Photography post processing tips No matter how excellent the photographer is and the snaps taken are, being aware of photography post processing tips is something imperative. Postprocessing is where you carry out a series of editing process to refine the photos to come up with the final presentable and professional product. Now let us see what the unavoidable actions to perform are when it comes to image post processing.
Cropping is one of the basic among photography post processing techniques. With crop tool, image size as well as the aspect ratio can be changed. To say, if your image is in rectangular shape, you can crop it to square shape. You may have several reasons for cropping an image. Publishing in varied aspect ratios or different formats demands you to crop the image. Also in case if unwanted elements are captured, you can crop them away. If you want to get a particular element out from a crowd, cropping can be helpful.
Levelling Sometimes, the photo’s horizontal line may not be levelled. When a photographer is too much focussed on his subject, this basic rule can be forgotten. However, there are image editing tricks by which photo levelling can be done. Unlevelled images are often noticed easily when a well-defined horizon line is there, like the sea. Travel photography post processing is an area where levelling is unavoidable.
Vignetting In this process, certain parts of the photo is made lighter or darker than the other parts. The purpose is to make the actual subject appear more cleared with the deserved prominence. Vignette is restricted towards the corners by certain tools. However, there are certain applications used by a typical photo editing company such as Lightroom and Snapseed by which certain areas in a snap can be selectively lightened or darkened.
Highlights and shadows
Sometimes, certain areas in photograph appear brighter or darker than it was needed to be. Dark areas are referred to as shadows while the brighter areas are called highlights. The issues caused can be fixed easily by making use of Highlight or Shadow tool. The tool works exceptionally well with RAW files as more data is retained on the highlighted areas and shadows after they are subjected to such selective photo retouching processes.
Colours and contrasts
Increasing the contrast to a certain level improves the overall visual impact by making the differences between the dark and light parts more noticeable. Manipulating colours is also very vital in determining the charm exhibited by an image.
Correcting blemishes
Image healing, also known as blemish correction is imperative to achieve perfection in image enhancement. Most of the times, especially in case of human faces, there will be certain things that you don’t want to be retained, such as pimples. However, it is important to note that birth marks like black moles should never be eliminated or concealed.
MAP Systems is a specialized company with an extensive experience in offering professional photo editing services. For inquires of any type in this regard, get in touch with the customer support team now itself. They are available all time round the clock.