Tilstock CE Primary School | Active Lives Children and Young People Survey

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Lives ChildrenandYoung PeopleSurvey Academic year 2022 to 2023 SPRING TERM TilstockCofEPrimarySchool Version1: IssuedJune2023


The tablesbelowshowthe percentageofthosewhoreport takingpartineachactivityinthe previousweek andthe percentage ofthose whousedeachmethodof gettingtoschool.Nationalfigures from2021 to 2022for these activitiesare alsoshown.


Active LivesChildren andYoungPeople Survey. Resultsfrom Tilstock C of E Primary School. Sample of 54from Year1, Year

Year6 and5parentsof year1-2pupils. Any differencesbetweengroupsmay be downto the small sample sizesandmay notbe real differences.

SportsandActivities (year 1 to year 2 only) Swimming Walking Runninggames Dancing Ridinga bike Football Netball or basketball Gymnastics Trampoline Scooter Skipping Tennis Rounders Judo or karate Cricket Climbing frame 97% 94% 94% 84% 39% 35% 10% 10% 10% 6% 6% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% National data from 2021 to 2022 41% 66% 52% 33% 42% 45% 17% 29% 35% 46% -% 21% 7% 11% 13% 34%
(year 1 to year 2 only) Car Walk Bus Bike Scooter Train, Tram, Tube 77% 16% 6% 0% 0% 0% National data from 2021 to 2022 47% 45% 4% 6% 9% 2% Haveyou considered? Haveyoudiscussed howpupilstravel to school?
2, Year3,

Wellbeingandattitudesto physicalactivity

Nationalfigures from2021 to 2022for eachmeasure are showninbrackets. Pupilswereasked aboutfeelings ofhappiness

Pupilswereaskedabouttheirattitudes tosportandphysicalactivity (year 1 to year 2 only)

“H w y uf y?“ (year 1 to year 2 only)

100% (83%) 0% (14%) 0% (4%)

Haveyou considered?

90% (58%) love playing sport

94% (68%) love swimming

90% (63%) love being active Thereisno dataavailable forthismetric find sport easy

Whatcanbedone to increasethe numberofpupils enjoyingPE and sport?

Active LivesChildren andYoungPeople Survey. Resultsfrom Tilstock C of E Primary School. Sample of 54from Year1, Year 2, Year3, Year4, Year5, Year6 and5parentsof year1-2pupils. Any differencesbetweengroupsmay be downto the small sample sizesandmay notbe real differences.



The Government encourages all schools to promote healthy eating and provide tasty and nutritious food and drink. The schoolfood standards require schoolsto provide healthy options by restricting foods high in fat, salt and sugar.


Teacherswereaskedwhichofthefollowingtheyhaveinplace (Nationalfiguresfrom 2021-22inbrackets)


Haveyou considered?

Checkingthe government’s guidanceon School FoodStandards?


Teacherswereaskedwhichofthefollowingtheyhaveinplace (Nationalfiguresfrom 2021-22inbrackets)

Ifyouwouldliketoaccessahealthyschoolsratingforyourschoolpleasedownloadithere Download

UsingPublicHealth England’sschool resourcesto encouragepupilsto buildhealthier habitsfor life.

The school indicatedthat they provide the majority ofthe options presented The school indicatedthat they provide all of the options presented
Banned unhealthy
Oversight from nominated school governor (10%) Training for catering staff (65%) Part of an award or accreditation scheme (31%) Contractual or annual assurance from caterer or local authority (75%) Provide extracurricular cooking clubs (18%) Healthy eating is a curriculum priority (81%) Professional development for teachers on food (33%) School grows food for on-site school meals (17%) Pupils encouraged to support catering staff (7%)
packed lunches (30%)
Complies with food standards throughout the day (52%)


TheActive Lives Children and YoungPeople Survey isan onlinesurvey carried outby Ipsos.

Eachterm, anumber of schoolsarerandomly selected totakepartinthesurvey, with theaimofgetting justover 90,000childrenandyoung peopleinYears 1to11to complete iteachacademic year.

Thesurveyrunsonanannual basis.More information onthe survey canbefoundonthe SportEnglandwebsite.


Tilstock C of E Primary School


Fieldwork for the survey took place between 3rd January and 31st March 2023.


54pupils from 6 classes completed the survey:

16 Pupils from Year1,

15 Pupils from Year2,

8 Pupils from Year3,

2 Pupils from Year4,

6 Pupils from Year5,

7 Pupils from Year6,


On some pages, national level data from the 2021-22 academic year is shown for reference. For your school, these are national figures from Year 1-2 (base: 17,304). Go to www.sportengland.org/activeliveschildren22 to see the full National Report for 2021 to 2022.


Due to the small numbers of pupils from your school that have participated in the survey, it is not possible to make reliable comparisons between your school results and the national level data. National data is therefore only provided as an indication of the national picture.

Any differences between groups may be down to the small sample sizes and may not be real differences.

If your school gave responses from parents, or pupils in years 3 to 11, these are not shown because your school provided fewer than 30 responses of this type.

5 parents completed the survey.


Thesixthnational reportbySportEngland will bepublished inDecember2023and willbe accessibleviathe SportEngland website. Thatreportwillinclude data fromthe2022to 2023academicyear.


Youmayseethismessageinplaceofachart orstatistic.

Thisisshownwhentherewerefewerthan 30 pupils orparentsansweringthe question, or nodataavailable.


For this infant report of year 1 to 2 pupils the data on wellbeing and attitudes to sport as well as activity levels has been provided by pupils.


If you would like any further information about the results or survey, please contact your Active Partnership.



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