Coming up…
Children will receive the following:
Children who make the best progress read 4 or more times a week at home.
Log into Spelling Shed and play spelling based games.
Mental Maths
This will help reinforce mental maths skills being taught in school such as number bonds and times tables.
Talk Homework or other research based tasks will be announced on Dojo, e.g. if we would like you to send in photos.
On Thursday 3 March the children in both classes will be invited to dress up as a favourite book character for World Book Day Mothers’ Day, Sports Relief, Science Week and Easter Fundraising activities will be taking place in school this half term – more info to follow on Class Dojo. We will continue to visit the farm throughout the half term and await our ‘turn’ to take care of the animals for a week! During science lessons, both classes will be exploring the farm and forest - more details of dates and clothing will be posted on Class Dojo. rd
Years 1 & 2 Caterpillar & Butterfly Class
Spring 2 Half Termly Overview Reminders
Grange Primary School
Children should be reading 4+ times a week. Reading records will be checked and children who read ‘4 or more’ every week for a half-term will be rewarded. Book bags should come to school daily. School uniform should be worn to school every day. Please bring appropriate PE kit on the correct days. PE is mostly indoors this term. P.E days - Caterpillar Class - Tuesday and Wednesday Butterfly Class - Tuesday and Friday Children should bring a labelled water bottle to drink from each day.
Staff Members: Caterpillar Class: Mrs Evans (class teacher) Butterfly Class: Mrs Amblin (class teacher) Phase Teaching Assistants: Mrs Harte, Mrs Asterley, Miss Wilkes, Ms Bennett.
In English we will be exploring instructional texts and learning how to read, follow and write our own instructions. In year 1 we will be writing instructions for washing hands, making pancakes, making an Easter split pin card and making smoothies. In Year 2, we will also be writing instructions. We will be making links between our DT work, writing instructions for healthy snacks as well as making links with our animals topic in science. We will continue to do paired reading activities throughout the week in our phonics groups. Children will come home with 2 books; a library choice book to share and read together for pleasure and a choice book chosen from either the Set 1, 2 or 3 sounds box which is based on their phonics ability. They will also have a copy of their paired reading text available on their Oxford Owl account at the end of the week. We will also be continuing our handwriting lessons using Penpals and we will be forming our letters using the RWI letter formation rhymes.
Year 1 will be looking at being able to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs. We will reinforce our number bonds and mental maths skills so we can use known facts to help us as well as learning multiples of 10 up to 100. We will work together to solve problems! In Year 2, we will be exploring addition and subtraction that bridges 10, this means crosses over 10 e.g. 8 + 4 = 12 or 13 – 5 = 8. We will also be learning about fractions. To help at home – Please take any opportunity to count regularly with your child. Counting to 100 together is a great way to help your child make progress. Year 1’s can practise bonds to 5,10 and 20 and counting in multiples of 10. Practise adding and subtracting small amounts practically. In year 2, our maths 3 minute fluency tests come home every week, please go through these with your child, celebrate successes and work together to correct errors and get quicker at these number facts.
Journeys – Food! In Geography we will focus on the topic ‘Journeys-Food’ where we will explore where our food comes from. This unit links the everyday experience of buying and eating food within the UK with the children’s growing geographical understanding of the world. In RE we will be continuing to explore Christianity with a focus on Easter/Palm Sunday and we will be discussing the key question: Why was Jesus welcomed like a king or celebrity by the crowds on Palm Sunday? In PSHCE we will be exploring the Jigsaw topic ‘Healthy Me’. This will involve exploring ways in which we can take care of ourselves such as exercising, eating healthily, our mental health, brushing our teeth and having a good bedtime/sleep routine! In PE we will have two lessons a week focussed on dance and gymnastics with either the class teacher or Mr Leask leading. In Art/DT we will be learning about fruits and vegetables, food tasting and making our own smoothies! In Computing we will be using Purple Mash to explore coding. In Science Year 1 will continue to learn about our environment by observing changes in our local area. We will also continue to learn interesting facts about the animal kingdom; sorting animals into the basic animal classes of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates and studying one animal in detail so that we can write about it! Year 2 will be learning about animals and their needs. This will involve a lot of careful observation of different animals around school. We will be visiting the farm, watching a barn owl webcam (link here) as well as looking at how animals grow and change in our own classroom with our very own class caterpillars – hopefully we will look after them well enough that they grow and develop into beautiful butterflies! A message will be put on Class Dojo regarding clothing for when we decide to visit the forest of farm during this half term.