Rosetta Heritage Complex - Grad II Final Report

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Rosetta Heritage Complex October University For Modern Science And Arts Faculty of Engineering Architectural Department Graduation Project II Spring 2020

Prepared by: Maram Ahmed Enany – 161145 Group M1 Supervised by: Pr. Dr. Sameh El-Fekky Pr. Dr. Omar Fawzy Dr. Rasha Sayed Dr. Rania El Messeidy

To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it. - Daniel Libeskind

Abstract We were asked to investigate the problems in Delta and Focus on a specific problem and find an architectural solution to it. After researching about the different governorates and cities we were mostly interested in the city of Rosetta “Rasheed”, in Al Beheira Governorate, and its amazing historical background. We felt the need to find out why is Rosetta not a touristic destination, being the largest city after Cairo that has Islamic Monuments, as well as its strategic location at the intersection of the Mediterranean sea and river Nile. Moreover, the city rich with its unique cultures, traditional handcrafts and it is famous for yacht productions. Therefore, we started looking for reasons and statistics, and accordingly we settled on a project that would help revive the tourism in Rosetta. We travelled to Rosetta, conducted interviews with the people there and visited the monuments there which motivated us to try and find a solution for the heritage deterioration. Due to the negligence of the historical monuments from the government, Rosetta started to lose the strong identity it had, and its history is starting to fade away. Hence, losing its image as a touristic city. The proposed project is mainly dealing with the heritage deterioration by creating “Rosetta heritage complex” that is going to allow people to rediscover the treasures of Rosetta.

Contents CONTENTS: 1. Introduction


1.1. Location


1.2. Context


1.3. Historical Timeline


1.4. Urban development


1.5. Coastal Line Development


1.6. Heritage of Historical sites


1.7. Socio-Economic Analysis

2. Project Selection 2.1. Common Problems


12 13

2.2. Problem Statement and Project Scope


2.3. Project Objectives


2.4. Project Main Components


2.5. Detailed Program


2.6. Target Group


3. Site Selection 3.1. Site Selection Criteria

18 19

3.2. Site Location


3.3. Site Analysis


3.4. Chosen Site


4. Design Approach 4.1. Mission

22 23

4.2. Objectives


4.3. Inspiration


4.4. Concepts


5. Design Development 5.1. Contextual Analysis

30 31

5.2. Plans and Masses Development


5.3. Juries


5.4. Finalized Project


Contents CONTENTS 6. Structure 6.1. Structural Systems used 6.2. Structural Drawings

7. Construction 7.1. Method of Construction 7.2. Technical Studies

8. Sustainability 8.1. Social Sustainability 8.2. Economic Sustainability 8.3. Environmental Sustainability

9. Further Studies 9.1. Basement structure

10. Bibliography 10.1. List of References 10.2. List of Figures

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Rosetta, the land of million palm trees. Once a major Mediterranean harbor, it is now a forgotten Egyptian city with hidden treasures.

Fig.1. A painting of Rosetta city in the 19th century, Data Source (, 2009), edited by (Author,2020)

1.1. Location: Rosetta is located near the Nile junction (The West Bank of the Rosetta branch) with the Mediterranean Sea, east of Alexandria, which is not further than 15 km. This site has made Rosetta to be considered as one of the most important transportation routes, especially in the middle age. The total area of city is 2.5 km2 and is elevated 15m from sea level.

1.2. Context: The city is surrounded by the Mediterranean sea from North, Abu Kir Bay from West, Abou Mandour Hill and sand dunes from South, and from East it is bounded by the Nile river branch named after it. The city is 263 Km away from Cairo to the North, 60 km away from Alexandria to the East, 159 Km away from Tanta to the North, and 186 Km away from El-Mansoura to the West. Boundaries: - North: The Mediterranean Sea. - South: Abu Mandour Hill. - East: Branch of Nile River. - West: Abu Qir Bay.

Fig.1.1. Map of Rosetta, Data Source (Google maps, 2020), edited by (Author, 2020)

Fig.1.2. Map showing context of Rosetta city and its links with other cities, Data Source (Google maps, 2019), illustrated by (Author,2020)




1.3. Historical Timeline: Pharaonic & Batlimic Era (3000 BC) The city was conquered by Menes in the 4th millennium BC during his campaign to unite Upper and Lower Egypt. Also, historic data mentions a temple in the same area, referred to as Bulbitinum, which was probably was built for Cleopatra.

Roman Era (270 BC) The roman constructed castles and walls around the city, most likely to protect it from Persian and Nubian invasions. The city used to be very influential in the 12th century, when the route to Alexandria was through Rosetta using the Khabur canal. Mamluk Era (15-16th Century) The Mamluk period marked the beginning of Rosetta development, where Sultan Qayitbay constructed his fortress..The city's streets were packed with traders from around the world, creating a multicultural environment. Ottoman Era (16-17th Century) Rosetta became Egypt's closest port to Istanbul and all ships with merchandise from Turkey landed there, becoming the Empire's main provider of rice, grain and other products. French & British Invasions (1798) Napoleon invaded Egypt In 1798, launching the Expeditionid'Egypte. A year later, as Napoleon's army stayed in Qayitbay's fortress, the most essential Egyptological discovery of all time was found its walls: the Rosetta Stone. The British intervention came and ended Napoleon's time in Rosetta. In 1805 Mohammed Ali took the throne of Egypt. After two years, he defeated Fraser who was leading the British forces.

Muhammed Ali Era (1805) Muhammad 'Ali prefered the development of Alexandria over Rosetta, which wasn’t connected to Cairo on a direct railroad. Fig 1.3. Rosetta’s Historical Timeline, data source (Google, 2020)




1.4. Urban Development: Throughout the years, the Urban expansion of the Rosetta city has been horizontal towards the West, as shown Figure 2.2.1, infringing the agricultural lands surrounding it, which are dense with high quality palm trees. These lands are acting as the limiting boundaries for the urban areas, from the North and the West, all along the longitudinal direction of the city. Another natural edge, is the basin of the Nile River acting as the Eastern boundary of the city. Therefore, the only feasible directions for the urban extension are to the West and Northwest of the city, in spite of the high cultural and economic loss that would be entailed from this unplanned and undirected expansion (El-Ibiary, 2006).


Fig.1.4. Maps showing the urban extension of Rosetta City, Data Source (ElRaey, Fouda and Gal, 1999), illustrated by (Author,2020)

1.5. Coastal line development: The formation, growth and decline of Rosetta’s coastal line are closely connected with the Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea. The city is situated on one of the Nile's main branches (Rosetta branch) near its Mediterranean drainage location. Water has influenced the city's surroundings, whether from the Nile or the Mediterranean, placing it further or nearer to the coast. In the 16th century, the nearest Rosetta was to the coast. 1600 1700-1800 1900

Fig. 1.5.1. Rosetta coastal line Map. (Ouafa Belgacem, 2009), (Illustrated by author, 2020)

Fig. 1.5.2. diagram showing the Long Term Contour Line Changes for Rosetta, Data source (Walid R. El Sayed, Medhat A. Ali, Moheb M. Iskander, Alfy M. Fanos, 2007)




1.6. Heritage of Historical Sites:

St. Mark Apostle, 5th century Fig 1.6.1. data source (google earth)

Abu Shahin Mill Fig 1.6.2. data source (google earth)

Hasiba Ghazal House, Ottoman Era Fig 1.6.3. data source (Authors, 2019)

Abu Mandur Mosque, 991 Fig 1.6.4. data source (Authors, 2019)

Qayitbay Fortress, 1945, Fig 1.6.5. data source (google earth)

Abu Al Reesh Gate, 8th century Fig 1.6.8. data source (google earth)

The number of heritage buildings fell from 52iin 1963 to 37 in 2006. The city has many informal markets in the historic area's streets,iresulting in traffic jamiand garbage accumulation. National policies support heritage cities to be upgraded. The government declared Rosetta a tourist city by law 13/1986. However, there is a lack of specific heritage building codes that would allow the city's old urban fabric to be preserved.


1 Introduction Urban Studies 1.7. Socio-Economic Analysis: The last population analysis that have been gathered for Rosetta was from 1996, and the population isiestimated by1calculating the1growth1rate which is 2.1 in this case, as shown in the charts below. 220000

250000 196,51 4




Male Female Total

150000 110000

99,454 97,060

101,545 99,097

100000 55000

50000 0 Year 2005 Population Fig. 1.7.1: Rosetta Population in 2005, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

0 Year 2006 Population Fig. 1.7.2: Rosetta Population in 2006, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Workforce Analysis: 21% of workforce work in agriculture 29% of workforce work in industrial sector including ship industry, food industry, wood work and bricks industry - 14% work in Tourism. - 12% work in local administrative units. - 24% of workforce work in handcrafts.

Workforce Analysis


Agriculture Industry Tourism Aministration Handcrafts


12% 29% 14%

Fig. 1.7.3: Rosetta workforce Analysis, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Authors, 2019)

Poverty Analysis

Illiteracy Percentage







Fig. 1.7.4: Illiteracy Percentage, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Below the poverty line Over the poverty line Fig. 1.7.5: Poverty Analysis, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020)



Project Selection

2 Project Selection In order to select a project type that would benefit the city, fix some of its main problems, while maintaining its sustainability, it was necessary to analyze and study certain aspects of the community.

2.1. Common Problems: According to the site visits and the interviews conducted, it is clear that Rosetta is a special city with unique characteristics due to many reasons, as its valuable resources, agriculture, culture and heritage. The common problems are listed briefly then accordingly we reach the main problem and the project suitable for it. Palm Trees Industry

Red Brick Industry


Ship Production

Heritage Deterioration Fig.(2.1.1),Common Problems illustration, (Author,2020)


1. Ship Production: Most of the workshops are unlicensed as the license expenses is very high. 2. Unemployment: Lack of jobs due to seasonal jobs like fishing, ship production and agriculture. 3. Palm Trees Industry: Palm trees agriculture is also deteriorating, as the expenses needed to plant the tree are much higher than the profit it gains. 4. Red brick Industry: Is negatively affecting the climate and is harming the environment 5. Transportation: Lack of public transportation to the city.

Fig.(2.1.2), Ship under construction seen in Rosetta, (Author,2020)

Fig.(2.1.3), Palm Trees in Rosetta, (Author,2020)

Fig.(2.1.4), Red Brick Industry seen in Rosetta, (Author,2020)


2 Project Selection 6. Heritage Deterioration: Rosetta is considered the largest city containing Islamic monuments after Cairo, and has one of the richest history and culture which was gained from the ancestors of the city throughout the ages, which gives it its strong identity. But this identity was weakened by the negligence and lack of marketing which caused the culture to fade away with all its history. Despite Rosetta’s historical and geographical value, tourism is very weak and does not contribute to the city’s economy. Therefore, it is losing the title of being one of the most touristic cities in Egypt.

Fig.(2.1.5), Rosetta Monuments, (Author,2020)

2.2 Problem Statement and Scope: The project main vision is ensuring the continuity of heritage by preserving culture and history and promoting tourism. According to what was mentioned before, the proposed project is mainly dealing with the heritage deterioration in Rosetta and trying to save monuments and display them in a presentable way by creating “Rosetta Heritage Complex” that is going to make people explore Rosetta’s history in an interesting way through interactive spaces and galleries and then participating themselves in activities related to Rosetta.

Historical Timeline

Interactive Spaces


Communication and Entertainment

Fig.(2.2.), Project scope, (Author,2020)

2.3 Project Objectives: • Revive Rosetta’s Heritage and preserve its culture. • Raising the sense of belonging of the residents by making them participate in all the activities. • Making Rosetta a touristic city and emphasizing its tourism plan. • Making people learn by interactive methods. • Leaving the visitors with a memorable experience. • Embrace the local crafts activities and showcase it in our workshops. • Making new touristic plans attraction plans. • To enhance the social, economic, and environmental standards of the city.


2 Project Selection 2.4. Project Main Components: Historical Sector

Sunken Monuments

Narrative “Storytelling"

Conservation Labs


Entertainment Sector


Fig.(2.4.1), Illustration of project main components, (Author, 2020)

Historical Timeline and info.

Learning by Interactive spaces.

Workshops Communication and and entertainment Training

2.5. Detailed Program:


2 Project Selection


2 Project Selection

2.6. Target Groups: Tourists: External and internal tourists are the main support of the project, so targeting them ensures the continuity of our heritage and saving the identity of Rosetta. Which will also help in Rosetta’s economy and make it an iconic spot locally and globally. Craftsmen: Will act as the working hands of the project, running all the workshops and product making. Youth: The Youth are considered the strength of the community and by targeting them we ensure the continuity of heritage by raising their sense of belonging through realizing the quality of the heritage they have.



Site Selection

3 Site Selection 3. Site Selection:

1. Residence.

3.1. Site Selection Criteria: It was significant to set a fixed criteria as shown in (Fig.3.1.) to choose the perfect sites that could be compatible for this project and its alterable needs; so that the project and its location can influence the surrounding environment directly & indirect.

2. Landmarks.



4. Accessibility.

5. Flexibility.

Fig.3.1. Site selection criteria, (Author, 2020)

3.2. Sites location: This fig.3.2.1. shows that all sites are in strategic locations, each one has a focal point, view, and landmark . As Site 1 is near Abu Mandur mosque, Site 2 is next to Qaitbay Fortress and residential area, and for Site 3 it is located near intersection of Nile and Mediterranean, surrounded by vacant lands.

Site 1 Area: 11,000m2

Site 2 Area: 15,000m2

Fig.3.2.1. Sites locations, Data source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Site 3 Area: 18,000m2 Fig.3.2.2. Selected sites, Data source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020)


3 Site Selection 3.3. Site Analysis: 3.3.1. Solid and Void Maps:


Site 2

Site 1

Solid Void

Site 3

Site 3 is almost entirely empty, with few buildings surrounding it. While the other two sites are condensed which may obstruct the possibility of future expansions.

Fig.3.3.1. Solid and Void Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

3.3.2. Building Heights Maps:

Site 2

Site 1 Legend: 1-3 Floors 4-6 Floors

Site 3

Buildings in site 1 and 2 vary in height between (3-7) storeys, while the heights in site 3 are all below 3 storeys, which would benefit the visual axis.

Fig.3.3.2. Building Heights Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

3.3.3. Building Conditions Maps:

Site 1 Legend: Good Cond. Moderate Poor Cond.

Site 2

Site 3

while the buildings of site 1 and 2 vary in condition and need maintenance, site 3 buildings are all in good condition as they are relatively new.

Fig.3.3.3. Building cond. Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)


3 Site Selection 3.3.4. Accessibility Maps:

Site 1 Legend: Main Roads Secondary Roads

Site 2

Site 3

The three sites are accessible through “Bourg Magaza/ Bahr Al Azam road) which is the main road, parallel to the Nile.

Fig.3.3.4. Accessibility Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

3.3.5. Land Use Maps:

Site 2

Site 1 Legend: Green Areas Industry Residential


Mixed-Use Religious Educational

Site 3

Unlike site 1 and 2, which are surrounded by many building types, site 3 has barely any buildings, as it is part of the government's plan to establish a new community in Rosetta.

Fig.3.3.5. Land Use Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

3.4. Chosen Site: According to the previous mentioned criteria, SITE 3 has got the highest rank among all the sites. As it has a very strategic location with clear view to the Nile. Also, it has a directly access to the Nile. As well as being close to an ancient lost city under the sea. Using these elements would integrate the surrounding context, lead to increase the tourism rate, also has the flexibility for future expansions. In addition to that it will meet the target of increasing awareness of heritage by creating interactive spaces act as story telling. Fig.3.4. Chosen site Analysis, Data source (Google maps, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Site 1

Site 2

Site 3




Design Approach

4 Design Approach 4.1. Mission: Heritage is considered to be one of the most treasured assets to a city, as it reveals its main cultural identity, unites people to their history and strengthen their ideologies. The mission of this project is restoring and renovating Rosetta’s architectural and cultural identity as the majestic icon, that has witnessed many historical events and outlived invasions and wars, from Pharonic kingdoms to ottoman rulers. In addition to utilizing its strategic location between the River Nile and the Mediterranean sea, as well as the numerous monuments and the city’s culture, to create a touristic attraction spot, that will restore Rosetta’s importance as well as involve the community in saving their city’s heritage.

“We have been the benefactors of our cultural heritage and the victims of our cultural narrowness” - Stanley Krippner

4.2. Objectives:

Fig 9.7.1 Rosetta landmarks and historical monuments, data source ( google earth)

Saving Rosetta’s Architectural and cultural Heritage by creating “Rosetta Heritage Complex, that will restore the historical significance of the city. Fig 4.2.1 Abu Al Reesh Gate, data source ( google earth)

Raising awareness of the importance of heritage, and increasing the community involvement by integrating their oriental handcrafts into the project.

Improving Tourism rate, and bringing back Rosetta to the time where it was a world attraction site, by creating a touristic hub, which would benefit the economy greatly.

Fig 4.2.2. Rosetta Oriental Handcrafts, (Author, 2020)

Fig 4.2.3. Rosetta Intersection Between The Sea And Nile, (Author, 2020)


4 Design Approach 4.3. Inspiration: 4.3.1. City Image: The architectural style and the visual image of the city was one of the biggest inspirations for the project. Since Rosetta is famous for its Islamic architectural style, this is shown in its buildings dating back mainly to the Ottoman era, where elements like “Mashrabeyas” and the use of bricks are prominent, as shown in the following sketches.

Fig 4.3.1. Monuments sketches, (Author, 2020)

4.3.2 City Center Analysis: The study of the city center identity shows its incorporation of various building types surrounding a huge landscaped recreational area, narrow streets and buildings with close proximity to each other. This type of “Introverted Architecture” inspired many aspects of the project, while also maintaining perfect visual axis to the Nile River and main road. Museum

Monumental Park

Government al Buildings

High Rise Building

Police Station


Fig.4.3.2. City Center Analysis (Author, 2020)


4 Design Approach 4.3.3. Case Study: Palestine Museum:

Architect: Heneghan Peng, Constructed in 2016, Land area : 40,000 m², Location: Birzeit, Palestine This particular project has influenced the design approach and the treatment of masses, the building image, and the facades design. These elements were all inspired by the land context, its heritage and culture, all seamlessly incorporated. The different masses of the building are integrated with the landscape in the triangular form grid inspired from the land context. This was also revealed in the elevation masses to unify the building layout, elevation and landscape design. Due to the land terrain the building is visible by the surrounding area and can be noticed easily. As the building is inspired from the surrounding landscape creating an impressive image, which is integrated into the landscape forming a strong, distinctive form.

Fig 4.3.3. Palestine Museum, Data Source (, 2017), Illustrated by (Author, 2020)


4 Design Approach 4.4. Concepts: 4.4.1. CONCEPT 1: RECLAIMING THE CITY: Keywords: Urban Fabric, Skyline, Urban Height pattern, Ottoman Facades Concept Statement: Prioritizing the city, and using it as the main inspiration for the design; Rosetta’s urban fabric, skyline, the Ottoman facades, and urban height pattern. The urban fabric is condensed, with dominating irregular grid, getting more condensed towards the Nile. The urban height pattern analysis shows the visual axis and height hierarchy. Inspiration:

Fig. Rosetta’s Skyline, Data Source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Fig. Rosetta’s Urban Fabric, Data Source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Fig. Rosetta’s buildings, Data Source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Conceptual Sketches:

Fig. Conceptual 3D sketches, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Masses / Zoning Analysis:

Fig. Zoning Analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020)


4 Design Approach 4.4.2. CONCEPT 2: Rosetta Stone; a Treasure in the Sand: Keywords: Rocks Morphology, Resistance, Strength, Durability Concept Statement: Rosetta stone it led to the connection of civilizations, unlocking ancient secrets and finally understanding ancient languages. This concept is based on the durability pf stone, how it withstands the test of time, saving heritage for years. The morphology of rocks is analyzed and reflected in the form of the building, signifying resistance and strength. Inspiration:

Fig. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Architect: Daniel Libeskind,2007. Data Source (Architecturescope, 2014)

Fig. Conceptual masses, Data source (Pinterest)

Fig. Chapel AlmadĂŠn, Spain, Architects: S.M.A.O. Year: 2001, Data Source ( Archdaily, 2009) Conceptual Sketches:

Fig. Conceptual 3D sketches, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Masses / Zoning Analysis:

Fig. Zoning Analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020)


4 Design Approach 4.4.3. CONCEPT 3: Cultural Gateway: Keywords: Dynamic form, Panoramic view, Approach Concept Statement: Using Rosetta’s strategic location, this concept uses the form, materials, orientation and contours in site to create a gateway to the Mediterranean. Getting inspiration from elements like: integrating circulation with the water around the site, using wooden materials and dynamic building form, massive approaches, open panoramic view to the sea. Inspiration:

Fig. Conceptual masses showing dynamic form and massive approach, Data Source (Pinterest)

Fig. Rosetta Mediterranean and Nile view, Data source (Google Earth) Conceptual Sketches:

Fig. Pier Candentia, Poland, Architect: Karolina Wierzbinska, Data Source (Architizer, 2018)

Fig. Conceptual 3D sketches, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Masses / Zoning Analysis:

Fig. Zoning Analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020)


4 Design Approach 4.4.4. Chosen Concept: The final concept was a merge between the elements of Concept 1 and Concept 2, while still maintaining the positive outcomes of Concept 3. Using the City Urban Fabric as the base grid for the project plans, and maintaining visual axis through the urban height hierarchy. Also, applying Mashrabeya-like pattern to the facades.


