Palatino Type Specimen Book

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Zapf Herman Zapf was a man who was born on November 8, 1918 in a small town named Nuremberg, Germany. At an early age, Zapf was interested in science and wanted to become a electrical engineer. Due to the new governmental party at the time, Zapf was unable to attend technical school. His teachers, impressed by his art, suggested he become a lithographer. In 1938, Zapf had designed his first ever typeface called “Gilgengart�. Shortly Afterward Zapf was conscripted into the German army; because he was not used to doing hard labor, Zapf developed a heart condition.

After being reassigned multiple times, he was sent to be a cartographer where he had spent the rest of the war. After the war Zapf took man jobs dealing with typography. During his lifetime he both taught and developed type with all different kinds of methods. Soon Herman Zapf married a fellow calligrapher and typeface designer Gudrun Zapf van Hesse. By the end of his time Zaph had created over 50 different typefaces. His top three most famous typefaces were Optima, Zapfino, and Palatino. While Hermann Zapf was already an accomplished calligrapher and draftsman, Palatino’s release came at essentially the start of his career as a type designer.

“distinctly modern...a modern type not copied from any specific early model.”


Shortly after WWII in 1948, Zapf had design Palatino, named after Giambattista Palatino.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Palatino is an old-style serif typeface

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Palatino was initially realesed for the Stempel Foundry and later by other companies most notably by Megenthaler Linotype Company.

Based on the humanistic serif designs of the renaissance but is easier to read due to lighter strokes and proportions are relatively larger. Letters have large proportions, increasing legibility

X Its light lines and large letter size keep it very legible even at very small sizes


Is in the unusual ‘palm Y style’

Zapf later developed the typeface into a typeface super family.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff


30 pt

24 pt

18 pt

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff 14 pt

Palatino Palatino Bold Palatino Italic Palatino Bold Italic


Palatino is said to be one of the ten most used serif typefaces used around the modern world. Soon after being created it, Palatino rapidly became popular for book body text, overshadowing Aldus (another typeface Zapf created). Since the typeface was not initially designed for body text, with some characters intended to stand out, Zapf redesigned them with a more sober alternates which became the norm on most digital versions.

With Megenthler Linotype Company having rights to the typeface, they licensed Palatino to Adobe and Apple. Who then incorporated it into PoatScript digital technology as a standard font. This guaranting it an importance in digital and publishing.

Palatino is a highly functional typeface that can be used in any setting, for any purpose. It’s widely used as a corporate typeface, for advertising headlines and text, as well as other display purposes. Its open counters make it very readable even when used on inferior paper, making it ideal for newspapers and handbills. Due to the typeface popularity, multiple versions have been released for the changing technologies. Palatino was originally punch cut in metal, but was quickly adapted for use with the Linotype machine. In 1999 Zapf collaborated with Linotype and Microsoft to update the family to include a wide variety of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic Characters and symbols. As well as a number of new subfamilies were created such as Palationo Sans, Informal, Nova and Arabic.

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