lC'fUIII\R 19:l7
~1.\lu:IIEili T.\ A111.1~A JL1~DI
F. Ta:s ;o.;y, .,;o.;
SutHniltcd hy Licut.-Coolo:lr. 1'. In her book on the Pililippin~s. the author, foamerly a n~wspaper correspondt:nt in the Fur E:"t, de· ·vtcs a few p3ges to the Marianas . "E.1st of th~ Philippines !its that J•arl of till: l'acilic Ocean known os Microne~ia . It contain~ many i~ lar.tls arran!:ed more or less in ~,:roups . Thru: <.o f 1:1ese g-roups I.Jtlong to ~pain , und in politic:ol ~:us; r.qoh y an: attached to the Philippines . The mo 't importa nt of the three is the group known as the Cuolinc Islands, second, the ~larianne or Lad rune !slJn <b, a11<l thin! the l'dttt· or l'alao blan<b . The islaaul.; are al l small, containing a total ar<·a of aloe nt denn hund re d sqnar~: m iles. and fift\' th c t ~ ,: o ul inhai.Jit.tnls. They h :l\'~ lost much or' tl11.:ir o ri)!il :a l impor tance . The La<lronb, lor lXnlllJ'Il-, '' l:t n f:1 , , <bco1·crcd l: ~d a population of m ·t-r httrlr~ lt<l thou<and . \\' hat with slal'er~·. reli)!i o u ,; fanntit·i,n;·, ancl inhum a n treatmtnt hy offlci:ds, they now 111'111 bcr lmt one knth o f the '"111 llll'llti<•lltd . A sin1ilar decim :1tion h as marked the Carnlint:' ami the l'~:kws. The unfnrtnnatt: uali\'CS of nil tln~e )!I'Oni 'S :or~ <lwilllllinJ.:" away, followiug- the foobtt'l• ~ M the l.<·>t r~pr c scntatit·e of their race, the J!awaiiau . \\' hil~ th e people resemble ~laluys, IIH·y are of a different race or '11oracc knoll'n ns th~ PolytH·s i:~n . Thty arc t all~ r. hroadcr, anti mor~ n>hn,:t nntl mt~>cnlnr . So:nc oi them h :lt't ftatnfl·s whi c h arc ainu"! (;reek i~ symmet ry and proportion. Tht: men are ~oo•I JQokinJ.:", a nd many o f them arc more than 'ix fl'l·t in >latme. Many of the women are )!'r:tcdul. >h :q .t·ly , and pretty, nnd a few excec<ling~_v bc~utifnl. Some >eie ntist oelio::1·e that tlu: l'•>lync,i :~ ns c:~mc <·liJ.:itl:ilh· frr>on Borneo, ancl i1 :ul their nriJ.:in in :1 J.r:o1 ·rh of the ~ :llay ra ce, whi c h at an r·arl1· age !•H•k tn ; ~a faring or wanclt:rin~: in s mall C'<•lonfrs fr< ·m i'l :o11 d to i,J:tnd . The people are remarkahl~- gt·utl l·, :tff< t·ti onat~ and simplc-mindul. In war th<.-1' a re hrai'C and fierce e\'cn to frenzv. . . The r,a <lrone lsb-nds were discon:red by ~fa gt· ll:oal an 1521, who callc <l th~m the Islas de las Vela,, or !he [sla ntls of the Sails. It is n pity this n ame- \\'liS not k ept , as it is hoth he antif nl an <l apprnpri ntt·. many cf the islumh looki n g- like di,tant >hiJ · ~ wh e n se~n by the nat·igator npon the hor iwn . (I ·: IIn o~·,; NOTFL Thi~ is an error, as the nam~: 11' :1s )!in·u l.r canse of the sails of the proa ,: and unt because of the a~pearanci> of the islancb) . Legnpi coll('d thtm the Ladrones or Thiel'es' hlnnds. ot·can>e one of his ships wasrohhed there . (This is Jll error , M:wtll: 11 named the isl~ncls , - the L:.drones) . In th<.> se t·e n teenth century thev were called the Lazarus hlan<b . hecaus~ a nen·on~ capt:1in saw n lept-r nt a f:,hi!l~: t·lllaJ;:e, and the St. Lazsrus Islands h1· n Catholic ~!l ss ionary who wished to g-i1·e them a religions titlr . They wer~ next called the 1\Iari anne hbnd~. frc m Queen ~faria Anne of Austria. The p~e~ent u,age is 10 accept the title gi\·en by Legnpi -the Ladront' Is1
J. Scorles,
( CEC) U. S. ;\.-y
lands. O~OTE: The ufiicialnamt i~ now (I 927) ~lnriann !~lands) . The je.;u1t F :1thcrs est;:hlishul a mb ~io n in the islands in 1661! . The mi,sio n honse wa. furlifitd Rarrisouctl with thirty-one ~o luitr", und armed witl; two pi<:l'l., of urtillt:ry. \\'ahin two ytllr• uftn th~: Jandjng of !hi, f:XJ'~diti<tll an at!t11:1 •1 w" mad~ to curt:.ilthe lilouty <•f the n a ti1·b, and l<o crt::ttt' a ~n tcm of taxati o n . Th<: natit·e,. !'t't' oltnl, anti h:1ol th.lir first r ~:t·o lnti o!l. Tl;c rt: were 111any Hl'nlt~ fr< •m thut t ime o n, allll through tht- l:"t century. !\l•11~· J' tit·s h were kill~d us tl't:ll :os ,oJdit·IS, und tht:"! death, tn·n• :1\'l·ngtd wholt·"olt: . In a<hiiti o; n t.o the nudt io ol war, each out! , r<~l; t·l, t:ailt-<1 lar;.:u J,md, 11' IIJ •<II tb~: p a pnlati o !l , Tltt·y 1\'t·rt' C< •IIIJ't' iktl to tln·• ·ll' "' m:·uv d:ty!-1 c:vt-r~' year to gu \·\.· rnmt·ntnl wc .r k, and al!'>n t~ l l•:tY Ol'(r l<o tlk fi-cal ntlic,-r, of looth c-ht:r c h uuo! !'-tate su m a ny lnt.· ;J!'-t~ rc..~ of ~r:1i11, 1a~u: : d~ uf vatu UIHI
copra. and "' lll :t ll~· p ;J:s and fowl,. That .the c-nnditi•lll is ns l,;, d to - •l:·~· :" at ;o ny tiaut· ia thr 1""1 i' et·idt-nc<·d h~· tht· fat'l that till· Spani'h l ·lue 1..-c h sp .: ak alm •>sl t.. v.:rr ye :1r of ~t: diti~t n:o- or ~(di ti r. u~ t!a · tit·cs, an<l th :o l k'' than tll· t· nt~· yt·:o " o~<• tlot: P ' l' · t!ruor , S~:nor Pa7.u ' , w: 1~ a!'<o ~.a !'o :o- iu a lt · d in :1 J•fl J•HI :lr uprbin:! . Tlu: Sp :n~i ·. h gnvt·rnmt nt !<-l!i•l'rt !"~t ~.. lit i l t h · all infonflati•m. hr.t the tr<·:os t l r~· r•·J•C ·rl > tt·ll :o n in·tell;gih le ;; t o n · in figure s which 'h"ll' that the J;:arri :;un is as small a' ~ .•ft-t.t· l'ermi t ~ :ol!d th ai lh~ t"XJ•l'IIH' of !{Ot·ernment h::s l·un ru ' tll·"! tn ~ n:i ::i n11: no; tlw t th~ taxt·s art' unit·• r,:oJ , atod that !ht· <nlirt· rtn·tlllt' is one -ha lf 0 f th e oq•t·n ' l' of thtc ndmini•lr:oti r a• . Th ~ re are nine t nwth in tht• i-l~11<l •. :on d ti lt COJ•it :o l is .-\-::-ana on .-\pra Crn·k . 11-:lll'l'll~·s ~>liTE . AnrotiH·r ol•t·inns error) . 111 :oil ,,f tht· i• la nd • , tlllot· :ott· I tt"rlll 1· schnnJ, , a nd tw•·ntl· ·,ix t c:o ll:<~> . 011 p:q <r . Th<· 1111111lou of <·nrnllt-tl , ~hn l:or' i' :d·• •nt fin· hn ndrt·ol, while tht· atll·nt!:ol:c t· i' •aid to I-t· nn l\' a bout liftt·. A J1'nt·crnmt·nt ,,,.,, ll ltr fr " ll' ~J nni::o <:oil' at .\g :o 1111 three nr four tim"' a t·ea r . ''
A Flying Trip !.frs. \\'. G . Jrohn,t •·n . 11hro :o nind nn tl;t 1' . S . S. Ch :tt!lllnnt, ont ll·a niJ,. ,tiiH I, h :o> c• 11 11 ltt«lont: , f th e fa,tt·,t r o tnul trip' frrm Cc :o an to lhtc l ' nitt·d ~lalt' ancl r~turn th at ha~ t:l"< r lll·<·n 111 :11! r. L~al'ing Guam on the h~tnlt·w :o rtllor,uiHI t•ot·:o;.:t: nf the "Chaumont " july l ~th, >l:t· nrriH<I at San Franci,cn Au~:u't Jrd, :o nol "l! ain Iakins: 1'"""1!<' 1111 the same t't:"el at San llitl!O . Cnlifrorlli:o, :-;t·ptemht:r J(Hh, arrin·d hac!: :t! (;uam '' nnt~· -f• ur clay~ ,u1,_..,. IJurin)!' <Jnent to the ,tate nf >ailin!-" fror Ana·ric-a . this peri()() appnoxill!:ott·h · 12JJ00milt,. wt·rt• cot·t:rc·d at the rate nf fll·n rlt· JiO 111il<·' a rln1· , including tht· time she wa' in C:olif,nnia . Mrs . John , tnn nl III M.I of lu·r l'i,it in !hl· • nnth · rrn part of the the St:olt' whtre •l:e , .i,itul htr <hngh!H , C~: nthi:o , whn i• nnw n '11: <!..-nt in th~ lli.:h School at C"rona tln. C alifornia.
