Issue 5 Friday 22nd November 2019
WEEKLY BULLETIN Dear Parents/Carers,
D.E.A.R (Drop everything and read)
Assemblies have taken place this week on the subject of Anti-Bullying and Attendance, please talk to your child to re-assure them that school is always a safe place that they can come and talk to us confidentially.
This has been very well received the first part of term, thank you to all parents and carers for ensuring your child brings their reading book every day.
We strive to support our students as much as possible with any bullying issues Have a great weekend.
Events for your diary
Mr J Arnold - Headteacher
Tuesday 26th November – Boys football team away to Telford Langley School
Food Bank Support We are collecting items for Shrewsbury Food Bank in order to deliver them to families in need this Christmas. The items can be brought in to school and left in boxes around the school which we will deliver throughout December to the Food Bank. Items needed include selection boxes, Christmas chocolate along with tinned vegetables, toiletries, tinned meat, long life juice and long life milk.
Friday 29th November - Girls football away to Thomas Adams School
Friday 29th November - KS3 /KS4 Badminton at the Sports Village
Netball Girls netball took place this week against Mary Webb School. Our Year 8 team won 4-3 and Year 10 team won 12-10. Well done girls! Assemblies and attendance w/c 25th November 2019 focussing on prevent.
Session 5 A reminder that we encourage all students to take part in session 5. This starts at 3:15pm daily. More information can be found on our website
đ&#x;–‹ď¸? Stationery đ&#x;–‹ď¸? A new stationary shop is now available in the Year 7 and Year 8 pastoral office. This is being run by two Year 8 students. The shop will open from 08.30am each morning for pupils to buy essential equipment.
Star Students đ&#x;Œ&#x; Congratulations to our students who have been recognised for exceptional work and behaviour this week. Year 7 – Anya Flemmich & Brandon Kearns Year 8 – Evie Canham & Jake Cotton Year 9 – Paige Smith & Nathan Cooke Year 10 – Georgia Serplet & Jack Morgan Year 11 – Lela Radcliffe & Thomas Coppack
Facebook For the latest news and pupil achievements, please give us a follow on Facebook @shrewsburyacademy Trust news also follow The Marches Academy Trust Facebook page @MarchesAcademyTrust. TheFor last week few weeks have highlighted the importance of both co-operation and preparation.
Shrewsbury Academy
Corndon Crescent, Shrewsbury SY1 4LL T: 01743 276 700 | E: | W: