Welcome I am delighted to present the 2024-2025 edition of the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce PowerBook. Inside you will find Albany area businesses committed to supporting our community and building our local economy. Our members range from publicly traded Fortune 500 companies to sole entrepreneurs and everything in between. They are our friends, family members, and neighbors.
Membership in the Chamber is more than simply belonging to an organization that supports business. While that is certainly a core pillar of why the Chamber exists, the benefits of membership extend far beyond any one company or individual. Chamber membership makes a powerful statement that, as Albany area businesses, you believe a healthy economy helps foster a vibrant and livable community. Our members provide local jobs, contribute to neighborhood schools, and support our nonprofit partners. These benefits, combined with the many intangible contributions of our members, greatly enhance the attractiveness of our community for all residents.
This PowerBook is more than a directory; it reflects our enduring legacy and is a testament to the diverse and dynamic businesses that thrive in our city. From our roots in the early 1900s to the present day, our Chamber has been integral to Albany’s economic vitality, catalyzing growth and opportunities for businesses across all sectors. The impact on our members is magnified when the business community commits to working together with the Chamber to achieve common goals. By choosing to shop with Chamber members, you are supporting businesses committed to making meaningful investments in our community.
Within these pages, you’ll find invaluable information about our member businesses, showcasing the resilience and adaptability that have characterized our city over the decades. We hope you will use it as a tool to better understand, connect with, and support the economic powerhouse that is Albany.
Let’s celebrate our past, build on our present, and eagerly anticipate our future!
By Stephen Floyd
Photos by Ashley Russell
For intergenerational business, tradition and innovation must work hand-in-hand.
The older generation wants to pass down their knowledge and experience, and ensure a successful business model continues to do well.
The younger generation wants to feel confident exploring opportunities to take risks while also feeling well-prepared for challenges ahead. Multiple Albany area companies have balanced these needs in unique and interesting ways as they transition from one generation to the next.
For six generations, law firm
Weatherford Thompson, P.C., of Albany, has been continuously providing legal services in Linn and Benton counties since 1875.
Scott Cowgill, the great-greatgreat-grandson of founder James Weatherford, said this level of longevity is due in part to the intergenerational farms and businesses among the firm’s rural clients.
He said in some instances they have transferred the deed to a family farm across three or four generations starting with the original land grant.
Mike Cowgill and Scott Cowgill of Weatherford Thompson, P.C.
Cowgill said both his firm and its clients often have a shared mission to be good stewards of their businesses and their communities for those who may inherit them.
“This creates a general culture of long-term thinking that is good for the community,” he said.
Weatherford had moved to Oregon on a wagon train from Missouri in 1864 after being orphaned two years before at
the age of 14. He eventually graduated from Corvallis College in 1872(which would eventually become Oregon State University) and spent time as a teacher in Linn County before earning a law license in 1975.
Weatherford opened his practice that year and for the following six decades would practice law until his death in 1935. By this time he had brought on multiple associates and partners, including a nephew and grandson.
Cowgill said, as the firm changed hands between many generations, they learned that keeping a family business in the family was never a guarantee.
“The older generation cannot force the younger generation to take over and continue the business so they have to make it look attractive in itself,” said Cowgill.
“The younger generation can often make more money by moving to another city, but the work-life balance is great [in Linn County] and there is something special in continuing to
serve the community you grew up in,” he continued.
Cowgill said one way to create a smooth transition is to give the next generation a long runway between entering the business and taking over.
“Set up a long transition period to train the younger generation in how the business is run as a family business,” said Cowgill.
“When the younger generation is committed to continuing the business, transfer a minority equity interest to the younger generation so they can share in the profits while
In with the Old and the New
For E.A. Chambers Farms, in Albany, being intergenerational means finding the balance between honoring the work of the old guard and leaving room for the next generation to innovate.
Established in 1905, the farm is currently in the hands of the fifth and sixth generations, said owner Levi Graffenberger
While old standbys like hazelnuts, sugar beets and mint oil are still in production, the farm also has shifted in recent years to new offerings like specialty crops and event hosting.
Graffenberger said these changes have been necessary for the business to adapt and meet new challenges. He said they also expose some of the struggles in handing the reins to the next owners.
“The older generation has tended to become more conservative and takes less risk as time goes on,” said Graffenberger. “However, the younger generation has the energy, drive, and willingness to adapt to the changing markets and opportunities as they present themselves.”
“This dichotomy can lead to interpersonal disagreements, but has worked well to balance risk taking, and seizing valid opportunities,” Graffenberger continued.
He said there can also be a struggle when charting a path for the younger generation to assume ownership of the business, as the outgoing generation is heavily invested both personally and financially.
continuing to work with the older generation.
“Often the younger generation puts in a lot of effort in growing the business. Do not wait too long to share in the fruits of the growth. When it is time for the older generation to fully sell their interest in the business, make it a good deal for the younger generation by ‘leaving some on the table,’” said Cowgill.
He said it has been “a great honor” to serve the local community and to maintain relationships that have been built over many years, including those that have been built over multiple lifetimes.
Levi Graffenberger and Brian Graffenberger of E.A. Chambers Farms.
“The previous generation has worked for decades to develop and make the business successful,” said Graffenberger. “They deserve to be compensated greatly and have a large amount of equity in the company.”
He said fair compensation should not come at the expense of depleting resources the next generation needs to succeed, or taking out heavy business loans to buy out equity. Graffenberger said, when ownership transfers to his son, they plan to gradually transfer possession of business to retain equipment and assets and avoid unnecessary debt.
When asked what advice he would give family businesses who are just starting out, Graffenberger said a family business needs to prioritize both elements: family and business.
“Take care of your business, but make sure the family relationship outside of the company is cared for too,” he said. “Not everyone is going to get everything they want during a transition. But there needs to be a balance, a give and take.”
“The older generation must trust the younger generation with all they’ve worked for, with their life’s work,” Graffenberger continued. “And the younger generation needs to trust the older generation will allow them to continue on and make the important high level decisions.”
As Alex Patterson prepares to take over his father’s business, RhodesWarden Insurance Agency, of Albany, he said he has had to learn the company inside and out.
Patterson, current corporate vice president, said this has included everything from writing policies to scheduling staff, information technology and learning how the business is taxed.
He said some of these tasks had steep learning curves that took years to grasp, and took time away from his main role of selling and servicing policies, but was necessary to continue the business’ success.
“I am helping my staff grow and succeed by taking care of these new tasks,” he said.
Rhodes-Warden was founded in 1962 by the merger of the Keith Rhodes and William H. Warden insurance agencies. While it was started as a family business, succeeding generations followed other career paths and Patterson’s father Mike Patterson, who started working at the agency in the ‘90s, became the owner in 2013.
Alex Patterson said the agency grew significantly under his father and currently has three locations and 28 employees, and many thousands of policyholders. He said, even though the business was not founded by his family, they “have always looked at Rhodes Warden as a standalone entity that we have the honor of stewarding for the next generation of workers.”
Alex Patterson said, as a local business, they have built a culture of relationships over closing sales and he
hopes to continue this commitment as the future leader of the company. He said, in an age where policies can be purchased for cheap online through competitors, they pride themselves on a “customer-focused approach” that provides value over savings.
When Smith Glass was founded in 1945, owner Lynn Smith saw a need for glass service in the Mid-Willamette Valley and took a risk on a new trade.
Three generations and almost 80 years later, Bryan Smith is now the owner and he said his grandfather’s example of hard work and fairness continue to guide the company.
In fact, this willingness to tackle a new challenge has come to define the Smith men as the company has been handed down through the generations.
When Lynn Smith decided to go into the glass business, he was a finishing carpenter with no real experience in glass. But installing the molding for windows and doors was not that far a stretch from building window frames, and before long Smith Glass was servicing both residential and commercial customers.
Lynn Smith retired in the ‘70s and son Jim Smith took over ownership. Bryan Smith said he remembered his father started putting in many more hours on the job to keep the business running smoothly.
“It is difficult to pass on a lifetime of knowledge to those just starting out,” said Bryan Smith. “There are simply some things that cannot be learned without some level of experience.”
Bryan Smith said his father proved to be “ahead of his time” by adopting technologies that helped the business become
“When you call us, we answer the phone,” he said. “Our challenge today is convincing the public that buying from an independent insurance agency like Rhodes Warden is the best way forward.”
He said family businesses that are just starting out should have a plan for transitioning ownership and shouldn’t be afraid to hire an experienced consultant. He said the older generation should be open to new ideas and the incoming leaders should understand the value of what has made the business successful to begin with.
He added the family aspect of a family business cannot be discounted.
“I value my relationship with my father far more than I care about making more money’ said Alex Patterson. “...We are both blessed with families that love us, as well as each other, and I value those relationships the most in my life. A strong family life is the absolute key for a successful generational business.”
Bryan Smith of Smith Glass.
more efficient and improve customer experience. He said the younger generations do tend to be more adaptive and willing to try new things, but that modern innovations shouldn’t change the core of what a business offers.
When Harrison Pope, the owner of Hasty Freez burger-and-ice-cream stand, in Albany, took over the family business in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic was just breaking out overseas.
As the pandemic became global, equipment shortages and supply chain issues challenged the restaurant industry, and Hasty Freez was no exception.
Pope said, with the support of employees and customers, they were able to keep the business going and in the same family that has owned it for 55 years.
Hasty Freez was purchased by Pope’s grandfather, Max Pope, in 1969 after he decided to go into business for himself.
At the time the business was 17 years old, having been founded in 1952 by Vince Simington as Tastee Freez. By that time the business had developed customers across a whole generation and Max Pope was able to keep them coming with quality burgers, milkshakes and other diner food.
Max Pope’s son Tony Pope bought the business in 1990 and continued their dedication to good food and quality service, including being voted best drive-thru restaurant in Top of the Valley competition. Tony Pope
also updated equipment and added new items to the menu.
Harrison Pope said, as the business has changed hands, his family has remained committed to maintaining their values.
“Having good values starts in the home, and has been passed along that way,” he said. “The goal has been to keep good Christian family values in the business over 50-plus years.”
Harrison Pope said his father was
Bryan Smith joined the company after college and helped take on some of his father’s responsibilities. When Jim Smith retired in 2008, Bryan Smith said the normal challenges of a transition period were amplified by economic complexities of the Great Recession.
Bryan Smith said his father and grandfather instilled a personal sense of integrity and hard work, and set an example for being dedicated to the business, its staff and customers. Smith Glass weathered the Great Recession and currently provides services ranging from crack repairs and residential windows to glass storefront construction.
Bryan Smith said, as family businesses prepare to hand the reins to the next generation, it is important for both parties to acknowledge the contributions and potential of each other.
an indispensable resource as they transitioned owners.
“Having a good mentor who has been through everything already has been extremely helpful,” he said. “It’s important to listen to the advice of the former generation but also operate in a way that works for me personally.”
He added they were “extremely thankful not only for the many generations of customers who have supported us, but also for the many generations of employees.”
“The older generation should offer advice but give space to newcomers to make their own decisions,” he said. “Younger generations should recognize the wisdom of those who came before them and be open to accepting advice & constructive criticism.”
“Each generation wants to see the other succeed so they tend to help to make that happen,” he continued.
With Smith Glass planning to celebrate its 80th anniversary next year, Bryan Smith said he is grateful to their clients in Albany and Corvallis areas. He also praised the dedicated staff who have shared his family’s values and commitment over the generations.
“Because of them, we are stronger than ever as a company,” said Bryan Smith.
Total Housing Units: 23,885
Occupied Housing Units: 22,157
Vacant: 948
Owner-Occupied Housing Unit Rate: 60.2%
Median Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Unit: $321,600
Median Selected Monthly Owner Costs (with Mortgage): $1,728
Source: US Census QuickFacts: Benton County/Albany City/ Linn County, Oregon.
For Population 25 and Over
Median Selected Monthly Owner Costs (without a Mortgage): $684
Median Gross Rent: $1,194
Less than $10,000
$10,000 – $14,999
$15,000 – $24,999
$25,000 – $34,999
$35,000 – $49,999
$50,000 – $74,999
$75,000 – $99,999
$100,000 – $149,999
$150,000 – $199,999
Median Household Income: $83,786 Mean Household Income: $97,110
City of Albany Benton County Linn County
(541 area code, unless otherwise noted)
City Hall – 333 Broadalbin SW 917-7500
Albany Public Library (main) 917-7580
Animal Control 967-3925
Albany Transit 917-7667
Fire Dept. Information 917-7700
Linn-Benton Loop Bus ..................917-7667 Mayor 730-5064
City Manager 917-7500
Municipal Court 917-7740
Parks & Recreation 917-7777
Planning/Zoning 917-7550
Police Dept. Information 917-7680
Public Works 917-7676
Senior Center 917-7760
South Albany Community Pool 967-4521
Swanson Cool Pool 917-7751
Assessor 766-6855
Building/Planning Dept. 766-6819
Board of Commissioners 766-6800
County Clerk 766-6831
District Attorney 766-6815
Extension Service 713-5000
Health Department 766-6835
Benton County Fair & Expo 766-6521
Parks Department 766-6871
Property Tax 766-6808
Sheriff’s Office. 947-5100
Veterans Service 368-7100
Linn County
Assessor 967-3808
Building /Planning Dept. 967-3816
Board of Commissioners 967-3825
County Clerk 967-3829
District Attorney 967-3836
Extension Service 967-3871
Health Department 704-3004
Linn County Fair & Expo 926-4314
Parks Department 967-3917
Property Tax 967-3808
Sheriff’s Dept. 967-3950
Veterans Service 967-3882
Greater Albany Public Schools
Administration 967-4501
Linn Benton Community College 917-4999
LBCC Health Occupations and Workforce Education 917-4923
Oregon State University 737-1000
Santiam Christian Schools 745-5655
Garbage Service
Republic Services 928-2551
Gas & Electricity
Consumers Power Inc. 929-3124
Energy Assistance Program 926-7163
NW Natural 503-226-4211
Pacific Power 888-221-7070
Internet Service Providers
Peak Internet 754-7325
CenturyLink 800-350-1044
Alyrica Network 929-3330
Phone Service
Comcast 888-936-4968
CenturyLink 800-350-1044
City of Albany Water/Sewer 917-7547
The Corvallis Clinic, North Albany 926-3441
The Corvallis Clinic at Waverly Drive 967-8221
Good Samaritan Medical Center 768-5111
Samaritan Albany General Hospital 812-4000
Physicians Referral Network 800-863-5241
State of Oregon
Better Business Bureau 208-342-4649
Consumer Protection Hotline 877-877-9392
Courts (Linn County) 967-3845
Department of Motor Vehicles 967-2014
Employment Dept. 967-2171
Governor’s Office 503-378-4582
Highway Department 888-275-6368
Oregon State Police 967-2026 State Capitol 503-986-1388
Federal Government
IRS 503-587-3101
Post Office 924-9691
Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
Social Service Referral Line 211
As the largest and most influential business organization in the Mid-Willamette Valley, the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce stands as your dedicated business and community advocate. We unite businesses, enabling them to achieve together what they could not accomplish individually. Our members join forces to enhance the well-being of our community, making Albany, a vibrant and thriving place to live and work.
