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Should I Look for Another Job During my Case?

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Available Damages

Available Damages

One of the things that we discuss is that you need to take care of yourself and your family. I encourage people to file for unemployment. The fact that your employer has terminated you doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to unemployment. In fact, if you were wrongfully terminated, the employer shouldn’t be able to wrongfully terminate you and claim that you’re not entitled to unemployment.

After you file for unemployment, the next step is to start looking for work, assuming you’re able to do so. If they’re terminating you while you’re on medical leave, continue with your medical care. Take care of yourself. Get healthy. Once you’re healthy enough to work, or if you were never out because of medical issues, start looking for work. The law expects you to find comparable work. Comparable work is work that’s similar in wage, similar in benefits, and similar in location. While you theoretically don’t have to take any job that comes along, most of my clients want to work, they need to work, and they’ll look for work. While your case is pending, look for work and document that work.


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