. These families are now well equipped to begin their journey towards better health and happiness in 2014!

More Information

In 2013, Hunter New England Local Health District have given many families an opportunity to “turn over a new leaf”, taking a step towards

Hea lthy • Active • Happy • Kids

FREE fun program for kids to become fitter, healthier & happier! The Go4Fun Program is an established healthy lifestyle program to improve health, fitness, self esteem and confidence in children aged 7-13 who are above their healthy weight.

what? • Fun games & activities for kids. • Easy, effective ways to improve your child’s self esteem & confidence. • Demonstrations, games & tips on healthy foods, label reading & portion sizes. • A fun supermarket tour & a chance to try delicious new foods!

where? Windale, Tenambit, Toronto, Kurri Kurri, Maryland, Mayfield East & New Lambton.

when? Each program runs over a ten week term, with one or two sessions per week after school. The next program begins Term 1, 2014. A parent or carer must accompany the child to every session.

Call today to register on 1800 780 900 SMS 0409 745 645 for a call back or visit


Facebook Giveaway

Smiggle Goes Back to School! Smiggle has ‘Back to School’ covered with a massive range of bright and colourful essentials that are bound to make school a whole lot of fun! Lunch boxes, school bags, loads of stationery, cool gadgets and more! Smiggle, the world’s hottest stationery brand, are the ultimate creators of colourful, fun, fashion-forward stationery. With a wide range of products, Smiggle has something for everyone young or old.

More Information

ack 2 x B hool c to S ks to Pac way! a Give

Like Get Ahead Kids on Facebook to Win! With special thanks to Smiggle, Get Ahead Kids has 2 Back to School packs valued at $50 each to giveaway! Visit and click the like button for a chance to win!

30 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14


Sausage Curls

Mindful Learning

Author: Annette Cordina Illustrator: Heath McKenzie

Authors: Dr. Craig Hassed & Dr. Richard Chambers

Lucy has to spend every school holidays at her Grandma’s house while her parents are at work. Lucy loves her Grandma but Grandma insists on doing Lucy’s hair every day to make it look ‘nice’, but Lucy thinks the curls her Grandma insists on look like big fat sausages!

In the context of education, mindfulness is about training yourself to block out distractions and focus on what you are learning. This book provides readers with useful exercises and hints to help improve and develop their emotional and physical health. Book segments include mindful eating, mindful emotions and mindful movement in everyday life.

How will Lucy be able to trick her Grandma into not doing her hair these holidays? Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 40 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987144898 Price: AU $16.99 Publisher: JoJo Publishing P: 03 9681 7275

This book is a useful guide to have in the classroom and at home and will be of use to students as well as the family.

Burning the Bails Author: Krista Bell Illustrator: Ainsley Walters Ever wondered where the Ashes, the prize awarded in the test cricket series played between England and Australia, originated? This picture book recounts the true story behind the origin of the famous Ashes trophy.

Age Guide: Open Extent: 266 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921966392 Price: AU $29.99 Publisher: Exisle Publishing P: 02 4998 3327

A wealthy family from Victoria, the Clarkes, hosted the touring English cricket side at their home ‘Rupertswood’ for the Christmas week in 1882. After lunch on Christmas Eve the side was invited to play a friendly game of cricket against the staff and some locals.

I Spy Pets...

It was after this match that Lady Clarke burnt the bails from the match and presented them to in a small perfume bottle trophy to Mr Bligh, captain of the touring English cricket team.

Author: Edward Gibbs The classic ‘I Spy’ game is translated into a beautiful illustrated picture book. Readers can peer through the diecut holes and guess the pet being described. This fun interactive book is ideal for young children. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742760704 Price: AU $13.99 Publisher: Koala Books P: 02 4328 3555

This book includes original Clarke family photographs and is supported by historical facts. This is an interesting read and a must for cricket and history lovers. Age Guide: 6+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780987313980 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: One Day Hill Publishers Australia P: 02 4328 3555



Six Steps Down Author: Mandi Greenwood

Clumsy Duck Author: Britta Teckentrup Clumsy Duck keeps falling over her huge webbed feet and believes she can’t do anything well. Together with her friend Chick, she sets off to find out exactly what her big feet are good for. Turns out the Clumsy Duck is a perfect swimmer! This is a delightful story about discovering your own special talents. Age Guide: 2+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742760353 Price: AU $14.99 Publisher: Koala Books P: 02 4328 3555

