Programme Impact
Enrichment providers partnered with.
Emergency food hampers were delivered.
73 Over 52 hours of fun!
SEND pupils attended our programmes.
51 Children attended our Easter HAFs.
Easter HAF Quotes
My child absolutely loved going to the Easter HAF Programme at Grange Primary School in Shrewsbury! They had lots of activities planned; they had snacks & a great lunch. It's super easy to book onto.
The sessions have been invaluable to me. As a single parent the cost of having them in another provision would of been over £80. I don’t earn this is in a day after tax and NI so these sessions allow me to continue to work. It’s local, I can walk them round, it’s in a familiar setting and they love their time their. It’s like a total weight is lifted knowing these sessions are available.
The holiday provision has made the school holidays so much easier for us and fun for our child, all staff were great and the activities seem to be varied and exciting.