Our Town North: July 1, 2015

Page 1

Something Fun

Abbey stages St. Benedict Festival – Page 12

Vol. 12 No. 13

Family Matters

Wedding planning can be a year-long process – Page 20


Serving Mt. Angel, Silverton, and Scotts Mills

July 2015

Silverton calls for water watch – Page 6 Our Town P.O. Box 927 Mt. Angel, Or 97362

Postal Customer ECRWSS

Prsrt std Us postage paid Portland or permit no. 854

In The Garden –

The power of mulch – Page 10

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Our Town Monthly


Civics 101

Mount Angel raises development fees...5 Silverton calls for water conservation...6



Burger Time celebrates 30 years.........22 New business owners find niche.........25

Something To Think About

The Ol’ Curmudgeon.......23

Sisters face challenge in change............8 Paying attention, a lost art?................7

Passages................................27 Marketplace......................27

In The Garden

Bird is the Word.................28

The power of mulch............................10

Dining Out............................29

Something Fun Abbey stages St. Benedict’s festival.....12

A Grin at the End...........30 On the cover

Helping Hands

The Silver Creek is more than a

New generation rekindles nonprofit...14

Donna ParaDis BroKEr

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great place to play in the sum-


mer. It is also the primary source

Summertime sights............................15

of water for the city of Silverton.


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In June its flows were more on par with late July or early August.

Sports & Recreation Elks’ shooting star..............................18

Kristine Thomas


www.DonnaParadisrealtor.com donna@nworegonrealtygroup.com

Family Matters Wedding planning .............................20

Paula Mabry Editor & Publisher

Jim Kinghorn

Our Town Office: 401 Oak St. Silverton Postal: P.O. Box 927 Mount Angel, OR 97362 Tel: 503-845-9499 ourtown.life@ mtangelpub.com


Mailed free to residents and businesses in the 97362, 97375, 97381 zip codes. A publication of

Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.

Our Town Monthly

Advertising Director

The Foxes are state champions in boys basketball for the first time since … well, since before there was an Oregon School Activities Association. OSAA records only go back to 1919, but there is a banner in the school gym that notes a 1910 state title. Records compiled by Oregon hoops historian Mark Deuel show the title was in 1909, not 1910.

Kristine Thomas Managing Editor

Contributing artists, writers and photographers Steve Beckner Dixon Bledsoe James Day Vern Holmquist Kali Ramey Martin Mary Owen Carl Sampson Syd Stibbard Vince Teresi Melissa Wagoner Brenna Wiegand

119 N. Water St. Silverton

Deede Williams Office Manager

Tavis Bettoli-Lotten Graphic Artist

The deadline for placing an ad in the July 15 issue is July 8 Submissions for the July 15 issue of Our Town Life are due July 8.

ourtown.life@mtangelpub.com Thank you for spending time with Our Town. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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July 2015 • 3

Thank you for attending & volunteering at Brewfest!

See you next year!

4 • July 2015


Our Town Monthly

Civics 101

Evaluating the numbers By Kristine Thomas Mount Angel City Manager Eileen Stein knows the key to get a city council to raise a rate, fee or tax is for her to do her homework and present the facts. The facts are Mount Angel’s system development fees are the lowest in the county by far. And they haven’t been adjusted for more than a decade. On July 1, Mount Angel system development fees will go from $5,049 to $8,188, an increase of 62 percent to help pay for water, sewer, storm, transportation and parks. But though the percentage increase is high, it still doesn’t bring fees in line with costs, needs, or neighboring communities. The council approved a second step, and fees will go up again on July 1, 2016 to $11,326.

said. In 2013 there was just one building permit issued. So far this year, Stein said eight new homes are scheduled to be built. “Our pace of development has really increased,” she said. “There are plans for the third phase of the Maryhill Park development and an upcoming annexation that needs approval for a retirement housing development near The Towers.” Stein added she is noticing more infill building on vacant city lots. She said she did an analysis of all the financial conditions of all the major operating funds and where investments need to take place. Stein also is looking at how the city will pay for updates and repairs to its sewer and water systems.

“The last time the city council raised its system development charges was in the 1990s,” Stein explained.

“We may look into raising water and sewer rates to provide the revenue we need to upkeep the city’s infrastructure,” she said.

System development fees pay for improvements to the city’s infrastruce, she

One question she often hears is why don’t property taxes provide the revenue needed

Last year our Relay raised just over $23,000 for cancer research and services...

Mount Angel raises infrastructure fees

for infrarasture projects. “In Mount Angel, we receive $650,000 a year in property taxes. There are many properties in our city that are off the tax roll,” she said. “The police department’s budget is $900,000 a fiscal year. Our tax revenue doesn’t even pay for the police department.” By analyzing the city budgets and future financial picture, she wants to be able to make sound recommendations to the council on what it should consider for the city’s long-term financial sustainability. “We are recommending forming an advisory committee to look at our city’s street, sewer and water systems,” she said.

Mount Angel’s water situation Mount Angel’s water comes from grounds wells, including two wells on private property. The city of Mount Angel’s water is supplied to the city’s storage facilities and distribution system from three city operated groundwater wells. The wells

produce water yearround, The wells are the city’s sole water supply source. Well Nos. 5, 6 and 7 have an existing combined production capacity of about 2.69 million gallons per day. Several city wells – old well and well Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 – have been abandoned or taken out of service due to production capacity and water quality issues. Mount Angel’s water system contains two reservoirs with a total combine storage capacity of approximately 1.3 million gallons. Water from all three groundwater wells is pumped into the distribution system and conveyed to both reservoirs. Stein said more than running out of water, the city of Mount Angel is concerned about water quality. While the water is safe to drink and meets all state and federal drinking requirements, there are concerns about taste and look of the water. At this time there is no plan for rationing being considered.

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To m a k e a d o n a t i o n l o g o n t o : w w w . r e l a y f o r l i f e . o r g / s i l v e r t o n o r Our Town Monthly


July 2015 • 5

Civics 101

Water awareness

Silverton Council asks for voluntary conservation

By Kristine Thomas

Stage Three is mandatory restrictions.

Silverton City Manager Bob Willoughby doesn’t want residents to panic or be worried.

City Councilor Kyle Palmer said Silverton residents are aware there is a water shortage.

Instead, he just wants to raise their awareness of the city’s water situation.

“It hasn’t rained forever,” he said. “We are going to Stage One so we can hopefully avoid going to Stage Two,” he said.

That’s why he asked the Silverton City Council at its special meeting on June 22 to vote to activate Stage 1 of Voluntary Water Curtailment. The council was unanimous in its support. The voluntary curtailment, Willoughby said, is to take precautions. He said activating voluntary water curtailment is a way to “start talking about and thinking about how we use water.” Willoughby said the June water levels in the Silver and Abiqua creeks were what are normally seen at the end of July or early August. He added said the city’s water system is not dependent on snow melt, but rather rainfall. Silverton Public Works Director Paul Eckley outlined the city’s current situation to the council. There are three stages in the city’s water curtailment plan. Stage One is voluntary conservation and curtailment; Stage Two is enhanced voluntary conversation and curtailment and

Each stage is defined by the causes, severity and anticipated duration of the water shortage. In Stage One, residents are encouraged to conserve water by: Watering on even and odd days. For example, if your house number is 513, water on odd days of the month, 1, 3, 5.... If your house number is even, you water on even days, 2, 4, 6, etc. Water at dawn or dusk or early morning and late evening to avoid loss through evaporation. Make sure when watering the lawn the water is hitting the lawn and not the sidewalk. Check for leaks around the house and outside water faucets. Silverton Water Quality Supervisor Steve Starner is hoping for a good summer rain.

Think of ways to conserve water – shorter showers, using gray water for watering, ete.

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Other ideas to conserve water include having your car washed at a car wash that recycles the water and getting a spray noozle with a cut off for the garden hose. Ways to conserve water can be found at the city’s website, www. silverton.or.us Councilor Dana Smith pointed out one way many residents waste water. “I have seen so many people watering their sidewalks in the middle of the afternoon,” Smith said. Eckley said the U.S. Drought Monitor Index has classified the Western U.S. from abnormally dry to exceptional drought. In a chart, he showed how quickly the conditions of the state of Oregon had changed May 26 to June 18. On May 26, the western portion of Marion County was listed as abnormally dry. By July 18, it was listed as moderate drought. “The Stage 1 Curtailment is an awareness stage to let the public know we all need to prepare for a dry, hot summer,” Eckley said. “The community will see information on practical ways for everyone, including the city, to not waste water, to voluntarily reduce water consumption and to stay tuned to information from the city in case we need to move to a

move stringent water curtailment program.”

hoping for a good summer rain.

Eckley created a chart to show the seven day average of stream flow. On May 11, the average for both Abiqua and Silver Creek was 96 million gallons per day with the average consumer water use at 1.4 million gallons per day.

Silverton’s water source is not dependent on the snow pack, Starner said. Instead it’s dependent on rainfall.

By June 18, the average for both creeks was 30 million gallons per day with average consumer water use at 2.2 million gallons per day. Within a month, the rate of gallons per day decreased by 66 million gallons. The streamflow guages for both creeks are located downstream of the city intakes, so they don’t exactly represent the streamflow at the intakes. It is, however, the best information available for these creeks. Willoughby said the amount of water used this June was higher than what was used last year. He also said it’s important to note some residential, commercial and public properties are on well systems. For example, Willoughby said, Silverton High School’s Pine Street campus is on a well.

Silverton’s Water Source Silverton Water Quality Supervisor Steve Starner is


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The need to conserve water isn’t just about supplying water to the citizens of Silverton but also everyone else who has water rights on Abiqua Creek, he said. “The city has the oldest water rights on Abiqua Creek and we have the first priority for water,” he said. By taking precautions now, Starner hopes the city will not have to declare a drought and impose tighter restrictions. He said combined the two tanks at the city’s water plant total 2.5 million gallons. The average water use from April to October is 2 million gallons a day and from October to April, 1 million gallons a day

“It does not use city water,” he said.

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Starner said the city’s main water source is Abiqua Creek, followed by Silver Creek and the Silverton Reservoir. The city’s dam at Abiqua Creek was built in the 1940s and is gravity fed, while water from Silver Creek has to be pumped. The city has the first water right on the Abiqua, dating back to Jan. 25, 1917. He said the city has had water rights on Silver Creek since the 1940s.

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Our Town Monthly

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July 2015 • 7

Congratulations to Connie Yoder , winner of a Kindle Fire!


Be sure to check back to see who the next winner is!

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8 • July 2015

Something to think about

Challenge in change By Kristine Thomas Sr. Donna Marie Chartraw, OSB, understands people will talk.

Benedictine Sisters of Mount Angel

Unfortunately, she said, there’s not a lot she can do about it. Her focus is planning for the future of the Benedictine Sisters at the Queen of Angels Monastery in Mount Angel.

Founded in 1882, members of the order teach in schools and parishes; work as counselors, chaplains, and pastoral associates; they are also artisans, cooks and gardeners.

She’s well aware some people have questions about what has taken place since April with the resignation of several St. Joseph Shelter board members; the last-minute cancellation of the St. Joseph the Shelter Dinner and the changes in personnel at St. Joseph’s Shelter/Mission Benedict.

The Benedictine Sisters sponsor two ministries - Shalom Prayer Center and St. Joseph Shelter and its ministries Mission Benedict, Casa Adele, and the Bernard Migrant Men’s program.

“Our ministry has a right to make changes and if people don’t like it, that’s their problem,” she said in a telephone interview, adding there are confidential matters she cannot discuss. “We sent out a letter that made it pretty clear what we are doing.” In the letter dated May 11, Sr. Donna Marie, now former prioress/president of the Benedictine Sisters, wrote to the friends and donors of the St. Joseph Shelter and Mission Benedict apologizing for the cancellation of the dinner and the lack of information. “You are all stakeholders in this most important apostolate of the Sisters: to proved for the needs of those needing housing (whether families or migrant workers) as well as food and clothed. We want to make it clear that the Benedictine Sisters of Queen of Angels Monastery are committed to this apostolate and we want to thrive going forward,” she wrote. The St. Joseph Shelter is a separately incorporated ministry sponsored by the Benedictine Sisters of Mount Angel, she explained. The sisters’ board of directors is the member of St. Joseph Shelter Corp., with sole and approved reserved powers. It has the sole power to appoint and remove board members. What Sr. Donna Marie knows to be true is she and others made difficult and painful changes in order to plan for the future of the Benedictine Sisters of the Queen of Angels Monastery. “Beginning last November, at the urging of leaders in our wider Federation of St. Gertrude the Great, we have undertaken an ongoing evaluation of our community’s


Information: Benedictine Sister’s and Shalom Prayer Center at www.benedictine-srs.org St. Joseph’s Shelter at www. stjosephshelter.org life, work and future plans,” Sr. Donna Maria wrote. “Needed changes in some areas of our life and work are being made. I asked several professionals to give me an evaluation of St. Joseph Shelter and Mission Benedict. A program audit was performed and recommendations were made.” After receiving those recommendations reorganization and reassignments began. Sr. Terry Hall, OSB, was moved out of a leadership position in the shelter ministry, focusing her attentions on other areas of service, and Sr. Marcella Parrish, SSMO, continued serving as executive director until June 30. In an email, Sr. Terry said she and Sr. Marcella have retired. Sr. Donna Marie said a new executive director will be hired and already a new operations manager and director of volunteers have been hired for St. Joseph Shelter and its ministries. Sr. Donna Marie wrote in her letter, “Sr. Terry Hall OSB (was asked) to make a change in her life at this time and she has done this. She will no longer be working in the Shelter ministry. On behalf of the community, I am most grateful for her generous and dedicated work since the inception of the Mission Benedict and St. Joseph Shelter.” Shelter board members were disappointed in the transitions, and there were several

Our Town Monthly

Benedictine Sisters look to renew, strengthen resignations. Several people who spoke off-the-record said the conflict was over whether the shelter should be governed by its board or by the sisters. Some board members were disappointed Sr. Terry was asked to leave without first consulting or informing the board. “We are looking at the by-laws to see where the power lies,” said Barbara George, a lay woman who is the COO or chief operating officer for the monastery. “We are working with legal counsel.” Mike Klein is one of the board members who resigned on April 23 along with Jim Burns, Jo Recht, Terry Vache and Teresa Byam. Klein was the board president. “Basically, we resigned because we didn’t know the direction the shelter was heading,” Klein said, adding board members were disappointed about the removal of Hall and the announcement Parrish would retire on June 30. “We didn’t like the ways things were going. We had all worked hard to support fundraisers and turn things around,” Klein said. “None of us wanted to resign. We brought a lot of people to donate to the shelter. When you put your name on something, you want to know what’s happening and be involved in the decisions. “We felt like we had no power because we told we had no power,” he added. Sr. Donna Marie said she could not comment on what former board members have said. “The board of St. Joseph Shelter, except for Sr. Rocio Moreno Soto, OSB, and myself, made the decision to resign.” Sr. Donna Marie wrote. “I am sorry about this but I understand their reasons. I am very grateful for their generous service, some for many years and wish them well.” Sr. Donna Marie said the changes at the shelter are the result of the performance audit and the list of recommendations on what needed to be done for the shelter to run more effectively and efficiently. George said what has happened is a “very natural transition. It is not uncommon for boards to change.” She added what has happened offers a “time to renew, to refresh and to strengthen” the work already being done

Our Town Monthly

by the Benedictine Sisters. “It was a wellness check to see how things are going,” George said. Sr. Donna Marie looks forward to the hiring a new executive director at the shelter. She said she is disappointed she has to discuss what’s happening at the shelter rather than talking about the work the shelter does to benefit people.

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For her, the key issue is the future of the “most apostolate of the Benedictine Sisters: St. Joseph Shelter, Casa Adele and Mission Benedict. “These works, done for others, not ourselves, need to go forward and strive to meet the needs of so many in our community less fortunate... ,” she wrote. For Mission Benedict, the food and clothing bank, the Benedictine Sisters are partners with Mount Angel Abbey and with St. Mary Parish, a relationship that goes back over 30 years. Sr. Donna Marie said the process of rebuilding the board of St. Joseph Shelter/ Mission Benedict has begun. She said she is thankful to Father Philip Waibel, OSB, who has agreed to be on the board and serve as president for this coming year. It is her hope the St. Joseph the Shelter Dinner and Auction will be rescheduled for later this year. Meanwhile, Sr. Donna Marie has completed her terms (2007-2015) as prioress of the Queen of Angels Monastery. An election was not held for a new prioress. Instead, Order of St. Benedict (OSB) Sr. Sandra Meek became the administrator of the Queen of Angels Monastery in late June. Rather than focusing on the changes that have taken place, Sr. Donna Marie said she would like to stress the need to take care of the people who are served by St. Joseph Shelter and its ministries Mission Benedict, Casa Adele and the Bernard Migrant Men’s Program. “Our primary concern now is to ensure that programs continue and flourish without interruption and that those who come are well served and provided with life’s necessities and the help they need,” she wrote to the shelter’s donors and patrons. “With your continued support, we trust that St. Joseph Shelter and Mission Benedict will be open for many years to come.”

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July 2015 • 9

In The Garden

Much ado about mulch By Brenna Wiegand

pausing only briefly to discuss a couple of articles that kept popping up from under the straw.

What can transform the landscape and cut garden water usage by 30 to 50 percent?

Fast forward three weeks: I am amazed at how well the mulch is keeping in the moisture, especially in this heat. The antagonizing weeds have been put in their place! Just one thing... We seem to be growing a crop of oats in addition to the kohlrabi, corn and more.

Mulch! Mulching is simply spreading a layer of something – bark dust is a good example – over the existing soil between plants. Mulch is (usually) organic material – decaying leaves, grass clippings, bark, rock, sawdust, paper, hog fuel, humus... Filbert shells! Black plastic! I’ve actually seen discarded clothing used. So you see, there is much room for individuality. I got on the bandwagon this year and mulched my vegetable garden using newspaper and oat straw to create a mulch that holds in precious moisture, squelches the majority of weeds, keeps paths from getting muddy in summer rains and lessens erosion. It insulates and protects plants in all weather extremes. Since it’s the vegetable garden, I wanted something that would not alter the soil’s pH and that would be an enriching asset

How to conserve water in your garden

Brenna Wiegand and her father, Don Conway, prepare mulch for her garden.

But this turned out a blessing in disguise: The next best thing to mulching is planting a cover crop and it turns out oats are an excellent cover crop. I don’t know how high it’s going to get as I traverse the garden with wheelbarrow, hose, etc., all summer, but I hear that oats protect and enrich the soil and, around here, die off well before planting time. I’ll see if we can’t coexist.

to the soil in the long run.

Here are a few more tips:

I ended up purchasing six bales of straw at Wilco for $7.49 each; the newspaper cost me nothing. My dad and I completed the 60-by-40-foot garden in about four hours,

Start with good soil built up with humus, fertilizer and other amendments to foster a complete, living environment for your plants’ roots.

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Occasionally, dig down through the mulch to make sure the soil has sufficient moisture and that it’s not harboring pests. Some mulches can leach nitrogen from the soil or alter its pH. Help replenish and balance the soil in your vegetable garden by planting a cover crop between seasons and rotating the location of where you plant certain vegetables each year. You can also add lime to help balance pH. Vegetables and other temporary plantings have different needs than permanent plantings – check with your local nursery for the best mulch for your needs.

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Too much mulch injures plants by keeping the soil too wet and limiting available oxygen to the roots. A couple inches is about right; don’t exceed four inches and leave some breathing room around stems.

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Get the ground as weed-free as possible. At this time, you can apply a preemergent herbicide around non-food plants.

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303 N. First • Silverton 503-873-8614 10 • July 2015


Our Town Monthly

Silverton $486,500 Custom-built Abiqua Heights home exudes excellence! Cul-de-sac lot overlooks pond and greenspace. 2 Masters for dual living. Connie Hinsdale • 503-881-8687 • MLS#687395 $379,900 Want a Lake? This home includes part ownership! Beautiful home w/ all the trimmings! Jackie Zurbrugg • 503-932-5833 • MLS#688371 $369,900 This impressive home is waiting for you! Grand entryway boasts an open staircase. 2 family rooms, fireplace in living room & in master! Valerie Boen • 503-871-1667 • MLS#681896 $359,900 Lovely home w/ beautiful architectural detail in a great location! Privacy and quiet on this cul-desac in Park Terrace subdivison. Donna Rash • 503-871-0490 • MLS#689653 $349,000 OPEN HOUSE! New Construction Model Home! Lender/Title Co. on site. Experience excellence in craftsmanship in this beautifully detailed home! 4 bd/2.5 ba 1440 Meadow Ave Silverton, OR 97381 Cynthia Johnson • 503-551-0145 • MLS#681073 $345,000 NEW LISTING! Incredible attention to detail! New construction (completion 10/15), custom woodwork, granite counters. Landscaped w/ UG sprinklers. Cynthia Johnson • 503-551-0145 • MLS#681471 $315,000 Historic loaded with charm! Gorgeous home includes updated kitchen & bath & energy efficient upgrades! Lovely English Garden w/ pond. Ginni Stensland • 503-510-4652 • MLS#688708 $305,000 New Construction to be completed by 9/1/15. Beautiful granite counters, hardwood floors. Custom mantle over gas FP in living room! Landscaped yards w/ UG sprinklers. Cynthia Johnson • 503-551-0145 • MLS#680739 $295,000 Charm and Space! This large 4 bd home near the hospital offers a big backyard w/ playhouse, greenhouse, shed, & room for your garden & pets! Robin Kuhn • 503-930-1896 • MLS#681201 $276,026 PRICE REDUCED! Sophisticated home - mostly one-level w/ a bonus room above garage. Covered patio, fenced yard for your pets! Robin Kuhn • 503-930-1896 • MLS#690873 $164,000 Corner Lot! Cute 3 bdrm makes a great Starter Home! Nice updates include bamboo flooring & SS appliances. Large fenced yard. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#685420

Mt. AnGel $334,950 A touch of class! Perfect for entertaining, this home features custom details throughout. Fenced yard features covered Trex deck w/ built in seating and UG sprinklers. Large garage, shop, & RV parking. Donna Paradis • 503-851-0998 • MLS#689356 $297,500 Charming and Picturesque! Updated kitchen w/ open floorplan, wood floors & original woodwork. Covered wrap-around porch and pristine landscaping! Rosie Wilgus • 503-409-8779 • MLS#681009 $264,900 PRICE REDUCED! Come home to peace & quiet. This beautiful home features 4 bdrms, vaulted ceiling in master, gas FP in LR, central A/C & Vac. Fenced, landscaped yard complete w/ UG sprinklers! Donna Paradis • 503-851-0998 • MLS#689360 $249,900 PRICE REDUCED! Picture-perfect Cape Cod style home. Walk-in closets and charming dormers. Professional landscaping and quality irrigation make for a perfect yard to entertain, relax, or play in. Marty Schrock • 503-559-9443 • MLS#688586

Our Town Monthly

K n o w

Download our NEW APP! $499,900 20 acre income producing farm features Mature Hazelnut Orchard, 2 homes, lrg shop, barn w/ loft, kennel & storage galore! Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#673308 $479,000 Amazing Country Estate! Beautiful home & property w/ fabulous views. Enchanting park-like forest, pasture, barn, shed, cottage - so much to appreciate! Donna Paradis • 503-851-0998 • MLS#688174

$339,900 Breath-taking! This incredible custom home features architectural/artistic detail throughout, vaulted ceilings and expansive windows. Beautifully landscaped w/ deck & creek. Marty Schrock • 503-559-9443 • MLS#680415

$469,000 Come home to this 5 acre charming Sanctuary! Well-maintained 2-story farmhouse has great view over creek & pasture. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#686942

$249,000 Absolutely Adorable! Cute bungalow w/ finished basement, guest house, shop, 2 RV pads w/ hookups! The list goes on! Valerie Boen • 503-871-1667 • MLS#681103

$419,000 Delightful Craftsman home on .98 acres has it all! Auto shop, wood shop, organic garden, paved parking for your toys, & the list goes on! Cynthia Johnson • 503-551-0145 • MLS#687010

SAleM AreA

RESIDENTIAL W/ ACREAGE $850,000 Escape to your Ridge-Top Estate! Handsome custom home features highend custom details throughout. Amazing panoramic views on 67.75 acres! Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#688297 $699,900 Classic 3 bd, 2 ba Farmhouse on 45.33 acre irrigated farm. Ideal diversified farm suitable for horses, dairy, poultry and crops. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#680034 $599,900 Country charm just outside of Salem! Home on 38.5 acres features a stunning floor-to-ceiling fireplace in LR. Enjoy fresh fruit from your own Orchard! Jackie Zurbrugg • 503-932-5833 • MLS#687139 $585,000 Your Own Private Paradise! 87.75 acres includes 3 small year-round creeks, trees, rolling hills, amazing views. Build your dream home! Robin Kuhn • 503-930-1896 • MLS#680117 $535,000 Work the farm! Excellent homestead w/ good income, this 17.43 acre farm includes 15 acres of marionberries and superb soil. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#681326 $525,000 PRICE REDUCED! Unique custom hilltop homestead on 5.31 acres. Ideal dual living - 2 master suites, detached guest quarters. Barn, pastures, shop, and more! Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#689174

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$399,000 Custom home reminiscent of a Mtn Lodge offers incredible panoramic valley views and attention to detail. Shop, gazebo, addt’l buildings on 4.75 acres. Joe & Dana • Giegerich 503-931-7824 • MLS#686392 $373,000 A Private Oasis right next to town! A plethora of updates, this huge home is great for dual living featuring 2 masters. 1.21 acres w/ shop, 2 sheds, & fenced area for pets/garden/playground. Jackie Zurbrugg • 503-932-5833 • MLS#680598 $195,000 Peace & Quiet minutes from town. Live in the quaint 2 bdrm/1 ba home while building your dream home w/ views of Lake Labish & the Cascades. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#686883

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES $265,000 Bring your Automotive Business here! Ideal high-traffic downtown location, quality reputation and loyal clientele. 5 bays, chassis hoist, office. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#688299 $229,900 Own a piece of downtown Silverton! The Julius Alm Building in the heart of town offers a history of successful commercial endeavors for over 100 years! Current leases apply. Robin Kuhn • 503-931-1896 • MLS#687538 $89,900 Excellent location for high commercial traffic in downtown Mollala! Build your business from the ground up here! Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#687271

M a r k e t ”


lAnD & lotS $485,000 Rare find! Beautiful 77.10 Acres in Silverton Hills. Secluded w/ panoramic views. An excellent place to build! Ponds, creek, timber, wildlife - too much to talk about! Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503931-7824 • MLS#688331

$159,900 & $175,000 Two 2 acre building sites Incredible panoramic valley views! Ideally located 30 minutes between Salem & Portland. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#687746 & MLS#687747

$289,900 NEW LISTING! Bring your livestock! 9.22 Acres, multiple fenced pastures and outbuildings. Perfect Horse Property! Joe and Dana Giegerich • 503931-7824 • MLS#681296

$120,000 PRICE REDUCED! Bring your fishing pole & canoe! Build your dream home on a private road with a view of Silver Creek. Ginni Stensland • 503-510-4652 • MLS#681152

$265,000 Development Opportunity! 1.91 Acres ideal for subdivision across from new Silverton High School. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#680421

$109,900 Blank Canvas! Beautiful, lush, and private - build your dream home & make this property yours! Robin Kuhn • 503-930-1896 • MLS#680770

$225,000 2.33 Acres of Privacy. Ready for a new home - driveway already in! Septic, electric, well in place. Joe and Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#680862

$98,000 Beautiful sunset views above Silverton just outside Abiqua Heights. .25 acre lot waiting for you to build it up. Ginni Stensland • 503-510-4652 • MLS#684777

$175,000 ABIQUA CREEK FRONTAGE! Create your perfect space - .61 acre private wooded sanctuary w/ easy creek access to swim or fish. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#688351

$69,900 NEW LISTING! Private & Secluded .75 acre building site to build the home of your dreams. Septic or city water approved. Joe & Dana Giegerich • 503-931-7824 • MLS#681468

STEELHAMMER ESTATES Now taking reservations for Single-Family Home Lots in Silverton’s newest 40-lot subdivision due to be completed November 2015. Call Dean Oster 503-932-5708.

For rent

Want to Move on? Let Us Rent Your Home Call Dean Oster 503-932-5708

W W W . N W O R G . C O M July 2015 • 11

Something Fun

Behind the scenes By Kristine Thomas It is a well-known fact the monks at the Mount Angel Abbey have a quiet, spiritual side. But how many people know the monks enjoy playing bocce ball, badminton and croquet; can create gourmet meals, love to hike or enjoy sharing the Abbey’s history? If you have a curiosity about a monk’s life or the Mount Angel Abbey, attending the first St. Benedict Festival on July 11 is your chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at Abbey life while meeting many of the hilltop residents. “Who gets to know the monks other than just watching them pray,” Abby novice master Faster Odo Recker, OSB, said. “That’s the deal. They’ll get a look at life in the monastery and have access to places on the abbey they normally would not. If they have any curiosity about monks or Mount Angel Abbey, this is the event.” Mount Angel Abbey was founded in 1882 by the first Benedictine monks on the West Coast. Today, about 50 monks follow a practical, prayer-centered life following their sixth-century founder, St. Benedict. Brother Cyril Drnjevic, OSB, said St. Benedict Festival will replace the art and wine festival. The new event, he said, gives guests and the brothers an opportunity to interact, while also allowing them to share their talents and

Festival offers guests insight to Mount Angel Abbey life Other auction items include a hike to Opal Creek with Brother Cyril or a hike to Abiqua Falls starting at the Abbey’s historic Milk Ranch with Brother Andre Love, OSB.

St. Benedict Festival Saturday, July 11, noon to 5 p.m. Activities include catered picnic, a chef cook-off, Oregon wines, beer from the Abbey’s own Benedictine Brewery, lawn games with the monks, behind-the-scenes hilltop tours, and an opportunity to attend noon prayers and 4 p.m. Vespers. Auction tickets: $40. This is an adults-only event.

There’s a private wine tasting with Father Alexander Plasker, OSB; a concert by Father Teresio Caldwell; a historic tour with Brother Simon Hepner and fishing weekend with Les and Nancy Fahey and special guest Abbott Peter Eberle. Brother Cyril said a highlight at the festival will be a friendly competition among five local chefs from Bon Appetit. The chefs will create and serve gourmet picnic fare inspired by Benedictine monasteries in Mexico, Japan, Italy, India and Switzerland.

Information: MountAngelAbbey. org/Saint-Benedict-Festival or 503845-3064. Proceeds will support the library, guest house and monastery. interests. Monks will be leading the tours of Abbey; talking about and pouring the Benedictine Brewery beers, and playing lawn games with visitors. “We believe the way to lead people to Christ is by person-to-person,” Brother Cyril said. “We want people to see us as real people and find out who we are.” The monks normally live a fairly secluded life. The St. Benedict Festival allows them to share with visitors the things that are important to them. All the auction items feature the winners participating in an activity with one of the monks. For example, Fathers Odo and Ralph Recker, OSB, will prepare a seven-

He said the new festival gives the monks a chance to really share what life on the hill is like and provide guests with tours of the library, guest house, quirky museum and monastery collection. Guests can also join the monks as they chant at noon prayer and 4 p.m. Vespers in the Abbey Church.

Brother Cyril Drnjevic, OSB

course Italian feast for 10 guests. Father Odo will prepare his special spaghetti carbonara di Carlo, inspired from his studies in Italy. Or, if bidders prefer something Irish, Father Paul Farrelly, OSB, will prepare a proper Irish tea for four guests.

Acknowledging most monks are a little introverted, Brother Cyril said many people know and love the seminary for the work it does in the community and beyond. “The festival is a chance for people to get to know and love us as a monastery,” he said.

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Our Town Monthly

Something to think about

A lost art

Paying attention? Father telling me ‘You need to let this go and experience life.’ So I did.”

By Brenna Wiegand Heidi Walker took a drastic move two years ago – so much so that some of her friends think she’s crazy. Heidi went “hands free” – no cell phone, smart phone; just an emergency TracFone.

About the third day Heidi felt a new freedom; “a release of almost the binding nature of the phone – like you’ve just got to have it with you and if you forget it when you leave the house, oh, no, and you go running back to get it.”

It all started when she lost her swanky phone. “My husband was looking into insurance plans, trying to replace it and I just kind of heard this inner voice that said ‘Let it go,’” Heidi said. “I was starting to notice that I was spending too much time on it; too much time with social media; too much time texting people rather than living life and paying attention to my kids and being in the moment with them and where they’re at.” Though she can access Facebook, e-mail, etc., from her home computer, at first it felt like she was missing out on a lot. She said it’s also weird to stand in a line and “be the only person that’s not looking down … the only person actually taking in the environment around them.” What’s more, it was kind of lonely: People just aren’t as accustomed to picking up the phone these days.

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She’s been there. She got a ticket for it, in fact – something she’s now grateful for. “I used to feel almost a compulsion like if the phone rings you’ve got to answer it – even if I was driving,” she said. “I see people doing it; you just endanger everyone around you.” Heidi and her husband Che have three kids. Brynn, the oldest at 11, said she remembers her mom being on the phone “all the time.” “...but not having one is inconvenient when we can’t find where we need to go because she doesn’t have a GPS or we can’t find someone we’re trying to meet because she can’t call them and find out where they are,” Brynn added.

With her head up, Heidi’s eyes were opened to just how prevalent this has become. It started to get to her seeing parents who were with their kids ...but not really.

Heidi agrees there are times when it’s inconvenient not having a phone but she knows that for her, now, this is the right course. Her sons Hudson, 4, and Asher, 5, don’t remember any different, though Asher has reservations about owning a cell.

“The culture’s changed so much,” she said, “and as a Christian I believe it was the

“It can be a problem when you’re trying to hide and it rings,” he said.

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July 2015 • 13

Helping hands

Giving back

Next generation restarts nonprofit to help families with sick kids

By Kristine Thomas

Kids with New Hope

Mount Angel resident Gwen Groomes has an sincere and simple reason for why she did what she did. “It was our turn to help out and give back,” Gwen said. “It was time to begin again.” Last year, Gwen along with her parents Larry and Julie Smith, restarted Kids with New Hope, a nonprofit organization started in 1983 to assist local families whose children are facing life-threatening illnesses. Julie said the nonprofit organization was started after her daughter, Jessica, was diagnosed with a life-threatening childhood cancer in 1983. “Our friends got together and started the group to help us with medical bills and it grew from there with providing support for other kids battling life-threatening illnesses,” Julie said. “We also learned there were two other children with illnesses so three families in Mount Angel had kids with terminal illnesses at the same time.”

The nonprofit group based in Mount Angel will hold a chicken barbecue at Main and Church streets on Saturday, July 4, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. or whenever the chicken is sold out. Kids with New Hope provides families with children facing a life-threatening illness with financial support. For information, contact Julie Smith at 503-5518842 or email kidswithnewhope@hotmail.com or visit Kids with New Hope’s Facebook page.

December 1984. She was 4 years old. For more than 10 years, Kids with New Hope continued with fundraising events including the dance and the chicken barbecue.

Julie said they used to host a dance once a year to raise money for Kids with New Hope.

Then it just fell off, Julie said, until her daughter learned a friend had a son with a terminal illnesses.

“People in this community just come out of the woodwork to help when there is a good cause,” she said.

“Gwen started Kids with New Hope again,” Julie said.

Jessica was diagnosed in November 1983 and died in

The fundraisers have included a Christmas tree sale and the chicken barbecue.

The next Kids with New Hope Chicken Barbecue is Saturday, July 4, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. or whenever the chicken has sold out. The booth will be at Church and Main streets, right across from the town fountain. When Julie learned her daughter wanted to restart Kids with New Hope, she said she cried. “I was so impressed and so touched that she wanted to do this and help her friend who was going through a child’s illness and death,” Julie said. “It always amazes me how when something bad happens, that all these wonderful people step up to help. It shows how many good people are out there.” Gwen said she started Kids with New Hope last year because she wanted to help a high school friend whose child was battling an illness. “I remember seeing my parents and their friends raising money to help families in need,” Gwen said. “We wanted to do something to help out in return for what our family received.”

L e r oy G i l g e O.D.

Gwen remembers what itK ameant family to receive r i C l ito n eher O.D. help and support whenSher sister was ill. i l v e r t on E y e c a r e “Seeing my friend1 go 1 4 through W M a ieverything n S t • S i lwith v e r ther on baby, it was devastating,” Gwen said. “We want to be able to 5 0 3 .8 7 4 .2 0 2 0 help people out when they need it.”


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14 • July 2015


Our Town Monthly


Summertime sights

Photos by Kristine Thomas

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July 2015 • 15

datebook Weekly Activities Alcoholic Anonymous

Noon – 1 p.m. Monday - Saturday. St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, 211 W. Center St., Silverton. 8 p.m. Monday, Thursday, Saturday. Scotts Mills Community Center, 298 Fourth St. David, 50-383-8327

Silverton Al-Anon

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays. 10 - 11 a.m. Saturdays. Silverton Assembly of God Church, 437 N. James St. 503-269-0952.

Mt. Angel Library Activities

3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Storytime ages 3 - 6. Mt. Angel Library, 290 Charles St. 4:45 - 6 p.m. Tuesday. Lego Club. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. Babytime ages 0 - 3.

Evening Bike Rides

Silverton Farmer’s Market

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Town Square Park, Main Street, Silverton. Fresh produce, plants, flowers. Every Saturday. 503-873-5615

Notices Free Lunch

Oregon kids and teens (ages 1 - 18) get free summer meals at the following locations. Adult lunches can be purchased for $1.50. 503-873-6331 ext. 3770, summerfoodoregon.org

Mt. Angle Middle School, 460 E Marquam St., June 15 - Aug. 21, breakfast 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Monday-Friday, lunch 11:30 am. - 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. 503-845-2345 Robert Frost Elementary, 201 Westfield St.,

Silverton, June 15 - Aug. 21, lunch 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Coolidge McClaine Park, 300 Coolidge St.,

Mark Twain, 425 N Church St., Silverton, June 15 - Aug. 21, lunch 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Silverton Business Group

OCDC Marion County, 707 McClaine,

Storytimes at Library

Stories at Silver Falls Library, 410 S. Water St., Silverton. Chickadees, age 3-4, 12:30 – 1:15 p.m. Wednesdays. Baby Birds, age 0-3, 11 – 11:30 a.m. Thursdays; same time Fridays. Duplo Day, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. all ages Fridays. Caregiver must attend with child. 503-873-7633

Woodcarving Sessions

1 – 4 p.m. Wednesdays. Silverton Arts Assoc. offers Silverchips woodcarving sessions. All skills. $2/week. 503-873-2480

Gordon House Tours

Tours at noon, 1, 2 p.m. Thursday– Monday. Frank Lloyd Wright Gordon House, 869 W. Main St., Silverton. thegordonhouse.org, 503-874-6006

Overeaters Anonymous

7 – 8 p.m. Thursdays. St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, 211 W. Center St., Silverton. All welcome. 503-910-6862

Weekly Meditation Group

7 – 8:30 p.m. Thursdays. Borland Gallery, 303 Coolidge St., Silverton. Weekly guided meditation. Free. Newcomers arrive 20 minutes early. 971-218-6641

Silverton Toastmasters

7:30 a.m. Fridays. Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1159 Oak St. Ann, 503-910-3668

16 • July 2015

7:30 p.m., Scotts Mills City Hall, 265 Fourth St. 503-873-5435

Friday, July 3 Silverton Day at the Garden

6:15 p.m. Tuesday. Seven Brides Brewing, 990 N First St., Silverton. Ride of 20 - 30 miles, A-B difficulty. No ride on fourth Tuesday of month. Free. Open to all. Call Marilyn Monson, 503-559-3589, or Dan Schuh, 503-759-7010 8 a.m. Wednesdays. Silverton Inn & Suites, 310 N. Water. Free. Silverton Chamber of Commerce. 503-873-5615

Scotts Mills City Council

Silverton, June 15 - Aug. 21, lunch 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Silverton, June 1 - Aug. 30, breakfast 7:30 - 8 a.m. Monday-Friday, lunch 10:30 - 11 a.m. Monday-Friday, supper 3 - 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. 971-224-1021

Wednesday, July 1 Senior Center Activities

10 a.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Knitting 911. Making and taking Christmas cards. Both activities every Wednesday in July. 1 p.m. Brain Training workshop. All free. Seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Actors/Improv Group

7 - 8:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. Variety of improvisational games. No experience required. Open to adults, high school students. Also July15. Ron, 503-873-8796

Thursday, July 2 Family Night

7 - 8 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. Reptile Man. July 9: Costume night. Dress as your favorite hero. July 16: Juggling with Rhys Thomas. July 23: Storytelling with Chetter Galloway. July 30: Science and history with Museum of Natural and Cultural History. Free. 503-873-5173

Silverton Scribes

7 - 8:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. Informal writer’s group to share, critique writing projects. Repeats July 15. 503-873-8796


6 - 11 a.m., The Oregon Garden, 879 W Main St., Silverton. Live music, fireworks. Barbecue dinner 6 - 9:30 p.m.; tickets at oregongarden.org. Silverton residents and Garden members receive free admission to garden from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission for fireworks free after 6 p.m.; $5 per family donation suggested to help cover cost of fireworks. On-site parking $5. 503-874-8100, oregongarden.org

La Femme Art Show Reception

6 - 8 p.m., SAA Borland Gallery, 303 Coolidge St., Silverton. Art by female artists. Artwork on display noon - 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sunday through July 26. 503-363-9310

Free Lunch

Noon - 3 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 500 N Second St, Silverton. Families welcome. 503-873-3446

Monday, July 6 Silverton City Council

7 p.m., Silverton Council Chambers, 421 S Water St. 503-873-5321

Mount Angel City Council 7 p.m., Mount Angel Library, 290 E. Charles St. 503-845-9291

Tuesday, July 7 Blood Pressure Checks

9:30 - 11 a.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Free 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Wednesday, July 8 Conservation Workshop

First Friday in Silverton

7 – 9 p.m. Explore the historic downtown, have dinner, shop, browse galleries and boutiques. 503-873-5615

9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, 5915 N Windsor Island Road, Salem. Focuses on integrating trees, shrubs into agricultural land-use system to enhance productivity, profitability, environmental stewardship. Free. RSVP, information: Brenda 503-391-9927

Water Under the Bridge

Gardening with Dale

7 - 9 p.m., Lunaria Gallery, 113 N Water St., Silverton. Artist reception for sculptor Deborah Unger, painter Ann Altman. Loft exhibit, “Fire and Ice,” highlights glass works featuring guest artist Marilyn Shadburne. Artwork on display through Aug. 2. 503-873-7734, lunariagallery.com

Painting Exhibition

7 - 9 p.m., 106 S Water St., Silverton. Exhibition of drawings, paintings by Jim Shull. Exhibition open noon - 5 p.m. Thursday - Sunday July 1 - 12.

Saturday, July 4 Independence Day Antique & Collectioble Street Fair 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., downtown Silverton. Vendor selling antiques, collectibles, handcrafted jewelry, homemade cosmetics. Face painting. Live music with The AH Factor playing 1 - 4 p.m. Food vendors. Free admission. 503-8594435

Mount Angel Fourth of July

11 a.m., Mount Angel. Old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration. Parade at 11 a.m. Starts downtown, Garfield and College streets. Fireworks at dusk at Mount Angel Middle School.

2 p.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Gardening with Dale Small. Free for seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Thursday, July 9 Make Christmas Gift

11 a.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Make beaded bracelet Christmas gift for under $10. Seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Movies in the Garden

7 p.m., The Oregon Garden, 879 W. Main St., Silverton. Today: Ghostbusters (PG); July 16: The Breakfast Club ( R); July 23: Beetlejuice (PG); July 30: The Goonies (PG). Admission: $4 adults, $3 teens 12 - 17, $3 children 5 - 11 and members, children 4 and under free. Pets on leash welcome. Concessions available. Season pass: $15. 503-874-8100, oregongarden.org

Friday, July 10 Chamber Forum Lunch

11:45 a.m., Family Birth Center, 342 Fairview St., Silverton. Networking, educational program. $12 members with reservation. $15 prospective members or no reservation. 503-873-5615, silvertonchamber.org

Our Town Monthly

Art in the Garden Kickoff

Mount Angel School District

7 - 10 p.m., The Oregon Garden, 879 W Main St., Silverton. Outdoor art installations by artists David Hillesland, Tyler Brumfield, Paul Jenkins. Tickets $15. Displayed ‘til Sept. 30. Hillesland will teach chainsaw carving workshops July 18, Aug. 8. 503-874-8100, oregongarden.org

6:30 p.m., Mount Angel Middle School, 460 E Marquam. 503-845-2345

Saturday, July 11

Hydration for Brain

Make Fairy Garden

10 a.m. - noon, Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Make and take fairy garden. $10. All ages welcome; children must be accompanied by adult. Bring lunch. RSVP to 5003-873-3093

Silver Falls School District

7 p.m., Silverton Community Center, 421 S Water St. 503-873-5303

Wednesday, July 15 11:30 a.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Learn about how hydration keeps the brain healthy. Free. Seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Thursday, July 16

Historic Silver Falls Days

10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Silver Falls State Park. Model T, Model A cars today; horse logging demonstrations, carriage rides Sunday; demonstrations of antique logging tools; flint knapping, basketry; old-fashioned family games; storytelling; bluegrass band. Miniature canoe race celebrates Al Fausett’s 1928 canoe trip over South Falls. Free; $5 parking. Also July 12. silverfallsstatepark.wordpress.com, 503-874-0201

In Stitches at Silver Falls Library

10 a.m. – noon, Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. Crochet, knit, share ideas. All welcome. Free. 503-873-8796

Saint Benedict Festival

Noon - 5 p.m., Mount Angel Abbey, One Abbey Dr., St. Benedict. Cook-off of five Bon Appetit chefs, local wines, new pale ale brewed by Benedictine Brewery, lawn games, live music, tours, more. $40 includes picnic, refreshments, activities. Adults only. Tickets: mtangelabbey.org.

Homemade Convenience Food

1 - 4 p.m., Silverton Grange, 201 Division St. Learn low-cost, healthy ways to make convenience food. Free. 503-551-4788

Concert in the Park

7 - 8:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S Water St., Silverton. Features Marion County Citizens Band. Bring blanket, chairs. Free. 503-873-8796

Sunday, July 12 Paint’n Party

2 - 4 p.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Create a painting as instructor walk through process. $25. Seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Our Town Monthly

Celebrate America!

Noon, Silverton Assemby, 437 N James St. Celebrate America with a light luncheon and speakers Crystal Trott, Linda Steffen, Tanya Little. $6.50. Reservations due by July 14, call Cathy, 503-999-2291. Presented by Mount Angel - Silverton Women’s Connection & Stonecroft Ministries.

Back Health Seminar

1 p.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Learn about balance and back health with chiropractor Dr. Joe Vance. Free for seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Vegan Cooking Class

6 - 8 p.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church, 303 N Church St, Silverton. Molly Ainsley of Sorta Sausage makes vegan meals. Free. 503-873-3446

Singles Dine Out Club

6 p.m, Seven Brides Brewing, 990 N First St., Silverton. For singles 40+ and seniors 60+. Order off menu, dutch treat. 503-873-3093

Friday, July 17 Relay for Life

3 p.m., Old Silverton High, 802 Schlador St., Silverton. Relay for Life of Silverton. Walk with friends, neighbors to raise funds to help find a cure for cancer. Live entertainment, food. Runs through 9 a.m. July 18. Registration $10. relayforlife.org/ silvertonor

Saturday, July 18 Canterbury Renaissance Faire

10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Whitewind Farm, 6118 Mt. Angel Hwy., Mount Angel. Dance, shopping, fun set in the Elizabethan Era. Adults $14/ day, $24/weekend; children ages 6 - 12 and seniors 65 and older $11/day, $20 weekend; children under 5 free. Free parking. Repeats July 19, 25, 26. 503-8733273, canterburyfaire.com

Ride to Defeat ALS

6 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Mount Angel. Riders compete in 100-mile, 50-mile, 25-mile, 3-mile or 62-mile ride. Finish festivities include entertainment, massages, demos. $35 adults and $15 youth under 18 by July 17. Registration, $45 and $25, for day-of, but all participants ages 11 and up are responsible for meeting $150 fundraising goal by day of event. 800-681-9851 ext. 106, ridetodefeatALS.org

Monday, July 20 Outdoor Concert

7 p.m., Mount Angel Gazebo. Marion County Citizen’s Band performs. Antique car owners encouraged to bring vehicles. Sponsored by Mt. Angel Telephone Co. 503-266-8256

Tuesday, July 21 HELPS Workshop 2 p.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Helping Eliminate Legal Problems for Seniors workshop. Free for seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Silver Falls Library Book Club

7 - 8:30 p.m., Silver Falls Library, 410 S. Water St., Silverton. This month’s selection “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer. Refreshments. Visitors welcome. 503-897-8796

Thursday, July 23

Sports Physical Clinic

6 - 8 p.m., Silverton High School, 1456 Pine St. Open to students of Silver Falls School District who need physical for school sports. Print form from high school website, silvertonhigh. silverfallsschools.org. $25 donation to Silver Fox Foundation. Hosted by Silver Fox Foundation, Family Medical Group.


Friday, July 24 Scotts Mills City-wide Sale

9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Scotts Mills. Citywide garage sale. Also inside Grange Hall, open for food. Map of sales at Grange Hall, individual sales. Lots of parking. Also July 25. 503-873-5435

Saturday, July 25 Arabian Horse Farm Tours

10 a.m. - noon, Falcon Crest Arabians, 17414 S Abiqua Road, Silverton. Tour three Arabian horse farms. Refreshments served, drawings at each farm. 12:30 - 2:30 p.m., Rosewood Farm, 32360 S Ona Way, Molalla. 3 - 5 p.m., Windy City Farm, 19223 S Windy City Road Mulino. Free; open to public.

Seed Saving, Plant Propagation

10:30 a.m. - noon, Silverton LDS Church, 745 W Main St. Learn self-reliant homesteading skills by seed saving, plant propagation. Free. larindasgarden. com, providentliving.org

Sunday, July 26 Scotts Mills Pancake Breakfast

7 a.m. - noon, Scotts Mills Community Center, corner of Fourth and Grandview. Sponsored by Scotts Mill Grange No. 938. $5 per person. 503-874-9575

Monday, July 27 Budget Friendly Cooking

6 - 8 p.m., Silverton Area Community Aid, 421 S Water St. Instructors from OSU Extension office share tips, examples for preparing large meals on a tight budget. 503-873-3446

Tuesday, July 28 Medicare 101

2 p.m, Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Medicare 101 presented by Profitable Planning. Free for seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093

Wednesday, July 29 Dog Care Class

2 p.m., Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield. Dog care for seniors. Free for seniors 60 and older. 503-873-3093 Abbey Bach Festival 5:15 p.m., Mount Angel Abbey, One Abbey Dr., St. Benedict. Each evening includes vespers, concerts, outdoor dinner. General admission $55 one-day, $135 three-day. Repeats July 30, 31. 503845-3030, mountangelabbey.org

July 2015 • 17

Sports & Recreation

Shooting star

s l a e D t e Swe ! s l e e h W on Hot

Sharpshooting basketball standout Jacob Axmaker continues to shine at the national level. Jacob, an 11-year-old at Sublimity Elementary School, shot his way to the national Elks Lodge hoop shoot championships at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass. Jacob, who was representing the Silverton Elks Lodge, No. 2210, finished second in his age division at the national event, being bested only by Zocko Littleton Jr of Atlanta. And Jacob moved up three spots in the national rankings this year after finishing fifth in last year’s national tournament, which is open to shooters aged 8 to 13. It was an arduous climb for Jacob to get to Springfield. Approximately 1,300 shooters were involved in the school level competition, said Milt Kintzley, who directed the hoop shoot for the Silverton Elks. The 48 school winners, including Jacob, advanced to the local competition at Robert Frost Elementary School. After winning there Jacob moved on to claim the district championship at Central High School in Independence.


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Keizer hosted the state championships, and when Jacob won there as well he moved on to regional competition in Vancouver, Wash.

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A victory there earned Jacob and his parents an all-expenses paid trip to Massachusetts for the national event. Jacob probably busted the luggage weight guidelines on the way home. Kintzley said his performance earned him a trophy, a plaque, a basketball and a T-shirt.

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18 • July 2015

Elks Hoop Shoot

Academic: Kennedy claimed a pair of first place teams on the academic allstate lists for spring sports. The Trojans’ softball team finished with a 3.87 cumulative grade point average to claim top honors in Class 2A-1A. Ditto for Kennedy baseball, which also took first with a 3.61 GPA. Other Kennedy teams finishing in the top 10 were the band (fifth at 3.31) and girls track and field (eighth at 3.17). Two other Kennedy teams were above 3.0, boys track and field (3.17) and boys golf (3.08), although they did not make it into the top 10. Silverton, meanwhile, field one first-


place team and 10 of its squads turned in GPAs of 3.32 or better. The Foxes’ baseball team finished first in Class 5A with a 3.67 cumulative GPA. Choir finished fourth (3.41), softball was fifth (3.57), girls track and field was sixth (3.71), along with band (3.48) and boys track and field (3.39). Girls tennis (3.49), boys golf (3.38), boys tennis (3.38) and speech (3.32) all easily cracked the 3.0 mark but did not finish in the top 10 in their respective activities. Softball: I caught up with Foxes Coach Ralph Cortez, whose team advanced all the way to the Class 5A semifinals before falling to Pendleton. “Again what a successful season, for the Foxes. I can’t say enough about this talented group. It’s great to be part of this season,” Cortez said. “Pendleton was good, tough place to play at, they where state champs last year and it showed. We tried to go in prepared, they where just better that day than us.” Silverton featured a young team this season, with just three senior starters. “Yes, we had a very youthful squad,” Cortez said. “Those young players are good because they dedicate time beyond high school ball competing during the summer on travel teams, I too coach travel ball and it also helps me be a better coach. The young players are physically gifted and skilled from the hard work they put into mastering this difficult sport with countless hours of skill development. Very excited for this and their efforts, my hats off to them.” Coach of the year: A pair of local coaches were honored May 25 by the Oregon Athletic Coaches Association at its annual dinner. Steve Roth, who led Silverton’s boys basketball team to its first OSAA title, was named coach of the year for Class 5A boys hoops, and veteran Kennedy coach Steve Ritchie was honored for Class 2A track and field. Music: My bad for not noting earlier that the Silverton band finished fourth in Class 5A on May 13 at the OSAA

Our Town Monthly

Joe & Dana Giegerich, Brokers championships at the LaSells Stewart Center at Oregon State University. Congratulations to band director Frank Petrik and the rest of the Foxes. College track: Former Silverton High athlete Stephanie Wells finished 24th in the NCAA championships June 11 at Hayward Field in Eugene. Wells, the lone member of the University of Montana squad to advance to nationals, had a best of 144-0 in her three throws and did not advance to the finals. “I didn’t do as well as I would have liked,

but I did what I could,” said Wells, who competed three times at state meets at Hayward Field while with the Foxes. “The meet was exactly what I thought it would be, so I was confident and relaxed. I wasn’t scared at all. “But regionals is nothing compared to the level of girls who throw here. It makes me realize I have a lot of work to put in.” Follow me on Twitter.com @jameshday. Got a news tip? Email me at jamesday590@gmail.com

Summer sport/recreation activities Future Foxes Camps Future Foxes are invited to attend summer sport camps. If you have questions, call Silverton High School Athletic Department, 503-873-6331, ext. 3823. Future Foxes Soccer Camp For grades first through eighth, camp is 9 a.m. to noon July 20 to 23 at Pine Street Soccer Field. Cost: $50.

Silver Falls YMCA

Parents also can sign up their children for Summer Swim Lessons, which are Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.- noon and in the evenings from 5-7 p.m. Call 503-873-6456 for more information or head down to the pool at 601 Miller St. to sign up

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mount Angel Oktoberfest by signing up to run a 5K, 10k or half marathon. The half marathon begins at 8 a.m., the 5k and 10k at 9 a.m. at Humpert Park, 400 Alder St., Mount Angel.

Our Town Monthly

Featured Listings $399,000 –

PRICE REDUCED! This private, secluded custom home offers great views and lots of space! Multiple outbuildings provide plenty of workspace. MLS#686942 on 45+ irrigated Acres is ready to suit your needs! Already setup for dairy, horses, poultry, or farming. MLS#690034

Silverton Skatepark Skateboard and bicycle enthusiast come from miles to test their skills at the Silverton Community Skatepark, next door to the Silverton Senior Center at the corner of Westfield and West Main.

Volleyball Camp Aug. 3-6. third through eighth grade, 4-6 p.m.; Grades 9-12, 6-8 p.m. at Silverton High School. Cost: $50.

Oktoberfest Road Race


$699,900 Classic Farmhouse

The Silver Falls YMCA offers Summer Day Camps including Vet, BMX, Mad Science and more. For information on camps in July and August, visit www.theyonline.org/silver-fallsfamily-ymca/

Whether you opt for the 8k run or the 2 mile fun run/walk, Homer’s Classic features a flat, scenic run with a track finish. Both runs start at 9 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 9 at the Silverton High Track, 802 Schlador St. Register at racenorthwest.com


Register at racenorthwest.com

Future Foxes Tennis Camp July 20-23. Session 1 – 9 to 11 a.m. for students entering third through eighth grade. Session 2 –11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for students entering grades 9-12. Cost: $50.

Fun Runs Homer’s Classic

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SilverTon community pool

The swimming pool has open swim from 1-3 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Monday - Friday. Lifeguards are on duty. Call 503-873-6456 for information.

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Evening Bike Rides

Meet at 6:15 p.m. Tuesdays at Seven Brides Brewing, 990 N First St. Rides of 20 - 30 miles, A-B difficulty. No ride on fourth Tuesday of month. Free. Open to all. Ride may be canceled for weather. Call Marilyn Monson, 503-559-3589, or Dan Schuh, 503-759-7010

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July 2015 • 19

Family Matters

Now’s the time

Wedding planning can take about a year

By Melissa Wagoner

is the time to start planning for the fall and even next summer. Luckily for local brides, there are several venues to chose from for their wedding. Here are a few:

On a night out with friends two years ago, Amy Kvenbo met the man of her dreams; she just didn’t know it yet. “We met right before hunting season. He was a burly hairy dude who bought me a drink and I thought nothing of it,” Kvenbo recalls.

VANDERBECK VALLEY FARMS Vanderbeck Valley Farm’s barn, which is used to store landscaping and farm equipment during the week, turns into a wedding venue on the weekends; similarly, farm owner Wendy Burton, who runs Old Stone Coffee and Tea in Mount Angel during the week, becomes wedding planner extraordinaire on the weekends.

The mystery man ended up being Matt Alexander from Mount Angel and later when the two ran into each other again they hit it off. “We met in mid-November of 2013 and I broke my knee a couple weeks after that, neither one of us was looking for a long term relationship so I expected him to leave. I was in a full leg brace, had to walk with a walker and couldn’t get around by myself. Matt was there for all of it; two nights in the hospital, weeks at home recuperating and months of physical therapy. After that I fell more in more in love with him,” Kevenbo said. Last Christmas Alexander asked Kvenbo

Amy Kvenbo displays her wedding centerpieces and place settings at her mother’s antique store.

“We’re going into our seventh year. We just started out with one wedding that first year. Last year I did eight and this year 22 weddings,” Burton said.

to be his wife and the couple have set a wedding date this July at Vanderbeck Valley Farm in Mount Angel.

The property, though still a working farm raising a small herd of cattle to fill the family’s freezer, is also a picturesque setting with manicured lawns and a wooded trail winding beside a creek.

While now is the prime wedding months, ask any recently engaged couple, now

The barn itself is full of reused items. Much of the doors, windows and lumber



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20 • July 2015

“Plan, plan, plan that’s the key, really planning. If they have a really special look for the table set up, set it up, take a picture, that way everybody knows exactly what it’s supposed to look like,” Burton suggested.

THE OREGON GARDEN Although Kvenbo allotted herself two years in which to plan her wedding, a year is most common, said Shana Schacher,

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Burton’s goal when helping a bride plan her wedding is always to make sure what is important to that bride shines through and the day runs smoothly.

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“I let my brides use anything I have. It hopefully saves them some money so they don’t have to buy a bunch of items they will never use again. My coordinating and decorating services is all included in the rate,” Burton said.

a e v Ha t a e Gr

From all of us at Eastman, have a safe and happy th

came from around the farm and many of the items arefrom Burton’s extensive collection of decorations and her father’s antique collection.

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301 E. Main Street Silverton 503-874-4401 w w w. w h i m s y e t c . c o m

O p e n S e v e n D ay S a W e e k Our Town Monthly

event specialist for the Oregon Garden Resort.

with a local florist to create www. silvertonandbeyond.com, a site that lists everything from places to eat to hairstylists and tuxedo rentals. Her goal is to make the weekend as stress free for the bride as possible.

“I’ve had people book big weddings two months in advance and I’ve booked out a 2016 wedding. There is no limit to how far out you can book,” Schacher said.

“We love weddings up here and I love my job. It’s such a special day,” Schacher said.

The Oregon Garden Resort is able to host several events at the same time due to multiple event locations. Like Vanderbeck Valley Farm, the Oregon Garden Resort is also seeing an upswing in weddings. “Last year we did 55 total and we already have 50 right now,” Schacher said. She sees this trend in local wedding planning as helpful for the resort itself as well as also for the local economy.

SIVER FALLS STATE PARK Katharine Kittenger was married last July on the bridge at South Falls, one of the waterfalls in Silver Falls State Park. Kittenger’s wedding ceremony was full of mishaps. “I don’t think a wedding would be fun if there weren’t a complete disaster around every corner,” she said.

“In the summertime we have anywhere from 300 to 700 people in town for weddings,” Schacher said. Schacher is seeing a trend in wedding weekends verses wedding days, with guests venturing into town armed with a list of things to do. She has even partnered

The reception was held at the Old Ranch, built in the 1880s. The Old Ranch is one of several venues rented by the state park itself but brides are left to their own devices when planning the wedding. However for those who would like a bit more guidance there is one part of the

park that takes the guesswork out of wedding planning.

booked with the average size of 108 people.

Run by a separate concessionaire, the Silver Falls Conference Center rents venue space as well as guest cabins with the help of Adrienne Blomgren, a specialist in handling events.

“We do have a few here and there for 30 to 40 people and in our new 2016 package we added an elopement ceremony,” Blomgren said.

“My title is event coordinator so I do help them quite a bit with the planning. I give them guidance and help with timelines and the floor plans. I also recommend that they have a personal planner. It helps alleviate a lot of the bride’s worry and pressure and I attend every wedding,” she said. The current Silver Falls Conference Center concessionaire took over last spring and is in their first big wedding season. “Traditionally there were 13 weddings but we’re really evolving into more of an event center. We are booked out through Halloween and starting on 2016,” Blomgren said. The Conference Center has 43 weddings

The Conference Center has several areas of the property which are commonly used for weddings but are flexible. “We’re open to all kinds. We’re a pretty non-traditional venue in a lot of ways and we’re really happy to think outside the box,” she said. “More and more couples are seeing that their wedding can represent them and doesn’t have to go by tradition. Each wedding we’ve had is extremely different and reflective of the couple’s personality.” Even with the help of a coordinator and staff, planning a wedding is a lot of work but Blomgren suggested, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Sometimes it’s really easy to lose sight of the reason you’re doing this and what’s important to you and those close to you.”



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22 • July 2015

1985 revisited By Melissa Wagoner If you don’t believe in time travel, you just might change your mind.

This July, the year 1985 is returning to Burger Time in Mount Angel. The restaurant will celebrate its 30-year anniversary with a trip back in time to the original grand opening celebration complete with balloons, clowns and door prizes as well as special prices on specific items reflecting the original menu. “We’re thinking deluxe cheeseburger and a small fry with a medium drink is $2.29. That was the original price,” owner Liz Ipox said.

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Ipox and business partner Chrissy Butsch have owned Burger Time, a staple of Mount Angel restaurant culture, for six years. “I love a lot about it,” Ipox said. “We both grew up in Mount Angel. We love the community. This (the business) is like our second home.” Burger Time has been a part of the lives of many Mount Angel residents. Eva Chaparro remembers going on dates to Burger Time in 1992 with the man who would become her husband. “We both worked at Benedictine Nursing Center and Burger Time was our place to go to eat and to make googly eyes at each other. That was some 23 years ago. Today we still visit Burger Time with our three kids. We moved back to Mount Angel almost nine years ago and it’s still one of our places to visit,” Chaparro said. Both Ipox and Butsch were employees before purchasing the business. In fact, Butsch’s parents bought the restaurant from the original owner, Del Stevens, in 1996. She was able to train with Stevens for several months before the sale was finalized. “I’ve always worked with food in one form or another,” Butsch said. Both Butsch and Ipox are excited about the upcoming anniversary and have done research about the history of


Burger Time 30th anniversary celebration Here’s what’s happening in July: July 9 - 11: Clowns, balloons and door prizes July 9: deluxe cheeseburger, small fries and medium drink return to the 1985 price of $2.29 July 10 - 11: hamburgers and hot dogs 39 cents each Burger Time is at 450 N. Main St., Mount Angel.

the restaurant in order to get ready for the event. “Every year, we have an anniversary party. It’s a way to say thanks to our customers. Finding more and more research for this one has been fun,” Ipox said. Ipox has been able to unearth old newspaper clippings featuring stories about the building of the restaurant and some information about the original owners. “From what I gather [Stevens] and his wife owned the A&W in Silverton,” Ipox said. “They were looking to franchise it and it just didn’t work out,” Butsch said. Instead of making the new business a second A&W, Stevens created Burger Time and kept the restaurant as a unique Mount Angel establishment with its own charm. Although the menu is fundamentally the same one that was established in 1985, Butsch and Ipox have made a few changes through the years. “We changed the size of the patties, we got a reader board and we have seasonal milkshake flavors,” Ipox said. The duo has also made sure to use the tastiest ingredients. “I said, ‘let’s go with only US meat and we’d like it close by us,” Ipox explained. “Our meat is fresh from the Northwest. It’s fresh with nothing

Our Town Monthly

Burger Time rolls back prices for anniversary

Burger Time owners Chrissy Butsch and Liz Ipox are eager to celebrate their business’ 30th anniversary.

added.” This attention to detail is appreciated by their customers. “I never eat fast food but I love going there,” customer Breanna Conley said. “Their milk shakes are delicious too.” Along with great food comes down home service. Burger Time, housed in the original 800-square foot building, employs seven part-time employees. “We have two seniors here and we’ve got a lot of college kids and some that will be finishing college,” Ipox said. Employee Jake Woelke has been working at the restaurant off and on for the past five years. “A lot of people come to see him,” Ipox said. The tradition of great, long-time employees, which can be difficult in food service, is not new to Burger Time. “I worked at Burger Time back in high school,” former employee Laura Miller

Our Town Monthly

said. “Later, my two sisters did too. It was like a family tradition. Great memories working there with friends and getting to know the community.” Butsch and Ipox work hard to maintain the community connection, particularly by supporting school sports through fund-raisers for the Mount Angel Booster Club. “We believe that since both our kids have grown up in Mount Angel we need to support the sports,” Ipox said. This year’s three-day anniversary celebration July 9-11 will be one more way for Burger Time to give back to the community that supports it. “I think a lot of our success is the community. Not just Mount Angel but Silverton and Scotts Mills too,” Ipox said. When asked what the future holds Ipox said, “We’re hoping to keep a tiny business. I think the future looks good.”


July 2015 • 23

Cut out and save Programs, classes & events are FREE for Seniors 60+ unless otherwise noted.

NEWS PROGRAMS & EVENTS • JULY 2015 Events Trip to Quilt Show in Sisters, OR Wednesday, July 11. Meet & Eat – Singles Dine Out Club 6 p.m. Thursday, July 16 at Seven Brides Brewing.

Health & Exercise FREE Blood Pressure Checks 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 7. Provided by Silverton Health. FREE for Seniors 60+! Brain Training Workshop 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 1. FREE for Seniors 60+! Hydration & Healthy Brain 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 15. Come for lunch and learn! Please call ahead two days in advance to reserve your lunch at 503-873-6906. Lunch is $3 suggested donation. Dementia Class 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 15. FREE for Seniors 60+! Balance & Back Health 1 p.m. Thursday, July 16. Dr. Joe Vance, chiropracter. FREE for Seniors 60+! FREE Hearing Screenings 10 a.m. Thursday, July 16. Provided by Willamette Hearing Center ENT. Please sign up in advance... Walkins welcome! Medicare 101 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 28. Provided by Profitable Planning. FREE for Seniors 60+! Start & Stay Fit 9:30 a.m. Mon/Wed; 10 a.m. Fri. $3 for Members & $4 for non-members. Yoga 9:30 a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri, $8 member, $10 non-member. Zumba Gold 5:30 p.m. Tues/ Thurs. $5 member; $6 nonmember. Tai Chi 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. Tues/ Thurs. $3 member; $4 nonmember.

Massage 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesdays. By appointment: $.50 min. (5-minute minimum). Bill Clubb Massage LC# 14929. Silverton Hospital Foot Clinic By appointment Tuesdays and every other Wednesday. 503-873-1784.

Classes & Workshops CHRISTMAS IN JULY! Make & Take Christmas Cards 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 1. FREE! Make & Take Felted Christmas Gifts 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 7. Choice of cat toys, soaps or flowers for only $5 each! Can buy a kit and take it home too. Learn the felting process and enjoy felting fun! Make & Take Christmas Bracelet Gifts 11 a.m. Thursday, July 9. Make a beaded bracelet to give for under $10. Gardening Class with Dale Small 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 8. FREE for Seniors 60+! Make & Take Fairy Gardens 10 a.m. Saturday, July 11. For ALL ages... children need to be with an adult. Only $10. ALL supplies provided. Bringa picnic lunch and enjoy lunch outside. Please RSVP to ensure supplies. Paint’n Party 2 p.m. Sunday, July 12. For seniors, come create a beautiful painting. Instructor walks through the entire process and at the end you have a masterpiece. Only $30. Writer’s Group 2 p.m. Friday, July 17. FREE for Seniors 60+ who love to write! Silverton Senior Center’s Thrift Shop at 207 High St. Tax deductible donations accepted! 503-874-1154. Open Tue - Sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

HELPS (Helping Eliminate Legal Problems for Seniors) Workshop 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 21. FREE for Seniors 60+! Sewing Class 2 p.m. Thursday, July 23. Only $25. Bring your own sewing machine... Lots of outlets available. Please RSVP. Dog Care for Seniors 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 29. FREE for Seniors 60+! Drawing Class 2 p.m. Tuesdays. $20 for 4 weeks. Crafty Wednesday Knitting 911 10 a.m. Wednesdays. FREE for knitters 60+! Crocheters welcome too! Mosaics & Ceramics 1 p.m. Thursdays (June 11-25). FREE for Seniors 60+! Please pre-register at 503-873-3093.

Cards & Games Bingo 1 p.m. Wednesdays. .25 cents a game; total cost for one card for 10 games is $2.50. Social Gaming 12:30 p.m. Mondays. Pinochle Noon. Tues/Fri. Bridge 1 p.m. Thursdays. Any players out there? Please call to see if there are any players. Chicken Foot Dominoes / Table Games 1 p.m. Fridays for Mah Johngg and Word Games – Call for info. FREE for Seniors 60+.

Other Programs Board Meeting 1 p.m. Monday, July 6. Public age 60+ invited! Lunch 11:30 a.m. Mon – Fri. (Suggested donation, $3).

115 Westfield Street • Silverton 97381 503-873-3093 • email: staff@silvertonseniorcenter.org www.silvertonseniorcenter.org 24 • July 2015

The Ol’ Curmudgeon

Pipe dreams

Risks – and rewards – in following a passion I must have been about 15 when I first learned of the great joy of pipe smoking. I had tried cigarettes, but it was the aroma and taste of tobacco smoked in a pipe that really turned me on. There was a pool hall in my home town of Bozeman, Montana that sold fine English pipe tobacco that came in small tin cans, Escudo, Capstan, Parson’s Pleasure, Baby’s Bottom (nothing smoother than) and an Irish tobacco named Erinmore. What a joy these compressed, slow burning tobaccos were, totally different from our Prince Albert, or Sir Walter Raleigh we knew on the drug store shelf. And then one day I was sitting at a table in Howie’s Famous Steak House in Butte. A tall, stately looking gentleman in a tweed sport coat and bow tie, who I took to be English, sat at a table across from me, pulled his pipe out of his pocket, took a fine leather roll up pouch out of another pocket, filled his pipe with fine tobacco, lit up, and sat back with a big contented smile on his face. I knew right right there and then I saw my future, and from that day on I was never seen – well almost never seen – without a pipe in my mouth. Along came WW11 and I found myself in England flying around on B-17s with the Mighty 8th Air Force. With time on my hands, I visited some of the factories where fine English pipes were made and I spent time in London’s pipe shops where I was proudly shown old ledgers proving they were tobacco suppliers to such and such a king, lord, or other famous personages. When I got back home I could not wait to open my own pipe shop, and I did. My shop in Bozeman impressed traveling men, politicians and tourists, but not the people I needed to make a living.


An executive with Western Hotels offered me a location in the lobby of the Northern Hotel in Billings. I was well aware of the camaraderie between pipe smokers, but was surprised to find one of my most devoted customers was none other than a man many at the time considered the most powerful man in the United States. Yes, the longest serving Senate Majority Leader, our longest serving Ambassador to Japan, pipe-smoking Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana. Mike not only dropped by my shop when he could, but others from Washington would drop by to say Mike told them to stop in and say hello. Well, I could not make a go of it in Billings either, but still having that image in mind I took a job managing Leonard’s Pipe Shops in Portland. My good wife found a house we wanted to buy, but the Realtor we were using explained that the house was owned by the Veterans Administration and they were very strict on credit and as I had just been forced into bankruptcy, no chance... but did I have anything to show that might help? I showed him a letter I had received from my friend Mike Mansfield. The Realtor showed the letter to the Veterans Administration. A few days later we bought the house, which turned out to be a good investment. Mike Mansfield, thank you, my friend. As the years went by I owned three pipe shops, went broke in all three but enjoyed all three. So much for the pipe dreams.

Our Town Monthly


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New business owners put dreams into action By Brenna Wiegand The arts, interesting food and cool coffee shops – sounds like Silverton. Looks like Silverton’s newest business owners are on the right track.

White Oak Art, Unique Items & More Since Lori and Terry McLaughlin opened White Oak, they have marveled at their welcome. It’s affirming in their choice to combine their passions and share the things they love with others. “I love art and I have friends in the area who are artists,” Lori said. “We’re all somewhat like-minded, which gives the store a nice feeling altogether.” Terry’s an athlete who loves reading, and the store spotlights local authors. Lori is a mixed media artist. She teaches art at Chemeketa Community College; Terry just retired from there as a physical ed instructor. “We’re both teachers; we both enjoy our passions and I look at the store as a way to expose other artists to the Silverton public and teach people about what we have here,” Lori said. “There’s something about Silverton; it has a great artistic vibe. “Artists, including myself, like to create but my husband and I share the responsibilities of running the store and it’s good for us because it gets us out with people and we learn about them.” White Oak Gallery, 215 E Main St., 503-399-9193

Sandee Thai Wanting to return to their small-town roots, Ken and Aee Wetzel sold a successful restaurant in Tigard and found the right home in Silverton, purchasing the former City Thai and renaming it Sandee Thai. “Sandee means ‘so good,’” Ken said; “‘Life is so good.’” Aee didn’t enter the restaurant trade until shortly after coming to the US in 2006, but she has cooked all her life. “She came from a small village without refrigeration, so they shop every day and everything’s fresh,” Ken said. “We have refrigeration so we shop a little less, but still everything’s new and fresh.”

Our Town Monthly

Grab a friend, complete our summer classes and earn this

The menu’s a little different; mainly a few specials and alterations to the lunch menu. “All of Aee’s soups are really good – tom kah; tom yum – I’ve had people tell me it’s the best food they’ve ever eaten,” Ken said. “She pays close attention to each thing she does; we get a lot of compliments.”

Silverton Community Center 421 S. Water St., Silverton 503-873-8210


Sandee Thai, 211 Oak St. 503-874-4160

Gear-Up Coffee At first it was kind of a pie-in-thesky joke between Andy and Rachael Stutzman and their friends Aaron and Luci Miller. Kurt and Summer Barnes were closing Gear-Up Coffee.

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Though the Millers were in Scotland setting up a Young Life camp, Luci, Andy and Rachael have been “Young Lifers” together and the coffee shop has been a meeting place for Campaigners, a teen Bible study associated with the Christian organization. “We loved this place and didn’t want to let it go,” Andy said. From Scotland Luci jokingly texted, ‘Hey we should buy Gear-Up.’

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After lots of prayers and consideration, they did just that.

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“It’s busier at times than I thought it’d be,” Andy said. “We were hoping we could get away with one person working at a time but now we’re finding out that’s not going to be the case.” Rachael’s been a stay at home mom for 13 years; Lucy, their youngest, is just finishing kindergarten. Regulars have been welcoming and accepting of the changes, Rachael said. Using the same blend and pricing as before, the coffee has also received a thumbs-up from the clientele. “Our biggest goal is to run it like Kurt and Summer did. We want this to be a comfortable place for all ages,” Andy said. “There are a lot of youth that come in for Young Life and we want to keep supporting those events.” Gear-Up, 430 McClaine St. 503-873-8933

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July 2015 • 25

Art & Entertainment

Inspiring countryside

Jane Castelan Buccola creates art festival poster

By Kate Cosgrove

It was (an) awakening for me because I realized that I was good at it. My dad was surprised at my natural talent.

A drive in the countryside is what provided Silverton resident Jane Castelan Buccola, 69, with the inspiration to create the painting that became the 15th annual Silverton Art Festival poster.

Where do you get your inspiration for art? Looking at other artists work inspires me, as well as something beautiful in nature. I have mainly done and been inspired by any kind of beauty in representational art, but I have recently moved into abstract art, which means seeking and pulling out the beauty in ordinary things.

The festival will be Aug. 15 - 16 in Coolidge McClaine Park in Silverton. Jane recently met with Our Town to share her work and thoughts on what makes Silverton such a wonderful and supportive arts community. She is a member of Lunaria Galley, 113 N. Water St. What inspired you to create the poster? I was driving by a field of cows in the countryside and thought painting that would be a great idea because cows are such a common sight on the outskirts of Silverton. I believe that the cows are a strong symbol of Silverton agriculture and the farm life that surrounds this town is what makes it so unique and beautiful. What does the Silverton Art Festival mean to you? The festival means a great

Jane Castelan Buccola’s artwork was chosen for the 2015 Silverton Art Festival poster. Kate Cosgrove

celebration of art in the community. I enjoy seeing people bring in their artwork. The festival is one big art party. What was one of your most memorable art projects? I went to a portrait class when I was 19 and did a portrait from a picture of woman from The National Geographic.

Why would you encourage people to attend the festival? Bringing their children could inspire future artists, and overall broaden people’s art experience. Most importantly though, supporting other artists in the community and the heart of the Art Center in Silverton by attending the festival. What are some misconceptions about art? That it looks easy. It’s not, it takes study and practice. That prices are too high. Some people don’t realize how many hours and how much education goes into good art.

What is a common thread throughout your work? Before I started creating abstract work, it was landscape and about pulling the beauty out in nature and reproducing it. I focus on the striking light contrasts, water reflections and lush green trees that are a big part of Oregon. There are so many beautiful and stark landscapes in Oregon, so much beauty. I also am a “en plein air” artist, which is a French word for in open air. I love painting outside in fresh air. I work primarily in pastels because pastel is a pure pigment held together with a tiny bit of binder. Colors stay fresh for the life of the painting. To see Buccola’s art, visit Facebook and search Jane Castelan Buccola. GreG Gossack • Mike Wolf ron reed • kiMber Jones


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What are your current projects or challenges in your art right now? My journey into abstract art recently, it’s about letting imagination take over rather than just imitating nature and letting my intuitive mind take over. Abstract art is all about exploring within.

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Our Town Monthly


Place your ad in Marketplace 503-845-9499

George W. Hauswirth Nov. 21, 1942 - May 27, 2015


George W. Hauswirth was often referred to as a “Renaissance Man” because of his many and varied talents.


He was born to George W. Hauswirth II and Annis B. Hauswirth in Coronado, Calif. on Nov. 21, 1942. He passed away May 27, 2015 at the Edward F. Tokarski Hospice Home in West Salem. He was 72 years old. A celebration of his life will be held Sunday, July 26, 2 to 5 p.m. at the Chemeteka Eola Vitaculture Center, 215 Doaks Ferry Road NW, Salem. George was an artist working in a variety of media including sculpture, jewelry, paint and mixed media. He and his wife Brenda owned BreGe’ Designs for 32 years in Salem and operated the Silver Creek Gallery in downtown Silverton for seven years. They were awarded the Silverton Business of the Year in 2003 and were instrumental in developing a number of art-related events, including the Silverton Fine Arts Festival, which

Our Town Monthly

SERAMA CHICKENS - 4 roosters all 1 yr old - $30 each. 503-873-7528

began in 2001. George was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease eight years ago, but continued working in his art studio until just weeks before his death. He loved food and was well-known for the desserts he served at dinners and open houses for family, friends and clients. Motorcycling was also a passion. He and Brenda would take rides to clear their minds from the rigors of running a business, and they also took longer road trips. George proudly served in the United States Air Force in Alaska and Turkey during the 1960s. He is survived by his beloved wife Brenda of 32 years, sons Keith and Jacob Hauswirth, brother Dennis Hauswirth, and the many friends and family whom he loved and who loved him. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory to the Edward F. Tokarski Home.

Silver Falls Soccer Club www.silverfallssoccer.org Email questions to: info@silverfallssc. org Registration open July 1 - July 3.1 Soccer season runs Sept - Oct for ages U-5 thru U-14. Register online. COLLECTING BOTTLES AND CANS My name is Lily. I live in Mount Angel with Teresa & Jeff Kinkaid and I am collecting cans and bottles for a high school trip to Europe. Please call for delivering info or pick up at 503-845-9651 LEONE’S FARM Beans, eggs, cucumbers, sweet onion, zucchini, raspberries, logan. Wednesdaysand Saturdays, 9 am-1 pm at Purdy’s Enterprises, 14433 Marquam Road NE, Mount Angel. TONER: GRR 11 for Canon copiers New still in boxes - Magenta/Cyan/ Yellow/Black. Reg. $111.95, sell for $60 ea. We have recently changed copiers, and have no need for the toners. 503-845-9499


THE GLOCKENSPIEL RESTAURANT is looking for a LINE CHEF/ COOK who is punctual, mature, enthusiastic, flexible, and has a great work ethic. You will need to be able to multi-task in what is sometimes a fast paced environment. STARTING WAGE VARIES, DEPENDING ON EXPERIENCE. Duties include cooking, prepping, dishes, cleaning, and anything else required to maintain the kitchen. Preference will be given to applicants with line chef or culinary school experience. TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter explaining why you feel you are qualified for this job and a resume listing your current work history. A RESUME WITHOUT A COVER LETTER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Submit the cover letter and resume to the Business Manager, Glockenspiel Restaurant,190 E. Charles St., Mount Angel, OR 97362. 503-845-6222. Laborers, Carpenters, Sheet metal workers. Starting wage $11 per hr. Call Jim, Frey Moss Structures 503-551-2501


PART-TIME BARISTA Harley’s Coffee is seeking a full or part-time barista. Experience preferred but not necessary. Must be able to work any day of the week and holidays from 6 am to 4 pm. Must have your own transportation. To apply drop off your resume at Harleys. 1411 n 1st st. Silverton. After reviewing resumes I will call you and schedule an interview. small business book keeping. Much have experience in preparing books to be turned over to tax accountant. If you can help please call Scott at 503 873-9948 or email me at scotydog1960@gmail.com. Mt. Angel School District has an opening for an Administrative Assistant in the District Office. Full time, year round position. Also, JFK High School has an opening for an Educational Assistant. 5.25 hrs/day For information refer to www.mtangel.k12.or.us

CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS Residential, light commercial, new buildings, additions, remodeling. Reasonable rates. Michael Finkelstein Design, 503-873-8215. TINA’S LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Mowing – Edging - Bark Dusting – Fertilizing – Pruning - Thatching and Aerating - On Going Maintenance and clean up – yard debris/ Hauling. CBL# 9404 971-2161093 tinaslandscapemaint.com CASCADE CONCEALED CARRY INSTRUCTIONS INC. is teaching Oregon concealed hand gun classes on the 1st and multi state on the 3rd Saturday. Call for location. Visit our website at cccinstruction.com or Call 503-580-0753


ANTIQUE INSULATORS WANTED Telegraph, telephone, mine and power glass. Insulator swap & sale Saturday, Aug. 1 at CoolidgeRENTALS McClaine Park, Silverton. Call 971CASCADE VALLEY APARTNMENTS 240-8968 for information. 455 W. Marquam St., Mount Angel, OR 97362. Now accepting applications WANT TO RENT - Senior citizens for federally funded housing. 1 and 2 want to rent in this area. Would like bedroom units with rent to rent a 2brm, 1ba home, trailer, or based on income when duplex. We are on a fixed income, available. Phone: 503and can pay $500 per/mo. We have 845-6041. TTY: 1 (800) a good rental history. We would 735-2900. This institute consider a long term lease. We are is an equal opportunity on a lease at this time, which will provider. expire July 2015. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please SERVICES call 541-405-26931 HORSE SHOEING Certified farrier since GotWOODWORKING something TOOLS OLD 1985. Brian Arendt. 503-964-0516. to sell?– I’m looking for old WANTED BEFORE THE FALL Yardwork & Lawn Stanley or wooden hand planes, tool Maintenance -, Mowing, Trimming/ chests, or any related/unusual items. Edging, Pressure washing, Pruning, Reach your neighbors and 503-364-5856 Rototilling, Bark/Soil Placement, make a deal by WANTED advertising OLD LOGGING TOOLS – Gutter Cleaning, Hauling, Chainsaw ina private collector buying logging I’m work. Free Estimates. Call or Text 503undercutters, falling axes, hook 508-0388 or 503-871-7295. bottles, crosscut saw filing tools, any Our Town Marketplace HERNANDEZ LANDSCAPING unusual items. 503-364-5856. mowing,edging,fertilizing, weed control, clean-ups, bark dust, on going Private party ads $10 for maintenance, and more. Free yard 25 words and total market debris hauling. Free estimates. Lic# 10370 503-989-5694 or 503-719-9953 CINDY’S SALON & Boutique Located at 204 Jersey St, SIlverton. Call 503874-0709 or 503 884-4196 to set up an appointment.

Want results? ADVERTISE in Marketplace

FAMILY CLEANING SERVICE 10 years experience-Free estimates. Excellent references. Call 503 569-3316 7/15bl



July 2015 • 27

Bird Is The Word


And feminism

The face they make when they find out is always the same. A bit of surprise, a touch of skepticism and a moment of indecision. Do I take her seriously or dismiss her as a clueless enthusiast? That’s pretty much how it goes when people find out that this 28-year-old redheaded female with glasses is a flyfisherman. I mean, I get it. I’m pretty unassuming and hardly look like a rugged outdoorsy type. In addition to fly-fishing, I also love making jam and getting pedicures. But instead of feeling incensed about the hesitation I’ve been met with, I’m all the more motivated to gush over how special fishing is to me and what an important role it’s played in my life. It’s a tough world to be a female in. From the moment we are born, we are bombarded with images of who we should be, what we should like, things we can and can’t do. I spent a long time trying to live up to a lot of things I thought were important about being a woman and it never ceased to frustrate me, though I wasn’t sure why. I don’t know if most of us are lucky enough to meet the kind of person who pushes us to challenge the status quo and be exactly the kind of person we want to be, but I sure was. And in quite an unexpected form. The day I interviewed for my last restaurant job, there was a man at the counter who recognized immediately that I was fresh meat and introduced himself.

Open 7 Days • 8am – 3pm


His name was Richard. He was a retired dean of art from a prestigious school back East, a talented contemporary artist, and most importantly, a fly-fisherman. Both my grandfathers had fly-fished throughout their lives but hadn’t lived long enough to take me. I was intrigued. I bugged him for about a year and a half before he agreed to take me along. Apparently I passed the test because we’ve been fishing together ever since. I realized a long time ago that the idea of a “best friend,” was a rather silly notion. I mean the idea that there’s someone out there in the world who is just like us and at the same time complements the things we lack, is pretty hard to believe. Someone who will simultaneously have our back and challenge our perspective. Love us for who we are but also push us to grow. Like the things we like, yet introduce us to new and exciting things we wouldn’t arrive at on our own. That’s a lot of pressure to put on one person. Instead, I’ve spent the last decade or so trying to collect an assortment of people who, put together, challenge and push me in all the right ways. And though I hardly expected a 70-year-old retired painter to be one of them, what an addition Richard has been. In our time fishing together, I’ve learned much of what

28 • July 2015

Kali with her fishing buddy Richard.

you would expect to learn as a beginning fisherman. Proper casting technique and Oregon entomology, how to read a river, how to tie and untangle all kinds of knots, the type of gear and equipment that’s worth spending your hard earned dollars on, and how to charm a fly shop owner who doesn’t have a lot of female customers. What I didn’t expect to learn was how to analyze contemporary art, to hear what it was like to show work in a gallery in New York in the 1970s, to discuss religion and politics with someone who thinks completely different than I do, to be introduced to friends from all different walks of life and areas of the world, and to listen to more political talk radio than I ever knew was possible. And I think the most valuable thing I’ve learned from Richard, and from fishing, is that we choose the people we become. We have the freedom, no matter our age or gender, to surround ourselves with the kind of people who make us better and to do the things that give us life. And let me tell you, I’d trade a lot of things for a day on the river with my favorite 70-year-old painter.


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July 2015 • 29

a Grin at the end

What’s in a name I’ve always been amazed by the names some parents choose for their children.

deciding what to call their little bundle of joy. Sometimes that uncertainty bridges over to another JNU.

Some are practical. For example, my Mom always said she chose Carl because she wanted to a make sure I could spell it.

As a name consultant, for a small fee, I would work with parents to develop a list of possibilities. I would guarantee that all of them would be spelled correctly, or at least have an adequate number of vowels.

I don’t know what that says about her faith in my abilities, but to this day I have not misspelled my name. Mission accomplished. Other parents rely on traditional family names. That’s fine. If your great grandfather was named Bananafana Fofana, you can name your child whatever you want from the Fofana family. But sometimes, names are creative, to the point of being, well, a bit bizarre. When we lived in Alaska, one set of parents decided to to call their son “Boy” until he was old enough to choose a name. I never heard what he chose, but I assume it wasn’t Boy, or Bananafana Fofana. Other parents chose outdoorsy names. One boy was named Skiff, presuming that he would like the water. Another was named Brick, a solid name if there ever was one. When my wife was student teaching, she ran into some interesting names. One boy was named JNU, the abbreviation the Alaska Ferry System uses for Juneau. At least he’ll never get lost. One rule I always heard about naming a child is to pretend you are yelling the child’s names at sporting

event or at the playground. There are definitely some names that should not be shouted out loud. And while they may look good on paper, the name doesn’t translate well when spoken out loud. Maybe that’s why some people change their names when they become adults. An acquaintance switched from Gladys to Eve. Hey, if she liked it better, who’s to argue? Still other parents have veered toward movie or television stars’ names. Years ago, when we lived in Louisiana, I knew a kid named Hoppy. This was when Hopalong Cassidy was popular in the movies. Come to think of it, I also knew a Roy and a Dale, as in Rogers and Evans. Still others were named for colors. Red has always been popular. One of my favorite names of all time was the character Red Green, whose show used to be on Canadian TV and PBS. The reason I bring this up is I was thinking of starting a new business. I want to be a name consultant. A name consultant is important because some parents have a difficult time

Once junior is born, the parents could just pick a name from the list. Or not. It would be up to them. Before our oldest son was born, we had decided to name him Maximilian. For practically the entire pregnancy, we referred to the baby as Max, although we didn’t even know whether he/she was a boy/girl. I suppose if she was a girl she’d have been Maxine. But he was a boy, and the first thing we did was name him Paul. I don’t know why. We just figured he looked like a Paul instead of a Max. I totally understand how parents think when they’re trying to figure out a good name. It’s a tough decision. That’s why a name consultant could come in handy. Now, if I could only come up with a good name for the business…. Qarrl (I mean Carl) Sampson is a freelance writer and editor.

We’ve Moved! You can find us at 401 Oak St., Silverton • 9-5 Mon-Fri

Same Emails & Phone Number. Same Friendly Faces. 30 • July 2015



editorial: ourtown.life@mtangelpub.com datebook of events: datebook@mtangelpub.com advertising: ads.ourtown@mtangelpub.com Our Town Monthly





HUBBARDCO Mike Bothum Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 326

Marcia Branstetter Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 318

Micha Christman Property Manager 873-1425

Becky Craig Broker 873-3545 ext. 313

Raven Graham Broker 873-3545 ext. 315

Michael Schmidt Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 314

Meredith Wertz Broker, GRI 873-3545 ext. 324

Ryan Wertz Broker 873-3545 ext. 322


TOWN Mason Branstetter Principal Broker, GRI

Chuck White Broker 873-3545 ext. 325


873-3545 ext. 303











#T2212 SECLUDED 22.70 ACRES $248,700 Acreage above Scotts Mills. Great property for Christmas Trees or pasture ground. Owner planted approx.. 5,000 Noble Fir Trees. 3BR, 2BA 1539 sqft manufactured home on property has little value. Sold “as-is”. Call Meredith at ext. 324 or Ryan at ext. 322 (WVMLS#691178)

#T2213 DUPLEX IN DAYTON $289,000 Check out this great investment opportunity in the city of Dayton. Includes two 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath units. Two single car garages and the privacy and quiet of a dead-end street location. 6BR, 5BA 2635 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 (WVMLS#691241)

#T2211 IT’S A CHARMER $364,900 #T2215 ORIGINAL CHARACTER $179,900 BARELAN Front and back porches. Huge family room. Single level home. floors through-out INWood TOWN NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION Wainscoted and vaulted ceilings with gas this classic 1960’s rancher. New roof in great COUNTRY/ACREAGE stove. 4 car tandem 22 x 42 garage with large shape. Close to downtown. This one won’t last 400 sqft bonus room upstairs. Water feature long! 2BR, 1BA 1011 sqft. Call Meredith at COMMERCIAL/INDUST in back. Extra room to accommodate an RV or ext. 324 or Ryan at ext. 322 (WVMLS#691364) motorhome. 4BR, 2BA 2900 sqft. Call Marcia FOR LEASE/COMME STAYTON/SUBLIMITY at ext. 318 (WVMLS#690724)

#T2215 NEW! – ORIGINAL CHARACTER 2BR, 1BA 1011 sqft. Call Meredith at ext. 324 or Ryan at ext. 322 $179,900 (WVMLS#691364)

#T2217 NEW! – LOTS OF POTENTIAL! 3 BR, 1BA 1260 sqft Call Meredith at ext 324 or Ryan at ext. 322 $109,900 (WVMLS#691422)

#T2174 1971 HOME ON A SMALL ACREAGE #T2177 BREATHTAKING VIEWS 9.8 acres COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL 3BR, 1.5 BA 1080 sqft. 5.450 acres. Call Chuck bare land. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $289,000 at ext. 325 $299,000 (WVLMS#685050) (WVMLS#685987)



#T2204 FANTASTIC COUNTRY SETTING CLOSE TO TOWN 3BR, 2BA 1296 sqft. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan a text. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 $210,000 (WVMLS#689471)


#T2203 GRET SETTING CLOSE TO TOWN 4BR, 3BA 3517 sqft. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan a text. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 $479,900


HOME 3BR, 2BA 1408 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $169,900 (WVMLS#689134)

#T2200 GREAT CONDITION HOME IN SILVERTON 3 BR, 2 BA 1925 sqft. Call Michael at ext. 314 $319,900 (WVMLS#688908)



#T2211 IT’S A CHARMER 4BR, 2BA 2200 sqft. Call Marcia at ext. 318 $364,900 (WVMLS#690724) #T2144 1940’S CHARMER! 4BR, 2.5BA 2010 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325. $263,000




#T2187 SOLD! – COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS FINEST 5BR, 3BA 2726 sqft. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 $448,700 (WVMLS#687040)





#T2156 SOLD! – RANCH STYLE HOME ON 85 ACRES! 3BR, 1.5BA 1311 sqft. 85.52 acres. Call Chuck at ext. 325 or Marcia at ext. 318 $549,900 (WVMLS#680896)



Acres Call Meredith at ext. 324 or Ryan at ext.

322 $248,700 (WVMLS#691178) BARELAND/LOTS


#T2153 SOLD! – FANTASTIC POTENTIAL IN 13.4 ACRE FARM 4BR, 3BA 3201 sqft. Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 $399,000 (WVMLS#680213)





2 UNITS, 6BR, 4BA 3180 sqft. Call Michael at WOODBURN




ext. 314 $317,500 (WVMLS#688571)


#T2218 NEW! – WONDERFUL STARTER HOME 3 BR, 2BA 1272 sqft Call Meredith at ext. 324 or Ryan at ext. 322 $169,900 (WVMLS#691436)


#T2201 TO BE BUILT CUSTOM CRAFTSMAN OTHER COMMUNITIES 3BR, BA 1850NEW sqft. Call Meredith at ext. 324, IN TOWN HOME CONSTRUCTION IN 2TOWN HOME CONSTRUCTION #T2184 SOLD!NEW – IMMACULATE HOME WITH Ryan at ext. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 $289,900 VIEWS OF THE VALLEY! 3BR, 2BA 1768 sqft. (WVMLS#689049) Call Meredith at ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 or COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION #T2196 AUMSVILLE – MILLION DOLLAR #T2103 HIGH VISIBILITY/TRAFFIC COMMER- IN TOWN Mike at ext. 326 $248,700 (WVMLS#686990) SETTING 4BR, 3.5BA 3514 sqft. Call Meredith CIAL PROPERTY 1.46 acres Call Meredith at COUNTRY/ACREAGE FOR #T2183 VIEW AND PRIVACY IN THE COUNext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 at ext. 324, Ryan at ext.LEASE/COMMERCIAL 322 or Mike at ext. 326 TRY 4BR, 3BA 3447 sqft. Call Meredith at $450,000 (WVMLS#672150) $559,900 (WVMLS#688329) ext. 324, Ryan at ext. 322 or Mike at ext. 326 #T2165 LOT #62 IN SILVER CLIFF ESTATES #T2216 WOODBURN – JUST OUTSIDE MON$470,000 (WVMLS#686726) .12 Acre lot. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $33,500 ITOR 2 BR, 2BA 1.2 Acres Call Michael at ext. (WVMLS#682938) #T2175 1989 HOME IN PRIVATE LAKE ES314 $224,900 (WVMLS#691409) #T2042 LOT #88 IN SILVER CLIFF ESTATES TATE 4BR, 3BA 3537 sqft. 19.6 acres. Call #T2213 DAYTON – DUPLEX IN DAYTON 6BR, .12 acre lot. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $35,900 Chuck at ext. 325 $679,000 (WVLMS#685076) 5BA 2635 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $289,000 (WVMLS#660605)


#T2199 CRAFTSMAN ON EAST HILL 3BR, 1.5BA 1806 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $219,900










#T2195 SOLD! – GREAT FAMILY HOME 4BR, 2.5BA 2139 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $294,900



#T2193 SOLD! – CUSTOM RANCH ON EAST HILL 3BR, 2.5BA 2069 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $339,900 (WVMLS#688180)




#T2190 SOLD! – BEAUTIFUL TWO STORE HOME ON LARGE FLAG LOT 3BR, 2BA 1323 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 326 $229,900





#T2186 CLASSIC RANCH WITH UPGRADES THROUGHOUT 2BA 1286 sqft. Call Chuck at ext. 325 $211,900 (WVMLS#686841)















PERFECT RETAIL/LUMBER SALES OTHER PARCEL 1.76 acres, 6000 sqft. warehouse w/ COMMUNITIES 2100 sqft. retail Call Mason at ext. 303 $499,000





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32 • July 2015


Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Our Town Monthly

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