OCTOllF.R 191:
SOCIAL DOINGS IN GUAM J\fr. nr1tl ~fr, . D :ud••l :\lorri.o on. who l• ·ft I'I'CI'Illly the II. H. A. T . Tlr•J rn:;~ hr llurll o!u ln, 1\"l'I"P honor Jlll'''l.; 11 t. an ~- ~ ~~~~~~~~~ t" f11 n 11 r·ll 1!i nr.t·r gi I' I' ll ~L llrr•(1 .JI' I• rnllll ' lll ))IJil~•· 1>1' Glli"Prr.r•r and l\lr:•. L. S, :-;Ja·q.t .. y, :'•·pt. 7, ~I r. !\j,,.Ji,ron f,r tlr•· rw~t I wo yr · ar~ hn~ lu •••n ~upr • rirlll"rtdo · nt d tlu· ( 'oJI ,IIII' r·einl l'ar·ilio: C:d>!r• Co,rnp:IIJ_\' will r ll!':idqn :ll'lrr,; at S<tii J: I,I' , '1'!11• Jnpnhr r·nu .plp plan lr• nrab· thr·ir JH'I"IlHI11ent horoc in llorrolnlu fnllowiliJ!, l\lr . !\loni ~ r.n', rrtirrJnr•rrl fr o1111 I !J,. J,n,inc·'~ world in tl11• ~prin~ . Col' f'l" ~ nt tllf• dinnl'r wrrr•l:rirl for: !\~r. r.nd :'\!r? . lhnio ·l Morri><nll, ('npl. nllrl Mr· ~ . Arl rinn ,\lfrrrl, !\li•~ :'llrll',\' i\lfn·d, C••nrclr. urrrl r.Jrr·. Brill''' II . W:~rr , l.i•'lrt ·r.·,Juru ·l :tilt! !\ : r~. (', C:11npl C'!l , ('h:rp l11i11 11111 1 :\lr ~ . \\', II . 11:111, J.i,.ut-l'o :rnrlr. C . Fi :· 1'111•J' , F.C.~I ••Alli•l• r·, l\ti~~ \\'ork:nun, llr. nnd l\lr~. F . 1>. Wnlkr•r, l.ic•llt . nnd !\tr~.C . \\'.J.,.Ito~·. l\lr. 111111 Mr~ . 1\wdy, nr.I\C'I'Ill')', J.irul. :IIIII ;\Jr·.- .J . JI.('r>l>k,•lll. 1111d !\lr•. L"on D:IIH'<'r, Dr. nnd !\lr:<. T ,l' lc•r W . gp••rlr , J.ic•nt, r11rd !'. ,\ , l>t'c'kc•r. nho:~rtl
,\ rn'llll( ntlll'l" r• nlc•rt :lirrrrll'nl" IJI'Irl nt tlw (iro\'1'1'1> lll ·llrl lr •llli :' d•trirr~ ~ - ·pll'rnh..r 1\·:ts 1111 informal ,Jinlll'l" ~il'o'll S.•pl. ti in l'lllllplill!l'lll to :\fr~ . J..\' )1! Whitr nf ;\hnila , who was 1· i~itil : r- in r.o:1111 us the hno•" I(IIP.~t. of Lit•rrt-Cnmdr. and !\lr". (;l't•r~e l!rJWI' , 'l'hnsr pn·~rnt wrrl': ~fr~. L~· ll' Whit••,•ot_ Corndr. nnrl :\lr.~. r.l'orgr. l111wt•, J.ic•nt . nnd l\lr~. J. C.Jiel')( nnol J.j .. ,,t,)'l'tt·r Po•nnt•r. Tho ~ursiH plrr~· r• d lrrid~r· 11t 11111 t)fli,:••r,' Cloh followin~ tlu• dirll:t'l'. Tlu• nrontlr!~· rr·c•c•pli"" W ll ~ hl'lol ~c · pl.l. ~lr. nrrd .\lrH . lhnic•l ~lurri ~ 1111 ~~~'i'tc · d in n· •: ril'in~ .
W. D;·:l'llillry, Litout. nnrl ~Jr.• , A. L. llnmlin, P~ r CINk T. A. C:rig•hv, C!Jief Mach. G. '1'. Mcllricl; Lir·nt .F .J . ~lard~: . Dr. nr.rl Mr~. Lyle J . Hnbl'rt~. or: 111rrl ~lr~. IIPnr~· ;\ld1onnlrl, D:·. nud :'llrF .C.J .Ilrrlln . Dr. nn .J ~!r:<.F . D . \\'alkcr, J.kut.nnrl !llr~ . J.C.Ilt·d:. Dr. II . A. ]~"''"'"'• Chap lain nnrl :\11'.4, W. H. llall Lio·ut-Corrrdr . and ~In: , George Howe, Litul. 1' . .1. l'c•nnrr, Lil'trt ·ConHir. llu~o C. Fi~drrr, Cnpt . llunr !'aut, Lil'lll. nncl Mr~. W . 0 . Jiiltuhi<lll',. Jr .. l.i1ui. :rrrcl MrM . L1•on Dnm·N, Mi s ~ Mildrl'd Mnddl'n , l. ir·IIJ. nncl :\lr.o; . L·•Hn.1·, Dr. and ~[r.'!. II. L~hman , Li o· u;. nrrc.l :\lr~ Jl:lrr,v llubhnrrl and LiPIII. and ~lr~ . 1·: J. H. llnil <·y . A jnint ll'l·drlin~t :lltrrh·r•r,ary l'r·ll'ill'llt.inn Wll ~ hr·l·l
S"pl.. !l at t hn Ollkr•r' .; Cluh in A!tnn:1 b.v Dr·. arrr! ~lr.• . C lnr P rJ r·•~
.1. Brown and Lieut. nnrl ~lr~ . .1. (.' . The l'hth 11':1'1 IH>~ IIItifully rlr·coratt.- rl ll'itl r palrn~ und fern~ ftJr tlw nr.1·a~inn . Tl11~ f,•aturc·~ of tlw rlr!C 1r:1!ion• Wll~ :1 l:irgn W~ < lrling c:d;o• wirlr cupid hri .Je and hriclc•l(oorn on the top. ll•• t·l;.
A h•1ITc:l ~upper II'IIR ~cr\'ed eurly in the Cl'l'ni11~. which the guesli chncerl and plnrcd l11·irla:•·. ~fu , ic for clnncin~ was prol'idcu hy a nnr i·1·c st ri rr~l' rl or~hc s trn. AIJnut lOll guc·~ts wr·re irJI·it1·d.
The Officer's Club in Agnna W:IA the scene nf n Jar!(" l>~irl~:c 1lirrnl'rtlt•pt. Ill, nt. whir-It Dr. nnrl ~Jr:< . n. w. \ViJgnn 1\'C " I' hnst nnrl hn~II'~S. Dridgr pri?.r· ~ wcr" r1wardPcl trr ~lr~ . F . D. Wn:J;rr nncl Lirut. l' . J . l't•nru•r fur hi,.;ht. sr•orc•, whilo r he con~ol:rri u 11 pri?.t'M wc•rc• l(il'c!J In Mr~. J. C. llt·l'k and C: on ·rrr..r ·L. S. Sh:1plt•y .
Ont• r.f the rnost . dPiiJ.(htful niTnirF or I hi' pnst. IIH>ntlt wrr' 11 I•rid~t· di ""' ' r J!,i I' I'll loy (' .•rrrd r, u nrl .Mrs . Bruce H, Warl' SPpl. II, a lou ani thl' U. S. S. Gold Slnr. Tl11• l)lltlt dr•l'k whPrl' th•1 niTroir "'"' lu·ld wnH Plnhorntt·ly drcorn,rd 11itlr l.nntii'J!. Twr·ll'!' tuhlrs wert: arrnt•~t · d frrr bri,J"" · l'ri?.I'S lor tlrt• rl'l'ninj!; Wl·tr. nwnrr!rd to ~~r~ . lLW . Brndhurr and and ~lr~. Jnrnt'H C. Tn,·Jor fl•r lriu;h ~co~r·~ ; ~lr~.C . J.nrown nrrd Dr . I.\'!1• J . ltnl•rrtto. 'cl'ond hi"J' scnrl', nnJ 1\lr~. Jnnu•' C. T:tl'!ur nnd Pny Clerk T. A. Gri~~:shy for· con·"nlntic:n . .
The Wil~on's Jllll'sts wcrl' : Gon·rnor und ~lr~. I.. S. Sh:rp!••y, Cnpl. a11tl ~lr~. Atlri11n A!frl'rl , ~r; ,, :'ll:rry Alt'rt•d, l)r•ut.-Col. anti ~Irs. C. Cnmpbr,l!. Lieut. "'' " ' ~Irs . J. C. Hrck, Lil'ul. anrl !\lr~ . 1'. :\ · Det•k•·r, J.ic·ot. nnd ~lr~. J . J . ~!nddcn, l\lra . C . :\ . !'err.\' , D r. and ~lr~ . Tyler W. Sp1•:tr, Dr. and ~lr>. C. J, Brown, Dr. and lllr~ . Rcnry l\!t·Donalcl . J)r. nnd :\Jr,· . L.vle J . Hobert~, Dr. nnd ~Hs. F. Jl, Wrdkl't',•ut. nnd !l!r~. E . L. H. Jlni!~y, 11rrol Lieut. P. J . P<!nllcr.