Manipulating the roof of the building, by using “Folded Plates� to give the project a distinctive and unique image, while still not clashing with the context architecture and cultural heritage.



Some of the principals of this concept were taken into consideration, such as the visual approach and making use of the Nile as the main view.

Fig. 4.4.4. Final Concept inspirations, Data Source (Pinterest)



Design Development

5 Design Development 5.1. Contextual Analysis: - The design process started by respecting the site setbacks, and by studying the site it is found that the suggested orientations (north, north west). And the preferred vegetation at south east and west.

-As for the building form, the roof planes is manipulated, Creating folded planes, inspired by the morphology of the site, to create an iconic landmark that will act as an attraction point. Moreover, considering the Nile as the main view, subtracting from the main mass to ensure that all spaces has visual access.

For the final form: - Maximum visual axis is achieved. - Openings are placed according to the preferred orientation, and Mashrabeyas or shading devices minimize the heat transfer. - Huge courts with treated glass panels are added to the center of the building, to ensure lighting and ventilation. - Folded roof plates characterize the main spaces (exhibitions, galleries, auditorium)

Fig. 5.1. Contextual Analysis, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.2. Plan and Masses Development:

Generating the plan from the urban fabric lines

Preliminary zoning

Required Spaces

Refining the lines

Integrating the plan with the surrounding landscape Fig. 5.2. Plan and masses progress, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3. Juries: 5.3.1. Jury 1

Fig. 5.3.1. JURY 1 (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3.2. Jury 2

Ground Floor Plan

Fig. JURY 2 (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3.2. Jury 2

Preliminary Zoning

1st Floor Plan

Conceptual Section

Conceptual Masses

Fig. JURY 2 (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3.3. Jury 3

Master Plan

1st Floor Plan Plan

Basement Plan

3D Concept

Layout Fig. JURY 3 (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3.3. Jury 3

Elevations and Sections Technological Studies


Preliminary Renders

Fig. JURY 3 (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3.4. Jury 4

Master Plan

1st Floor Plan

Basement Plan

Layout Fig. JURY 4 (Author, 2020)

Project in Context


5 Design Development 5.3.4. Jury 4

Main Elevation

Back Elevation

Side Elevation

Preliminary Structural System

Fig. JURY 4 (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 5.3.4. Jury 4

3D Shots Fig. JURY 4 (Author, 2020)


Finalized Project

5 Design Development 5.4. Finalized Project

Fig. 5.4.1. Master Shot (Author, 2020)

5.4.1 Master Shot


5 Design Development

Master Plan

1st Floor Plan

Basement Plan

Fig. 5.4.2. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development

Main Elevation

Back Elevation

Side Elevation

Section A-A

Section B-B

Layout Fig. 5.4.3. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development

Fig. 5.4.4. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development

Fig. 5.4.5. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development

Fig. 5.4.6 Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development 3D Analysis

Circulation Analysis

Fig. 5.4.7. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


5 Design Development Evacuation Plans and Handicap Access: The fire exits are distributed at the 4 corners of the building. The distance between each fire exit does not exceed 30m, as well as the path to each exit from any of the spaces. G.F. Evacuation plan Fire Exits Path to exit

As for the handicap access, all entrances are accompanied with adequate ramps, and all the fire exits have fire proof elevators. There are no varying levels inside the plan itself, to facilitate the handicap circulation.

1st F. Evacuation plan 3D Concept

Fig. 5.4.8. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)




6 Structure 6.1. Structural systems used: 6.1.1. Folded Slab: In order to achieve the morphology and composition of the concept, a lot of variation and manipulation of the surfaces had to be made. Folded slabs are assemblies of flat plates, or slabs, inclined in different directions and joined along their longitudinal edges. The structural system is capable of carrying loads without the need for additional supporting beams along mutual edges. They have an intrinsic rigidity and high load-carrying capacity which makes them economical over long spans that need to be free of internal columns and other obstructions.

Fig. Folded Slab Examples, Data Source (

Firstly the wooden skeleton of the desired shape is constructed on site, and the steel cables are placed, then, the concrete is mixed with additives to make it fast drying, and is applied with a concrete spray nozzle.

Fig. Folded Slab construction, Data Source (

6.1.2. Post Tension Slab: A post tension slab is a concrete slab that has steel cables running through it that have been placed under 33,000 +/- pounds of tension. This tension makes the concrete slab and foundation much stronger than concrete without reinforcement and helps reduce cracking. It has an advantage over others as it makes a very efficient base for floor design with thin slabs and column-less spaces in larger spans.

Fig. Post Tension Slabs on site, Data Source (

The steel tendons are laid down along with the conventional rebars. They are encased in ducts so that they do not come in contact with the water in concrete. Concrete is poured and after achieving its 75% of strength, these tendons are stressed with the help of stressing jacks. When the proper tensioning force is reached, the pre-stressing steel is anchored in place. And the plastic casing is filled with gravel.


6 Structure 6.1. Structural systems used: 6.1.3. Flat Slab: Flat Slabs are used where there is no need for column-less spaces, as the administration offices and the restoration labs. It would offer flexibility in these spaces, as partition walls can be easily placed, and it false ceilings can be attached. Moreover, since no beams are used, there will be no reduction of the floor clear height. It can span up to 10m.

Fig. 6.1.3. Flat Slab Diagram, Data Source (

6.1.4. Inclined Slab: The inclined slab is more or less the same as the flat slab, with the difference being that the live loads calculation differs, and is solved with the cos of the angle of inclination.

Fig. 6.1.4. Inclined slab details, Data Source (

6.1.5. Structural Glazing: Structural glazing systems, in their simplest form, are types of curtain wall systems consisting of glass that is bonded or anchored back to a structure without the use of continuously gasketed aluminum pressure plates or caps. There are less visual interruptions due to the lack of metal on the exterior (and potentially the interior), creating a seamless, continuous glass look.

Fig. 6.1.5. Structural Glazing Examples, Data Source (


6 Structure 6.2. Structural Drawings:

Fig. 6.2.1. Structural Plans (Author, 2020)


6 Structure 6.2. Structural Drawings:

Fig. 6.2.2. 3D drawing for the columns grid for the two floor plans (Author, 2020)

Fig. 6.2.3. Structural Plans (Author, 2020)




7 Construction 7.1. Method of construction: • We begin with the site inspection, where the site levels are checked and modified according to the project levels. This process is called Earth Grading. • Then there is the Soil Investigation (boring hole every 300m2), to obtain information on the physical properties of soil earthworks and the compressive properties required for the foundation system. • Measuring out the design on the site, locating the axis and levels. As well as constructing the batter board around the site. • As for the actual construction of the building, it will be divided into two parts, due to the large surface area of the plans ( width more than 100m) there will be expansion joints at the marked areas.

Expansion joint

Part 1

Part 2


Expansion joint

Fig. 7.1.1 Plan showing the different stages of construction, and expansion joints, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

• It is assumed that the system used will be raft foundation, and also the fact that the Nile River is close to the site.

Fig. 7.1.2. Raft Foundation in site, Data Source (

Fig. 7.1.3. Section in Raft foundation, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)


7 Construction 7.1. Method of construction: • The construction formwork for the first floor slab is laid out, taking into consideration the MEP, and elevator shafts. According to the working drawings, the slab will either be: Flat slab: With steel net at top and bottom, and extra steel bars at column caps Post Tension slab: where the steel cables are laid out inside plastic tubes, with cablers on each end. The concrete is then poured, and after curing the steel cables are put under tension till they reach the required strength. • The same sequence is applied for the rest of floors • For the folded roof, the construction formwork is laid out, with the necessary steel bars, then the concrete is applied using a cement gun.

Fig. 7.1.4. Folded Roof plate detail, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Fig. 7.1.5. Connection of folded Roof, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

• After the skeleton of the building is done, the construction of the brick walls begin, then the interior and exterior plaster, and the marble cladding. • The glass, aluminum and wooden products providers take the required measurements and prepare their products for installation. • Finally, the exterior stairs and the landscape are the last step, to avoid ruining them while working on the construction.

Fig. 7.1.6. Expansion joint, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)


7 Construction 7.1. Method of construction:

Fig. 7.1.7. Wall Section A-A showing the raft foundation, false ceiling, Mashrabeya on glass panel faรงade, and glass handrail at terrace, Illustrated by (Author, 2020)


7 Construction 7.2. Technical Studies: Fire Proof Glass

Due to the large area of the plan, and the use of glass panels between the spaces, it was essential to use (E-class fire-resistant glass) which stops the spreading of flames into adjoining spaces, and prevents the smoke and toxic gases. Its transparency would not be completely lost, ensuring a certain level of visibility in case of evacuation. Its composition includes 4 thin glass layers, and three insulation layers separating them. Each insulation layer can withstand the heat for 40 min. which forms an anti-thermal shield when faced with a temperature above 100ยบC.

Fig. 7.2.1. Fire proof glass, Data Source (

Automatic Urban Lighting This pole luminaire is specifically developed for urban lighting applications. It is made up of an extruded aluminum pole and a polycarbonate diffuser. The combination of the two materials gives a clean and minimalist style. With vertical diffused distribution, no glare, it is suitable for creating ambient lighting effects. It is supplied by a motion sensor, that automatically increases the emission of light when it is passed by, ensuring sustainability and power saving.

Fig. 7.2.2. Urban lighting, Data Source (

Virtual Reality in Interactive Spaces: Several methods are incorporated to give the visitor the best VR experience, such as: Augmented reality: By pointing the device at certain sculptures, paintings and artifacts, you can learn more about them. Pop-up snippets of information, detailed descriptions and additional photographs. These rented devices can also be used for navigation, as an interactive map. Hologram Projection: Holograms can provide a richer, more detailed experience. It's possible to scan objects and put these scans on display alongside the actual artifact. An animated hologram provides visitors an indepth look at artifact.

Fig. 7.2.3. Hologram applications in museums, Data Source (




8 Sustainability The main sustainability aspects that were taken into consideration are:

Social Sustainability Environmental Sustainability

Economic Sustainability

8.1. Social Sustainability • Inclusive environment: An inclusive setting is established, where members feel respected and valued for their work. The project will also provide a buffering zone for the people of Rosetta, enhancing the productivity and the quality of the products. • Provide employment: People of Rosetta are encouraged to show their handicrafts and skills in the workshops and bazars. This will help in keeping their heritage alive, as well as increase their awareness of the treasures in Rosetta.

8.2. Economic Sustainability • New opportunities: The proposed project is intended to help create new markets and opportunities for the local people in Rosetta, so that they can increase their daily income, as well as, helping in raising awareness of cultural with the handcraft products. • Economic Growth: Development and implement of sustainable tourism policies, will create jobs and promote local culture and products.

