The Grange Primary School - KS2 overview

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Grange Primary School

Reading All children have a new reading book and bookmark to take home. This needs to be in school every day please. We expect the children to be reading at least 4 times a week, preferably more if possible. Maths Knowing their Times tables in Year 3 and 4 are key to children being able to understand their maths work. We need to practise daily at home and in school to help the children learn and remember their tables. Spellings


Children will be taking home 5 new spellings to learn each week and they will be tested every Friday on those spellings in school.

Please be extremely VIGILANT. If your child shows any signs of illness they need to stay at home. Please inform the school office and follow the advice on coronavirus-covid -19/symptoms/

Lower Key Stage 2 Autumn 1 Half Termly Overview Staff Members:

Reminders Lower Key Stage 2 PE days will be every Monday and alternate Wednesday’s when your class are not in forest school (see forest school poster). On these days children should arrive in their school PE kit/forest school kit for the day. We also ask you to ensure your children wear correct uniform and arrive at school smart and punctual at all times.

Willow class

Sycamore class Mrs. Mukhopadhyay Mrs Lane

Mr. Evans Mrs. Roberts / Mrs. Evanson

Teaching assistant working with both classes Mrs. Hatton


Topic: Recovery and Belonging

The first half of this term our learning will be based around the book ‘Lost and found ‘ by Oliver Jeffers—through talk for writing children will be using the text to map the story, use author’s tool kits to improve it ,and write an independent version of their own story. We will then move on to information text about the Life Cycle of a plant ; finishing off with Haiku poems. How to help your child at home: 

Support your child in reading at least four times a week

Complete any English homework

Please visit Purple Mash for spelling practice and practise weekly spellings.

As we welcome the children back into school, our focus for this half term will be settling them back into a learning routine, getting to know them and how to keep ourselves safe at school. As part of our return to school as a community, we have been creating self portraits including clues to our inner self and contributing to a whole school art project to create a school flower—we are blossoming together.

Maths Throughout this term, the children will be taught the concept of numbers and place value of digits up to and beyond 1 000. They will learn about calculation approaches of numbers and how to apply this beyond known number facts, making links to prior learning. They will read Roman Numerals, add and subtract numbers mentally, add and subtract numbers using columnar methods and solve related problems. How to help your child at home: 

All children should know times tables up to 12 x 12 and corresponding facts. Just 5 minutes time a day will keep these fresh. Both Purple Mash and TT Rockstars have support. If your child doesn’t have a password, please ask your child’s class teacher. Practise and learn 5 weekly facts.

Our other curriculum subjects will focus on personal and social development, Science, RE and physical activity (including the daily mile) for this half term. In personal and social education we will be thinking about Life cycles in nature including humans growing from young to old, thinking about assertiveness and looking ahead with a growth mindset. In Science, we will be learning about the life cycle and parts of a plant. We will be investigating what effects the growth of a plant, and practising our investigation skills. In RE, we will be learning about Buddhism—the main beliefs, festivals, symbols and their meanings, special places, Buddhist holy books.

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