MATi Outreach Services Booklet

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We provide behavioural and SEMH (Social, Emotional, and Mental Health) support from highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in specialised behavioural and SEMH interventions.


We offer expert guidance from highly qualified advisory teachers who specialize in the four broad areas of educational need.


We provide consultancy services aimed at school improvement through a SEND and inclusive provision perspective, emphasizing the reduction of exclusions and enhancement of attendance rates.

We offer specialised support and guidance to schools and services, ensuring successful inclusion of children and young people in education

Our team consists of field experts providing outreach support since 2013.

Based on school feedback and as part of our Graduated Approach, we have revised our pricing structure to introduce distinct fees for diagnostic Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Assessments.

These assessments will be conducted by Qualified Specialist Teachers who hold a current Assessment Practicing Certificate (APC) approved by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC).

Each behaviour support or specialist advice session with an advisory teacher includes approximately 90 minutes of in-house or remote support and/or a focused assessment, followed by a concise summary of the session.

Two sessions for behaviour support or specialist advice with an advisory teacher include either a morning or afternoon of in-house support and/or a series of assessments, culminating in a detailed report with recommendations.

Behaviour Support Behaviour Support

Short behaviour-focused lesson observation

Learning environment review

Student and Staff Voice

Solution Focused Consultation

Specialist Advice

Assess Plan Do Review consultancy

Solution Focused Consultation

EHCP Review Support Assessment

Review of previous assessment

Access arrangements (up to 4 CYP)*

Phonological Assessments (up to 2 CYP)

Screener Support

Behaviour Support Plan

Coproduction for CYP

Training with multiple staff

Behaviour review

Review of mainstream AP unit

Specialist Advice

Full Cognition and Learning


Full SEMH Assessment

Full ND Assessment

Dyslexia Screener (non-diagnostic)

Dyscalculia Screener (non-diagnostic)

SEND-focused learning walk


Diagnostic Dyslexia Assessment

Diagnostic Dyscalculia Assessment


Assessments can be scheduled for a morning session, with a detailed report and recommendations provided to schools within 15 working days after the assessment

Half-Day or Full-Day Support Models

Our support includes findings, recommendations, and potential next steps, all detailed in a comprehensive report

Full Diagnostic Dyslexia Assessment Full Diagnostic Dyscalculia Assessment

Leadership Visioning

Review of SEND Provision

Review of Safeguarding Provision

Review of Schools’ Inclusivity

Review of Behaviour, Pastoral and Inclusion Systems


We are delighted to offer comprehensive training sessions on a range of subjects tailored for your school, with competitively priced options available. Training sessions can be scheduled for either half-day or twilight sessions, and are flexible to be conducted either virtually or face-to-face. Our current training subjects include:

Supporting Dyslexia

Supporting Dyscalculia

Attachment Training

Trauma 1 - The Science (must be booked with Trauma 2)

Trauma 2 - The Response (must be booked with Trauma 1)

Social Stories

De-Escalation Training

Effective TA Training

Neurodiversity Training

Starting from September 2024, a structured programme of training courses will also be offered, allowing delegates to book sessions accordingly.


Our consultancy is delivered by dedicated professionals with extensive experience in primary, secondary, and specialist schools, as well as academy trust leadership and coaching We specialize in school improvement, support, and quality assurance. As qualified SENDCos and safeguarding leads, the MATi Outreach Consultancy team provides expert support in reviewing school inclusion and SEND programs, and offers valuable advice on development opportunities.

Expertise include:



Our consultancy service provides tailored support designed to meet the unique needs of each school. This support may include climate and learning walks, audits, stakeholder meetings, identification of key recommendations and action plans, training sessions, and signposting to additional resources..


Individual Annual Package (10 hours remote)

Developing Supervision Systems (Training and toolkit - 3 hours)

Supervision is crucial when supporting the most vulnerable young people According to Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2023):

"Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure the designated safeguarding lead has [...] the additional time, funding, training, resources, and support needed to carry out the role effectively."

Supervision ensures that practices are effective, safe, and adhere to established procedures. It plays a vital role in helping...

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