The Grange Primary School Return Booklet

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What will my child be learning? We recognise that the last few months away from school have been traumatic and stressful for everyone. As the children return, we will be using a specially designed ‘Recovery curriculum’ to support them. The Recovery Curriculum prioritises:

emphasis on mental health and well-being sessions;

short age appropriate sessions for phonics, grammar, spelling, mental maths and science;

outdoor activities e.g. PE and visits to our Forest. What will my child need for school? Full school-uniform

Lunch box (if not having a school dinner) and a named water bottle. Children can come to school in their school P.E kit (please see school uniform policy) and forest clothes on the appropriate days. A coat/hat when appropriate.

What additional measures have been put into place? 

additional resources have been removed from classrooms;

areas have been deep cleaned;

individual stationary pots/packs have been made for each child;

appropriate signage for one-way system, as well as reminder of social distancing and hand washing.

classrooms will be set up differently with children facing forward.

Reopening for all Pupils September 2020

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How will I drop off or collect my child? one parent should drop off/pick up children; staggered drop off and pick up times with a one-way system marked and coloured (one-way) path for children in specific year groups to enter and move around the site safely (See the map) markings will be on the playground to support with social distancing parents and carers will only be able to access the site in an emergency situation outside of the drop off and collection times below.

What happens if my child is ill or has an accident? 

If your child is not feeling well at home or before school, they should not attend school. Please contact the school office as usual.

If your child has an accident, First Aid will be administered by a First Aider wearing PPE and a text will be sent.

If your child presents with any symptoms of the virus (high temperature of 38 or above/continuous cough/ no smell/taste), throughout the school day parents/carers will be phoned and asked to collect immediately. Your child will need to be tested in line with the government Track and Trace guidance.

If there was a confirmed case, we would seek advice from the Public Health England protection team.


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