Aisley Brannon and her family leave behind their city lifestyle and move to Sheldon’s Seat, a historical rundown mansion located in the seaside town of Seamere. As part of an Humanitarian Assignment, Aisley together with 5 friends choose an area of Seamere and give a presentation on its history. The group decide on researching the history of Sheldon’s Seat. What the teenagers uncover is a story of love, tragedy and heartache. Ideal for young adults, the mystery of the old house will keep readers engaged right to the end. Age Guide: 10+ Years Extent: 208 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780992298500 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: A&A Book Publishing

This book includes a collection of recipes for snacks, main meals, sides and even birthday party treats that are high in fibre, low in sugar and free of preservatives and artificial colouring.

Healthy Home Cooking for Kids Author: Emily Rose Brott Packed full of easy recipes and helpful hints, ‘Healthy Home Cooking for Kids’ provides nutritious eating options perfect for children and the whole family.

32 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

This a great addition to every parents’ home library. Age Guide: Open Extent: 128 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781742759999 Price: AU $19.95 Publisher: Random House Australia P: 1800 222444

Save Your Gallbladder Naturally and what to do if you’ve already lost it Authors: Dr. Sandra Cabot & Margaret Jasinska Bestselling author Dr. Sandra Cabot and naturopath Margaret Jasinska provide a comprehensive step by step plan for dissolving gallstones and improving gallbladder function even if your gall bladder has been removed. Gallbladder disease can be painful and frightening and about 15% of all Australians are affected at some stage in their life. Expert in liver and gallbladder problems, Dr. Sandra Cabot has written this book to help you and your doctor make the best decisions. Dr. Sandra Cabot contends there are safe natural alternatives that can help you to save your gallbladder, dissolve stones and restore healthy gallbladder and liver functions. Apart from case studies and helpful advice, Dr. Sandra Cabot provides lists of foods that are good for gall bladder function and delicious recipes. Age Guide: Open Extent: 128 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781936609154 Price: AU $19.95 Publisher: WHAS Publishing P: 02 4655 8855


Caroline Chisholm: The Emigrant’s Friend

She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain

Author: Tania McCartney Illustrator: Pat Reynolds

Sung By: The Topp Twins Illustrator: Jenny Cooper

This book provides an insightful look at the remarkable life and historical work of selfless philanthropist, Caroline Chisholm.

A young girl in striped pyjamas is coming around the mountain and this tale features various animals preparing for her arrival.

Featuring colourful illustrations and easy to read chapters, this book is ideal for introducing primary aged children to one of Australia’s heroes. Age Guide: 7+ Years Extent: 96 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781921928482 Price: AU $14.95 Publisher: New Frontier Publishing P: 02 9453 1525

100 People Author/Illustrator: Masayuki Sebe

The well known children’s song is given a new twist and is bought to life with the combination of the humorous illustrations and the bonus music CD. Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 32 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781775431725 Price: AU $16.99 Publisher: Scholastic NZ P: 02 4328 3555

My Daddy Ate An Apple Author & Singer: Craig Smith Illustrator: Scott Tulloch

Keep children engaged and entertained This is a humorous tale of a zebra that for hours searching for pirates, kings and eats an apple with a green worm even cave people amongst the brightly inside. The zebra swallows the worm illustrated pages of this book. and tries a variety of measures to This is a hide and seek format book, remove the worm from his belly. with many hidden extras perfect The illustrations are hilarious and the for sharpening observation and bonus CD allows for a fun family singconcentration skills. a-long. Age Guide: 4+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781877579875 Price: AU $15.99 Publisher: Gecko Press P: +61 4 801 9333

Age Guide: 3+ Years Extent: 24 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9781775432005 Price: AU $16.99 Publisher: Scholastic NZ P: 02 4328 3555

