Maybe it’s the “open” sign at Shellburg Falls near Lyons or the fresh coat of paint on The Get-A-Way restaurant in Mill City. Or the new bar and grill creating buzz at the old Idanha Country Store. Or the massive apartment complex under construction along the North Santiam River at the west end of Mill City.
Opening the parks. Painting the buildings. Angling for more customers and adding affordable housing to help build for the future.
The pace of change since the devastating 2020 wildfires took out big chunks of Detroit and Gates and other Santiam Canyon cities, destroying about 500 structures and killing five people, has been remarkable. But the changes are coming slower. And they are driven less by emergencies and catastrophe. And more by just real life and challenges bumping up against you, like they always do.
Here are some snapshots of life in the Canyon as 2024 gets set to slingshot us into summer.
Detroit, perhaps the hardest hit Canyon community, continues to rebuild. And the politics of the city might be changing a bit because
of a city charter amendment that passed May 21. The update will allow Detroit property owners who are not full-time residents to volunteer for positions on the City Council or the Planning Commission. Backers of the measure think that a larger pool of prospective candidates will help lead to better decisions and a more cohesive community. Marion County, meanwhile, is working to excavate under the two marinas in town in a project that will allow the key Detroit businesses to stay open longer when levels are low.
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Stop by, call, e-mail for a no-obligation quote. We would love to hear from you!
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Hours: M-F 9-5, after hours by appointment
In Lyons, the folks at Santiam Towing & Recovery put so much effort into their recent remodel and landscaping that the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce gave the firm its civic beautification and improvement award. Also in Lyons, Freres Engineered Wood continues to win awards, most recently for showing family leadership in business, an honor bestowed on the Canyon’s oldest company by the Oregon State University College of Business. Freres’ innovative mass plywood panels are part of the tallest wood building in North America, a 19-story mixed-use structure in Oakland, California. And the new terminal at Portland International Airport will debut later this year with a daringlycurvaceous wood roof that uses Freres panels.
The North Santiam Chamber also honored the old Idanha Country Store, which is now the Idanha Bar and Grill, for the additions to its offerings. The eatery is an oasis for visitors coming and going in both directions on Highway 22.
Outdoors opportunities continue to grow. Marion County has opened Bear Creek and North Fork for day use and hopes to have Minto available by the fall. The Bureau of Reclamation hopes to open Elkhorn Valley and Canyon Creek in 2024 as well, with agency officials due to receive $15 million in a pair of federal grants to continue restoration. The bulk of the money will go to Fishermen’s Bend, just east of Lyons. The park is open for picnicking and other day uses and and its boat ramp remains a vital stop on the North Santiam river rafting highway, but only small pieces of its
acreage are open to the public and its popular campground and RV amenities still must be restored.
Shellburg Falls has opened near Lyons, with its popular mountain biking and hiking trails ready for summer visitors. Just like the Canyon itself, Shellburg has been changed by the fires. Its waterfalls remain attractive and its mix of burned and unscathed forest areas are alive with ferns and wildflowers.
Mill City, the Canyon’s largest community, will soon be debuting the largest housing project in the Canyon, when a 54-unit multifamily enterprise put together by Beaudin Construction of Clackamas goes online. Mill City also will be the starting point the North Santiam Sewer Authority’s two
continued next page
projects to install a public sewer system and protect the North Santiam River.
Funding is in place for the Mill City to Gates piece, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2026. Funding still must be secured for the Detroit-Idanha piece. The project schedule master plan calls for completion by 2028.
And in the hills and ravines and riparian corridors and meadows
throughout the Canyon, ever since the fires, the Oregon Department of Forestry, the U.S. Forest Service, environmental groups, community volunteers and students and employees with private timber companies have been planting seedlings, largely but not exclusively, Douglas fir. The total to date is estimated at more than 6 million trees.
Just another piece of returning to normal.
Santiam Hospital & Clinics promote healthy living by empowering our patients to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Family Medicine Clinics in Aumsville, Mill City, Stayton and Sublimity.
Santiam General Surgery Clinic offers open and laparoscopic repair of a wide range of conditions using da Vinci Robotics, as well as upper endoscopies and diagnostic and preventative colonoscopy screenings.
provides broad-based cardiac care including echocardiography, nuclear medicine, and stress testing plus management of heart failure, lipids, anticoagulation, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, valvular heart disease and arrhythmia.
is a premier comprehensive orthopedic practice offering the latest surgical and non-surgical treatments such as total joint replacement, PRP therapy, sports medicine, fracture management and arthroscopic surgery.
Pulmonary Clinic & Sleep Center treats a full range of pulmonary disease including COPD, asthma, and lung disease. Our full-service Sleep Disorder Center treats individuals ranging from adult to twelve months of age.
Women’s Health including surgery with da Vinci Robotics, midwifery and lactation consultation. Our Family Birth Center has compassionate, highly-trained RNs, labor tubs and OHSU NICU Telemedicine Support.
Emergency Room 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week with short wait times.
P.O. Box 222 Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-5000 info@northsantiamchamber.org • www.northsantiamchamber.org
• Networking • Increased Visibility
• Local Community Involvement
• Business Promotion and Marketing
• Opportunities for Education & Training
Belonging to the Chamber offers an in-person network of talent and resources. It gives your business or organization the power of a united voice here, within the Santiam Canyon community. But most of all, it brings you opportunities to learn, grow and connect.
