MICRONESICA Devoted to the natural sciences of Micronesia and related areas Some recent subjectsMarine algae of New Caledonia Five new wrasses from the Marshall Is. Population history of Nauru Vascular plants of Puluwat Atoll Biological control in the Marianas Seven new species of hermit crab Isotope variation in Holocene reef corals Cook Islands plants Long-distance seed dispersal New genus of parasitic crustacean Freshwater algae from Yap Marianas bird records Mammals of Tinian Chamorro fish names Chamorro fertility Reptiles of Rota Micronesian high island horticulture New orchid from Guam Chemistry of Guam waters
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MICRONESICA A Journal of the University of Guam Devoted to the Natural Sciences in Micronesia The
journal of natural sctenct:~ Ill Llw ·,v. ~·~¥... P"rific
The Marine Laboratory, University of Guam UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923, U.S.A.
If your research area includes
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anthropology, archeology, biogeography, coral biology, crustacean systematics, demography, ecology ethnology, geology, herpetology, ichthyology, island biology, mammalogy, marine biology, Pacific studies, phycology, reef studies, tropical vegetation, or zoology ...
You should see Micronesica regularly. Micronesia is a region with tremendous cultural and biological diversity that attracts researchers from all over the world. Micronesica is a fully-refereed journal with international authorship and readership that acts as a forum for studies on all <!spects of the natural sciences, broadly interpreted. Because the region comprises numerous widely scattered islands, it provides models of island biology and island cultures, and its place near the center of Indo-West Pacific biological diversity makes it important in tropical biology. We bring you the scientific richness of the region twice a year. See sample of recent papers overleaf Micronesica is published in June and December each year
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INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scientific research reports, notes, review papers, bibliographies, and book reviews in anthropology, biology, and related fields are accepted on the basis of their originality and their pertinence to Micronesia and the adjacent Pacific areas. Descriptions of new species will be considered formal papers, no matter how short; information in range extensions will be considered notes, no matter how long. The manuscripts must be written in English, but a summary in another language is acceptable. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Board or by specialists other than board members in whose field the paper lies. Manuscripts should be sent via airmail to The Editor, The Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923, U.S.A. The original and two clear copies of text and artwork are required; the original will be retained in the editorial office while the copies are sent out for review. Authors must follow the guidelines printed in the June issue (from 1990), or available from the Editor. Papers which deviate from the required format may be returned for revision before review.
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