Co-Design Studio - Vondelparc Energy

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Vondelparc Energy Neutral 21 November 2013 Co-Design Studio Project Touchpoints Clients Hogeschool Utrecht Gemeente Utrecht Committee Vondelparc Energiepositief Project Members Jurgen Schouten Daan Nolte Marcel Pater Matthijs Huijben


Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

Contents 04 / Design Brief 06 / Research Desk Research Internet Research Assumption Map Target Group Characters Customer Journey Map Questionaire Interviews Data Analasis Insights 28 / Ideation Idea Generation Selecting Idea’s Rethinking Idea’s 34 / Concepts First Concept Second Concept Concept Choice Insights 42 / Final Concept Concept Description 52 / Test Plan 53 / Sources

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l


design brief


Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

Project Backg rou n d Produce more energy with concrete energy saving actions and energy-producing facilities then is used by the 250 households in the Vondelparc in 2020. That is the ambition of the Committee “Vondelparc energiepositief”. The committee consists of involved and enthusiastic residents of the Vondelparc: a residential area between the “Vondellaan” and the “Jutfaseweg”. The first big improvement was done last year by placing solar panels by 50% of the 36 single-family homes. On 3 apartment buildings (with in total 82 households) and the corresponding parking lot are 220 solar panels paced in September this year. These solar panels generate all the necessary energy for lighting and the electric roller shutter in the parking garage, the lamps on the galleries, halls, corridors and lifts. A big step in the good and durable direction. In the Vondelparc people do a lot to be aware of the environment and to be energy efficient. The residents get a smart meter in their meter cupboard whereby they save 10% more energy because they have insights in their energy usage. The client wants to bring this 10% to a higher level by adding something that achieves this goal. This can be a service or a product etcetera.

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l



V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l


Desk research In order to get more familiar with the subject we started our project by doing desk research. To do this we used a variety of techniques, such as assumption mapping, customer journey maps and characters. We also looked into current developments in the energy saving field, and into previous

energy saving projects in the Vondelparc. During this phase we collected a lot of relevant research that was already done on the subject. On this page you will see a lot important and useful quotes which helped us to get a better understanding on this topic.

I t i s p o s s i b l e t h at l o w/ m e d i u m e n e r gy c o n s u m e r s i n c r e a s e t h ei r u s a g e w h e n t h e y s ee t h a t t h e y a r e u s i n g l e s s t h a n t h e y could afford.


Ne w k n o w l e d g e a l o n e d o e s n o t c h a n g e b e h a v i o r .


I t i s p o s s i b l e t h at l o w/ m e d i u m e n e r gy c o n s u m e r s i n c r e a s e t h ei r u s a g e w h e n t h e y s ee t h a t t h e y a r e u s i n g l e s s t h a n t h e y could afford.



Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

T h e n ee d t o “ f ee l b e t t e r r i g h t n o w ” i s t h e s t r o n g e s t n ee d p e o p l e h a v e .


Re g u l a r f ee d b a c k o n e n e r g y u s a g e w o r k s b e t t e r t h e n m o n i t o r i n g e n e r g y u s a g e p e r s o n a l ly.


A f t e r g e t t i n g f ee d b a c k r e g u l a r l y n e w h a b i t s m a y f o r m , c a u s i n g b e h a v i o r t o c o n t i n u e a f t e r f ee d b a c k h a s s t o p p e d .


We used this knowledge to prepare for the user research we were planning to do. The following pages will cover all of the steps we took during this phase. Please note that this is not all in chronological order.

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l


Internet research Research on facts about energy usage of Dutch households proofs there is a growth of 80% in the energy price since the purchase of the houses in 2000. Here by it is important for these households to by economical with energy.


The most people are driven by social and economical reasons. They think this should be a collective item. The average energy usage in the Vondelparc is 34.43 GJ and 3313.29 kWh.

Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

This is in line with the average energy usage of a general household in the Netherlands. An analyze of the total energy usage in collective

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

spaces in the Vondelparc shows an usage of 117693 KWh a year. A average energy bill of a house for a family is â‚Ź160 a month.



Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

ASSU M P TION M A P Before we made a costumer journey, we also made two assumption maps. These maps contain some thoughts about the subject, energy saving. We looked at energy saving from different perspectives, how you can save energy, why you want to, why you don’t want to and how we can convince

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

people to save energy. This helped us to see what energy saving means for ourselves and what could be the experience in our user research. The map also helped to get more involved into the topic. Below the text you will see this assumption map.


Ta r g e t g r o u p Our target group are people who are aware of the environment and are busy with energy saving. These people are living in the residential “the Vondelparc“ close to the centre of Utrecht. In the previous chapter ‘desk research’ we explained that there were done several projects related to energy saving in the residential. The target group has the general knowledge of energy saving, but are not especially busy with it. Most of the families in The Vondelparc are consisting out of a couple and a child. They work usually from 9 am till 6 pm so they have a busy life.


They are living at the Vondelparc and are usually living with a partner and child so they have a family and they work every day from 9 till 6 so they have a busy life. We have summoned out 3 target groups which you can see at the chapter Characters, the characaters are: • Money saving character • Environment saving character • “I don’t care” character We made these 3 characters so we can understand our target group better, these characters are described in the folowing pages, this is in Dutch.

Co-D De esign Studio Touchpoints

Milieu bewust Beroep: Vrijwilliger bij Kringloop winkel Sociologie W o o n s i t u tat i e : Appartement


Wie be n ik?

Typisch ik? - Eigengemaakte bosbessen jam, zonder al die slechte toevoegingen! - Onder een wollen deken kruipen op de bank, en een goed boek lezen met een lekker kopje warme soep. -Op de buurkindjes passen, maar dan gaat wel alle elektronica uit! - Een half uur lang staan kletsen met de groenteboer.

Hallo! Ik ben Wendy. Ik ben al ruim 15 jaar druk bezig met milieubewust leven en dat zal ook nooit veranderen. Je kan altijd bij mij terecht voor lekkere verse groete uit mijn eigen moestuintje, of om gezellig een kopje thee te drinken. Ik help graag mensen om wat beter op het milieu te letten en praat hier ook graag over. Het is voor mij heel belangrijk om een mooie wereld achter te laten, dit is mij van jongs af aan geleerd. Biologisch voedsel is erg belangrijk voor mij, het leven van een dier vind ik even belangrijk als dat van een mens en moeten dus recht hebben op een goed leven. Hobby’s Ik hou er van om te tuinieren, gezellig socializen met de mensen in mijn buurt, een goed boek te lezen in de avond uurtjes, een lekker groete soepje maken voor mijzelf en de buren, nieuwe dingen knutselen van verbruikte materialen. Customer Journey

- Rommel van de straat oppakken en wegooien.

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

• Vroeg wakker, lekker ontbijten met biologisch brood en jam. Niet douchen, dat hoeft toch niet elke dag! • Na het eten lekker klussen en opruimen in het huis, niet vergeten om een boodschappen lijstje te maken. • Om 8 uur sta ik bij de groenteboer, lekker verse biologische etenswaren, dat wordt smullen! • Om 10 uur op de fiets naar de winkel. • Om 6 uur een lekker groentesoepje maken, heerlijk met een broodje erbij. • Na het eten eventjes tot rust komen met een goed boek. • Nog even de was buiten hangen en dan lekker in bed kruipen, het wordt alweer koud in huis!


Marieke Geld bewust



Lerares Economie

HBO Economie

W o o n s i t u tat i e :


Met partner in een appartement 32 Wie be n ik?

Typisch ik? - Geen fooi geven bij een restaurant.

- Als ik 5 cent laat vallen deze weer oppakken, al is het in een hele drukke winkelstraat.

- Altijd proberen af te dingen als ik iets koop

-Altijd kijken of iets kan maken voordat ik iets nieuws koop.