One of the key benefits of becoming a Chamber member is joining an organization with a proven track record of fostering a healthy, growing economy that benefits the entire community. Our programs and initiatives are designed to support and elevate our business community, providing members with the tools they need to succeed.
The Albany Area Chamber is committed to enhancing the visibility and vitality of your business. One of our premier events, the Albany Business Extravaganza, allows businesses to showcase their products, services and career opportunities to both peers and the general public. We also offer a variety of ways for people to build their connections – such as Membership Forums, Greeters, Business Unwinds, Emerging Leaders, and Women in Business. These events create opportunities for building relationships, generating leads, and maintaining a strong presence within the business community.
Leadership Albany and the Albany Chamber Youth Leadership programs offer valuable opportunities for business leaders and high school students to deepen their understanding of our community and develop their leadership skills. These programs, along with our Membership Forums, feature expert speakers on relevant topics, and the efforts of our Chamber Ambassadors, who actively welcome new businesses and foster community spirit, demonstrate our commitment to building a stronger Albany.
Our Annual Distinguished Service Awards Banquet is a celebration of the outstanding achievements of our community’s finest citizens, businesses, and high school seniors. We are also deeply invested in the future of our community through our education initiatives. Programs like Students of the Month, the Youth Leadership program and our High School Scholarship program recognize and support exceptional youth, helping to cultivate the next generation of leaders in Albany.
The Chamber’s Governmental Affairs Committee plays a critical role in maintaining a strong business environment. We advocate for the preservation of the competitive free enterprise system and keep our members informed about the impact of local, state, and national legislation on their businesses. By preventing issues that could harm businesses and the community and fostering a greater appreciation for the value of competitive business, we work to ensure that Albany remains a great place to do business.
Contact us to learn more about all of the programs and events offered to our members.
One of the region’s largest trade shows. More than 1,000 attendees come to see the Albany Business Extravaganza’s business exhibitors. Extravaganza experts know trade shows offer high levels of visibility for businesses and sponsors.
Designed to instill hope, inspire vision, and open the doors of opportunity and involvement in today’s student population. Each year 24 high school students are challenged to become involved in the community and strengthen their communication and problem-solving skills.
Provides Chamber members the opportunity to highlight their business in a relaxing after work atmosphere. Members and friends gather together to learn about the business, network with other business leaders, enjoy great food and beverages.
Nominate special businesses or individuals that have inspired, lead, and support the community. Awards are given to Albany’s most distinguished citizens and businesses.
EMERGING LEADERS Offers emerging leaders a place to grow and develop their careers, build a peer network, and gain exposure to business leaders. Emerging Leaders offers programming focused on educational and professional development, as well networking opportunities.
In this foursome scramble tournament, you get 18 holes of swinging, chipping, and putting; the course is filled with hole sponsors giving away goodies, serving up food, and assisting you to win an assortment of prizes. Sponsor a team of potential clients, valued customers, or stand-out employees and take the day to build stronger professional relationships.
A business networking opportunity exclusively for Chamber members. Held Thursday mornings at various business locations it offers members the chance to showcase their business and build connections.
An intensive, 9-month program devoted to strengthening and educating emerging and experienced leaders. The program provides in-depth insights into the major systems that contribute to the patterns of life in the Albany Area and a variety of issues impacting business and the community
Business leaders learn about current issues, major initiatives, and other topics of interest to businesses and the community. The Membership Forum series runs from September – June.
Bringing together diverse women in business who encourage one another’s professional growth and success. Chamber members build relationships with other dynamic women, learn and share resources to achieve their goals.
Brent Stutzman
Stutzman Services
Jennifer Stanaway
Samaritan Health Services
Grant Cyrus
Target Distribution
Jon Kloor
Consumers Power, Inc.
Stacie Wyss-Schoenborn
Central Willamette Credit Union
Selina Marshall Citizens Bank
John Andersen
Boys & Girls Club of Albany
Abel Condrea
Edward Jones
Brian Graffenberger E.A. Chambers Farms, Inc.
Chris Hanson ATI Specialty Alloys & Components
Keith Kessler
Direct Flooring Center
Joel Kinman
Bravo Group
Sarah Knowles
SingerLewak, LLP
Ryan McAlister
Gerding Builders
Roger Nyquist
Lake Shore Lanes
Brian Oare
Oare & Associates Realty
John Pascone
Linn Economic Development
Group (LEDG)
Alex Patterson
Rhodes Warden Insurance
The Albany Area Chamber offers unique services and opportunities that help business and the community:
Your Governmental Affairs Committee works hard to provide business advocacy on local, state and federal issues, strengthening your business and our local economy.
Chamber member businesses are referred in response to the many phone calls, email, website and walk-in inquiries we receive.
The Chamber provides certificates for member companies shipping overseas that need to certify their products.
Offer ribbon cuttings, grand opening ceremonies, and dignitary assistance.
A gift certificate program designed to shop local and support Albany Area Chamber members.
Listings for members in PowerBook and on the Chamber website.
Exclusive opportunities only available to Chamber members to improve the bottom line and help your business grow.
A monthly newsletter filled with business news and information on Chamber and community activities.
Sarah Steen
AmeriTitle & AM | FM Luxury + Adventure Travel
Jason Yutzie Coastal STAFF
Janet Steele President/CEO
Jadyn Baskin Program and Event Manager
Jim Snyder Membership Development Manager
Erica Hogan Office Manager
Promote your business through exclusive Chamber publications, promotions, programs, and events.
The Chamber Network monthly newsletter, weekly broadcast emails, and our Friday Finds emails keep Chamber members in the loop about upcoming events and programs, local and state business issues, special offers and opportunities, and other Chamber offered services.
Chamber Board Meetings
Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, May 20, June 17
Emerging Leaders Wednesdays, times and locations TBA
Executive Committee
Second Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m.
Every Thursday, 8:15 a.m.
Leadership Albany Thursdays, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 20, April 22, May 15
Membership Forums
Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Linn County Expo Center. Sept. 25, Oct. 30, Nov. 20, Jan. 29, Feb. 26, March 19, April 23, May 28, June 18
Women in Business
Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Comfort Suites. Oct. 2, Dec. 11, March 5, June 11
Youth Leadership Tuesdays, Sept. 10, Oct. 1, Nov. 12, Dec. 3, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 11, April 8, May 13
Wine, Women & Chocolate
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024, Comfort Suites
Distinguished Service Awards Banquet
Saturday, March 8, 2025, Boys & Girls Club of Albany
Youth Leadership Final Day & Graduation
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
Leadership Albany Final Day & Graduation
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Golf Tournament
Friday, June 6, 2025
Albany Business Extravaganza
Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2025, Linn County Expo Center
Why choose one when you can benefit from two? Enroll in LBCC’s Degree Partnership Program, and you can take classes at both LBCC and a partner university. This allows you to make meaningful progress toward your fouryear degree at a fraction of the cost.
Accuity, LLC, CPA
436 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 1072
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 223-5555 accuitycpas.com
Boehme & Running CPAs, LLC
937 Geary St. S.E., Suite 3 P.O. Box 1009 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8815 albanyorcpa.com
Koontz, Blasquez & Associates
920 Elm St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5543 midvalleycpa.com
SingerLewak, LLP
200 S.W. Calapooia St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3354 bcsllc.com
Folcrum Drive
Philomath, OR 97370 (503) 477-7282 ext. 1 fulcrumdrive.com
JLK Services 1021 S.W. Aspen Ln. Dallas, OR 97338 (541) 720-0527 jlkservices.net
Bonaventure of Albany
420 Geri St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-5600 retirementperfected.com
Senior Living 1560 Davidson St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6800
The Oaks at Lebanon 621 W. Oak St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 258-7777 oaksatlebanon.com
Albany Democrat-Herald
600 Lyon St. S.W. P.O. Box 130 Albany, OR 97321 democratherald.com
Bay Northwest
4707 N.E. Granite Ave.
Albany, OR 97321 (503) 702-3222 baynorthwest.com
Knopp & Company, LLC
35481 Knox Butte Rd. E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 639-7618 reaganknopp.net
Bailey Seed & Grain, LLC
30685 Hwy. 34 S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1923 corvallisfs.com
Boshart Trucking, Inc.
32788 Tangent Lp. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 928-8662 bosharttrucking.com
Cascade Foods, LLC
38471 Groshong Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 924-1477 cascadefoods.com
Ag-Ventures, LLC
38471 Groshong Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (503) 507-2031 lakesideag.com
Saddle Butte Ag, Inc.
31144 Wirth Rd. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 928-0102 saddlebutte.com
Eugene Airport
28855 Lockheed Dr. Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 682-5430 flyeug.com
(dba Groome Transportation)
34030 Excor Rd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (877) 693-3785 groometransportation.com
Mennonite Village 5353 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7232 mennonitevillage.org
Timberwood Court
Memory Care
2875 S.E. 14th Ave. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-9700 timberwoodcourt.com
2421 40th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 990-5401 robertawhite.neora.com
Albany Antique Mall, LLC
145 Second Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 704-0109 albanyantiquemall.com
Avamere Assisted Living of Albany 2800 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9494
Mennonite Village 5353 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7232 mennonitevillage.org
The Oaks at Lebanon 621 W. Oak St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 258-7777 oaksatlebanon.com
Waverly Place Assisted Living and Memory Care
2853 Salem Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 248-1165 waverlyplacealc.com
Beckham, David B., Attorney at Law 319 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-5555
Evashevski Elliott, P.C.
100 Calapooia St. S.W. P.O. Box 983 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-0100 e2-law.com
Post Law Firm, P.C.
200 Ferry St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-3199
Thompson, P.C.
130 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 667 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2255 wtlegal.com
Albany Toyota & RV 1205 Price Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4236 albanytoyota.net
Performance Hybrids
1125 Dale St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 497-2199 davesperformance hybrids.com
Hyundai of Albany
2315 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-9105 hyundaiofalbany.com
M&M Car Company
1545 Pacific Ave. S.E.
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-8501 mandmcarcompany.com
Albany Ford
1920 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5555 robersonalbanyford.com
South Pacific Auto Sales
5040 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2447 southpacificautosales.com
Andy’s Auto Detailing and Ceramic Coatings 33798 Berry Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 730-7759 andysautodetailing.com
Shine On Auto Detailing
2115 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2329 shineonautodetailing.com
AA Towing
260 Queen Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-1233 aatowingco.com
F.L. Snyder & Son, Inc.
404 Second Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7494 flsnyderandson.com
South Pacific Auto Sales
5040 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2447 southpacificautosales.com
Beloved Cheesecakes
124 Broadalbin St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 220-0823 belovedcheesecakes.com
Central Willamette Credit Union
7101 Supra Dr. S.W. P.O. Box 1899 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4536 centralwcu.org
Citizens Bank
2315 14th Ave. S.E. 2230 Pacific Blvd. SW Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-6178 citizensebank.com
Community Credit Union
2500 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (503) 228-7077 onpointcu.com
Oregon State Credit Union
625 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 714-4000 oregonstatecu.com
Peoples Bank of Commerce
333 Lyon St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4318 peoplesbank.bank
Summit Bank 96 E. Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-7500 sbko.bank
Umpqua Bank
333 Ellsworth St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-7000 umpquabank.com
300 S.W. Ellsworth St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9456 washingtonfederal.com
Willamette Valley Bank
1970 14th Ave. S.E., Suite 110 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6555 willamettevalleybank.com
Xtreme Grafx
505 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9727 xtremegrafxdesign.com
Above The Collar
953 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3036
Akida Clips Barber Shop Albany
630 Hickory St. N.W., Suite 130 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-0427 akidaclipsbarber shopalbany.com
Spearit Beads and Co.
415 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4313 spearitbeads.com
Blush Salon
238 First Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8306 iheartblushsalon.com
BIM Connection
705 Lyon St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-7954 bim-connection.com
Budget Blinds of Albany & Corvallis 133 Broadalbin S.W. St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 412-5785 budgetblinds.com/albanycorvallis-or
American Bookkeeping & Tax Service
1113 Hill St. S.E., Suite H Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7982 americanbookkeepingtax.com
Denine’s Bookkeeping & Payroll, LLC
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-5796 deninesbookkeeping.com
Positive Change Bookkeeping Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-1729 positivechangebook keeping.com
Smith + Company
712 Ninth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1782 smithalbany.com
Tax Twins, LLC
340 Third Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-7382
Lake Shore Lanes 5432 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4631 lakeshorelanesonline.com
Deluxe Brewing & Sinister Distilling
635 Water Ave. N.E. P.O. Box 3358 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7699 sinisterdeluxe.com
Vivacity Spirits and Calapooia Brewing
140 Hill St. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1931 vivacityspirits.com
Hayden Homes
2322 Imperial Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 923-6607 x103 hayden-homes.com
PARR Lumber
415 First Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1525 parr.com
Positive Change Bookkeeping Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-1729 positivechangebook keeping.com
Citizens Bank
2315 14th Ave. S.E. 2230 Pacific Blvd. SW Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-6178 citizensebank.com
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
1400 Queen Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8630 ocwcog.org
AK Carpet & More
140 First Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 57 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0755 akcarpet.com
Albany Carpet One Floor and Home
416 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2891 albanycarpetone.com
Direct Flooring Center
3474 18th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1412 directflooringcenter.com
324 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8824 whitakersflooring.com
Blue Star Carpet Care, Inc.
P.O. Box 1462 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 936-2924 bluestarcarpetcleaning.com
Spirit Mountain Casino
27100 S.W. Salmon River Hwy. P.O. Box 39 Grand Ronde, OR 97347 (503) 879-2350 spiritmountain.com
Forks & Corks Catering
1324 Ninth St. N.W. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 286-4412 forksandcorkscatering.com
Honeybrine Catering
6097 N.E. Ebony Ln. Adair Village, OR 97330 (720) 238-1449 honeybrine-oregon.com
Jacopetti’s Catering
910 S.E. Queen Ave. P.O. Box 751 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-9660 jacopettis.com
Northwest Mobile Catering
820 Columbus St. S.E. 35973 Kennel Road SE Albany, OR 97322 (541) 979-4066 nreeners.com
T-Mobile USA
810 Burkhart St. S.E. B Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8924 t-mobile.com
Eastside Christian Church
1910 Grand Prairie Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9349 eastsidechristianchurch.com
Hope Church 2817 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-4673
Neighborhood Church 2815 Pine St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7981 albanync.org
United Presbyterian Church 330 Fifth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5551 upcalbany.org
Willamette Community Church 420 Third Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8881 wccalbany.com
Maggies Super Clean, LLC Albany, OR 97321 (541) 730-5015
The Office Nanny, Inc. P.O. Box 622 Albany, OR 97321-0194 (541) 730-1119
Turn Pro P.O. Box 2717 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 405-3084 turnprollc.com
TV SECURITY CAMERAS Professional Security Alarm
1980 Fescue St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8114 prosecurityalarm.com
The Natty Dresser, LLC
124 Broadalbin St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 248-3561 thenattydresser.com
505 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9727 xtremegrafxdesign.com
The Brim Coffee Co, LLC
241 W. First Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 220-5906
Good Grounds Coffee
6020 N.E. William R Carr St. Adair Village, OR 97330 (541) 602-6009 goodgrounds.coffee
Spirit Espresso, LLC 1710 Geary St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 979-3663
SnoTemp Cold Storage
3815 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-5755 snotemp.com
Reece Engineering & Survey, LLC
321 First Ave. E., Suite #3A Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2428 r-aengineering.com
3501 Fairview Industrial Dr. S.E., #100 Salem, OR 97302 (541) 928-4130 barrettbusiness.com
Bravo Group, LLC
22940 Harris Rd. Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 231-1170 bravogroupus.com
Knife River
32260 Old Hwy. 34 Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 918-5100 kniferiver.com
Allen & Laporte General
Contracting, Inc.
P.O. Box 808 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8842 allenandlaporte.com
Bergby Construction, Inc.
1527 Industrial Way S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 971-8983 bergbyconstruction.com
Black Wulf
Construction, LLC
Sweet Home, OR 97386 (336) 899-4359 blackwulfconstruction.com
Dane Good Construction
1610 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 619-9495
GBC Construction, LLC
1925 N.W. Ninth St. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 752-0381 gbcconstruct.com
Gerding Builders
200 Airport Ave. S.W. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 753-2012 gerdingbuilders.com
Henderer Custom Cabinetry
25992 Powerline Rd. Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 753-5660
P.O. Box 1025 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 990-5837 mcgovernmaintenance.net
Top Form Contracting
2103 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4597 topformcontracting.com
Apex Property Clearing
3511 Bernard Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 905-6451 apexpropertyclearing.com
Allen & Laporte General
Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 808 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8842 allenandlaporte.com
A&B Northwest Construction, LLC
3521 Bernard Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-3690 sites.google.com/view/abnorthwestcontructionllc/home
Ram Northwest Construction, LLC
33981 Powell Hills Lp. Shedd, OR 97377 (541) 971-1488 ramnwconstruction.com
TnT Builders, Inc.
620 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-3117 tntbuildersinc.com
IronHead Roofing
1210 S.E. Jackson St. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 714-0575 ironheadroofing.com
Renaissance Roofing, Inc. 34058 Oakville Rd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4886 renaissanceroofing.net
Stutzman & Kropf Contractors, Inc. 1954 Rye St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-6535 stutzmanandkropf.com
Jackson Food Stores 655 N.W. North Albany Rd. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 619-7555 jacksonsfoodstores.com
Love’s Travel Stops
6457 Old Salem Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (800) 655-6837 loves.com
Linn County Expo Center
3700 Knox Butte Rd. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-4314 lcfairexpo.com
Oregon Hearth and Home Events
235 Edwards Rd. S., #98 Monmouth, OR 97361 (253) 691-3123 oregonhearthandhome events.com 1925 NW 9TH STREET CORVALLIS, OR 97330 541-752-0381 www.gbcconstruct.com
National Business Solutions
3619 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, OR 97403 (541) 926-6575 forbizsolutions.com
Ultrex Business Solutions
110 Ninth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6522 ultrex.com
Albany Carpet One Floor and Home
416 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2891 albanycarpetone.com
Artisan Custom Countertops
1124 S. Commercial Way S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 259-9009 artisancounters.com
Santiam CPR
310 W. Grant St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 905-3375 santiamcpr.com
44 North Credit Union 4129 Sanitam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 259-1235 44northcu.org
Central Willamette Credit Union
7101 Supra Dr. S.W. P.O. Box 1899 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4536 centralwcu.org
Northwest Community Credit Union
707 Waverly Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (800) 452-9515 nwcu.com
OnPoint Community Credit Union
2500 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (503) 228-7077 onpointcu.com
Oregon State Credit Union
625 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 714-4000 oregonstatecu.com
Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union 1075 Oak St. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 343-6238 wesaveyou.com
Red Canoe Credit Union
810 Burkhart St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 918-8100 redcanoecu.com
SELCO Community Credit Union
1823 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-5400
Cyber Security
1312 Eighth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 730-4128 tcssecure.com
Apex Property Clearing
3511 Bernard Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 905-6451 apexpropertyclearing.com
Kutsch Dentistry
1855 Tenth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-1813 drkutsch.com
Pinnacle Dental Associates
2200 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9299
1330 Goldfish Farm Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4052 walmart.com
BosonHub Digital Development, LLC
1250 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 490-2384 bosonhub.com
WhirLocal Albany
222 Commercial St. N.E., PMB 2303 Salem, OR 97301 (541) 854-3315 albany.whirlocal.io
Industrial Supply
725 First Ave E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7277
Precision Golf Studio 401 S.W. Second Ave., Suite 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 525-9146 precisiongolfstudio.com
Dryer Vent Wizard of the Valley
1533 N.W. South Nebergall Lp. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4433 thevalleydryervent.com
Linn Economic Development Group (LEDG)
435 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 548 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1519 albany-millersburg.com
Oregon Cascades
West Council of Governments
1400 Queen Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8630 ocwcog.org
Greater Albany Public Schools
718 Seventh Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-4511 albany.k12.or.us
Linn-Benton Community College
6500 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-4999 linnbenton.edu
Mid-Valley STEM-CTE Hub
6500 Pacific Blvd. S.W., CC-212 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-6051 midvalleystem.org
Santiam Christian Schools
7220 Arnold Ave. N.E. Adair Village, OR 97330 (541) 745-5524 santiamchristian.org
Electric, Inc. 1980 Fescue St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-2427 axiselectricinc.com
EC Electric 32758 Old Hwy. 34 S.E. P.O. Box 925 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4266 e-c-company.com
Rite Way Electric, Inc.
2904 Three Lakes Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-0504 ritewayelectric.net
D&B Custom Shirt Works
1030 S.E. Queen Ave. PO Box 3189 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1978 companycasuals.com
No Dinx
139 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8494 nodinx.com
Xtreme Grafx
505 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9727
Samaritan Albany General Hospital
1046 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-4100 samhealth.org
All Star Labor & Staffing
1120 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-7928 allstarlabor.com
BlueSun Employment Services
891 N.W. Grant Ave. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 207-3212 bluesuninc.com
Elwood Staffing
3515 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7093 elwoodstaffing.com
LaborMax Staffing Agency
1571 N.W. Ninth St. Corvallis, OR 97330 (458) 218-6266 labormax.net
Oregon Employment Department
139 4th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-2171 worksourceoregon.org
Selectemp Employment Service
375 Pacific Blvd. S.W., Suite D Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-6881
Reece Engineering & Survey, LLC
321 First Ave. E., Suite #3A Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2428 r-aengineering.com
Civil West Engineering Services, Inc.
200 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 223-5130 civilwest.comS
K&D Engineering, Inc.
276 Hickory St. N.W. P.O. Box 725 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2583 kdeng.com
Albany Historic Carousel & Museum
503 W. First Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2934 albanycarousel.com
Corvallis Knights
301 S.W. 4th St., Suite 100 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 752-5656 corvallisknights.com
Mid-Valley Ice Rink
2941 45th Ct. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (971) 404-6325
Anytime Fitness
2760 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-8552 anytimefitness.com/gyms/66/ albany-or-97321
F45 Training
North Albany
617 N.W. Hickory St., Suite 180 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 633-4594 f45training.com/ northalbany/home
Mid-Willamette Family YMCA
3201 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4488 ymcaalbany.org
Physiq Fitness
1177 Waverly Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-2396 physiqfitness.com
1355 Goldfish Farm Rd. S.E. P.O.Box 99 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2511 coastalfarm.com
Cook Family Farms, Inc.
32073 Dever-Conner Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6316
Dever Farms, Inc.
39338 Groshong Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8841
E.A. Chambers Farms, Inc. P.O. Box 1148 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-4020
Gray Farms, Inc. 38024 Conser Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-2293 grayfarmsinc.com
Mari-Linn Farms
32920 Harnisch Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3914
Pugh Seed Farm, Inc.
30405 Green Valley Rd. Shedd, OR 97377 (541) 491-3824
Independent Merchant Brokers, LLC 5060 Philomath Blvd. S.W., #211 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 402-4472 independentmb.com
COUNTRY Financial – Morford 1821 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1929 countryfinancial.com/ michelle.morford
Crosby Wealth Advisors
2225 Pacific Blvd. S.E., Suite 203 Albany, OR 97321-7903 (541) 967-9494 ameripriseadvisors.com/team/ crosby-wealth-advisors
Edward Jones – Basden 117 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9400 edwardjones.com
Edward Jones –Condrea, CFP® 117 First Ave. N.E., Suite 101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9400 edwardjones.com
Edward Jones – Hanson 234 Ellsworth St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0777 edwardjones.com/ryanhanson
Equitable Advisors – JMS Wealth Management 1515 N.W. Laurel Heights Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 512-5331
Keith Wealth Advisors 375 Pacific Blvd., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 224-8510 keithwealthadvisors.com
Krpalek Financial Services 2320 14th Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 968 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-1888 wealthadvisorforlife.com
PacWest Wealth Partners
507 Washington St., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4116 ameripriseadvisors.com/team/ pacwest-wealth-partners
Citizens Bank
2315 14th Ave. S.E. 2230 Pacific Blvd. SW Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-6178 citizensebank.com
New York Life
500 Liberty St. S.E., Suite 500 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 851-5929 newyorklife.com
Oregon Credit & Collections Bureau, Inc. (dba OCCB)
1780 S. Main St. P. O. Box 458 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 926-5500
Peoples Bank of Commerce
333 Lyon St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4318 peoplesbank.bank
Umpqua Bank
333 Ellsworth St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-7000 umpquabank.com
Albany Carpet One Floor and Home
416 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2891 albanycarpetone.com
Flooring Center
3474 18th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1412 directflooringcenter.com
Iconic Floor Coatings
455 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 215-8660 iconicfloorcoatings.com
740 S.E. Madison Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8285 flowersnmoreor.com
National Frozen Foods Corp.
745 30th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-3306 nffc.com
Oregon Freeze Dry
525 25th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6001 ofd.com
2550 Old Salem Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 428 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3341 arauco.com
34904 Brewster Rd. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 801-2325 weyerhaeuser.com
AAsum-Dufour Funeral Home
805 Ellsworth St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5541 aasum-dufour.com
Fisher Funeral Home, Inc.
306 Washington St. S.W. P.O. Box 156 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3349 fisherfuneralhome.com
Republic Services, Inc.
1214 Montgomery St. S.E. P.O. Box 1929 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2551 republicservices.com
Garland Nursery
5470 Hwy. 20 N.E. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 753-6601 garlandnursery.com
Harts Nursery of Jefferson, Inc.
4019 Jefferson-Scio Dr. P.O. Box 1070 Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 327-3366 hartsnursery.com
Berlee’s Fancies Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-2800 berleesfancies.com
Davis Glass, Inc. 230 Second Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1962 davisglass.net
Smith Glass Service, Inc.
133 Lyon St. N. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4446 smith-glass.com
Albany Golf & Event Center / Spring Hill Golf Club
155 Country Club Ln. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-6059 albany-golf.com
Precision Golf Studio
401 S.W. Second Ave., Suite 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 525-9146 precisiongolfstudio.com
Collins Consulting Services
754 Quarry Rd. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2961
Benton County
4500 S.W. Research Way Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 766-6800 co.benton.or.us
City of Albany
333 Broadalbin St. S.W. P.O. Box 490 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-7500 cityofalbany.net
City of Millersburg
4222 Old Salem Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (458) 233-6300 cityofmillersburg.org
Linn County
300 Fourth Ave. S.W. P.O. Box 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-3825 co.linn.or.us
Madison Ave. Collective
459 S.W. Madison Ave. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 971-4113 madcollective.com
No Dinx
139 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8494 nodinx.com
Xtreme Grafx
505 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9727 xtremegrafxdesign.com
Albany Grocery Outlet 1950 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-1588 groceryoutlet.com
North Albany Supermarket 621 N.W. Hickory St. Albany, OR 97321-0161 (541) 926-3037 northalbanyiga.com
Wheeler Dealer 1740 Geary St. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 497-2992 wheelerdealerstores.com
Dane Good Construction 1610 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 619-9495
HEALTH & BEAUTY Onyx Luxury Aesthetics
317 W. First Ave., #101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-8039 onyxpnw.com
The Blizzard Blueprint, LLC (541) 714-5274 blizzardblueprint.com
IonBottles Corporation
4022 E. Commercial Way S.E., Suite 3 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 714-3422 ionbottles.com
North Albany Wellness Center
110 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 760-2197 northalbanywellness center.com
Albany Stoves, Inc. 805 Seventh Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0045 albanystoves.com
Best Heating and Cooling
38850 Hwy. 226 P.O. Box 567 Scio, OR 97374 (503) 394-3461 best-heating.com
Birchfield Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
181 34th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1374 birchfieldheating.com
Greg’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 2474 S.W. Ferry St. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8950 gregshvac.com
Hendrix Heating & Air Conditioning
33551 Eagle Rd. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 753-6760 hendrixheating.com
Mike’s Heating & Air Conditioning
113 41st Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 748 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1804 mikesac.com
Rice Heating & Air, Inc.
