Issue 2 October 2019
French Trip The French trip departs on Friday 18th October 2019, we wish all the staff and students a very enjoyable experience.
Dear Parents and Carers, It has been another exciting week at Shrewsbury Academy with lots of fantastic activities happening. Please look out for my Headteacher letter to parents next week, which will explain the next steps in our journey of improvement.
Textiles Success
I’d like to emphasise the importance of equipment during the next few weeks and months and ask for your cooperation in ensuring that your child has a fully kitted out pencil case. Please refer to your child’s planner for full details and more information. We will be hosting a stationery shop in the Year 7 and 8 Pastoral Office. Students can purchase stationery from 8:30am each day after half term.
Carys Binnion and Hannah Thomas Year 9 students took part in Shrewsbury Draper's Textiles competition last week. Attached are their pieces they entered with. Hannah - the Halloween themed wall hanging and Carys the autumnal themed embroidery dream catcher. Carys was awarded with a commendation from the judges.
Finally, we break up for half term on Thursday 24th October for half term and return to school on Monday 4th November.
Session 5
Mr J Arnold - Headteacher
Free football
Every day we host a variety of after school clubs please see website for further details.
Free sports sessions from 11th October – all students welcome.
Health Champions A group of students in Year 8 and 10 have been attending training from Health Champions and have received their certificates. These students attend an after school club each Thursday working on projects they choose; the students will then visit local Primary schools to deliver assemblies on chosen projects. We look forward to the end results.
Hello Yellow Mental Health Day was on Thursday 10th October. Staff and students raised well over £200.00 for this amazing charity – well done to everyone involved. Also a special mention to Kelly Till and Morgan Jones our Year 11 students.
Facebook For latest news pupil please give us a follow on Facebook @shrewsburyacademy Thethe last week few weeks haveand highlighted the achievements, importance of both co-operation and preparation. For Trust news also follow The Marches Academy Trust Facebook page @MarchesAcademyTrust.
Shrewsbury Academy Corndon Crescent, Shrewsbury SY1 4LL T: 01743 276 700 | E: | W: