WEEKLY BULLETIN Dear Parents and Carers,
A reminder that our Christmas Fair is on 5th December. Stalls can be booked via the school reception or by completing the form attached to this bulletin. I would like to congratulate our class winners this week:
Issue 9 November 2019
Assembly Maple class assembly will take place on 25th November at 10:30am. Parents and carers are invited to attend. Venue: Junior Hall, The Grange Primary School.
Applying for Reception Class
Holly Class - Iwan Howells Chestnut - Spencer Richards Sycamore - Sophia Jones Willow - Megan-Jane Whorwood Yew - Joseph Griffiths Beech - Luca Yates Maple - Oscar Hall
With Christmas fast approaching, we wanted to remind you that anyone with children due to start school in September 2020 are required to get their applications in by 15th January 2020. All of the information can be found here
Huge congratulations to all. Charlie Summers - Headteacher
Welcome Back We have welcomed Mrs Bogle back from maternity leave. She will be returning to Rowan Class. Mrs Kinna will teach Rowan Class on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then Mrs Bogle will teach on a Thursday and Friday.
Diary Dates A reminder that our term dates can be found on our website: https://www.grangeprimaryshrewsbury.co.uk/attend ance-matters Thursday 5th December
Christmas Fair
Monday 16th December
House Sports Competition
Tuesday 17th December Wednesday 18th December Wednesday 18th December Thursday 19th December Friday 20th December Friday 20th December
Nativity Christmas Lunch Project Exhibition KS2 Christmas Event Christmas Parties School closes for Christmas
Menu Please find our current menu here
Values To work in conjunction with anti-bullying week, Pip, our school mascot, would like to remind everyone of our school values: F – Friendship A – Ambition R – Respect R – Responsibility Santa Claus is coming to town Santa tickets are on sale in the school reception £2:50 for a chance to see Santa at the Christmas Fair on 5th December.
Facebook For the latest news and pupil achievements, please give us a follow on Facebook @grangeprimaryschoolshrewsbury
The Grange Primary School Bainbridge Green, Shrewsbury SY1 3QR T: 01743 462984 | E: admin@grangepri.sat.coop | W: www.grangeprimaryshrewsbury.co.uk