3 October - 16 November 2012
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
Grade 6 Unit of Inquiry Overview Central Idea: The application of elements and principles determines the success of an artistic composition. Enduring Understandings
PYP Attitudes
What do we want students to remember for a lifetime? What attitudes do we want students to demonstrate?
We can all be artists
Lines of Inquiry What is the focus of our inquiry?
The elements and and principles of various art forms The relationship between the creation of, and response to, artistic composition
Confidence - be confident in their ability to express themselves creatively and for a purpose in a range of different ways-not tried previously Enthusiasm - show enthusiasm for the creative process by applying effort in order to achieve the best possible outcome and experimenting with a range of different art forms and techniques
Learner Profile Attributes
What makes a successful artistic composition? What attributes do we want students to exemplify? Risk-takers - be prepared to try new ideas that may or may not prove as successful as planned
Teacher Questions
What is a 驶good始 artistic composition? Can everyone be an artist?
Knowledgeable - through exposure to a variety of art forms, increase their knowledge about the elements and principles and how they are applied
Related Concepts
Key Concepts Form - understanding the various elements and principles of design
Appreciation - understanding and celebrating all forms of art, appreciating personal creations
Perspective - recognizing there are many ways to interpret art forms and many reasons why perspectives differ
Aesthetics - appreciating the joy and beauty of various forms of art
Reflection - knowing and articulating what makes a successful artistic composition 1
Skills What transdisciplinary skills will students acquire and practise during this unit?
Success Criteria for this Unit of Inquiry
Communication Viewing - responding to a range of visual images by identifying purpose, audience, elements and principles of design Presenting - presenting artwork in informal settings to a variety of audiences for constructive feedback; transfer new learning across a range of presentation forms
Students will understand: How the application of elements and principles determines the success of an artistic composition Students will know: Subject specific vocabulary The elements and principles of various forms of art
Research Collecting Data - collecting data from a range of sources relevant to an independent investigation into one form of art Thinking Analysis - using subject specific vocabulary critically analyze various pieces of art in accordance with the elements and principles of that art form
Vocabulary elements principles composition design aesthetics appreciation artistic portfolio
gallery analysis perspective respond confidence enthusiasm risk-taker application
How is mathematics connected to the unit? Analyze, describe, classify and visualize 2D and 3D shapes using geometric vocabulary Apply understanding of geometric vocabulary when describing shape and space in mathematical situations and beyond
How is literacy connected to the unit? Recognize and use the elements and principles of the language arts Read novels, picture books and articles to appreciate the authorsʻ purpose and use of language Determine how authors use words to ʻpaint picturesʼ Select useful reference material to conduct research Identify relevant, reliable and useful information and decide how to use it
How can parents help at home? • To deepen your childʼs understanding of the central idea, visit local art galleries with your child and discuss the exhibits (including how they are displayed) and why they are/arenʼt successful • To help your child appreciate the arts, expose him/her to a variety of art forms from dance, music, interior design, fashion design, magazine layouts, photography etc • Discuss the value of the arts • Be creative! Involve the entire family in a creative and fun art project: a family rap, a movie trailer from your last vacation, a family portrait, designing a family crest, learning a traditional song or dance.... • Encourage your child to take risks, try new things, respond to your own creation using subject specific terminology • Share different styles of music