Hallo ik ben Marieke Klut. Ik ben nu sinds 8 jaar lerares bij de middelbare school ‘Q-college.’ Ik houd er altijd van om gestructureerd te leven en niet de kantjes ervan af te lopen. Dit doe ik dan ook met mijn energie rekening, ik probeer zo zuinig mogelijk te leven. Hiermee hou ik een lekker spaarcentje over. Dit gebruik ik om mooie boeken te kopen en dagjes uit te kunnen gaan met mijn man. Het is voor mij bijna een sport om elk jaar nog meer energie te besparen dan heet voorgaande jaar. Ik volg ook alle innovaties op het gebied van energie besparen. Hobby’s Een grote hobby van mij is boeken lezen, het maakt eigenlijk niet uit wat voor boek het is, als het maar lekker wegleest. Ik hou er ook van om samen lekker een stuk te wandelen in het bos, langs het strand of gewoon even een blokje om. Daarnaast speel ik graag akoestisch gitaar en luister graag muziek. Ook vind ik het leuk om met kinderen om te gaan en hen iets te leren. Customer Journey • Opstaan en de verwarming niet omhoog zetten • 3 minuten douchen • Ontbijten en op de Ipad de krant lezen • Met de auto naar het werk (rijd 1/20) • Verwarming op 19 graden zetten en een dikkere trui aantrekken • Alleen licht aan in de kamer waar ik in zit en de was doen met de wasmachine op Nuon nachtstroom • Een maaltijdsalade eten • Tv kijken (de tv heeft een A-label)


Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

Arthur Geen idee bewust



ICT service manager


W o o n s i t u tat i e :




Wie be n ik?

Typisch ik? - Wanneer ik thuis ben gaat als eerste mijn computer aan. - Zonder mijn internet server ben ik verloren. - Gamen is geen hobby maar een passie. - Het liefste laat ik alles aan staan zodat wanneer ik thuis ben, ik niets meer hoef te doen. -Ik ben eigenlijk niet bezig met energieverbruik. Ik vind het allemaal wel prima. -Waarom zou ik gaan bezuinigen? Ik leef nu en dan moet ik er wel van genieten en mijn ding kunnen doen.

Ik ben Arthur, ICT’er bij SNS Reaal. Daar zorg ik ervoor dat alles blijft draaien zoals het hoort. Als mensen mij vragen wat ik doe om energie te besparen moet ik eerst altijd even vragen wat je allemaal kan doen. Vervolgens zie ik weer dat het mij te veel moeite gaat kosten en dat ik op veel te veel dingen moet letten. Ik moet elke keer gaan kijken of alle lichten wel uit zijn als ik wegga. Ik moet de TV uitzetten als ik even de kamer uitga, terwijl ik hem na een half uur toch weer aanzet. Als ik eerlijk ben maakt het mij ook niet zo veel uit. Zoals het milieu nu is, vind ik het best. Wat er straks gebeurd als ik dood ben interesseert mij niet. Daar merk ik toch niets meer van. Hobby’s In mij vrije tijd volg ik een aantal series via het internet. Deze kan ik lekker afspelen via mijn computer op mijn cinema TV. Daarnaast ben ik een fanatiek gamer en ben ik aan het trainen voor het nationale toernooi van Battlefield 4 en Call of Duty Ghosts. Ook draai ik een eigen locale server waar ik verschillende situaties kan simuleren voor mijn werk. Hierop ben ik verschillende dingen aan het testen die wel eens dagen kunnen duren. Deze server kan ik ten alle tijden benaderen omdat deze continu aanstaat. Customer Journey • Opstaan in een lekker warm huis (verwarming stond nog aan) • Naar beneden gaan voor het ontbijt • Douchen (meestal 15 min.), tanden poetsen en scheren • Naar het werk met mijn oude Mercedes SL uit 1980 • Thuis gaat de TV weer aan om series te kijken • Even snel een magnetron maaltijd • Met de laptop op schoot werken en mijn series op de achtergrond op de TV • Lekker lang douchen (20-25 min.)