Fig. 8.Sustainable Potentials in Rosetta (Author, 2020)


8 Sustainability 8.3. Environmental Sustainability Given the expected significant changes to the climate over the coming years, the building should be as climate responsive as it can be. In order to design the project to respond to local climate and maintain a comfortable temperature, these methods are applied:

8.3.1. Passive Cooling: Through this passive design, energy usage is dramatically reduced, temperature fluctuations are fewer, and indoor air quality is improved.

Fig. Section in Courts, illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Wind catcher is used to cool the inside of the building; in combination with courtyards it creates an overall ventilation and heat-management strategy. It is a capped tower with openings at the side facing the prevailing wind, thus "catching" it, and brings it down the tower into the heart of the building to maintain air flow, thus cooling the building interior. The courtyard is considered as the heart of the building, which occupies around 15% of its area. To combat the hot and dry climate of Rosetta passive cooling strategies are applied such as water features and excessive green elements. Fig. Courts in plan, illustrated by (Author, 2020)

The skylight glass panels are treated to prevent the excess transmission of solar heat, while allowing optimum lighting.

Fig. Courts 3D analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020)

Movable glass panels in the direction of prevailing winds , to achieve “wind scoop effect�, for optimum ventilation.


8 Sustainability 8.3.2. Recycled Bricks from the site: Around the site location, there are stacks of old materials of brick, as there are multiple brick factories in Rosetta. The intention is to use these waste materials in the construction. The recycled brick waste and rubble provide additional thermal mass, cooling the building in summer and retaining heat during the winter. Fig. Bricks from site, photo source (Author, 2020)

The waste bricks and rubble produced by surrounding factories is collected and crushed and turned into new aggregate materials. Brick is recycled by first crushing the material with a primary jaw crusher then further reducing the crushed material with cone crushers. Then the material must be screened and, where required, blended through the pug mill to obtain several recycled products.

Fig. Bricks recycling process, Source (

8.3.3. Self Healing Concrete: To combat the deteriorations and the damages of the RC that may causes structural safety problems over time, as well as negative damages to the environment, techniques using Sodium silicate (Na2O–SiO2) as a sealant are proposed for improvement of concrete properties. This silicate compound forms insoluble CSH gel (Ca–SiO2) which makes concrete denser, as the porosity in concrete is reduced through the reaction with intruded silicate compound. The surface-impregnated concrete shows an increase in compressive strength, and in reducing water permeability, absorption, and porosity.

Fig. adding Na2O–SiO2 to concrete, Source (



Further Studies

9 Diaphragm wall 9. Diaphragm Wall for Basement construction: Due to the fact that the Nile River is very close to the site, the construction of the parking basement would be challenging. Using the “ Diaphragm wall “ method could solve this problem. A diaphragm wall (D-wall) is a reinforced concrete structure constructed in situ panel by panel. They are often used in basements on congested sites, or in sites where the excavation depth and ground conditions would prove problematic for piled walls. Usually, the width of the wall varies from 450 to 1200 mm and depths anywhere between 20 to 50 meters. Inclined rock anchors are used to anchorage the diaphragm wall structure to withstand the lateral thrust on the wall.

Fig. 9.1. diaphragm wall, Data Source (

The D-wall construction sequence can be summarized as following: • Construct guide wall at working platform level – typically two parallel concrete beams to control panel alignment. • Excavate rectangular panels with rope-suspended mechanical or hydraulically-operated grabs. Where penetration is required through strong rock hydro mills, hydraulically operated reverse circulation trench cutters may be adopted. • Support trench excavation with bentonite or polymer slurry to enable excavation below groundwater table in all ground conditions. • Install temporary stop ends to form the joints between adjacent panels normally with a water stop included at the joint. • Place the panel reinforcement cages and tremie the concrete.

Fig. 9.2. diaphragm wall phases, Data Source (



Bibliography List of References

10 List ListofOf References References 1. Introduction: • • • • • • • • •

from Belgacem, O. (2009). Rosetta a little guide to the city. . /2016/june/_strengthening-development--planning-and-management-ingreater-c.html promontory_on_nile_delta_coast_during_the_period_from_1500_to_2005 _Egypt

2. Project Selection: •'s/Eng/002THE%20CHALLENGES %20OF%20SUSTAINABLE%20HISTORICAL%20CENTERS.pdf 3. Site Selection: • • /2016/june/_strengthening-development--planning-and-management-ingreater-c.html 4. Design Approach: • • • • • c10.pdf • Palestinian Museum | Aga Khan Development Network. (2020). Retrieved 8 January 2020, from • The Palestinian Museum / heneghan peng architects. (2020). Retrieved 8 January 2020, from • • •


10 List ListofOf References References 6. Structure: • •,aluminum%20pr essure%20plates%20or%20caps. • • file:///C:/Users/Lenovo/Downloads/Study-of-Fold-and-Folded-Plates-inStructural-Engineering.pdf • • 7. Construction: • • • 8. Sustainability: • • • 9. Further Studies: • • • nology/2d.pdf



