Marches Academy Trust Winter Newsletter 2024

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Hello from our CEO “

As we reach the end of a busy Autumn term, I’d like to extend my thanks to you all for the ongoing support you provide to our schools. It’s been a term full of growth, hard work, and success across our Trust, and I’m delighted to share some highlights with you.

This term, our secondary schools launched The Shore a new initiative designed to make the transition from primary school to Year 7 as smooth and supportive as possible We understand that moving up to secondary school can feel overwhelming for children and young people (CYP), so The Shore aims to provide a steady, welcoming environment, allowing our Year 7 CYP to adjust with confidence. It’s been wonderful to see how well they have settled into their new routines, making friends and feeling part of their school community from day one. Early feedback from CYP, parents, and staff has been incredibly positive, and I am confident that The Shore will help foster a strong foundation for our students’ secondary school journeys.

We are also very proud of our Learning for Life Framework and MATi (Marches Academy Trust Inclusion). Our innovative approach to supporting schools to be truly inclusive helps everyone to thrive. Our staff work tirelessly to support the academic and personal development of each child and to provide safe spaces and resources to help all our young people achieve their potential.

I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the hard work of our children and young people, teachers, leaders, and support staff across all our schools. I would also like to thank staff for their commitment to excellence and their care for our children and young people which is truly inspiring. From enrichment activities to academic achievements, the enthusiasm and energy our staff bring each day make a real difference.

Finally, as we approach the Christmas break, I want to wish you all a restful and joyful holiday. I hope you get to spend some time with loved ones and wish you happiness for the New Year. We are looking forward to January, as we have many exciting learning events to build on from this term.

The Shore launches across the Trust

What a fantastic start to the school year in all our schools. It has been wonderful to welcome all our new children and young people to school and to see our Year 7's make the leap from primary to secondary school. The Autumn term is the busiest across our schools as this is the most significant time of transition across the school year.

As a Trust we have been thinking carefully about the importance of transition, not just in key year groups but also in the school day, as we welcome new staff, and in the day to day running of the school. Change is challenging and our vision is that everyone will experience a soft landing.

This academic year, The Shore has been introduced across our secondary schools Since September we have welcomed 935 Year 7 children into our family of schools The Shore is a place where one journey ends and another begins. The primary focus has been getting to know our children and on building a deeper sense of belonging. We have seen improved attendance and a reduction in persistent absence. There is a concentrated effort on supporting our young people to make the very best academic start to school life.

It has been great to hear children talk about their experience during their first term, and to hear about friendships being made with young people from different primary schools. The Year 7 leaders have been working hard to review and enhance our offer and we are grateful for all the innovation and positive attitude to change from our staff and leaders.

At our recent MAT Development Conference our Headteachers were able to share their provision from across our schools and what has worked well this term. It has been wonderful to see all the sharing of good practice across our schools, helping and encouraging each other along the way.

We know we are at the very start of this journey and are now exploring more ways to ensure that all children and young people know how important and unique they all are. Our aim is to support everyone, together with all our community so everyone can flourish, because together we grow.

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In September, the Marches Academy Trust Inclusion (MATi) Alternative Provision programmes were launched.

These ‘MATislands’ occur across our Trust secondary schools, enabled by the amazing contributions made by programme tutors and MATi leads for each school.

Schools have been creative and innovative in developing a curriculum to engage CYP who find mainstream academic focus a challenge, and with two places available per secondary school for each programme, this inclusive approach is having a positive impact upon reducing exclusion rates and supporting CYP in improving their school behaviours.

Following the first round, CYP were asked to rate their improvement in areas including programme attendance, behaviour on the programme and within school, social skills, confidence, self-belief, sense of belonging and learning. 100% of CYP report an improvement in three or more areas.

Teacher comments:

‘His behaviour and attitude have been excellent he has communicated with staff and d en and ell w f.’

Sir John Talbot's School

Through and anot transition

seen this welcomin

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Long befo belonged p g p g process and then early days of induction at the start of the term, it was so heartening to see so many of our new CYP get involved with our whole school Open Evening and be so proud in showing off ‘their school’. From our ‘Getting to Know You’ posters and sessions with Form Tutors, to our ‘Form Champions’ celebration at the end of each half term, we’ve prioritised children feeling part of our school community and what it means to pull on the SJT jumper. This was exemplified recently when we took the whole year group to the Festival Drayton Centre Pantomime ‘Mother Goose’ where they behaved impeccably, fulfilling their duties as ambassadors of the school superbly.

This term has been the start of a process that we know is going to be transformational for our children, giving them the skills to be able to flourish during their time with us and prepare them for a life of success. We are excited and determined to keep developing what The Shore means to our children and the wider community, with work already firmly underway for how we extend the offer into 2025-26.

‘My favourite thing about the Shore is the opportunity to spend time with my friends and enjoy the surroundings ’ - Jessie Ryan, Year 7

‘The best thing about The Shore is the opportunity to spend time with my friends and enjoy the surroundings.’ - Cristiano Matanga, Year 7

Idsall School

We’re overjoyed to announce the successful launch of The Shore, o new Year 7 base at Idsall School! This thoughtfully designed space offers a fresh start for our youngest children, providing them with secure, supportive environment as they embark on their secondar school journey. From day one, The Shore has been about creating sense of belonging and excitement, ensuring children can transitio with confidence into this new and exciting chapter of their education Purpose-built for Year 7, The Shore is much more than a classroom it’s a unique space dedicated to helping them adjust to secondary school life Here, children are surrounded by a supportive team and like-minded peers, easing them into new routines, schedules, and subjects. This vibrant and welcoming environment allows them to build friendships, explore their interests, and develop independence setting the tone for a successful year ahead.

At the heart of The Shore is a dedicated team of passionate teachers and staff who understand the importance of this transition. With yea of experience guiding children through this critical stage, the team is committed to nurturing each child’s enthusiasm for learning while providing the guidance and encouragement they need to thrive. In t positive and engaging atmosphere, students are empowered to face challenges, express themselves, and grow into confident, resilient learners.

We’re thrilled to share that feedback from our Year 7 children has been glowing. One child described The Shore as, “a place just for us, where we feel like we belong and starting secondary school doesn’t seem so overwhelming.” Another shared, “It’s great to have our own space where we can learn, make friends, and feel understo by the teachers.”

The launch of The Shore is a significant milestone in Idsall School’s journey of fostering a strong sense of community and belonging fo our children. Recognised by Ofsted for our dedication to supportin children and young people, we’re proud to offer a space where eve Year 7 child can feel welcomed, valued, and inspired to succeed. The Shore is more than a space it’s a launchpad for growth, discovery, and achievement. With such a strong foundation, we’re confident that our Year 7 children will have a fantastic year ahead, filled with opportunities to shine.

Here’s to their continued success at Idsall School!

Woodlands School “

This term we are proud to highlight The Shore as children make their journey from lower school to upper school. Children and young people have shown significant personal growth developing important life skills such as time management, teamwork and problem solving. These skills have not only helped them in their learning but also in their everyday interactions, making them well-rounded individuals. Our Year 7 children have been making great strides in their geography, exploring the diverse landscapes, cultures and environments that shape our world. In addition to their academic achievements, Year 7 children have been working hard to develop their swimming skills with techniques, water safety, stamina and endurance, teamwork and sportsmanship, confidence and most of all enjoyment.

We are delighted to have new staff members join our team adding to the school community. Their diverse skills, fresh perspectives and enthusiasm are already making a positive impact. We are excited to see how they will continue to contribute to our shared goals.

At Woodlands, we believe in the power of unity and the strength that comes from working together towards common goals One Voice gives children the opportunity to foster this sense of community, collaboration and mutual support We saw Taylor in Year 7, who told us he was shy speaking out in front of people, stand in front of many unfamiliar children and adults from all the schools in the Trust at Theatre Severn On his own at the front of the stage without staff or his peers, without a stumble he spoke loud and clear. This sense of belonging is the foundation of our collective success.

We held a special assembly where learners and staff gathered to reflect on the significance of Remembrance Day. Our entire school observed a moment of silence, an act of collective reflection, fostering a sense of unity and shared respect.

Our Forest School sessions took on a whole new dimension as the first snowfall transformed our outdoor learning environment into a winter wonderland. The snowcovered landscape provided our children with unique and exciting opportunities to explore, learn and play in nature.

Shrewsbury Academy

The Shore, based in the Haug Year 7 children. The Shore is a successful transition from pri running and have participated budding scientists to showing

The jewel in the crown of The access to SEND provision This creates a unique feeling of belonging within the year group, which we are exceptionally proud of

Shrewsbury Academy held an Open Evening for families of all year groups, with a focus on the Shore and the concept of this. We were joined by over 200 visitors who gained an insight into our Year 6 offer, as well as what the rest of the school has to offer.

Our staff are highly motivated to promote literacy and each day, all children participate in ‘Drop Everything and Read’ (DEAR). This enables each student to take at least 20 minutes per day to dive into a suitable book of their choice with their form group. In addition, a bespoke nurture provision is in place with the aim of ensuring that all readers reach their chronological reading age by the end of the academic year There have been over 20 successful children accessing this provision, who a nt, having successfully grad

To ensure that o 7 team, we have appointed son and a new Year 7 Form Tut r 7 Tutors.

The Marches School

As we reflect on the Autumn term at The Marches School, we are filled with pride and joy. This term has been brimming with excitement, energy, and wonderful opportunities for our children and young people.

We were thrilled to welcome our first cohort into The Shore, a nurturing environment where our Year 7 children begin their secondary school journey with a soft landing The Shore has been a hive of activity, featuring an action-packed timetable of break and lunchtime activities, Friday House competitions, and a spectacular Halloween competition where each form sang beautifully. We are incredibly proud of how well Year 7 has settled into Team Marches.

Our student leadership group has been phenomenal, embracing their roles with enthusiasm, integrity, and empathy. They truly embody our Values. This dedicated team has worked closely with Year 7 children in The Shore, sharing their experiences of secondary school. They also led the whole school assembly where we voted for our charity to support this year, Lingen Davies. Exciting times are ahead!

Attendance at extracurricular activities has been impressive with a wide range of opportunities for everyone to get involved. Alongside our rich clubs offering, we have seen many trips that have brought the curriculum to life. Year 8 and Year 11 children have been out investigating rivers, visiting Liverpool to explore art and photography, attending theatre trips, and Year 12 Law students have visited Shrewsbury prison, to name just a few.

Rehearsals have begun for our school production of "Grease," which will be performed in February. We are in for a real treat!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated and talented staff for providing such great opportunities for our young people. The term concluded as strongly as it began with our Annual Christmas Carol Service – a beautiful event where we come together with our local primary schools

We look forward to the new term with anticipation and excitement, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges it will bring.

The Grove School

As we stride towards the end of 2024, it brings a fantastic oppor the incredible last twelve months here at Team Grove. Since Janu have rapidly improved the culture of the school, which proudly p inclusiveness at the centre of all that we do. There have been ma created this year, all embracing our school values. Looking back term, we are proudly changing the position of Grove in the local including recently hosting a wonderful Winter Fair, with over for hundreds of visitors It was the first community event for severa – and it was absolutely fantastic.

In addition to this, our children and young people (CYP) have contributed to several arts projects across the town and local area, building a real sense of pride and connection between the school and the local community

We have launched two new sites – The Shore and the new Sixth Form block, both providing a clear culture of belonging and aspiration for our CYP at the start and end of their secondary education. Children have been on more enrichment trips in the past term than they completed in the entirety of last year, and satisfaction is improving – when asked, this is what the CYP shared:

“Students around the school have expressed real positivity towards changes made round school since the start of January. We all believe that the environment and behaviour in and out of Grove School has improved significantly. I truly believe that the Grove School has become a more comfortable place for both students and staff, and it genuinely feels like a more positive environment.”

- Alexa Evans, Year 10 Student.

In the closing weeks of the term, we have celebrated festivities with a Christmas reward event for all year groups, which completed the rewards trips this term In the early Autumn term over 500 members of Team Grove attended a trip to Alton Towers to celebrate their excellent attendance. The shift of the pendulum is clear, if CYP are consistently getting it right, they will get the most rewarding opportunities. Finally, not to break tradition, the popular and often cringeworthy Christmas Video was a huge hit with everyone...!

Wishing all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Lower Heath CE Primary School

As we approach the end of another exciting term, I’m pleased to share the many achievements and activities that have enriched our school community.

We started the term by warmly welcoming our two-year-olds in the Lower Heath nursery. It’s been a joy to see our Hummingbird class come alive with the energy and curiosity of our youngest children.

Curriculum enrichment remains a focus, with a range of engaging activities including a thrilling science workshop on coding and explosions! Educational visits to Blists Hill Victorian Town and Shrewsbury Museum supported history and art learning, while our youngest enjoyed a fun morning with Singing Sal

We continue to promote Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (EDIB) within our school This term, we celebrated Black History Month with whole-school workshops, and during Anti-Bullying Week, ‘Odd Socks Day’ encouraged everyone to celebrate individuality.

Music education has been exciting with the introduction of drumming workshops. We also prioritised outdoor learning, taking music, English, and science lessons outside to connect with nature.

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Our community spirit shone through with generous donations to Whitchurch Foodbank during harvest collections, and our One Voice representatives launched the Christmas Shoe Box appeal for Blythswood charity. Remembrance Day gave our school an opportunity to reflect and show respect.

Our Carol Services and Nativity at Holy Immanuel Ch h Fauls, were a wonderful celebration, and our Chris Fair was a festive highlight. These achievements ar thanks to the collaboration of our children, staff, parents, and the wider community who make Lower Heath such a special place.

Wishing you all a joyous holiday season, and I look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2025 for m learning and exciting opportunities!

Tilstock CE Primary School “ @tilstockprimaryschool

voice in school decision making. At our school EVERY child has a job either in the class or across the school. We have journalists, gardeners, playground leaders, librarians and more. Participating in school jobs fosters a sense of community and belonging. Our children feel more connected to their school environment and take pride in contributing to it. Our journalists have created a school newspaper to sell in the school office for 50p. Our Safety Advocates have worked with local businesses and organisations to lead safety assemblies this term. They have had the Fire Service to teach the children about fire safety and the Police to teach about road safety. Well done change makers!

Enrichment - theatre introduces children to the arts, fostering an appreciation for culture, creativity, and performance. Watching a live performance stimulates children's imaginations. This term we ventured out to watch The Three Musketeers at the New Vic Theatre. The story was one of friendship, courage and doing what is right - very fitting with our school values. Children said it was the best theatre production th seen - I think with the fast-paced action, swashbuckling adventure, music, costumes and dancing, it was the perfect festive treat for us all. As part of our value of Nurture, it is also really important for our children to understand our wildlife, so that they can take care of it for future generations. This term we welcomed Steve from Shropshire Falconry into school to learn more about owls. We met a Barn Owl, a Tawny Owl, a Little Owl and a Milky Eagle Owl We learnt about their habitat, what they eat, how and why they fly silently Steve very kindly let us hold some of the owls and we were able to watch them fly! What a wonderful learning experience for our children and adults!

Our Church Community - our children walked smartly to the cenotaph to take part in the Tilstock Remembrance Service. The service was led by Reverend Sue and our children read the names of the fallen, before placing wreaths from each class on the cenotaph. Christingle services are a meaningful and enriching experience for primary school children, blending education, spirituality, and community spirit. They also raised funds to support The Children's Society's work with vulnerable children and young people. Our Worship Leaders were delighted to receive a very beautiful Christmas tree gifted to us from our local Holly Farm Nursery! The children got it decorated straight away, and decided it would be better at the front of the school, so that our community can see its beautiful twinkling lights.

Grange Primary School

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It has been a busy and productive Autumn term and our Grangers continue to fill me with pride with their hard work and productivity. We had a range of exciting events and experiences to supplement our curriculum in the first half term. Bikeability took place and children had fun learning to ride bikes, as well as the older children ensuring they are safe cycling on the roads. Our Year 6 children went on their residential outdoor experience. They were able to develop many valuable skills such as team work, problem solving and resilience (and learning to make their own beds!). We had a spooky time at the Halloween disco. It was wonderful to see children (and staff!) get into the spirit of things with our pumpkin carving competition. We have some very creative Grangers at school.

