Project 2025 Explained

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Project2025 Explained

NewPresidentialAdministration NewAppointees


At the start of every new presidential administration there are thousands of political appointed jobs that need to be filled. Politicalappointeesholdtoppositions in the White House and governmental departments. Their jobs are to assist in implementing thePresident’sagenda.

Project 2025 is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation a conversative think tank that has shaped the personnel and policies of Republican administrations since the Reagan presidency. It Is intended to be a buffet of options for the Trump administration or any other Republican presidency as it staffs its administration

AnOverallOfThe ExecutiveBranch


Much of the plan’s nearly 900 pages detail extreme executive-branch overhauls. Including proposals to turn more federal jobs over to appointees loyal to the president. This would give the president more control and less push back from career civil servants who during the Trump Administration blocked many orders that were deemed too severe.

TheFourPillars OfProject2025

The Heritage Foundation’s, Project 2025 brought together 45 (and counting) right of-center organizations to produce a blueprint with recommendationsdividedintofourpillars

Policy Agenda

A comprehensive policy guide offering specific proposals for every major issue facing the country

Personnel Database

A portal to identify conservatives from all walks of life to serve in the next conservative administration.

10PolicyPrescriptions FromProject2025

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