33955 Hwy. 99 Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 926-5593 riceheating.com
Knife River Training Center
35973 Kennel Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 403-7701 krtrainingcenter.com/ contact-us
A Buyer’s Choice Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-9066 abuyerschoice.com/ matthew-ramirez
Davis Home Inspection
2838 Valley View Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 801-4588 redhomeinspection.com
Provision Home Inspections, LLC
4257 Sagecrest Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 716-0682 pvhinspections.com
Serenity Inspections, LLC (503) 989-4870
Bristol Hospice
400 International Way, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 844-0151 bristolhopsice.com/eugene
Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care
720 S.W. Fourth St. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 757-9616 luminahospice.org
Albany Historic Carousel & Museum
503 W. First Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2934 albanycarousel.com
AM | FM Luxury + Adventure Travel –Sarah & Scott Steen Albany, OR 97322 (541) 971-9324
Samaritan Albany General Hospital 1046 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-4100 samhealth.org
Best Western Plus Prairie Inn
1100 Price Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-5050 albanybestwestern.com
Best Western PREMIER Boulder Falls Inn 505 Mullins Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 451-1000 boulderfallsinn.com
Comfort Suites of Albany
100 Opal Ct. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-2053 choicehotels.com/or100
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Albany 105 Opal Ct. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8820 holidayinnexpress.com/ albanyor
Phoenix Inn Suites
3410 Spicer Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-5696 phoenixinn.com/albany
Rodeway Inn
1212 Price Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-0170 rodewayinnalbanyor.com
Oregon Department of Human Services
118 Second Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 801-4744 oregon.gov/dhs/pages/ index.aspx
Performance Hybrids
1125 Dale St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 497-2199 davesperformance hybrids.com
Mennonite Village 5353 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7232 mennonitevillage.org
Visiting Angels of Willamette Valley 250 Broadalbin St. S.W., Suite 250 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2061 visitingangelsalbany.com
Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 570-4072 technivana.com
American Family Insurance – Brian Robinson Agency 2405 14th Ave. S.E., Suite D Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-6857 brianrobinsonagency.com
Becky Lippmann Independent Medicare Broker/ Agent, LLC 2370 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 914-6263 beckylippmann.com
COUNTRY Financial
– Morford
1821 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1929 countryfinancial.com/michelle. morford
Glenn Edwards Insurance Agency 560 Hickory St. N.W., Suite 101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-3068
Irwin Insurance Agency – Country Financial
1479 S. Main St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 224-0081 representatives.countryfinancial.com/adrienne.irwin
Keith Wealth Advisors
375 Pacific Blvd., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 224-8510 keithwealthadvisors.com
Lisa Paredes with Country Financial Insurance
1479 S. Main St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 223-0404 agents.countryfinancial.com/ usa/or/lebanon/lisa-paredes
Marsh & McLennan Agency
545 S.W. Second St., Suite 101 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 926-4291 paynewest.com
Michele Martin Insurance Agency
150 Calapooia S.W., Suite #A2 P.O. Box 3175 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2616
Mr. G & Jenny Insurance Group
3111 S. Santiam Hwy., Suite F Albany, OR 97322 (541) 200-6070 gnjennyinsurance.com
Rhodes-Warden Insurance
1129 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8062 rhodeswardenins.com
Sharon Pascone Insurance Agency
343 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-9502 farmersagent.com/spascone
Ted Ferry Insurance Agency, Inc. 1101 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-8468 whosyouragent.biz
Truelife Financial Solutiions, LLC
3111 Santiam Hwy. S.E., Suite F Albany, OR 97322 (541) 730-5064 truelifefinancial solutionsllc.com
P and H Senior Health Care
251 Benton Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (458) 233-3892 pandhseniorhealthcare.com
Alyrica Networks
526 N. 19th St. Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 929-3330 alyrica.net
PEAK Internet
1600 Western S.W., Suite 160 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 754-7325 peakinternet.com
Ziply Fiber
4155 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 (866) 947-5988 ziplyfiber.com/smallbusiness
Central Willamette Credit Union
7101 Supra Dr. S.W. P.O. Box 1899 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4536 centralwcu.org
Edward Jones – Hurley 2411 Brighton Way S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-2618 edwardjones.com
Edward Jones – Scariano 150 Calapooia St. S.W., Suite C Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9700 edwardjones.com
Jordan Jewelers
202 First Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1907 jordanjewelers.com
Apex Property Clearing
3511 Bernard Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 905-6451 apexpropertyclearing.com
Pfits Services, LLC
42276 Upper Berlin Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 409-5034 pfitsservices.com
Smooth Green Yard Services, LCB#9415
P.O. Box 965 Jefferson, OR 97352 (503) 689-4576 smoothgreenyardservices.com
Smooth Green Yard Services, LCB#9415 P.O. Box 965 Jefferson, OR 97352 (503) 689-4576 smoothgreenyardservices.com
Albany Lock and Key 1540 Ninth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-3525 alk.to
Rebuilders Corp.
3723 N.E. Western Way Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-9558
The BlowHard Company
1906 Rye St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-0063 blowhardfans.com
ENTEK International
250 Hansard Ave Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 259-3901 entek.com
Oral Biotech
421 Water Ave. N.E., #3200 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4445 carifree.com
Ti Squared
Technologies, Inc. 3900 Western Way N.E. Millersburg, OR 97321 (847) 654-3063 tisquaredtech.com
Marketing Group P.O. Box 1151 Jefferson, OR 97352 (503) 608-7685 oregonmarketinggroup.com
5 Arrows Media Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-6861 5arrowsmedia.com
Western University of Health Sciences, COMP-Northwest 200 Mullins Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 259-0200 westernu.edu
The Corvallis Clinic (541) 768-2454 corvallisclinic.com
Healing Motion Physical Therapy
629 N.W. Hickory St. #160 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 730-4655
Oregon Man Clinics
2910 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 505-8773 oregonmanclinics.com
Samaritan Albany General Hospital 1046 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-4100 samhealth.org
Veritas Direct Primary Care, P.C. 2605 Willetta St. S.W., Suite D-1 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8414 veritasdpc.com
Willamette Valley Cancer Institute and Research Center 2615 Willetta St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 683-5001 oregoncancer.com
Linn County Expo Center
3700 Knox Butte Rd. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-4314 lcfairexpo.com
Timberwood Court Memory Care
2875 S.E. 14th Ave. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-9700 timberwoodcourt.com
Waverly Place Assisted Living and Memory Care 2853 Salem Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 248-1165 waverlyplacealc.com
ATI Specialty Alloys & Components
1600 Old Salem Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 460 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4211 atimetals.com
CPP – Titanium
33992 Seven Mile Ln. P.O. Box 689 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7731 cppcorp.com
4322 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (554) 666-3663 kittyhawkinc.com
Burcham’s Metals, Inc.
3407 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4616 burchamsmetals.com
Clayton Homes
2445 Pacific Blvd. S.W. P.O. Box 1046 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8555 claytonhomes.com
Caliber Home Loans / NewRez
1393 Clay St. S.E., Suite B Albany, OR 97322 (971) 209-4261 caliberhomeloans.com/ caliber-branch/oregon/albany
Guild Mortgage
317 First Ave. N.W., Suite 303 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 243-0429 academymortgage.com
Professional Mortgage
810 Walnut St. S.W., Suite 101B Albany, OR 97321 (503) 881-3323
Movement Mortgage
1241 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-2194 deerobbmovement.com
Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union
1075 Oak St. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 343-6238 wesaveyou.com
TMI Lending, LLC
810 Walnut St. S.W., Suite 101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4120 tmilending.com
I-5 Sports
635 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-9100 i-5sports.com
Cals Moving Help
33862 S.E. Eastgate Ci. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 250-6324 calsmovinghelp.com
Lile North American Moving & Storage
1957 Claxter Rd. N.E. Salem, OR 97301 (503) 393-0110 lile.com
ABC House
228 S.W. Fifth Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2203 abchouse.org
Albany Aquatics Association
1645 Ninth Ave. S.E., #199 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-8339 albanyaquaticassoc.com
Albany Area Habitat for Humanity
315 Lyon St. S. P.O. Box 2400 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-4030 albanyareahfh.org
Albany Civic Theater
111 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 82 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4603 albanycivic.org
Albany Downtown Association
126 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2469 albanydowntown.com
Albany Helping Hands
619 Ninth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-4036 albanyhelpinghands.com
Albany Historic Carousel & Museum
503 W. First Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2934 albanycarousel.com
Albany Public Schools Foundation
2953 Clover Ridge Rd. N.E. #10 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 979-2773 albanypsf.org
Albany Regional Museum
136 Lyon St. S Albany, OR 97321-2703 (541) 967-7122 armuseum.com
Albany Visitors Association
122 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0911 albanyvisitors.com
American Legion Post 10
1215 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0127
Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific P.O. Box 140015 Boise, ID 83714 (208) 342-4649 bbb.org
BlueSun Employment Services
891 N.W. Grant Ave. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 207-3212 bluesuninc.com
Boys & Girls Club of Albany
1215 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6666 bgc-albany.org
Calapooia Watershed Council
351 N. Main St. Brownsville, OR 97327 (541) 583-3626
CASA of Linn County
2730 Pacific Blvd. S.E., Suite 201 P.O. Box 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2651 linncasa.org
House, Inc. 2360 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-7729 chamberlinhouse.org
CHANCE Recovery
231 S.E. Lyons St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-3411 chancerecovery.org
Christmas Storybook Land (541) 974-5066 christmasstorybookland.org
Community Events Center 1400 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-0545 albanycumberland.org
Every Child Linn Benton (ECLB)
3200 S.W. Ferry St., Suite #3 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 223-8535 everychildoregon.org/ linnbentonlincoln
Family Tree Relief Nursery
1305 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-6580 familytreern.org
Furniture Share
4450 Marion St. S.E., Suite C Albany, OR 97322 (541) 754-9511 furnitureshare.org
Giving A Hoot
Corporation Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-7393 justserve.org/givingahoot keepingalbanybeautiful
Greater Albany Education Association 2885 Cedarwood Ct. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-7113 albanyteachers.org
Greater Albany Rotary Club
P.O. Box 1629 Albany, OR 97321 greateralbanyrotary.org
Jackson Street Youth Services
1240 Seventh Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 286-4580 jacksonstreet.org
Mid-Willamette Family YMCA
3201 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4488 ymcaalbany.org
Ophelia’s Place
104 S.E. Fourth Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 284-4333 opheliasplace.net
Options Pregnancy Resource Centers
1800 16th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-0160 optionsprcfamily.org; optionsprc.org
Oregon Valley Futbol Alliance (OVF Alliance)
P.O. Box 1354 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 230-7032 ovfalliance.com
OSU Extension Service (Linn County)
33630 McFarland Rd. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 967-3871 extension.oregonstate.edu/linn
Salvation Army
345 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4774 salvationarmy.usawest.org
United Way of Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties
226 Hickory N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5432 unitedwayoflinncounty.org
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 584
1469 Timber St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7925
Volunteer Caregivers
930 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-2426 volunteercaregivers.org
Western Oregon Builders Association
1142 Willagillespie Rd. #30 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 484-5352 westernoregonbuilders association.com
Willamette Association of REALTORS®
1113 Hill St. S.E., Suite G Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-9267 waor.org
Willamette Valley First Responder Chaplains
4505 Marion St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 603-6512 wvfrc.org
Willamette Vocational Resource Community
2995 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 258-8121 wvrc.org
Willamette Workforce Partnership
626 High St. N.E., Suite 305 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 581-1002 willwp.org
Timberview Care Center
1023 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8664 prestigecare.com
Mennonite Village 5353 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7232 mennonitevillage.org
465 Pacific Blvd. S.W. P.O. Box 631 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5894 kingoffice.biz
EyeCare Associates
2715 Willetta St. S.W., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5848 eyecareassociates.net
Oral Biotech
421 Water Ave. N.E., #3200 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4445 carifree.com
Sherwin Williams 2945 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-0141 sherwin-williams.com/storelocator/paint-store/ albany/or/8080
Fitzpatrick Painting and Construction
37949 Century Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8900 fitzpatrickpainting.com
Stom Painters, Inc. 1208 29th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 704-5711 stompainters.com
No Dinx
139 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8494 nodinx.com
Koontz, Blasquez & Associates 920 Elm St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5543 midvalleycpa.com
Payroll by Lynn 1113 Hill St. S.E., Suite H Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7982
Healthy Home Pest Control, LLC P.O. Box 1164 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 570-0095 healthyhomepest.com
Coastal 1355 Goldfish Farm Rd. S.E. P.O.Box 99 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2511 coastalfarm.com
Sully’s Stay & Play Doggie Day Care 410 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2789 sullysstayandplay.com
Izabela Mattson Photography, LLC 3130 N.W. Scenic Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 968-9897 izabelamattson.com
Stutzman Services, Inc.
4185 Spicer Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8942 stutzmanservices.com
Best Pots, Inc. & Site Locker / A&B Septic Service
100 41st Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 444 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0099 bestpots.com
More Ink
1105 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2675 moreinkalbany.com
Oregon Web Press, Inc.
263 29th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-3000 oregonwebpress.com
Queen B Organizing
130 S.W. Third St. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 231-6964 queenborganizing.com
CNC Wood
Cutters Oregon
720 N.E. Granger Ave., Suite E Corvallis, OR 97330 (503) 528-4025 cncwoodcutters.com
– COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Albany Rent –Properties
1607 Springhill Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 990-2634 albanyrent.com
Barb’s Property Management
555 S. Main St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 258-1785 barbsproperty.com
Diversified Property Management and Real Estate Services
1010 Airport Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-4052 rentfromdiversified.com
Lepman Properties
180 Ferry St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0156 lepmanproperties.com
Northwest Investment Management, Inc.
736 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6257 midvalleyrentals.com
SMI Property Management
3625 River Rd. N, Suite 125 Keizer, OR 97303 (503) 871-6516 smiproperty.com
Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.
401 Oak St. Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 845-9499 mtangelpub.com
Aqua Pro Pump Service
35967 Plagmann Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-4202 aquapropumpservice.com
Stutzman Services, Inc.
4185 Spicer Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8942 stutzmanservices.com
Bicoastal Media
Willamette Valley 2840 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8628 bicoastal.media/oregon/albany
Radio – EADS
eXp Realty, LLC –
Oregon Luxury Group
1107 Ninth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 570-5777 oregonluxurygroup.com
Gillott Home Team
– Keller Williams
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 451-2211 teamgillott.com
Next Door Real Estate Group
941 Geary St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 974-0360 nextdoorrg.com
Oare and Associates Realty
404 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2359 brianoare.com
Realty One Group
The Beem Team, LLC at eXp Realty
375 Pacific Blvd. S.W., Suite C Albany, OR 97321 (541) 918-2336 midvalleyhomesource.com
Dave Pautsch –RE/MAX Integrity 1209 Shortridge St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 918-4019 davepautsch.remax.com
Diversified Property Management and Real Estate Services 1010 Airport Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-4052 rentfromdiversified.com
Gillott Home Team
– Keller Williams
Burcham’s Metals, Inc.
3407 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4616 burchamsmetals.com
Albany Rental 2455 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1780 albanyrental.net
Eye Beam Event Services, Inc.
Broadcasting Corp. 36991 KGAL Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 926-8683 kgal.com KRVM
2455 Willakenzie Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 790-6686 krvm.org
AndCo Real Estate
2241 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-6273 andcorealestate.com
Coldwell Banker Valley Brokers
617 N.W. Hickory St., Suite #110 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6317 valleybrokers.com
Copper Rock
Real Estate
2376 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 881-7399 copperrockrealty.com
eXp Realty, LLC
– Nancy Kruse
2225 Pacific Blvd. S.E., Suite 207 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 936-2043 nancykruse.com
– MacHugh
317 W. First Ave., Suite 102 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 740-7736 billmachugh.myrealty onegroup.com
Russell Tripp
Investment Real Estate
240 W. First Ave. P.O. Box 1414 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 619-2365
Windermere Willamette Valley
331 Second Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4663 windermerewillamette valley.com
Gillott Home Team
– Keller Williams
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 451-2211 teamgillott.com
Oare and Associates Realty
404 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2359 brianoare.com
Gillott Home Team
– Keller Williams
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 451-2211 teamgillott.com
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 451-2211 teamgillott.com
KW Realty
– Smith
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-5550 findhomesinalbany.com
MDI Management
1917 Robins Ln. S.E. Salem, OR 97306 (503) 396-2171 mdipropertyinfo.com
Melissa Schumacher
– Premiere Property Group 16727 Emerald Green Ln. S.E. Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 974-3877 melissaschumacher. premierepropertygroup.com
RE/MAX Integrity – Robert Ross 3240 Liberty St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-3944 robertross.remax.com
Gillott Home Team
– Keller Williams
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 451-2211 teamgillott.com
Young Property Group
– Keller Williams
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 207-7198 abbeyyoung.kw.com
2611 W. Fifth Ave., #C Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 726-8803 eyebeameventservices.com
Brick & Mortar Cafe 222 First Ave. W., Suite 4 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-7845 brickandmortarcafe.com
Camille’s Bistro 210 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2639 camillesbistro.com
Carino’s Italian 1825 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 704-1100 carinos.com
Cascade Grill 110 Opal Ct. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-3388 cascade-grill.com
Dairy Queen of Albany 2710 Pacific Blvd. S.E. P.O. Box 1755 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1724 dairyqueen.com
Depot Cafe
822 Lyon St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-7326 depotrestaurantinc.com
Elmer’s Restaurant 2802 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-4227 elmers-restaurants.com
Hasty Freez, Inc. 655 Lyon St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2144
Oregon Foods
212 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-7174 homegrownoregonfoods.com
Loafer’s Station
222 Washington St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8183 loafersstation.com
Red Robin
1845 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 812-2550 redrobin.com
Shortstops Burgers
560 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 704-0669 southpawspizza.com/ shortstops---home.html
Sidekicks Dessert & Espresso
832 Lyon St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-7558
Southpaws Perfect Pizza and Sports Pub
560 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-7663 southpawsperfectpizza.com
Subway North Albany
33140 Hwy. 34 S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8413 Opt. 2 subway.com
Sweet Red Coffee & Wine Bistro
208 Second Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 704-0510 sweetredwinebistro.com
Sweet Waters
Family Restaurant
2830 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 812-9222
442 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8157 sybarisbistro.com
Vault 244
244 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-9511 vault244.com
Vito’s Trattoria
211 First Ave. W., Suite 102 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2181
ServiceMaster Restore
2275 Judson St. S.E. Salem, OR 97302 (503) 585-4017 smsalem.com
Servpro of Linn & Benton County
6835 N.E. Arnold Ave. Adair Village, OR 97330 (541) 745-2097 servprolinncounty.com
Target Distribution Center
875 Beta Dr. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-5800 target.com
Bock, Ed
Clotere, Bill Cutsforth, Tom Dluehosh, Clay
Dooley III, Dr. George Eastman, Elaine Eastman, Pat (Eastman Co.)
Freeburn, Scott
Goode, James, Senior Judge Johnston, Doris Kollaer, John Kopczynski, Ray Martin, Mike Morse, Frank –Former State Senator Perdue, Dick
Running, Dick Scariano, Ralph Shaw, David
Summers, William Vogt, Gordon Wyse, John
Bonaventure of Albany 420 Geri St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-5600 retirementperfected.com
Senior Living 1560 Davidson St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6800
Mennonite Village
5353 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7232 mennonitevillage.org
The Oaks at Lebanon 621 W. Oak St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 258-7777 oaksatlebanon.com
KOA Albany –
Corvallis 33775 Oakville Rd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8521 koa.com
Five Star Security, LLC 1645 Ninth Ave. S.E., #292 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-7213 fivestarsecurity.net
Professional Security Alarm
1980 Fescue St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8114 prosecurityalarm.com
Valley Merchant Police, Inc. P.O. Box 14 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-9355 valleymerchantpolice.com
Columbia Seeds, LLC 130 N.W. Hickory St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-7631 columbiaseeds.com
33080 Red Bridge Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 369-2251 oregroseeds.com
KWS Seeds, LLC
34303 Hwy. 99E Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 926-0161 kws.com
The Storage Depot
111 Davidson St. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7777 stordepot.com
Best Pots, Inc. & Site Locker / A&B
Septic Service
100 41st Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 444 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0099 bestpots.com
American Rooter P.O. Box 1596 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1185 americanrooteralbany.com
Rich’s Sewing, Vacuum, Hot Tubs & Grills
2306 Heritage Way S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-4842 richsonline.biz
Heritage Mall
1895 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8238 heritagemall.com
Art Plus Signs & Designs
1701 Geary St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-9055 artplussignsanddesigns.com
Foress Sign & Mfg., LLC
30255 Hwy. 34 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-5858 foresssign.com
No Dinx 139 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8494 nodinx.com
Xtreme Grafx
505 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9727 xtremegrafxdesign.com
Barbara Jenkins, Tax Service
4655 Sonta Maria N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7382
SingerLewak, LLP
200 S.W. Calapooia St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3354 bcsllc.com
Smith + Company
712 Ninth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1782 smithalbany.com
Tax Twins, LLC
340 Third Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-7382
10D Tech
410 N.W. Walnut Blvd., Suite A Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 243-4103 10dtech.com
Beggs Tire & Wheel 1315 Pacific Blvd. S.E. P.O. Box 2761 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8473 beggstire.com
Les Schwab Tire Center 2875 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-2226
Communications, Inc.
First American Title
2405 14th Ave. S.E., Suite B Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8808 local.firstam.com/or/offices/ albany
Ticor Title
220 Sixth Ave. S.W., Suite 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2111 ticoralbany.com
Jano’s Trophies
1129 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0301 janostrophies.com
Consumers Power, Inc.
6990 West Hills Rd. P.O. Box 1180 Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 929-3124
Energy Trust of Oregon
421 Oak St. S.W., Suite 300 Portland, OR 97204 (866) 368-7878 energytrust.org
NW Natural Gas Company
790 Goodpasture Island Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 (330) 322-5436 nwnatural.com
Pacific Power
830 Old Salem Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 248 Albany, OR 97321 (888) 221-7070 pacificpower.net
139 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8494 nodinx.com
Eastgate VeterinaryClinic
33888 S.E. Peoria Rd. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 752-3786 evc.vet
River’s Edge Pet Medical Center
601 N.W. Hickory St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 924-1700 riversedgepmc.com
Jeremy Ito Story Design 1143 29th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-0444
Culligan Water
221 29th Ave. S.W. P.O. Box 1987 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9262 culliganpacific.com
Stutzman Services, Inc.
4185 Spicer Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8942 stutzmanservices.com
BosonHub Digital Development, LLC
1250 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 490-2384 bosonhub.com
Sweet Home, OR 97386 (541) 801-3747 pixelriot.co
Central Welding Supply
4085 Commercial Way S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-0188 willametteweldingsupply.com
1355 Goldfish Farm Rd. S.E. P.O.Box 99 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2511 coastalfarm.com
Costco Wholesale
3130 Killdeer Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 918-7054 costco.com
Candy Bar, LLC
117 Third Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 777-10724 shcandybar.com
Delfino Fine Wines
3111 Santiam Hwy. S.E., Suite G Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-2663 delfinofinewines.com
Springhill Cellars Winery
2920 Scenic Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-7597 springhillcellars.com
Willamette Valley Vineyards
8800 Enchanted Way S.E. Turner, OR 97392 (503) 588-9463 wvv.com
Cascade Pacific Pulp
30480 American Dr. Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 369-2841 cascadepulp.com
30470 American Dr. Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 369-1266 gp.com
5 Arrows Media
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-6861
5arrowsmedia.com Media Services
10D Tech
410 N.W. Walnut Blvd., Suite A Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 243-4103
Telephone Communication –Equipment
44 North Credit Union
4129 Sanitam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 259-1235
44northcu.org Credit Unions
A Buyer’s Choice Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-9066
abuyerschoice.com/ matthew-ramirez Home Inspection
AA Towing
260 Queen Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-1233
Automotive Parts, Repairs & Service
Funeral Home
805 Ellsworth St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5541 aasum-dufour.com
Funeral Homes
A&B Northwest Construction, LLC
3521 Bernard Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-3690 sites.google.com/view/ abnorthwest contructionllc/home Contractors – Outdoor Living
ABC House
228 S.W. Fifth Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2203
abchouse.org Non-Profit Organizations
Above The Collar 953 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3036
Accuity, LLC, CPA
436 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 1072 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 223-5555 accuitycpas.com
Accountants & Certified Public Accountants
AK Carpet & More
140 First Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 57 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0755
Carpet & Floor Covering
Akida Clips Barber Shop Albany
630 Hickory St. N.W., Suite 130 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-0427
akidaclipsbarber shopalbany.com Barbers
Albany Antique Mall, LLC
145 Second Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 704-0109
albanyantiquemall.com Antiques
Albany Aquatics Association
1645 Ninth Ave. S.E., #199 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-8339
Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Area Habitat for Humanity
315 Lyon St. S. P.O. Box 2400 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-4030
Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Carpet One Floor and Home
416 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2891
Carpet & Floor Covering; Counter Tops; Floor Covering
Albany Civic Theater
111 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 82 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4603 albanycivic.org
Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Democrat-Herald
600 Lyon St. S.W. P.O. Box 130 Albany, OR 97321 democratherald.com Advertising & Promotions
Albany Downtown Association
126 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2469 albanydowntown.com
Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Golf & Event Center / Spring Hill Golf Club
155 Country Club Ln. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-6059 albany-golf.com Golf Courses
Albany Grocery Outlet
1950 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-1588 groceryoutlet.com Grocery Stores
Albany Helping Hands
619 Ninth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-4036 albanyhelpinghands.com Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Historic Carousel & Museum
503 W. First Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2934 albanycarousel.com Entertainment; Hospitality & Tourism; Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Lock and Key 1540 Ninth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-3525 alk.to Locksmiths / Safes
Albany Public Schools Foundation
2953 Clover Ridge Rd. N.E. #10 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 979-2773 albanypsf.org Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Regional Museum
136 Lyon St. S Albany, OR 97321-2703 (541) 967-7122 armuseum.com Non-Profit Organizations
Albany Rent –Properties
1607 Springhill Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 990-2634 albanyrent.com
Property Management –Commercial & Residential
Albany Rental 2455 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1780 albanyrental.net Rental Services
Albany Stoves, Inc.
805 Seventh Ave. S.E.
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0045 albanystoves.com
Heating & Air Conditioning – Sales & Service
Albany Toyota & RV 1205 Price Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4236
albanytoyota.net Auto Dealers, Sales & Service
Albany Visitors Association
122 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0911 albanyvisitors.com Non-Profit Organizations
All Star Labor & Staffing 1120 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-7928 allstarlabor.com
Employment Services
Allen & Laporte General Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 808 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8842 allenandlaporte.com
Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial; Contractors – Metal Buildings / Concrete Alyrica Networks 526 N. 19th St. Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 929-3330 alyrica.net Internet Service Provider AM | FM Luxury + Adventure Travel –Sarah & Scott Steen Albany, OR 97322 (541) 971-9324 Hospitality & Tourism American Bookkeeping & Tax Service 1113 Hill St. S.E., Suite H Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7982 americanbookkeepingtax.com Bookkeeping Service; Tax Service American Family Insurance – Brian Robinson Agency 2405 14th Ave. S.E., Suite D Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-6857 brianrobinsonagency.com Insurance
American Legion Post 10
1215 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0127
Non-Profit Organizations
American Rooter
P.O. Box 1596 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1185
Sewer & Septic Service
3055 Salem Ave. S.E., Suite 101
Albany OR 97321 (541) 928-3368 amerititle.com
Title Insurance Companies
AndCo Real Estate
2241 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-6273
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
Andy’s Auto Detailing and Ceramic Coatings 33798 Berry Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 730-7759 andysautodetailing.com Automotive Detailing Services
Apex Property Clearing
3511 Bernard Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 905-6451
Contractors – Junk Removal & Demolition; Demolition; Junk Removal
Aqua Pro Pump Service 35967 Plagmann Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-4202
aquapropumpservice.com Pumps
2550 Old Salem Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 428 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3341 arauco.com
Forest Products
Art Plus Signs & Designs
1701 Geary St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-9055 artplussignsanddesigns.com
Signs & Banners
Artisan Custom
& Components
1600 Old Salem Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 460 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4211
Metal Products & Metal Fabrication
Avamere Assisted Living of Albany
2800 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9494
Assisted Living
Axis Electric, Inc.
1980 Fescue St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-2427
Electrical Contractors
Bailey Seed & Grain, LLC
30685 Hwy. 34 S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1923 corvallisfs.com Agriculture Products & Service
Barb’s Property Management
555 S. Main St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 258-1785 barbsproperty.com Property Management –Commercial & Residential
Barbara Jenkins,
Bay Northwest
4707 N.E. Granite Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (503) 702-3222 baynorthwest.com Advertising & Promotions
3501 Fairview Industrial Dr. S.E., #100 Salem, OR 97302 (541) 928-4130 barrettbusiness.com Consulting – Business & Personal
Beckham, David B., Attorney at Law
319 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-5555 Attorneys
Becky Lippmann Independent Medicare Broker/ Agent, LLC
2370 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 914-6263 beckylippmann.com Insurance
The Beem Team, LLC at eXp Realty 375 Pacific Blvd. S.W., Suite C
Beggs Tire & Wheel
1315 Pacific Blvd. S.E. P.O. Box 2761 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8473 beggstire.com Tire Sales & Service
Beloved Cheesecakes
124 Broadalbin St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 220-0823 belovedcheesecakes.com Bakery
Benton County
4500 S.W. Research Way Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 766-6800 co.benton.or.us Government Agencies
Construction, Inc.
1527 Industrial Way S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 971-8983 bergbyconstruction.com Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
Berlee’s Fancies Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-2800 berleesfancies.com Gift Baskets
Best Heating and Cooling
38850 Hwy. 226 P.O. Box 567 Scio, OR 97374 (503) 394-3461 best-heating.com
Best Pots, Inc. & Site Locker / A&B Septic Service
100 41st Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 444 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0099 bestpots.com Portable Toilets; Septic Services; Storage Containers
Best Western Plus Prairie Inn
1100 Price Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-5050 albanybestwestern.com Hotels & Motels
Best Western PREMIER Boulder Falls Inn
505 Mullins Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 451-1000 boulderfallsinn.com Hotels & Motels
Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific P.O. Box 140015 Boise, ID 83714 (208) 342-4649 bbb.org Non-Profit Organizations
Bicoastal Media Willamette Valley 2840 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8628
Birchfield Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
181 34th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1374
Heating & Air Conditioning
– Sales & Service
Black Wulf Construction, LLC
Sweet Home, OR 97386 (336) 899-4359
Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
The Blizzard Blueprint, LLC (541) 714-5274
blizzardblueprint.com Health & Nutrition
The BlowHard Company
1906 Rye St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-0063
blowhardfans.com Manufacturing
Blue Star Carpet Care, Inc.
P.O. Box 1462
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 936-2924
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
BlueSun Employment Services
891 N.W. Grant Ave. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 207-3212
bluesuninc.com Employment Services; Non-Profit Organizations
Blush Salon
238 First Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8306
Beauty Salons
Bock, Ed Retired
Boehme & Running CPAs, LLC
937 Geary St. S.E., Suite 3 P.O. Box 1009 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8815 albanyorcpa.com
Accountants & Certified Public Accountants
Bonaventure of Albany
420 Geri St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-5600
Active Retirement Apartments & Homes; Retirement Communities
Boshart Trucking, Inc.
32788 Tangent Lp. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 928-8662 bosharttrucking.com Agriculture Products & Service
BosonHub Digital Development, LLC 1250 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 490-2384 bosonhub.com Digital Advertising; Web Development
Boys & Girls Club of Albany 1215 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6666 bgc-albany.org Non-Profit Organizations
Bravo Group, LLC
22940 Harris Rd. Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 231-1170
Contractors – Excavation / Concrete / Site Prep / Rock Supply / Demo
Brick & Mortar Cafe
222 First Ave. W., Suite 4 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-7845
brickandmortarcafe.com Restaurants
The Brim Coffee Co, LLC
241 W. First Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 220-5906 Coffee Retail
Bristol Hospice
400 International Way, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 844-0151 bristolhopsice.com/eugene Hospice
Senior Living 1560 Davidson St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6800
Active Retirement Apartments & Homes; Retirement Communities
Budget Blinds of Albany & Corvallis
133 Broadalbin S.W. St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 412-5785 budgetblinds.com/ albany-corvallis-or Blinds & Window Treatment
Burcham’s Metals, Inc.
3407 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4616 burchamsmetals.com Metal Recycling & Sales; Recycling & Sales
Watershed Council
351 N. Main St. Brownsville, OR 97327 (541) 583-3626 Non-Profit Organizations
Caliber Home Loans / NewRez 1393 Clay St. S.E., Suite B Albany, OR 97322 (971) 209-4261 caliberhomeloans.com/ caliber-branch/oregon/albany Mortgage Loans
Cals Moving Help
33862 S.E. Eastgate Ci. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 250-6324 calsmovinghelp.com Moving & Storage
Camille’s Bistro
210 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2639 camillesbistro.com Restaurants
Carino’s Italian 1825 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 704-1100 carinos.com Restaurants
CASA of Linn County
2730 Pacific Blvd. S.E., Suite 201 P.O. Box 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2651 linncasa.org
Non-Profit Organizations
Cascade Foods, LLC
38471 Groshong Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 924-1477 cascadefoods.com Agriculture Products & Service
Cascade Grill
110 Opal Ct. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-3388 cascade-grill.com Restaurants
Cascade Pacific Pulp
30480 American Dr. Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 369-2841 cascadepulp.com Wood and/or Paper Products
Central Welding Supply
4085 Commercial Way S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-0188 willametteweldingsupply.com Welding Supplies
Central Willamette Credit Union
7101 Supra Dr. S.W. P.O. Box 1899 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4536 centralwcu.org Banks; Credit Unions; Investment & Securities
Chamberlin House, Inc. 2360 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-7729 chamberlinhouse.org Non-Profit Organizations
CHANCE Recovery
231 S.E. Lyons St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-3411 chancerecovery.org Non-Profit Organizations
Christmas Storybook Land (541) 974-5066 christmasstorybookland.org Non-Profit Organizations
Citizens Bank 2315 14th Ave. S.E. 2230 Pacific Blvd. SW Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-6178 citizensebank.com Banks; Business Lending; Financial Services
City of Albany
333 Broadalbin St. S.W. P.O. Box 490 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-7500 cityofalbany.net Government Agencies
City of Millersburg 4222 Old Salem Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (458) 233-6300 cityofmillersburg.org Government Agencies
Civil West Engineering Services, Inc.
200 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 223-5130 civilwest.com
Engineers – Civil, Land Planning & Surveying
Clayton Homes 2445 Pacific Blvd. S.W. P.O. Box 1046 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8555 claytonhomes.com Mobile Home Manufacturers
Clotere, Bill Retired
CNC Wood Cutters Oregon 720 N.E. Granger Ave., Suite E Corvallis, OR 97330 (503) 528-4025 cncwoodcutters.com Promotional Products & Apparel
Coastal 1355 Goldfish Farm Rd. S.E. P.O.Box 99 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2511 coastalfarm.com
Farm Supplies; Pet Store; Wholesale / Retail
Coldwell Banker
Valley Brokers
617 N.W. Hickory St., Suite #110 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6317 valleybrokers.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
Collins Consulting Services 754 Quarry Rd. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2961 Government – Development
Columbia Seeds, LLC
130 N.W. Hickory St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-7631 columbiaseeds.com
Seed Warehouse / Company
Comfort Suites of Albany
100 Opal Ct. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-2053 choicehotels.com/or100 Hotels & Motels
Consumers Power, Inc. 6990 West Hills Rd. P.O. Box 1180 Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 929-3124 cpi.coop Utilities
Cook Family Farms, Inc. 32073 Dever-Conner Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6316 Farms
Copper Rock Real Estate 2376 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 881-7399 copperrockrealty.com Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Opportunities
The Corvallis Clinic (541) 768-2454 corvallisclinic.com Medical Facilities
Corvallis Knights
301 S.W. 4th St., Suite 100 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 752-5656 corvallisknights.com Entertainment
Costco Wholesale 3130 Killdeer Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 918-7054 costco.com Wholesale / Retail
COUNTRY Financial
– Morford
1821 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1929
Financial Planners & Advisors; Insurance
CPP – Titanium
33992 Seven Mile Ln.
P.O. Box 689
Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7731
Metal Products & Metal Fabrication
Crosby Wealth Advisors
2225 Pacific Blvd. S.E., Suite 203 Albany, OR 97321-7903 (541) 967-9494
ameripriseadvisors.com/team/ crosby-wealth-advisors
Financial Planners & Advisors
Culligan Water
221 29th Ave. S.W. P.O. Box 1987 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9262
Cumberland Community Events Center
1400 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-0545
albanycumberland.org Non-Profit Organizations
Cutsforth, Tom Retired
D D&B Custom Shirt Works
1030 S.E. Queen Ave. PO Box 3189 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1978 companycasuals.com
Embroidery & Monogramming
Dairy Queen of Albany 2710 Pacific Blvd. S.E. P.O. Box 1755 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1724
dairyqueen.com Restaurants
Dane Good Construction 1610 Marion St. S.E.
Dave Pautsch –RE/MAX Integrity
1209 Shortridge St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 918-4019
Real Estate – Residential
Performance Hybrids
1125 Dale St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 497-2199
davesperformance hybrids.com
Auto Dealers, Sales & Service; Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Sales & Service
Davis Glass, Inc.
230 Second Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1962
davisglass.net Glass
Davis Home Inspection
2838 Valley View Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 801-4588
redhomeinspection.com Home Inspection
Deluxe Brewing & Sinister Distilling
635 Water Ave. N.E. P.O. Box 3358 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7699
sinisterdeluxe.com Brewery / Distillery
Denine’s Bookkeeping & Payroll, LLC
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-5796
deninesbookkeeping.com Bookkeeping Service
Depot Cafe
822 Lyon St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-7326
depotrestaurantinc.com Restaurants
Dever Farms, Inc.
39338 Groshong Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8841 Farms
Direct Flooring Center
3474 18th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-1412
directflooringcenter.com Carpet & Floor Covering; Floor Covering
Diversified Property Management and Real Estate Services
1010 Airport Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-4052
Property Management –Commercial & Residential; Real Estate – Residential
33080 Red Bridge Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 369-2251 oregroseeds.com Seed Warehouse / Company
Dluehosh, Clay Retired
Dooley, Dr.George III
Dryer Vent Wizard of the Valley 1533 N.W. South Nebergall Lp. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4433
Dryer Vent Cleaning / Repair / Installation
E.A. Chambers Farms, Inc. P.O. Box 1148 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-4020 Farms
Eastgate VeterinaryClinic 33888 S.E. Peoria Rd. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 752-3786 evc.vet
Eastman, Elaine Retired
Eastman, Pat (Eastman Co.) Retired
Eastside Christian Church 1910 Grand Prairie Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9349
EC Electric
32758 Old Hwy. 34 S.E. P.O. Box 925
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4266
Electrical Contractors
Edward Jones
– Basden
117 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9400
Financial Planners & Advisors
Edward Jones –Condrea, CFP®
117 First Ave. N.E., Suite 101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9400
Financial Planners & Advisors
Edward Jones
– Hanson
234 Ellsworth St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0777
Financial Planners & Advisors
Edward Jones – Hurley
2411 Brighton Way S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-2618
Investment & Securities
Edward Jones
– Scariano
150 Calapooia St. S.W., Suite C Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9700
Investment & Securities
Elmer’s Restaurant
2802 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-4227
elmers-restaurants.com Restaurants
Elwood Staffing
3515 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7093
elwoodstaffing.com Employment Services
Energy Trust of Oregon
421 Oak St. S.W., Suite 300
Portland, OR 97204 (866) 368-7878
energytrust.org Utilities
ENTEK International
250 Hansard Ave
Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 259-3901
entek.com Manufacturing
1515 N.W. Laurel Heights Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 512-5331
Financial Planners & Advisors
Eugene Airport
28855 Lockheed Dr. Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 682-5430 flyeug.com Airport
Evashevski Elliott, P.C. 100 Calapooia St. S.W. P.O. Box 983 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-0100 e2-law.com Attorneys
Every Child Linn Benton (ECLB)
3200 S.W. Ferry St., Suite #3 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 223-8535 everychildoregon.org/ linnbentonlincoln Non-Profit Organizations
eXp Realty, LLC
– Nancy Kruse 2225 Pacific Blvd. S.E., Suite 207 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 936-2043 nancykruse.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
eXp Realty, LLC –Oregon Luxury Group 1107 Ninth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 570-5777 oregonluxurygroup.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
Eye Beam Event Services, Inc. 2611 W. Fifth Ave., #C Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 726-8803 eyebeameventservices.com Rental Services
EyeCare Associates
2715 Willetta St. S.W., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5848 eyecareassociates.net Optometric Physician
F F45 Training
North Albany 617 N.W. Hickory St., Suite 180 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 633-4594
f45training.com/ northalbany/home Exercise & Fitness
Family Tree
Relief Nursery
1305 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-6580 familytreern.org Non-Profit Organizations
Fidelity National Title
Company of Oregon
317 First Ave. W, Suite #100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 924-0767
Title Insurance Companies
First American Title
2405 14th Ave. S.E., Suite B Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8808 local.firstam.com/or/ offices/albany Title Insurance Companies
Fisher Funeral Home, Inc.
306 Washington St. S.W. P.O. Box 156 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3349 fisherfuneralhome.com Funeral Homes
Fitzpatrick Painting and Construction
37949 Century Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8900 fitzpatrickpainting.com Painting Contractors
Five Star Security, LLC
1645 Ninth Ave. S.E., #292 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-7213
Security – Products / System, Burglar Alarms & Fire Alarms
F.L. Snyder & Son, Inc.
404 Second Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7494
Automotive Parts, Repairs & Service
740 S.E. Madison Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8285 flowersnmoreor.com
Florist & Gifts
Folcrum Drive
Philomath, OR 97370 (503) 477-7282 ext. 1 fulcrumdrive.com
Accounting and/or Finance
Foress Sign & Mfg., LLC
30255 Hwy. 34 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-5858 foresssign.com Signs & Banners
Forks & Corks
1324 Ninth St. N.W. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 286-4412 forksandcorkscatering.com Caterers
Freeburn, Scott Retired
Furniture Share
4450 Marion St. S.E., Suite C Albany, OR 97322 (541) 754-9511 furnitureshare.org Non-Profit Organizations
Garland Nursery
5470 Hwy. 20 N.E. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 753-6601 garlandnursery.com Garden Centers & Nurseries
Construction, LLC
1925 N.W. Ninth St. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 752-0381 gbcconstruct.com
Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
30470 American Dr. Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 369-1266 gp.com Wood and/or Paper Products
Gerding Builders
200 Airport Ave. S.W. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 753-2012 gerdingbuilders.com Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
Gillott Home Team
– Keller Williams
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 451-2211 teamgillott.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties; Real Estate – Commercial & Residential; Real Estate – Commercial Developers & Investors; Real Estate – Residential; Real Estate – Residential & Land
Giving A Hoot Corporation
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-7393 justserve.org/givingahoot keepingalbanybeautiful Non-Profit Organizations
Glenn Edwards Insurance Agency
560 Hickory St. N.W., Suite 101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-3068 Insurance
Good Grounds Coffee
6020 N.E. William R Carr St. Adair Village, OR 97330 (541) 602-6009 goodgrounds.coffee Coffee Retail
Goode, James, Senior Judge Retired
Gray Farms, Inc. 38024 Conser Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-2293 grayfarmsinc.com Farms
Greater Albany Education Association
2885 Cedarwood Ct. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-7113 albanyteachers.org Non-Profit Organizations
Greater Albany Public Schools
718 Seventh Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-4511 albany.k12.or.us Education
Greater Albany Rotary Club P.O. Box 1629 Albany, OR 97321 greateralbanyrotary.org Non-Profit Organizations
Greg’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
2474 S.W. Ferry St. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8950 gregshvac.com Heating & Air Conditioning – Sales & Service
Guild Mortgage
317 First Ave. N.W., Suite 303 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 243-0429 academymortgage.com Mortgage Loans
H Harts Nursery of Jefferson, Inc.
4019 Jefferson-Scio Dr. P.O. Box 1070 Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 327-3366 hartsnursery.com Garden Centers & Nurseries
Hasty Freez, Inc. 655 Lyon St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2144 Restaurants
Hayden Homes 2322 Imperial Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 923-6607 x103 hayden-homes.com Building Contractors
Healing Motion Physical Therapy 629 N.W. Hickory St. #160 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 730-4655 Medical Facilities
Healthy Home Pest Control, LLC P.O. Box 1164 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 570-0095 healthyhomepest.com Pest Control
Heins Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 517 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5035 heinscommunications.com Telecommunications
Henderer Custom Cabinetry 25992 Powerline Rd. Halsey, OR 97348 (541) 753-5660 Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
Hendrix Heating & Air Conditioning 33551 Eagle Rd. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 753-6760
Heating & Air Conditioning – Sales & Service
Heritage Mall 1895 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8238 heritagemall.com Shopping Centers
Holiday Inn Express
Hotel & Suites Albany
105 Opal Ct. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8820
holidayinnexpress.com/ albanyor Hotels & Motels
Oregon Foods
212 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-7174
homegrownoregonfoods.com Restaurants
Honeybrine Catering
6097 N.E. Ebony Ln. Adair Village, OR 97330 (720) 238-1449
honeybrine-oregon.com Caterers
Hope Church
2817 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-4673 Churches
Hyundai of Albany
2315 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-9105
Auto Dealers, Sales & Service
I-5 Sports
635 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-9100
Motorcycles – Sales / Parts / Accessories
Iconic Floor Coatings
455 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 215-8660
iconicfloorcoatings.com Floor Covering
Independent Merchant Brokers, LLC
5060 Philomath Blvd. S.W., #211 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 402-4472
independentmb.com Financial Merchant Services
Industrial Rebuilders Corp.
3723 N.E. Western Way Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-9558
Machine Shop
IonBottles Corporation
4022 E. Commercial Way
S.E., Suite 3
Albany, OR 97322 (541) 714-3422
Health & Nutrition
IronHead Roofing
1210 S.E. Jackson St.
Albany, OR 97322 (541) 714-0575
Contractors –Roofing & Siding
Irwin Insurance
Agency – Country
Financial 1479 S. Main St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 224-0081 representatives.country financial.com/adrienne.irwin
Izabela Mattson
Photography, LLC
3130 N.W. Scenic Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 968-9897
Jackson Food Stores
655 N.W. North Albany Rd. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 619-7555
Convenience Store
Jackson Street Youth Services
1240 Seventh Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 286-4580
Non-Profit Organizations
Jacopetti’s Catering
910 S.E. Queen Ave. P.O. Box 751 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-9660
Jano’s Trophies
1129 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-0301
Jeremy Ito Story
1143 29th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-0444
Video Production
JLK Services
1021 S.W. Aspen Ln. Dallas, OR 97338 (541) 720-0527
Accounting and/or Finance
Johnston, Doris
Jordan Jewelers
202 First Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1907
K&D Engineering, Inc.
276 Hickory St. N.W. P.O. Box 725 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2583
Engineers – Civil, Land Planning & Surveying
Keith Wealth Advisors
375 Pacific Blvd., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 224-8510
Financial Planners & Advisors; Insurance
Broadcasting Corp.
36991 KGAL Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 926-8683
Radio Stations
465 Pacific Blvd. S.W. P.O. Box 631 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5894
kingoffice.biz Office Furniture
4322 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (554) 666-3663
Metal Products & Metal Fabrication;
Knife River
32260 Old Hwy. 34 Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 918-5100
Contractors – Excavation / Concrete / Site Prep / Rock Supply / Demo
Knife River Training Center
35973 Kennel Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 403-7701
krtrainingcenter.com/ contact-us
Heavy Equipment Operation Training
Knopp & Company, LLC
35481 Knox Butte Rd. E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 639-7618
Advertising / Public Relations Agencies
KOA Albany –Corvallis
33775 Oakville Rd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8521 koa.com
RV Park / Campground
Kollaer, John Retired
Koontz, Blasquez & Associates
920 Elm St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5543 midvalleycpa.com
Accountants & Certified Public Accountants; Payroll / Bookkeeping / Tax Services
Kopczynski, Ray Retired
Krpalek Financial Services
2320 14th Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 968 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-1888 wealthadvisorforlife.com Financial Planners & Advisors
KRVM 2455 Willakenzie Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 790-6686 krvm.org Radio Stations
Kutsch Dentistry
1855 Tenth Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-1813 drkutsch.com Dentists
KW Realty Mid-Willamette – Smith
2125 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-5550 findhomesinalbany.com Real Estate – Residential
KWS Seeds, LLC 34303 Hwy. 99E Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 926-0161 kws.com
Seed Warehouse / Company
L LaborMax Staffing Agency
1571 N.W. Ninth St. Corvallis, OR 97330 (458) 218-6266 labormax.net Employment Services
Lake Shore Lanes 5432 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4631 lakeshorelanesonline.com Bowling
Lakeside Ag-Ventures, LLC
38471 Groshong Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (503) 507-2031 lakesideag.com
Agriculture Products & Service
Landmark Professional Mortgage 810 Walnut St. S.W., Suite 101B Albany, OR 97321 (503) 881-3323 Mortgage Loans
Lepman Properties 180 Ferry St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-0156 lepmanproperties.com
Property Management –
Commercial & Residential
Les Schwab Tire Center
2875 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-2226 lesschwab.com/store/or/ albany/23 Tire Sales & Service
Lile North American Moving & Storage
1957 Claxter Rd. N.E. Salem, OR 97301 (503) 393-0110 lile.com Moving & Storage
Linn-Benton Community College
6500 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-4999 linnbenton.edu
Linn County
300 Fourth Ave. S.W.
P.O. Box 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-3825
co.linn.or.us Government Agencies
Linn County Expo Center
3700 Knox Butte Rd. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-4314
lcfairexpo.com Convention Services; Meeting Facility / Room Rental
Linn Economic Development Group (LEDG)
435 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 548 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1519
albany-millersburg.com Economic Development
Lisa Paredes with Country Financial Insurance
1479 S. Main St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 223-0404
agents.countryfinancial.com/ usa/or/lebanon/lisa-paredes Insurance
Loafer’s Station
222 Washington St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8183
loafersstation.com Restaurants
Love’s Travel Stops
6457 Old Salem Rd. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (800) 655-6837
Convenience Store
Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care
720 S.W. Fourth St. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 757-9616
luminahospice.org Hospice
M&M Car Company
1545 Pacific Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-8501
mandmcarcompany.com Auto Dealers, Sales & Service
MacDonald Industrial Supply
725 First Ave E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7277 Distribution
Madison Ave. Collective
459 S.W. Madison Ave. Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 971-4113
madcollective.com Graphic Design
Maggies Super Clean, LLC Albany, OR 97321 (541) 730-5015 Cleaners, Housekeeping & Janitorial
Mari-Linn Farms
32920 Harnisch Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3914 Farms
Marsh & McLennan Agency
545 S.W. Second St., Suite 101
Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 926-4291 paynewest.com
Martin, Mike Retired
McGovern Maintenance P.O. Box 1025
Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 990-5837
mcgovernmaintenance.net Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
MDI Management
1917 Robins Ln. S.E. Salem, OR 97306 (503) 396-2171
Real Estate – Residential
Melissa Schumacher
– Premiere
Property Group
16727 Emerald Green Ln. S.E. Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 974-3877
melissaschumacher. premierepropertygroup.com
Real Estate – Residential
Mennonite Village
5353 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7232
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care; Assisted Living; In-Home Care; Nursing Services; Retirement Communities
Michele Martin Insurance Agency
150 Calapooia S.W., Suite #A2 P.O. Box 3175 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2616
Mid-Valley Ice Rink
2941 45th Ct. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (971) 404-6325
Mid-Valley STEM-CTE Hub
6500 Pacific Blvd. S.W., CC-212 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 974-6051 midvalleystem.org Education
Mid-Willamette Family YMCA
3201 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4488 ymcaalbany.org
Exercise & Fitness; Non-Profit Organizations
Mike’s Heating & Air Conditioning
113 41st Ave. S.E. P.O. Box 748 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1804 mikesac.com Heating & Air Conditioning – Sales & Service
More Ink
1105 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2675 moreinkalbany.com Printers
Morse, Frank – Former State Senator Retired
Movement Mortgage
1241 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-2194 deerobbmovement.com
Mortgage Loans
Mr. G & Jenny Insurance Group 3111 S. Santiam Hwy., Suite F Albany, OR 97322 (541) 200-6070 gnjennyinsurance.com Insurance
Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.
401 Oak St. Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 845-9499 mtangelpub.com Publishing & Printing
National Business Solutions
3619 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, OR 97403 (541) 926-6575 forbizsolutions.com Copier Sales & Services
National Frozen Foods Corp. 745 30th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-3306 nffc.com Food Processing
The Natty Dresser, LLC
124 Broadalbin St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 248-3561 thenattydresser.com Clothing & Accessories
Neighborhood Church 2815 Pine St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7981 albanync.org
Neora 2421 40th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 990-5401
robertawhite.neora.com Anti-aging
New York Life
500 Liberty St. S.E., Suite 500 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 851-5929 newyorklife.com Financial Services
Next Door Real Estate Group 941 Geary St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 974-0360 nextdoorrg.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
No Dinx
139 First Ave. E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-8494
Embroidery & Screen Printing; Graphic Design; Paper / Printing; Signs & Banners; Vehicle Graphics & Wraps
North Albany Supermarket 621 N.W. Hickory St. Albany, OR 97321-0161 (541) 926-3037 northalbanyiga.com Grocery Stores
North Albany Wellness Center
110 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 760-2197 northalbanywellness center.com Health & Nutrition
Northwest Community Credit Union
707 Waverly Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (800) 452-9515 nwcu.com Credit Unions
Northwest Investment Management, Inc.
736 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6257
Property Management –Commercial & Residential
Northwest Mobile Catering
820 Columbus St. S.E. 35973 Kennel Road SE Albany, OR 97322 (541) 979-4066 nreeners.com Caterers
NW Natural Gas Company
790 Goodpasture Island Rd. Eugene, OR 97401 (330) 322-5436 nwnatural.com Utilities
The Oaks at Lebanon 621 W. Oak St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 258-7777 oaksatlebanon.com Active Retirement Apartments & Homes; Assisted Living; Retirement Communities
Oare and Associates Realty
404 First Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2359 brianoare.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties; Real Estate – Commercial & Residential
OEO Energy Solutions
140 Oakwood Rd. Lake Zurich, IL 60047 (800) 553-2112
Electrical & Electronic Surplus Equipment
The Office Nanny, Inc.
P.O. Box 622
Albany, OR 97321-0194 (541) 730-1119
Cleaners, Housekeeping & Janitorial
OnPoint Community Credit Union
2500 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (503) 228-7077 onpointcu.com Banks; Credit Unions
Onyx Luxury Aesthetics
317 W. First Ave., #101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-8039 onyxpnw.com Health & Beauty
Ophelia’s Place
104 S.E. Fourth Ave. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 284-4333 opheliasplace.net Non-Profit Organizations
Options Pregnancy Resource Centers
1800 16th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-0160 optionsprcfamily.org; optionsprc.org Non-Profit Organizations
Oral Biotech
421 Water Ave. N.E., #3200 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4445 carifree.com Manufacturing; Oral Health
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
1400 Queen Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8630 ocwcog.org Business Lending; Economic Development
Oregon Credit & Collections Bureau, Inc. (dba OCCB)
1780 S. Main St. P. O. Box 458 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 926-5500 Financial Services
Oregon Department of Human Services
118 Second Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 801-4744 oregon.gov/dhs/pages/ index.aspx Human Resources
Oregon Employment Department
139 4th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-2171 worksourceoregon.org Employment Services
Oregon Freeze Dry
525 25th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6001 ofd.com Food Processing
Oregon Hearth and Home Events
235 Edwards Rd. S., #98 Monmouth, OR 97361 (253) 691-3123 oregonhearthandhome events.com Convention Services
Owner • Principal Broker • GRI • CRIS 404 First Ave. SE, Albany • Office: 541-981-2359 www.brianoare.com • email: bw.oare@oarerealty.com
Why do we feel that investing in the communit y is so impor tant?
We believe that if we put the time in to help our neighbors—through philanthropy, volunteering, or hard work—the rewards are tenfold. Together with numerous charitable organizations, we’re working to make this the kind of place we can call home.
Oregon Man Clinics
2910 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 505-8773
oregonmanclinics.com Medical Facilities
Oregon Marketing Group
P.O. Box 1151 Jefferson, OR 97352 (503) 608-7685
Oregon State Credit Union
625 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 714-4000
oregonstatecu.com Banks; Credit Unions
Oregon Valley Futbol Alliance (OVF Alliance)
P.O. Box 1354 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 230-7032 ovfalliance.com Non-Profit Organizations
Oregon Web Press, Inc.
263 29th Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-3000 oregonwebpress.com Printers
OSU Extension Service (Linn County)
33630 McFarland Rd. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 967-3871
extension.oregonstate.edu/linn Non-Profit Organizations
P and H Senior Health Care
251 Benton Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (458) 233-3892 pandhseniorhealthcare.com Insurance – Healthcare
Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union 1075 Oak St. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 343-6238 wesaveyou.com Credit Unions; Mortgage Loans
Pacific Power 830 Old Salem Rd. N.E. P.O. Box 248 Albany, OR 97321 (888) 221-7070 pacificpower.net Utilities
PacWest Wealth Partners
507 Washington St., Suite B Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4116 ameripriseadvisors.com/team/ pacwest-wealth-partners Financial Planners & Advisors
PARR Lumber
415 First Ave. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1525 parr.com Building Materials
Payroll by Lynn 1113 Hill St. S.E., Suite H Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-7982 Payroll Services
PEAK Internet
1600 Western S.W., Suite 160 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541) 754-7325 peakinternet.com Internet Service Provider
Perdue, Dick Retired
Peoples Bank of Commerce
333 Lyon St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4318 peoplesbank.bank Banks; Financial Services
Pfits Services, LLC
42276 Upper Berlin Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 409-5034 pfitsservices.com Junk Removal
Phoenix Inn Suites
3410 Spicer Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-5696 phoenixinn.com/albany Hotels & Motels
Physiq Fitness
1177 Waverly Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 981-2396 physiqfitness.com Exercise & Fitness
Pinnacle Dental Associates
2200 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-9299 Dentists
Sweet Home, OR 97386 (541) 801-3747 pixelriot.co Web Development
Positive Change Bookkeeping
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-1729 positivechangebook keeping.com Bookkeeping Service; Business Coach
Post Law Firm, P.C.
200 Ferry St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-3199 Attorneys
Precision Golf Studio
401 S.W. Second Ave., Suite 100 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 525-9146 precisiongolfstudio.com Driving Ranges; Golf Courses
Professional Security Alarm
1980 Fescue St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8114
Closed Circuit TV Surveillance Cameras
Security – Products / System, Burglar Alarms & Fire Alarms
Provision Home Inspections, LLC
4257 Sagecrest Dr. N.E. Albany, OR 97322 (503) 716-0682 pvhinspections.com
Home Inspection
Pugh Seed Farm, Inc.
30405 Green Valley Rd. Shedd, OR 97377 (541) 491-3824
QQueen B Organizing
130 S.W. Third St. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 231-6964
Professional Organizer
Ram Northwest
Construction, LLC
33981 Powell Hills Lp. Shedd, OR 97377 (541) 971-1488
Contractors – Outdoor Living
Realty One Group
– MacHugh
317 W. First Ave., Suite 102 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 740-7736
billmachugh.myrealty onegroup.com
Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
Red Canoe
Credit Union
810 Burkhart St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 918-8100
Credit Unions
Red Robin
1845 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 812-2550 redrobin.com
Reece Engineering & Survey, LLC
321 First Ave. E., Suite #3A Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2428 r-aengineering.com
Construction Management; Engineering & Planning Services
RE/MAX Integrity
– Robert Ross
3240 Liberty St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 905-3944
Real Estate – Residential
Renaissance Roofing, Inc.
34058 Oakville Rd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4886 renaissanceroofing.net
Contractors –Roofing & Siding
Republic Services, Inc.
1214 Montgomery St. S.E. P.O. Box 1929 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2551
Garbage Collection / Compost / Recycle / Salvage
1129 Hill St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-8062 rhodeswardenins.com
Rice Heating & Air, Inc.
33955 Hwy. 99
Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 926-5593
Heating & Air Conditioning – Sales & Service
Rite Way Electric, Inc.
2904 Three Lakes Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-0504 ritewayelectric.net
Electrical Contractors
River’s Edge Pet Medical Center
601 N.W. Hickory St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 924-1700 riversedgepmc.com
Albany Ford
1920 Pacific Blvd. S.W.
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5555
Auto Dealers, Sales & Service
Rodeway Inn 1212 Price Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-0170 rodewayinnalbanyor.com Hotels & Motels
Running, Dick Retired
Russell Tripp Investment Real Estate
240 W. First Ave. P.O. Box 1414 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 619-2365 Real Estate – Commercial & Investment Properties
S Saddle Butte Ag, Inc. 31144 Wirth Rd. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 928-0102
Agriculture Products & Service
Salvation Army
345 Columbus St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-4774
salvationarmy.usawest.org Non-Profit Organizations
Samaritan Albany General Hospital 1046 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 812-4100 samhealth.org Emergency Services; Hospital; Medical Facilities
Santiam Christian Schools
7220 Arnold Ave. N.E. Adair Village, OR 97330 (541) 745-5524 santiamchristian.org Education
Santiam CPR 310 W. Grant St. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 905-3375 santiamcpr.com CPR Training & Certification
Scariano, Ralph Retired
SELCO Community Credit Union
1823 14th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 791-5400 Credit Unions
Selectemp Employment Service
375 Pacific Blvd. S.W., Suite D Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-6881 Employment Services
Serenity Inspections, LLC (503) 989-4870
Home Inspection
ServiceMaster Restore
2275 Judson St. S.E. Salem, OR 97302 (503) 585-4017
Restoration Services
Servpro of Linn & Benton County
6835 N.E. Arnold Ave.
Adair Village, OR 97330 (541) 745-2097
Restoration Services
Sharon Pascone Insurance Agency
343 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-9502 farmersagent.com/spascone Insurance
Shaw, David Retired
Sherwin Williams
2945 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-0141
sherwin-williams.com/ store-locator/paint-store/ albany/or/8080
Paint, Wallpaper & Carpet
Shine On Auto Detailing
2115 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2329
shineonautodetailing.com Automotive Detailing Services
Shortstops Burgers
560 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 704-0669 southpawspizza.com/ shortstops---home.html Restaurants
Sidekicks Dessert & Espresso
832 Lyon St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-7558 Restaurants
SingerLewak, LLP
200 S.W. Calapooia St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-3354
Accountants & Certified Public Accountants; Tax Service
Property Management
3625 River Rd. N, Suite 125 Keizer, OR 97303 (503) 871-6516
Property Management –
Commercial & Residential
Smith + Company
712 Ninth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-1782 smithalbany.com Bookkeeping Service; Tax Service
Smith Glass Service, Inc.
133 Lyon St. N. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4446 smith-glass.com Glass
Smooth Green Yard Services, LCB#9415
P.O. Box 965 Jefferson, OR 97352 (503) 689-4576 smoothgreenyardservices.com Landscaping; Lawn Maintenance
SnoTemp Cold Storage
3815 Marion St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-5755 snotemp.com
Cold & Freezer Storage
South Pacific Auto Sales
5040 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2447
Auto Dealers, Sales & Service; Automotive Parts, Repairs & Service
Southpaws Perfect
Pizza and Sports Pub
560 Hickory St. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-7663 southpawsperfectpizza.com
Spearit Beads and Co.
415 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4313
spearitbeads.com Beads & Jewelry Supply
Spirit Espresso, LLC
1710 Geary St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 979-3663
Coffee Retail
Spirit Mountain Casino
27100 S.W. Salmon River Hwy. P.O. Box 39 Grand Ronde, OR 97347 (503) 879-2350 spiritmountain.com Casino
Springhill Cellars
2920 Scenic Dr. N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-7597
SteelFab Oregon, Inc.
31975 Rolland Dr. Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 752-0110
Steel Fabrication
Stom Painters, Inc.
1208 29th Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 704-5711
Painting Contractors
The Storage Depot
111 Davidson St. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-7777
stordepot.com Self-Storage Units / Mini-Units
Stutzman & Kropf Contractors, Inc.
1954 Rye St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-6535 stutzmanandkropf.com
Stutzman Services, Inc.
4185 Spicer Dr. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8942
Plumbing Sales & Service; Pumps; Water Treatment & Conditioning
Subway North Albany
33140 Hwy. 34 S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-8413 Opt. 2 subway.com Restaurants
Candy Bar, LLC
117 Third Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 777-10724 shcandybar.com Wholesale / Retail
Sully’s Stay & Play
Doggie Day Care
410 Pacific Blvd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2789
Pet Sitting
Summers, William Retired
Summit Bank 96 E. Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-7500
sbko.bank Banks
Sweet Red Coffee & Wine Bistro
208 Second Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 704-0510 sweetredwinebistro.com
Sweet Waters
Family Restaurant
2830 Santiam Hwy. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 812-9222 Restaurants
442 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8157
sybarisbistro.com Restaurants
Cyber Security
1312 Eighth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 730-4128 tcssecure.com Cyber Security; Technology
Distribution Center
875 Beta Dr. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 917-5800 target.com
Retail Distribution Facility
Tax Twins, LLC
340 Third Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-7382 Bookkeeping Service; Tax Service
Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 570-4072 technivana.com Information Technology –Managed Service Provider
Ted Ferry Insurance Agency, Inc. 1101 Santiam Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-8468 whosyouragent.biz Insurance
Ti Squared Technologies, Inc.
3900 Western Way N.E. Millersburg, OR 97321 (847) 654-3063 tisquaredtech.com Manufacturing
Ticor Title
220 Sixth Ave. S.W., Suite 100
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2111
Title Insurance Companies
Timberview Care Center
1023 Sixth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8664
Nursing Homes
Timberwood Court Memory Care
2875 S.E. 14th Ave. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 967-9700
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care; Memory Care
T-Mobile USA
810 Burkhart St. S.E. B Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-8924
Cellular Equipment & Service
TMI Lending, LLC
810 Walnut St. S.W., Suite 101 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4120
Mortgage Loans
TnT Builders, Inc.
620 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-3117
Contractors – Outdoor Living
Top Form Contracting
2103 Pacific Blvd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-4597
Contractors – General / Remodel / Commercial
Truelife Financial Solutiions, LLC
3111 Santiam Hwy. S.E., Suite F Albany, OR 97322 (541) 730-5064 truelifefinancial solutionsllc.com
Turn Pro P.O. Box 2717 Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 405-3084
Cleaners, Housekeeping & Janitorial
Ultrex Business Solutions
110 Ninth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-6522
Copier Sales & Services
Umpqua Bank
333 Ellsworth St. S.W.
Albany, OR 97321 (541) 967-7000
Banks; Financial Services
United Presbyterian Church
330 Fifth Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5551 upcalbany.org
United Way of Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties
226 Hickory N.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-5432
unitedwayoflinncounty.org Non-Profit Organizations
Valley Merchant Police, Inc. P.O. Box 14 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-9355 valleymerchantpolice.com
Security Guard & Patrol Service
Vault 244
244 First Ave. W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-9511 vault244.com Restaurants
VELV, LLC (dba Groome Transportation) 34030 Excor Rd. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (877) 693-3785 groometransportation.com Airport Transportation
Veritas Direct Primary Care, P.C. 2605 Willetta St. S.W., Suite D-1 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8414 veritasdpc.com Medical Facilities
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 584 1469 Timber St. S.E. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 928-7925 Non-Profit Organizations
Visiting Angels of Willamette Valley 250 Broadalbin St. S.W., Suite 250 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-2061 visitingangelsalbany.com In-Home Care
Vito’s Trattoria 211 First Ave. W., Suite 102 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 497-2181 Restaurants
Vivacity Spirits and Calapooia Brewing
140 Hill St. N.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-1931
Brewery / Distillery
Vogt, Gordon Retired
Volunteer Caregivers
930 Queen Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 979-2426
volunteercaregivers.org Non-Profit Organizations
300 S.W. Ellsworth St. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-9456
1330 Goldfish Farm Rd. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 971-4052
walmart.com Department Stores
Waverly Place
Assisted Living and Memory Care
2853 Salem Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 248-1165
Assisted Living; Memory Care
Weatherford Thompson, P.C.
130 First Ave. W. P.O. Box 667 Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-2255
wtlegal.com Attorneys
Western Oregon Builders Association
1142 Willagillespie Rd. #30 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 484-5352 westernoregonbuilders association.com
Western University of Health Sciences, COMP-Northwest
200 Mullins Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 259-0200 westernu.edu
Medical Education
34904 Brewster Rd. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 801-2325
Forest Products
Wheeler Dealer 1740 Geary St. Albany, OR 97322 (541) 497-2992
Grocery Stores
WhirLocal Albany
222 Commercial St. N.E., PMB 2303
Salem, OR 97301 (541) 854-3315
Digital Advertising
324 Main St. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 928-8824
whitakersflooring.com Carpet & Floor Covering
Willamette Association of REALTORS®
1113 Hill St. S.E., Suite G Albany, OR 97322 (541) 924-9267 waor.org
Non-Profit Organizations
Willamette Community Church
420 Third Ave. S.E. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 926-8881 wccalbany.com Churches
Willamette Valley Bank
1970 14th Ave. S.E., Suite 110 Albany, OR 97322 (541) 926-6555 willamettevalleybank.com Banks
Willamette Valley Cancer Institute and Research Center
2615 Willetta St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 683-5001 oregoncancer.com Medical Facilities
Willamette Valley First Responder Chaplains
4505 Marion St. S.E., Suite A Albany, OR 97322 (541) 603-6512 wvfrc.org
Non-Profit Organizations
Willamette Valley Vineyards
8800 Enchanted Way S.E. Turner, OR 97392 (503) 588-9463 wvv.com Wineries
Willamette Vocational Resource Community
2995 Ferry St. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 258-8121 wvrc.org Non-Profit Organizations
Willamette Workforce Partnership
626 High St. N.E., Suite 305 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 581-1002 willwp.org Non-Profit Organizations
Willamette Valley
331 Second Ave. S.W. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 791-4663
windermerewillamette valley.com Real
Wyse, John Retired
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