Downtown Ashland from above: © AH Turner / shutterstock.com.
Yak the Bear at Wildlife Images Rehabilitation & Education Center: Jim Kinghorn. Schmidt Family Vineyards wine tasting and pit bull rafting on the Rogue River: Timm O’Cobhthaigh
OREGON JOURNEYS is produced by Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.
Publisher: Paula Mabry | Advertising Executive: Maggie Pate | Project Manager: Tavis Bettoli-Lotten All material © 2024 its respective owners. Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Due to the passage of time and other issues, we cannot be responsible for errors or incorrect information.
Glass Blowing Tour
Weekly, Monday – Saturday, The Glass Forge, Grants Pass. See live demonstrations in the glass studio. Free. glassforge.com
First Friday
Art Walk (Ashland)
Monthly, various locations in Ashland. Tour galleries after hours throughout town. Free. ashlandgalleries.com
Third Fridays (Medford)
Monthly, Downtown Medford. Celebrating art, culture and dining with new experiences every month. downtownmedford.org
Music at the Museum
Select Thursdays (monthly), Grants Pass Museum of Art, Grants Pass. Live music in the gallery. gpmuseum.com
Kids Day
Second Saturday (monthly), Crater Rock Museum, Central Point. Free for 17 and under. Gem stone panning (kids discount), rockhounding, and more. craterrock.com
Hosted Dinners
Monthly, throughout the region. A unique, curated dining experience from Harry & David at local restaurants and wineries. Reservations required. harryanddavid.com/ hosted-dinners
First Friday (Grants Pass)
Monthly, March – December, Downtown Grants Pass. Enjoy art, dining, music and more. Free. travelgrantspass.com
Lithia Artisans Market
Weekends, mid-March –November, Downtown Ashland. Outdoor market of artisans’ hand-crafted creations. lithiaartisans market.com
Rogue Valley Growers Market
• Tuesdays, early March –late November, National Guard Armory, Ashland.
• Thursdays, early March –mid-November, Hawthorne Park, Medford.
• Saturdays, early May –late October, Downtown Ashland.
• Tuesdays, December, National Guard Armory, Ashland & Sundays, December, Medford Center. Healthy produce, artisanal foods, and hand-crafted works. (Working service animals only). rvgrowersmarket.com
• Summer: mid-March –late November, 4th & F Streets, Grants Pass.
• Winter: late November –mid-March, Josephine County Fairgrounds. Produce, baked goods, woodworks, and more. (Working service dogs only). growersmarket.org
Shakespeare Festival
March – October, OSF campus, Ashland. Worldfamous performances of the Shakespearean canon as well as other theatrical productions, both new and classic. This season’s performances are stagings of: Macbeth, Corialanus, and Much Ado About Nothing; newer works about the Bard: Shakespeare and the Alchemy of Gender, Born with Teeth, and Virgins to Villains; the West Coast premiere of a new adaptation of Jane Eyre; indie-rock musical, Lizard Boy; and other modern plays, Smote This and Behfarmaheen (If You Please) osfashland.org
Barnstormers Theatre
Seasonal, Barnstormers Theatre, Grants Pass. The current season continues spring 2024 with The Crucible and The 39 Steps barnstormersgp.com
1932 Living History
Third Saturdays, February –May, Beekman House Museum, Jacksonville. Meet the Beekman Family in this living history experience. Reservations required. Recommended for ten and up. historicjacksonville.org
Cave Junction
Farmers’ Market
Fridays, April – November. Cave Junction. Serving the Illinois Valley region with farm goods and artisan crafts. Facebook: Cave Junction Farmers’ Market.
Grants Pass
Makers Market
Saturdays, May – October. Downtown Grants Pass. Artworks, crafts, jewelry and more. gpmakersmarket.com
Sunday Market
Sundays, May – October, Downtown Jacksonville. Produce, treats, meats, and more in front of the historic county courthouse. jacksonvillesunday-market.com
History Saturdays in the Cemetery
Second Saturday, May –September, Jacksonville
Historic Cemetery, Jacksonville. 90-minute guided tour of the site, first plotted in 1859. Donations suggested. friendsjvillecemetery.org
Memorial Day – Labor Day, throughout Grants Pass. See amusing and creative full-size fiberglass bear sculptures around town. Free. evergreenfederal.bank/bearfest
Behind the Counter
Saturdays - Sundays, Memorial Day – Labor Day, Beekman Bank, Jacksonville. Guided tours of the historic site. Reservations required. historicjacksonville.org
Concerts in the
Park – Grants Pass
Tuesdays, June – July, Midway Park-Josephine Co. Fairgrounds, Grants Pass. Free. grantspasschamber.org
Haunted History
Second Fridays, June –September + special dates in October, Jacksonville. Guided evening tours retelling creepy stories of the past. Reservations required. historicjacksonville.org
Racing on the Rogue
June 15-16, 22-23, 29-30 & July 4, Sept. 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, 29-30, Oct. 6-7, Oct. 13-14, Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass. Southern Oregon Horse Racing Association races at Grants Pass Downs. racingontherogue.org
Britt Music & Arts Festival
June – September, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville. A premier music festival. This year’s season includes Jason Mraz & The Superband, Pink Martini, The Dead South, and much more. The space also hosts Britt Festival Orchestra performances directed and conducted by Teddy Abrams. brittfest.org
The Green Show
Wednesdays - Saturdays, early June – early Sept., OSF campus, Ashland. Music and entertainment before evening shows. Free. osfashland.org
Ashland City Band
Thursdays, mid-June –mid-August, Lithia Park, Ashland. Free concerts in the historic Butler Bandshell. ashlandband.org
Pear Blossom Festival
April 12 & 13, Downtown Medford. A tradition since 1954, featuring a parade, artisanal food & beverage tastings and street fair. pearblossomparade.org
Oregon Fringe Festival
April 24-28, Southern Oregon University, Ashland. A celebration of spirited and outrageous creativity through visual arts, music, theatre, dance and other art forms. oregonfringefestival.org
Gem & Mineral Sale (Rogue)
April 26-28, Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass. Vendors, exhibits, and demos. Official show of the Rogue Gem & Geology Club. roguegemandgeology.org
Oregon Cheese Festival
April 27-28, The Expo, Central Point. 70+ cheesemakers, wine, beer, and other vendors to pair with. oregoncheesefestival.com
Rogue Comic Con
May 4, Pear Blossom Park, Medford. Family-friendly, community minded pop culture fan event with presenters, vendors, kids zone, and costume contest. roguecomiccon.com
Spring Wine Cruise
May 5, Jacksonville wineries. Food-wine pairings and trolley service to locations. jacksonvillewineries.org
Central Point
Wild Rogue Pro Rodeo
May 16-18, The Expo, Central Point. Professional Rodeo Cowboy’s Association competition with bull riding, saddle-bronc riding plus music and dancing at night. attheexpo.com/rodeo
Uncorked Barrel Tour (Spring)
May 18, Applegate Wine Trail wineries. Visit 17 tasting rooms in a self-guided tour. applegatewinetrail.com
May 23-27, Riverside Park, Grants Pass. Memorial Day weekend festivities featuring a carnival, parade, boat races, brewfest, games, food, fireworks and more. boatnik.com
Rogue World Music Festival
May 24-27, various locations in Ashland, Talent & Medford. Live performances from multicultural musicians in Lithia Park, with food, workshops, a self-guided “SoundWalk” and intimate storytelling. Free. rogueworldmusic.org
Art in the Garden
June 8-9, Grants Pass. The work of 50+ juried artists are showcased and available for sale in eight regional gardens. gpmuseum.com
Medford Cruise
June 11-13 + 15, Downtown
Medford & Fitchner-Mainwaring Park. Car show with show ’n’ shines and cruise-in. medfordcruise.org
Antique Tractor Show & Pull
mid-June, Pottsville Historical Museum, Merlin. Tractor pull, “parade of power,” kids activities and flea market. pottsvilleoregon.com
June 15, Grants Pass. Musicians perform on neighborhood porches, plus arts and food. Free. porchfestgrantspass.org
Southern Oregon Lavender Festival
June 21-23 & July 12-14 Applegate Valley. Experience blooming fields at six farms and gardens, some featuring lavender classes, and music. southernoregonlavender trail.com
Rogue River National Rooster Crow Festival
June 28-30, City of Rogue River. A tradition since 1953, highlighting both real rooster crowing and a human crowing contest, live music, and parade. rogueriverchamber.com
July 4 Activities
• Freedom Festival Pfaff Park, Central Point. centralpointchamber.org
• BoomFest
The Expo, Central Point. attheexpo.com/boomfest
• Independence Day Parade & Main Street Vendor Fair
Eagle Point. eaglepoint chamber.org
• Fourth of July Celebration Lithia Park, Ashland. ashlandchamber.com
Rogue Valley Farm Tour
July 14, 31 regional locations. An opportunity to meet Jackson and Josephine County farmers on their land, and sample their artisanal goods, including vegetables, honey, dairy, wool, orchards, lavender and much more. No pets. roguevalleyfarmtour.com
Jackson County Fair at The Expo
July 16-21, The Expo, Central Point. Established in 1859, the fair offers 4H and FFA events, ranch rodeo, music festival, carnival, and games. attheexpo.com/fair
Back to the Fifties
July 24-28, Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass. Get nostalgic with a classic car show, pie & ice cream social, concerts, poker run, sock hop, and more. josephinecounty fairgrounds.com
Meadowlark Comic Con
July 27-28, Rogue X, Medford. Media personality and pop culture artist panels along with comic & toy vendors, cosplay contest, video game tournament, and more. meadowlarkcomiccon.com
Josephine County Fair
Aug. 7-11, Josephine County Fairgrounds & Event Center, Grants Pass. A tradition for over a century, featuring 4H, FFA, carnival rides, rodeo, and concerts. josephinecounty fairgrounds.com
Pine to Palm
Sept. 7-8. A 100-mile endurance run with 7,000 foot climbs. Starts in Williams, Oregon (south of Hwy. 238) and goes to Lithia Park in Ashland. roguevalleyrunners.com
Rogue Broadband
Oregon BrewFest
Sept. 13-14, The Expo, Central Point. 70+ craft brews on tap. attheexpo.com/brewfest
Rat Rod Rukkus Car Show
mid-September, Pottsville Historic Museum, Merlin. A car show with a rustic edge. Featuring beard and pin-up contests, food, and music. pottsvilleoregon.com
Wine & Dine Festival
Sept. 21, Bigham Knoll Campus, Jacksonville. Tastings from 11 winereies and 11 restaurants, plus live music and trolley service to town. jacksonville wineries.org
Art Along the Rogue
Oct. 4-6, Grants Pass
Historic District. A festival of street painting with world-class artists, pastel drawings by local youths, and diverse live music. travelgrantspass.com
SO Pride
early October. Downtown Ashland. Starting with the thousands-strong Pride Parade down North Main Street to Lithia Park, festivities include entertainment and vendors celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. sopride.org
Heart of the Rogue Festival
Dates TBA, Downtown Medford. Bringing art, music, and food into downtown, plus the Rogue Marathon and Bikes & Brews. travelmedford.org
Ashland Open Studio Tour
mid-October, Ashland and vicinity. Free, self-guided tour through the art studios of Ashland and nearby Talent and Phoenix. ashlandgalleries.com
Grants Pass Tap Walk
mid-October, Downtown Grants Pass. Sample craft brews located inside businesses in town. Trolley shuttle. grantspass chamber.org
Ashland New Plays Festival
Dates TBA, venues to be announced in Ashland. A presentation of four readings of newly created, juried plays, plus workshops with the winning playwrights. ashlandnewplays.org
Children’s Halloween Celebration
Oct. 31, begins at Ashland Public Library, Ashland. A massive costume parade followed by safe trick-or-treating at downtown Ashland businesses. ashlandchamber.com
Grants Pass
Safe Halloween
Oct. 31, Downtown Grants Pass. Safe trick-or-treating in local businesses.
Southern Oregon Holiday Market
Nov. 8-10, The Expo, Central Point. Four buildings will be filled with unique gifts and goodies from over 200 vendors. attheexpo.com/ holiday-market
Uncorked Barrel Tour (Fall)
Nov. 16, Applegate Wine Trail wineries. Visit 17 tasting rooms in a self-guided tour. applegatewinetrail.com
Festival of Light Parade
late November. Downtown Ashland. Get into the festive spirit with a million lights, carolers in town, followed by Santa’s Parade. Festivities continue throughout Ashland into December. ashlandchamber.com
Victorian Christmas
Saturdays & Sundays, Nov. 28-Dec. 17. Beekman House Museum, Jacksonville. Costumed docent tours, caroling, and more. jacksonvilleoregon.org
Rogue Winterfest
early December, Evergreen Federal Bank’s Bear Hotel, Grants Pass. A gallery of uniquely designed Christmas tree displays plus Santa Claus, kids activities, and more. roguewinterfest.org
Chocolate Festival
Dates TBA, Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites, Ashland. Over 50 vendors offering fine chocolate, wine and other delicacies. oregonchocolatefestival.com
Gem & Mineral Show (Roxy Ann)
Dates TBA, The Expo, Central Point. Displays, demos, and auctions. Official show of the Roxy Ann Gem & Mineral Society. craterrock.com
A premier collective marketplace featuring local goods from local people
Rocks and mineral specimens, clothing, jewelry, Vintage items, antiques, collectibles, home decor, toys, records, art glass, books handmade soaps, lotions and perfumes, sport cards, game cards and so much more.