The NSCC believes the Canyons beauty is not only in its landscapes: it’s in the collaboration, determination, and resilience of its people and the businesses and services they have built and maintained. Together, we are stronger.
Call 503-897-5000 to speak with our NSCC Community Liaison about the membership plan that works best for you!
Membership starts at just $100 a year! All members receive premium listings in our annual directory (this publication). Upper level members receive much more!
Find Us on Facebook www.Facebook.com/NorthSantiamChamber
President: RYAN STEELE
Weddle Funeral Service
503-769-2423 • rusteeler08@yahoo.com www.weddle-funeral.com
Vice President: SANDY LYNESS
Sandy Lyness Real Estate Investments, LLC
503-551-2645 • sandylyness@yahoo.com www.sandylynessrealestate.com
Secretary: LISA FOLLIS
Santiam Canyon School District
503-897-2321 • lisa.follis@santiam.k12.or.us
In April the Chamber recognizes the outstanding community and business leaders in the North Santiam Canyon. Nominations accepted in every January for Business of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year, Community Improvement Award and more! Sponsored by Allied Rock, Consumers Power Inc., Focus Heating & Cooling, Freres Engineered Wood, Pacific Power, Santiam Hospital & Clinics, Siegmund Excavation & Construction, Siegmund Landscape Supply, and Upward Bound Camp. Info: 503-897-5000.
The Chamber strives to bring together a variety of community interests with festivals at Kimmel Park traditionally presented in association with Santiam Hearts to Arts, and KYAC 90.1 FM and sponsored by Santiam Hospital.
The Mike Long Youth Benefit Golf Tournament is Saturday, September 14, 2024 at Mallard Creek Golf & RV Resort in Lebanon. This annual event has raised over $250,000 for local youth groups and scholarships. Players and sponsors are always welcome. This event is organized by friends and family of Chamber Past President Mike Long in his memory, and sponsored by Santiam Hospital and Freres Engineered Wood. To register: www.ybgolf.com
Treasurer: NANCY JANKOWSKI Community Advocate
503-897-5000 • nanjjan@gmail.com
Past President: REX MITTELSTAEDT Rex Images Promotions 503-897-2691 • rex@reximages.com www.reximages.com
Director at Large: DAVE VALENCIA State Farm Insurance 503-769-1800 • www.davevalencia.com dave.valencia.b8eg@statefarm.com
Director at Large: BEVERLY THACKER Community Advocate / Mike Long Youth Benefit Golf Tournament 503-507-1875 • thacker.beverly@yahoo.com
Director at Large: GINA BREWSTER American Calf Products & Mill City-Gates Mini Storage 209-996-5668 • gina@americancalf.com
Director at Large: HERMAN FRIEDEN Metal Art Your Way 503-897-3253 • 503-927-5786 hlf.metalart@yahoo.com
Chamber Liaison: MOLLIE RICHARSON 503-897-5000 • northsantiamchamber.org • info@northsantiamchamber.org
Many of our programs are run exclusively by local people who reserve five hours a month to help grow our community Chamber board meetings are held by conference call, or in person, on the third Thursday of the month, from 8:30 – 10 a.m. To join in email info@northsantiamchamber.org, call 503-897-5000. Help us make our community a better place to live and thrive!
Association of Northwest Steelheaders
Founded in 1960, with 12 chapters in Oregon and Washington. The Salem Chapter meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road, Keizer. Meetings feature guest speakers and fishing guides with how-to programs and presentations. Volunteer activities center around the preservation of local fisheries, parks and youth fishing programs. Contact Mike Ferris, 971-273-3422 or salemnwsteelheaders.org.
Canyon Catalysts
The Canyon Catalysts are residents who help keep Mill City a wonderful place to live. Join neighbors in promoting, preserving, and revitalizing its quality of life by beautifying our public spaces. Catalysts work in small groups and independently. There are a variety of ways to participate. See the City of Mill City website, “Volunteer Opportunities” tab for contacts. Joanne Olson, 503-302-7420 or Dawn Plotts 503-551-6473.
Canyon Gleaners
Gleaners is a non-profit self-help food program. It is not a food bank or emergency food provider. The mission is “To give a hand up to those struggling to put food on the table for themselves and their families.” All board members are volunteers. Membership is based on household size and runs from $10 per month to $30, for families of 10 or more. Food distribution is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursdays, in the back of Stewart’s Hall, 150 SW Broadway, Mill City. Julie, canyongleaners@aol.com.
Canyon Service Center
Formerly the Canyon Senior Center, the CSC was established in 1994 to provide opportunities for people over 50 to socialize, learn, and serve the community. Located at 844 S. First St. in Mill City, the CSC is funded through donations, including recyclable cans and bottles, and used clothing (deposit in parking lot shed). It loans donated medical equipment and is always in need of wheelchairs and commodes in good condition. www.facebook.com/ groups/cscmillcity, 503-897-4176, or email cscmillcity@gmail.com.
Fourth of July Committee
In 1956, Mill City held its first “organized” July Fourth celebration and first “organized” parade in 1959. The Fourth of July Committee is an official Committee of the City of Mill City. Festival grounds are in Mill City’s Kimmel Park. Food and craft vendors, entertainment, parade and fireworks by the Mill City Rural Volunteer Fire Department bring many visitors. Events have included a Mutt Show, horseshoe, cornhole, basketball and softball tournaments, a fun run and old-fashioned family games. The committee
is always looking for volunteers and ideas. Contact: info@ci.mill-city.or.us.
Meals on Wheels
The lunch program, also now known as Connections Café, meets every Tuesday and Thursday starting at noon. Open to all 60 and older. It is located at 360 Broadway St at the Mill City Presbyterian Church. Reservations are appreciated. Site Manager Vicki Emery, 503-879-2204.
Mill City / Gates
Community Assistance Center
A food bank that has been helping Canyon residents for more than 30 years. Food is given out twice each week (Tuesday morning and Thursday evening) and financial help in emergency situations is coordinated through the Ministerial Association. Volunteer opportunities always exist, whether sorting incoming food or arranging for distribution. Contact: Susann Heller-Tuers, 503-897-2177 or Dan Lemke, 503-302-7754.
Mill City Library
The library is dedicated to providing services to the Santiam Canyon. Volunteers work morning or afternoon shifts providing books and access to WiFi computers and printers. The book collection is made up of donations as well as titles purchased by the library. To volunteer, stop by when the Welcome sign is out. 236 SW Broadway, 503-897-6149
Mill City Lions Club
A small but active club open to anyone who has a heart to serve others. The Lions’ motto has always been “We Serve.” The club areas of emphasis are sight, hearing, and diabetes. Contact Sandy Lyness, 503-551-2645; Dan Lemke, 503-302-7754; Steve Dougherty, 503-566-8899.
Mill City Odd Fellows
Through the Mill City Odd Fellows building, this organization provides a space for other non-profit organizations and community use that assist children, the elderly and everyone in between. Users include The Canyon Gleaners, SKATE (Santiam Kids and Tourism Effort), Hearts2Arts and KYAC radio and the Santiam Canyon Chorus. The building’s future is to serve for community and private events. Contact: Tony Trout, 503-910-6414 or tonyltrout@gmail.com.
Mike Long Youth Benefit Golf Tournament
The tournament was established to raise funds for scholarships and youth programs in the Santiam Canyon. Thanks to the support and generosity of golfers, sponsors, and volunteers more than $380,000 in scholarships and grants have been distributed. Volunteers are welcome. www.ybgolf.com
City of Lyons
Lyons is a local government serving the citizens of Lyons. Residents may volunteer to serve on the city council, planning commission, budget committee or library board or volunteer at the Lyons Public Library. The city holds an annual city-wide clean-up day in May; volunteers are welcome. Contact: Micki Valentine, 503-859-2167 or cityoflyons@wavecable.com.
City of Gates
Gates was founded as a settlement for miners and loggers who lived in the area during the winter months. A post office was established in February 1882. The city was incorporated in 1950 with a mayor and five-member council. cityofgates.com, 503-897-2669.
City of Mill City
Mill City is the largest of the communities located in the North Santiam Canyon. It is rich in logging and mill history and offers many outdoor recreational opportunities including fishing, rafting, kayaking and more. The historic Phoenix Column Railroad Bridge spans the North Santiam River. It provides a beautiful view of Mill City Falls, where salmon and steelhead spawn each year. Contact: City Hall, 503-897-2302 or millcity@ci.mill-city.or.us
Facebook: City of Mill City, Oregon or www.ci.mill-city.or.us.
City of Detroit
Detroit was founded during the construction of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. The city prospered as a center for the logging industry in the 1920s. It was incorporated in 1952, the same year it was relocated to higher ground due to the construction of the Detroit Dam. The Detroit Lake Recreation Area Business Association hosts events throughout the year, including May’s Detroit Lake Fishing Derby and July’s “Fireworks Over the Lake.” detroitoregon.us, 503-854-3496.
City of Idanha
Idanha’s original name was Muskrat Camp. It is the smallest city in North Santiam River country and the highest settlement along the river. 503-854-3313 continued next page
Neighborhood Watch
Mill City residents work with the Linn County Sheriff’s Office to keep neighborhoods safe. Volunteers meet, share concerns and pass on information to LCSO. Watch-area leaders meet with the LCSO Liaison Officer. The watch helps neighbors connect with and look out for each other. Mill City residents on the Marion County side are included. Contact: Michael Mattingly, LCSO, 541917-9182; Dawn Plotts, Mill City Police Commissioner, 503-551-6473.
North Santiam Chamber of Commerce
Through networking events and programs, the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to facilitating the growth and protection of commerce in the Santiam Canyon. A volunteer board helps business owners, non-profits and local government work together. Keep up with activities by visiting Facebook at northsantiamchamber. Contact: 503-897-5000 or nschamber.org.
North Santiam Historical Society / Canyon Life Museum
The North Santiam Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization made up of those who are interested in preserving and sharing the rich history of the North Santiam Canyon. The museum contains exhibits, artifacts,
documents, photographs and stories of people who lived and settled in the area: the Kalapooias, miners, loggers, farmers, and beyond. Museum: 143 N.E. Wall Street, Mill City, open during the summer and by appointment. Office: 129 N.E. Wall Street and is open on Saturdays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 3 p.m. from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Contact: Melody Munger, 503-910-3429; Frances McGuire, 503-897-2816; or Carol Cree, 503-897-2876.
North Santiam Quilters
The quilters group has been quilting for each other since before the 1980s. They meet Thursdays, 10 a.m. at the Gates Community Church Fellowship Room. Anyone who enjoys sewing, fabrics, visiting, etc. is welcome. You need not be a quilter. Contact: Cheryl Dolby, 503-897-2102 or Carolyn Lichlyter, 503-897-3398.
North Santiam River Guides Association
The North Santiam River Guides Association provide resources and knowledge to enjoy the scenery and fishing on the North Santiam River. For more than 60 years the association has been helping people learn to drift the North Santiam through “Learn the River” trips. The club-sponsored outings begin in the Spring and run into
the Summer. Members and the public are welcome. Contact: Glenn Tadina, 503-769-5598 or www.nsrga.com.
Santiam Canyon Community Chorus
The chorus is a non-audition, community chorus which rehearses in Mill City and performs throughout the Santiam Canyon. Rehearsals are Mondays, 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Stewart’s Hall in Mill City. Contact: Jo Ann, 503-859-2502.
Gates Community Church of Christ
Offers activities such as JAM time (Jesus and Me) for children, distributing holiday food boxes and work with the local food bank, a weekly quilting group, as well as prayer groups and weekly Bible studies. Contact: 503-897-3210, gatesccchrist@gmail.com, 40070 Gates School Road.
Liberty Fellowship
Offering Bible-based teaching with men’s, women’s and children’s ministries. Meeting Sundays, 11 a.m. in the Canyon Services Center, 844 S.W. First St., Mill City. Contact: Pastor David, 503-930-7168 or libertyfellowshipmillcity.com.
Mill City Christian Church
Offers Bible studies, men’s/women’s fellowship and special disciple studies, Laundry Love to help those needing assistance, support the Young Life ministry and have assisted those affected by the wildfires. Meeting Sundays at 10 a.m., 233 S.W. Third St., Mill City. Contact: Pastor Paul Luna, 541-375-0019.
Mill City Presbyterian Church
Proud of a 125-year history providing a place where people gather to worship, to grow in their faith walk, and for fellowship and support of each other. Worship at 10 a.m. Sundays, 236 S.W. Broadway. Contact: Chris Hansen, 503-897-3498.
Mill City Seventh Day Adventist Church
A Christian community welcoming people to join for Bible study, worship, and prayer. Meets Saturdays, Sabbath School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m., Vegetarian Potluck at noon at 501 Ivy St., Mill City. Contact: 503-897-5224.
Mt. Horeb Baptist Church
Pastor Rich and his congregation try to put Jesus first by preaching the Bible and by being available for the Mill City / Gates community. VBS is a highlight. Pastor Richard Cole, 503-277-3586, Mt. Horeb Baptist Church, 132 E. Sorbin Ave., Gates.
Santiam Chapel
Through special projects and community outreach, the Chapel desires to show the people of the Santiam Canyon the love of
God. All are welcome every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., 440 Fifth St, Lyons. Contact: Bart, 503-859-2643.
Santiam Student Ministry
The ministry exists to serve young people, grades seven through 12. Community Youth Group meets Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. at the Old School Community and Youth Center in Mehama, providing students with fun and a safe place to hang out. Contact: Bob Collinge, 503-859-2643.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
Works to help those in need and live as examples by volunteering in the local food bank, Meals on Wheels and various organizations and ministries. Built in 1910. 716 S. First St, Mill City. Contact: Immaculate Conception Parish office, 503-769-2656 or email lyndaharrington1@gmail.com.
St. Patrick Catholic Church
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the parish community strives to witness faith and share gifts in loving service. 364 7th St, Lyons. Contact: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Stayton, 503-769-2656.
County, state and federal agencies continue to work to restore Santiam Canyon parks and natural areas after many were heavily damaged during the 2020 wildfires. The green numbered areas are open now. The yellow numbered through the facility means that officials still were working on opening the park for 2024 and that it MIGHT open this year. The means the facility is closed for 2024. Please also note that the amenities list for the parks might not match the reality on the ground because of the continuing restoration work.
Upward Bound Camp 40151 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346 503-897-2447 upwardboundcamp.org
KYAC 90.1 FM Community Radio 158 W Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6397 kyacfm.org
Our Town / The Canyon Weekly 2340 Martin Drive #104 Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-9525 thecanyonweekly.com
Davison Auto Parts 21385 Santiam Highway Mehama, OR 97384 503-859-2100 davisonnapa.com
Santiam Towing and Recovery 611 Main Street Lyons, OR 97358 503-859-5757 strtowing.com
D&W Automotive 118 N. Center Street
Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-7471
Jefferson Truck & Auto 922 N. Second Street Jefferson, OR 97352 541-327-1100
Les Schwab Tires 400 S.W. Sublimity Boulevard Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-3446 lesschwab.com
Associated General Contractors Oregon – Columbia Chapter 9450 S.W. Commerce Circle #200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-3363 agc-oregon.org
Freres Building Supply 101 N. First Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-2879 freresbuildingsupply.com
Stayton Builders Mart 1080 Wilco Road Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-7118 staytonbuildersmart.com
Mill City Subway 509 Santiam Boulevard N.E. Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6087
Trexler Farm, Inc.
20146 Ferry Road S.E. Stayton, OR 97383
503-859-4488 trexlerfarm.com
Oregon Charter Academy 833 Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2272 regoncharter.org
Gates Community Church of Christ
40070 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346
503-897-3210 gatescommunity church.net
Mill City
Christian Church
233 S.W. Third Avenue Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2716
Sandy’s Lakeside Coffee & RV
1487 N. Santiam Highway Idanha, OR 97350 503-854-3349
Rosie’s Mountain Coffee House
647 NE Santiam Blvd Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2378 silverfallscoffee.com
Community College 4000 Lancaster Drive S.E. Salem, OR 97305 503-399-5000 chemeketa.edu
Canyon Crisis and Resource Center 825 Santiam Blvd Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2372 canyoncrisis.org
Community College
4000 Lancaster Drive S.E. Salem, OR 97305
503-399-5000 chemeketa.edu
Detroit Lake Foundation P.O. Box 4779 Salem, OR 97302 detroitlakefoundation.org
Gates Community Church of Christ
40070 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346 503-897-3210 gatescommunitychurch.net
Mid Willamette Valley Community Action Agency
280 N.E. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-339-9080 mwvcaa.org/programs/crp
North Santiam Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 222 Mill City, OR 97360
503-897-5000 northsantiamchamber.org
North Santiam Fraternal Order of Eagles #3384
640 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-3100
Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce
175 E. High Street Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-3464 staytonsublimity chamber.org
Upward Bound Camp 40151 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346 503-897-2447 upwardboundcamp.org
Associated General Contractors Oregon –Columbia Chapter 9450 S.W. Commerce Circle #200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-3363 agc-oregon.org
Benchmark Builders
39941 Mad Creek Road Gates, OR 97346 503-871-3344
Castle Construction, Inc. 315 Frontier Drive Gates, OR 97346 503-580-2354
Elements Construction & Remodeling 503-871-1248
Focus Heating & Cooling 637 Wilco Road Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-7519 focusheatingand cooling.com
Rich Duncan Construction, Inc. 2295 Rural Avenue S.E. Salem, OR 97302 503-390-4999 richduncan construction.com
Associated General Contractors Oregon –Columbia Chapter 9450 SW Commerce Circle #200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-3363 agc-oregon.org
Benchmark Builders 39941 Mad Creek Road Gates, OR 97346 503-871-3344
NW Preffered Federal Credit Union 393 E. Florence Street Stayton, OR 97383 (866) 236-6968 nwpreferredfcu.com
Allied Rock 18825 Old Mehama Rd Lyons, OR 97358 503-769-3034 alliedrockllc.com
Chemeketa Community College
4000 Lancaster Drive S.E. Salem, OR 97305 503-399-5000 chemeketa.edu
Mid Willamette Valley Community Action Agency
280 N.E. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360
503-339-9080 mwvcaa.org/programs/crp
North Santiam School District
1155 N. Third Avenue
Stayton, OR 97383
503-769-6924 nsantiam.k12.or.us
Oregon Charter Academy 833 Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360
503-897-2272 oregoncharter.org
Santiam Canyon School District
P.O. Box 197 Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2321 santiam.k12.or.us
Linn County 300 S.W. Fourth Avenue Albany, OR 97321 541-967-3825 co.linn.or.us
Trexler Farm, Inc. 20146 Ferry Road S.E. Stayton, OR 97383 503-859-4488 trexlerfarm.com
Siegmund Excavation & Construction
100 SW Sublimity Boulevard Sublimity, OR 97383 503-769-6280 siegmundexcavation.com
Broken Bow Ranch 40101 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346
Mill City Subway
509 Santiam Boulevard N.E. Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6087
Valencia Insurance Agency, Inc.
1203 N. First Avenue Stayton, OR 97383
503-769-1800 davevalencia.com
NW Preffered Federal Credit Union
393 E Florence Street Stayton, OR 97383
866-236-6968 nwpreferredfcu.com
Freres Engineered Wood 141 14th Street Lyons, OR 97358 503-859-2121 frereswood.com
Henness Logging, Inc. 39646 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346 503-897-3319
Stayton Flowers 1486 N. First Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-6331 staytonflowers.com
North Santiam Fraternal Order of Eagles #3384 640 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-3100
North Santiam Funeral Service
224 N. Third Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-9010 santiamfuneral.com
Weddle Funeral Service
1777 N. Third Ave Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-2423 weddle-funeral.com
Santiam Heating & Sheetmetal, Inc.
41713 Stayton Scio Rd. Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-8483 santiamheating.com
Ask Me About Recycling 1740 Shaff Road #105 Stayton, OR 97383 503-569-0146 askmeaboutrecycling.com
Pacific Sanitation, Inc. 3475 Blossom Drive N.E. Salem, OR 97305 503-393-1031 pacsan.net
Siegmund Landscape Supply 21393 N. Santiam Highway S.E. Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-6291 siegmundlandscape.com
Metal Art Your Way 33635 North Fork Road S.E. Lyons, OR 97358 503-897-3253
Rex Images Mill City, OR 97360 815 N.W. Santiam Boulevard 503-897-2691 reximages.com
Stayton Flowers
1486 N. First Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-6331 staytonflowers.com
7 Star Grocery Store 829 SW First Streett Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2006
Focus Heating & Cooling
637 Wilco Road Stayton, OR 97383
503-769-7519 focusheatingand cooling.com
Deer Creek Hollow
245 N. Santiam Highway E. Gates, OR 97346 971-719-0651 sites.google.com/view/ deercreek/home
Valencia Insurance Agency, Inc.
1203 N. First Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-1800 davevalencia.com
Moonlight Maintenance, Inc.
41818 Kingston Joran Road S.E. Stayton, OR 97383
503-769-5836 cleanwithmoonlight.com
North Santiam Paving Co. 41203 Kingston Lyons Drive S.E. Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-3436 nspor.com
NorthRock, Inc.