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l


Costumer journey map To get a better understanding about our user group, we made a costumer journey map. With the costumer journey map we looked at energy saving in a different way. We looked at a day out of the life from our user group. We made costumer journey maps for our characters based on assumptions and used empathy to fill it in. We saw some interesting results during this process.


Laziness can be a big reason why people are not saving energy. ‘I don’t want to go up stairs again because i forgot to turn of the lights.’ Comfort can also be a reason for not saving energy. ‘I don’t watch TV, I turn it on to have some background noises.’ People sometimes don’t even know that they are using energy. ‘When my TV is on standby, it isn’t using energy right?’

Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

You are giving in on your comfort when you are saving energy. You are constantly thinking of how you can save energy and money. ‘I only shower 3 minutes because i want to save money.’ People also want to be efficient when saving money and energy. ‘I have an thermostat that automatically lowers the temperature when i go to work.’

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

With these results we had a good basis to make the questionnaires and to start interviewing people. We could verify our assumptions and see what the underlying thoughts where.


Algemeen 1

30-10-2013 10:49: 12 Jacqueline Hupsel

Wat is voor u de Wat weet u al over reden om energie de energie Emailadres: te besparen? bezuinigingen? Energie besparen moet wat opleveren, bv comfort, functionaliteit of geld. Redelijk veel! ???? Niet heel veel meer dan gewoon boerenverstand gebruiken. Bewust omgaan met gebruik van licht, warm water Kostenbesparing (douche) en 43 Milieubewust zijn verwarming.

30-10-2013 12:44: 33 Wendy

geld besparen en veel het is een aan volgende interesse gebied 41 generaties denken van ons



30-10-2013 10:04: 59 P.H. Weener



30-10-2013 12:49: Q u e s t i o n40nVa i r e

Contextmapp is a tool we have tried out and we discovered that there were a lot of bugs in there like: 30-10-2013 13:55: 40 A. van Alteren


Door te kij toepassing vinden die opleveren

Zie vorige antwoord. verstand. onnodig lic gebruiken Verwarmin mate. door overa spaarlamp led lampen plaatsen. G wasdroger gebruiken energie op met zonne

Goede vra lampjes ni aandoen o uitdoen, verwarmin uitzetten, w draaien in He??? Geen idee weekend, wat bedoelt wordt electronisc me De apparatuu He??! Moet dat energiebezuinigingen. goedkope dan? Of doe ik dat Zijn die er dan? Of opladen, w dan? Maar goed, zijn die aankleden als dat zou moeten noodzakelijk dan? koude dag Waarom, hoezo, dan d Een meerk ben ik daar Zou dat de zou wel ha 53 portemonnaie zijn onderdeel van? zijn. Beter voor het zonnepan milieu, Spaarlampen voorzichtig are problems forbewust us as bezig a team, problems we zijn verwarming lager electricitei met energie vooral uit in the water can cope. The reason that we arelichten doubting belangrijk om de ruimtes waar je we hebben app is that therekinderen are more bugs the user mee te for niet bent auto geven zonnepanelen we hebben group. For example if we want toTrein do aipv day by 47 kostenbesparing auto stroom

At the first moment it sounded really promising. We liked the fact that you are able to give aGeld day by besparing day assignment. Also the photo assignment could be really good, it gives the Milieu bewust interviewees more control and more ways to express Gemak/lui themselves. But after working with it for two hours we started to doubt if it will be the best way to reach the user groups. The interface isn’t optimal. There are lots of little bugs that take up lots of time. But those

Hoe ben bezig om zuinig te

day questionnaire, we need to invite every interviewee for every day. That means that the interviewees need to register every day to get in the app. These are a lot of steps that can be a negative impact on the user group.

The concept is strong and we think it is promising. But the interface needs a couple of small changes to make it a better experience. From that point on we decided to work with Google Docs. We managed to make a C o - D e s i g n S t u d i o T o u c h p o i n t2 s 0

nt u nu m energie e leven?

Wat zou u willen doen om meer energie te besparen?

jken of ik gen kan e me wat n!

