Issue 4 Friday 15th November 2019
WEEKLY BULLETIN Dear Parents/Carers,
D.E.A.R (Drop everything and read)
The DEAR sessions are proving a very important part of the day to take time to learn something you didn’t know or just to take time to reflect and read. I am currently reading The Sports Gene by David Epstein and this talks about needing 10,000 hours of practice to master a new skill. This demonstrates that if you put in the work, put in the time and put in the effort, you are going to reap the benefits.
This has been very well received the first part of term, thank you to all parents and carers for ensuring your child brings their reading book every day.
Events for your diary
Have a great weekend.
Monday 18th November – Parent meeting regarding New York trip 5:45pm
Mr J Arnold - Headteacher
Food Bank Support We are collecting items for Shrewsbury Food Bank in order to deliver them to families in need this Christmas. The items can be brought in to school and left in boxes around the school which we will deliver throughout December to the Food Bank. Items needed include selection boxes, Christmas chocolate along with tinned vegetables, toiletries, tinned meat, long life juice and long life milk.
Tuesday 19th November – Year 8 Football team will play William Brookes at home
Wednesday 20th November – Year 8 and Year 10 Netball teams will play Mary Webb at home
Remembrance Poppy remembrance exhibition at the school with students Josh Jones, Shay Harris and Dillon Hodge took part in a small service with Gnr Tudor from 26th Regiment Royal Artillery.
Thursday 21st November – GCSE presentation evening at 6:30pm Assemblies and attendance w/c 18th November 2019 focussing on attendance and anti-bullying week
Session 5 A reminder that we encourage all students to take part in session 5. This starts at 3:15pm daily. More information can be found on our website
đ&#x;–‹ď¸? Stationery đ&#x;–‹ď¸? A new stationary shop is now available in the Year 7 and Year 8 pastoral office. This is being run by two Year 8 students. The shop will open from 08.30am each morning for pupils to buy essential equipment.
Star Students đ&#x;Œ&#x; Congratulations to our students who have been recognised for exceptional work and behaviour this week. Year 7 - Ellie-Mae Sidwell and Charlie Sabin-Burns Year 8 – Silvia Gulino and Tyler Spencer Year 9 – Nathan James-Smith and Yasemin Bozdag Year 10 – Steve Pearce and Laura Bunjaku Year 11 – Tia Clarke and Ethan Birch
Facebook For the latest news and pupil achievements, please give us a follow on Facebook @shrewsburyacademy For Trust newshave also follow The Marches Academy Trust Facebook page @MarchesAcademyTrust. The last week few weeks highlighted the importance of both co-operation and preparation.
Shrewsbury Academy
Corndon Crescent, Shrewsbury SY1 4LL T: 01743 276 700 | E: | W: