What are urinary tract infections?
A person can have many problems related to urination which can range from common to very serious The most common problem related to urination is urinary tract infection which is also called urinary tract infection. Even though it may not be a common problem related to urination, even today people know very little about it The biggest reason for this is that people do not talk about it among themselves and see it as a taboo or a stigma. Let us know in detail about this topic through this article
What is urine?
Generally speaking, urine is a kind of liquid waste product which is removed from the body by the kidneys. Urine is primarily made up of water, salt, electrolytes such as potassium and phosphorus, and chemicals called urea and uric acid
When our kidney cleans the blood with the help of its filters, during that time it separates all the waste products present in the blood and this separated part is called urine.
How does the urinary track work?
You just learned above how our kidneys make urine. Let us now know how our urinary tract system works
First of all, let us tell you that our kidney works to clean blood throughout the day, this means that it also makes urine throughout the day. As the kidney makes urine while cleaning the blood, in the same way, urine flows drop by drop from the kidney to the urinary bladder with the help of ureter
The bladder is made up of muscles and it stores all the urine produced by the kidneys. When urine starts filling in the bladder, it inflates like a balloon This function is facilitated by the muscles around your bladder that surround your urethra When a certain amount of urine has accumulated in the bladder, that is, the bladder becomes full,
then you feel the urge to urinate and the muscles of your bladder contract (constrict) After this, the muscles of the surface of the urethra and the pelvis reach a relaxed state, allowing urine to flow out
What is Urinary Tract Infection?
You have learned above that urine exits the body through the kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra and pelvis If any bacteria, especially Escherichia coli (E coli) bacteria reach any
part of this entire tract, it causes urinary tract infection Escherichia coli (E coli) is a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract This bacterium already present in the body is not very dangerous, but if it enters from outside the body then it proves to be more dangerous. However, sometimes other bacteria are responsible.
Urinary tract infection is more common in women and is the main reason Urethra Women have a shorter urethra than men, which allows bacteria to enter the urinary tract through the anus.
In simple words, when the urinary tract becomes infected with some bacteria and due to that problems related to urination start, then it is called urinary tract infection The urethra and bladder are most commonly affected by this infection.
What Causes Urinary Tract Infection?
Basically urinary tract infection occurs when a person does not maintain personal hygiene and bacteria enter the body through the skin or rectum and vagina or penis.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), the body usually expels bacteria before it reaches a person's bladder. However, in some cases, the body is unable to do so, resulting in a urinary tract infection.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are most commonly caused by the following bacteria:
● Escherichia coli
● proteus mirabilis
● Enterococcus faecalis
● staphylococcus saprophyticus
● Klebsiella pneumoniae
Apart from bacteria, urinary tract infections can also occur due to:
● having sex continuously
● having anal sex without a condom
● Difficulty emptying the urinary bladder completely
● obstruction of the urinary tract – such as a kidney stone
● due to diabetes
● Using a catheter – this problem does not last long
● have had a urinary tract infection in the past
● Having vesicoureteral reflux This is a condition due to which urine flows backwards, that is, towards the kidneys
● Reasons for not cleaning the genitals properly
● Not cleaning properly after having a bowel movement
● reasons for not urinating after sex
● habit of urinating
● using dirty toilets
● due to kidney problems
● habit of drinking less water
● Due to drinking too much water – this puts pressure on the kidneys
● Consuming too much soft drink or cola instead of water
● due to excessive consumption of alcohol
● because of bathing in dirty water
● due to periods
● during pregnancy
● Due to infection in any part of the urinary system
● Due to the formation of cancer cells in any part of the urinary system
● due to low immune system
● prolonged use of a urinary catheter, which can make it easier for bacteria to enter your bladder
● Due to liver related problem
● Enlargement of the prostate gland – This can also lead to kidney disease
Urinary tract infection can happen to both men and women of any age But women are more prone to UTIs than men
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?