Op dit moment kan ik niet zo veel energie meer besparen.

e . Gezond Niet cht/water n. ng met

Hoe bewust gaat u met uw energie om?

Hangt ervan af, hoe haalbaar het is. Maar ben wel geinteresseerd in tips en trucs.

al pen en n te Geen r meer te n en p wekken epanelen niets

Verklaar uw antwoord

Gebruikt u zelf al een dienst of product waarmee u energie bespaart?

n geen

n groene

Geld besparen, comfortabel leven. Geen

Denk er meestal wel bij na wat we 7 doen.

Niet anders dan spaarlampen.

Kosten, maar wij vinden het ook belangrijk om de kinderen mee te geven dat het in het belang is van het milieu.

zie antwoord 9 vorige vraag

ja zonnepanelen

Zie vorige 8 antwoord

for our user groupwe (households denken erg na over goed omgaan of the Vondelparc). The questionnaire is online met energie en with google. The interviewee’s will received gebruiken groene weet ik zo even stroom en a couple questions every day from Thursday niet 9 zonnepanelen until Sunday (4 days). But before we could send these questions, we need to have some contacts from the neighborhood. Therefor we needed to go to the Vondelparc and ask people to help us. We asked people if they had time to give us their email address. We toughed that we would get some addresses after asking lots of people. But when we started we noticed that most people where willing to help us. Only a couple people where not interested and they had some good reasons. V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

Wat zijn voor u de nadelen van energie zuinig leven?

Ik kijk bv bij een aankoop van een apparaat wat het 7 energieverbruik is. Ja ??

aag: iet of eerder

ng op tijd was n het alle che ur in e uren warm n op gen... keuzelijst Geen idee wat ik nog zou kunnen andig doen nelen g met questionnaire it en

Wat zijn voor u de voordelen van energie zuinig leven?

Ja, uitschakelbare contactdozen

Spaarlampen geven ongezellig licht. Dus gebruiken we deze niet overal.

het bespaart geld Bedoelen jullie voor mij persoonlijk? Dan is het antwoord mijn portemonnaie dus. Maar volgens mij wil je dat niet weten en heb ik ook nog andere motieven maar daar wordt niet naargevraagd.


Luister beste studenten: ik vind dit een bijzonder ongenuanceerd en oppervlakkig, eenzijdig vragenlijstje. Ik ga hier geen tijd meer in steken.

Top: goed onderzoeksonderserp

Hmmm zie vorig antwoord. Im haak af!

Tip: even beter nadenken over de vragen en de methodiek Ik haak af! Succes!

After we asked half of the neighborhood, we had 22 contacts. Then the other group came to dostroom the same thing. They groene en goedkoper en asked the same zonnepanelen goed voor de people where confronted geen auto and they maatschappij geenwith the fact that someone else already asked them the same thing. We gathered with the other group and we told them witch houses we didn’t go to. This could be negotiated before we went to the Vondelparc. It would be easier for both teams and the people of the Vondelparc wouldn’t be disturbed two times. After al we toughed it was going well that day and we got some great contacts out of it.



Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

Interviews To get more information from our user group we had done some interviews. These interviews were not with residents of the Vondelparc because it was hard to get response from them after we send them the questionnaires. This did not hinder our project because we wanted to know why people save energy in general. We did four interviews and tried to get them as diverse as possible. In the end we had two people who saved energy because of the money, one did it for the environment and one didn’t care. The key knowledge we gathered with these interviews is: Saving for money • • • • • •

They trade their comfort for saving energy. But there are limits. If it doesn’t give a profit, they don’t do it. There isn’t a clear instruction on energy saving products. Saving energy feels good You are depended on others. You don’t live alone. My parents teached me to save energy.

Saving for the environment • • • • • •

She want to get more information. Being able to share information. Not wanting to trade comfort for energy. Gets a good feeling when saving energy. Wants to enjoy live. Thinks of the nature and the animals

Don’t care • • • • •

To lazy to save energy. Comfort is more important. Green energy is nonsense. But wants to have the lowest contract for his energy. Uses many energy using devices because he can.

