The Official Publication of the Home Builders Association of Marion & Polk Counties
Former legislator takes over key role as OHBA’s chief lobbyist In the fight to improve housing and development conditions in the state. Jodi Hack, formerly the state representative for House District 19, has taken over as chief executive of the Oregon Home Builders Association. Hack, who assumed the new position Jan. 2, will have to “stand down” for the short session that started Feb. 5 because of state rules involving legislators who move into lobbying positions. Hack is replacing Jon Chandler, who is retiring, although he will stay in the CEO role for this year’s 35-day short session. “I believe the association has a unique opportunity in front of them to become ‘change leaders’ in how our state views all housing issues,” Hack said, adding that the goal of the OHBA is to increase “housing production in all price ranges while at the same time taking meaningful steps to increase housing access, affordability and reducing homelessness.” Housing issues were a recurring theme during Hack’s three years in the legislature after her 2014 election. She noted that “there was never one committee (she worked on in which) housing issues were not on the forefront at one time or another. “I value my time in the Legislature, the many lessons I have learned and the relationships I have made. Understanding the process and ‘the playbook’ will be extremely helpful. I do believe all of those things combined will be an asset in my new role at the OHBA.” Hack cited statewide polls that show the issues of housing, jobs and the economy are all linked at the top of Oregonians’ concerns. Continued on page 9
OHBA Chief Executive Jodi Hack
It’s time to act,change doesn’t happen when it’s comfortable – it happens when it’s uncomfortable – and housing issues and homelessness across our state are uncomfortable issues right now. (These are) challenges and opportunities I take with great honor and determination. Many Ways to Get Involved ����������������������������������������������� 4 Politcal Decisions on 2018 Ballot �������������������������������������� 6 Join In on April Trade Show Night ����������������������������������� 8