The inl'itrd I!,III' Ft~ wrrc•: Go\'l'rnor nntl ;\lr~. L, 8. Cnpt. nnd ;\Irs . Adrinn Alfrrd, ~li~~ Mary Alfred, I.!Pili · Col. nnd Mrs.C .Cntnplwll, Urut. and :\Irs . P. A . Ot•r•kt'r, Lieut. and ;\Irs. Alfrl'd Doucet, Lieut. 111111 :\Irs . Jumc! C. Tay!or, LiNtt anu ~IrK. 1! .
The mn;o t nnicpJC enlrrtninmonl of thl' mnnllr 11' :1· gil'l•n hy ~lr. nntl ~lr~. Krnly nmll<'. C. ~lrAlliFII'I' ,.r the Cnhle Slnlion, al Sil'~tn Point ~rpl. 2. Thr ;r ll :oir wnK a dnndng purty nl whid1 wc•nH·n guHIF>:q:rr nrrtl in mule clothing whilt' the men im)1f1Wilntttl 1n " ·' 11.
1 1
ncrunl\R 1927
Thr• prize flir the Jlrt~ ttir>l "'I\'O nl('ll 11 wn~ nwnrdt·d 1:. \'a 11 .! " rl "·r~; tJ,e fnnnh- Et to Dr. L.rl•~ J . llohrrt ': 'll,d :!It t 11 11~la·;: t In Lio•11t. Alfred Dount. ~li;::< ll:!i rd ~ - ·•··: i r t• ,} tht• "hanoborr.cet llonn's" Jlriz c·: ~lr:<. Hn~ " r .J. ~wint, the fnnnil'~ t, nnd ~lr~ . .J. C. Bruclll·k tho: :'llllllil'4. (nvitntinn Ji;:t inl'lutlt•d ll:\lliC~ Of mer nhrr" nf th o· l':oi llt• ~tnt ion nml the ~<· n·it· r Jl !'r~<: llllt· l of th e i!' l:111•l. Tlo r "Crow 's ~t· st", loco me of Lieut. lll o<l ~I 1!' . J< •l1n I. ~l: .. lolr n wa• the ~t'I'IIC of n dinrll'l' pnrt .1 St'Jit. 1:! . r'o l'•'r> were In iol for 22 ~:ur ~ t~ . Tl1o~c pn ~ent ll'<'rt·: ::oll'l ·rn or nflll 'lr~ . L. S. Shaple~·. Captain and ~I n•. .'1 drian Alfrcol, ~I i .<~ ":tr)' .-'If:·,, (, Lic ut e11ant -C .. }nn<·l .1111( ~(r,;. Ch :ulllle•· C:llllpiJ<.' II , Chnplain nn<l ~~r~ . \\'. li , Jl :dl, Dr. and ~lr• . Jl.,n,·y ~ld)oroald, l>r. nr :d "~"" · f. _I' )C ,J. Jl,,}, r- rl ,. , l.i r lltt·II Oioi ·C•·Illll llllol!t·r Jill!! " 1'. Fi.-rh rr , llr . 11n•l '!r~ . C . .J . nrtiwn, llr . nnd ~~'' · F. ·ll . \\' nlkrr, nud ('h . l1 11 din El~c· . 111111 ~~r~ . I: • jlt·r J :i.l'int., 1•'-•lluwiul( tir e di11nrr the ~:ur,.l~ pln ,ro·d 1
or iol!~ "·
l' rrr• r·dinR the H<•ptrmht·r rr·c~ t· ptil'ln nl tlw Gnl'r.rn· "''"II Il ou,r,'utrnnnt nud ~lr~. John C. Jlrl'k Pl.• rr·rln inrrl with dirllll' l' for 10 ~:uest~. Tiro~r· prr~t>nt :1-rrr•: ~l r. nne! MPH. Dnnil'l .Mr>rrhon, Liollt .-Cr•!. 1nol )[ 1·' · Ch'lndlt-r Cnmphrll, Lir·u!. 11t1ol ~lr~ . Alfrrd Dolll'r. l, Lieut. nnrl ~lrP. John J . ~larltlt· r•, ~lr~. A. !.. Tl ~ mlin and Lieutrnnnt Peter J . l'rnnrr.
The rlignit~· of thl' Anlf'ril' ~ n · colnr.y in C.unrn wnM f" r"" llt' ll for a fo ·w hour~ L:d >or rltl\' wlio•n nlllll !'lll· l >r· r~ p:lrlit·ip~trcl in n "Rah~· l':~ri·~· " ~il'f• n :11 tl•" ~ir·~ta Point. hy Lirntrn nnt nnrl Mr~ . Clin'orrl \\'. Lnl!n,l'. Thr R"''~t~ :•pfl<'!ll'rd in t· n~t11111r· ~ r:111giqz :'rn ur ~h: month' of n~•: to lrn ~·rnr~ . Tho' 111'>.1 and h o1< lr~• wrrt' dro' :'~ rol in ro<t IIIUI'~ •·f hri(.! ht n •d · · h , r·k ~ with l:lrl(t> ~lnr l1 :.f~ wlii··h wnnlol h :> Yr rl• ·· l i~ htrd th e hr nrl!'l of nny "Ea~ t Sic!,. " yonng~t<'r . Pr i z"~ f,,r tht' youn~:e~t " o·hi!rl'' prr~l'r;t 11'1' 11' to ~lr~ . Wil ford n. llnll nnd Frnnk ( ', \lt'AIIist<'r ; and for thr• prrtlil'~t drt> ~~!' d dli ltl•r·n to \f r, , L. S. Shnplt•y nnd <i . A. l'rrry . n :1nl'inr, nnrl Jz:1111r· ~ wrrP Pnj n ~ · rrl durii'J! fl•· c·1·r·r:: in J!. Thr. rc•frrshm l' nt s cr>n ~ iflrd of icr-rrr:;rn rro r: c· ~ '11\'Htll'rl
an • lloll .l··rop~.
Licut crlolnt Commander Jingo C. Fischer. wlrr\ lr-ft ahonrtl thr U . S. S . Chaumont. wn~ honnr gurs l nt :1 far~ w e ll s tng gh·cn Septcmht•r 27. The dinr.rr · 1\':J> planned hv IIH'Il wl:o lun·e ll!'rn Msnri•drd with l.irntennnt C~nunandN Fi~clu· r in thl' Chio·f d lnol:rstri rs I>rpnrtment for the· pnst eif<htccn mut:t h~ . Th o~c prc!;ent includetl : Lil'utennnt Commnnr!rr Hugo C. Fi,,cher, Lieutenant John C. Hrck, Lir1 :-
tcn:~nt \\'itlinno 0. lliltnbicllt>, Cltid .Mad.ird~tllnrry
E. )li :!_,, ,!, \\' .G. Jt:l1n., ton, lt. C. Cih ~n n, L . W. Jo',,ut::inr, F . L. l>a1i~. \\' . \\'. H.. w:t y, \\'. 11. 1'\utley , L. I. T P I\' Il~•·y, A. :\r:do•rr. o11, \\'. 1.. \'auglu111, \V. H. Ilu g lr• · ~ . W. II. Tol\'flt•r, C. K t.:lnrk , Just! S;ll:'ls . .Ju-;,· 1'. Cnr;:, J o.-·r· llar nb:t, Un·~ 11 riu Sahlau and Fran o· i~ e• J Ga Prro•ro . Licutl'nnnt C""""ando' r Fi, r·l.o·r plnn~ to rl'lurn to tlrr. liuitcd StatcA 1·in tltr Su•·z Cnnnl uud Eurup<·.
A farcwl'll duu•·e w :.~ "il'c n :tl Durn llall So ·pt. 17 hy Lic ul t• twnt 11ntl ~lr~ . Leo n J);on cr•r whu ldl uboard tl11• l :. S. ::; , Clrallllllttil for .\l:ll tilu . Thu ~~IC'~Is of thr• pnpuhr corqr!r· irH·Iudr•d nil ctlli ci:I'A ~lntiolll'd in liuatrr 1111d ~l• · nol H· t~ c,( tl11• Al't111n l.udl!c ' II . 1'. U. J·:. ~l is~ ~lar~:arc•t .Joltn.tutr n~>i8tc · d Lir utr·llnlil nr.rl Mt'H, Dnn•·r:r· in f'C ·l'l·il·it ll( l(llf'~t~. Anntlll'r •·h rlJrfrr iu tJr,. lri ~ lr•rr o( llo11i11 l~lru11l~ ond <lunm 11' :1'1 wrillc•fl Hr•ptr·trdu·r 21 11l wn fo'),,,, .,rr·r• llcrrrro lwcalllf' tl11: btirlt• rtf Tt · li ~ E. lloolr·y . 'fltl' bride i ~ a llrelldlf•r of t>llc· ,,( tl11• """ ' rliAtilll(lli>lwcl fnnrilir~ ,f ti : Pi~l :lfi .J ,, ,I:t · ir : g tht>~ll· atr. rur•rl dnuJII· ter of .\lr . tial'ory, :wd Arr11•ri cull, 11 1,, 1\'UH unc of the urigi1111l whi te n ·rtlr·rs ,,f tl": llottin l•lnr11J•, hnl'ing arrin·rl rlwrc· inll\:10 . ~lr. Sa\'111)' 1; nR orw of the gu1· crnor~ ,,f th o: i .-- land ~ wltilt· tl1ry 111'1'1! undr·r the Briti "h tl:ll! .
The nu pt i:d 11 !tid, was ho ·ld 3 t t J,,. hotr .•' of the hri -lc•' .; pHl' lll:<, ~lr . and ~lr ~ . \'io•rfltf• l' . ll••rrero , w:i' rt·arl hy H• ·I'.A . L. Luttfi·JI of tl11•flnpli•t :\Ji s~ i !! ll l'h lll'l' ),, till' H' l'l'it·t· t:,ki ll ~ pJ nn• ll f r1 ll'r•JI'(•k in the aflf'I'II'IOII. D11 1 in ~ 1111' n · :o dinr ~ 11f till' t·r·rl' · morry thl' brid a l ,.,, up lr ~" ' ''d IH·r:r a llr a IIIIJ.'lr 1\'l'rld in!-i lu·ll11f whi !e <'adr•r 111 rJ,. nllrnnr. The briol" wl1o u !l til ro ·•·r·11th· w::~ 11 lllltiiiH·r r.l tire trar·l1i11g,s t:•ff of t h· C:11:1111 i>•·t •arlllll.'lll of Erie. c·ation , 1111 ,.. r•ri ut·ntr·rl 111 !I tt· Frtr •.-11 o·onl't·t•l in \'11koh a 11 111, .Iapan. 111'1' f,ri .!al .:•own 1111 ~ r,f "·hilt· (,rtll~:lll c rl J:'''"f;(l' li r• wirlr rr ::. rtl ill <· Itor·•· f lin ruir •t;, nrHJ lr c r l'l'il wa ~ of ' i'k lll'l lt •.·!d irr plal'r. witlr 1111 orllllj! l' },) r , ~ : 'll lll 1\'lf' lli h. !'l11• l':lrl ir·d II (q it!ul J,c,lfCj\11'1 of tuu•·r rr• - •·s , ,.,,,ni :t , whi ir! r·:11lrnn ti c ••rnour 11:1tl (c· rn ~.
:\lr. DonJ..r i.·· in th e C. S. :-o: :ll·al Srn-in· iMat n m;nd•c·r ,,f tl.•· r.antl f lll· l ': ~· ,:, f·hrtn 1 tl ir: Guam . I~ollowing th•c ser l' it: l', ut l•l'efe nl ordy irrrnrcdiate . membeu of tire f:.rrlilir·.; were pren·nl, 11 rr·t'('J,tiun (Co:STI:SUIW OX l'Ac.a: 1!;·1)
p rt'~r nt
JADVENTURER~-- ~-t!-~ J<'uoM .\ C',\1 . llt "T' ' "'"
Tm: \'o\'A<il·: uv
nn: 1>1"' '" \ ' EI<II:s IS Till·: Rot:TII S"A, 011 PAcn·u: llt ' ll:if:Y, CAI 'TAIS IS 1'11f: lti•YAI. !\ .\ \'\' , l'rnust : IJ 1:-1 L.. si~<J:\, J.SO:l. tiF
O .ll:o ' IA .Jof·tn·: nf: L'A,
Snbmillc•l by l..i t.' :J I. ·Co mdr. 1'.
"The Emp.:ror (that i~ of :-;pain) onlaed a n~ (' t to he tit:ed out nt Corunna, for :onili111: to the Spice IsItt ntis. Don C1 :trcia Jofte tie Loyn<n, n nati1·e of Cinolad Rt·al, nnd Kui;:ht nf St. ]11~11. w3s appointe•! C.opta in (~•: n~ral nf the Cll'pt'tlitinn, with tla· following- s! ti p; un •lcr his coo!llll:ontl : "Th ~ S.onLo ~!aria tl" Ia \' il'loria, of .WO ton :' , in whkh the U ,·:t<'ra l sailnl. " The- Sauti Sriritn . ::co t• >ll,, Ju-ut s~lll,tian d··l Cann, C:optain, who wa' second i11 1' <>111111.11111 . '' T he :\t.nnt;C'i:odo, I ill t< . n~. l' t' dro tk \' c r,•, Captaiu. "The San G n hri~l. 1:10 trw<, ll>n R•Hlcri;.:-o de· .\ntnn. Capt a in. "Th~ Stn . ~~ or i.t tl~l l'arn·l, 1!0 tuns, llun Jur~:c ~lanri< ; IIC! de"• I, Captain . "Thi: St. l.~smes, 80 tons, Fran<'i,cntl ·~ ll clz~•. C.tptain, fiiH l '' ,\ l'inll~l' <' , callul the P.otaca, ( l'.ot:oJ:ullian), l·onlln:lllt'ul h.\ ' Jugo t!c Gt:c\'a rra. "'l'he 1111111h~r of l"' "u"~ enthHk(·<l in this fl<·Clt wt-re ·150". ;\{tClr lt:lling of the \T·PJ:C frl!nt Sp>in to the ;\rn~ri,- .,s, thro11~:h tht• Strait~ of M ::~ dbn, etc.-Burlier says : "Julr the U>t h. (!SU,), tlu:: y croSied the equinoctial line, on the 30th. The~· \HIC! in 4° north, wlan the C tpt:oiu C<'llcral, I.nyo,a, di,·<l. fid >a,ti un dd C:ut•> siiCTl'cdcol in CO IIIJII :o ncl ; hnt o ntlintl his prcdc· c.:-;, nr nnly fnnr <I'll \' ~. Tnrihio Alonzo tiC! S:~J.ozar (w;,, ha •.l ldt !">p.o i n in tlol! Cilpacity nccountnn1 'cont .ulor ' , in one of the othu 'hip~. hut hnciiJcl'n renW\'t·d to the ''Capitana", on n sll:'piciNo entertnin((l hy tht• (:,•n,·ral, th:ot Ill' wns cot"piring tn tfe,<·rt the n~ct with th~ ship to which he I.Jclon~:td) 1\'ilS thtn chn-;rn t'OIIltnandl•r; utili he orclt·rcd tht cctor'e !o be dircctc<l fo r the I.adrone Islalllls. Ou Septcnthl'l' the 'lth. tla·y Illude the two "onthemnl•l't of the I.:tdrnnc h .I:IIHb, which lay north and -'llllh nf ~:od1 othe-r, in 12° and 13° North liltitncle. Before the ,hip arri\'etl at the !ltll'horins! plnn•, the i.;lalllll'T~ cautc ofi to thC!nt ill cnnors , bringi111: fn-~h water in ca l.oh:"hcs, fi,h , rice, nml fruits, fur whi c h thCly wont.! rl!t·ei i'Cl only iron in exchange . To the l{rl!at surpri:<Cl of the Sp:oniarols , thero: c ~ me to them from the i~lancln:~mcd ' ' Bortn," (Bnrnt·y's footnote. llt>rrClr:t ~ :~ rs from 'llortn, one! of the island< fir,t disc >\'~T~ < I'; hut in the! eh :~rt ncco:n panyinJ.:' hi s de~crip-
rt:Oll ~1' . 11:'\ TO Till; ·M oi.Ut'l'AS
Searles, (CEC). U.S. t\avy .
ti on de hs Ind. Occ . the name! of Borta i~ applied to o:;c of the most NorlhC!rn Islands of the Ladrontsl one of t:tcir own countrymen, Goncalo de! \'ig-o, 3 nati\'C of C~licia, who acknowft'dged thnt he Ita,: s:tilco:l from Spain in the llct:t of l\fagnlhl!nes, nnd hnr! deserted from tlte ship ''La Trinidad'', when Espi nMa stnpJ >ld nt of ti;C! islands to the north , in lti ,: ret11rn to tl :e l\lolnccns, nftcr his inC!fTectual nl · tempt to sail to 1'\ew Spai11. Two other senm~n. wh o had <k"l·rtc-d nt rhe s~nH· time, he said h:~d heen kill · e<l by the nati1·es, ancl on that account he had qnitr•! tile North hlanc!s, HC! bt'g-gecl In be rectin<l on hoard . nnd b~? panlonetl for l:i~ desertion ; whkh rc<tlH' sls wtre both g-ranted.
"Titc 'hip rcmaintd at the I.adrot~ ts till the lOth , taking- on hoard wntcr, nnd procuring pro\'i,ion, _ No I]Undnti•Cds \\'eTC! ~eCln nmong the islauders, 11c.r bi rds <:xcep: turtle dons, of which the}· np pcnnd \'try fond, keeping- them in cnges, :ltHI teach in!!' thtm to ~peak. ''The nnti\'es of thtsc i~lnnds, whvse character, in so clisaclvnntns.:eous a lig-ht in the \ 'C)'DI!C of Mag-alh:lttcs, \nrc in this 1·oynge remarked to bel of s.:ood tlispo>sitinn~. 1'1tt·ir religion wns itlol atrolh. tht:y likewi se worshipped the! bones of their nnns· tors, which tlicy cnn:fully ktpt in their h o us<, , :ot: d anoint«! with coconnt oil. . lloth Hxes Jet l.htir hair J:"row long, riiH.I some of the men their hcnrds . 1'hir orms wc·n: slings nnd spea rs, nnd mntn· of the latltr ''Tre pointed with h11mnn bones . A~p<'ar
"lle,ides the two commander~ . Loyosa and dd Cano, thirt)'· t-i;::ht otht'rs of the ship's company lwtl cliecl in till' passngt: from the Strait of ~fugnlhanes to the J.:ulroJil·s; the rcm :titHh' r were inn \\·eok condi · tion , an•l the! labour of tl11· pumps hc·a1·y. Their tlis· I re'>ot"~ ncnrt lll·lcs s wert' ~1ot ~o ~ rcn t as 10 rrndtr the mt·;t,urc to wl:idt thty rcctl rrcd for rl!licf, nn ~ct of ncct'~sit~· . \\'hen tltC! ~hip wa~ reJdy to dcp~rt , they nlh1rtd t·lcnn of the islanders on board by de ceitfulmf'an~. nnd carried thtm away for the pnr] •O't of '.\· orkin~ the! pnmps . "They sail~d with light winds, (Septcu:,Ler lOth) and made hul small pr o r,rc~s.
0 crulll\lt 1917
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NOTES Resignation of Superintendent of Public Instruction.- ?.1 r~ .
E. ~1 . .l{idule, 1vho has been connectt"d with the ,dwo ls of Guam for the past sixteen llil • lllh~. h u ~ rc· -i;!nc<l ht·r po~ition to h:an: Guam with htr )lll>l"' l.d wh~ has r~:ct"il· e<l ordc:rs from the l\ a 1·y Dq oartl!.llll to proceed to Ca\'itc, 1' . I., for rluty . Supervising Teacher Appointed.- !lfr . Si mon A . S a nrht1 , :. lll i: lll!l er of Ute teachin~ 'tafT of th f' 'ch o o ls of till: :- l.n 1< l for elei'Cil years, has r~:ct=il't' d thl" appointn ltllt q{ ~tlpCI ,·isiug- 'l'cachc·r, nncl wil1 a:-o!--lllllt: u a : .. t nf tilt: ,J!IIic; formerl1· r~:rfnrmc<l u1· Mrs . Riddle . Tl:t· l:t\1· pn; iti o n which rank -< n e xt to the lfl·a cl of the J>cp a rlment, .tnd is no\\· in charge c. £ a local man , is con• i<l· ··rcu well dcscn·cd by his many fric:lllls . Appointment
Principals.-Th e princ ipal s o f th e
,~ iJo n !s are n Oll' being- sr kctt·<l frnm am r; ng- th e nati1·c
te .J rln·rs of the island, anrl ll'ith a loc a l 5\ll •t: ll'i, !rg tc 1cher in dirtct charg-e, hnrn!c,ny ·nntl cont<-ntmc·IJt i; looke d fonv :t rd to with much .interest. Change> in P~rsonnei.-Two teach , ~ s hnn· recently rc;i;:ncd, three ha\'e het:n :tdc!td to thl· c o m1 •lln: u :1,
iiH t rn~tion inth ~ ·c >:1 1•iecls nl 'l\' obtain it three ,Jftcr noons endt w~ek hNII'f' l'll 2:.11l, unci -I :UO o'dod;.
1\l't'l\'e ha1·e been tnrolkcl in thl·>e cl~»t· s. Attcnda~cc . - The :tl'l· ra~:~ attc·nclancc of nil the · ~eh o ob fur the month .,f ,\u .p~>l wa> , 1.' .~ . i.l pl'r c~nt. Th.: San Ant o nio :-;d, co llul wil11 an an·rag c of •J·J.(, pa cent. Th" An i;: ua :o;r hnrol 11 :" the I•>~H•I, with ll5 .5 pc:r cent. The S a n Anl<'nio !'rl:r·,,J hao; an l'll ro!lnlt'lll of 222, :u ultl!t · Ani1:11:a !·khnnl l.lil, 'l'hl· pre,enl total tnro llm l'n t nf :d! th<· school;, is .1 ,4~~ .
New Asan Scho:'I I. -- Grotuul ha- b~en hrokcn for, nurl con.;! rncl ion 1\' 0 I k 'tart c d on,tll(· 111 w r n mrlt c· .c·),r c, I huilclinl:' at :\san. Thc· l.1q: l' J•l<·l c,f ~rounci 11 hil·lt hao; heet: -.·cun·cl for tllis >cl:ool will I•CIIl li l ~f •J! r<· fc •r a full sizl'd I>:!St:lnll d i.llllllltd . and 1·a riuu. articlt·• CJf pl:ll'l:'rouncl equip111~111. :\ • au 1nay \\'t·ll ht· proncl of their n ~ w , .. :, ,,,,) ~n r l ~rnnn•l• n• the\' will bt: nncrptalrcl hy ani' nt :1:r o; ·h ·• ''of th~ l•l1n;l.
and one, ~Irs . A):'ucdn I. John s ton i~ COil llan· in the S t ate~, l'isitinl{ her dau~hlcr who ih ntl~ncliq: lli g- h Sdt'lOI at Coronado , Cnlifo rnia . Mr~ . J n hmt< n n;1'l11 her return to G11am. will as ;u me the dutic~ o f l'r iacip :1l of the Intermediate Sc·hool, nctntlr 1·ncn · thl by ~!r . S .tnch~:z .
Many Fairs.- The nnnuallocul di•trirt fair' h:m : be ~ u c\isco ntinue,l, The practice of lw :din g- a >l'hc v i f1i~ at e:~c h of the c!istricts at stat~cltin1ts dnring till' )'ear, allll a ~ ~: ne ra l ,, c: hool fair a t Ar:anu onn n ~c :•r . In;, upo n ron,icler~ti'ln, hl'l"n cletmt·d t on m :d l\' f; it> . ll:·rc.lftcr, there will he hut the: one Gtnlral l·:oi r hl'!< l at :\~ ana . The Tea:hers' library.-During the month J2i l'i ~ it• were recorded a t the Teachtrs' Lihran- : ther e were JOt lmo ks iss ued . . The Opportunity Classes.- These cJa,se~ han hc,·n or~ .anizccl for the purpose of .:il'ing ~ptcial Attc·ntion In h.trkwarcl pupil~. Recently a medical examin a tion of twcnty·fi·.·e pupils from these classe~ rtn:dtCith fa ct that only five 11·ere without phy~ic:d ddt r l> . o,,er . ltinn~ for extract ion of ton~ils, ndcnnicls, 1111<1 Ieeth h:ll'e heen performed upon thc.s c chilclr~n . nncl their further de1·elopment in their school worl. i~ hiu g w.1t chcd with much intere~t. Special Instruction Class.-Specinl classes in Enr:Ji,h and Ar ithmetic have been org-anized , with Mr . J me Teachers cle~irir.g furthu
L. G . Rios as instructor.
Chanee in Avorado "'nl" ll.e!hod £xpttled
to rol :ow and Erd rru itleur.e<s ~1!11' Ynt;!', ~larch .~ . · - ~ r itnrt· , ·~ ~l; ! n;.: a rc.t•nn for frnitk~' or< )!a ll ' s : n l' :difrqt: ia nnd Fl,ri rla, It a• cli~C'O\'~rrcl "a Il l' \\' a nd fl.;tr•ni•hir : ~ ti' P<' r,f 0 •11\'l·r
heh :11·irmr i111 · nh· in~: ,fai l\' T<'\'t·r•al nf q· ~,'' it t : n~ nn· nouncl·d in :1 n ·J•"It dt ~r t i l•illl' r; .... ' ' " r· of r · ":"rd1, marie pnhlic tnt!: l\' 111 till· :'\ew \'r ot I.. lfq t; :n i•·al Ciar· lh·n . The fl'•c·arch wa• unr l ~rt ~l. t· IJ lo y llr . ,\,II. S tout, direct o r co( thl' lahnratori<• a t th· g crrc!• ·n , in :111 dfort tn soh·e the diHi t·tllti<·• nf th l' l!ro tl·rr• nf tlu: Ul'ncado, commonly l:nowu n> t !J<: a\li~ : · l " r pu1r. He (o nncl th a t th e fl '> w e r~ nf th •· :o\'flr~cln. ""lik.anl' other I:!!OII' Il flnwc ·r . :1rc c!i ,·id•·•l int'l lwu rnnin l{r~un~ . fu o:H' g-rnnp th e fi •HI' (' f• af(: male in the rnornin 1 ~ n ncl fl· IIJ I! It· in th e ro fltrn nr 11, n nrl in th•: other group fctn ~ ll- in tltc: lll " rnio ~ an,J mall· ill th , nftl•rtJoCHI. A~ thi • f.J " t w :o~ pu·l' in ll•h· lllll.:ll o l\'tl, ;: r<~II'N~ l!ill' '! 1111 wi 11 in;: I~· 1ol :lll ll'(' I" fJ ' l' I ,lc ..- 1: ' ,,r ,jIll j I" r I )' I (J• l:'l·ther, w ith the n ··ult that ftrti li1ati• lll \\'~~ ulrn1r•l
impu s~ihl t .
"Oi•c nl'f'fl' of tiH'" ' <.t·x •l·r·l tl• . " • a iel the rq ro rl, "makl·s pos~ihlc ll (' W methfl<l• nf 'malin~:' thrnlll!h interpl:anlinr. !Jf type• whirh w ill ch•·' k the m :tJktrl decrtn~e in th e l'i e!rl.; nf fr11it wh"n tree• of 0111' variety arc plantc rl t o;:c·thtr . ·.· - \\'w:llirts!f<lll ~tar.
