The Guam Recorder, February 1928

Page 1



.\' t'llr, 111111 ·· ·o!l ··d• hi~ ·l ·oll:lr fro>lll dot! c.. lnn e l lur tl.e hnt><• > run. tit!ttlry lor"k '' n:&totlll'r fit•l!•' r . :O:cnro : ~Iarine~ 11-11-7; !':ti'Y IU-10- -L H:tllerir..<: ~lariltl'~: \\':tll:tt'tJ 111ool ~lllll ' llf • l. . ~:11' ,1' ! (iflllll'l, TIH>III)o.-1111, (io ·toll',l' n et ! Kant•, l'tnpit' •!~: Frunquo·z , pl tolo•; ~!111111, loa ,;e~. EllliCATIO~


Cl ' JI:;

!!:! Janunry, l\1 :.!:-l ,i


1-:tlur:nliun lo uol ~ "Ill \! no·n'll \1 ~ llt•otu~td~ 1111:d11 FI tho Cui•~ in llau lir.-l in11i11!{ untl lin· rnt" t'atnt• an"~~. l""l t'ullnlill)( I hnl lir'l itotai t•l! it II:" It II italt tT>I it I;' llltli 1-(:tllllJ. 'J'ailanto l'lllrlt·d r.. r I Ill· ('ula:< lou! luP'It·ol unu illninJ,:. .\t ui J.:tlf: '""k 11(1 th~> pill'!dtal( lutrtlo•n nnol laid it tl .. wn i 11 t Itt• I a~! itlltilllf, 11 I" 11 "· iltlnr~• "''••rl1111k !tint, Til " ,.,- 1'"" 1 I'"' " wr·n · taduu;. lho•ir h:tllillll ''·''''" in tl11• piau·h "" · .'J'j,,. ('ulo.• h:aol tlll'ir loallin~t ,. _ ,.,.,. 1111tl lou.!< :lf ll':tlll t•!{t' uf ull llo,. Ln•uk ,o. :O:a·nrt• :

J.:,luo·uliull -1·7- ·1 ; ('ul..- !1-1-1- -1. ll . tltcri•·~ : Etlno::tliun: J . 1.. Fl• ·r• ·,. nt :d (iun·iu . l!uh": Tuilan,, Atni~tttr · , (iu•·rn·ru lllltl Jl,\1'1111111.

ll111pir cl:

~luna, l ·:t~"" ·

Fra11 •111"7., plato•; M:\RI:'I/1\S 2~




This w.ts an airligltl !{ame. \\' a llac-e nn!llTntalnn in:o n pilcher,' duel. lite g:tnt~ g o ing- to the :'ol:tl')' in tit•: exira inning loy a .,,·ild throw frnm first to thir<l loy Ojeda. 1-: ·tC'h team r.nt "1:1·en hits , ouly om: nf them, th:ot lo_\' 1-::lltc, gning- fnr nn exira base. The l\l.trin~s · l'iCI<HI' <J\"t·r :\u1·1· iu lh<· font !t·r ~-: :a nte ha~ put atlolt.•d lift• i-nto that tc;t m aud they :are l{o in~ J:r~::ot. There w.•~ u o <li,credit in lo,in~o: 'uch n ~o:ame "'this on~ . Score: r.tarine~ 2 • 7 • 2; !':nn• 3 • 6- I . B .tlleri~•: Marine,: \\'.• ll~ce ontl Sanchtc7.; ~-li' Y 'f Unt.dau anti Gickt:. _ . Umpires: l•r.lltrJucz , plate ; ~luna,"·"'-"' ·

Gl 1 A~I

\ 'S


29 Januury, I'HII

H III C' ttiflll jpl lo1nA"· so ught rcvl"ng e in tllis

~Ante .

The school lad< pi.>)'Ctl lc,s tH:rvous h:oll. Tht:)' 'hnwt:d fil{ht; nllhong lt tht•)' got uiT to a bao..l start, unol 1\'t"rc three run~ hd>itul l.11t lh•·y k<·p l pq;:,.:ir!g 141\',>y un•l in th1: thitd ~-:ol thn·t• n11" f.,r tht'IIIS<·h ·t·, :tllol added two lll•tr~: in the fourth. In tht ,ixth tht: Cuh• pu,ltc•l tu· ro'' llUfllhrr run . \\' ilh thl" stage 'el in th:ol \\'.l )', nt1ol 11·it h two olnw11 fnr tht· Cut.~. the dra•ll :tli c t•noling of I he !{:t ntl' t· ~me alnnJ.: . Uu1.111an l':t lllt: to the h:tt , Flo,res J.![OO\'Cd 0111' nnrl c:nznun l<·an•·•l nn it . (I \\'t'rtt In tht· ht·dgl' l>1· th<' Calhulr nl :tn ·l it lonke•l lil.:t· n hnlltl' r1111 lhai wnultl tic th~ ><'ore. I~le s in < fielolerl it, rclayttl it to Borja, who~e

_ #

11.\SEI\.\LI, I.Y.:AGt'E

11 .1'1''1' 1;>; <; .1:-;11 1-'1&-:& . l •l='t ; An -: &<A<;E!o

lt:dutling- 2-1 January 8:\linR

Player AB R H Avera &~ c":-;;-t;t~)· ("Nr --- (> H -1 II .,'\;I Jlnlll> ( ;\) X ;\f) 5 I-I .-II>/ H 2X 'J II ..1°)·1 t:111nlan (!':) l:j Sol~::nik (:-J) 2-1 (J C) ..175 _, /1 l 3 .375 ~nnlo, (~I) Camacho I C) tl J<J 5 7 ,,1(oll Blllja (1-:> H 2.1 ll . .1-IH <) .J-19 Flore' IM) ll 26 Sal:.- <J.: ) IS 5 .3.1J ..'1 f) ll 21) 1\1) ~~- (Nl

(1·:) Gnerrt.: lll (l') Santos (I ·: )


.-\ toil ~ uc (C)




. ~1)2


H 26 6 26 II l 'J 6

. 276 .:WJ



field irg

PO H Ill H 26

A tl

E Avert>! ·-· .<JI;



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0 I 17 10 1.? 2 10 0 50 ;! '-) 2 (>l:j I



15 ttl 7 17

.'11 ·5 l .(H oo

. i 511


3 2 0

,l)l ll•


) .fil l> . 'Jf·3


.'J l;

-1 5 5

.IJ-15 .S b .s ~~

(, 'l'aitano !C) .26J 7 17 l .'A" II 0 (~nll1l"7. (:00:) . 250 3 5 0 1. 01 ·11 All ol her pla .\•crs batted Lt:l o w .250 nnd arc not in · clntlt·d in thi s list. Tt -: .1~1 11 .-\ TTtr:c;: !lln1·y, . 2'12 ; I•:tluc-ntion, . 2.1; : Culos, .2!.1 : Mnrines, . l .'i-1. Tr~ .D1 Ftm.rll;o;c; : Cubs, .918; Eclucution, .91.' : 1\:11' '' • .•Al7; 1\larines, . H21J,

I'In: r~r:-;n lh:co~-:ns

I ' nl ;;-l:o n, ::\a1·y Cults Taitano, Cnbs Cal\'o, Cub~ Flores , J·:duc-alion At o igu~ .

1\Dt J C :\1'10~

19 < ~

pcrfcl' t throw got Gll7.111an at th~ pial~ loy un 1.") ch~> i1. It \\': " lhc third on! anol the end of the J.:alllt: , anol t!to.: l'! hl o f a J•<·rf..: ct rl ay for the sc h oo l hflys . Til t· l'nl,, ,tlfT,·retl '<'\·er:l) ca;ualties th nt may h11rt tl.t n l' h:o nCl'' r.. r I he pennant . )lowman \\'liS 111111blt: I to t'all'h <lu<· to n11 i11jnrr in the Gold StHr l!itJnt·. 'l'ait:tllO lttrllctl his :111 l:le, bnt wn' ol.te to rbun .,tol,,~· . ;\toignc lnrn t:d hi, ankl~ in >li,lin g to ~ecor ol nnd h ad Ill rt.:tirc from tl:e j!:tlllC , Scor,·: !-:duration 5- S- 4; Cubs 4- C)- I . ll . tltt!ri~,. : J·:d11c :tt ion: Flor~s nnd Garc-ia; l'111J s: (;llcrrcro, Tait nno and Tojal lc. t : mpirt:s : Franquo.:7., plate ; Jllunn, l•n"'·

,\~:n• · n


l'lilllH' .IK\'

(~ni1Jl"7. , Na\' V

\\' ullacl!, ~Ia-rines




0 0 0 1 4

3 2

3 4

l'c-1 l.Cf'fl J . ( l(fl J.(\(\()

. 667 .5(111

• 2.~11 .~(til

'1\E\\' BAHEBAI.r, T.EAf:l.' E · 'l'hP l(:tou e ~ lwlwl't'll !Itt• ll•·~pilnl, Huolit>, Cltit · l~ nt.! (lflit·o•r,; l1an! 111'1111"'' " ~~~ llltll'h illtt•rt · ~ l tl•nl prnui, ~inn hn~ lwPn l(rnnll'tl to lnnu n lli'W lt'lllfllP 'l>lllJll "' cl nf IJ.,. :duo\'(• l~nn o• Rllol piny j!lllllrP P\'l'f,\' \\'o Jnotlu_r . Tlw ~ : 1111<·~ to dnlc h:li'C l,.t• n ~lllfP nutl iu& . H · ~ Iit g 1111ol l,joJ f:tir to lllll'toV('[ Fl•llll' likt·l\· llall(l'l'iR ' (< •r i( oo· nltlt·r IP:tJ.!Il<', Jo:~ttltu ~ in~lll i ~ l1il!h n;11l I lot' nllt !l .lul o< 't· i• i11 h<'pin~ with thr t'nlhll 8itmu. A 8d :c< 11lt· b ~ h··•· n olrallt•tl.


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