2 V3 o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l



Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

D ata A n a l a s i s After gathering the results we started to analyse them. We wrote down the interesting answers on post its to make a good overview. Then we clustered them in different groups to see the connections and overlaying topics. Then we came to some insights that could be proven by quotes out of the research

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

We saw that people save energy because it is aspected. They say that you have tot take care of the environment. And not because they think they need to. But because they think everybody should do it, it is a standard in society.


S av i n g e n e r gy i s a s ta n d a r d

Y o u n ee d t o t u r n i n o n y o u r c o m f o r t t o s a v e e n e r g ie

S a v i n g e n e r g y g i v e s a g o o d f ee l i n g

Pe o p l e w a n t t o s ee r e s u l t s o f t h ei r e n e r g y s a v i n g s

Pe o p l e w a n t l e a r n m o r e a b o u t e n e r g y s a v i n g


Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

Insights These are the most noticable insights we gathered

to spend much time on energy saving but they do want to learn more about it.

‘Tips would be nice’ ‘what can i do on that level?’ Saving energy is a standard

‘Energy is a valuable and you need to use it with care’ ‘Energy generated from full is an ending source and you need to use it in a conscious way’ ‘You need to use your common sense’ ‘leave the world in a good state for the future’

What some of the people say is that they want to save energy but not at the cost of their comfort level. They see saving energy as giving up their comfort.

‘I don’t want to give in on comfort’ ‘Saving energy is giving in on comfort’

We saw that people are saving energy to save money. But they often don’t know if they what they can do. Some think that they are already doing enough but want to do more. Others simply don’t know how they can save energy. People don’t want

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

People also say that saving energy gives them a good feeling. This can be because it results in a low energy bill or because it is good for the environment. You feel better when you save energy.

‘It gives a good feeling to use energy conscious’ ‘Energy saving gives a better feeling and a low bill’

They said they want to see results of their energy usage. They want to know, when they save energy, how much energy they saved and what this means for their energy bill or the environment. People want to see results of their energy savings

‘I want to find products that gives a profit’ ‘I’m looking for alternatives that save money’ ‘Low energy lightbulbs give to much light, so we don’t use them everywhere’


I d e at i o n

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l



Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

I d e a g e n e r at i o n To kick start our ideation phase we started by doing an individual idea generation. We wrote down our insights and used our three characters in order to get the idea’s flowing. By sketching out your idea’s you can quickly think of new ones, and by looking at the sketches of each other you can come up with a lot of cool

V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

idea’s. We all filled up a paper with sketches of idea’s before ending the session and discussing the idea’s we had. We all explained our idea’s to each other after which we put stickers on the idea’s we thought were the best. In this way we could easily see which idea’s we liked the most, and which ones we did not like.


S e l e c t i n g i d e a’ s We selected four idea’s that had the most potential and brainstormed on those a bit, expanding and refining them. The first idea is a layar app, which works much like Google glasses, only through the camera of the phone. The idea is that you can point your phone at a device, and information about energy use and saving tips is overlaid. This provides an interactive/game like element to energy saving. A second idea is that appliances turn on/off when you walk into a room, much like some sort of a proximity sensor. Another idea is a wristband of some sorts, which shows how you are currently using energy. This could work by it changing colour depending on energy consumption levels. The fourth idea is a fish bowl with changing water level,


the water will go lower when you use a lot of energy, and will get higher again when you use your energy more conscious. The idea is to let people see the effect their energy use has, and make them actively wanting to change it. (this could also be achieved. We also communicated these idea’s back to our user group, which gave us some interesting insights. The wristband for example, was found to be a fun idea but also something that should be private at times. The users don’t want other people to always know how they used energy, they would not feel comfortable with that. Also there is the question of whether they would actually put the wristband on.

Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

Rethinking Ideas With the gathered feedback we started to rethink our idea’s and work together with our insights to come to two final idea’s. We first worked from scratch on our insights to find new directions to explore. We combined these results with the idea’s we already had, and came to two concept directions. One was about showing how you are using energy and the result your saving has. This resulted in the concept of setting your own goals and showing your process on achieving them. This idea derived from the various idea’s about showing your results and building something by saving energy. We want to do V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l

this with the persuasive technique feasible action plan and giving the user personal feedback, how we intent to apply this technique will be worked out during the concept phase. .The second idea is all about landscaping, we want to do this by using a checklist to remind the user to turn off devices and provide a low treshold tool to save energy. we also want to implement a way to warn users that their devices are on for too long, and thus using too much energy. In the concept phase we will look at how we intend to shape this idea and how we can use landscaping to strengthen the idea.



V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l


First Concept With this concept the focus is on a feasible action plan and giving the user feedback. We make a simple action plan on saving energy by determining a personal goal. By giving


the users feedback on their energy usage we give them a insights on how they can change their behaviour to get to their goal.

Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

How does it work? In this concept we use a application which measures your energy usage, you can see how much you save and gives tips and tricks how

to get reach your goal. In the storyboard you will see how concept 1 works more clearly.

Step 1. With this concept you will get 10 small clips that measures the energy usages trough the cable. In this step you need to select the devices which you want to measure. Step 2. Every clip has a number on it which you need to register in the app. For example, clip 1 measures the Tv, clip 2 measures the sound system, clip 3 a lamp and etcetera. Step 3. Here you need to chose a goal to save energy for. Maybe you want to buy a new Tv and you want to do this with the money you saved from energy saving. Or maybe they want to save money from energy usage for organisation which saves the environment. Step 4. The application gives you an alert if you use more energy than the days before. Step 5. You can see the energy usage from all the devices and after all the diagrams there is a button for tips and tricks. Step 6. Here you can see tips and tricks.

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Second Concept By hanging the checklist on a position that can be a tipping point for a decision, e.g. turning on the light in the attic. We use the technique called Landscaping. We intervene in


the proces of leaving the house by reminding the residents to turn off the devices in the house. By altering the environment we try to help the residents to save energy.

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And by making the checklist we also make a new touch point for saving energy. Now people will see the checklist and think of the usefulness and notice a lower energy bill at the end of the month

How does it work?: In the storyboard you will see how concept 2 works more clearly.

Step 1. Install the holder of the electronic checklist on the wall ( prefer to be hanged next to the exit of the house) and put the checklist in the holder. Step 2. Install the plug extenders into the wallplugs which you want to be able to shut down with the electronic checklist. Step 3. Then register the devices or the wall-plugs into the program. Step 4. The device reminds you by a sound to shut the energy using devices off if you walk through the door. Step 5. You can also see the energy usage in a diagram and it gives you tips and tricks. Step 6. This will help you to save more energy by shutting unnecessary energy usage off.

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concept Choice We presented our two concepts to our client and discussed the positives and negatives of the concepts. Both the client and us were most positive about the first concept of setting your own goals. By providing the user with a personal goal to work to, and provide them with personalized tips you can really move them to start saving more energy. We believe our first concept has the most interesting solution that, from our research, appeared to be the most effective one as well. We also discussed the concepts with


various people from our usergroup and discovered that they too really like the idea of setting their own goals as a way to work on energy saving. It was a very simple and strong concept that people understood. The choice to proceed with the first concept was made. We detailled our concept further, constantly falling back to the basic concept of personalized goals and feedback. The end result is presented in the following pages.

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final concept Our final concept is called the Q-box mini +. It is an addition to the service from the Q-box mini. The Q-box mini + connects to our user

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group on different levels. It helps the users to save energy on a deeper level by giving them detailed information and motivating them.


Concept Description When you start up the app you will get a login screen and 2 steps to make your account. In these 2 steps you are going to fill in your personal info, this info contains your contract with your energy company. Also you have to fill


in your goal which you are willing to achieve, at first we already set the goal and that is to pay back your Q-box mini +, ofcourse you can also change this goal with your own goal.