Th.: inH·n· ~ting f:1t·ts ntul fi~:"tHC~ ron· ccrninl,( thl' a .- t i1·ities itt Cuam, o f tl11~ Nnnll ~lt<lic;;l Ulli c u~ anti p~r,; . ,nncl of the D~partment of H~altlt, ha1·c ht·t·n takt·n ft11tu the C:on·rnur's unnunl n·p<nt for the fi,;c-nl t•:a . "The Jlepartm1·nt of l!l'alth rc-:llly <·n!!Jract' s tl:e entire tuctlical pl·"oum·l of the blnn!l and the tutti· ical ucth·itil-.; , ulthnugh notuinlllly it is !Jt·ld to in· l'ltulc the lit·all h Onic~r, t ht· ,\ "i s taut Ill·a 1t h Oftin r, the Sanitnry ln ,; pt·ctor, the ho~pital Cllr J >llltn :11 the t lrc~sinf.:' stnti<ot;,< 111 till· difi'~1t· 1 : t f'Hit> o f tht• hl;~ud. 'J'ht· J.!r.Hinalt·d uati1·.: nnr,t's :tllll the nctiYitit~ C>J't:" cially conccrtll:•l in sanitary allll hygit'nic in~ptctiot:,;, r~port,- an<l rt'cnmtu <' lulatiPns . The Dt·J•artu:c·nt u£ lndu s tric> nnd the l'n lice lleptutn :cnt , it m:" · ht• s a id, tbll·c:ail tht·ir nc ti1·itit-s with tho~e of the Sanitn1y llep.:rtment.
"J>nring the {j,cal yt·ar 1'Jl7, there were 1,5i9 od· mi"inns of nntil't'> to tht· ho >J•i tnl(Nnnll nnd Su>ana llospitab) 52(, gdmi~>inn> nut! rrtulmi">if't1S of Na1·y persnnt:el (includin~ fa tuilits of cfficers ond enlisted men) . 'l'her~ were J.'i, ·!:l.l dr~:s e ings , rctlr<·,:sings nnd other trentntent' nt skk call, not o<lmitted to the sit·k list. The tot:~l numhcr of prescriptions filled \I'll~ J,(>.l.l.
nnti\·e~ , especially among the womfn und childrn not only in ac tual trentnu: nt but in imp~rtinJ:' hH :cnic nth ·ice as well. It is impo>sible for the nadic:.: officer to ,1\tt·nd c:tsc> in distont districts re~ul:> r i" Moreol'tr, it is Jar hettl•r to ha1·e the pntieuts Iran , . ported to Agann on ncconnt of the medico! nnd sur gical applianc<" and rnraphernulia in~:cneral. \\'Ia ~ for ~omc rea :· on, a matt:rnity case is not hospitali7t o~ at :\l{nna, lh~ J,!rntluat~d nnr~c ntltncls the cne£· .
jPOPULATION The census of Guam, tak~:n in 1900, or short h nfter the occupation of the isl:md hy the l ' nitecl States military uuthorilic·s, ~howttl the populatiC"nl•· · h~ 9,(,7$, including- only nntin~s ond pcrmanet;t rc,. idents . The Go'rcrnor 's Aulll:ol Report for the f: ~ cnl yta t entliu::: June 30th, l'J27, shows the population attlt i, time to be 17,018, or un increase of 7,343 , in twenty · se1·en years. Nati1·e population, june JOth, 1927 Increase OI'<'T precttlilll:' ycnr Birth~.
"The l!t:ner:tl sanitary condition of tho: bl<liHl i~ Jl'OIHI, hut thtre :nt: 'cvcral way> in which spec!ul s:utilation can he impro1·cd. At pre,e11t on account nf limited fnn1b in the !slnn<l Tren~ury it is not prnc:ticnble to dTect snch impronme11ts . \\'it he ut qnestinn the natives cf Cu:Hn nne! the srn·iccs of a dcntnl suq~con. Scvt·ral requests h a n : hten mndc to tlti~ cntl. There wonltll>c f:tr less sickne~s nnd incapadt~· nmon~o: the nath·es were a dcnti ' l ullowed . "N:1ti1·c nur ~ c~ who ha1·e ~:r:~duntcd nt the 1'rnin· School for nurses ut the Nn1·::l Hospital, ut:d Susann Hospital, nrc trRinctl espn·ially in the cnre of ntalernit~· cnses, nntl nre l:il'l'n licenses ns mic!wh·rs. They htlfill a very import;Jnt mission am Oll!: the in~:"
native , during fiscnl yrar 1927
770 262
Birth rate per thomand ''Tuberculosis Hospitai:-Tiu: Tulu·rcnlo>is lfMpitnl is t:nint :t inetl for ~11d1 nati1·e p:• tients whr• urc :•ffiirt· ~d with pnln1onary luhc r cult • ~is o f :111 actin· stng~ which n·ntlcrs tht·m 11 mennct· to their imm e diate ns· ~ociatcs nntl the cont11111nit~ · :tt l:trj.;c. r\t prt'scnt tltcre nrc. uncler tn·a tn1cnt in thi~ hospi ta l , st' l'l' n maie patit·nt• . Sixteen tuh~r c: ll o, is p ~ ti~nts were lrcatetl in i:iolatetl ht·1b in tht· m~in ho,pital tlttring the )'l'.H, A total uf thirtt·cn dictl of tnhcrcnlosi~ olurit' R the year.
20 .3
Death rnte "
Population , foreign
Fo r eign horn residing in CuRm
Tot:ol population,
:\1·c rage onnnal increase since 1900
17 ,01::! 271
are Recognized!
The following- paragrnph uppeart:~l in the l July issue of the l'~arl Harbor Week!)· , n paper .oulJJi, hcd al Pearl Horbor, T. H., in the Fifteenth Na1·ol Dis· trict : "From the Guam Recorder for May which M ba·;c: just received, we notice that in the Cnnm IJa,e - ~ ball lea!(tle the Agona Cubs l~od the h~ar,ue . The Navy is ~ecoml, hnvinl{ played thirteen ~:nmts and lost three of those ~ames . 'l'he Mnrine~ ore third in ) the series, h:11·in1: won only four ~:ames cut of four · teen plnyecl. The Educ:otiou tenm (whutt\·~~ thot i~) is hohliu~r down the cellar position , hnl'ing won only two games out of the fourteen rrames plnycd."
Tile narrutin: o f the \'O )'agc in 11127. There were no aborigl· of the ~·acht ".~yan1.11' ' R . N. nal inhabitanh founcl on the is · Y . C., which m :u ll- CILIIIII on~: of l~nds nor ony trace that sl1ch it~ purl~ of call durinl{ n threc had existed. Thdr ag-g-Tl'g :Ht• , ... a r' nui''' in tl.~: Atlantic unci ~..... ex tent does not exceed two hun · .'· - ·. ~..~~·\:\ drt:d and fifty s(]unre milt:s ; lou t ·l '.tl'iflc OC'<':tll,, arril'ing wt thi' I'•HI Jnly 5th, IHS 1J. o\n nt'C'OIInt · ,/: .,~~~ '·· ·~{~,"'~'~ their g-eographical position gi1·•· of whi<-h vi,it wa, puldi,hrd in · ~ - ,,, . ~:il&,, them a peculiar importance a nd the S epteu1her '""e of the Re · ~ 1 .., ~ intere,t . The climate is e':nJ. • <' ll r<kr. Rt·t·alls 10 the 111i11tl lf4':1>." · ' , lent, the ~oil rich and r'ronnc · of ~'r. II cur~· ~lillinchamp a n b.~~ .-~. . :,,.;.~ · :~ · ti\'l~ . and then• is on admirahlt ' ol11 r l'..;i clt· nt of C11am, tl1<: \'i:--it ~ · .. .'l harbor well fittecl for the pnrt of thi.; , .,.""' '""! tht· fact that ' . · I., of a commercial city. h e piiPttcl th~: strang<·r, into During- the vears that follt.w · port. ,,.· edth~:arri,· nl~fthctirst>t:ttlu ~.' ~lr . ~lillinchnmp wa, horn at tht: lillie c o lo n1· was l'i >i t t<l l'•>rt'd , ll<~llin 1-l :nub, Oct· / fr o 111 ti111e to tin;e hi' \\'haJtr, IIi, fath~r. and other \'C>> el s. ~l:ott·rialll' , 1 olot•r 21,t, 1~>~2 . J(i ,·hard :.!illin o: ha1np , ,,.,.,one ·.,{/ I the colorl\' prospered, forO J> I ·~r· of the well known 1•inn~ns of tunitirs of s:rle :rnd barter were the i,Jand.; of tht- l'acilic, nnd ;7 furnish ed them h y the nol Ull· '''"'nne of I he fir,l four white .