Over 90 Individual vendors
1674 Ashland St. in the Ashland Shopping Center
Let us help you find your next adventure!
“I feel the Rogue should be on everyone’s bucket list… It will absolutely change your life.”
— Craig Hughson, Owner
Rogue River Outfitters
Premium multi-day fishing (seasons depend on type of fish) and rafting (July – Aug.) experiences on the Rogue, hitting landmarks like Zane Grey’s historic cabin on the way to Foster Bar in Curry County, Oregon. rrotrips.com
Morrisons Rogue
Wilderness Adventures
325 Galice Road, Merlin. Featuring 40-mile, multi-day rafting excursions on the Wild & Scenic river, plus fishing, hiking trips and lodging built around an historic 1945 lodge. Seasonal packages. Reservations required.
Wildlife Images
11845 Lower River Rd., Grants Pass.
ing rehabilitation center and sanctuary for wild mammals, birds, and reptiles. Open all year. wildlifeimages.org
Jetboat Excursions
966 SW 6th St., Grants Pass. Scenic tours on the Rogue River
Grants Pass Downs
1451 S.W. Fairgrounds Rd., Grants Pass. Live horse-racing. Kids 12 and under free with adult supervision. Free Parking. racingontherogue.org
Great Cats World Park
27919 Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction. Visit 50+ exotic cats at
Rogue Valley Zip Line Adventure
9450 Old Stage Rd., Central Point. Cast off five lines through the historic Gold Mining Hills. Reservations required. Open all year. rvzipline.com
Table Rocks Area of Critical Environmental
Concern Trailheads off of Table Rock Road near Hwy. 234, north of Medford. Left Fork Rd., Gold Hill. Twin volcanic mesas with stunning valley views and hiking trails (Upper mesa: 2.8 miles, Lower mesa: 5.4 miles). For hiking only, no bikes or pets. Managed by BLM and The Nature Conservancy. Open all year.
Rogue Jet Boat Adventures
8400 Table Rock Rd., Central Point. Jet boat rides along the Rogue, including camping and fishing. Reservations required. Runs May – Sept.
Bear Creek Greenway
A paved 20-mile multi-use path for biking and walking that stretches from Central Point to Ashland, parallel with I-5 and Hwy. 99. The Greenway passes local parks with restrooms.
Covered Bridge Park
Near W. Main St., Eagle Point. Features a restored 1922 bridge, accessible to bikes and pedestrians.
Lost Creek Bridge
Lost Creek Rd. near Hwy. 140, southeast of Eagle Point. Believed to have been built in 1881, accessible to foot traffic.
Outdoor Activities
Water Activities
Family Attractions Historical Site
Prescott Park
Off of Roxy Ann Rd. east of Medford. 4-mile trails up to panoramic views atop Roxy Ann Peak. Bike and horse paths. Managed by City of Medford. Open all year.
Quail Point Golf Club & Centennial Golf Club
1200 Mira Mar Ave. & 1900 N. Phoenix Rd., Medford. 18-hole courses with golf shops, and dining at Centennial.
Forest Park
Jacksonville Reservoir Rd.
1,080-acre hiking ground just two miles west of town. There are 30+ miles of canyon hiking and mountain bike trails with viewing opportunities of nearby mountain ranges. Day-use only. See Jacksonville Woodlands Association (jvwoodlands.org) for trail maps.
Scenic Bikeway
55-mile, counter-clockwise ride heading east of Ashland. Ride passes campgrounds and lakes. Listed difficulty: “Extreme.”
Mt. Ashland Ski Area
The mountain has a 7,533 foot elevation with four ski lifts and 23 runs. Mid-Dec. – late April.
National Monument
111,200 acres featuring hiking, camping, fishing with access to Pilot Rock, Howard Prairie Lake and Hyatt Reservoir. 30 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail passes through the Monument ( ). Operated by Bureau of Land Management.
Amazing Variety of Local Art
229 SW G Street - Downtown Grants Pass 541-479-3290 GPMuseum com
It’s a Burl
Crater Rock Museum
An artists’ cooperative featuring many talented local artists. We invite you to experience our beautiful gallery and apply for membership.
