Correction, Instructions for Contributors & Back Cover

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Micronesica 24(2): 301, 1991


McConnell, J. & R. Muniappan. 1991. Ant damage to dendrobium flowers. vol. 24( 1): 159-160. The following plate caption should have been printed on page 160: McConnell & Muniappan-Plate I. Fig. 1. Spotting and distortion of sepals and petals. Fig. 2. Ant (Pheidole sp.) on developing raceme. Fig. 3. Ant damage to flower bud. The text references to the figures (p. 159) should read, in order: (Fig. 3), (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2). PALAU/BELAU

Since the Federated States of Micronesia became independent, we have been using the new spellings Chuuk and Pohnpei. We understand, however, that the spelling Belau is intended for use only in the Palauan language; in English the spelling Palau should be retained. -Editor.


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A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological


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and Physical Sciences

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of the Pacific Region

RECENT AND FORTHCOMING Lana'i: A case study of loss of biodiversity on a small Hawaiian island

Robert Hobdy Environmental control of Holocene changes to the world's most northern hermatypic coral outcrop

JE.N. Veron Vegetation of Nauru and the Gilbert Islands: Case studies of poverty, degradation, disturbance, and displacement

Randolph R. Thaman Biogeography of the tropical Pacific

David R. Stoddardt Origin and population growth of the brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis, on Guam G.H Rodda, T.H Fritts, P.]. Conry Biology of the short-finned eel Anguilla obscura in Lake Te Rotonui, Mitiaro, Cook Islands

D.J ]ellyman USA/Canada: Individuals US$30/year, Institutions US$45/year. All other areas: Individuals US$35/year, Institutions US$50/year. Airmail: Add US$24/year University of Hawaii Press Journals Department 2840 Kolowalu Street, Honolulu, HI 96822-1888, USA Telephone (808) 956-8833



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AJournal of Micronesian Studies

- - - -

A journal for all who are interested in Micronesia, from prehistory to contemporary society and culture. DR. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD, EDITOR


he University of Guam announces a new scholarly journal devoted exclusively to Micronesia. To be published semiannually beginning with the Rainy Season 1991 issue, ISlA is a refereed publication and multidisciplinary in scope. ISlA's purpose is to encourage scholarship in the region and to provide a forum for the several disciplines now engaged in Micronesian studies. ISlA also has a practical focus: In addition to original research articles and analytical essays, the journal includes policy analysis papers that encompass the diverse sectional policies that affect the interests of people who live and work in Micronesia. The Board of Editors invites manuscripts that offer significant insights about the cultures, societies, histories, economies, and the political, educational , and health systems of this rapidly changing region of the Pacific. Forthcoming issues will carry articles on Micronesian history, environment, contemporary society, economic development, and health.

For submissions, author guidelines, subscriptions, and all other communications, write to:

ISlA Editorial Office Graduate School and Research UOG Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 INDIVIDUAL RATE:

$15.00 per year


$25.00 per year

INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scientific research reports, notes, review papers, bibliographies, and book reviews in anthropology, biology, and related fields are accepted on the basis of their originality and their pertinence to Micronesia and the adjacent Pacific areas. Descriptions of new species will be considered formal papers, no matter how short; information on range extensions will be considered notes, no matter how long. The manuscripts must be written in English, but a summary in another language is acceptable. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Board or by specialists other than board members in whose field the paper lies. Manuscripts should be sent via airmail to Dr. C. S. Lobban, Editor, Division of Natural Sciences, University of Guam, UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923, U.S.A. The original and two clear copies of text and artwork are required; the original will be retained in the editorial office while the copies are sent out for review. Authors must follow the guidelines printed in the June issue (from 1990), or available from the Editor. Papers which deviate from the required format may be returned for revision before review.

9 TM The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39 .48-1984.

Typeset, printed and bound by Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, MI

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