Autumn Term Christian Distinctiveness

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Equipping our children and adults with the skills, tools, confidence, and opportunity to speak up and take action on issues of justice.

Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of our Church school and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together.


We share core values based on the Christian values. Our church school is a place where loving God and loving our neighbours, is lived out in the daily life of the school.


The development of curiosity through questioning that helps adults and pupils to explore and articulate spiritual and ethical issues


A distinctive Christian ethos which underpins all we do.

How our Christian vision will ‘Shine a light’ in all areas of our learning journey together.

R14-16 “Here’ s another way to put it: You’ re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’ re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’ m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’ m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you ’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.



Caring for ourselves and each other

Caring for our animals

Caring for our school and classrooms

Caring for our families and community

Caring for our planet


The Good Samaritan

The Christmas story


The Good Samatitan

The singing Shephard boy

Abraham and the three visitors


When I needed a neighbour



What we ’ll build by Oliver Jeffers

Kind by Alison Green

Slug needs a hug by Jeanne Willis

Errol’ s Garden by Gillian Hibbs

Arlo the lion who couldnt sleep by Catherine Rayn


Dear God, Thank you that you for the kindness and love that you show us.

Please help us to love ourselves and each other as you do.

Please help us to forgive our friends for any fallings out. Please help us to give people a second chance.

Please help us to love and crae for our planet and all who live in it. Amen

Autumn Term:- How are we connecting Christian faith with our teaching?

What if..........?

What if maps helped children to think about what we value?

How does this link with our learning?

Each map is part of a bigger story about a place Land s never just land; it has a history that shapes it, and a history that was influenced by the land. It contains important places, and the reasons why they become important d ffer according to the society and ts history

As Christians, being aware of our own values can make us aware of the values being communicated through the things we encounter, inc ud ng maps

We encourage children to stop and think about the values being communicated and not just accept them unreflectively.

What if history were about being agents of change?

Agents of change: Being an agent of change is not about “f x ng ” things It’ s about Chr stians l ving a communal way of life that says to the world, “It does not have to be like this Another way is possible,” and then taking that alternative way of being and liv ng out into the wider world through their work and relationships (Matthew 5:14).

Nurture:- Love is what drives the desire to change—love for people that God made and who shou d be treated with dign ty.

When is our opportunity?


KS1:- The United Kingdom Seasons

LKS2:- Natural disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes)

UKS2:-Farming & Fairtrade Earth & Space

How does this link to the Global Goals?



Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

We will learn: That Collective Action can help tackle climate change. The difference between Collective Action and Individual Action 17


KS1:- Moon Landings

LKS2:- The Industrial revolution

UKS2:- Ancient Greece


Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

We will learn: How we can contribute to the Global Goals

The importance of working together to achieve the Global Goals

The Bible makes it clear that God created the world, and this theme is repeated throughout the Bible, Because God created the world, it is seen as sacred to Christians, therefore they seek to treat it with respect

Stewardship:- The Bible teaches that we should take care of the world

According to Genesis, God put humans in charge of the world:

Deuteronomy 8:6-11

Obey the commands of the Lord your God

Live as he has commanded you and respect him The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land The land has rivers and pools of water Springs flow in the valleys and hills

The land has wheat and barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey It is a land where you will have plenty of food

You will have everything you need there

Psalm 24:1-2

“The earth is the Lord’ s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.”

Genesis 1:27

God said to human beings, ‘F ll the earth with people and look after it Care for all that I have made’

The Bible offers us examples of people who experienced change, sometimes unexpectedly or even with reluctance, and brought about possibilities not realised before:

Esther was taken from her family but then bravely rose up to challenge those plotting against her people When David became King, the country rejoiced for the opportunity to follow God more nearly and grow as a nation and flourish as a community.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, ” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ”

Change can be unsettling, but it can also be an opportunity to re-start or change direction

What is there were moments of wonder in Science?

Science can show people the wonders of God’ s world

We help children to see that science can make us think about the big questions of life, and that fa th can leave us stunned by the beauty and complexity of the world

The poet Francis Thompson talks of us being estranged from the world and miss ng the “ many-sp endored thing.”

We create moments of wonder in any subject so that children can experience the “many-splendored thing ” and the potential for a sp ritual experience in our science curriculum.


KS1;- Animals

LKS2:- Light Forces & Magnets Electricity

Change of state

UKS2:- materials


Earth and space



Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of land

We will learn:

• I understand that nature is our life support system

• I understand what it means to be nature positive

Caring for animals is a way of doing God's loving work in this world. God gave Noah and his family that big, important job (Genesis 7:1-24) and we can do that job, too!

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground ”

Proverbs 12:10

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel

Psalms 50:11

I know every b rd in the mountains, and the insects in the f elds are mine.

Worship themes
Bible Verses


LIGHT ON. . Values, change and wonder

The light of the world:- Each map is part of a bigger story - How can we be aware of our values and of the values being communicated around the world?

Christmas around the world


Change and Traditions:- How do celebrations bring us together as friends, neighbours and communities.

Who was Guy Fawkes?

Why do we Remember the 11th November?

What is the story of Silent Night? What was the Christmas Truce of 1914?


Noticing:- What if there were moments of wonder in Science?

Why is it getting dark earlier? What is the star of David? What is the winter solstice?


Exploring:- What are the common elements of world religions?

How is the theme of light shown in Judiasm and Hinduism?

4th November
WC: 11th November
WC: 25th November
WC: 2nd December
WC: 9th December
journey to BethlehemJesus is born
WC: 16th December


Spirituality enables us to become aware of God, one another, the world around us and ourselves.

Spirituality is a core component to ‘living life in all its fullness’ as the mind, body and soul needs to be nurtured equally. It relates to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life which affect everyone. It is also based on the search for ways to answer questions about life and a search for identity.

Building Spirituality

We believe that children and adults need:-


Positive relationships

To ask questions

To celebrate the wonders of life

To develop personal beliefs and values

To exercise creativity

To understand our feelings and emotions

What is Space Makers?

Contemplative practises have a recognised beneficial effect on well-being, flourishing and good mental health. The Space makers contemplative toolkit is part of the Church's distinctive response to the acute mental health needs of our society, founded on pathways that have resourced, renewed and healed Christians for thousands of years.

It is hoped that instilling a love of contemplative practise can see young people flourish as human beings, finding peace and hope, realising their dreams and finding deep fulfilment.

All children and adults have a Space makers session each week. Space Makers is focused on five practises. The practises are called Stilling, Noticing, Dwelling, Mending and Blessing.

Stilling:- Seeing things more clearly. We can think of the human spirit as being like a jar of muddy water. When we are busy and active, our distractions, thoughts, fears and worries all swirl around us inside like the little bits of mud. When we are still, these little bits of mud eventually sink to the bottom. They don't disappear, but they aren't in control. We can see them more clearly. We can name them and we can leave them there. And then we can see other things more clearly. We can see ourselves, others, our world, and even God if we are open to Him.

Noticing: Becoming aware of how life can energise or drain us. There is so much to notice, but what is important to us Is it the buds on a tree, the ripples on a pond, the smile of a friend, someone whispering? What do we notice inside ourselves? A flutter of fear or a jump for joy that we've been deep in thought or had an outburst of anger.

Dwelling: Listening, and finding meaning in the words of the Bible. Christians believe that God uses the Bible to communicate with them. In this exercise, we can discover how the Bible can come alive as we listen to it and think about it.

Mending: Forgiveness and healing. We all have times when we hurt. During our mending exercise, we think of something that was hurt or has hurt us, and then decide what to do with that hurt to help our mending. We can start by forgiving. Perhaps we also need to seek forgiveness from others or God. The focus of this practise is on the cross as a symbol of both human brokenness and the power of redemptive expressions of love. Humans flourish best when their totality of their experience is nurtured and acknowledged

Blessing: Focusing on human flourishing and growth. How can we all flourish like a beautiful tree? The Bible starts and ends with the tree of life. The tree of life helps us to think about how we can be blessed and how we might bless others. A good life is like a good tree that bears good fruit. Contemplative practises and spiritual exercises don't exist for their own sake, but to bring about transformative action for others. In the real world. This will help us gradually to become powerful agents of transformation and hope in our world for the future.

Bible stories

Cheeky Pandas

A Christmas Story

The Good Samaritan


Treasure Champs



When I needed a neighbour

Away in a manger

Silent Night

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