213 E. Main St., Medford • • ArtDuJourGallery.com
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday • Third Friday Art Walk 5 - 8 p.m.
Membership Applications Available at the Gallery
24025 Redwood Hwy., Kerby. A gallery showcasing the works of artsists who fashion wooden burls into stunning indoor/outdoor furniture and home decor.
The Glass Forge Gallery & Studio
501 S.W. G St., Grants Pass. On-site glass gallery with free tours of studio. Open Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Schedule to make your own glass ornament. glassforge.com
Grants Pass
Museum of Art
229 S.W. G St., Grants Pass. Open Tues-Sat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Art exhibits, sales gallery and gift shop, workshops, and monthly music performances. Free admission. gpmuseum.com
Grants Pass
Makers Market
5th St. beteen E & F Streets. Artworks, crafts, jewelry and more in this summertime outdoor market.
2002 Scenic Ave., Central Point. World-class exhibits of gems, thundereggs, fossils, and Native American artifacts. Open TuesSat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission. Children 5/under are free. craterrock.com
Art du Jour Gallery
213 E. Main St., Medford. A collaborative gallery highlighting paintings, jewelry, bronzes, photography and more. Open Wed - Sat, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. artdujourgallery.com
Rogue Gallery & Art Center
40 S. Bartlett St., Medford. Offering three gallery spaces and an artisan gift shop. Free entry, donations welcome. Closed Sundays & Mondays.
Art Presence Art Center
206 N. 5th St., Jacksonville. Regional artwork on display, located in a 1911 building, originally the Courthouse’s jail.
Ashland Art Works
Facebook: Ashland Artisan Emporium 9 12
291 Oak St., Ashland.
A nonprofit, art collective featuring paintings, pottery, woodwork, fiber arts, jewelry, garden art and much more –housed in three galleries plus an outdoor sculpture garden. Seasonal hours. ashlandartworksgalleries. wordpress.com
Lithia Artisans Market
20 Calle Guanajuato. Local artist booths in a creekside alley. Saturdays & Sundays, mid-March – Oct. lithiaartisansmarket.com
American Trails Gallery
250 E. Main St. American Trails brings together the art and crafts of the Indigenous artists from across all the Americas, including weavings, ceramics, jewelry, as well as wildlife and landscape paintings. Open daily, 10 a.m.6 p.m. americantrails.com
Schneider Museum of Art at Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland. A showcase of visual arts on the SOU campus of national and world-renowned artists, including special exhibits.
Ashland Artisan Emporium
1674 Ashland St., Ashland. A collective marketplace of 90+ vendors including rocks and minerals, jewelry, and more.
Foris Vineyards (RVV) Cave Junction
Cascadia Vineyards & Winery (AVA) Grants Pass R
Apricity Vineyard (RVV) Grants Pass
Two Rivers Vineyard (AVA) Grants Pass R
The Twisted Cork Grants Pass.
Partake Shop & Lounge
111 SE G St. Grants Pass.
Open: Tues-Sat, 4 p.m. to close. partakegp.com
Dwell Wines (AVA, RVV) Grants Pass
Soloro Vineyard Grants Pass
Schmidt Family
Vineyards (AVA, RVV) 330 Kubli Rd., Grants Pass.
Open Tues-Sat, 12 - 5 p.m. sfvineyards.com
Rosella’s Vineyard & Winery Grants Pass
Wanderlust Vineyard
Grants Pass Opens Summer ‘24
Troon Vineyard (AVA, RVV) Grants Pass R
Walport Family Cellars (AVA) Grants Pass
Schultz Glory Oaks Vineyard & Farm (AVA, RVV) Grants Pass
Creek Winery (AVA, RVV) Grants Pass
Plaisance Ranch (AVA, RVV) Williams R
Augustino Estate at the Big Red Barn (AVA) Grants Pass
Crooked Barn Vineyards (RVV) Applegate
John Michael Champagne Cellars (AVA) Jacksonville
Red Lily Vineyards (AVA, RVV) Jacksonville
Devitt Winery (AVA) 11412 OR-238, Jacksonville. April – Oct. Thurs. - Tues., 12 - 5 p.m., closed Wed. devittwinery.com
Quady North (AVA, RVV) Jacksonville R
LongSword Vineyard (AVA) Jacksonville
Valley View
Winery (AVA, RVV) 1000 Upper Applegate Rd., Jacksonville. Daily, 11 - 5 p.m. valleyviewwinery.com
Cowhorn Vineyard & Garden Jacksonville R
Tasting rooms where reservations are required are noted with R
Many establishments recommend reserving an appointment anyway, for the best experience.
Tasting rooms where reservations are required are noted with R.
Many establishments recommend reserving an appointment anyway, for the best experience.
Del Rio Vineyards (RVV, URWT) Gold Hill
Sams Creek Cellars (URWT) Gold Hill
Cliff Creek Cellars (RVV, URWT) Gold Hill
Kriselle Cellars (RVV, URWT) White City
Bayer Family Estate (URWT) Eagle Point
The Punch House (RVV, URWT) Central Point
Local Vines Wine Bar Central Point
Ryan Rose Wine (RVV) Central Point
Hummingbird Estate (BCWT, RVV) Central Point
Rellik Winery (JW, RVV) Central Point
Tasting room hours may change seasonally, and minors or pets may not be welcome at most establishments.
Check before you go.
Local Wine Groups & Associations
Bear Creek Wine Trail (BCWT) bearcreekwineries.com
Jacksonville Wineries (JW) jacksonvillewineries.org
Rogue Valley Vintners (RVV) rvv.wine
Upper Rogue Wine Trail (URWT) upperroguewine.com
Anchor Valley Wine (JW, RVV) Jacksonville
Kimball’s Artisan Wines Jacksonville
South Stage Cellars (JW) Jacksonville
Wine Lounge at Jacksonville Inn Jacksonville Remotion (JW) Jacksonville
Daisy Creek Vineyard (JW, RVV) Jacksonville
Parkhurst Wine Cellars (JW) Jacksonville
Awen Winecraft (JW, RVV) Medford
Dos Mariposas Vineyard & Lavendar Farm (JW, RVV) 3976 Bellinger Lane, Medford. Open Thurs. – Mon. Seasonal hours. dosmariposasvineyards.com
DANCIN Vineyards (BCWT, JW, RVV) Medford
The Urban Cork Medford
Rocky Knoll at Dunbar Farms (RVV) Medford
RoxyAnn Winery (BCWT, RVV) Medford
Margo’s Wine Shop & Tasting Room Medford
Padigan Wines (RVV) Medford
Catalyst Wine Collective (RVV) Phoenix R
Harry & David Country Village
1314 Center Dr., Medford. Daily, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. harryanddavid.com
EdenVale Winery Medford
Pebblestone Cellars (BCWT, RVV) Talent
StoneRiver Vineyards (BCWT, RVV) Talent
Agathodaemon Wine (RVV) Talent R
Trium Wines (BCWT, RVV) Talent
Sound & Vision
Wine Co.
Lounge & Wine
Pottsville Historical Museum
2400 Pleasant Valley Rd., Merlin. Explore the past with two museums (one is devoted to vintage cars), a pioneer town, and outdoor exhibits. Tours by appointment.
Josephine County Fairgrounds
1451 S.W. Fairgrounds Rd., Grants Pass. Home of the Josephine County Fair, as well as many concerts and sporting events all year round, and the Growers Market’s winter location.
Grants Pass Downs
1451 S.W. Fairgrounds Rd., Grants Pass. Live horse-racing. Kids 12 and under free with adult supervision. Free Parking. racingontherogue.org
Bear Hotel at Evergreen Federal Bank
2101 N.E. Spalding Ave., Grants Pass. See the world-famous fiberglass bear sculptures when they are hibernating from “BearFest.” Free admission. Tours by appointment only.
Barnstormers Theatre
112 N.E. Evelyn Ave., Grants Pass. Oregon’s longest continuously-running community theatre, operating since 1952. barnstormersgp.com
Grants Pass
Growers Market
F St. & 4th St., Grants Pass. Saturdays (in summer) offering produce, baked goods, dairy, honey, ready-to-eat meals, and crafts. ADA service dogs welcome, but no pets.
Grants Pass
Makers Market
5th St. beteen E & F Streets. Artworks, crafts, jewelry and more in this summertime outdoor market.
The Glass Forge Gallery & Studio
501 S.W. G St., Grants Pass. On-site glass gallery with free tours of studio. Open Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Schedule to make your own glass ornament. glassforge.com
Grants Pass
Museum of Art
229 S.W. G St., Grants Pass. Open Tues-Sat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Art exhibits, sales gallery and gift shop, workshops, and monthly music performances. Free admission. gpmuseum.com
Historic Rogue Theatre
143 S.E. H St., Grants Pass. A preserved 1938 jewel, presenting top-rate musicians and comedians.
Schmidt House Museum
512 SW 5th St., Grants Pass.
Tour this preserved 1900s craftsman-style house. Tours offered Tue. - Fri., 10 a.m.3 p.m. for $10 each. Operated by Josephine County Historical Society.
