7 minute read

Certificate of Assignment

All new books are certified of ISBN Assignment (CIA).



To date the number of outlets, shops and on-line stores are growing and increasing out reach. *We are also growing our Brick

Mortar bookshops and gallery who are stocking out books.

This is a working & expanding list and no means exhaustive list.

Costs & Services Schedule

Marketing your book

Firstly, let’s look at why you should market your book. As you are selfpublishing your manuscript, you are responsible for the actual marketing of your book, so if you don’t do it, no one will!

“But I don’t like selling and I have never sold anything to anyone in my life,” I hear you say.

Don’t worry, almost all authors, whether they’re self-published or not, have been and probably will always be in the same boat as you. You are a writer and not a salesperson. However, the best person to promote your work is you.

You obviously believe your book is of some value because you have spent hours upon hours writing, rewriting and editing it to make the story, characters and settings of as much interest to the reader as you can. You have then spent more time and money trying to get literary agents and publishers to read your book in order to have your work published. The reason you want your book published is because you feel that what you have written is worth it.

Marketing Package Information on available request

Publicity & promotion

Though MAP does not make contractual agreement to take on publicity or promotion of the individual book or author.

MAP has its own roll-on service, where all books published assigned or unassigned are included.

All book are included in MAP's central catalogue.

The is genre targeted publicity and promotion-

 Catalogues included in future books of same genre.

 Social media posts -

 Blog posts

 Press release

 Radio and TV promo.

 Various events and endorsements.

Additional information Assets:

 When your book is assigned with an ISBN no., you will be the owner of the following asset.

 The satisfaction of "aspiration accomplishment,"

 Your book

 The title of the book

 Your name deposited along with your book in the British Library and 5 others

 Your book will have its own page on the web.

 You will have link for your book

Auxiliary Service:

1. Bulk printing books - I am able to provide bulk printing, minimum 50 copies. Service available on request.

2. Publicity and promotion stationary - Support all author with printing service, hell of a lot cheaper than local printer.

3. Leaflets, Flyers, Book dividers, Posters, T-shirts, Banners and more (art work supplied).

4. Photography Service – Photo shoot for the book.

5. Computer Aided Design service - design any artwork to support the book.

6. Image bank: Offer royalty free images for use with design and other purposes.

7. I hope I have covered all for you, if there is something you think of, please let me know and I will do my best to address it.

Book for agent service

We provided an unassigned fulfilment service to send to agents.

 Create the digital file (your book) with no ISBN registered, so it is open.

 We provide a list of agents.

Administer books to agents

We can administer your books to agents, with the books provided and a covering letter, we will label the envelopes, get them stamped and post them for you.

 Pack the envelopes o -book o -covering letter

 Print covering letter with agent’s address

 Hold letter template on file

 Print label for envelope & stick

 Stamp the envelope

 Post the package You will supply:

 Books

 Covering letter (digital format)

 Envelopes

 Stamps/Postage (Small package rate)


MAPublisher promises and over delivers at its discretion and is no way to be taken that it is part of any contract whether written or verbal. So if you haven’t paid or asked for it and you got more than you thought or imagined, then you just benefited from the discretion, there is no guarantee that it will be repeated or the discretion will continue. All rights are reserved by MAPublisher, its imprints and MPBS.

Error and omissions

This is a working document and it is being revised and re-evaluated continuously, always ask for the latest revision of this booklet. No responsibility will be accepted for error consequences arising from use or reference to out dated Terms of reference & Conditions booklet. Revised one will always replace the previous one.


*Please note it is not our aim or objective to get to a point where a publication to get cancelled.

1. In any event where the publication is to be cancelled. There is a provision put in place to facilitate that.

2. There is a fee/payment to cancel the publication; the fee currently stands at £1,200.00 per publication.

a. VAT is not applicable at the time of drawing this up, but will be applicable when MAP becomes b. VATable; this information will be updated as and when. a. This does not include any purchased books sold on Amazon or other place, whether on-line or in book shops.

3. Cancellation will only happen after the fee has been paid in full.

4. Cancellation of the publication - will retire the digital file from the fulfilling company after that no books will be sold online.

5. What cancelling is unable to do is re-set the system; it won’t erase the book information along with your name, this information will be available, searchable.

