R.E @Grange
Religious Education Vision • At Grange Primary, we believe R.E is essential in allowing pupils to build their own sense of identity and belonging, enabling them to flourish within their community and as citizens of the world and to have a respectful understanding of the beliefs of others.
R.E - Intent At Grange Primary, our RE curriculum promotes understanding, respect and tolerance for all religious faiths while encouraging curiosity, critical thinking, questioning and the exploration of religious concepts, teaching pupils to challenge and overcome prejudice. The values that are embraced at Grange Primary school will prepare the children with the right qualities and attitudes to flourish in their local community and beyond. We want all of our children to be good citizens in a diverse society.
R.E - Implementation
We follow the Kapow scheme of work for Religious Education and World Views. R.E Scheme of work which links to our PSHE syllabus, Jigsaw. This scheme is compliant to the Shropshire R.E syllabus. Discovery R.E provides comprehensive and detailed plans which fulfill the statutory requirements for Ofsted in terms of coverage and outcomes for SMSC (Spiritua,l Moral, Social and Cultural development), British Values, AntiRadicalisation, Critical Thinking, Growth Mindset and Personal Development. Discovery RE is structured to provide knowledge and skills development, with application of these to the children’s lives within and beyond school.
R.E – Implementation • continued… Every unit takes on a four stage approach of
engagement , investigation, evaluation and expression. • Each year, children will study Christianity and another religion. This allows for continuity and enables children to develop their learning and skills in a progressive way. • Christmas and Easter will be studied each year but with a different focus. • A new unit of work is commenced every half term. Each unit contains 6 lessons. Some units of work will be supplemented with Church visits and or visits from local religious leaders.
R.E Implementation
• A designated R.E lesson takes place every week, however further links are made across the curriculum where appropriate. • SMSC – RE can be a key contributor to development in this area therefore opportunities and identified and mapped out in overview grids for each year group. • BRITISH VALUES – Discovery R.E contributes to the British values agenda in engendering knowledge and understanding which can lead to tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs. We aim to teach children, not to passively accept but rather to encourage them to evaluate and decided critically to consider belief positions which they may encounter. • MINDFULNESS – At Grange Primary, we endear to build children’s self-awareness and skills of reflection to support their RE learning as well as their personal spiritual development. Opportunities linked to the Jigsaw and Discovery scheme of work can
R.E Implementation continued… Assessment • In EYFS, Teachers can use the observations sheets from each lesson provided in the scheme of work to record children’s responses against the Early Learning Goals for PSED, UW and characteristics of learning. • In Key Stage 1, pupils will have a RE/PSHE book where work and assessment are kept. Teachers may keep assessment grids in planning folders so that they can make additional judgements for each child during whole class discussions. • Pupils in Key stage 2 have individual folders where work and assessments are kept. Teachers may keep assessment grids in planning folders so that they can make additional judgements as to the children’s progress during whole class discussions.
R.E- Impact In order to show the impact and effectiveness of the Discovery R.E programme, assessment in carefully tracked by the subject co-ordinator. This is to ensure that children are building on their skills and knowledge over time. The clear over-arching learning objectives and the key- coloured boxes within the planning allow teachers to be mindful of the assessment elements within that step that can formatively help them pitch and plan subsequent lessons.