Bibliography List of Figures

10ListList Of Figures of Figures 1. Introduction Fig.1. A painting of Rosetta city in the 19th century, Data Source (, 2009), edited by (Author, 2020) Fig.1.1. Map of Rosetta, Data Source (Google maps, 2020), edited by (Author, 2020) Fig.1.2. Map showing context of Rosetta city and its links with other cities, Data Source (Google maps, 2019), illustrated by (Author,2020) Fig 1.3. Rosetta’s Historical Timeline, data source (Google, 2020) Fig.1.4. Maps showing the urban extension of Rosetta City, Data Source (El-Raey, Fouda and Gal, 1999), illustrated by (Author,2020) Fig. 1.5.1. Rosetta coastal line Map. (Ouafa Belgacem, 2009), (Illustrated by author, 2020) Fig. 1.5.2. diagram showing the Long Term Contour Line Changes for Rosetta, Data source (Walid R. El Sayed, Medhat A. Ali, Moheb M. Iskander, Alfy M. Fanos, 2007) Fig 1.6.1. data source (google earth) Fig 1.6.2. data source (google earth) Fig 1.6.3. data source (Authors, 2019) Fig 1.6.4. data source (Authors, 2019) Fig 1.6.5. data source (google earth) Fig 1.6.8. data source (google earth) Fig. 1.7.1: Rosetta Population in 2005, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 1.7.2: Rosetta Population in 2006, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 1.7.3: Rosetta workforce Analysis, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Authors, 2019) Fig. 1.7.4: Illiteracy Percentage, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 1.7.5: Poverty Analysis, Data source: (Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics, 2007), Illustrated by (Author, 2020)

2. Project Selection Fig.(2.1.5), Rosetta Monuments, (Author,2020) Fig.(2.1.5), Rosetta Monuments, (Author,2020) Fig.(2.4.1), Illustration of project main components, (Author, 2020)

3. Site Selection Fig.3.1. Site selection criteria, (Author, 2020) Fig.3.2.1. Sites locations, Data source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig.3.2.2. Selected sites, Data source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig.3.3.1. Solid and Void Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig.3.3.2. Building Heights Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig.3.3.3. Building cond. Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig.3.3.4. Accessibility Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig.3.3.5. Land Use Analysis, Data source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)


10ListList Of Figures of Figures Fig.3.4. Chosen site Analysis, Data source (Google maps, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020)

4. Design Approach Fig 9.7.1 Rosetta landmarks and historical monuments, data source ( google earth) Fig 4.2.1 Abu Al Reesh Gate, data source ( google earth) Fig 4.2.2. Rosetta Oriental Handcrafts, (Author, 2020) Fig 4.2.3. Rosetta Intersection Between The Sea And Nile, (Author, 2020) Fig 4.3.1. Monuments sketches, (Author, 2020) Fig.4.3.2. City Center Analysis (Author, 2020) Fig 4.3.3. Palestine Museum, Data Source (, 2017), Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Rosetta’s Urban Fabric, Data Source (General Organization for Physical Planning, 2016), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Rosetta’s Skyline, Data Source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Rosetta’s buildings, Data Source (Google Earth), illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Conceptual 3D sketches, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Zoning Analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Architect: Daniel Libeskind,2007. Data Source (Architecturescope, 2014) Fig. Conceptual masses, Data source (Pinterest) Fig. Chapel Almadén, Spain, Architects: S.M.A.O. Year: 2001, Data Source ( Archdaily, 2009) Fig. Conceptual 3D sketches, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Zoning Analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Conceptual masses showing dynamic form and massive approach, Data Source (Pinterest) Fig. Rosetta Mediterranean and Nile view, Data source (Google Earth) Fig. Pier Candentia, Poland, Architect: Karolina Wierzbinska, Data Source (Architizer, 2018) Fig. Conceptual 3D sketches, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Zoning Analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 4.4.4. Final Concept inspirations, Data Source (Pinterest)

5. Design Development Fig. 5.1. Contextual Analysis, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.2. Plan and masses progress, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.3.1. JURY 1 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 2 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 2 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 3 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 3 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 4 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 4 (Author, 2020) Fig. JURY 4 (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.1. Master Shot (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.2. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)


10ListList Of Figures of Figures Fig. 5.4.3. Finalized Project (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.4. Finalized Project (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.5. Finalized Project (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.6 Finalized Project (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.7. Finalized Project (Author, 2020) Fig. 5.4.8. Finalized Project (Author, 2020)

6. Structure Fig. Folded Slab Examples, Data Source ( Fig. Folded Slab construction, Data Source ( Fig. Post Tension Slabs on site, Data Source ( Fig. 6.1.3. Flat Slab Diagram, Data Source ( Fig. 6.1.4. Inclined slab details, Data Source ( Fig. 6.1.5. Structural Glazing Examples, Data Source ( Fig. 6.2.1. Structural Plans (Author, 2020) Fig. 6.2.2. 3D drawing for the columns grid for the two floor plans (Author, 2020) Fig. 6.2.3. Structural Plans (Author, 2020)

7. Construction Fig. 7.1.1 Plan showing the different stages of construction, and expansion joints, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 7.1.2. Raft Foundation in site, Data Source ( Fig. 7.1.3. Section in Raft foundation, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 7.1.4. Folded Roof plate detail, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 7.1.5. Connection of folded Roof, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 7.1.6. Expansion joint, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 7.1.7. Wall Section A-A showing the raft foundation, false ceiling, Mashrabeya on glass panel façade, and glass handrail at terrace, Illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. 7.2.1. Fire proof glass, Data Source ( Fig. 7.2.2. Urban lighting, Data Source ( Fig. 7.2.3. Hologram applications in museums, Data Source (

8. Sustainability Fig. 8.Sustainable Potentials in Rosetta (Author, 2020) Fig. Section in Courts, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Courts in plan, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Courts 3D analysis, illustrated by (Author, 2020) Fig. Bricks from site, photo source (Author, 2020) Fig. Bricks recycling process, Source ( Fig. adding Na2O–SiO2 to concrete, Source (

9. Further Studies Fig. 9.1. diaphragm wall, Data Source ( Fig. 9.2. diaphragm wall phases, Data Source (



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