6. Your information from the ISBN (Nielsen’s) data based will NOT be erased, this is etched in to the database.

7. Once the book is cancelled, the ISBN (Nielsen’s) will be updated to inform them that the book is now cancelled. This will update the system and will state that the book is “unavailable” when your book information is searched for in the public domain. [update takes 48 hours to update the data base, it may take longer for the update in the public realm (on-line stores)]

8. Your book deposited in “Legal deposit” will remain with the libraries and will be made available as the per Legal deposits requirements/Criteria.

9. Cancellation fee, is, as way of compensating for the work undertaken, a. and loss of any future earnings, b. length of time servicing you and your books, c. subsequent free time given to mentoring and educating you in the field.

10. The cancellation fee is not deductable to any fulfilment fees paid previously or any royalties earned during.

11. The cancellation fee is non negotiable.

12. In a dispute of working out the formula for compensation fee for loss of earnings:

1 x 12 x75=

1 Retail price of the book being cancelled x 1 per month, 12 months in a year x the copyright period of the book, as it stands life of the author and then 75 years after the death of the author. We are using 75 years after the death of the author to simplify the calculation. Should this formula me disputed then we will add the living years of the author from the date of the publication of the book. After working that figure we have come to a reasonable sum as stated in section 2 of cancellation.


1. When dispute arises please write in your dispute, clearly, concisely and number them.

2. While every effort has been taken to manage expectations and provide clarity and transparency; dispute may arise in the form of further clarifications.

3. We will deal with all disputes with respect and preserving dignity and integrity.

4. We will take responsibility if we have not been able to manage the expectations from the start.

5. Dispute formula for compensation fee, see section 12 of the Compensation.


1. Please note and be aware, do not put messages or reviews a. negative, b. derogative and c. defaming, in the public domain. a. You will be responsible and required to take I down a. You will be responsible and required to take I down

2. If you do this then this will become a legal matter.

3. If you get other party to defame then you will be held responsible.

4. If third party defaming and this becomes known to you, you will be responsible to challenge it, and where possible to take it down.

Law & Legal matter

1. All matter formal and legal will be in line with the English law of Britain and United Kingdom.

2. All matter will be dealt with the English courts.

Your Key features:

1. MAP is a self publisher and provides services to writers/Authors to self publish.

2. MAP and its Imprint is/are not an agency, nor act or purport to act as any agent, for the book or the writer/author.

3. Your book is published, as far as launching your book to publication for the general public and trade to purchase them on-line and in the shop via the on-line Print on Demand (POD) system.

4. Your book and information about, including your name will be included in the MAPublisher Portfolio and catalogue; through the promotion and publicity of the catalogue and portfolio, that your book and your details will be circulated thus promoted; This is a roll-on promotion and publicity cycle, and every title will be featured based on the theme of the publicity and promotion; solely at MAP’s discretion and at no cost to the writer/author, and all rights are reserved.

5. The cost for this service is set at £800.00 and is offered under the Writer’s Champion imprint.

6. The fee is charged and is applicable for the service rendered. The payment under the Key feature of “Writer’s Champion (WC) Imprint – provide the facility to “indefinitely/permanently defer” the payment; provided the book is on sale; withdrawing the book from sale for whatever reason after it has been registered and on-line for sale; fee will be payable by customer or their agent; before taking it out of commission; fee is payable irrespective of royalties received.

7. Writer’s champion goes further to support the writer by offering to sell up to 80% of the royalties from the book sales; when payment for service rendered is paid in full; WC unique feature.

8. WCI also provides above average royalty rate of 10%, 10% Writer and 90% MAP with “Buyback” option.

9. Upon payment of fee in full, the royalty split rate will look like 80% writer and 20% MAP. SEE FAQs for clarifications and explanations.

10. If you have chosen the “Assigned option,” and “indefinite deferment,” of payment; you have chosen 10% to MAP 90% split share of Royalty.

11. The ISBN number is an asset of MAPublisher and is registered to MAPublisher. The ISBN number and the book title assigned to it are the property and asset of MAPublisher.

12. The payment of the fee £800.00 is for the service offered and buyback of the royalty share does not give or transfers the ownership of the digital file or the ISBN number.

13. The copyright of your story belongs to you.

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