Hewison Quarterly - Issue 41

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HEWISON Financial news, our views AND other issues Issue 41 ~ September 2012


uarterly • Things are looking up! • From the CEO’s Desk • They told me it was stormy outside, but I just got burnt! • Pricing Fairness

• Capital Gains Tax and Small Business • 2012 Wheel Classic • Chris Morcom Wealth Professional Adviser 2012 - Top 50

Understanding the terms we use Gross Domestic Product - GDP The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period, usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports minus imports that occur within a defined territory. Risk Profile Investors are put into broad categories based on their willingness to take risk to achieve higher returns. This information is then used to select the appropriate investments for their profile. PE Ratio Or Price to Earnings Ratio. The number of times a company’s earnings per share is covered by the share price. It is commonly used to measure how attractive a share is to investors. The lower the ratio relative to the average of the sharemarket, the lower the (market’s) profit growth expectations. Calculated by: Market price of shares / Earnings per Share = P/E Ratio. Capital Gains Tax The difference between the purchase price and the selling price of an investment. Commodities 1. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. 2. A useful or valuable thing, such as water or time. Product Based Commissions Up front and annual commission payments made to financial advisers by fund managers for products held by their clients.

Things are looking up! Story by Simon Curtain DIRECTOR/PRIVATE CLIENT ADVISER


hile the first half of 2012 saw the continuing European Debt Crisis weigh on markets, the past three months have been quite positive in comparison. During this period the Australian sharemarket has rallied almost 8 per cent and it appears that investors are becoming somewhat immune to the grandstanding of politicians in Europe and America and are instead beginning to focus on investment fundamentals. During the last quarter, a number of Australia’s largest companies reported their financial results. Interestingly, 69 per cent of companies reported an increase in profit and 62 per cent of companies raised their dividend during the year, with a further 20 per cent maintaining their existing dividend. We have always maintained a strong focus on investment income and it is comforting to see income continues to underpin our client portfolios in this challenging investment environment. Last quarter saw commodity prices fall substantially on the back of a slowing Chinese economy, igniting debate over the future of the mining boom. Hewison Adviser Nathan Lear recently wrote an interesting blog piece on this topic titled: “Is the Mining Boom Over?” In his blog, Nathan points out that Australian resources companies have been enjoying strong growth since the early 2000’s but puts forward the question as to whether or not the party is now over. While China’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers have showed signs of slowing over

Image by Nicolas Raymond

the past 6 - 12 months - leading to a fall in commodity prices - people seem to forget that China is still growing at extraordinary levels. China’s GDP for the year ending June 2012 was reported at 7.5%; compared to Australia’s GDP figure of 3.7%, or 2.3% for the US, over the same period puts the slowdown in perspective. Nathan points out that while there is no doubt China is slowing, Australian Miners are reacting to this by cutting back on new projects with high entry costs and concentrating on existing projects that remain profitable. He expects to see consolidation in the mining industry, with the biggest miners like BHP and RIO Tinto, benefiting from this consolidation. To read Nathan’s entire blog piece, visit our Hewison LIVE page www.hewison.com.au/live

Where to from here? Financial markets are likely to remain volatile in the short term as governments and central banks deal with the issues at hand. However it is clear that they are committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure financial stability for the long term, with the US recently announcing a third round of quantitative easing (printing money) and Europe committing to a large bond buying program. We continue to monitor the global and local economy and take steps to ensure client portfolios are strongly positioned for the eventual recovery.

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