Organizers: S. Biagetti, F. Lugli
Wednesday - room 'Aula Convegni' 9.30 10.15 10.30 10.50
registration (registration desk will be open during all days of the conference) title tba - E. Janulardo (Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Roma) Welcome address - S. Biagetti and F. Lugli Multiple Approaches to the Study of Ancient Farming - N. Kardulias (College of Wooster, Ohio)
11.10 Precolumbian granaries and modern barns in the heart of the Bolivian highlands regions of Uyuni and Coipasa - P. Lecoq (Université Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne) 11.30 coffee break 12.00 Ethnoarcheology and Multi-Agents Systems: experimental synthesis for a future - A. GarcíaPiquer*, R. Carracedo, J. Olives, A. Vila-Mitjà, J. Estévez (*AGREST Research group- UAB & CSIC) 12.20 Etnoarchaeology of mudbrick architecture in the globalised Mediterranean context - M. Lorenzon (University of Edinburgh) 12.40 Marketing Ethnoarchaeological Insights - J. Casey (University of South Carolina) 13.00 lunch - to be served in the adjoining room 14.00 A Net against the Loss of Memory: Fishing Nets Manufacturing and Repairing - J. De GrossiMazzorin*, C. Giardino, C. Merkouri, T. Zappatore (*Universita' del Salento, Lecce) 14.20 What should I bring with me to Europe? Belongings found in the boats of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Africa - L. Pisoni (Independent researcher) 14.40 Chasing tales: A social archaeology of Torres Strait ceremony - D. Wright (Australian National University, Canberra) 15.00 Ethnoarchaeology, landscape policy and cultural heritage management: a case study from the western Alps - F. Carrer (University of York) 15.20 coffee break 15.40 Ethnoarchéologie de l’habitat dans la Falémé (Sénégal) : une recherche à caractère urgent - T. Pelmoine (Université de Genève) 16.00 Synthetic Aperture Radar in P band: an innovative remote sensing technique to improve the study of the Moche Canal Taymi and its canalization system - M.R. Santovito*, G. Alberti, I. Catapano, G. Fornaro, R. Lanari, F. Soldovieri, M. Pannaccione Apa (*CO.RI.S.T.A., Naples)
16.20 Integrating Transhumance narratives, paleobotany and remote sensing data from Southern Pirin mountain, Bulgaria - P. Zidarov, M. Grębska-Kulow, E. Marinova (New Bulgarian University, Sofia) 16.40 Integrating ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and archaeometry towards understanding past behaviours and technologies. Case study: the briquetage technique in the Eastern Romanian Chalcolithic - F.A. Tencariu, M. Alexianu, V. Vasilache (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași) 17.00 discussion and late remarks Thursday - room 'Aula Convegni' 9.30 registration (registration desk will be open during all days of the conference) 10.00 Megalithism in Ethiopia: a comprehensive ethnoarchaeological approach? - A. Gallay (Université de Genève) 10.20 People, places, techniques: Bridging the gap between the past and the present - A. LivingstoneSmith (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren) 10.40 Curing humans and animals with wood tar: an ethno-archaeological research in the High Atlas - S. Burri*, A. Durand (*CNRS-University of Aix Marseille) 11.00 coffee break 11.20 Identifying ovicaprine stabling floors in ethnographic pastoral camp sites through microstratigraphic analysis - N. Égüez*, C. Mallol, C. Makarewicz¹ (*Christian-AlbrechtsUniversity, Kiel) 11.40 Burning Resources: Traditional Fuel Use On The Mongolian Steppe - W. Linder*, L. Broderick, J.-L. Houle (*Western Kentucky University) 12.00 Déplacements saisonniers des éleveurs nomades de Mongolie, indicateurs de la fréquentation des sites archéologiques de l'âge du Bronze - J. Magail (Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco) 12.20 Ethnoarchaeological challenges in Mongolian and Sigerian steppes - F. Lugli (Italian Society for Ethnoarchaeology, Rome) 12.40 lunch - to be served in the adjoining room 14.00 Studying disappearing patterns in Bedouin Campsites at Wadi Faynan, Jordan - D. Vos*, E. Jenkins, C. Palmer, H. Smith (*Bournemouth University) 14.20 Ethnoarchaeological research in the archeology of the north of Western Siberia - A.V. Novikov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) 14.40 Moving Beyond Discard to the Mapping of Participants: A New Approach to Interpreting Artifact Spatial Patterning - M. O’Brien* and T. Surovell (*California State University, Chico) 15.00 Multimedia language documentation archives: creating interdisciplinary windows to the past - N. Kruspe, N. Burenhult (Lund University) 15.30 coffee break 15.50 Time as the fourth dimension: bridging gaps between disciplines and distant events - G. Wollentz*, A. Ribeiro (*Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel) 16.10 A question of numbers: quantitative ethnoarchaeology - C. Lancelotti*, D. Zurro, J. Caro, J. RuizPerez, J. Alcaina-Mateos (*CaSEs, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) 16.30 Manure, ethnoarchaeology and agronomic "elementargedanken" - G. Forni*, L. Mariani (*Lombardy Museum of Agricultural History, Milan) 16.50 discussion and late remarks
Friday - room 'Aula Convegni' 9.30 registration (registration desk will be open during all days of the conference) 10.00 Residue analysis and ethnoarchaeology of food production - A. Pecci (ERAAUB, Universitat de Barcelona) 10.20 Historicizing analogy in archaeology - J. Cunningham (University of Lethbridge, Alberta) 10.40 Ethnoarchaeology in arid lands: insights and perpectives from the Sahara - S. Biagetti (CaSEs, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) 11.00 Going forward: the value of ethnoarchaeological research in a globalized world - D. Lyons (University of Calgary, Alberta) 11.20 coffee break 11.40 L’ethnoarchéologie face aux défis de la mondialisation : quelques pistes de réflexion issues de recherches menées au Mali et au Sénégal - A. Mayor*, N. Cantin (*Université de Genève) 12.00 European ethnoarchaeologies in the history of archaeological thought - A. Marciniak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan) 12.20 Ethnoarchaeology as a record of traditional knowledge - D. Zurro*,L. Vietri, J. Caro, C. Lancelotti (*CaSEs. IMF-CSIC, Barcelona) 12.40 Palaeoethnology and Ethnoarchaeology: full integration as a new perspective - A. Cazzella (Sapienza University of Rome) posters (posters will be displayed during all days of the conference) Adapting or dying: The survival of potter’s work in the postmodern Spain of the XXI Century - J.J. Padilla fernandez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Mobile Pastoralism across the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan: New and Old Practices - B. Cerasetti, R. Arciero, L. Forni ( University of Bologna) Earth Observation in inaccessible and remote archaeological landscapes - F. Conesa*, S. Merlo, S. Biagetti (*CaSEs. IMF-CSIC, Barcelona) Romania’s salt springs: local economic uplifting through heritage branding - S. Caliniuc, R.G. Curcă, G. Romanescu, Andrei Asăndulesei (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași) The cultural anthropology of salt in the rural world of Eastern Romania. Interpreting symbolic valences identified in Christian holydays and rituals of passage – M.. Asandulesei (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași) Same people, same places, intersected lifeways: another research field for ethnoarchaeology - M. Alexianu (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași) Sustainability and Ethnoarchaeology - V. Eleuteri (Eulabor Institute, Arezzo), F. Lugli (Italian Society for Ethnoarchaeology, Rome)