P.S.H.E + RSE @Grange
PSHE - Vision At Grange Primary School we aim to ensure Grangers become well-adjusted individuals who are well prepared to enter the wider world by the time they leave us. PSHE is not just a subject – it is woven into our school ethos and culture through our values. Our values are constantly modelled and referred to by staff in teaching and in everyday interactions with the children.
PSHE - Intent Using our school mascot Pip the Owl, children are explicitly taught our values and learning behaviours in weekly assemblies. Each assembly is started with a visual and verbal recap of the values. Social stories involving Pip the Owl are used to make the ideas accessible and meaningful for the children.
PSHE - Intent The PSHE curriculum is further supplemented by the use of the Colour Monster for selfregulation throughout school. We know that for many of our Grangers identifying and talking about our feelings can be tricky. Our approach is based on Zones of Regulation (an approach with proven success in fostering selfregulation and emotional control). We use the Colour Monster story to help us to talk about feelings and to self-regulate. Since implementation, this has been successful in supporting children from Early Years to Year 6. The Colour Monster idea is also used for reflection and restorative practice in our behaviour management policy.
PSHE - Implementation In our designated P.S.H.E lessons, we follow the Kapow scheme of work. Kapow lessons focus on emotional literacy and mental health for young people. Every class also has a regular circle time slot so there are opportunities for open dialogue in a safe and supportive environment. Each class also has a worry box where children are encouraged to voice any worries they have and ask for help. In the Early Years the children use the Colour Monsters to regularly check in. We also take part in awareness days such as Hello Yellow Mental Health Awareness.
RSE is also delivered through the Kapow Curriculum. Children are taught about families and relationships, health and wellbeing and safety and the changing body. Parents and carers are notified as to what is being covered in their children's RSE lessons to enable open conversations and to ensure all understand that we are delivering a curriculum that gives children the tools they need to make good life choices, to share any concerns and to know their rights in order to keep themselves safe.
PSHE - Impact When does PSHE take place and how is it recorded? • PSHE lessons take place once a week and are recorded in books if appropriate. What assessment takes place? Throughout the delivery of PSHE, staff assess as they go to ensure that children have an understanding of the areas covered and the vocabulary needed for discussion. What interventions are available to support pupils with PSHE? A Grange Primary we run a range of interventions and extra programs to supplement our PSHE curriculum and support children with their social skills and mental health. Some of these include Talk-About (for improving social communication skills), Draw and Talk (for discovering and communicating emotions in a non-directed way), Talk About (to boost selfesteem) and Purple Leaf (for exploring positive relationships).
• Need support to add EDIB and No Outsiders