When urinary tract infection occurs, its symptoms are not only related to urination but also many other physical symptoms can be seen It is very easy to identify this infection, because during this time problems related to urination start happening very fast In general, the following symptoms are seen due to urinary tract infection:-
● foul smelling urine
● stomach pain and burning
● bleeding during urination
● vomiting several times throughout the day
● urinating more than usual throughout the day
● urination while sleeping
● severe pain while urinating
● Burning pain in urinary tract
● Pain in the penis or vulva during urination
● urine colour ranging from pale yellow to red
● Sharp pain in lower back and navel during urination
● Thick urine (this problem can also happen during diabetes)
● weak urine stream
In addition to the above urinary symptoms associated with UTI, symptoms related to the following physical problems can also appear:-
● lethargy
● bone problems
● to be irritable
● increased heartbeat
● yellowing of the skin
● high blood pressure or low blood pressure
● Diarrhoea – This can increase the problem of dehydration
In addition to the above symptoms, the following symptoms may also appear when a child has a UTI:-
● having a fever
● not eating properly
● persistent weakness
● vomit
● bed wetting
● to be irritable
Older people or adults who use catheters may experience the following symptoms in addition to the usual symptoms of a UTI:
● Nervousness
● remain confused
● wet oneself
● shiver
● have tingling
Different symptoms may appear from person to person These symptoms can range from severe to very severe and not all of the symptoms mentioned are visible in every person
What are the risk factors for urinary tract infection?
The following factors can increase the risk of urinary tract infection:
● diabetes
● pregnancy
● prostate gland development
● abnormally developed urinary structures from birth
The following are additional risk factors for urinary tract infection in women:
Women are more prone to urinary tract infection than men. The following are the risk factors behind this:-
Shorter Urethra -
In comparison to men, the urethra is much shorter in the body of women, which is closer to the vulva and anus The bacteria that cause UTIs grow closer to the vulva and anus, making it more likely to cause an infection
Urinary tract infection can also be caused by having sex. This is especially if you have penetrative sex During penetrating sex there is pressure on the female urinary tract which can carry bacteria from around the anus to the bladder On the other hand, having oral sex can also cause this infection To avoid this, you can do oral sex in the beginning and also take special care of cleanliness during sex. Also, urinating after sex can reduce the risk of infection.
Spermicides can increase the risk of UTIs, as they can disrupt the vaginal microbiome Spermicides are a type of contraceptive used by women
Use of non-lubricated condoms during sex-
Non-lubricated latex condoms can increase friction during sex and irritate the skin, thereby increasing the risk of UTIs.
The diaphragm can put pressure on the urethra. This can reduce bladder emptying, increasing the risk of bacterial growth and infection
Decrease in oestrogen levels-
After menopause, a decrease in estrogen levels replaces the normal bacteria in the vagina. This can increase the risk of UTI
How can a urinary tract infection be diagnosed?
No matter what the problem may be, the first step in starting an investigation is to identify the symptoms of the disease or problem involved. Similarly, in case of urinary tract infection, doctors first identify the symptoms inside the patient and then urine samples are taken so that the infection can be checked and assessed In some cases, a doctor may culture the urine to identify the type of bacteria causing the infection
If someone has recurrent UTIs, a doctor may also recommend further diagnostic tests to determine whether physical or functional problems are the cause In general, the following tests can be done in case of urinary tract infection:
Urine culture – In this test, the bacteria growing in urine is counted by taking a sample of urine Apart from this, it is also seen how much bacteria are growing or not This test is used to confirm bladder and kidney infections.
Ultrasound – In ultrasound examination, with the help of sound waves, it is ascertained whether there is any lump inside the kidney If the lump remains, then it is not cancerous or it is not filled with any fluid
Blood tests – Information about many conditions of the body can be obtained through blood tests Conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney failure, anaemia and bleeding can be detected by blood tests when the urinary system is obstructed
With the help of this test, the waste products and chemicals present in the blood are also detected Increased chemicals in the blood can cause kidney damage
Diagnostic Imaging: This involves assessing the urinary tract using ultrasound, CT and MRI scanning, radiation tracking or X-rays
Urodynamics Urodynamics: This process determines how well the urinary tract stores and releases urine.