Downtown Grants Pass
Historic District
Enjoy the architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries as you shop, drink and dine in Grants Pass.
Jetboat Excursions
966 SW 6th St., Grants Pass. Scenic tours on the Rogue River in Hellgate Canyon. 14, 36 and 75-mile excursions. Reservations required. Runs May – Sept. hellgate.com
Riverside Park
304 SE Park St., Grants Pass. Overlooking the Rogue River, with walking and biking trails, sports fields, disc golf, a water spray park. Outdoor concerts in the summer.
The Expo
Rogue X
1 Peninger Rd., Central Point. Home of the Jackson County Fair, the Wild Rogue Pro Rodeo, A-list concerts, and other events.
Rogue Valley Family Fun Center
1A Peninger Rd., Central Point. Go-karts, mini-golf, arcade, bumper boats and more.
Crater Rock Museum
901 Rossanley Drive, Medford. The Rogue Credit Union Community CompleX features a recreational pool and a 75,000 square foot indoor sports gym. Collaborative
Theatre Project
555 Medford Center, Medford. A nonprofit theatre company staging quality productions.
Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market
2002 Scenic Ave., Central Point. World-class exhibits of gems, thundereggs, fossils, and Native American artifacts. Open Tues.Sat., 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission. Children 5/under are free. craterrock.com
Rogue Creamery
Hawthorne Park, Hawthorne & E. Jackson Streets, Medford. Selling produce, fresh meals, and handcrafted goods. Thursdays from March – Nov. ADA service dogs welcome, but no pets.
N. Front St., Central Point. The makers of the 2019 World Champion and 2022 SuperGold Winner at the World Cheese Awards run a roadside cheese shop, open daily.
Medford Railroad Park
799 Berrydale Ave., Medford. A spirited ride on a miniature train track on the second and fourth Sundays, April – Oct., 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Donations welcome.
Art du Jour Gallery
213 E. Main St., Medford. A collaborative gallery highlighting paintings, jewelry, bronzes, photography and more. Open Tues. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. artdujourgallery.com
Rogue Gallery & Art Center
40 S. Bartlett St., Medford. Gallery spaces and an artisan gift shop. Free. Closed Sun. & Mon.
Craterian Theater at the Collier Center for the Performing Arts 23 S. Central Ave., Medford. A state-of-the-art, restored venue which hosts major touring music and performing acts and is home to the Next Stage Theater Company, Teen Musical Theater of Oregon, and the Medford space for Rogue Valley Symphony.
Holly Theatre Coming Soon
226 W. Sixth St., Medford. An historic 1930 entertainment space currently being restored.
Downtown Medford
Historic District
Explore the historical architecture of Medford through its cafés, restaurants, breweries, shops and entertainment spots.
Harry & David
The delicious home base of gourmet gift-giving; daily tastings of Harry & David treats and one of the largest selection of wines in the Rogue Valley. Store open daily.
The RRRink
1349 Center Dr., Medford. A year-round ice rink. Prices and schedule vary.
Medford Rogues at Harry & David Field
2929 S. Pacific Highway, Medford. The Rogues are a summer collegiate baseball team in the Pacific Empire League.
Camelot Theatre
110 N. 5th St.
Jacksonville Historic District
Most of the entire town sits inside a National Historic District, where you can see an unprecedented collection of buildings from the 1850s – 1880s.
Walk Through History
206 N. Fifth St. Free, one-hour walking tours of town at 10 a.m., Saturdays in the summer. Meets at the 1883 former courthouse (now Jacksonville City Hall). Donations accepted.
Art Presence Art Center
206 N. Fifth St. Collective art gallery open Fri. - Sun., 12 - 5 p.m. Regional artwork on display, located in a 1911 building, originally the Courthouse’s jail.
Beekman Bank Museum
California & Third St. Seasonal tours of a preserved 1863 – 1915 bank. “Behind the Counter” summer tours, weekends. Presented by Historic Jacksonville, Inc.
Trolley Tours
185 N. Oregon St. Multiple tours per day, seasonal schedule. Departs from Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce.
45-minute narrated tour of the historic homes and commercial buildings in a wood-paneled trolley.
Britt Gardens
350 S. First St. 4.5 acre park. The Britt Pavilion is home to the famous Britt Music & Arts Festival held every June through September. brittfest.org
Segway of Jacksonville
360 N. Oregon St. Seasonal hours. See the historic sites on a two-hour guided glide through town. Ages 14+.
Historic Cemetery Cemetery Rd. Pioneers – as well as other historical groups – have been buried here since 1859. The cemetery is open daily with an interpretive center and self-guided tours. Guided tours are offered seasonally.
Historical Site
Arts & Entertainment
Outdoor Activities
Family Attractions
Beekman House & Beekman Arboretum
452 E. California St. Museum of local history inside the Beekman Family’s Gothic Revival home from the 1870s. Tours offered May – Oct., plus Victorian Christmas tours. The charming Arboretum next door to the museum is a public park.
Jacksonville Woodlands Trails
A 16-mile network of hiking trails rim the south side of Jacksonville on historic mining terrain. Access points include Britt Gardens and the Beekman Arboretum. See Jacksonville Woodlands Association (jvwoodlands.org) for trail maps.
Premium Ice Cream
Shakes, Floats Sundaes Sodas Candy • Espresso Drinks
150 S. Oregon St. (Below La Fiesta)
Above: Redmen’s Hall & Kubli Building, built in 1884. HAL DAY
Forest Park
Jacksonville Reservoir Rd. 1,080acre hiking ground just two miles west of town. There are 30+ miles of canyon hiking and mountain bike trails with viewing opportunities of nearby mountain ranges. Day-use only. See Jacksonville Woodlands Association (jvwoodlands.org) for trail maps.
Applegate River Lavender Farm
375 Hamilton Rd. Open select weekends in June – Aug. by appointment. 1.5-acre multicolored lavender farm offering workshops and classes in lavender crafts and distilling. Onsite shop with lavender goods. Also open for Southern Oregon Lavender Trail festival in June and August.
Medford: McAndrews Marketplace, 1250 E. McAndrews Rd., Ste. 112 Featuring NY-Style Pizza by the slice or whole pies!
www.violetsandcream.com • vcicecream vcicecream
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
15 S. Pioneer St. Since 1935, this legendary celebration of theatrical arts entertains audiences from March – Oct. on three neighboring stages: the Angus Bowmer Theatre, the Thomas Theatre, and the open-air Allen Elizabethan Theatre. osfashland.org
Downtown Ashland Historic District Boutique shops, restaurants and cafés, breweries and wine bars, and an arthouse cinema reside in Ashland’s historic buildings.
Lithia Park
Entrance on Winburn Way. This beautiful 100-acre city park has playgrounds, gardens, historical landmarks, and a 2.1-mile hiking trail.
Ashland Rotary
Centennial Ice Rink
95 Winburn Way.
Open late-Nov. through midFeb. An outdoor ice rink for the whole family.
Lithia Artisans Market
20 Calle Guanajuato (along creek). Saturdays & Sundays, mid-March – Oct. Outdoor market of artisans’ hand-crafted creations.
Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market
Site A: 101 Oak St.
Saturdays, March – Nov.
Site B: 1420 E. Main St.
Tuesdays, March – Nov.
Healthy produce, artisanal foods, and hand-crafted works. Working service animals only.
Oregon Cabaret Theatre
241 Hargadine St. Performing original and established productions since 1986 in a restored 1911 church-building.
American Trails Gallery
250 E. Main St. American Trails brings together the art and crafts of the Indigenous artists from across all the Americas, including weavings, ceramics, jewelry, as well as wildlife and landscape paintings. Open daily, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. americantrails.com
Ashland Art Works
291 Oak St. A nonprofit, art collective featuring paintings, pottery, woodwork, fiber arts, jewelry, garden art and much more. Seasonal hours. ashlandartworksgalleries. wordpress.com
Ashland Gallery Association
Learn about Ashland’s many galleries and art studios at ashlandgalleries.com.
Schneider Museum of Art at Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd. Tues. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. A showcase of visual arts on the SOU campus of national and world-renowned artists, including special exhibits.
Oregon Center for the Arts at Southern Oregon University
491 & 450 S. Mountain Ave. The SOU theatre department performs on the campus’ main stage. Meanwhile, the music department hosts performances at its Recital Hall for its students and internationally-known musicians alike.
Hands-on Museum
1500 E. Main St. Open Wed.Sun., 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Children can interact with nearly 100 indoor and outdoor exhibits and problem-solve scientifically. Just 1.5 miles from downtown.
Rogue Theater Company
1600 E. Nevada St. A small, professional dramatic group performs several plays and readings each year from a stage at Grizzly Peak Winery.