Date started:
Activity Date
Take a photo
Retell a story in the forest
Visit a farm
Build a home for a bug
Carve a pumpkin
Grow some vegetables, cook and eat them
Create a map
Have a pirate day
Try some food from another country
Visit a Church
Make a model
Dress up as someone different
Go on a welly walk
Lie on my back and watch clouds
Write and post a letter
Learn to ride a balance bike
Have a campfire
Activity Date
Build a den in forest school
Hold an animal
Learn and and perform a poem off by heart
Make a puppet and perform a shadow puppet show
Make and decorate biscuits
Make a paper aeroplane and fly it
Do a random act of kindness
Have a beach day
Have a Teddy Bear's picnic
Create a piece of art to display in an exhibition
Make an animal mask
Go on a nature trail
Go bird watching
Visit a Zoo
Link with a school in another country
Dress up like a superhero
Make a film
Activity Date
Make a sculpture
Go hiking
Present to your class
Take part in a Roman banquet
Create a mosaic
Eat something you've not tried before Visit a museum
Grow your own plant
Design and make a piece of African pottery
Catch a snow flake on your tongue
Learn a musical instrument
Go swimming
Learn about road safety
Create your own electrical circuit
R i e money for a charity
ete in a sporting event
Activity Date
Write a speech
Make a model
Watch a sunset
Learn something new about your local area
Make a time capsule
Do a blindfold taste test
Interview someone
Walk to the top of a hill
Complete bike awareness
Litter pick in your local area
Take part in a performance
Residential away from home
Visit Battlefield site
Take part in a fashion show
Organise a tea party
ake part in a debate
Grangers dream big and fly high