- / ~ frequ ent l' isits nf tiH·se ship>. ,, 1· Jl o w{' \'t:r , their lil'l'S tht·re w:c,; lllt'n to M·lllt• in tilL' Bo nin Is· land•, J,:oing thl'rt• wilh a par:1· not nil pt:al'e ntH! hnrmnny, for ni a<ll'l·ntllr<l' 11nder tiH· lt-:rdt·l:· Mt'. H ent'/l Millinclramp the records show that :"llr. Ma · 'hip of a :O.Ir. :.J a ttt·o :.lazarro, zarro fnuncl the t~~k of go\'l'rn · 111116 nne/ /ll'l<rl/1 nl. Einhty-ftu~ whnl\'a' th~: l~t•:rrl nf a p:crl .l ' th:ct ing this littl~ colon~· no e:cH "liled from llonolnl11 , ll:cw:~ii, mall e r. Trnnhlcs it is certain (lh<·n <!l'<l tht· Sandwich lsl~tHis) to colonize the there were, and t·on tiiiiH·d to he, ri1·alries, fe.nds, :1111! ll n nin ',, :.laY:~rrn i' rl'J>Orlt·d to h a ve hnn a nnti1·e even bloodshed , disturbed the tran(]uilit~· of thi, of Gt•nna, and claina·d to h e u Briti , h suLject , us die! littlc con1munity . :d•n Ri<'h:Jrol ~lilint·haniJl, whose t•laim hus nel'l'r PIRATI ·: S \'!SIT TilE SETTLERS k •t• n qne•t io:l!'d. I hnn~ h h.- mav not hnH' he en Rll Engli•hm :lll. The l'laim of citi.zell :·llip <'f Mnarrn The following- ncconnt of an outrag-e committl'd c 11 n111•t ht: aclmillccl also, for it wa' ht , with Millin· tht: settlers is re:errnl to by Commod r. re l'tny, T'. !' . c h :11np who arprn ·tch,•tl tht· llrit\ ,; h Cnns11l at HonoN"''Y · in his .in nr::~l rtl~tin g to the islands ar,cllli, ltdn, in IJill'"t of a•,i>tnnce :Pod s upport in arrnn~e· l'isit ther e in 11>51 . m~:nt• to •·hartn a s<'hnnner .tnt! prPI'i,iol; ~ame for "An~"'' 'Jth, IIH<J , nrril'ed the scho01:er " I. o ni> a" the 1'"\' :iJ.:c '" the Bonin !•lan e!. whit·h it was thl'ir Captain llatlk~·. <111d the Cutter,"?llnicl of At~>tr:di:c" intcntinn In c11loniz :111<1 ,.,lahli,h a tr:ulinJ.: s tation Captain \'onnJ.: . from HnnJ,:kon::: : nne! on th e J I til . fnr thl' \\' h:~kr• and othl'r l'l'" '·ls l'i~itin~o: thi> 11nin· nrri l' t:tl a Chi11a·hnilt , . .,,~el (jnl1k) "Saillt ,\nclllw" , h:~hilt·d gro11p . Captain llarkt·r, also from J-longkong- , and 11·ho '"a' tht• l' n mmander of this tlt·et of thre<: ,hip': till')' n ·· Tht'\' ""i!l'cl from llnnnlnln in the month of P.ln\' l'ruilt·d . anti all ,aikd :\llglht 2lJ th. On Septen .],r r !lUll , takinJ.: with tht•nt 11-.·o other white mt·n nn;l 2hl, the jn11k, and the cntl e r, retnrned, ha1·in .c: l ll' t• nl~· · iil' t' llawaiia11 n:atil'l'" ns laborers, nmnnJ;: ~Xpl'rit· nct· clload weather, till' junk hal'ing broke l:u whom 1\' :1• "''"e 1\'Clnll·n. Tlll're was ubn on hoarcl rndclt:r, nnd both ships rrqnirinJ;: n ·pn irs and J•rt• · ~<lin~ lil'<·, tnck , und \'arinns kit:c!,• nf ,eul, . J-l:avir•gl' isin n s: The st· ttlt:rs of the i,}und ga\'l' tllllll l\lll. s: lf (' l~· lflll' <' r•~d tht• inlt·n·••ninl!' .1JOII miles of op~n ""i •tnn ce in their power, and fitted thtm fo r ,,.a . nt· c~n.lh<'l' nrril·c•d at th1•ir tle•tinntinn, Jnne 6, 1~.10 . \Vht:n lh<'r were read)' to sail, th<· ~· first con:mt:nct d This small hnt inlrr c •tirJ.: , an<l frnm it" sitnation, rll1ntlt-ring- the nati1·es of th~ir lin~ stock. >all pre' \'· va ln:ahl '• J,:rnllp of i'l:lnd,, lit·' in l~titndr 27 de g- re~~ i,;inns, oi l, t•tc. The ~' then plnnclt·rt:d the whit" : north, lnngitndf' 1~ (, d~gr<'es e~•t.- within fin~ l111n· takinJ.: from one. a S:l\·nn·, about f2 COO in en> h . clrt•tlnlih·• of the t•na• l of Jnpnn. Tht•,e i,Jar:cls w e n· and ahont the same nmc.nnt in- li1·estock. ~alt pro1· · fir,t H'IH>rtt·cl "" h:~l'ing h<·en 'iJ:!ht c· cl lw tiH• ~pani,;h ision,;, g-eneral store· ~. clothinJ;: , medecine che>l" . e.~plnrt'r, \'ilaloloes, in l$4J , nnd n)iain di>co\·rnd can\·as, t·t c. In fnct tl ~ c ,. tnrk nil tl·~ t th \' co tllc l l11· n~asnwnra Suda~· ori. in l 5'l2 . l'hrl' ll'l're ,.i,iterl Ia\' their hancl~ 11[)011 , nntl what the1• did 1;01 takr in IH!.lll\• lh ~ :\mt•riC'an \\'haler, "Trn·n,it" . Thrv ~·ith tht•m. the1· destrO\· ~cl. Mr . Sa\'!ir\' wns ohl il!to l Wnt• fnrm('rlv tnkt·n " " ' "ession of nnd tin· Br it ish tl n ~ to secrete him ~e lf in the h11sh, for fe~r thev wonld hni,tt·cl . hy Captain lleeche y, of H. M .S . llloss Lm, take his life . ~rr . Millinchamp was abo' robbed
AN OLD SHIPPING RECEIPT . ~lfipprll in ~und orch-r 1tto1l Wl'll cunditi• nrd, 1,,.
"R . Alil/io,,ha"'fl" ill nnol upon tlu• good :-;hip or y,.,F••I ••nllo •ol thr "Sitl• tlr Orn" wh~reof i• ~~~~ ~ ter fur lhi,. fll'l'"'lll 1' 11,1'111(1', _ __ _ _ •••• _ . _ ... .. _ _ _ n nd no~r riding at .\nr•hor ill tlli ~ llnrloor unol luntnd for ~lnniln . "~luh!
Hundred Weight of Beche de Mer"
ll•·ing mnrk,..J naol lllltnhr·rr·d 11~ in lht• ~lnrgin, nrul lo lH' olo ·lil'f•rr·ol i11 tl11• likl' l(ot·ol onlr·r nr-.d wrll t·llllllitioll•·•l, nl 1111' nf,.rr·Hoid l'ort rof "Aft.niia." Tlol' APt of fO od, llu• Qu!'l'll'' E:or·n:ic·,, Fire•, nnd nil nnoll'l'o•ry otllf•r d :or:grr• nrul nn·iolr·nt; of I he H ' OF, ril-.. r,., nnol lln\'ig ntion . of 11loatr·n ·r routtllt' <• r ki111l "'"' l'cr, rxo· c pt:·ol unto '\';, N . Alihl:r/1" or In Hir A"•igns. Fl!r·:to:IIT f,.r tht• ' nidI!"""" pn~· nloll' in ~lnniln . with pri:n:ogr· nnd 11\'rr::gr• no·c·n,tolllf'ol. ~~~ ~lil11re11 wiH•ro·,.f , th e Mn•lo·r of !lot• ~nirJ "hip c(r H' ~ ,c · llonth nllir111r·d lo "'/'/,-,,."Bill" , ,f bding, nil tol thi,- 'l'• ·nor llltd lht•• : nne of whidt Bill .• hcing nt·t·u ntp)i,loul , the otlu·r~ to 'tnnd l'oid. :•r~
ll:ll:·cl in 26tll. Srpt. 1864. Wcightntul Coutc•niR unknown to
A PASSPORT The original is in the possession of Mr. P;nry Millinchamp M•lor 'lreeorio S""· '• Maria, Mi:itary 1nd Political Governor ol Maoian~J lsl1nds
1\y tht·~r prr"''"'" 1 grnut frrt• 111111 Fuft• pufFflott to ltirh:trol ~lillinchn · Jp, Eu:•lifhntnu, who WIIF n pns· ~()llgoron tltt• En~:li " '' \\'ltulinl( :o;}!ip "IJEmiANOS", Cnplnin Hi•·hnrd l.ort·n• . 11l oo nrril't'd nt tloi~ JFiontl without nny pnpt•r~ 1111 :.!1\ :-;,•pl<•lltlot·r, l~ -1 : 1, with the ol•~ :t!ll11 l'iP" o f runki11g t'XJol'rillll' lll~ in roiTrl' !lfOW· i11g, and oll11•r plnut~ whi<'h lo!' loud lorollJ!hl. Jln\'il1g lot•t•ll dio<nppoilllt••l i11 hi~ t'XIII' I'Intioll~ oof J•rtol itnlle · retnm~ ho 1,:11\'t' \IJl tl:t• :tlt•a of "~IIIII • ~ ill tiuom n dt'•·irli•d to 110 lon<'k to llonin l~lnnol~ whrn• hi' i• ' •lo~otio•i't•ol und proo••·•·ol•·d oo ~ p:t;•• · n~ r· ·" ·•·nltltl.t· fhip ~aii .. ,J "Jo:} :,.n Frnt\\'1'""'' in t'l' l' llt.;;, · C'llJ•Inill Junu ~~~ :O' IIo\ ~n i l!tw titi' da!(' I•' ~ ' l\h• .. unlt· li~hi11g. \\'J:EitE :\S, I r<•qu·~ ~t.thr (iol't· rnor~ nlld l.rntlillg Alc:\llt·~ of the l'rol'illl'l'8 nml tl1c Gubt• rnnolc • rcilln~ nntlotltcr rHilli ~ lt• rs of jn~lit·~ not to plnn' or c·o mt·rll In he plact••l lillY oh~tnl'le whnlt' \'Cr, lout Oil lit e t•ontrary to gin' him nil ll·t·c c s ~ary nit!, dtnrgin~; the sa111e
to cuslornnr.v nc• c·otllll~ . Uh·rn in the tow.n of l' :11 of Agnlln on 2:1 April, JH-14 . G H~;I:OHIO
By OrrJcr of the
(lon~ rnor
.Jo•E toE r.A Cnr:.~ Set: rc•tory to the Go\'Crr,or Do ~c riptin11:
Height_ __ _____ 5 ft.
