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Activity Zone

Pocket Change 1.

What year was decimal currency introduced in Australia?


Which Australian coin features the lyrebird?


What year were the 2c and 1c coins phased out?


The current $2 coin replaced the $2 note in 1988? True  False 


Which famous Australians are featured on the $100 note?


Can you name 10 currencies used around the world?


Name 4 countries that use the dollar as their main currency?


Which country was the first to use paper money?


How many country’s bank notes does Queen Elizabeth II appear on?

10. How many different portraits of the Queen appear on Australian coins?

What colour do you think the Get Ahead Kids® piggy bank should be?

$ymbol Match Can you match the popular currency used around the world to their symbols?



British Pound


US Dollar



11. Who is the richest person in Australia according to the 2010 Forbes Australia Rich List? 12. What world ‘first’ did the Australian banknote issue of 1992 establish? 13. In which aspect is the 1966 50c piece different from all subsequent issues? 14. What is the most widespread currency used around the world? 15. Which metal makes up more than 50% of all Australian coins?

Did You Know? The Royal Australian Mint only produces the coins we use. The notes are printed by Note Printing Australia in Melbourne.

Visit www.getaheadkids.com.au for the answers. www.getaheadkids.com.au


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