The Road to Gundagai Author: Jackie French Against the backdrop of the Great Depression, Blue Laurence’s life is a tragic story. She lost her parents to a boating accident, was rescued from a burning house, was poisoned by arsenic, and escaped the prison of her aunts’ mansion to join The Magnifico Family Circus. Disabled by the fire, Blue hides her scarred legs behind the sparkle of a mermaid’s costume. Blue’s thrilling story is interwoven with those of the interesting and unusual circus characters. As well as a tale of mystery, murder and mayhem, The Road to Gundagai is a great historical saga. A word of warning - leave enough time to read the 442 pages in one go, because once you start it you will not be able to put it down. Age Guide: 12+ Years Extent: 442 Pages (Paperback) ISBN: 9780732297220 Price: AU $19.99 Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers P: 02 9952 5000

For more great reviews visit



Article Themes 2014

Advertisers Index

January/February Back to School - Curtis Stone

Alan Stevens - The Face Profiler


Ad Booking Deadline Nov 22, 2013

Andrew Smith Timber Creations


Editorial Deadline Nov 27, 2013

Baby Ballerinas & Co


Bright Print Group 24


Casting Your Memories


Physical Education - Hayley Lewis

Family Chiropractic Centre Charlestown


Ad Booking Deadline Feb 7, 2014

Gateshead Indoor Sports Centre


Editorial Deadline Feb 14, 2014



hey dee ho music 23


Hunter TAFE


Language & Communication -

Hunter Wetlands Centre 19

Ita Buttrose

I Can Read System

Ad Booking Deadline Apr 11, 2014

Irlen Diagnostic Clinic

Editorial Deadline Apr 17, 2014

Karrawong Kindy 11

23 9

KidsSmile 23


Leaps & Bounds Speech Pathology


Learning Innovations & Technology -

Lifestyle Solutions

Tom Williams

Newcastle Family and Sports Podiatry

Ad Booking Deadline Jun 13, 2014

Newcastle Grammar School (Preschool)


Editorial Deadline Jun 20, 2014

Newcastle Grammar School (Years 5-12)


Ravenswood School for Girls



So Active Dancewear

Ad Booking Deadline Aug 8, 2014

St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)

Editorial Deadline Aug 15, 2014

UpnAway Career & Life Coaching

Summer Learning - James Mathison Ad Booking Deadline Oct 10, 2014 Editorial Deadline Oct 17, 2014

Woven Labels Direct




Celebrity Spotlight Hayley Lewis Former Olympic Swimmer Host of the Biggest Loser Physical Education Issue out

March 2014 34 Get Ahead Kids® Jan/Feb 14

11 9

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Vol. 6 • No. 2

2 23

Study & Assessment - Jessica Mauboy



Subscriber Giveaway

Devil Ark’s Exciting New Tourist Facility! The Hon. George Souris MP, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, officially opened The Devil Ark Centre on Tuesday the 3rd December. The Devil Ark Centre has state of the art interpretative material including video presentations, a devil sound machine that plays the screeching sound of a Tasmanian devil and devil skulls displayed to highlight that, for their size, the Tasmanian devil has the strongest jaw strength of any animal in the world. The opening of the Devil Ark Centre also launches Devils in the Wild Tour that runs October - April. The very first Devils in the Wild Tour will run at Devil Ark from 10am on Saturday 14th December. The tour is fully escorted and runs for 2.5 hours and starts with a tour of the Centre and the informational displays.

The tour will then take in some devil enrichment; a special form of feeding which encourages wild behaviour, interaction with joeys born at Devil Ark earlier this year and a rare chance to become immersed in the devil’s natural habitat by entering huge free range enclosures to see devils in the wild. The tour ends back at the Devil Ark Centre where there’s the opportunity for Q&A with a Tassie devil expert.

mily a F 5 x es to Pass way! a Give With special thanks to The Australian Reptile Park, Get Ahead Kids has 5 family passes to The Australian Reptile Park valued at $75.00 each to giveaway!

Devil Ark is Australia’s most successful Tasmanian devil breeding facility that houses almost 200 devils and a breeding program that is recognised as the greatest hope of saving the

Each pass allows a family of 2 adults

endangered Tasmanian devil.

follow the subscribe link and sign up

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to the free digital magazine (must

and 2 children (3-15 years) a wildlife experience at the Australian Reptile Park. Visit,

be signed up by 14 February 2014 to be eligible). Subscribers will receive a special link via email for entry to the giveaway.


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