Cystoscopy: In this test, the doctor looks inside the bladder and urethra through a long thin tube with a camera lens inserted through the urethra to see if there has been any damage
How is a urinary tract infection treated?
In case of urinary tract infection, before starting its treatment, attention is paid to the type of infection Urinary tract infection can be of three types:-
● bacteria (most common)
● viral
● Fungal
Information about this is obtained through investigation That is why it is important that you get all the tests prescribed by the doctor, so that the treatment can be started as soon as possible and you can get rid of it.
By the way, two methods are mainly used to treat urinary tract infection, the first is antibiotics and the second is home treatment. Viral UTIs are treated with medicines called antivirals. Often, the antiviral cidofovir is the treatment option for viral UTIs. Fungal UTIs are treated with medicines called antifungals
The patient may also be admitted to the hospital in case of urinary tract infection. The infected patient can be admitted to the hospital only in the following situations:
● if the patient is old
● if the patient is pregnant
● Given the status of periods
● Are suffering from any other disease, such as high fever, dengue, malaria and typhoid etc
● If the infection patient is suffering from cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury or other serious problems.
● Have kidney stones or other changes in the urinary tract of the patient
To help treat and prevent recurrent UTI infections, the doctor may also give the patient the following specific advice:
● Advice on changing contraceptive measures
● Prescribe a daily dose of antibiotics for 6-12 months
● Along with safe sex, pay special attention to cleanliness during sex.
● Avoid having sex with more than one partner
What are the home remedies that can be adopted in urinary tract infection?
There are many home remedies that can be adopted in case of urinary tract infection But before adopting any home remedy, consult your doctor about it and if there is any problem after adopting the remedy, then stop adopting that remedy immediately You can adopt the following home remedies to get rid of urinary problems:
Drink plenty of water: To get rid of any problem related to urination, more water than normal should be taken, it does not cause water shortage in the body and due to open urination, the infection is also cured faster Just keep in mind, do not take water in such a large quantity that you start vomiting or have stomach pain problems. For example, if you take two litres of water a day, try to take between 2 5 litres to 3 litres of water throughout the day
Coconut water: Drinking coconut water during urinary tract infection provides relief in burning sensation. Apart from this, it also fulfils the lack of water in the body.
Buttermilk: In case of urinary tract infection, there is not only burning sensation in the body while urinating but also burning sensation starts in the body. In such a situation, buttermilk should be taken to get rid of both the irritation, but only during the day time This will increase the amount of liquid product in the body and urine will come freely, which will get rid of the infection quickly
Water and baking soda: Drinking a glass of cold water mixed with a small spoonful of baking soda provides relief from frequent urination during urinary tract infection, as well as relief from burning and pain. Drinking water with baking soda also cleans the kidneys, due to which the kidney starts working better than before
Raw milk lassi: To get rid of this infection, patients can take lassi made from raw milk mixed with small cardamom powder in the morning and evening This will give relief to the patient soon and it can also be consumed along with medicines People who have problems with cardamom should not use it
What should be taken care of in case of urinary tract infection?
Stay away from products made from sugar: During urinary tract infection, one should avoid the consumption of any sweet thing made of sugar, from sweets and other such sweets which contain sugar syrup Sweet things should not be consumed Especially the things in which sugar has been used in the production By eating sugar, the bacteria of urinary tract infection grow very rapidly. In such a situation, you should not consume cakes, biscuits, cold drinks, etc. The patient should be fed sweets only from fruits.
Stay away from chilli spices: If you have a urinary tract infection, you should stay away from spicy chilli spices, as these can increase pain and burning in the body and while urinating
Stay away from chutney pickles: During this infection, the patient should avoid taking spicy chutney, raw mango, sour, green chutney, sweet chutney with jaggery, it can increase the infection
Stay away from coffee and tea: Do not consume coffee and tea at all. Caffeine is found in coffee, which can cause discomfort, itching, etc in the bladder, it can also cause severe pain At the same time, it can also increase blood pressure
Do not consume alcohol: Alcohol and other intoxicants should not be consumed in case of infection, because due to this, the infected area can become numb or there may be swelling