Grange Primary School
The Granger Curriculum We provide a broad and rich curriculum which promotes a Love of learning, personal growth and development through a balance of skills and knowledge.
Our curriculum provides Grangers with enjoyable, rich and purposeful learning opportunities that help Grangers to see what they can become. We equip our children with the knowledge, skills and well-sequenced experiences that prepare them for their next steps and keep them safe. Grangers are honest global citizens who dream big and fly high. We encourage our Grangers to become the best version of themselves by taking pride in all they do and taking care of themselves, their work and their environment. We nurture a love of the natural world, of healthy living, of our rich differences and of the arts through our practical curriculum. We encourage Grangers to learn through discovery, to be curious and not to be afraid to make mistakes. Our curriculum supports the growth of respect, resilience, independence and confidence where we all try to be our best.
Granger Curriculum Rationale
Our curriculum provides a wealth of inclusive learning experiences aimed at meeting the diverse needs of children in our local community. It is underpinned by our school values.
We try our best, we are honest, we are kind, we are curious, and we respect each other. Engaging
We are committed to empowering our children to be happy, safe, knowledgeable, responsible young people who have the confidence to be their best because they dream big and fly high.
Rich and stimulating
Granger Enrichment Vision
The Granger Pledge
We pledge to provide Grangers with rich experiences that bring learning to life. We aim for Grangers to have opportunities to visit farms, beaches, zoos, religious buildings, galleries, museums. To learn to ride a bike, to cook and to swim. To raise money for charity and be part of a team. To represent our school, to camp overnight and to travel. Our curriculum and our pledge together build bright futures.
Granger Curriculum right for us? Why is our curriculum right for our Grangers? Staff have personalised our curriculum so that it meets the needs of our Grangers. Personalised learning to us is understanding and knowing our Grangers, their needs and interests and then tailoring our provision to ensure that every pupil has an intrinsic desire to dream big and fly high. Our curriculum follows the national curriculum and is carefully sequenced to build sufficient knowledge, skills and cultural capital for future learning and employment. Our staff believe in the idea that curriculum work is a living, breathing process. The curriculum is designed and organised in discrete subject pathways so that each subject’s substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge are placed at the heart of the curriculum. Then we look across subjects to make meaningful connections, as we understand that knowledge pays off when it is conceptual and when the facts are related to one another. We deliver this curriculum through themes which have been carefully selected by staff because we feel that they will interest and excite the children, and that the concepts within them will benefit and be of relevance to the children here. We use Kapow to support teachers planning, subject knowledge and workload but it is adapted to meet our children’s needs and interests. Key knowledge and skills has been identified which focuses learning and teaching. We ensure the curriculum enables the pupils to know about their local environment and how to stay safe in it. Examples of this are in UKS2 the children learn about The battle of Battlefield which is in the community, and Grangers have regular rail safety learning due to the local railway crossing.
Granger Curriculum right for us? What do our Grangers need? • The early advantage of successful language development through opportunities to experience rich vocabulary and develop early reading skills (low level of speech, language and communication in Early Years and KS1); • To be taught the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and to grow as educated citizens; enabling them to understand the many possibilities and opportunities available to them; • To develop learning behaviours that promote independence and success; • High aspirations and ambition, in order to give them the knowledge and skills that allow them to go on to destinations that meet their interests and aspirations. What do Grangers enjoy? • Practical/hands on learning • Opportunities to work as a team • Outdoor learning- trips and visitors • The Arts and PE opportunities- including opportunities to perform and participate in competitions