The school calendar continued to be packed with enriching opportunities and experiences for the children Our farm visit provided a great opportunity for children to get ‘hands on’ with nature and explore the outside world This also happens regularly in our Forest School provision Anti-bullying week and Odd Sock Day gave children a chance to reflect on how they ‘choose respect’ every day and embrace the differences betwee all. The children all designed an odd sock to symbolize and celebrate their individuality. Our school value of Respect continues to be an integral part of the Grange ethos. This was put into practice when all Grangers took part in the two minutes silence for Remembrance Day. This was preceded and ended with a performance of The Last Post played on the trumpet by ex RAF officer and pilot Mr Summers – giving everyone time to reflect and remember.

It has been wonderful to see the school community enjoying all the festivities, from card making to a Christmas door competition - the yuletide joy has certainly been alive at Grange! The Christmas performances are always a highlight – thank you to all parents and carers who came to cheer on the children.

As the school term draws to a close, may I take this opportunity to thank staff for their hard work and to wish our whole Granger community – children, staff, and parents/carers a safe and Happy Christmas. We can’t wait to see you in the New Year!

Oakmeadow CE Primary School

We know that transition times in primary school are pivotal moments that can evoke a range of emotions in children. These periods of change, whether starting school, moving up to a new year group, or preparing for secondary education, can be both exciting and daunting. Understanding and addressing the feelings children experience during these transitions is crucial for their emotional wellbeing and academic success. The journey begins with the transition into Nursery and Reception, a significant phase in a child's educational path as it lays the foundation for future learning and development. Throughout this term we have invested in and developed the nursery environment to be welcoming, stimulating and on providing activities and routines focusing on key skills that foster independence. Our Ladybirds have also been out making the most of Bayston Hill by visiting the local library and shops Through holding Stay and Play sessions we have worked with our families to help settle the new children in, and to feel a sense of belonging, we have our older children in school visiting Early Years for reading sessions every week

We have also greatly developed our Forest School which creates continuity with Key Stage 2 children having weekly sessions outside. Our children have attended a number of sporting events this year with success at a variety of disciplines such as placing 2nd and 3rd in Ten Pin Bowling Panathlon, our Year 6 cricket team won the Marches Academy Trust Cricket Tournament and our Under 9 boys finished in 3rd place in the recent SSCFA county cup tournament.

For older children, preparing for the next stage of their education involves more than just academic readiness. We place a strong emphasis on teaching life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom. One such skill is cooking, which not only promotes independence but also teaches valuable lessons in nutrition, planning, and responsibility. Every class has completed a cooking unit this term sharing what they have made with other staff and children. We also use leadership opportunities to help our children develop important skills – this Autumn term has seen our new school council elections. We also have prefects, digital leaders, play leaders and librarians who support other pupils in school and during social times.

By addressing the emotional and practical aspects of transitions, Oakmeadow strives to create a supportive and nurturing environment for all our students. We believe that with the right guidance and resources, every child can navigate these changes with confidence and resilience.

Longlands Primary School

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The Autumn term has been filled with creati y, g, y p , we couldn't be prouder of our children. Year 1 children were thrilled to take part in the Art Calendar Competition, showcasing their creativity and artistic talents. Year 6 children had a fantastic time on their residential trip, which helped build their confidence and independence as they prepare for their final year of primary school The experiences they shared and the challenges they overcame together have helped them grow in many ways

Our choir, including children from across Key Stage 2, had the opportunity to sing in the community. They participated in a joint school carol concert, collaborating with other primary schools and Grove School. This event showcased their musical talents and fostered a sense of community and teamwork. Our Reception class have transitioned remarkably well into their first year of school. The children have quickly settled into our routines and are enjoying learning opportunities. They particularly enjoyed learning about people who help us, with visits from the police and a nurse bringing their lessons to life. Exploring the seasons has been a highlight, with the story of "Leaf Man" sparking their curiosity about autumn. Their visit to the Forest School to find their own leaf man and spot signs of autumn was memorable.

Year 4 children delved into the world of electricity in Science. They learned about building circuits, understanding how electricity works, and the importance of staying safe around it. These skills were then used in design and technology, where the children built their own torches.

Year 2 children studied the properties of different materials. One highlight was helping Cinderella find the most absorbent mop. We then wrote letters to Cinderella sharing our findings to ensure she'd get to the ball in time.

New starters in Nursery have loved exploring the outdoor area. The bottles to put out fires during our theme of people who help us and find hidden objects in the

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