' Age ........ 45 ycnr>.
llody ___ _____ ____ Hegulnrsizc
Full beard withnrtrl on the right chcc' k.
A Northerner's Dream of the Florida Keys Bumping away from the mainland through tht latter watchts of a F"hruary night, stretc-hrd in :on upper berth ·cJose behind nn Enst Con<t oil burnin~: locomotive, a dyed-in-the-wool Northerner met do11n 011 the Florida Keys, and within him this bit of a classic was inspired : "Som"where around this enrth of ,1urs Gcd may hnl'e painted n more glorious picture for the eyt~ of mortal man to look upon than dawn across the Florida Kep, but I fet:l this morning as if I ~hall miss nothing if I ne1·"r see it. "Emerald islands rimmed with coral, pick<d frc m the blend of night by the outstretching finger~ of a \' US! and genial sun: Islands sd like encrust((\ jtwtl > in the marvelously glowing shimmer of entranc-ir~ Southern seas; dum'r pelicans somer~aultinl':' ~fttr a prec-arious breakfast in the brown anu purple wom!trgard~ns of the shallows close at hand; cranes >lirril:~ at the brt•ath of a fre,h , new morning to the gran·fully fascinating acti1·itics of another Lower Fl oric!a day ;. n rising brct·ze coyly kissins;:- the frond~ of whisp"ring hosts of coconut palms . " If tloe Floritla Kcys could inspire this drcatmr to such a flow of wonlly eloquence, we tremble to enn think what a l'isit to our Emerald ''Island of Guam " like U chip flUnJ.{ down by the triumphant Slln at it> parting with the <lawn, and with its tropical f a ir,~ land of nn earthly E1len, would inspire in 'u ch a dreamer .
Generals of the U. S, Armies Ther" have been seven full R"nerols in the armie ' of the United Statl's:-Washington , Grant , Shtrmnn, · Sh"ridan , Pershing, March , and Bliss. '
npon hi• ~hnnltll-rs :o n ··p••nsihilit1· - Each of 11~ is lwrwr hnnn<l '" so lit him,tlf ut tin : t~ o f pc::rce th :r: in tinll· of w:rr he: ca n rc:n •kr "n c h ou·t·•·unt ,, f lrim sdf '"It) ad tl an ••lht·r '"'! ~<.! in the: lon g honor roll o f thc: l l n it t·d St:rtc:s of Amt•rica . ~-:n· ~ e ti\'c:ne< in wnr, hllw e1·rr, cannot he ncqnirul :oftt·t 1111r has ltt·gn!lI hnt· fnrC', we h:11·e "l';a1·~· D:r y" d a •" ·n corret.:tl)·, ath, the hirtluln~· of II ){l()?'o Anu:ricnn, who helit:l'ed in prt·p:rn·tln e,s . ;\ tl :ll' wht·lr we c ome In l'"n nncl t·xpl:tin how mnch dt·pt·t;cls npon tht trnit:in, n( .l 'll;: r n(•t·b• . Ollr dh·l'ti1·c:ness will ckpencl. npon the wuy in whi c h nffic,·r, h:ti'C Jt.nriiCtl to hnnrllt• ~hips sing!~· and in nl'(' J' h)' contintJ(·tl pr:tcliL'(' IIJ H•n the hi).:'h ><'as, npon the way in whkh t· nli~lt"l m•·n ha1·e h-uta·•l t o h:rntllt- ~! till > , lttrrl'ls, c:ngi111·' und to hold ~t•· :o tl)· on 111 top nf tht• lung s t·:r roll, but, if , :rs I h ·t\'e ht·.nd rtllllllr cd , the 11111111:rl tr:rini11g- nni~e to nnanl:tii :IIJIO this ~· (• :rr i.; cnnc~lltrl in Prt 1(·r to " 1\'C l'll 'l snnil'ienlll' In pr ot!ll ct· n1 o 11(y to H p:oir shipsthat the 1nen ~- ,,n sc1111 tn Congrc:;s h:r1·e f:lilui to npprnpri:rtt·-nne l' t·ar's tr:oining will ht· lu,t-tlnnt\·· fi1·c pt•rn·nt of~ four year's t:nli , tm c ut. . Ot•ntlenlt·n, I :11n not ht·:rr to n,; k yon to incrc·nse my p:r y, I :r m not '"kin~-: you I<> build a powerful ~:11' )' , I a1n not" 1nilit:rrbt- m ·itht:r urt· ycu . \\'e nf Alllt'ri<' U nn• n p~:rccful Jl o? OJ•Ie, we lrn\'t: nu·, r w:r11tcd nrrythirrg- fr< •m <•tln·r rcwu' b ut ~imrle jn~ tict', \'t'l n o t one single g-encratin11 in our hi~lory ha~ esc:rprd war-does not this nne fnct cnrry o wnrninl!! We will nll1·ay• he willin~ to fi1: ht i11 the cld~me nf our rig-hts-\\'«: will n lwnys ' e nd forth t·trotrl!h nit' II to win :r I ' it-tor~ ·, hut cln tlu: lll<·n of i\ nn·r ica want In '''n<l thtir h o ~ · ~ 0111 ll l"killttl n11ti untrair:ul to (.til a \'ictim to th fir,;t trnint·cl lid1t<r tl:ty mrct; If it t:1kes thrt·c y~nn- to hu ild n l·~ttl,,hip, it will take another year to trai11 th e n e w to li g ht . \\' h e n w .1 r com es there i~ nn time t o huiltl a Xan' or tr ni 11 the men . The ~:11'.1' m11st li g ht nt Ollt:t· nnd if t11e lleet i• lost it cnn no t he replac ed , th~rdnre "~n\'y I>.w,'' anti to int~rc,;t yo11 all, we hnn· tlen·loped nn <·lahorate prng:rnm to he c:rrri<·tl nut r. l' xl 1\JotHiny in the N :I\'Y Y :trtl. \\'e :~re not l!oing- to hcclcud the cl a y with onr :ll'lnnl C'OtHiition C'nll,;ed 1>1· di, n, trr: u~ f:tl• c c cn n n m~·. It will clo~e with n ,; l>:rll! e repre ,; enting- the \'~t:rhli,lllm· nt of commt111icat ic n 11ith nn Amc:ricun <.'on,nl:rte clurin~: n re\·nlntion in nn 111;t'il•ilizt·cl cnu111ry. Thi ,; IIIU't 1101 he nli, sctl. Our duh will hold liJ>t·n hou ,c uml 1n hop<· to se c y o 11 nntl pl<·asc bring: )'o ur f:rn1ili,·,; . I a,;snrc yon thnt I hn\'C foith in y o u put1 io t ic citir.cns of ,\me r ica, to you it i~ g-i\' ell'tn ~end the proper
OC1'0DHR 192:
m e n to the ~eat of go1·ernmt·nt to ke~p the ~R\'}' UJ •, that our tr : ~rliti o ns mny never die- I li1·e on th n'" tr:Hiitions- the Na1·y does - A ~ovy without Ir a . tlitions is like a boy witho11t 11 soul.
Th e re is n g-ha,;tly humor lurkingWhen you tell us that "\\'ar is Hell'',
We who did the fightinl!, fired the shot nnd shtll . Yo11 may he si t a te to renlize thnt the ~ e words truly ~aid, St:rrt tn <l:r v in tl~ad had I y 1,1~tl.
earne ~ t
your Na,·;-
All this p nei fi.;tic prt·nching- mnke ,; n: e tumble , fer I kilO\\'
It has ner c r '"'·ed u nation from a grim deter mille t! foe. Stlpport the
royally and if trouble shoultl
n ri~e .
You will q11ickly call upon us to make the ~n c 1 i· lice.
While the tT. S . S . Marylnnt made a trip to Au,;trnlin, n chart of the tea bottcm olen~:" the routt~ w n' marl" hy the automatic clepth ··~nnde:r , which kt p t a continuous record throu~ho · ;i ·~ long \' O)'I t ~e
Education In the ?hilippines Educntion in the PhilippitHs is booming- Ti ll· Filipinos nrc ern7.)' nhout sehoul~ . Th~re ore mo11· thnn one million children in the schools and thett· are twcnty-se\'en th o u ~:r nd teachers. Engli'h i, ~prentlinl! ra pidly, so stated Go1·ernor General \\'o to intt-n·iewers upon his nrri1·ul in ~cw York .
The importance of the free, American Publi c School slroultl not be underes•.imated , as the JHort it plnrs in our Am e r ic an cl e mccracy is one of fuJOdamentnl importance .
Frown at it , ond it will in turn look sourly up on you ; smile nt it and with it, nt:d it is n jolly kitHl companion . The world we lh·e in is a mirror ami gil'('$ back to e1·ery man the rcfl~ction of his ow11 imag-e.