Democracy lives here
You have just arrived at Lapa! Welcome to the most democratic spot in Rio de Janeiro! This publication will present to you a specific approach in regards to the center of Rio de Janeiro, using Lapa, a historical and bohemian neighborhood of the city with a fantastic and diverse culture, as the starting point. The neighborhood has extended itself, focusing on its surroundings. Tiradentes, Cinelandia, e Gamboa are more than a reference when the subject deals with leisure. Lapa, which is majestically symbolized by its arches, is our cover story. The Carioca Aqueduct (original name The Arches), post card and meeting point for all the tribes, is reborn. The streets are closed to traffic on the weekends, and everybody approved of the town hall's initiative. Security has been reinforced. Who introduces the Profile column is the sambista Diogo Nogeira, who at one time dreamt of becoming a soccer player and like other great talents began in Lapa. Close by, at Cinelandia, imposing, with mare than a 100 years of history to tell, the Municipal Theater received as a present a complete structural recuperation , made possible by the film maker Carla Camurati, president of the house. The graffiti artist Acme was another personage to leave his mark here, as one of the artists who participated in the formation of the Praya Cardeal Camara panel that added even more charm to Lapa. You'll be an insider, right here at Revista na Lapa (Lapa Magazine) And it doesn't stop there. We have walked everywhere and noted every1hing to keep you tuned in including the best hot spots, with suggestions for all tastes and map for you to visualize the best that the center of Rio has to offer. We are together and mixed. We are in Lapa l
Voce acaba de chegar Na Lapa! Seja bem-vindo ao lugar mais democratico do Rio de Janeiro! Esta publicayao vem apresentar a voce uma abordagem especifica do Centro do Rio, tendo como ponto de partida a Lapa , bairro historico e boemio da cidade e palco de uma fantastica diversidade cultural. Ela estendeu seus tentaculos para 0 entorno. Santa Teresa , Praya Tiradentes, Cinelandia , e Gamboa ja sao mais do que referencias quando 0 assunto lazer. A Lapa , magistralmente simbolizada pelos seus Arcos, e nossa materia de capa. o Aqueduto Carioca (nome original dos Arcos), cartao postal e "point" de todas as tribos , renasce. As ruas sao fechadas ao tr<ifego de veiculos nos fins de semana , e todo mundo aprovou a iniciativa da prefeitura. A seguranya foi reforyada. Quem estreia a coluna Perfil e 0 sambista Diogo Nogueira, que um dia sonhou ser jogador de futebol e, como outros grandes talentos, tambem comeyou na Lapa . Ali, bem pertinho, na Cinelandia , imponente, do alto dos seus mais de 100 anos de historia para contar, 0 Theatro Municipal ganhou de presente uma completa recuperayao estrutural, sob 0 comando da cineasta Carla Camurati , presidente da casa. o grafiteiro Acme deixou seu "tag" por aqui. Ele foi um dos artistas que participaram da confecyao do painel da Praya Cardeal Camara. Um charme a mais para a Lapa. Voce fica par dentro de tudo isso, aqui na Revista Na Lapa . E neo para por ai. Andamos e tomamos nota de tudo para deixar voce bem antenado. As melhores casas, com sugestoes de programas para todos os gostos, e ate um mapa para voce visualizar 0 que ha de melhor no Centro do Rio. Estamos juntos e misturados. Estamos Na Lapa!
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Vida Na Lapa A
Na Capa LAPA, A L APA,
Gente Na Lapa A
Na Boa N 6s
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A RUA E NOSSA! The Street is ours! que ja era bom ficou ainda melhor. Agora , as ruas da Lapa ficam fechadas ao trMego de veiculos e sao tomadas pelo publico. A ocupa~ao das cal~adas por bares e restaurantes, que ja foi motivo de briga entre os comerciantes e a prefeitura, agora e permitida, desde que 0 estabelecimento deixe no minimo um metro de passagem para os pedestres. A interdi~ao, que come~ou em julho, vale para sextas e sabados, das 22h as 5h, e faz parte do projeto Lapa Legal , da prefeitura do Rio. Para 0 prefeito, Eduardo Paes, a iniciativa consolida a democracia do lugar. "A Lapa mais do que 0 reduto da boemia, mais do que uma importante area hist6rica do Rio Antigo. Eo na verdade, a sintese da alma carioca. A interdi~ao das principais ruas da Lapa ao trans ito nas noites de sextas e sabados, ampliou essa voca~ao festiva do bairro, que se consolida como urn dos mais democraticos pontcs de encontro de nossa cidade", afirmou 0 prefeito. o subprefeito do Centro Hist6rico do Rio, Thiago Barcellos, disse que 0 objetivo criar uma area onde 0
What was already good has gotten even better. Now the streets in Lapa have been closed to vehicular traffic and taken over by the people. The occupation of sidewalks by bars and restaurants which initially caused a fight between merchants and the city government is now
permitted as long as the establishment allows a minimum of one meter for pedestrians. The decree, which was passed in July, is valid for Friday and Saturday nights between 10 pm and 5 am and is part of the Mayor's Office's "Legal Lapa" program. For Mayor Eduardo Paes, the initiative consolidates democracy in the neighborhood. "Lapa is more than a place of bohemia. more than an important historical area in old Rio. It is really a synthesis of the Carioca soul. The closing off of the main streets in Lapa during Friday and Saturday nights increases the festive nature of the neighborhood which has consolidated itself as one of the most democratic meeting points in our City," he says. The Deputy Mayor for Rio's historic center, Thiago Barcellos, says that the objective is to create an area
publico aproveite melhor e com mais seguran,a as belezas historicas e, ao mesmo tempo, gerar facilidades para que novos empreendedores invistam na Lapa . o tenente-coronel Xavier, comandante do batalhao da PM responsavel pela area, disse que, nos fins de semana , pelo menos 15 viaturas fazem 0 patnulhamento da regiao e que as ocorrencias vem diminuindo. "0 roubo de rua , delito que era comum no Centro, ja apresenta queda significativa. Ali, na Lapa e no entorno, com 0 refor,o do policiamento, conseguimos reduzir as ocorrencias quase a metade," afirmou 0 comandante . Para atender a nova demanda, a prefeitura aumentou 0 numero de banheiros quimicos e 0 efetivo da guarda municipal nas ruas da Lapa. Foram ainda criadas mais de 600 novas vagas de estacionamento noturno para receber 0 crescente publico. o ir e vir de gente bonita pelas vias acontece na Avenida Mem de Sa, no trecho entre as avenidas Gomes Freire e Republica do Paraguai ; na Rua Riachuelo, entre a Rua do Lavradio e a Mem de Sa; e na Rua dos Arcos, entre a via de liga,ao que passa sob os Arcos da Lapa , em dire,ao as ruas Evaristo da Veiga e do Lavradio.
" Na Lapa e
where the public can enjoy themselves with better security, where they can enjoy the historic attractions while generating a climate that stimulates investment by new entrepreneurs in the neighborhood. Lieutenant-Colonel Xavier, commander of the Military Police battalion responsible for the area says that during weekends at least 15 squad cars patrol the area and that incidents are becoming less frequent. "Petty theft, which used to be common in the downtown areas, has seen a significant decline," he says. "in Lapa and the surrounding area we have cut crime nearly in half. due to increased patrolling." In order to meet the new demand, the Mayor has increased the number of portable toilets and activated the municipal guard on the streets of Lapa . 600 new parking spaces were created to receive the growing public. The coming and going of beautiful people happens on Avenida Mem de Sa between Gomes Freire and Republica do Paraguai Avenues; on Rua Riachuelo between Rua do Lavradio and Avenida Mem de Sa, and on the Rua dos Arcos. on the stretch that passes under the Arches of Lapa in the direction of Evaristo da Veiga and Lavradio streets.
no entorno, com 0 refon;;o do policiamento, conseguimos reduzir " . " as ocorrenclas.
"In Lapa and the surrounding area we have cut crime nearly in half, due to increased patrolling."
Jocasta Cristina, 22 anos, estudante de geologia : "Eu acho que melhorou bastante depois que colocaram as viaturas, principa lmente as pr6ximas aos arcos . Diminuiu a quantidade de pivetes tentando roubar. Mas ainda pode melhorar:' Jocasta Cristina , 22, geology studen t: "I think that the violence has gone down a lot sin ce they put up police cabins, especially near the arches. The numbe r of crooks has gone down. But things could still be improved:'
, F. mIU trIIIIIho com ~ao e honestidade poUCOI YOU conquIItando 0 meu espa~.,
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1do my JOb w h ded cation and honesty and little by
nit> I earn my own space."
Samba eMPH
Samba is Brazilian Popular Music.
a cara do Rio, recebeu premio da MTV e ja sonhou sangue: 0 sambista , cantor e NOQUElira, filho do saudoso Joao me,srr,o palcos, com sua voz, ginga
I)rilhelrnoil~teboll;-Nlasiirr o
~:~~,!~~~~;~j!~~~e~c~Oln~;aqra(IO 0 artista tamblim d:, sua escola de cora,ao. 11a1AY<1",~;eu{91'G9.iFG¡D~iD, "Sou Eu", Diogo , entre outros
tannbE!jn iniciou carreira na Lapa. "A i importantes do Rio, reduto L._~!!J!~~!.Jlll!!l~!!l.!~~'0 pra todos os estilos, 0 que Ii bem bacana. A revitaliza,ao da Lapa e essencial. Incentiva novos talentos (muitos come,am se apresentando por la) e atrai os turistas, 0 que e muito bom pra cidade", ressaltou Diogo, citando 0 Beco do Rato, casa que reline jovens compositores em animadas rodas de samba . Perguntado se ser filho de Joao Nogueira era motivo de cobran,a dobrada , Diogo diz que 0 importante Ii trabalhar, e fala do orgulho que sente do pai. Ser filho de uma pessoa tao maravilhosa Ii orgulho e privilligio . Acobran,a as vezes e maior sim , mas procuro nao me preocupar com isso. Fa,o meu trabalho com dedica,ao e honestidade e aos poucos vou conquistando 0 meu espa,o."
He is a synonym of Rio, has gotten an MTV award and has dreamed of shining as a successful soccer player. However, as it runs in the blood , the samba singer and composer Diogo Nogueira, son of the late Joao Nogueira, shines on stage with his unique voice, swing and smile. The successful singer also writes samba songs for Portela, his best-loved samba school. Launching their third DVD , Diogo, among other great talents, has also started his career in Lapa. "Lapa is one of the most important symbols in Rio, the cradle of the samba which also welcomes all different styles and that is really great. The revitalizing of Lapa is essential; the place encourages new talents (many start their careers there) and it is also a tourist attraction which is profitable to the city", highlighted Diogo, referring to Beco do Rato where young composers get together to play samba. Questioned if he has double responsibility for being Joao Nogueira's son , Diogo emphasizes that working hard is important and how proud he is of his father: "Being the son of such wonderful person is a privilege and a good reason to be proud . The responsibility is sometimes high, but I try not to worry about that; I do my job with dedication and honesty and little by little I earn my own space."
artista recebeu 0 premio MPB da MTV 2010, e alguns questionaram se ele era sambista ou canto r de MPB. Na opiniao de Diogo Nogueira, "samba e Musica Popular Brasileira, e pronto!". Nas horas vagas ele curte mesmo a familia , mas futebol com amigos e praia tambem sao boas pedidas para 0 cantor. Um dia perfeito para ele: "com a minha familia ou cantando para 0 meu publico". A azul e branco de Madureira ja desfilou quatro vezes com composi90es suas , e ele finaliza : "Eo maravilhoso ajudare fazer parte da historia da minha querida Portela ."
ÂŤAlapa l! urn dos simbolos mais importantes do Rio, reduto do samba, mas tern espa~o pra todos as estilos, 0 que e bern bacana.Âť tlapa is one of the most Important symbols in Rio, the cradle of the samba which also welcomes all different styles and that is really greab
The artist has won the 2010 Brazilian Pop Music Award from MTV and some questioned if he was a samba or a pop music singer. In his opinion, '1he samba is Brazilian Popular Music and that is it!" In his spare time, he enjoys the company of his family; even though playing soccer with friends and going to the beach are also good options for the singer who has defined a perfect day as "being with my family or singing for my audience". The blue and white-colored school from Madureira (the neighborhood in Rio where Portela is) has paraded four times dancing with his songs and he concludes: "It is wonderful to help and to be part of the history of my beloved samba school Portela."
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THEATRO UNICIPAL Novinho elll f:olha aos 100 anos Municipal Theater completely reformed for its 100th aniversary o dia 27 de maio de 2010 puderam ser vistos na Cinelandia, centro do Rio, um verde e um dourado diferentes na fachada do Theatro Municipal. Quem conhecia, nao se lembrava mais. Quem viu pela primeira vez, se encantou. Foram R$ 75 milh6es em investimentos, tendo como maiores patronos 0 BNDES, a Eletrobras, a Petrobras e a TV Globo; e muito trabalho.
On the 27 of May, 20 10, there could be seen a different green and gold facade at the Municipal Theater at Cinelandia. Who knew about it before didn't remember. Those who saw for the first time were impressed. It was a R$75 million investment, whose main sponsors were BNDES, Eletrobnls, Petrobras and TV Globo; with lots of work going into the project
The Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro got as a present for its centenn ial birthday a complete structural reformation, overseen by the film maker, Carla Camurati, president of the house since 2007. She embraced the challenge to resurrect the landmark and confesses that she had doubts in accepting the invitation to direct the
Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro ganhou de presente, no seu centenario, uma completa reforma estrutural, sob 0 comando da cineasta Carla Camurati, presidente da casa desde 2007. Ela abra<;:ou 0 desafio de restaurar 0 patrimonio carioca e confessa que teve duvidas em aceitar 0 convite para dirigir a institui<;:1io. "Meu primeiro
sentimento foi de duvida entre aceitar ou nao 0 convite. Eu sabia que teria de mudar a minha vida inteira, porque tambem sabia que teria de me dedicar completamente ao Theatro. Eu tinha n09ao do estado em que ele se encontrava", afinmou Camurati. Segundo ela, desde a primeira visita ao local logo percebeu a necessidade de uma intervenc;iio.
institute. "My first doubt was accepting whether or not to accept the invitation. I knew I would have to change my life completely because I knew I would have to completely direct my life to the Theater. I had a notion of the state it was in", Camurati affirmed. According to her, since the first visit to the location , she quickly perceived the necessity of an intervention.
As obras atrasaram um pouco, e sua reabertura nao pode ser em 2009, ano do centeno3rio, mas valeu pena. Sao mais de 100 anos de "tragedia , comedia, musica , poesia e dan9a", palavras que ficam bem 103 no alto do imponente Municipal, e traduzem a magia do lugar que jo3 foi palco de inumeros e belissimos espeto3culos. Ainda este ano, estao na agenda os paineis "Guerra e Paz", de Portinari , 0 "Bale da China" e "O Quebra Nozes", s6 para citar alguns. Sem falar nas apresenta90es do projeto "Domingo no Municipal", com ingressos a R$ 1.
The renovations were behind schedule, and the reopening could not have been in 2009, which was the year of its centennial, but it was worth it. It's more than a 100 years of tragedy, comedy, music , poetry and dance", words that remain high up within the imposing Municipality, which transposes the magic of the place which has been a stage to numerous and extravagant spectacles. This year "War and Peace" by Portinar, the "Chinese Ballet" and the "Nutcracker" are on the agenda to cite a few. This is apart from the presentations of "Sunday at the Municipality", with tickets for R$1.
Para conferir a programa9ao com pi eta basta acessar www.theatromunicipal. rj
To see the complete listing, you just need to access
a "Mae, nao. Eu diria amante". Esta foi a res posta dada pel a presidente da Funda9ao Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, a cineasta Carla Camurati , quando perguntada pel a Revista Na Lapa como foi ver 0 teatro renascer; se ela achava-se meio mae dele depois da reforma . Responsavel pelo filme que marcou a retomada da produ9ao cinematografica nacional , "Carlota Joaquina", de 1995, a cineasta comandou de perto as obras que reacenderam detalhes riquissimos da bela arquitetura do monumento no Centro do Rio. Um presente para 0 centeno3rio Theatro Municipal e para a Cidade Maravilhosa .
Camu.ati "Mother, no . I would say lover". This was the response given by the president of the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theater Foundation, film maker Carla Camurati, when asked by Revista Na Lapa (Lapa Magazine) when asked about what it was like to see the restructuring of the theater, when asked if she felt sort of like a mother to it after the reformation. Responsible for the film that marked the return of national cinema, 1995's "Carlota Joaquina", the film maker closely overlooked the project which revived the rich details of the beautiful architectural monument located in the center of Rio. A present for the centennial birthday of the Municipal Theater and the Cidade Maravilhosa (Marvelous City).
Lapa - Democracy â&#x20AC;˘ lives here!
efinida pelo produtor cultural Perfeito Fortuna como uma "Babel ao contn!lrio" , a Lapa e 0 bairro mais boemio e mais democr<itico do Rio. Tem atra ~6es para diferentes gostos, ritmos e pre~os. Nao importa a lingua , a origem ou a roupa que se ve ste. Sempre ha um cantinho com que se identificar, pois a democracia vive na Lapa. E notorio que foi 0 samba quem reinaugurou essa nova fase do lugar. Mas tem funk, hip-hop, forro , afro, jazz, rock, pop , reagge , etc. Tudo junto, tudo num so lugar. E clinica geral. As tribos sao diferentes , mas todos se entendem e dividem , sem problemas, os espa~os . A Lapa e referencia. Vir ao Rio e nao conhecer a Lapa e abrir mao de uma experiencia cultural unica . A noite , 0 mesclado de rostos, tons, estilos e sons encanta .
Defined by the cultural producer Perfeito Fortuna as an "inverse Babel", Lapa is the most bohemian and democratic neighborhood in Rio. There are attractions for all sorts of tastes rhythms and prices. Regardless of the language spoken, of where one comes from or what clothes one wears, there is always the right spot to identify with , after all democracy lives in Lapa. It is widely known that the samba has reestablished this new phase. However, there is also funk, hip-hop, forro (Northeastern Brazilian dance), afro music, jazz, pop, reggae, and so on. All in the same place. Different tribes share the same space with no conflicts whatsoever. Lapa is a reference pOint. Visiting Rio and not going to Lapa is leaving off a unique cultural experience behind . At night, the mixing of faces, tones, styles and sounds fascinates everyone.
Mas nao foi sempre assim. A Lapa do Rio antigo, esquecida , passou por maus peda~os . A boemia deu lugar a becos e ruas frequentados tao so mente por amaveis saudosistas. Andar na Lapa it noite era uma aventura para poucos corajosos. Na decada de 50, a Lapa era um dos principais pontos de referencia da vida noturna da cidade. 0 local, com seus cabares e restaurantes, era considerado a "Montmartre Carioca", frequentada pela fina flor dos artistas , intelectuais , politicos e diplomatas. Para voltar a brilhar, foi preciso uma revolu~ao , com atitude do poder publico e investimentos dos proprietarios de estabelecimentos do local. Neste movimento chegaram os artistas , novos e bons artistas, e com eles um publico cada vez mais exigente . Era hora de mudar. E isso se deu gra~as it combina~ao de boa musica e bons cariocas.
However, it has not always been this way. Lapa in old Rio had been forgotten and gone through hard times. The bohemian life gave way to dead-end alleys and streets attended only by pleasant nostalgic regulars. Walking around Lapa at night was a dangerous adventure taken only by a few. In the 1950's, Lapa was one of the major references in the nightlife of Rio. The place with its cabarets and restaurants was considered as the "Montmartre Carioca" (from Rio), visited by the finest artists, intellectuals, politicians and diplomats. And it becomes resplendent again . A revolution was made necessary along with government power and investments made by the owners of local businesses. At that moment, new, talented artists were attracted and, therefore, a more and more demanding public followed. It was time to change, and it has become a reality thanks to the combination of good music and supporting locals.
Vir ao Rio e nao conhecer a Lapa, e abrir mao de uma melhor compreensao do que e ser carioca e de uma experiencia cultural (mica no Rio de Janeiro.
If you go to Rio without visiting Lapa you will miss a chance to truly
understand what it means to be a Carioca as well as a unique cultural experience in Rio de Janeiro.
Hoje tem gente de tad a canto, do Brasil e do mundo, que Iota as noites da Lapa , a area mais democratica do Centro do Rio, onde a diversidade cultural e social e 0 ponto alto. A lei proibiu 0 cigarro em locais fechados , mas alguns bares se estendem pelas cal<;adas e os fumantes agradecem. Veio a Lei Seca, mas h8 taxistas de sobra pelas ruas e todos agradecem. Tambem ha as hospedarias, se nao da pra ir pra casa, lugar pra passar a noite e 0 que nao falta. Ese voce encontrou seu par, ai fica perfeito.
Today, people from all over Brazil and from around the world pack inlo Lapa, the most democratic area in downtown Rio where the cultural and the social diversity has become the highlight. Smoking has been prohibited in closed areas, but some bars get extended outside onlo the sidewalks and the smokers are grateful about Ihat. Because of the new law on alcohol prohibition (against drinking and driving), there are plenty of cabs available and again everyone is graleful. There are also inns in case you do not want to go home, a wide range of places to spend the night, and better yet if you have met your perfect match.
Mas onde come<;a a Lapa? Uns dizem que e na Pra<;a Tiradentes, outros na Rua do Lavradio. Ou seria na Mem de Sa? A Rua Riachu elo e historica ... Isso nao importa. 0 fato e que hoje, lugar para ver e ser visto e na Lapa .
But where does Lapa start? Some say it starts in Pra<;a Tiradentes, others say on Rua do Lavradio. Or will it be on Mem de Sa? Rua Riachuelo is historicaL .. However, it does not matter; most importantly Lapa is the place to see and to be seen today.
As sextas-feiras todo metro
quadrado e do publico que toma as ruas, se apossa e abra"a a democracia que vive ali.
On Fridays every square meter
belong to the public, who fill the streets and embrace the
democracy that exists here.
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I Par ali ... There ... I 1) Giovana Xavier, historiadora, 31
anos. Sai da GI6ria para aproveitar as noites na Lapa . 2) Leo Mucuri , musico baiano que veio "descobrir" 0 Rio. Ja tocou com Jorge Ben Jor e atualmente toea na Lapa. 3) 0 espanhol Alexander Yanci , 18 anos, retorna para a Europa em 2011 . Enquanto isso: Lapa! 4) Ela quer ser medica e mora em Niter6i. Luciana Maia, 18 anos, disse que ama a Lapa. 5) Cesar Fraga, comerciante, 48 anos . Cerveja na R. Joaquim Silva, 6' noite para relaxar. 6) 0 modelo Anderson Serafim tem 21 anos. Quer va-Io? Noites de 6' na Febarj . 7) Pilar Rop, do Uruguai para a noite da Lapa .
1) Giovana Xavier, historian, 31 years old. Leaves Gloria to enjoy nights at Lapa. 2) Leo Mucuri Bahian musician, who came to "discover" Rio, has played with Jorge Ben Jar and currently plays at Lapa. 3)The Spaniard Yanci Alexander, 18 years old, will go back to Europe in 2011. Meanwhile it's all about Lapa! 4) She wants to be a doctor and lives in Niter6i. Luciana Maia, 18, says she loves Lapa. 5) Cesar Fraga, merchant, 48 years old. Drinks beer at Joaquim Silva on Friday nights to relax. 6) Model Anderson Seraphim is 21. Wantto meet him? Friday nights at Febarj. 7) Pilar Rap, from Uruguay to the Lapa night.
Graffiti na Lapa Boemia emalandragem
Graffiti in Lapa
Bohemia and the Urban Counterculture
o RG , seu nome e Carlos Esquivel Gomes da Silva. Na arte, seu tag e Acme. Um dos grandes nomes do graffiti brasileiro, Acme, 32 anos, morador da Comunidade Pavao-Pavaozinho, na zona sui do Rio, foi um dos artistas que assinaram 0 painel que deu um charme a mais a Pra9a Cardeal Camara, na Lapa . Um corredor de luz e um trato na jardinagem, com rosas-dos-ventos feitas em pedras portuguesas, completam 0 novo visual. presente foi dado pela cerveja ria Antarctica, que adotou a pra9a localizada no ber90 da boemia carioca, provando que boa cerveja e samba formam um par perfeito. autor da famosa charge sobre 0 mensalao, na Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana , disse que gostou muito de ter participado do trabalho e destaca a diversidade do local. " A Lapa para mim sempre foi ponto de encontro , da confraterniza9ao dos povos e suas diversidades culturais, 0 nosso pelourinho. Valorizo muito 0 intercambio, a mistura das linguas e a desmistifica9ao da torre de babell",disse 0 artista. Acme come90u no graffiti em 1996, depois de sair da pixa9ao. "Migrei para poder continuar fazendo 0 que gosto; a interven9ao urbana , mexer com a rea9ao das pessoas", afirmou. Acme fez 0 jogador de sinuca, 0 ultimo personagem da esquerda do painel. "A gente trabalha tipo formigas-opera rias. Cad a um tem 0 seu personagem principal, mas tem a sua contribui9ao no cenario como um todo", afirmou. Quinze grafiteiros trabalharam na arte do paredao de 300 metros quad rados, pertinho dos Arcos. No pai nel , os simbolos da Lapa: boemia e malandragem .
On his 10 card his name is Carlos Esquivel Gomes da Silva. In the world of art, his tag name is Acme. Today he is one of the biggest names in Brazilian Graffiti. Acme , 32 , is a resident of the Pavao-Pavaozinho shantytown in Rio 's South Zone and is one of the artists who signed a mural that added charm to the Cardeal Camera Square in Lapa. A corridor of light and a new landscape, with roses made from Portuguese stone completes the new look. This present to the community was made by the Antarctica brewery, which adopted the square, located in the heart of Carioca bohemia, proving that good beer and samba make a perfect pair. The creator of the famous political work on Nossa Senhora de Copacapana Avenue said he enjoyed participating in this project and praises the diversity of the neighborhood . "For me, Lapa has always been a place to meet, mix with people from different backgrounds. I appreciate the exchanges that take place here, the mixture of languages and the demystification of the tower of Babel!" says the artist. Acme started in graffiti art in 1996 after starting off as a simple tagger. "I improved my style to continue doing what I like best: urban interventions and provoking reactions in people," he says. Acme painted the pool player, the last person on the left of the mural. "We worked like ants," he says, "each one of us has his main character but has contributed to the mural as a whole. " 15 graffiti artists worked on the 300 sq. meter piece near the arches. The mural is full of bohemian and countercultural symbols of Lapa.
.Quinze grafrteiros trabalharam na arte do paredao de 300 metros quad rados, pertinho dos Arcos .â&#x20AC;˘ .15 graffiti artists worked on the 300 sq. meier piece near the arches .â&#x20AC;˘
Dicas para voce curtir Tips for your enjoyment
Localizado na tradicional e tentadora esquina das ruas do Lavradio com
Restaurante Victor oferece urn bufe, com pratos que lembram aquela comidinha caseira, a pre90s imbatlveis. Na lanchonete, delfcias nipidas que saem quentin has a toda hora. Quando 0 gar,om chega a mesa, com aquela cerveja respeitosamente gelada, acompanhada da suculenta Picanha da Casa, temos a certeza de que para ser feliz nao e preciso gastar muito. Ah! 0 atendimento e impecavel. Victor Restaurant Located on the traditional and tempting corner of Lavradio and Riachuelo, Victor Restaurant offers a buffet with plates that remind you of Brazilian home cooking at unbeatable prices. In the snack bar delicious hot plates are quickly prepared at any time of day or night. When the waiter arrives at your table with that respectfully chilled beer accompanied by a succelent plate of top-sirloin (called Picanha) we are sure that you will not have to spend much to be happy. Ahthe service is also impeccable. Rua do Riachuelo, 32 - Loja A - Tel:(21 )2507-8059
mitsue cozinha
Culinaria oriental japonesa da melhor qualidade num ambiente charmoso e aconchegante. Esse e 0 Mitsue. No Centro do Rio e a poucos minutos da zona suI. De 2' a 6', das 11 h45 as 15h30, almo,o a quilo com inesqueciveis iguarias japonesas. Alem dos 10% de desconto no quilo a partir das 14h., tem happy hour toda 5' e 6', come,ando as 18h. Em um moderno espa,o para ate 250 pessoas, voce pode prom over seu evento. Mitsue e algo alem de surpreendente! Av. Beira-Mar, 406-A, Centro. Reservas: tel.: (21) 2220-2062 MITSUE, the dining experience that begins with your eyes! The highest quality Japanese cuisine in a comfortable and charming atmosphere. This is MITSUE. In the center of Rio and a few minutes from the South Zone. From Monday through Friday from 11 h45 to 15h30 there is a lunch buffet with unforgettable Japanese specialties. There is a 10% discount after 2pm and every Thursday and Friday happy hour starts at 6pm . It is a modern space for up to 250 people that is also available for groups and events. MITSUE is more than surprising . Av. Beira-Mar 406A, Centro . Reservations
DIOGO NOGUEIRA NO VIVO RIO Diogo Nogueira faz show de lan,amento do DVD "Sou Eu". Em clima de festa, 0 cantor dos belos olhos verdes recebe convidados no palco e reencontra 0 publico carioca, de po is de curta turne na Europa. Show para ninguem ficar parado, com apresenta<;oes de musicas ineditas e classicas da carreira do cantor, alem de regrava,oes. A Cia de Dan,a Carlinhos de Jesus e 0 casa l de mestre-sal a e porta-bandeira da Portela garantem urn espetaculo aparte.
Diogo Nogueira at Vivo Rio Diogo Nogueira will perform a show to launch his DVD "Sou Eu". In a festive spirit, the singer with the beautiful green eyes will receive guests on the stage and reunite with the Carioca public after his short European tour. It will be a show where nobody wi ll sit still with new songs, classics from his career and cover versions of famous older samba songs. The Carlinhos de Jesus dance company and the Hall Master and Flag Bearer from Portela Samba School will guarantee a sense of spectacle in the legendary hall where it all began. Av. Infante D. Henrique, 85 - Pq do Flamengo- Grupos:(21 )2272-2940
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No mes da Consciencia Negra, pelo quarto ano consecutivD, a cinematografia produzida par africanos e afrodescendentres ocupa lugar de destaque no calendario cultural do Rio. De 8 a 14 de novembro, a Encontro de Cinema NegroBrasil, Africa e Caribe, realizado par Z6zimo Bulbul e seu Centro Afro-Canoca de Cinema, volta a reunir em espa90s importantes da cidade, obras e cineastas da Africa, do Brasil e de outros paises da diaspora africana. Serao mostras de filmes, debates, seminarios e uma oficina itinerante de roteiro. A programac;:ao, voce confere no site
Encounter with Black Cinema For the fourth consecutive year during Black Consciousness Month films produced by Africans and members of the African Diaspora occupy a special place in Rio's cultural calendar. From November 8·14, the Encounter of Black Cinema - Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean held by Z6zimbo Bulbul and his Afro-Carioca Film Center returns to unite directors from Africa, Brazil and other countries of the Diaspora in important places throughout the city. There will be screenings, debates, seminars and a screenwriting workshop. The schedule can be found at
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BOAS PEDIDAS NO BEeO DO RATO Em urn charmoso cantinho da Rua Joaquim Silva, na Lapa , funciona desde 2005 a Beco do Rata, lugar de musica boa, personalidades, celVeja gelada e 6timos petiscos. No comando do balcao esta Marcia Pacheco, mineiro que incorporou como poucos 0 espfrito do carioca, oferecendo aDs seus clientes e amigos op¢es de lazer e gastronomia. a Beco ja foi palco para as gog6s de Luiz Melodia, Beth CalValho, Toninho Geraes, Serginho Meriti, entre muitos outros bambas. As segundas e terc;as tem uma roda de samba de tirar 0 f61ego e as quintas, 0 chorinho imperdivel. Samba and Chorinho, good options at the Beco do Rata Beco do Rata has operated on a charming corner of Rua Joaquim Silva in Lapa since 2005 with good music, local character.s, cold beer and excellent appetizers. Marcia Pacheco, a native of Minas Gerais state who has incorporated the spirit of the Carioca like few others, is the proprietor, offering his friends and clients options of leisure and gastronomy. Th e Beco has been the site of jam sessions led by people like Luiz Melodia, Beth CalValho, Toninho Geraes, Serginho Menti, among many other samba greats. On Mondays and Tuesdays there are excellent samba jazz sessions and on Thursdays there is unforgettable live Chorinho music.
Beco do Rata: Joaquim Silva 11 ,
PIZZA COM SABOR DE ROCK Quem acha que s6 de samba vive a Lapa , engana·se. No .,. Satisfaction, alem de uma deliciosa pizza fininha cam gosto de rock'n roll (32 op,6es!), de 4' a sabado tern shows de guitarra para todos as estilos: metal, classica, pop e alternativo. Tudo isso regado a varias celVejas nacionais e importadas. A entrada R$ 20 cuja metade do valor e convertida em bonus-bar para se deliciar com os inumeros drinks da casa. Show!
Satisfaction Rock Bar: Rock and Roll flavored Pizza People who think you can only fi nd Samba in Lapa are wrong. At Satisfaction, in addition to a delicious thin·crust pizza with 32 rock and roll flavors, from Wednesday to Saturday there are guitar based shows from all styles: Metal , Classic, Pop and Indie. All this washed down with a variety of Brazilian and imported beers. Cover is R$20, half of which is redeemable for drinks atthe bar. You can't miss it! Rua Riachuelo, 18, Lapa, tel.: 3970·1845.
EMBAIXADA CARIOCA Para quem gosta de botequim, 0 Vaca Atolada e tudo 0 que se quer: roda de samba , seresta, bossa nova, MPB, Beatles Mad Out, baile de tango, flash back e dan,a de salao. Muita variedade, sem muitas formalidades e com urn clima de amizade sempre presente. De dia, urn cardapio caseiro para a almo,o a partir das 11h, e se desejar, entrega em domicilio. Sao 3 ambientes que podem ser alugados para festas. Com variedades em bebidas e petiscos , la voce reencontra 0 saudosoternpo da carioquice. Vaca Atolada Bar: the Carioca Embassy The Vaca Atolada is everything one would want in a bar: samba jam sessions, Brazilian country, MPB, Beatles cover, Tango dancing, flashback and ballroom dancing. There is a lot of variety in an informal setting with a friendly vibe. During the daytime home style cooking is available with lunch starting at 11 am and deliveries available. There are three rooms which can be rented for parties. With a variety of drinks and appetizers, here you will reacquaint yourself with the spirit ofthe Carioca. Rua Gomes Freire, 533 - Lapa . Tel: 2221-0515/3476·3030
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