46195 Lyons-Mill City Drive Lyons, OR 97358 503-769-3439 north-rock.com
Stayton Law
582 E. Washington Street Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-7741 staytonlaw.com
Siegmund Excavation & Construction
100 S.W. Sublimity Boulevard Sublimity, OR 97383 503-769-6280 siegmundexcavation.com
Detroit Lake Marina 115 Breitenbush Road Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3423 detroitlakemarina.com
Kane’s Marina 530 Clester Road Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3362 kanesmarina.com
Mill City Dental Center 548 S. First Avenue Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2353
Santiam Hospital & Clinics
1401 N. Tenth Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-9241 santiamhospital.org
Santiam Medical Clinic
280 S. First Avenue Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-4100 santiamhospital.org/ clinic-santiam-medical
Santiam Mobile Medicine 1881 W. Washington Street Stayton, OR 97383 503-507-5356 santiammobilemedicine.com
Metal Art Your Way
33635 North Fork Road S.E. Lyons, OR 97358 503-897-3253
Deer Creek Hollow 245 N. Santiam Highway E. Gates, OR 97346 971-719-0651 sites.google.com/view/ deercreek/home
Canyon Weekly, The 2340 Martin Drive #104 Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-9525 thecanyonweekly.com
KYAC 90.1 FM Community Radio 158 W Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6397 kyacfm.org
Our Town / Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc. 2340 Martin Drive #104 Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-9525 mtangelpub.com
Rex Images
815 N.W. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2691 reximages.com
Rex Images 815 N.W. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2691 reximages.com
City of Detroit 345 Santiam Avenue W. Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3496 detroitoregon.us
City of Gates 101 Sorbin Avenue W. Gates, OR 97346 503-897-2669 cityofgates.com
City of Lyons 449 Fifth Street Lyons, OR 97358 503-859-2167 cityoflyons.org
City of Mill City
444 S. First Avenue Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2302 ci.mill-city.or.us
Marion County Board of Commissioners
555 Court Street N.E. Salem, OR 97301
Linn County
300 S.W. Fourth Avenue Albany, OR 97321
Canyon Crisis and Resource Center 825 Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2372
Mid Willamette Valley Community Action Agency
280 N.E. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-339-9080
KYAC 90.1 FM Community Radio 158 W Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6397 kyacfm.org
Laura Erickson/Coldwell Banker Professional Group
46254 E Lyons Mill City Dr. Lyons, OR 97358 503-415-1328 laurasellsit.com
Sandy Lyness Real Estate Investments
49258 S.E. Kingwood Avenue Mill City, OR 97360 503-551-2645 sandylynessrealestate.com
Detroit Lake Foundation P.O. Box 4779 Salem, OR 97302 detroitlakefoundation.org
Detroit Lake Marina 115 Breitenbush Road Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3423 detroitlakemarina.com
eNRG Kayaking 115 N.E. Wall Street Mill City, OR 97360 503-887-5033 enrgkayaking.com
Fur Sure Outfitters
875 N.W. River Road Mill City, OR 97360 503-991-9449 fursureoutfitters.com
Kane’s Marina 530 Clester Road Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3362 kanesmarina.com
North Santiam Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 222 Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-5000 northsantiamchamber.org
Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce
175 E. High Street Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-3464 staytonsublimity chamber.org
Ask Me About Recycling 1740 Shaff Road #105 Stayton, OR 97383 503-569-0146 askmeaboutrecycling.com
Pacific Sanitation, Inc.
3475 Blossom Drive N.E. Salem, OR 97305 pacsan.net
Eddy’s Phillys 198 N.E. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6010
Get-A-Way, The 218 N.E. Santiam Boulevard Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6022
Hwy 22 Canteen, The 103 N. Santiam Highway Gates, OR 97346 503-689-2794
Kane’s Marina 530 Clester Road Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3362 kanesmarina.com
Mill City Grill
100 S.E. Juniper Street Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6130
Mill City Subway 509 Santiam Boulevard N.E. Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-6087
Rosie’s Mountain Coffee House 647 NE Santiam Blvd Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-2378 silverfallscoffee.com
eNRG Kayaking 115 N.E. Wall Street Mill City, OR 97360 503-887-5033 enrgkayaking.com
Fur Sure Outfitters
875 N.W. River Road
Mill City, OR 97360 503-991-9449 fursureoutfitters.com
North Santiam Paving Co. 41203 Kingston Lyons Drive S.E. Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-3436 nspor.com
NorthRock, Inc. 46195 Lyons-Mill City Drive Lyons, OR 97358 503-769-3439 north-rock.com
Siegmund Excavation & Construction
100 S.W. Sublimity Boulevard
Sublimity, OR 97383 503-769-6280 siegmundexcavation.com
Allied Rock 18825 Old Mehama Road Lyons, OR 97358 503-769-3034 alliedrockllc.com
Apple Pi Storage 2245 Apple Loop Lyons, OR 97358 503-559-7169 applepistorage.com
Detroit Lake Marina 115 Breitenbush Road Detroit, OR 97342 503-854-3423 detroitlakemarina.com
Lakeview RV Park 110 Lake Street Detroit, OR 97342 503-851-2604 lakeviewrvpark-detroit.com
Sandy’s Lakeside Coffee & RV 1487 N. Santiam Highway Idanha, OR 97350 503-854-3349
Santiam Self Storage, LLC 2160 Apple Loop Lyons, OR 97358 503-979-3821 santiamselfstorage.com
Di’s Doin’ Hair
789 S.W. Spring Street Mill City, OR 97360 503-580-6761
Apple Pi Storage 2245 Apple Loop Lyons, OR 97358 503-559-7169 applepiestorage.com
Lyons Mini Storage 320 25th Street Lyons, OR 97358 503-859-2345 lyonsministorage.com
Santiam Self Storage, LLC 2160 Apple Loop Lyons, OR 97358 503-979-3821 santiamselfstorage.com
Santiam Canyon Tool Library
40070 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346 503-881-1931 santiamcanyontoollibrary. myturn.com
Barker Surveying 3657 Kashmir Way S.E. Salem, OR 97317 503-588-8800 barkerwilson.com
Les Schwab Tires
400 S.W. Sublimity Boulevard Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-3446 lesschwab.com
Detroit Lake Foundation P.O. Box 4779 Salem, OR 97302 detroitlakefoundation.org
North Santiam Fraternal Order of Eagles #3384 640 SW Broadway Mill City, OR 97360 503-897-3100
Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce
175 E. High Street Stayton, OR 97383 503-769-3464 staytonsublimity chamber.org
Freres Engineered Wood 141 14th Street Lyons, OR 97358 503-859-2121 frereswood.com
Consumers Power, Inc. 6990 West Hills Road Philomath, OR 97370 800-872-9036 cpi.coop
Pacific Power 525 Wilco Road Stayton, OR 97383 503-767-6809 pacificpower.net
Frank Pellets, LLC 47983 E. Lyons-Mill City Drive Lyons, OR 97358 503-897-2371 franklumberco.com/ products/packsaddle-pellets
Upward Bound Camp 40151 Gates School Road Gates, OR 97346 503-897-2447 upwardboundcamp.org
Chamber member businesses in bold.
7 Star Grocery Store
Grocery Store
Allied Rock
Dirt, Gravel & Aggregate Products; Rock Products
Apple Pi Storage
RV Parking & Storage; Self Storage
Ask Me About Recycling
Garbage Collection; Recycling
Associated General Contractors Oregon –
Columbia Chapter
Building Contractors; Construction; Contractors
Barker Surveying
Benchmark Builders
Construction; Contractors
Broken Bow Ranch
Farms, Equipment & Supplies
Castle Construction, Inc.
Canyon Crisis and Resource Center
Community Development
Canyon Weekly, The
News Media
Community College
Community Development; Education
Canyon Crisis and Resource Center
Public Assistance
City of Detroit
Public Agencies
City of Gates
Public Agencies
City of Lyons
Public Agencies
City of Mill City
Public Agencies
Consumers Power, Inc.
D&W Automotive
503-769-7471 Automotive
Davison Auto Parts
503-859-2100 Auto Parts
Deer Creek Hollow 971-719-0651
Housing; Mobile Home Community
Detroit Lake Foundation
Community Development
Recreation; Tourism Information
Detroit Lake Marina 503-854-3423
Marinas; Recreation; RV Parking & Storage
Di’s Doin’ Hair 503-580-6761
Eddy’s Phillys 503-897-6010 Restaurants
Elements Construction & Remodeling
eNRG Kayaking
503-887-5033 Recreation; River Guide
Focus Heating & Cooling
503-769-7519 Construction; Heating & Air Conditioning
Frank Pellets, LLC
503-897-2371 Wood Pellets
Freres Building Supply
Building Supplies
Forestry/Wood Products
Freres Engineered Wood
Fur Sure Outfitters
Recreation; River Guide
Gates Community Church of Christ
Churches; Community Development
Get-A-Way, The 503-897-6022
Henness Logging, Inc.
Forestry/Wood Products
Hwy 22 Canteen, The 503-689-2794
Jefferson Truck & Auto
Kane’s Marina
Marinas; Recreation; Restaurants
KYAC 90.1 FM Community Radio
Advertising; News Media; Radio Station
Lakeview RV Park
RV Parking & Storage
Laura Erickson/Coldwell
Banker Professional Group
Real Estate
Les Schwab Tires
Automotive; Tires
Linn County
Elected Officials; Public Agencies
Lyons Mini Storage
Self Storage
Marion County Board of Commissioners
Public Agencies
Metal Art Your Way
Gifts & Souvenirs; Metal Art
Mid Willamette Valley
Community Action Agency
Community Development
Education; Public Assistance
Mill City
Christian Church
Mill City Dental Center
Medical & Dental
Mill City Grill
Mill City Subway
Catering; Fast Food; Restaurants
Moonlight Maintenance, Inc.
North Santiam Chamber of Commerce
Community Development; Recreation
North Santiam Fraternal Order of Eagles #3384
Community Development; Fraternal Organizations; Tourism Information
North Santiam Funeral Service
Funeral Homes
North Santiam Paving Co.
Landscape Supplies; Road Construction
North Santiam School District
NorthRock, Inc.
Landscape Supplies; Road Construction
NW Preffered Federal Credit Union
Credit Union;
Financial Services
Oregon Charter Academy
Child Care; Education
Our Town / Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.
Advertising; Printing & Design
Pacific Power
Pacific Sanitation, Inc.
Garbage Collection; Recycling
Rex Images
Gifts & Souvenirs; Printing & Design
Rich Duncan
Construction, Inc.
Rosie’s Mountain Coffee House
Coffee & Espresso; Restaurants
Sandy Lyness Real Estate Investments
Real Estate
Sandy’s Lakeside Coffee & RV
Coffee & Espresso; RV Parking & Storage
Santiam Canyon School District
Santiam Canyon Tool Library
Service Organization
Santiam Heating & Sheetmetal, Inc.
Furnaces – Heating
Santiam Hospital & Clinics
Medical & Dental
Santiam Medical Clinic 503-897-4100
Medical & Dental
Santiam Mobile Medicine
Medical & Dental
Santiam Self Storage, LLC
RV Parking & Storage
Self Storage
Santiam Towing and Recovery
Auto Towing
Siegmund Excavation & Construction
Excavation; Logging; Road Construction
Siegmund Landscape Supply
Gardening & Landscape Supply
Stayton Builders Mart 503-769-7118
Building Supplies
Stayton Flowers 503-769-6331
Flower Shops; Gifts & Souvenirs
Stayton Law
Legal Services
Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce
Community Development Recreation; Tourism Information
Trexler Farm, Inc.
Catering; Event Center
Upward Bound Camp
ADA Services; Community Development; Youth Camp
Valencia Insurance Agency, Inc. 503-769-1800
Financial Services; Insurance
Weddle Funeral Service
Funeral Homes
Linn County Sheriff’s Office (business calls) 1-800-884-3911
Marion County Sheriff’s Office (business calls) 503-588-5032
Canyon Crisis Center ............................................ 503-897-2327
Santiam Integration Team, Resource Assistance 503-769-9319
Poison Control Hotline 1-800-452-7165
Detroit Ranger District ........................................ 503-854-3366
CARTS Bus Service 503-585-5187
ODOT Highway Conditions 503-378-2299
Linn County Offices (general services), ...................................... 300 Fourth St. SW, Albany 541-967-3880
Marion County Offices (general services) 451 NE Division St., Salem 503-588-5037
Gates City Hall, PO Box 577, Gates, 97346 503-897-2669
Gates Rural Fire Protection District...................... 503-897-2929
Detroit City Hall, 160 N. Detroit Ave 503-854-3496
Idanha City Hall, 111 Highway 22 503-854-3313
Idanha-Detroit Rural Fire Protection District, 107 Highway 22 503-854-3494
Lyons City Hall, 449 Fifth St 503-859-2167
Lyons Public Library, 279 Eighth St. ..................... 503-859-2366
Lyons Rural Fire District (business calls), 1114 Main St ....................................................................... 503-859-2410
Lyons - Mehama Water District 503-859-2367
Mehama Fire Department (business calls) 503-769-2601
Mill City City Hall, 4445 1st Ave. .......................... 503-897-2302
Mill City Municipal Court, 252 Cedar St. SW 503-897-2302
Mill City Public Library, 250 SW Second Ave. 503-897-4143
Mill City Rural Fire District (business calls) 503-897-2390
Mill City Water Bills, 252 Cedar St. SW 503-897-2302
Mill City Police/Linn Co Sheriff. (business calls), 252 Cedar St. SW 503-897-2301
Santiam Memorial Hospital, 1401 N Tenth Ave., Stayton .............................. 503-769-2175
Permits and other information 503-769-3400
Marion County Economic Development ................ 503-588-5032
North Santiam Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 222, Mill City 503-897-5000
Chemeketa Center For Business & Industry, 626 High St, Salem 503-584-7310
Regis High School, 550 W Regis St., Stayton ........ 503-769-2159
St Mary Catholic School, 1066 N Sixth Ave., Stayton 503-769-2718
Lourdes Charter School, 39059 Jordan Rd, Scio.... 503-394-3340
Santiam Canyon School District (SCSD) office, 150 SW Evergreen, Mill City 503-897-2321
Santiam Elementary, 450 SW Evergreen, Mill City. ............................. 503-897-2368
Santiam Junior/Senior High School 265 SW Evergreen Road, Mill City ..................... 503-897-2311
North Santiam School District office (NSSD) 1155 N Third Ave., Stayton ............................... 503-769-6924
Mari-Linn School, 641 Fifth St., Lyons. 503-859-2154
Oregon Connections Academy .................................................... 833 NW Santiam Blvd, Mill City 800-382-6010
Stayton High School, 757 Locust St., Stayton ....... 503-769-2171
Stayton Middle School 503-769-2198
Chemeketa Community College .................................................. 4000 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem 503-399-5120
Northwest Natural Gas
Business calls 1-800-422-4012 Gas odor
Family owned and operated, the Siegmund Group Companies have been providing high quality services and products to our neighbors in the Santiam Canyon and surrounding communities for five decades. Contact us today for:
Site Excavation Road Construction Full-Service Logging Heavy Hauling Portable Crushing Service Paving Bridge Installation Roadside Brushing
Crushed Quarry Rock (ODOT & BPA Approved) Landscape Supplies
Established 100 years ago above the Santiam River, we use sustainable practices to manage our private timberlands, to manufacture our engineered wood products, and to utilize the timber we manufacture to best of our ability.
We manufacture a range of products such as veneer, plywood, lumber, and now our own patented product, the Mass Ply Panel (MPP). MPP is a massive veneer based panel up to 12’ wide and 48’ long and is designed to be an environmentally superior, sustainable alternative to concrete and steel in construction.
Visit frereswood.com to learn more about products, services and job openings. Subscribe to our blog at frereswood.com/blog.