2022 - 2024 Community Plan
All schools are looking at ways to connect with their communities from open days at Longlands Primary School where the community were invited in to spend time in the social farm to the Marches School holding a kindness week, where they took cards with messages of gratitude to members of the Oswestry community
We are fortunate that the Rotarians based in each of the areas that our schools are located in are proactively involved in supporting our schools through mock interviews, mentoring and fundraising to support special projects
Our schools continue to play a vital role in collecting and distributing food parcels to their communities
Sarah Sarah Finch CEO, The Marches Academy Trust
The Trust has strengthened Local Governing Bodies (LGB) and built upon the lines of communication so that our Governors from all schools in the Trust feel connected and more importantly an integral part of the journey of the Trust
The Trust has a successful partnership with Shrewsbury school. We are sharing good practice in maths, careers, Sixth Form, ExpertEd and the development of talented sports people.
Community within the Trust
The Trust continues to build on its partnership with Shrewsbury Town in the Community This benefits our children in the Trust and the wider community
The Marches Academy Trust’s vison is ‘Achievement Through Caring’. We believe that our children are part of our community of learners and as such we work hard to create a sense of belonging and connection in our family of schools Our staff across the Trust work hard to form effective partnerships within each of our communities; it is this work that makes each school unique as each community has its own character
I have put together examples of how each of our schools are building strong foundations in their communities that will help the school community to evolve and best serve the children We also do all that we can to support all our children and young people to contribute and strengthen their own communities
Our Trust has connected with Health, Police and Social Services in Shropshire to ensure that our children and communities are getting the support they need to thrive
At Lower Heath CE Primary, our school values of ‘love’ and ‘fellowship’ ensure that community is at the heart of all that we do. Through working with our families, the Trust, local businesses and charities, and wider organisations; we develop our pupils’ understanding of collaboration and partnership. Our curriculum, which is personalised to the interests of our children and the rural community around us, enables all children to reach their God given potential and to be the very best that they can be Pupils are given a range of opportunities to engage in sporting events, church community experiences, educational visits and workshops, and fundraisers. These links and experiences shape the behaviour of our pupils towards others, and inspire our children to consider their own future pathways
Helen Helen Reynolds Headteacher Lower Heath CE Primary School
Lower Heath pupils have taken part in over 30 community events over the past 2 years.
Lower Heath has supported over 22 families over the past 2 years with the HAF programme.
Since 2017, Lower Heath pupils have taken part in over 25 sporting events.
ACTION / AIM LOCAL COMMUNITY EXTRA - CURRICULAR WITHIN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY TIMESCALE Our Community Plan To run open events to promote Lower Heath C of E Primary School within the community. If successful, run the buddy programme in all year groups at Lower Heath C of E Primary School. Working with the local community to setup community clubs that benefits everyone. Looking at the options to hire out the school facilities to support this plan To create a buddy system for pupils at Lower Heath to link with elderly members of the community Contact local small charities to find out who needs support and may benefit from our children working with them to understand the local problems and how they can do their part to help Contact local businesses in our local area with regards to working together to provide inspiration for future careers. Working with these organisations to plan a careers day or week in school Create case studies & research from the elderly buddy pilot for Lower Heath C of E Primary School and The Marches Academy Trust! Working with Shropshire Council and the HAF Programme, continue to look at this additional funding to support our families over the summer and Easter breaks. Continuing to work The Shrewsbury Club and Shropshire Schools Tennis to deliver this provision, following the success at Tilstock C of E Primary School 2022/24 2022/24 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing
Working with the SGO for North Shropshire and the active partnership team, by creating more sporting activities and programmes for our pupils and the local community Working with the local extra curricular providers to deliver a wider programme of after school clubs to pupils. Look to advertise Lower Heath C of E Primary School at local sporting facilities and grounds An example would be at Whitchurch Alport Football Club Working with the local sports clubs in the Whitchurch, Prees and the surrounding areas to provide pupils with inspiration 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing 2022/24 Ongoing SPORT
Each week, Reverend Armstrong visits school to share a bible story and worship with our children. We also work with her to organise other key events in school. We held a special Remembrance Day service in November, and a Christingle service in December As part of our most recent RE drop down day, children looked at crib festivals and created their own, with a selection of these then being taken over to the church to be displayed for the local community. We are proud of this incredible partnership and look forward to continuing to develop this over the coming years.
Case Study Fauls Church. This academic year, we have had opportunities to participate in many church events In September, we all brought in contributions of harvest gifts (tinned/packet food) and these were donated to a local foodbank We then participated in a wonderful church service, with each class contributing towards this. Afterwards, we enjoyed a Harvest tea (prepared by Fauls PCC).
Lower Heath C of E Primary School take part in regular programmes, events and projects with the local and wider community to offer our pupils a wider curriculum offer. Over the past 12 months these have included: Partnered Programmes / Events Read the Game Programme (Shrewsbury Football Club) Chance to Shine Workshops (Shropshire Cricket Board) Tennis Workshops (Shropshire Schools Tennis) Harvest Church Community Event Remembrance Day Church Community Event Christingle Church Community Event Christmas Church Community Event RE Drop Down Days (supported by LDBE) Sarah Griffiths Author Visit Road to RIAT STEM Workshop for Y5/6 (The Smallpeice Trust) Double Bubble Dress Down Day (Hope House) Polio Fundraiser (Rotary) Macmillan Coffee Morning Safer Schools (Shropshire Council) Bikeability for Y5/6 Stepping Out for Y3/4
Further Information 01948 840 524 lowerheath.co.uk admin@low.mmat.co.uk