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V o n d e l pa r c E n e r gy N e u t r a l


↘ concept Description

in the 2nd step of your account you are going to register all of your products with the clips you got.


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The plus in Q-box mini + stands for the extra service we provide with our application. In our application the users will set a goal to save energy for. This goal will then be implemented in the service. When you save energy this will be registered as saving money

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for your goal. For example, when you want to save energy for a new TV, you can set it as your goal and set the price of the TV in the application. When you now save energy, you are actually saving money for the TV.


↘ concept Description

To help the users to save more energy, we provide them with detailed information. The users will get a package with a couple clips, this clips will register energy usage that goes trough electric cables. These clips are connected to the Q-box mini + app.


You clip them to the electric cable of your stereo, Microwave, lights, etc. Now when you turn on your stereo the clip will register it and you can see how much energy it uses. The data from the clips will be combined with the data from the Q-box mini.

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This data will be shown in the application and will tell you when you used more energy in comparison with the last days, weeks, months or even years. This will depend on how long you are using the Q-box mini and how long it is already recording data. With this data the application can give you tips

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on which devices are using the most energy and can be turned down. For example, when you put a clip on the cable of the stereo. This clip will collect data on when the computer is using energy and how much it is. This will then be shown in the Q-box mini + app with the results from the last day.


↘ concept Description

It will show the energy usage of today and yesterday in a bar. When you are using more energy than yesterday, it will give you tips and


tricks on how to make it less. With these tips you can save more energy and thus save more money for the new TV you wanted to buy

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With this concept we are focusing on two persuasive techniques. We are giving the users feedback and giving them some alternative ways on using energy with the tips and trick. We think the residents from the Vondelparc will use this information because some of them don’t know how easy

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some things can be. But this, for some, isn’t enough. Therefor they can set a personal goal for saving energy. Now it is more tangible and people can see what the effect can be when you turn down your TV. They see what they need to do to get to their goal.


TEST P LAN In this project it is important to use touchpoints and change the behaviour of people. In our application we let people set a goal to save money by saving energy. These goals are not great goals like solve the hunger problems in the world but these goals should be feasible so people will stay motivated and see they are getting closer to reaching their goal. In the application they get see the energy usage of all the devices they select to measure and get feedback in the form of tips and tricks. This is not possible to test the concept in short terms. But the main idea in our concept is to set a goal for yourself to save money for. Focusing on this aspect we can ask if people

This test plan is only to test the core function of our concept. With this method we can test how a personal goal influences the behaviour on energy saving. It is an


want to collect the data from the Q-box on a daily basis, compare this data to the average that is collected by the Nibud. They can calculate how much money they saved and see how much they still need to get to their goal. With the Q-box they can see how much energy they used in one day. They can calculate how much money they spend and also see how much they saved when they compare it with the average. When they calculated this, they can fill up a process bar that represents the amount of money they already have saved. The people who will use this method can be helped with a poster where they can write down the figures and make it tangible.

method that can be deployed quickly but in compare with the Q-box mini + it takes the users more effort and time.

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Sources Current, smart energy meter : Cost of energy usage: http://www. gas-elektriciteit-en-water.html Energy meter: http://www.currentcost. com/product-transmitter.html Baukje Stinesen, Reint Jan Renes en Sander Hermsen, Toolkit Persuasieve Technieken 1.0 Ruben van den Doelen, Vondelparc verdient energie, Afstudeeronderzoek (2010). Linda Steg, Charles Vlek, Journal of Environmental Psychology (2009). Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: an integrative review and research agenda, p. 311. Wokje Abrahamse, Linda Steg, Charles Vlek and Talib Rothengatter, Journal of Environmental Psychology (2005). A review of intervention studies aimed at household energy conservation, p. 279.

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The focus of this concept is on a feasible action plan and giving the user feedback. We provide a simple action plan on saving energy by determining a personal goal. By giving the users feedback on their energy usage we give them insights on how they can change their behaviour to get to their goal.

“The Q-Box mini + changes people, to save more energy�


Co -Design Studio Touchpoints

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